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Organization Culture:

Corporate Identity
Presented By : Deepika Karpurapu
Jitesh Agarwal
Ruati Changte
Sanket Gujjal
Shefali Chaudhary
Uthum Anushka
Flow of Contents
1) Corporate Identity : Definition
2) Introduction to the Case
3) The Case Analysis: Problems ,Solutions &
4) How to build “Corporate Identity”
5) Some Amazing Facts
What is CI?
 When communication is a well organized
strategy on behalf of the company it is called
corporate communication.
 Corporate communication aims at having a
uniform and clear impact on its audiences
through different types of communication which
include, advertising internal communication,
marketing communication and so on.
Understanding Corporate Identity
 It is the projected or perceived” personality”of a
company .
 Personality encompasses the psychological,
emotional, intellectual and physical characters that
make the organization unique.
 Visual elements that represent the company convey
 The cumulative effect of all projected elements –
planned or not-that represent a company and leaves an
impression on the observer is CORPORATE IMAGE
Purpose of CI
 A company’s visual communication material
is an expression of that corporations
philosophy, abilities, and culture.
 It can announce or mumble, inform or confuse,
delight or depress, stimulate or imitate , and
make or break a sale.
Who \what creates Corporate
 Top management support and involvement is critical
in clarifying corporate identity
 Vision mission core values (VMC) articulate the
principles according to which the organization acts ,
and the standards according to which it is willing to
be judged.
 VMC are like a security to fortune since it secures
and strengthens moral reputation of a company; not
leaving anything to chance ,or default while trying to
ensure positive result by actually writing it.
About the case and the Author
 Written by Dr. Nirmalya Kumar, professor of
marketing and director of Aditya V. Birla
India Centre at London Business School
 The title of case study: “ANTI BRAND
 The case talks about how an energy drink
company, Red Bull that was not taken
seriously in the early days, Adopted different
strategies to build its Corporate identity
The Case: Problems
 The approval for the Drink

 The drink perceived as a medicinal drink.

 The presence of number of competitors

Steps Taken by the Company
Build Corporate Identity
 The slogan “Red bull gives you wings”
 Quirky cartoons
 Vans, painted with the Red Bull logo
 Associate it’s personality with people who
were health and sports conscious
 Sponsored and started events such as BMX
biking, kite-boarding, extreme snowboarding
 Corporate identity is where a company tries to
build up its relation through distinct identity
 Corporate identity is the way corporate actors
make sense of their company in ongoing social
interaction with other actors in a specific
 Corporate Visual Identity plays a significant
role in the way an organization presents itself
to both internal and external stakeholders.
 Corporate identity crisis can lead to the fall of
huge companies with good resources at their
 Very important for modern day managers
 There has not been sufficient research in this
field and therefore this field provides huge
opportunities for exploration.
Some Amazing Facts

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