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!~n~)I,,) '~uI 'AUBdwo:) ~~JJ°:) !~n~)I JUBp~~J~a 'S~W!JJUBA~I~lII~ JV 'Z 1
19. At all relevanttimes, Defend~t Mac Farmshas continuouslybeenan
employerengagedin an industry affecting ommercewithin the meaningof
Sections701(b), (g) and (h) of Title VII, 4 V.S.C. §§ 2000e(b),(g) and (h).
20. At all relevanttimes, Defend t Mac Farmshas continuouslybeen
under contractwith DefendantGlobal for s rvices renderedin Hawaii, and has
continuouslybeena joint employerwith D9fendantGlobal where both generally
controlled the terms and conditions of the einploymentof SuthatPromnonsriand
similarly situated individuals.
21. At all relevant times, Defend t Maui Pineapple Company, Ltd. aka
Maui Pineapple Farms ("Maui Pineapple") as continuously been a Hawaii
corporation doing business in the State of awaii and has continuously had at least
15 employees
22. At all relevanttimes, DefendaqtMaui Pineapplehas continuously
beenan employerengagedin an industrya ecting commercewithin the meaning
of Sections701(b), (g) and (h) of Title VII, 2 V.S.C. §§ 2000e(b),(g) and (h).
23. At all relevanttimes, Defend t Maui Pineapplehas continuously
beenundercontractwith DefendantGlobal rot servicesrenderedin Hawaii, and
has continuously been a joint employer WitJ Defendant Global where both
gene~all~ con~olled t~e t~r~s and conditio"S of the employment ofltthi Oa-Sot
and sImIlarly sItuated IndIVIduals. ";1;'1
Defendants Captain Cook, DellMonte, Kauai Coffee, Kelena Farms,
Mac Fanns, and Maui Pineapple (COllective
l Y' the "Joint Employers") are persons
against whom a right to relief is assertedjoi tly, severally, or out of the same
transaction or series of transactions. Additi nally, questions of law or fact
common to all Defendants will arise in this ction. Joint Employers are named as
parties pursuant to Rule 20(a)(2) of the Fed ral Rules of Civil Procedure in that
Defendant Global and the Joint Employers, t all relevant times, acted as joint
employers with regard to the relevant Claim ts.

I 'paIIYIIY uaaq aA~q
~!nsM.~IS!q~Jo UO!~m!~SU!aq~ o~ ~uapa:)ald fUO!~!puo:) IIV '){ooJ u!~~d~J ~UBpUaJaa
Aq IIA ~P!.LJo SUO!'.J~IO!AgU!g~II~ UO!S~!wwoJ ~q'.Jq'.J!A\~gJBq:> ~ P~I1J '.J~S!M:J~W
!~J){OON'~!nsM.~IS!q~Jo UO!~m!~SU!~q~ o~ Jo!Jd sl..~p I..p!q~ UBq~~JOW °SZ
~ABq ~!nsM.BI S!q~Jo UO!~m!~SU! ~q~ o~ ~U~ ~~~Jd SUO!~!PUO~IIV "IBqoID ~UBpU~J~a
Aq IIA ~I~!.L Jo SUO!~BIO!AgU!g~IIB UO!S !wwoJ ~q~ q~!M. ~gIBq~ B P~IIJ B!dguo)J
~nIBW '~!nsM.BI S!q~Jo UO!~m!~SU! ~q~ o~ Jo!Jd SA'RpAJ,J!q~UBq~ ~JOW .a
.All J~A~S J°/pUB 'AI~U!Or' AIIBnp!A!pu! gU!~~B
S~UBPU~J~Gp~W'BU pUB HOG q~l1~ JO ~~11O~IS~lnI!I1J pUB S~~11
~q~ UI1~W O~p~W~~p ~q
OSI~II~qs ~:>u~J~J~JpUB SUO!~~~~II~q:>ns '~HOG JO HOG ~ I..q ~:>~I..UBO~~U!~IdwoJ
S!q~U! ~p~w S! ~~U~J~J~JJ~A~J~~M.pU~ J~A~U~1{A\ 'U!~J~q JO P~U!~Idwo~
p~ St:>BInJMBIun ~qt P~IJ!tBJ
Jo/p~ p~AOJddB'U! p~tBd!:>!:JJ'Bd
HOG q:>B~p~ 'tU~WAOIdw~ Jo/p~ A:>U~gBq:>nsJo
~do:>s ~l{t U!l{t!M ~J~M ~:>~o~ s~JnI!~J pUB ~t:>~P!~S '~S!M.J~l{tOP~g~II~ AII~:>y!:>~ds
~d~~x~ '~UBpU~J~ap~WBUJ°/pUB 3:oq J~q~OUB
~q~JO Io~uo~ pUB UO!~~~J!P~q~
J~pun J°/pUB '~S!JdJ~~u~p~~~J~a~U!'JaA9Idwa ~U!Or'JaAoIdwa ~'JaJ!pu! 'aaAoIdwa
'og~ J~~IB '~U~gB 'JOSs~:J:JnsB SB gU!~~B q:JB~ 'HOG q:JB~ o~ ~IqB~nq!J:}:JBpUB Aq
p~WJop~d AInp ~J~M. U!~J~q P~g~IIB ~:JBo~ s~JnI!BJ pUB S~:JB~1p Jo IIV '9'(;
UQQqQA~qII~qs QW'BSQq~Ualj~ ~!I!q!suodsQl q~ns Q~QII~O~}~:~~~~:
~q~ pU~WB II!A\ jj!~U!BId pUB U!~J~q P~g~ItB SUO!SS!WOpUB S~~B~q~ JOj ~Iq!SUOdS~J
HOG qf~ ~~q~s~~~11~JJ!~U!~Id 'UMOll{ ~wo:)~q
A~q~SBAI~A!~:)~IIo:)JOAII~np!A!pu! ~UBPU~J~P
HOG q:)~~ ~~U o~~U!~Idwo:)
~q~pu~~ o~~qg!J~q~S~AJ~S~J
JJ!~U*Id 'S~~U sno!~!~~yAq S~~PU~J~PP!RS
s~ns JJ!~U!~Id ~JoJ~J~-q~
pU'B'AI~A!SnI~U!1'~I -q~noJl{~I SHOG SBp~ns ~U'Bpu~J~G
-q~~~Jo S~!~!~~d~~pU'BS~~U ~~ ~-q~Jo~U'BJOU~!
