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Dissertation Report 

Title of the Dissertation Report





Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for

the award of the degree of Masters in Business

  Under Guidance of: <Guide’s Name> 

Submitted by: <Student name>

<SMU roll no.> 

 <Name of the student>

<Address of the University> 


I,Deepika Saraswat having Roll No.520922764 of MBA Semester 4 of Sikkim

Manipal University hereby declare that the project entitled Performance
Appraisal At Jindal Brothers Pvt .Ltd. is an original work and the same has not
been submitted to any other institute for award of any other degree. The interim
report was presented to the guide on 30TH April,2011. The feasible suggestions
have been duly incorporated in consultation with the guide. 


Signature of the candidate 

(Deepika Saraswat)

 Counter signed 

      <Guide Name>

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the people who have directly or
indirectly helped me throughout in the successful completion of my project report

I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude and whole hearted
thanks to MR. TAPAS RANJAN (HEAD HR) for his valuable guidance and for
giving me this opportunity to complete my training in his organization, and also I
thank him for sharing his experiences which would prove as a great lesson in my
future professional life


MR SARANG KANCHAN for their valuable guidance and also giving me
effective direction and encouragement throughout the training.

I take this opportunity to thank my project guide PROFESSOR.WADHWA who

has seen me through all the stages of the project. I would like to express my
gratitude to him for his timely advice and Guided as per requirement. And also I
would like to thank PROFESSOR S.C.GHOSH for helping me whenever I needed.

Above all I thank GOD, Almighty for the immense wishes and blessings that gave
me motivation and confidence to complete this project on time


Title Page No.

1. Chapter I
Acknowledgement 3
Profile of the Project Guide 4-5
Executive Summary 6
2. Chapter II
Company profile 7-15
Scope & Objective 16
3. Chapter III
Research methodology 17-18
4. Chapter IV
Performance management 19-33
5. Chapter V
Data analysis 34-55
6. Chapter VI
Findings 56
7. Chapter VII
Recommendations 57
8. Chapter VIII
Limitations 58
9. Chapter IX
Bibliography 59
10. Chapter X
Appendix 60-71

This project report is a review based on theory as well as the industry outlook of performance appraisal
system of the organization.

The report starts with the Introduction and Literature Review of performance appraisal system that
outlines its history, definitions, purposes, types, process, methods, appraiser, parameters of evaluation
and the essentials of an effective appraisal system.

Further the performance appraisal system of Jindal Brothers, collected through various
primary and secondary sources have been included in the report which gives a fair idea of the kind of
appraisal system being followed across various corporates.

Last, the conclusions and references has been mentioned.



Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a subordinate

and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi-annual), in
which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and discussed, with a view to
identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills
development. Performance appraisal, also known as employee appraisal, is a method by which
the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and
time). Performance appraisal is a part of career development.

Performance appraisals are regular reviews of employee performance within

organizations.Generally, the aims of a performance appraisal are to:

 Give feedback on performance to employees.

 Identify employee training needs.
 Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards.
 Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary
actions, etc.
 Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development.
 Facilitate communication between employee and administration

Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal Employment
Opportunity requirements.

Performance Appraisal Summary

Performance appraisal, while enabling a manager to identify the training needs of employees,
and evolving a training plan for them, also, serves to meet other objectives. Performance
appraisal satisfies the psychological needs individuals have to know how they are performing
their job and increases employees' job satisfaction and morale by letting them know that the
manager is interested in their progress and development. Systematic performance appraisal also
provides both the firm and the employee a careful evaluation, rather than a snap judgement of an
employee's performance. Many firms use performance appraisals to plan placements and
transfers and to provide input into decisions regarding salary increases, promotions, and
transfers.  Finally, performance appraisals may be used as a basis for the coaching and
counselling of individual employees by their superiors. To summarize the uses of performance

 Performance improvement
 Compensation
 Placement
 Training & development needs assessment
 Career planning
 Job design error detection


Performance appraisal cannot be implemented successfully unless it is accepted by all

concerned. There should be a common and clear understanding of the distinction between
evaluation and appraisal. As Patten (1982) argues, evaluation aims at 'objective' measurement,
while appraisal includes both objective and subjective assessment of how well an employee has
performed during the period under review. Thus performance appraisal aims at 'feedback,
development and assessment.' The process of performance appraisal should concentrate on the
job of an employee, the environment of the organization, and the employee him- or herself.
These three factors are inter-related and inter-dependent. Therefore, in order to be effective, the
appraisal system should be individualized, subjective, qualitative and oriented towards problem-
solving. It should be based on clearly specified and measurable standards and indicators of
performance. Since what is being appraised is performance and not personality, personality traits
which are not relevant to job performance should be excluded from the appraisal framework.

Some of the important considerations in designing a performance appraisal system are:

 Goal The job description and the performance goals should be structured, mutually decided
and accepted by both management and employees.

 Reliable and consistent Appraisal should include both objective and subjective ratings to
produce reliable and consistent measurement of performance.

 Practical and simple format The appraisal format should be practical, simple and aim at
fulfilling its basic functions. Long and complicated formats are time consuming, difficult to
understand, and do not elicit much useful information.

 Regular and routine While an appraisal system is expected to be formal in a structured

manner, informal contacts and interactions can also be used for providing feedback to

 Participatory and open An effective appraisal system should necessarily involve the
employee's participation, usually through an appraisal interview with the supervisor, for
feedback and future planning. During this interview, past performance should be discussed
frankly and future goals established. A strategy for accomplishing these goals as well as for
improving future performance should be evolved jointly by the supervisor and the employee
being appraised. Such participation imparts a feeling of involvement and creates a sense of

 Rewards Rewards - both positive and negative - should be part of the performance appraisal
system. Otherwise, the process lacks impact.

