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Pronunciation warm-up



My Meo

WARNING: Your answer
won’t be counted if you
• jump into the facilitator’s
• raise your answer too late
1. Write the correct transcriptions for each image. There is one
you do not need.
1. /fɪʃ/ A

2. /fɪst/
3. /ʃiːp/
4. /fɪz/
5. /ʃɪp/
 a) /fɪʃ/ (fish)

 b) /fɪst/ (fist)

 c) /ʃiːp/ (sheep)

 d) /fɪz/ (fizz)

 e) /ʃɪp/ (ship)
2. Listen to the recording. Which word do you hear?

a) work
b) walk
c) Woke

Walk /wɔ:k/
3. Listen to the recording. How many words are in the sentence
that you hear?

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

c) 5 (turn it up a bit)
4. What word is this?


5. Which word is different?
• a) good - /gʊd/

• b) would - /wʊd/

• c) look - /lʊk/

• d) food - /fuːd/

 Food is different as the vowel

sound is /uː/. In the other words

the vowel sound

6. Which word is this?


7. Use the symbols to write the word:


• /t/ /l/ /ˈʧ/ /k/ /ɒ/ /ə/

/ tʃ ɒ k l ə t/
8. Listen to the recording. You will hear two words. Are they
same or different?

• a) same

• b) different

b) different – You heard

the words ‘rich’ /rɪʧ/
and ‘reach’ /riːʧ/
9. Listen to the recording. How many words are in
the phrase that you hear?

• b) 5-The phrase you

heard was “When can
a) 4 we meet again?”

b) 5

c) 6
10. Match

1. /heɪt/ A. hut
2. /hiːt/ B. heat
3. /hʌt/ C. hat
4. /hæt/ D. hit
5. /hɪt/ E. height
• 1E /heɪt/ - height

• 2B/hiːt/ - heat

• 3A /hʌt/ - hut

• 4C /hæt/ - hat

• 5D /hɪt/ - hit

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