S!JJ!~U!~Id .~Z
29. More than thirty days prior to he institution of this lawsuit, Jakarin
Phookhien filed a charge with the Commis ion alleging violations of Title VII by
Defendant Del Monte. All conditions prec dent to the institution of this lawsuit
have beenfulfilled.
30. More than thirty days prior to he institution of this lawsuit, Mongkol
Bootpasa filed a chargewith the Commissionallegingviolations of Title VII by
DefendantKauai Coffee. All conditionspr cedentto the institution of this lawsuit
have beenfulfilled.
31. More than thirty days prior to Jhe institution of this lawsuit, Janpom
Suradanai filed a charge with the Commiss on alleging violations of Title VII by
Defendant Kelena Farms. All conditions p ecedentto the institution of this lawsuit
have beenfulfilled.
32. More thanthirty days prior to t
e institution of this lawsuit, Suthat
Promnonsri filed a chargewith the Commi sion allegingviolations of Title VII by
DefendantMac Farms. All conditionsprec dentto the institution of this lawsuit
have beenfulfilled.
33. More than thirty daysprior to t~e institution of this lawsuit, Itthi Oa-
Sot filed a chargewith the Commissionallqging violations of Title VII by
Defendant Maui Pineapple. All conditions recedent to the institution of this
lawsuit have been fulfilled.
Since at least2003, Defendantplobal engagedin unlawful
employment practices and a pattern or pract ce of such unlawful acts at its Los
Angeles, CA, and Beverly Hills, CA, locati ns and at placement sites in Hawaii in
violation of Section 703(a) of Title VII, 42 .S.C. § 2000e-2(a).
a. Global-often with the help of the agricultural companies and farms
with which it contracted-subjected the CI imants to different terms and
conditions of employmentand engagedin a ~atternor practice of suchactsbased
on the Claimants' Thai national origin and1sian race. Global targeted

p~ ~S!A '}{JOM.U! sd~g ~u~~IJ!U !S' A~d ~~~nb~p~u! 'S~!~!I!~~Ju~q~~!}{pu~
pool ~u~!~IJJnsu! 'gu!snoq ~Iq~~!q~qu!U o~ S~UBW!~I;)~q~ p~~~~rqns I~qoID 'S~~~
q~ns JO ~~!~~~JdJO w~U~d ~ U! P~g~gu~ u~ 's~u~wn~op UO!~~~IJ!~U~P!,S~~W!~I;)
~q~ p~~~~sIJuo~AIInJM.~Iun I~qoID 'S~~ q~ns JO ~~!~~~JdJO w~u~d ~ U! P~g~gu~
p~ '~~U~IO!AI~~!sAqd Jo/p~ 'UO!SUdsns '~s~Jm 'uo!~~:Jlod~p q~!M.S~U~W!~I;)
~q~p~u~~~~Jq~AfJ~Ing~J I~qoID 'S~~ q~ns Jo ~~!~~~JdJO w~u~d ~ U! P~g~gu~
p~ 'S!SBq mIngQJ ~ uo S~U'BW!'B.IJ Qq~ p~ 'Bp!W!~U! p~ PQSSBJ'Bq I'BqoID .S~=>'B
Jo ~=>!~=>'BJd
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U! M'BI .S. fl q~!M PQ!Idwo=> ~'Bq~ SUO!~!P o=>gU!)fJOM q~!M ,S~U'BW!'BIJ ~q~ ~P!AOJd
o~ PQs!wOJd I'BqoID .S~=>'B
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SWIP.J P~ SQ!~dwo=> I'BJmIn=>!Jg'B Qq~Jo I~q Qq~ q~!M UQyo-I'BqoID .q
q=>ns Jo Q=>!~=>'BJd
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I~~!SAqd l°/PUB 'UO!~~llod~p 'UO!su~dsn 'SUO!~~IO!A
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U! sd~~ ~UB~IJ!U~!S'A~d ~~~nb~p~u! 'S~!~!I!~ tJu~q~~!:)fpUB pool ~u~!~IJJnsu! '~u!snoq
~Iq~~!q~qu!un o~ S~UBW!~I;)~q~ p~~~~rqns I~qoID 'S~~~q~ns JO ~~!~~~ld 10 w~u~d
~ U! p~~~~u~ pUB 's~u~wn~op UO!~~~IJ!~U~!, s~UBw!'BI;)~q~ p~~~~sIJuo~ AIInJM.~Iun
I~qoID 'S~~~q~ns Jo ~~!~~~ld 10 w~ :ed ~ U! p~~~~u~ pUB '~~U~IO!AI~~!sAqd
l°/PUB 'uo!su~dsns '~S~ll~ 'uo!~~llod~p q:J!M.S~UBW!~I;)~q~ p~u~~~~lt{~AImIn~~l
I~qoID 'S~~~q~ns Jo ~~!~~~ld 10 w~ :ed ~ U! p~~~~u~ pUB 'S!S"Bql~In~~l ~ uo
S~~W!BIJ aq~pa~Bp!W!~U!p~ pasSBIBq1 qolD 'S~:)Bq:)ns JO a:)!~:)BJdJO w~n~d B
U! pagBgua p~ 'saaJ gU!~!nJ:)aJ~~~!qJOXa OJag~q:)xa U! MBI 's'n q~!M pa!ldwo:)
gU!~JOM ,S~UBW!BIJaq pas!woJd IBqolD 'S~:)Bq:)ns JO a:)!~:)BJd
JO wanBd B U! pagBgua p~ 'PUBI!Bq.L W JJ uaw UB!SY alqBJaUlnA-AIIB:)!wOuo:)a
certification violations, suspension,deport~tion,and/orphysicalviolence at the
hands a Global supervisor, and engaged in f pattern or practice of such acts.
Global subjected the Claimants to intolerab~eworking conditions that resulted in
constructive discharge, and engaged in a p ttern or practice of such acts.
35. Since at least 2003, Defendant Global engaged in unlawful
employment practices and a pattern or prac ice of such unlawful acts at its Los
Angeles, CA, and Beverly Hills, CA, locati ns and at placement sites in Hawaii in
violation of Section 704(a) of Title VII, 42 .S.C. § 2000e-3(a).
a. When the Claimants complain d of the unlawful employment
practices alleged in paragraph 34 above, Gl bal threatened the Claimants with
deportation, arrest, suspension, and/or physfcal violence, and engaged in a pattern
or practice of such acts. When the Claiman~scomplained of the unlawful
employment practices alleged in paragraph 4 above, Global subjected the
Claimants to harassment, significant gaps i work, visa and certification violations,
suspension, deportation, and/or physical vi lence at the hands a Global supervisor,
and engaged in a pattern or practice of such acts. When the Claimants complained

of the unlawful employment practices alleg d in paragraph 34 above, Global
subjected the Claimants to intolerable work ng conditions that resulted in
constructive discharge, and engaged in a pa ern or practice of such acts.