 Feedback should be timely Unless feedback is timely, it loses its utility and may have only
limited influence on performance.

 Impersonal feedback Feedback must be impersonal if it is to have the desired effect.

Personal feedback is usually rejected with contempt, and eventually de-motivates the employee.

 Feedback must be noticeable The staff member being appraised must be made aware of the
information used in the appraisal process. An open appraisal process creates credibility.

 Relevance and responsiveness Planning and appraisal of performance and consequent

rewards or punishments should be oriented towards the objectives of the programme in which the
employee has been assigned a role. For example, if the objectives of a programme are directed
towards a particular client group, then the appraisal system has to be designed with that

 Commitment Responsibility for the appraisal system should be located at a senior level in
the organization so as to ensure commitment and involvement throughout the management


We've seen from previous discussions, that people are one of a company's most valuable assets.
While most assets depreciate over time, people, viewed as assets, may actually appreciate. One
of the manager's major responsibilities is to improve and update the knowledge and skills of
employees -- appreciation of assets. Performance appraisal plays a significant role as a tool and
technique of organizational development and growth. In essence, effective appraisal systems
provide both evaluation and feedback.The main aim of the evaluation is to identify performance
gaps -- when performance does not meet the organizational standards -- whereas feedback is
necessary to inform employee about those performance gaps.

From the employee's perspective, performance appraisal informs them about what is required of
them in order to do their jobs, it tells them how well they have achieved those objectives and
helps them take corrective action to improve their performance, and, finally, it may reward them
for meeting the required standards.

The firm, on the other hand, needs a performance appraisal system in order to establish
principles of managerial accountability. Clearly, where employees are given responsibilities and
duties, they need to be held accountable. One of the functions of performance appraisals is to
ensure that people are accountable for their organizational responsibilities.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of performance appraisals is the opportunities they provide
supervisors and subordinates to have one-on-one discussions of important work issues. During
appraisals, subordinates and supervisors can focus on work activities and goals, identify and
correct existing problems, and encourage better future performance.

Performance Appraisal and Motivation

Motivational research has recognized the power of  recognition as an incentive (see Maslow and
the Expectancy Theory of Motivation). Performance appraisals provide employees with
recognition for their work efforts.  The appraisal system provides the supervisor with an
opportunity to indicate to employees that the organization is interested in their performance and
development. This recognition can have a positive motivational influence. on the individual's
sense of worth, commitment and belonging.

Performance Appraisal and Training and Development

Performance appraisals identify performance gaps. As such, they provide an excellent

opportunity for a supervisor and subordinate to recognize and agree upon individual training and
development needs.Performance appraisal discussion may identify the presence or absence of
work skills. Further, the need for training can be made more relevant if attaining the requisite job
skills is clearly linked to performance outcomes. Consolidated appraisal data can also help form
a picture of the overall organizational training requirements.

Performance Appraisal and Recruitment

Recruitment and selection procedures need to be evaluated. Appraisal data can be used to
monitor the success of a firm's recruitment and selection practices. From this data, the firm can
determine how well employees who were hired in the past are performing.

Performance Appraisal and Employee Evaluation

Employee evaluation is a major objective of performance appraisal. Given the major functions of
management -- planning, organizing, leading and controlling -- it is clear that evaluations
(controlling) need to be done.

At its most basic level, performance appraisal is the process of examining and evaluating the
performance of employees. However, the need to evaluate is also a source of tension as
evaluative and developmental priorities appear to clash.  Some management experts have argued
that appraisal cannot serve the needs of evaluation and development at the same time.

Performance Appraisal and Total Quality Management (TQM)

With the advent of TQM (Total Quality Management) and the extensive use of teams, traditional
performance appraisal systems have come under some criticism. For example, rather than
motivating employees, conflict may be created when appraisals are tied to merit pay and when
that merit pay is based on a forced ranking.

W. Edwards Deming, the founder of total quality management (TQM) has long been associated
with the view that performance appraisals ought to be eliminated. Many TQM proponents claim
that performance appraisals are harmful.

1. Graphic rating scale

2. Paired Comparison

3. Forced choice approach

4.Easy Appraisal

5.3600 appraisal

Graphic Rating Scale: A performance appraisal that rates the degree to which the employee
has achieved various characteristics.

1)The graphic rating scale is the most common type of appraisal used.

2)Various characteristics such as job knowledge or punctuality are rated by the degree of

3)The rate usually receives a score of 1 to 5, with 5 representing excellent performance.

4)Some forms allow for additional comments.

Paired-comparison Approach: A performance appraisal that measures the relative

performance of employees in a group.

1)This is a method of performance evaluation that results in a rank ordering of employees to

come up with a best employee.

2)This type of approach measures the relative performance of employees in a group.

Forced-choice Approach: A performance appraisal that presents the appraiser with sets of
statements describing employee behavior; the appraiser must choose which statement is most
characteristic of the employee and which is least characteristic.

Easy Appraisal: Sometimes the supervisor must write a description of the employee’s
performance. The easy appraisal is often used along with other types of appraisals, notably
graphic rating scales. They provide an opportunity for supervisors to describe aspects of
performance not thoroughly covered by an appraisal questionnaire.

