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16 egg yolks
6 egg white
240 gm. sugar
250 gm. Hong kong flour or any superfine flour
1 Tbsp. Ovalette
50 gm. ice water

500 gm. Butter
8 Tbsp. Condense Milk

30 gm. watermelon milk powder
2 tbsp. black sesame seeds
green colouring
red colouring

(1) Cream (B) till creamy.
(2) Whisk (A) at high speed till thick and fluffy
(3) Fold (A) and (B) together.
(4) Weigh 480 gm. for green colouring.
(5) Weigh 480 gm. for plain portion.
(6) Balance portion, add in red colouring, water melon milk powder and then the black sesame
(7) Bake in a 8" square tin.
(8) Spread 120 gm. green colour portion into tray and grill till cooked. Continue to grill and bake
till finished. Every layer - use 120 gm. of batter

Note: 2 layers green / 2 layers plain / 7 to 8 layers of red portion / 2 layers plain / 2 layers green
(top layer)

What's an orchid cake?  If you've ever tasted Sponge Cake or Génoise you've tasted Orchid Cake.  Bánh Bông Lan/Orchid Cakes are small
sponge cakes baked the old school way.  Although génoise's family tree traces it back to Italy; cake was introduced to Vietnam by the French.

What's with the name?  Génoise are often flavored with vanilla.  Vanilla comes from/is an type of orchid.  Orchid in Vietnamese is "Bông Lan",
thus the name Bánh Bông Lan - Orchid Cakes.  Traditionally, the cakes are baked in a cast iron mold heated with charcoal.   Modern ovens
make baking these cakes much less laborious...but some how I still prefer the traditional way...nothing like sitting outside on a mild spring
day, enjoying the light breeze, the bright shinning sun and baking sponge cakes. 

-4 egg (200g)
-120g flour
-120g sugar
-1 tbs tsp oil or melted butter
-1 tsp vanilla powder or extract

Beat the egg whites with the sugar until stiff peaks are formed.  Add the yolks one at a time.  Sift and fold the flour into the eggs.  Fold in the
butter and vanilla last.

To Bake: 
 Preheat the mold, brush each cavity with a cotton ball dipped in oil.

Fill until 3/4 full of batter.

Cover and bake for about 3-5 mins.


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