36. Since at least 2005, Defendant Captain Cook either engaged in, knew
of, or should have known of the unlawful e ployment practices and pattern or
practice of such unlawful acts alleged in p~agraph 34 above that occurred at or
around its Hawaii location and/or Global's ~alifornia location in violation of
37. of Title
Since VII,2005,
at least 42 V.S.C. ~
§ 20 e-2(a).
Defendant aptain Cook eitherengagedin, knew

of, or shouldhave known of the unlawful e ploymentpracticesand patternor

practice of such unlawful acts alleged in par~graph 35 above that occurred at or

§ °;J°sonZv 'IIA ~P!.LJO(-S)£OLUO!~J~S
JO UO!J~IO!A U! UO!J~:)°I ~!woJ!I~J s,t~qoID Jo/p~ UO!J~:)°I !!~M~H SJ! punom
JO J~ paJJn:):)o J~qJ aAoq~ 17£qd~Jg~md IU! pagaII~ SJ:)~ InJM~Iun q:)ns Jo a:)!J:)~Jd
JO w~U~d pu~ S~~!~~~Jd~u~wl..°Idw~ If1J"'~Iun ~q~JO UMOU){~A~q PInoqs JO ')0
M.~U){'U! P~g~gu~ J~q~!~Sllimd ~u~I~)l ~~pu~J~a 'sooz ~S'B~I~~ ~~U!S 'Zv
o(u)£-~ooo~§ °Joson Zt 'IIA ~P!..LJo(U)tOL UO!}~~s
)0 UO!~~IO!A U! UO!~~~OI~!WO)!I~J s,~~qoID Jo/p~ UO!~~~OI !!~M.~H s~! punoJ~
JO ~~ p;}JJn~~o ~~q~ ;}AOq~ ~£ qd~JgBJBd Ill! P;}g;}II~ s~~~ InJM.Blun q~ns)o ;}~!~~~Jd
JO w~U~d pUB S~~!}~Jd }U~wAOIdW~
f ~Iun ~q} Jo UM.°illJ ~A~q PInoqs JO ]0
M.~illJ 'U! P~~~~u~ J~q}!~ ~~JJ°:J !~n~)l } u~J~a 'tOOl }~~I }~ ~~U!S ° It
o(~)l-~OOOl § °:J°son It 'IIA ~P!.LJo (~)£OL UO!}~~S
JO UO!~~IO!AU! UO!~~~OI~!UJoJ!I~J s'rqoID J°/pUB UO!~~~OI!!~M.~H s~! pUnOIB
JO ~~p~JJn~~O~~q~~AOq~ 17£qd~J~~IBd P! P~~~II~ s~~~InJM.~Iun q~ns Jo ~~!~~~Jd
JO w~»Bd pUB S~=>!}=>BJd
~u~wAOIdw~ I~ BIun ~q} Jo UM°U>J~ABq PInoqs JO ']0M~U>J
'U! p~~B~U~ J~q}!~ ~~JJOJ !BnB)l}UB U~J~a 'POOZ}SB~I}B ~=>U!S °OP
o(B)£-~OOOZ§ °Joson ZP 'IIA ~I~!.LJo (B)POL UO!}=>~S
JO UO!~~IO!AU! UO!~~~OI~!woJ!I~J s, qoID J°/pUB UO!~~~OI!!~M.~H S~!punom
JO ~~p~JJn~~o ~~q~~AOq~ ~ £ qd~J~~md ! P~~~II~ S~~~InJA'\~Iun q~ns Jo ~~!~~~Jd
JO w~U~d pUB S~~!~~~Jd~u~wAoId ~ InJA'\~Iun ~q~Jo UM.0U:}f~A~q PInoqs JO
']0 M.~U:}f'U! P~~~~u~ J~q~!~ ~~uoW I~a ~UB U~J~a '£OOl ~SB~I~~ ~~U!S '6£
'(~)l-~OOOl § 'J'S'fllv 'IIA ~I~!.LJo (~)£OL UO!~~~S
)0 UO!~'BIO!AU! UO!~'B:)°I'B!WO)!I'B~ S, I qoID J°/pUB UO!~'B:)°I !!'BM.'BHS~! punore
JO ~'Bp~JJn:):)o ~'Bq~~AOq'B t£ qd'BJ~'Bred ! P~~~II'B S~:)'BIllJM.'BIun q:)ns)o ~:)!~:)'BJd
JO w~n'Bd pUB s~:)!~:)'BJd~u~wAoId ~ IllJM.'BIun ~q~)O UM.0U}} ~A'Bq PInoqs JO
')0 M.~U}} 'U! p~~'B~U~ J~q~!~ ~~uoW I~a ~UB U~)~a 'tOOl ~S'B~I~'B~:)U!S '8£
'('B)£-~OOOl § '~'s'n It 'IIA ~I~!.L)O ('B)tOL UO!~:)~S
)0 UOn~IO!AU! UO!~~JOI~!WO)!I~J s,I~qoID JO/pUBUO!~~JOI!!~M.~H s~! punom
'!lSUOUWOldJ~qJns'!~~p~lns wod~ ~~dJOOH 10){~UOW'U~!q)fooqd u!m~f
'J~S!~~W !~l)fooN ~!d~uo)l Jru'BW A!ld~p OJu~~q ~q ~AOq~9t pu~ 'tv 'Zt
'Ot '8£ '9£ 't£ sqd~l~~md U!Jo P~U!~ldwo S~~!J~~ld~qJJo J~~JJ~~qJ. '8t
'(~)£-~OOO § 'J's'n Zt 'IIA ~P!.LJo (~)tOL UO!J~~S
JO uo»~IO!A U! UO!~~:)°I~!woJ!I~J S't QOID J°/pUB UO!~~:)°I !!~M~H S~! punoJ~
JO ~~ p~JJn:):)o ~~q~ ~AOQ~ ~ £ qd~J~~md U! ~~~II~ S~:)~ InJM~Iun q:)ns JO ~:)!~:)~Jd JO