360-degree Performance Appraisal: Evaluating Employees From All Angles

Traditional performance appraisals, as discussed above, can be both subjective and simplistic.
At times, they can also be deemed to be "political". In an attempt to improve this methodology,
some companies have turned to 360-degree appraisals. 360 appraisals pool feedback from a
department's internal and external customers to ensure a broader, more accurate perspective of an
employee's performance.

360-degree performance appraisal is an attempt to answer the question: "How can a supervisor
evaluate an employee he or she sees only a few hours each week?"

Benefits of Performance appraisal

For the organization:
The organization comes to know the true position of the employees working capacities and the
problems they face while working in the organization. This performance appraisal system also
acts as a motivating factor for the employees, which helps the organization to get better results.

For the appraise:

The appraise fells themselves an important part of the organization, they get a chance to express
their views in front of their superiors; they get a platform to express their ideas. The employee
comes to know the truth about:
 To what extent they have achieved their objectives.
 In what respect their work has been most successful.
 Are there any aspects of their work, which they have not completed?

Are many other question, which make them assess rightly. ..

Guidelines for effective performance evaluation interviews...
 emphasize positive aspects of employee performance
 tell employee that the purpose is to improve performance, not to discipline
 conduct the review in private
 review the performance formally at least annually (more frequently for those performing
 make criticisms specific
 focus on performance, not personality
 stay calm; do not argue
 identify specific actions the employee can take to improve performance
 emphasize the evaluator’s willingness to assist the employee’s efforts to improve
 end by stressing positive

Appraisal Process

In order to obtain a better understanding of how the performance appraisal has been put together
by The Corporation, the researcher has provided an overview of the company’s performance
appraisal process. The researcher felt that the overview of the performance appraisal process
would be necessary, since the process provided a framework for the performance appraisal.


The performance evaluation can be made for variety of reasons counseling, promotions, salary
increases, administration or combination of these. It becomes very necessary to begin by stating
the objectives of evaluation programs very clearly and precisely. The personal appraisal system
should address the question who, what, how of performance appraisal.

These questions are the components of these appraisal systems which are discussed below


The immediate superior, the head of the department or any other can rate the performance of an
individual. In addition to this, sum organizations follow the system of self appraisal and /or
appraisal by peers. A group, consisting of his senior, peers and subordinates, can do appraisal,
whoever is rating; he should be trained and impartial. In most of the organizations the ratings is
done by his immediate superior who is considered the best person to understand his subordinates
strengths and weaknesses. Now a day some organizations are following the method of self-

THE “WHAT”OF APPRAISAL It is considered with

 Creating and maintaining a satisfactory level of performance of employees in their present

 Highlighting employee’s needs and opportunities of for personal growth and development.
 Aiding in decision making for promotions, transfers, layoff and discharges.
 Promoting understanding between supervisors and his subordinates.
 Providing a useful criterion for determining the validity of selections and training methods
for attracting individuals of higher caliber to the organization.


The ‘when’ answers the query the frequency of appraisal? The informal counseling should
occur continuously but the manager should discuss an employee’s work as soon as he gets an
opportunity to provide positive reinforcement and use poor work as basis of training. The time
and period of appraisal differs according to the need and nature of the organization.


The where indicates the location where employee should be evaluated? It is usually done at
work place or office of the supervisor.


Under this, the organization must decide what different kinds of methods are available and which
of these may be used for performance appraisal. On the basis of comparative advantages and
disadvantages, the nature and philosophy of management and the needs of an organization; the
method of appraisal is decided.


Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd. specializes in Design, Engineering, Fabrication and Erection of Pre-
Engineered Metal Building Systems.   The Group is well known in the Middle East & India for
the quality of the products and services offered. In 1998, Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd started its
journey in India by setting up State of Art manufacturing facility at Manesar, Gurgaon.  Design
and Detailing work is carried out by highly skilled Engineers with computed aided design and
drafting facilities at the Company’s Head Office at New Delhi. Their objective is to deliver cost
effective, quality Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings within agreed time schedules to their
Customers. Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd. maintains high degree of professionalism at all levels, a
commitment needed to maintain highest possible standards.  Every project is executed with
Micro Planning, to achieve the Milestones set out in the contract.  This combined with quality of
their products has earned us reputation in the Market Place. Corporate giants, both National and
Multinational, have complimented their strategy of providing single point responsibility for
Supply and Erection with highly motivated and trained In House Project Management Team to
handle projects, whether it is small or big, simple or complex.  More than 500 Pre-Engineered
Buildings have been installed across the length and breadth of their Country.  This experience
corroborates their claim. Regional / Area offices across the Country are fully equipped to provide
pre-order and post order service to their valued Customers. Organizational effectiveness depends
upon the level of performance of its employees. Hence the level of performance has to be
ensured. Periodic stock taking of the qualitative state of the man power is of vital importance to
an organization and the organization tries to collect the relevant data through the tool of
performance appraisal reports. Thus performance appraisal is essential for performance
effectiveness and efficiency of the organization and also for carrying out administrative decisions
regarding human resources. The correctness of the decision will depend heavily upon the validity
of the data gathered through appraisal system.

The JINDAL BROTHERS is a relatively an older organization and has been restructuring its
Human Resources Systems and Policies in alignment with the current business environment. I
have therefore taken up this project with an aim to study the existing system of performance
appraisal so that this might help other organizations to follow the same.


