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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

He is risen! We had the tremendous privilege of cele-
brating our Savior’s death and resurrection this week, and my
heart is thankful for the wonderful opportunity to tell the story A: We need volunteers to help run different events, but we
of what Jesus did for me! God has blessed us this week in would also be glad to have a couple of volunteers stay with
special and unique ways! our class and “travel” with us to each event. Please consid-
This past week we learned about subtracting one from er what you might be willing to help with this year, and re-
numbers one through five! It is difficult, but the students turn the half-sheet of paper found in today’s
are making good progress! We also did quite a bit of special HORSE folder if you would be willing to help at a
sounds review and now know over 30 special sounds, which specific event. We will get more information to you as the
makes the English language seem very complicated to me! date approaches! Thank you!
The students are doing more writing now as well, and as the
school year comes to a close, we hope to do much more! We Q:
will be reading and writing about Australia during the upcom- A: Kindergarten graduation will be held on Thursday,
ing week as we travel, and we will shift our attention from May 26th at 9:00 a.m., and we plan on having a short
transportation to different types of materials needed to make ceremony, probably around 60 minutes or less, followed by a
vehicles including rubber, metal, glass, etc.! small cake and punch reception in the cafeteria! Please be
Please don’t forget that our to the Civic Cen- sure to invite any and all family and friends! A photogra-
ter is , so you either need to send a sack lunch pher will take pictures of your child in his or her cap some-
from home or order a school sack lunch! We will eat before time during the first two weeks of May, and different
leaving at 11:30 a.m.! I trust it will be a great concert! picture packages will be offered after that time! Stay
Happy Easter! tuned for more information!
Miss Hult
John 11:25 A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week
“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he
that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet he shall live. Monday, April 25 - (Breakfast on the Shore with
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Jesus -John 21) The disciples head out to fish early one
Believest thou this?” morning but are unable to catch any fish. Eventually, they
decide to return to shore. As they approach the shore, they
see Jesus standing there. He commands them to put their
nets in on the other side of the boat, and when they do, they
catch many fish. Peter was so excited, he jumped out of the
boat and swam to shore. Jesus then eats breakfast with His
disciples on the seashore. Jesus confirmed His resurrection
with a third appearance and breakfast with His friends!
Tuesday, April 26 - Review of the previous lesson.
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers Wednesday, April 27 - The Ascension (Acts 1:1-8)
The Namanny Family provided snacks for us this Jesus speaks on the Mount of Olives and commands His
week, and the students certainly enjoyed the treats! If you disciples to go and spread the good news! He reminds them to
had stopped by during snack time this week, you would have tell others it is only by trusting in His work on the cross
thought chocolate animal crackers were a novelty item rarely alone which saves. Then, when He finishes speaking, He
sold in the stores! We appreciate the Namanny family ascends into heaven. Angels tell the people He will return
and are thankful for the snacks they provided! one day in the same way He left them!
Thursday, April 28 - Review of the previous lesson.

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, April 25 - Friday, April 29 - Letter V Bible verse
Wednesday, April 27 - Chapel - Theme: Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
Friday, April 29 - Field Trip to the Civic Center - 11:30 a.m.

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