w~U~d pUB s~:)!~:)~Jd~u~wAoIdw~ InJM~I n ~q~Jo UMOillJ ~A~q PInoqs JO ']0 M~illJ
'U! P;)~R~U;)l;)q~!;) ;){ddR;)U!d !nRW ~~pU;)J;)a 'tOOl ~SR;){~R;)~U!S 'L t
'(R)Z-;)OOOZI§ 'J's'n Zt 'IIA ;)I~!.LJo (R)£OL UO!~~;)s
JO UO!}'BIO!AU! UO!}'BJOI 'B!woJ!I'BJ s,
! qOID Jo/pU'B UO!}'BJOI !!'BM'BH S}! punoJ'B
JO }'B PQJJnJJo }'Bt{} QAOq'B17£t{d'BJ~'BIBd U! Q~QII'BS}J'B InJM'BIun t{ons Jo QJ!}o'BJd JO
pU'B SQo!}o'BJd}UQWAOIdwQ InJM.'BI n Qt{} JO UM.0U}J QA'Bt{PInot{s JO )0 MQU}J
'U! pa~~~uaJatI~!aaIdd~aU!d!n~w ~UBrUaJaa'1700Z~~aI ~~a~u!s °917
o(~)£-aooozi§ °:J°sonZ17'IIA aI~!.LJo(~)170Luo!~~as
JO UO!~~IO!AU! UO!~~~OI~!woJ!I~J S, qoID J°/pUB UO!~~~OI!!~M.~H S~!punom
JO ~~p~JJn~~o ~~q~~AOq~ ~ £ qd~J~~md ! P~~~II~ S~~~IllJM.~Iun q~ns Jo ~~!~~~Jd
JO w~»~d pu~ S~~!~~~Jd~u~wl..oId ~ IllJM.~Iun ~q~Jo UM.O~ ~A~q PInoqs JO
']0 M.~~ 'U! P~~~~u~ J~q~!~SWlBd ~~W ~UB U~J~a 'POOZ~sn~I~~ ~~U!S O~P
o(~)Z-~OOOZ§ °Joson ZP 'IIA ~I~!.LJo (~)£OL UO!~~~s
JO UO!~'BIO!AU! UO!~'B~OI'B!woJ!I'B:J s,I qoID l°/PUB UO!~'B~OI!!'BM.'BHS~! punom
10 ~'Bp~JJn~~O ~'Bq~~AOqB .v£ qd'B1~'Bmd ! P~~~II'B S~~'BIllJM.BIUn q~ns JO ~~!~~'B1d
10 W~n'Bd pUB S~~!~~'B1d~U~wAOId ~ IllJM.'BIUn ~q~ JO UMOU}{ ~A'Bq PInoqs 10
']0 M.~U}{ 'U! p~~'B~U~ l~q~!~ SWl'Bd ~'BW ~UB U~J~a 'vOOZ ~S'B~I~'B~~U!S .VV
.('B)£-~OOOZ §. .:J.S.O Zv 'IIA ~I~!..LJO ('B)vOL UO!~~~S
JO uo!:JeIo!AU! uo!:Je~oIe!woJ!IeJ s,IfqoID J°/pUB uo!:Je~oI !!eMeH s:J!punom
Jo:Je p':JJJn~~O:Jeq:J
':JAoqeS"£qdeJ~emd~! p':J~':JIIes:J~eInJMeIun q~nsJo ':J~!:J~eJd
JO w'Jued pUB s'JJ!~JeJd~u'JWAOIdw'JIr/JMeIun 'Jq~Jo UMOillJ 'JAeq PInoqs JO ']0
M'JillJ 'U! p'J~e~u'J J'Jq~!'JswJed eu'JI'J)I ~UBVU'JJ'Ja'~OOZ~S'B'JI
~e 'JJU!S '£17
jO a:>!}:>eJdJO waned e JO uo!}e!Ie}aJ ! gu!gegua WOl) 'W~l[} l[}!M uo!}ed!:>!}Jed
JO }Ja:>uo:>aA!}:>eU! suosJad lIB P 'SAaWOne 's~aAoIdwa 's}wAJas 's}uage
'sJa:>Yjo S}! 'IeqoID }uepuajaa gU!U!ofu~ u !}:>unfu! }uawWJad e }WJD 08
q~ns JO ~~!:J~BJdJO w~uBd B J '(UB!SY) ~~BJ pUB (!BllL) U!g!JO IBUO!:JBU
,S:JUBW!BI;) ~q:JJO S!SBq ~q:Juo--agmq S!P ~A!:J~ru:JSUOJpUB ':JU~W:JB~J~
':JU~WsSBmq gU!pnI~U!-UO!:JBU!W!JJS!P U. gU!gBgU~ WOJJ 'w~q~ q:J!M.UO!:JBd!~!:JjBd
'SJ~~IJJO S:J!'IBqoID :JUBpU~J~a gU!U!OrU~ U !:J~unrU! :Ju~UBWJ~d B :JUBJD 'Y
::JjnO;) S!q~ :JBq~s:Js~nb~JAIIDJ:J~ dS~J UO!SS!WWO;) ~q:J'~JOJ~J~1{A\
d3I'IH'M"}IO "}1M Wd
'sI~np!A!pu! U~!SV pu~ !~ pa~~m!SAIJ'P.I!W!S
Jo s~I:) aq~ pUB '~oS
-~o !qnI '!JSUOUWOJd~~q~ns '!~u~p~Jns WOdUBf "B~~oog Io:>JguoW'ua!q){ooqd
'~as!~~w !~J)]ooN "B!d uo)l ~nJ'P.WJos~qg!Jpa~:)a~oJdAI1~JapaJ
aq~ o~ a:)uaJaJJ!pu! ssaI:>J:)aJ
q~!M.JO :)!I~W q~!M.auop aJaM.aAoq~ O~ qgnoJq~
17£sqd~Jg~J~dU! Jo pau!~Idwo:) sa:)!~:)~J ~uawAoIdwa InJM.~Iun aqj, .I ~
l~UO!~U~~U!~l~A\ ~Aoq~ 617qgnoJ1{~
17£SqdBl~BIBd U!JO P;)U!BIdwo:J S;):J!~:JBl ~U;)WAOIdw;) InJM.BIun;)q.L 'O~
'I.J.!A!~:JBP;)~:J;)~old l!;)q~ ;)q~Jo ;)SnB:J;)q
S;);)AOIdw;) SB 5mB~Sl!;)q~ ~:J;)JJBAI;)Sl;)APB S!M.l;)q~o pUB S;)!~!unJJoddo ~U;)WAOIdw;)
IBnb~ Jo sIBnpIAlpuI UBIsy pUB IBq.L p~~Bm S AImnwIs Jo SS'BI~~q~ pUB '~OS-BOIqn!