Pre-Engineered steel buildings are designed and fabricated to client’s requirements in accordance
with the Universal standards. A pre-engineered steel building consists of four major groups of
components namely primary members, secondary members, metal roofing/wall cladding and
connection fasteners. These components are designed that they are compatible with each other.
The fabrication of these components is carried out in factory under strict quality control as per
detailed shop drawing. These components are transported to site with proper markings and
assembled at site as per erection drawings.

Knowledge Hub / Brain Ware

They call this the knowledge Hub, a world class Design & Engineering Office manned with
team of experienced professionals and equipped with latest sophisticated design tools which
distinguishes Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd. from others.

Stadd Pro, MBS, AUTOCAD, Primavera, MS Projects are among the few Engineering &
execution tools in use at Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd. that delivers the fastest solution at the best of
engineering practices applied in a true international design environment.

The Brain House offers intelligent engineering solutions and supports post order functions with
general arrangement, fabrication and erection drawings. The computerized drafting, detailing and
logic programs enable user friendly details to simplify manufacturing process and erection

The Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd. knowledge archives has vanity of standards and design codes such
as AISC, AISI, MBMA, AWS, UBC, ASCE, IBC, IS and many others to suit customer’s need of
a Pre-Engineered building at any place or country. 

The Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd.’s consistent efforts in research & development and global sourcing
of material have positioned the Organization as a lead runner in introducing innovative ideas and
products in the market place.
Manufacturing Facility:

 Their State-of-the-art manufacturing facility is located at Manesar. It houses special

equipments to produce quality pre-engineered buildings such as:

 Automatic Beam Welding Line

 Plate Shearing Line

 Radial Drilling Machine

 Cold Roll Forming Line

 Hydraulic Press Break Line

 Automatic Shot Blasting Line

 The welding process is as per American Welding Society Standards. (AWS). All welders are
qualified to required standards.

 Well defined process on the shop floor ensures smooth flow of material and productivity.

 All structural components to complete Pre-engineered building are produced in-house and go
through stringent quality checks prior to dispatch.

 All major raw materials and bought out items are sourced from a Panel of approved supplier
to ensure quality and timely supplies.

Automatic Purlin Roll
Roofing Profile
Welding Forming
Machine Machine

JINDAL BROTHERS India Projects:::


Washim ITC

  Grain Godown


  Dept. Store

Bawal YKK  (SMCC Construction)

Jagdishpur ITC

  Grain Godown

Vatva , Ahmedabad MIDCO Containers Pvt. Ltd

Delhi Giex Foods

Pune S.M. Auto Eng.

Mandsour ITC

  Grain Godown


  Dept. Store

Amaravati ITC

  Dept. Store

Gurgaon SMCC

Chandouli ITC

Daman Enercon

Delhi Food Processing Equipment

Bhuj Essar Construction

Delhi Jindal Stainless

Delhi Honda Siel

Sri Perumbudur Saint-gobain

Faridabad Tata   Iron And Steel Co.

Gurgaon Smcc - Kienfie 

Gurgaon Smcc - Kinzoku

Kanpur Hargovind Bajaj

Aurangabad Gran Electronics

Chennai Ameco Infrastructure

Delhi Manmohan Pipes

Daman Blossom Industries

  GreenPly Industries

Gurgaon SMCC – Honda

Gurgaon SMCC – Honda

Hyderabad HBL Nife

Chenani Meredian  Apparel


 To identify the technique of Performance Appraisal followed in Jindal Brothers Pvt. Ltd.
 To study how the employees are rated against these parameters
 To identify how the performance of the employees is improved and enhanced
 To provide suggestions & recommendations to improve their Performance Appraisal

In order to accomplish the objectives of the study, it is essential to articulate the manner in which

it is to be conducted, i.e., the research process is to be carried-out in a certain framework. The

research methodology, which follows, is the backbone of the study.

Data Collection Sources

Research work was done from two sources: -

(1) Primary data

(2) Secondary data

Primary data was collected by questionnaire and interview in the organizations. The
questionnaire comprised of closed and attitude questions. The opinion on existing Performance
Appraisal practices and their affectivity were collected through questionnaire which was
circulated to all the employees at all levels and the results have been analysed on the basis of
agree and disagree. The methodology for collection of data also included interviews and
discussion with the top management of the organization.

Secondary data: It was collected by reviewing different literatures, from published books,
management journals, articles published by the other researchers on 360 Degree Appraisal.


The total sample size for this project was 4 HR people at Jindal Brothers.

The information collected through above methods has been tabulated, analysed and interpreted.
Finally an overall assessment of the contribution of top management has been made towards
improving the effectiveness of the organization.

Research methodology is a way to systematic solve the Research Problem. It is a procedure,

which is followed step by step to solve a particular research problem.

There are basically four types of researches:


Explorative Research:- To gain familiarity with phenomenon or to achieve an insight into it.

Descriptive Research:-To poetry accurately the characteristics of the particular individual

situation or a group.

Diagnostic Research:-To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which
it is associated with something else.

Hypothesis Testing Research:-To test a hypothesis of casual relationship between variables.

The present project is Descriptive cum Explorative in nature. It is done to poetry accurately
the characteristics of a particular individual situation or a group. The major purpose of the
descriptive research is the description of the state of the affairs as it exits at resent. The main
characteristics of this method are that the researcher has no control over the variables; he can
only report what has happened or what is happening.

Organizations exist to achieve goals. Goals are only met when individual employees efforts
matches with policy of the organization and thus bringing out success and effectiveness. The
assessment of how successful employees have been at meeting their individual goals therefore
becomes a critical part of HRM and here comes Performance Appraisal System.

