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From January 1, 2010 to March 31, 2010, OCEAN has seen over 24,300 visitors (19,600 of which have

been unique) and nearly 80,000 page views.  The most popular pages on the site include the homepage,
5,308 views (7%), the code status page (5,151, 6.5%), the residential code status map (3,382, 4.5%), the
commercial code status map (2,663, 3.5%), and the Resources page (1,305, 1.5%). Traffic to OCEAN
came primarily from search engines (mostly google) (15,000, 62%), then referring sites (6,000, 25%),
then direct traffic (3,000, 13%).

The United States provides the vast majority of visits to OCEAN. In the observed time frame, there were
21,573 visits (89%).  New York was the source of most U.S. visits with 1,745 (8%), followed by
Massachusetts (1,419, 6.5%), California (1,192, 5.5%), Texas (1,146, 5.5%), and Pennsylvania (1,085,
5%).  The site received hits from 122 different countries and every major continent.

Visits by week, January 1, 2010 – March 31, 2010

Quarter 1, 2011 (January 1 – March 27) Quarter 4, 2010 (October 1 – December 31)
Visits 24,333 18,990
Unique Visitors (% of total) 19,608 (80.58%) 15,595 (72.22%)
Pageviews (per visit) 78,992 (3.25) 60,557 (3.19)
Bounce Rate 49.63% 50.14%
#1 Popular Page (% of total) Homepage (6.76%) Code Status (7.60%)
#2 Popular Page (% of total) Code Status (6.56%) Homepage (5.79%)
#3 Popular Page (% of total) Residential Code Status Map (4.31%) Residential Code Status Map (4.75%)
Direct Traffic Visits (% of total) 3,242 (13.32%) 2,274 (11.97%)
Referrals from Google (% of total) 11,992 (49.28%) 8,722 (45.93%)
Referrals from old BCAP site (% of total) 1,979 (8.13%) 1,891 (9.96%)
Countries Providing Visits 122 104
Visits from United States (% of total) 21,573 (88.66%) 17,064 (89.86%)
#1 Popular State (% of total) New York (8.08%) New York (8.02%)
#2 Popular State (% of total) Massachusetts (6.58%) Massachusetts (7.42%)
#3 Popular State (% of total) California (5.53%) California (6.31%)

Visits by state, January 1, 2010 – March 31, 2010

From January 1, 2010 to March 31, 2010, the CPA page has seen 202 visits from 139 unique visitors. Of
these visits, 21% have come from direct outside traffic, and 79% have come from pages on OCEAN: the
homepage (26%), the implementation status map (17%) and various state CPA pages have been the
most popular. Of the visitors that navigate to the CPA page, 22% exit from the page, and 78% go other
pages: the homepage (13%), the implementation status map (12%), and the Texas CPA page (11%) are
the most popular. The most visited CPA State Pages are Texas, (11% of all traffic from the CPA main
page), followed by Colorado (6.5%), Illinois, and Ohio (4% each).

Of the visitors to the CPA page, 127 (91%) were from the United States. Texas was the source of most
U.S. visits with 15 (12%), followed by D.C. (13, 10%), New York (11, 9%), Colorado (9, 7%), and Vermont
and Illinois (8, 6.5%).

Visits by week, January 1, 2010 – March 31, 2010

Quarter 1, 2011 (January 1 – March 27) Quarter 4, 2010 (October 1 – December 31)
Visits 202 179
Unique Visitors (% of total) 139 (54.61%) 138
Bounce Rate 47.62% 63.64%
#1 Popular Entrance Page (% of total) OCEAN Homepage (25.76%) Implementation Status Map (25.42%)
#2 Popular Entrance Page (% of total) Implementation Status Map (17.17%) OCEAN Homepage (19.21%)
#3 Popular Entrance Page (% of total) Texas, Colorado CPA Pages (3.03%) Gap Analysis Overview (2.82%)
#1 Popular Exit Page (% of total) Homepage (13.07%) Implementation Status Map (20.69%)
#2 Popular Exit Page (% of total) Implementation Status Map (11.76%) OCEAN Homepage (17.64%)
#3 Popular Exit Page (% of total) Texas CPA Page (11.11%) Gap Analysis Overview (6.03%)
Countries Providing Visits 8 7
Visits from United States (% of total) 127 (93.13%) 128 (92.75%)
#1 Popular State (% of total) Texas (11.81%) New Jersey (13.28%)
#2 Popular State (% of total) District of Columbia (10.24%) Washington (10.94%)
#3 Popular State (% of total) New York (8.66%) District of Columbia (9.38%)

Visits by state, January 1, 2010 – March 31, 2010

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