'I1SUOUWOld~Bq~ns'IBUBpBlns WOdUBf 'BS'Bd}oog IO){guoW 'u~I1pIooqd ulm)fBf
l~SIM}BW IBl){ooN 'Bldguo)J }nJBW AIld~p O} u~~q S'Bq~AOqBLv pUB '~v '£v
'Iv '6£ 'L£ '~£ sqdBlgBmd uIJo P~uIBIdwo S~~I~~Bld~q}Jo }~~JJ~~q.L '6v
'CUBISY)~~Bl p UBq.L) uIgpo IBu09BU lI~q}Jo ~snB~~q
s~~AOIdw~ S'B5mB}SlI~q} ~~~JJBAI~Sl~ApB SIMJ~q}OpUB S~9Iun}Joddo }U~WAOIdw~
Ienba)o sIenp!A!pu! UB!SYpUB!eq.L pa~em~sAIleI!W!S)O sseI:) aq~pUB'~os-eo !qUI
JO :JJ~~UO~~A!~~~ U! SUOSJ~dII~ pUB 'SA~WO~~ 's~~AoIdw~ 'S~UBAJ~S'S~U~~~ 'SJ~~IJJO
~! '~~JJOJ !~n~)I ~UBpU~J~a ~U!U!OrU~ u4!~=>unrU! ~u~UBWJ~d ~ ~UBJD oR
q~ns JO ~~!:J~~JdJO w~n~d ~ J '(UB!Sy) ~~~J pU~ (!~U) U!~!JO I~UO!:J~u
,s:Ju~W!~IJ ~q:JJo S!S'Bq.~q:J
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pU~ ':JU~W:J~~J}
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JO :JJ~:)UO~
~A!}:)~U! SUOSJ~dII~ pu~ 'SA~WO ~ 's~~AoIdw~ 'S}U~AJ~S's~u~~~ 'SJ~~YJo
S}! '~~JJoJ !~n~)J ~UBpU~J~a~U!U!OrU~U !~~UnrU!:Ju~UBWJ~d~ ~UBJO '0
JO a~!~~BJdJO waUBd B JO UO!~B!IB~aJ
U gU!gBgua WOl) 'waq~ q~!M uo!~Bd!~!:JJBdJO
tJa~uo~ aA!~~BU! suosJad lIB pUB 'SAaWO B 'saaAoldwa 'S~UBAJaS
's~uagB 'SJa~YJo
S~!'a~uow laG ~UBpuaJaGgU!U!Orua u !~~unrU! ~uaUBWJadB ~UBJD .d
q~nsJO ~~!~~e1d
10 w~ued e 19 '(UB!Sy)~~e1pUB(!eqJ,) U!~!lO Ieuo!~eu
,S~UBW!~IJ ~q~ Jo S!~q ~q~ uo--~~mq~ !P ~A!~~n~SUo~ pU~ '~U~~~~J~ ~~~mds!p
'~u~ws~mq ~U!pnI~U!-UO!~~U!W!J~S!P U ~U!~~~U~ wol} 'w~q~ q~!A\ uo!~~d!~!:JJ"BdJO
:}JQ~UO~QA!~~~U! SUOSJQdII~ pu~ 'sl..~wo ~ 'SQQl..oIdw~ 'S~U~AJ~S'S~UQ~~'SJQ~1JJo
S~! '~~uoW IQQ ~UBPUQJ~Q~U!U!OrUQ U !~~UnrU! ~u~UBWJ~d ~ ~UBJD "H
JO ~~!~~'BldlO w~n'Bd 'BlO UO!~'B!I'B~~l
U gu!g'Bgu~ wolJ'w~q~
z q~!M.uo!~'Bd!~!:Jl'Bd
lO p~~UO~ ~A!~~'BU! suosl~d II'B pUB 'SA~WO 'B'S~~AOIdw~ 'S~UBAl~S's~u~g'B'Sl~~YJO
S~!'){OOJ u!'B~d'BJ~UBPU~J~cr
gU!U!OrU~u !~~unrU! ~u~UBWJ~d'B~UBlD ocr
I 'uoqnulwu~slp
l{~ns JO ~~!~~nJdJO w~und n J9 '(UB!Sy) ~~nJ pUB (!nIU) U!~!JO ~n~O!~~u
,SlUBW!BI;) aql jO S!SBqaql Uo-a~JBq~ !P aA!l~nJlSUO~pU~ 'luaWlBaj} alBJBds!p
'luawsSBmq ~u!pnI~u!-UO!lBU!W!J~S!P u ~U!~B~Ua WOJj 'waql ql!M. UO!lBd!~!1IBd
JO 1Ja~uo~aA!l~B U! suosJad lIB pUB 'SAaWO :B'saaAoIdwa 'SlUBAJaS'SlUa~B'SJa~YJo
Sl! '){OO;) U!BldB;) lUBpUajaa ~U!U!OrUaU !l~UnrU! lUaUBWJadB lUBJD O;)
participation with them, from engaging in ~etaliation or a pattern or practice of
I. Grant a permanentinjunction fnjoining DefendantKelena Farms,its
officers, agents,servants,employees,atto~eys, and all personsin active concertor
participation with them, from engaging in iscrimination-including harassment,
disparate treatment, and constructive disch ge-on the basis of the Claimants'
national origin (Thai) and race (Asian), or pattern or practice of such
J. Grant a permanent injunction njoining Defendant Kelena Farms, its

officers, agents, servants, employees, atto eys, and all persons in active concert or
participation with them, from engaging in r taliation or a pattern or practice of
K, Grant a permanent'injunction njoining Defendant Mac Farms, its
officers, agents, servants, employees, atto eys, and all persons in active concert or
participation with them, from engaging in d'scrimination-including harassment,
disparate treatment, and constructive disch ge-on the basis of the Claimants'
national origin (Thai) and race (Asian), or a pattern or practice of such
L. Grant a permanent injunction njoining Defendant Mac Farms, its
officers, agents, servants, employees, attorn ys, and all persons in active concert or
participation with them, from engaging in r taliation or a pattern or practice of
M. Grant a permanent injunction e ~oining Defendant Maui Pineapple, its
officers, agents, servants, employees, attorn ys, and all persons in active concert or
participation with them, from engaging in d scrimination-including harassment,
disparate treatment, and constructive disch ge-on the basis of the Claimants'
national origin (Thai) and race (Asian), or a pattern or practice of such
:JuaIfIAoIdwa InJA\BIun :JuasaJd pUB :Jsud s:J!Jo
S~J~JJ~~1{~~~BJ!PBJ~ 1{J!1{M pUB '~JBJ UB!SE UB U!g!JO IBUO!~BU!BUJO SIBnp!A!pU!