Performance appraisal is an important component of the information and control system. In

today’s flexible organizations, performance evaluation provides an important way for managers
to clarify performance goals and standards and to enhance future individual performance. Thus
the purpose of performance appraisal is to improve the organization’s performance through the
enhanced performance of individuals.

The performance appraisal system:

 Is an organizational necessity

 Is based on well defined objective criteria

 Is based on careful job analysis

 Uses only job related criteria

 Is supported by adequate studies

 Is applied by trained qualified raters

 Is applied objectively throughout the organization

 Can be shown non discriminatory as defined by law


Journal of Performance Appraisal Techniques November 4,2001-Vol.1,No.4pp.418 By

Fletcher C
Performance appraisal has widened as a concept and as a set of practices and in the form of
performance management has become part of a more strategic approach to integrating HR
activities and business policies. As a result of this, the research on the subject has moved beyond
the limited confines of measurement issues and accuracy of performance ratings and has begun
to focus more of social and motivational aspects of appraisal. This article identifies and discusses
a number of themes and trends that together make up the developing research agenda for this
field. It breaks these down in terms of the nature of appraisal and the context in which it
operates. The former is considered in terms of contemporary thinking on the content of appraisal
(contextual performance, goal orientation and self awareness) and the process of appraisal
(appraiser–appraisee interaction, and multi-source feedback). The discussion of the context of
appraisal concentrates on cultural differences and the impact of new technology.

Performance Appraisal as Effective Management or Deadly Management Disease

Journal of Performance Appraisal Management Jan1,2005- Vol.80, Pages18 by Gregory H.

Understanding person and system sources of work variation is fundamental to performance

appraisal. Two divergent perspectives on this issue, the traditional human resource management
view and the statistical process control view (Deming, 1986), are contrasted. Two studies are
reported that investigate two specific questions that arise from a broader view of the appraisal
process. Results indicate that managers and subordinates believe that typical poor performance
has different causes and that actual productivity levels far outweigh person or system sources of
performance variance in appraisal judgments.

A Contingency Approach to Appraisal Satisfaction

Journal of Performance Appraisal Approaches,July2009,Vol.49,Pages65 by Gregory H.

The present study explored the moderating effects of organizational variables on the appraisal
characteristic-appraisal satisfaction relationship. Analyses indicated that the appraisal
characteristics of action plans, frequency, and rater training were more positively related to
appraisal satisfaction when subordinates experienced role conflict, were not closely monitored,
and supervisors had a large span of control. The results provide substantial support for
conceptualizing appraisal satisfaction as a contingent function of both appraisal characteristics
and organizational variables. Implications of the findings for the design of appraisal systems,
appraisal effectiveness, and future research are discussed.

Differential Performance Appraisal Criteria

Journal of Performance Appraisal Criteria,Oct2010,Vol.18, pages 72 by Taylor Cox
Performance appraisal ratings of 125 first-level managers were analyzed to investigate the degree
to which the criteria used to evaluate the overall job performance of black managers differs from
that used to evaluate white managers. The performance appraisal form included items that
measured both the social behavior dimension and task/goal accomplishment dimension of job
performance. The appraisal ratings of both groups on each dimension were correlated with
measures of overall job performance and promote ability. Results indicated that social behavior
factors are more highly correlated with the overall job performance of black ratees than for white
ratees. Implications of these results for both black managers and organizations are discussed.

A Restatement of the Satisfaction

Journal of Performance Hypothesis,Vol.59,Sept 2010,Pages 45 by Dennis W. Organ,
This article reviews recent evidence in support of Organ’s (1977) argument that satisfaction more
generally correlates with organizational prosaically or citizenship-type behaviors than with
traditional productivity or in-role performance. An attempt is then made to interpret just what it is
in satisfaction measures that provides this correlation, leading to the suggestion that fairness
cognitions comprise the major factor. Implications of this interpretation for theory, research, and
management practice are offered.

This chapter deals in tabular presentation results and their analysis for the purpose of easy

reading the section has been divided into two parts.

1* Tabular form of Response

2* Inference

3* Remarks on each question

1. In your company, the key competencies required for each job are already identified?

Response Category No. of responses Percentage

Very true 0 0
True 4 8
Partly true 9 18

Not true 37 74

50 Very true
40 True
Partly true
10 Not true
No. of Percentage

Inference: Most of the respondents (74%) found the above statement to be ‘Not True”. This was
followed by 18% of the respondents feeling that this statement was ‘Partly True’ for their
organization. Only 8% of the people found it to be ‘True’.

Remarks: Although the appraise does not have a clear understanding of what is expected of him
at the beginning of the year (Inference I), both he and the appraiser know what his job is all
about. This also shows that although an employee knows what his current to do to be rated
higher by the reporting officer. The responsiveness in category of Partly True and Not True may
be due to the face that job content in Jindal Brothers is flexible and not well defined and some
people find it difficult to define their jobs. However, most of the people have a general idea of
the scope of their jobs.
2. There are mechanisms that help employees develop their potential for the next round of

Response Category No. of responses Percentage

Very true 0 0
True 5 10
Partly true 25 50

Not true 20 40



30 Very true
Partly true
Not true
No. of Percentage

Inference: Quite a large number of respondents (40%) shared the view that the appraisal system
did not give a clear understanding of all appraisals, job to both appraiser and appraise by saying
that it was ‘Not True’. Only 50% and 10% of the respondents felt that the statement was ‘True’
and ‘Partly True’ respectively.

