Kindergarten News: Services

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Kindergarten News
St. Paul Lutheran School Mrs. Torres

Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father; into

your hands I commit my spirit.” When He had
said this, He breathed His last. Luke 23:46
Please don’t hesitate to join us at St.
Paul for our Holy Week and Easter
We had such a wonderful week sharing the stories of Holy services!
Week and Easter! We made our own Resurrection eggs and Stations of the Cross
heard many touching stories about Jesus’ suffering. We 4/21 @ 8:10-8:40am
practiced writing sentences, read books all by ourselves and Maundy Thursday
used our creativity to design some wonderful items in the art 4/21 @ 9:30 am & 7:00 pm
center! We also have been practicing daily for the upcoming Good Friday
spring program and have celebrated some special birthdays! 4/22 @ 9:30 am & 7:00 pm
Holy Saturday
4/23, Easter Vigil @ 8:00 pm
Easter Sunday
4/24 @ 8:15 & 10:40 am

Spring Program Information Friday, April 29th

The children have been busy preparing! You are welcome to

come with your picnic foods around 5:00 or anytime after.
Bring your blankets and chairs and we will enjoy food and
fellowship on the front lawn! At 6:00 you may drop your child
Have a very
off in the classroom and get a seat in the cafeteria. The
wonderful Easter
restrooms by the office and the locker rooms will be open so
you can help your child change into their costume. The
with your family!
program will begin at 6:30. Please let me know if you have
any questions! Looking forward to a wonderful evening!

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