JOJ S~!~!un:JJoddo ~U~WAOIdw~ IBnb ~P!AOJd 1{J!1{M SWBJgOJd pUB 'S~J!~JBJd
'S~!J!IOd ~no AJJBJ pUB ~~m!~SU!O~S d JBW ~UBpU~J~a J~pJO ..L
'SQ:)!~:)'BJd~UQ~AOIdwQ InJA\'BIun ~uQSQJdPU'B~S'BdS~!Jo
S~~~JJ~~q~ ~~B~!PB1~q~!qM pUB'~~B1 UB!S pUBU!~!lO IBUO!~BU
!B~)O SIBnp!A!pU!
10) S~!~!unpoddo ~u~wl..°Idw~ IBnb ~P!A01d q~!qM SWB1~01dpUB 'S~~!~~B1d
'S~!~!IOd ~no f..Jm~ pUB~~m!~SU!O~S :I BU~I~)l ~UBpU~)~a 1~p1O .S
~U~ 1..0Idw~ In)MBIUn ~u~s~ld pUB ~SBdS~!)O
s~~aJJa aq~ a~'B~!p'B1aq~!qM. PU'B'a~'Bl UB!Sy pUB U!g!lO I'BUO!~'BU!'Bl(.1Jo sI'Bnp!A!pu!
10J sa!~!un:}loddo ~uawAoIdwa I'Bnbf ap!A01d q~!qM. SWB1g01d pUB 'sa~!~~'Bld
'SQ!~!Iod ~no AJm~ p~ Q~m!~SU!
o~ QQ~O;) !13n13)l
~UQ¥OIdwQ InJM13Iun~uQSQJd
p~ ~S13d
S~~~JJ~~q~ ~~~~!P~J~q~!qM. pUB '~~~J UB!Sy pUB U!~!JO I~UO!~~U!~IU Jo sI~np!A!pu!
JoJ s~!~!un:JJoddo~u~wAoIdw~ I~nb+ ~P!AOJdq~!qM. SW'BJ~oJdpUB 'S~~!~~~Jd
'S;}!~!Iod :Jno AJJ'B~p~ ;}:In:J!:JSU!
O:J;} UOW I;}G :J~PU;}J;}G J;}pJO '0
'S;}~!:J~BJd:JU;} OIdw;} InJA\BIun :JU;}S;}JdpUB :JsBd S:J!JO
S:J~;}JJ;};}1{:J;}:JB~!PBJ;}q~!1{A\ P~ ';}~BJ ~!S P~ U!g!JO IBUO!:JBU!B~ JO SIBnp!A!pU!
JOJ S;}!:J!un:}joddo :JU;}WAOIdW;} IBnb ;}p!AOJd q~!qA\ SWBJgOJd P~ 'S;}~!:J~BJd
'SQ!~!Iod ~no AJJ~~p~ Q~m!~SU!
o~ :>Joo~u!~~d~;) ~~pUQJQa lQPlO .d
rSQ~!~~~ld~UQWAOIdwQIUJM~Iun ~uQSQld
pUB ~SBd S~! Jo S~J';}JJ';}';}q~ ,;}~~J!P~J,;} q:)!qA\. t UB ',;}J~J UB!SY pUB U!g!JO I~UO!~~U !~1U
Jo sl~np!A!pu! JoJ s';}!~!ufiJJoddo ~U,;}wAO dill';} l~nb';} ';}p!AOJd qJ!qA\. SW'BJgOJd pu~
's,;}J!~J~Jd 's';}!J!lod ~no AlIBJ pu~ ';}~m!~SU! o~ l~qolD ~UBpU';}J';}a J,;}pJO '0
JO ~~!~~'BldlO w~U'Bd 'BlO UO!~'B!I'B~~l
UI gu!g'Bgu~ moll 'w~q~ q~!M UO!~'Bd!~!:Jl'Bd
lO :Jl~~UO~~A!~~'BU! suosl~d II'B pU'B'SA~WO 'B'S~~AOIdw~ 'S~U'BAJ~S
S~!'~Idd'B~U!d !n'BW ~U'Bpu~J~agU!U!OrU~uoo~~unrU!~u~u'BWJ~d'B~U'BlD oN
u. Order Defendant Maui Pineapple to institute and carry out policies,
practices,and programswhich provide equ~lemploymentopportunitiesfor
individuals of Thai national origin andAsi~ race,and which eradicatethe effects
of its past and present unlawful employmertt practices.
V. Order Defendant Global to make whole Marut Kongpia and similarly
situated individuals, by providing appropriate backpay with prejudgment interest,
in amounts to be determined at trial, and other affirmative relief necessaryto
eradicatethe effects of its unlawful emploYmentpractices,including but not

limited to reinstatementof Marut Kongpia and similarly situatedindividuals.


W. Order DefendantCaptainCook to makewhole Nookrai Matwiset and

similarly situated individuals, by providing lappropriate backpay with prejudgment
interest, in amounts to be determined at trial, and other affirmative relief necessary
to eradicate the effects of its unlawful emplfyment practices, including but not
limited to reinstatement ofNookrai Matwiset and similarly situated individuals.
X. Order Defendant Del Monte tolmake whole Jakarin Phookhien and
similarly situated individuals, by providing ~ppropriate backpay with prejudgment
interest, in amounts to be determined at triat, and other affirmative relief necessary
to eradicate the effects of its unlawful emplbyrnent practices, including but not
limited to reinstatement of Jakarin PhookhiJn and similarly situated individuals.
Order Defendant Kauai Coffeelto make whole Mongkol Bootpasa and
similarly situated individuals, by providing hppropriate backpay with prejudgment
interest, in amounts to be determined at trial, and other affirmative relief necessary
to eradicatethe effects of its unlawful employmentpractices,including but not
limited to reinstatement of Mongkol Bootpasa and similarly situated individuals.
z Order Defendant Kelena FarmSto make whole Janporn Suradanai and
similarly situated individuals, by providing ~ppropriate backpay with prejudgment
interest, in amounts to be determined at trial, and other affirmative relief necessary

to eradicatethe effects of its unlawful emp ymentpractices,including but not
limited to reinstatementof JanpomSurad ai and similarly situatedindividuals.