Remarks: Although the appraise does not have a clear understanding of what is expected of him
at the beginning of the year (Inference I), both appraisee and the appraiser know what his job is
all about. This also shows that although an employee knows what his current to do to be rated
higher by the reporting officer. The responsiveness in category of Partly True and Not True may
be due to the face that job content in Jindal Brothers is flexible and not well defined and most
people find it difficult to define their jobs. However, most of the people have a vague idea of the
scope of their jobs.
3. Employees regularly receive feedback about their potential for higher level jobs?

Response Category No. of responses Percentage

Very true 0 0
True 8 16
Partly true 7 14

Not true 35 70

Very true
30 True

20 Partly true
10 Not true
No. of Percentage

Inference: 70% of the respondents agreed that the appraisal system did not helped them to know
their potential to perform at higher levels. Plan their performance well by saying that it was ‘Not
True’. Only 16% and 14% people felt that this statement was ‘True’ and ‘Partly True’.

Remarks: The above inference shows that the PA system in Jindal Brothers does not give
feedback about ‘planning for performance’ to its employees. It helps anticipating work needs in
order to arrange work in logical order. It also helps in devising efficient methods to attain pre-
determined plans. Again due to flexibility in job content, some people may have found problems
in planning their performance systematically.
4. Job rotation is practiced widely to help people develop their potential in new areas?

Response Category No. of responses Percentage

Very true 7 14
True 18 36
Partly true 25 50

Not true 0 0



30 Very true
Partly true
Not true
No. of Percentage

Inference: About 50% of the respondents felt that the above statement was ‘Partly True’. It was
followed by 36% people feeling that it was ‘True’ with 14% believing that it was ‘Very True’.

Remarks: Job rotation is the most economical way of providing training to the employees. It
facilitates both organization and individual development. Job rotation gives an individual hand
on experience for carrying out various different functional activities. The performance appraisal
system should include this process in the training need identification performance.
5. The appraisal system provides an opportunity for self-review and reflection?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

Very true
0 0
0 0
Partly true
13 26

Not true 37 74

50 Very true
40 True
Partly true
10 Not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : There is a general agreement on then fact that the PA system in Jindal Brothers does
provide ample opportunity for self-review and reflection. 74% of the people felt that
it was ‘Partly True’ with 26% agreeing.

Remarks : The presence of self-appraisal procedure in the PA appraisal system is an important

reason for the above inference. The self appraisal includes questions on major
achievements, constraints in performance, type of training required, tasks/activities
undertaken successfully during the year, problems faced etc. It also includes
suggestions on making the job interesting and challenging and plans to improve
effectiveness. Due to this fact, employees may have felt that they were participating
actively in their own appraisal by self -review and reflection on various issues.
6. Promotions are based strictly on need rather than to reward individuals?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

Very true 0 0

True 4 8

Partly true 25 50

21 42
Not true



30 Very true
Partly true
Not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : 50% of the respondents believe that the above statement is ‘Partly
True’ This was closely followed by 42% of the respondents rating it as
‘Not True’ and 8% of the respondents feeling that it was ‘True’.

Remarks : The performance appraisal is completely need based the organization

recognizes and promotes high achievers only if there are vacancies
available in the organization. This has a negative impact on people who
are not rewarded and promoted duly for their good performance. There
should be a system of rewarding employees either in monetary terms or
in terms of recognition.

7. The appraisal system gives each appraisee an idea of what is expected of him next year?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

Very true 0 0

True 10 20

Partly true 26 52

14 28
Not true

40 Very true
30 True
20 Partly true
10 Not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : 52% of the respondents felt that the above statement was ‘Partly
True’. This was followed by 28% and 20% of the respondents
feeling that it was ‘Not True’ and ‘True’ respectively.

Remarks : Each employee needs to have an idea as to what accountabilities

will he have if his appraisal is given a good remark for working at
higher levels. The appraisee should know his potential, which
will go a long way in his higher level jobs.
8. It is designed to aid the appraisee and appraiser jointly understand the formers job?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

Very true 0 0

True 14 28

Partly true 22 44

14 28
Not true

30 Very true
20 True
15 Partly true
5 Not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : There was a mixed response to the given statement. 44% of the responses
consisted of “Partly True’ ratings. 28% respondents believed that this was
‘Not True’ whereas 28% believed that this was ‘True’.

Remarks : The above inference implies that Jindal Brother’s PA system does not score
well in the aspect of transparency in communicating an employee’s
performance through performance review and discussion. The discussions
between appraisal processes. The interaction on self appraisals is not a
common feature and is only done on certain occasions (exceptionally good or
bad performance etc.) The presence of 44% responses as “True” may be due
to good relationship and open communication shared by some of the
appraiser appraise pairs.
9. The performance appraisal provides an opportunity for self review and reflection?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

very true 0 0
true 2 4
partly true 25 50
not true 23 46


40 very true


20 true

10 partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : Most of the respondents agreed that the appraisal system catered to their
development needs (50% believed that it was “Partly True”) and it was very
closely followed by 46% saying it was “Not True”. There were 4% cases,
which believed that it was ‘True’.

Remarks : Although the inference indicates that the PA system allowed mutuality, trust
and open communication between superior and subordinates, there may be
chances of biases in employees while rating this statement. The answers may
have varied depending on proximity etc.

10. The appraisal procedure allows the appraisee to express his developmental needs?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

very true 0 0
True 8 16
partly true 16 32
not true 26 52

50 very true
10 partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : The most common response on above statement was an astounding ‘Not
True’ with 52% people agreeing that the PA system was free of any biases. It
was followed by 32% saying that it was ‘True’ and 16% saying that it was
‘Partly True’.