AA. Order DefendantMac Farmst makewhole SuthatPromnonsriand
similarly situated individuals, by providing lappropriate backpay with prejudgment
interest, in amounts to be determined at tria1, and other affirmative relief necessary
to eradicate the effects of its unlawful emplpyment practices, including but not
limited to reinstatement of Suthat Promnon~ri and similarly situated individuals.
Order DefendantMaui Pineap~leto makewhole Itthi Oa-Sotand
~imilarly. situated individuals, by.providin~ ~ppropriate backpa~ with :rejudgment
Interest, m amounts to be determmed at trlaf, and other affirmatIve relief necessary
to eradicate the effects of its unlawful empl?yment practices, including but not
limited to reinstatement of Itthi Oa-Sot and ~imilarly situated individuals.
Order DefendantGlobal to m4e whole Marut Kongpia and similarly
situated individuals, by providing compen tion for past and future pecuniary
losses resulting from the unlawful employ ent practices described in paragraphs
34 through 51 above, including recruitment fees, relocation expenses,job search
expenses, and medical expenses, in amount~ to be determined at trial.
Order DefendantCaptainCoo~to makewhole Nookrai Matwiset and
similarly situated individuals, by providing ompensation for past and future
pecuniary losses resulting from the unlawfu employment practices described in
paragraphs 34 through 51 above, including ecruitment fees, relocation expenses,
job search expenses,and medical expenses,in amounts to be determined at trial.
EE. Order Defendant Del Monte to make whole Jakarin Phookhien and
similarly situated individuals, by providing t ompensation for past and future
pecuniary losses resulting from the unlawfu employment practices described in
paragraphs 34 through 51 above, including ecruitment fees, relocation expenses,
job search expenses,and medical expenses,lin amounts to be determined at trial.
U! JO P';}U!BIdwOJ S';}J9JBld InJ/tABIU~ ';}q~ moll ~u!~Ins,;}l s';}ssoI A1B!unJ';}duou
';}lmnj pUB ~SBd lOJ UO!~Bsu';}dwOJ ~u P!AOld Aq 'sIBnp!A!pu! p,;}~Bm!S AIlBI!W!S
pUB ~,;}S!~BW !Bl){ooN ';}Ioq/tA ';})[Bw o~ ){ooJ u!B~dBJ ~UBpU';}J';}al,;}plO ')1)1
'I~!IJ :J~P~U!WJ~:J~P
~q O:Js:Juno U! 'UO!:J~!I!wnq pm '~J!I JO :JU~wAO[U~
JO SSOI'~~U~!U~AUO~U!'gU!J~JJns 'U!~ I~UO!:Jow~gu!pnI~U! '~AOq~ I ~ qgnoJl{:J
17£sqd~Jg~JP.dU! Jo P~U!~Idwo~ s~ !:J~~JdInJM~Iun ~q:JWOJ] gu!:JInS~Js~ssoI
AIe!un~~duou ~Jmn] pm :J~d JOJUO!:J~SU
dwo~ gU!p!AOJd Aq 'SI~np!A!pu! p~:J~m!S
AIJP.I!W!Spm ~!dguO)l :Jru'RW~IoqM. ~:>{B O:JI~qoID :Jmpu~]~a J~pJO .ff
'I~!IJ :J~P~U!WJ~:J~P
~q O:Js:JunowuU! 's~ u~dx~ I~~!P~W pm 's~su~dx~ q~JP.~sqo[
's~su~dx~ UO!:J~~OI~J
'S~~] :Ju~W:J!nJ~~J
gu.pnI~u! '~Aoq~ I ~ qgnoJl{:J 17£sqd~Jg~J~d
U! p~q!J~S~p S~~!:J~~Jd
:Ju~wAOIdw~ I ~Iun ~q:JwolJ gu!:JInS~Js~ssoI AIe!un~~d
~JmnJ pm :J~d JOJUO!:J~su~dwo~gu p!AOJd Aq 'sI~np!A!pu! p~:J~m!SAIJP.I!W!S
pUB~OS-'BO!qUI ~IoqM. ~}{BWo~ ~Idd'B U!d !n'BW ~UBpU~J~a1~p1O on
°I'B!~ ~'BP~U!Wl~~~P~q o~ s~unoWBU! 's~ u~dx~ I'B:)!P~WpUB 's~su~dx~ q:)m~s qo[
's~su~dx~ UO!~'B:)°I~l's~~J ~U~W~!ru:)~lSu pnI:)u! '~AOq'B1 ~ qSno1q~ t£ Sqd'BlS'B1Bd
U! p~q!l:)S~p s~:)!~:)'Bld~u~wAOIdw~ I 'BIun ~q~ wol] Su!~Ins~l s~ssoI A11?!un:)~d
~lmt1J pUB~S'Bd10J UO!~Bsu~dwo:)Su P!A01d Aq 'sIBnp!A!pu! p~~Bm!SA{lBI!W!S
pUB !lSUOUWO1d}~q}ns aIoqM. a)[Bw O} S d :>~W~u~puaJaa 1ap1O aIm
.I~!l:J }~ paU!WJa}ap aq O} S~UnOW'B
U! 'sa uadxa I~:>!paw pUB 'sasuadxa q:>l'Basqo[
'sasuadxa UO!}~:>°Ia1'saaJ waW}!nJ:>a1 ~u pnI:>u! 'aAoq~ 1 ~ q~noll{} '17£Sqd~l~~l'Bd
U! paq!l:>sap sa:>!}:>~ldwawAoIdwa InJ ~Iun all} wOlJ ~U!ijnsa1 sassoI A113!un:>ad
a1n}nJ pu~ ~SBd10J Uo!}~suadwo:> ~u P!AO1dAq 'sI~np!A!pu! pa}~n}!s AIl'BI!W!S
pUU !UUBpUJnswoduUf ~I°1{M ~:>JuwO} S d UU~I~)I }UUpu~J~a J~pJO .00
'IU!J} }U P~U!WJ~}~P~q O} s}unoW'BU! 's~ u~dx~ Iu:)!P~W pUB 's~su~dx~ 1{:)IB~SqO[
's~su~dx~ UO!}u:)°I~J 's~~J }U~W}!ru:)~JS pnI:)u! '~AOqU I ~ 1{SnoJ1{}PE S1{dUJSUIBd
U! p~q!J:)s~p s~:)!}:)uJd }U~wf..°Idw~ InJ uIun ~1{}woJJ Su!}Ins~J s~ssoI f..Jp.!un:)~d
~JmnJ pUB }sud JoJ UO!}usu~dwo:) Su p!AOJd f..q 'sIunp!A!pu! p~}Um!S f..IIBI!W!S
pUB usud}oog Io:>JSuoW~I°1{M ~:>JUw
O} ~~ oJ !unu)I }UBpU~J~a J~pJO 'dd
.IR!J~ ~R P~U!WJ~~~p
~q o~ s~unoW'B u! 'UO!~~!I!Wn1{ pUB ~J!I Jo ~U~WAOrU~JO ssoI '~~U~!U~AUO~U!