Remarks : The above inference implies that people are satisfied with the PA system in
Jindal Brothers and believe that it provides scope for developing their
potential. This may be due to the fact that the self appraised of the appraise
invites suggestions on job enrichment, training needs and steps to be taken to
improve individual’s effectiveness.
11. The system has scope to correct the biases of the assessor through a super review?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

very true 0 0
true 2 4
partly true 14 28
not true 34 68

60 very true
30 true
10 partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : 68% of the people rated the above statement as ‘Not True’ 28% believed it was
‘Partly True’ with 4% disagreeing by saying that it was ‘True’.

Remarks : A performance appraisal system, which is perceived as ‘bias -free’ by its

executives, is an achievement for the organization. In the PA system the
reporting officer appraises a section of people whereas the reviewing officer
appraises the performance of an entire department. also the reviewing officer is
the immediate superior of reporting officer. Any disagreement between the
assessments of an employee has to be duly discussed and recorded. Also, any
noticeable difference of opinion between self appraisal and appraisal by
reporting officer has to be accounted for. All the above factors help in correcting
the biases,. if any, of reporting officer.

12. The appraisal system provides for a frank discussion between appraiser and appraisee?
Response Category No. of Responses Percentage
very true 0 0
True 6 12
partly true 0 0
not true 44 88

very true
40 True
partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference: An astounding 88% rated the above statement as not true with 12% that it was

Remarks Although, most of the people felt that there was mutuality and trust between
appraiser and appraise, it may again depend on the proximity and relationship
shared by an employee and his/her boss. The ratings may be based, as the
employees may have felt that a negative answer may adversely affect them. The
reason behind this conclusion is that a low score on extent of communication and
discussion between appraisers and appraise and high score on mutuality and trust
give a contradictory view.
13. The procedure allows for the communication of CEO‘s goal to the workforce?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

very true 0 0

true 2 4

partly true 10 20

not true 38 76

very true
30 true
partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : The typical response in this case was ‘Not True’, by 76% of the respondents.
20% rated the above statement as ‘Partly True’ and 4% as ‘True’.

Remarks : Even if half of the respondents gave a mid-way answer, presence of 44%
‘Slightly True’ answers give a negative picture of the above statement. This
implies that the business goals are not well integrated with individual goals.
There is no direct linkage between the management plans and evaluation
criteria. This may be due to the fact that either the business goals are not
quantified enough or the management is not quick enough to communicate its
plans to the staff below.
14. The appraisal system brings out the training needs of the employees.

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

very true 0 0

True 3 6

partly true 22 44

not true 25 50


40 very true


20 True

10 partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : 50% of the respondents believed the above statement to be ‘Not True’ closely
followed by 44% people believing it to be ‘Partly True’. Only 6% believed it
to be ‘True’.

Remarks : A few people get the training related to their competencies skills that needs to
be enhanced for successful completion of their work. most of the people do
not get adequate training according to changes in their job description i.e.
responsibilities and KRAS.
15. The performance appraisal system clarifies the career prospects, aspirations and

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

very true 0 0
true 5 10
partly true 40 80
not true 40 80

very true
30 true
partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : The typical response (80%) for the above statement was ‘Not True’ 10%
employees believed it to be ‘Partly True’ with an equal 10% employees
believing if to be ‘Not True’.

Remarks : The general picture drawn from the above inference is that all the
employees are not clear as to what the PA system is all about and what is
the reason behind its existence. This shows that PA system has acquired an
important status in Jindal Brothers with all employees acknowledging its
presence and essence.
16. The appraisal system provides a rational basis for salary recommendations?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

very true 0 0
True 8 16
partly true 14 28
not true 28 56

50 very true
10 partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference : 56% of the respondents felt that the above statement was ‘Not True’. 28%
responses included ‘Partly True’ ratings whereas 16% responses included
‘True’ ratings.

Remarks : The employees do not want a fixed increment for their great performance. The
company should make recommendations related to salary on the basis of
regular performance feedback about every employee since the frequency of
performance measurement varies from department to department, it is difficult
to carry out this work smoothly.
17. The company relates reward to your performance?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

very true 0 0
True 10 20
partly true 4 5
Not true 36 72

very true
30 true
partly true
not true
No. of Percentage

Inference :` Most of the respondents (72%) felt that the above statement was ‘Not True’.
20% believed it to be ‘True’ whereas a mere 8% felt that it was ‘partly True’.

Remarks : The company uses the reward system as a motivating force for enhancing the
performance of its employees. Rewards should be promptly given to high
achievers in terms of increment, promotions, increased job responsibilities etc.
for their accomplishment.
18. What kind of an appraisal system will bring out the best of an employee?

Response Category No. of Responses Percentage

appraisal by all superiors 10 20
appraisal by immediate 5 10

appraisal by reference team 15 30

appraisal by reference team 20 40
and self.

35 appraisal by all
30 superiors
25 appraisal by
appraisal by
10 reference team
5 appraisal by
0 reference team
No. of Percentage and self.

Remarks : This shows that the relationship between appraiser and appraise, in Jindal
Brothers, with respect to planning the performance is quite good. The
subordinate in planning his performance. The appraiser helps the appraise
in testing the soundness of his goals as well as of his plans for achieving
them. This implies that there is active participation of both appraiser and
appraise in performance planning. The reason behind ‘Not True’ answer
may be due to the fact that many jobs in Jindal Brothers are not well
defined and therefore an elaborate planning on them is not done.