'gU!l~JJnS 'u!~d I~UO!~OW~ g !pnI~u! '~Aoq~ I ~ 1{gnoJ1{~ t£ S1{d~i3~IBd
U! Jo P~U!~Idwo~ S~~!~~~ld InJM~Iu ~1{~moll gu!~Ins~l s~ssoI Al'B!un~~duou
~ln:}nJ pUB ~SBdlOJ UO!~~su~dwo~ gu P!AOld Aq 'sI~np!A!pu! p~~~n:}!S AIIBI!W!S
pUB !lSUOUWOld ~~1{~ns~I°1{M ~~w o~ s d ~~w ~UBpU~J~a l~plO .00
aq o~ s~unow~ U! 'UO!~~!I!wnq pUB aJ!I JO :JUaWAOrUa
'gU!JaJJns 'u!~d I~uo!~owa gu pnIJu! 'aAoq~ I ~ qgnoJq~ v£ sqd~Jg~IBd
U! Jo pau!~IdwoJ saJ!~J~Jd InJM~I alp WOJJgU!:JInSaJsassoI !..n?,!unJaduou
aJmnJ pUB~S13d
JOJUO!:J~suadwoJgu p!AOJd Aq 'SI~np!A!pU! pa~~m!SAP~I!W!S
pUB!~UBp~lns wodu~I ~IoqM.~)[Bwo~s~:J. ~u~I~)l ~UBpU~J~a
l~!~ :J~P~U!WJ~:J~P
~q O:Js:Junow~ U! 'UO!:J~!I!wnq pUB ~J!I Jo :JU~WAOrU~JO ssoI '~JU~!U~AUOJU!
'gU!l~JJnS 'u!~d I~UO!:Jow~ gu pnIJu! '~AOq~ I.s- qgnoJq:J 17£Sqd~lg~IBd
U! Jo P~U!~IdwOJ S~J!:JJ~ld InJM~I ~q:Jmoll gu!:JIns~l s~ssoI AJp.!unJ~duou
~lmnJ pu~ :J~d lOJ UO!:J~su~dwOJ gu P!AOld Aq 'sI~np!A!pu! p~:J~m!S AIIBI!W!S
pUB ~~d:Joog IO:>JguoW ~IoqM. ~}[BW O:J~~ oJ !~n~)l :JUBpU~J~a l~plO 'WW
1~!~ ~~ P~U!WJ~~~p
~q o~ s~uno~ u! 'UO!~~!I!wnq pUB ' ~!I Jo ~U~WAOrU~
JO ssoI '~:>U~!U~AUO:>U!
'gU!l~JJnS 'u!~d I~UO!~OW~gu pnI:>u! '~AOq~ I ~ qgnol1{~ 17£Sqd~lg~l~d
U! Jo P~U!~Idwo:> s~:>!~:>~ldInJM.~IU aq~ wall gu!~Ins~l s~ssoI AJ-e!un:>~duou
~lmnJ pUB ~~d lOJ UO!}~su~dwo:>gU! !AOld Aq 'sI~np!A!pu! p~~~m!SAIlP.I!W!S
pUBua!IploolJd U!IP.)fBfalolJM a:>fBwo~ a~uow laG ~UBpuaJaGlaplO "I'I
t 1~!~ ~~ P~U!WJ~~~p
~q o~ s~unoW'B u! 'UO!~~!I!wnq p~ ' ~!I Jo ~U~WAOrU~ JO ssoI '~~U~!U~AUO~U!
'gU!J~JJns 'u!~d I~UO!~OW~
gu.pnI~u! '~AOq~ I S"qgnoJq~ 17£sqd~Jg~md
Order DefendantMaui Pineappleto makewhole Itthi Oa-Sotand
similarly situated individuals, by providing compensation for past and future
nonpecuniary losses resulting from the unl I practices complained of in
paragraphs 34 through 51 above, including motional pain, suffering,
inconvenience, loss of enjoyment of life, d humiliation, in amounts to be
determinedat trial.
QQ. Order DefendantGlobalto pa~ Marut Kongpia and similarly situated
individuals punitive damagesfor its malici~us or recklessconductdescribedin
paragraphs 34 through 51 above, in amount~ to be determined at trial.
RR. Order Defendant Captain Coo~ to pay Nookrai Matwiset and similarly
situated individuals punitive damages for it~ malicious or reckless
conduct described in paragraphs 34 throughlS1 above, in amounts to be determined
at trial
Order Defendant Del Monte to Ipay Jakarin Phookhien and similarly
situated individuals punitive damages for it~ malicious or reckless conduct
described in paragraphs 34 through 51 abovp, in amounts to be determined at trial.
Tf. Order Defendant Kauai Coffee Ito pay Mongkol Bootpasa and
similarly situated individuals punitive dama~es for its malicious or reckless
conduct described in paragraphs 34 throughlS1 above, in amounts to be determined
at trial
Order Defendant Kelena Farrn~ to pay Janporn Suradanai and
similarly situated individuals punitive dama~es for its malicious or reckless
conduct described in paragraphs 34 through IS1 above, in amounts to be determined
at trial,
Order Defendant Mac Farms t~ pay Suthat Promnonsri and similarly
situated individuals punitive damages for itsl malicious or reckless conduct
described in paragraphs 34 through 51 abov~, in amounts to be determined at trial.

'UO!~~US!q~JO S~SO~IS~!UO!SS!WWOJ aq~ pIBM. V °U
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"I'B!J~~'BP~U!WJ~~~p~q o~ s~unoW'Bu! '~AOq, I ~ q~noJq~ 17£sqd'BJ~~IBdu! p~q!J~S~p
~~npuo~ SS~I){~~JJO sno!~!I'BW S~!JQJS~~'BW'Bp
~A!~!und sI~np!A!pu! p~~'Bm!S
AIIBI!W!S PU'B~OS-'BO!qUI A~d o~ ~Idd'B~P!d !n'BW ~UBpU~J~aJ~pJO "1\\1\\
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