Organization Structure and Design

1- Jindal Brothers is a young, dynamic organization and is going strong on the stock market.

2- The company is well aware of the dynamic environment of software, it is operating and

in order to keep it with the pace of the environment it believes in constant up gradation of

courses. Organization structure and design of the company is such that it supports this


3- Jindal Brothers has a matrix kind of a structure wherein it takes the form of combination

of structures. Matrix structures are adopted became there is more than one factor around

which the structure can be built.

4- This matrix structure at Jindal Brothers improves the quality of decision-making where

interest conflicts arise and direct contacts replaces bureaucracy

5- . This increases the motivation of the managers and development of wider involvement in

strategies. Although at times the company faces high risk of dilution of priorities became

e people do not know who is responsible for what.

6- An organization is a network of authority, responsibility and relationships. Different

organization structure consists of different type of relationships.

Line Organization

It is the traditional type of organization. It refers to a direct chain of command from top to

bottom. In the line organization the lines of direction are straight and vertical. Authority and

responsibility flow vertically in an unbroken straight line from one level to another. Every

superior has complete command over his subordinate and every subordinate has to report his

work to only the senior or to the level above his own level.
Staff Organization Staff may be of three types:

1.)Personal Staff:

It consists of personal assistants attached to individual line executives. Personal staff is

employed to carry out those responsibilities of an executive, which he cannot or does not want to

delegate to others.

2.)Specialized Staff:

It consists of specialists in different functional areas e.g. personnel, accounting, legal and public

relations etc. A specialized staff department serves as a fountainhead of expertise for the entire


3.)General Staff:




Complaint Handling As part of the process for capturing customer complaints and acting on

them, Jindal Brothers has procedures that ensure that each customer complaint is captured,

recorded and reported as part of a formal review system. The process includes related activities

such as escalation of a problem, tracking each complaint to closure, and creating new procedures

(or modifying existing ones) to prevent similar problems from repeating in the future.

Employee Excellence At Jindal Brothers they believe that they can build a world class

structures. Their vision document, which drives each employee as well as the organization itself,

reflects Jindal Brother's commitment towards customers and employees. Starting from the
recruitment process and culminating in annual reviews, Jindal Brothers has quality processes for

tracking and maintaining quality standards.

Recruitment For recruitment, Jindal Brothers administers various tests to the applicant. These

include aptitude tests, IQ tests, management tests, and personality tests. Each of the tests captures

different information about the individual so that Jindal Brothers can ensure that the person is

appropriate for the job and will fit into the company culture.

Goal Setting Before starting on the job, employees discuss their role and responsibilities with

their supervisors. This results in the setting of goals and objectives for each individual for the

coming year. This process clarifies the expectations from each individual during the year. Each

employee is expected to monitor his/her goals by filling in a focus report every month, which is

then discussed with the supervisor.


Jindal Brothers recognizes the fact that the skills of employees need to be upgraded constantly.

Jindal Brothers trains each and every employee continually through the year. In fact, Jindal

Brothers has one of the highest training days per employee in the world: each Jindal Brothers

employee receives over 11 days of training each year. Jindal Brothers has an employee training

division which conducts in-home e, residential training programs exclusively for Jindal Brothers



While on the job, performance reviews of every employee are done every quarter. The reviews

are done with a view to helping the individual excel at his/her workplace. In case there are any

training requirements, these are noted and acted upon in the coming quarter. Also, the goals and

objectives for the employee are re-visited for

The performance appraisal mechanism is carried out at Jindal Brothers for promotional purposes

These are done so as to motivate the employee and improve his performance level. The method

is as follows:

a) Establishment of performance standards with the employees

b) The goals are set mutually as per measurable standards.

c) The actual performance is hence measured.

d) After measuring of the actual performance, the same is compared with the standards set

e) The appraisal is then discussed with the employees.

f) And finally, if need arises corrective action is initiated. For this purpose the corrective action

is actually identified through brainstorming exercises initiated by the departmental heads at

all the Jindal Brothers. It is then measured as a tool to evaluate the past performances of the


Some of the methods used at Jindal Brothers are:

1. Key Performance Index

2. 360 Degree Feedback

3. Paired Comparisons

4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale

1. KPI-Key Performance Index

It is based on the performance level of the employee generally classified on the basis of:

 Targets achieved

 Ratings through students’ feedback forms

 Punctuality and regularity

 Day to day performance

This is given after every module at the centers.

Thus we can observe that the appraisal system is not a biased one but based on performance and

productivity basis. All the respective heads of the employee together with the senior persons at

the center brainstorm and then give the promotion.

2. 360 Degree Feedback

This feedback system involves the participation of Top Management.

Thus the feedback given by these members at Jindal Brothers is considered under a holistic view

and then the employee is given a performance appraisal. This evaluation method involves 40%

feedback from the coworkers which says that the employee should not only maintain good

rapport with the senior or junior but majorly with the coworkers also.

3. Paired Comparisons

The evaluator compares all possible pairs of subordinates on their overall ability to do the job.

Due to the subjectivity of evaluating overall performance some managers me e a number of

different job related dimensions when comparing.

4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

It is a sophisticated method of evaluating the employee based on the employee behavior. It is a

numerical scale that is anchored by the seniors of the organization at various centers. This is

highly confidential and the information is sent in sealed envelopes and opened only at the time of
the final evaluation. There is no further discussion regarding this scaling, thus it is not given

enough weightage.

In this section, basic data for a group of 100 employees from lower, middle, senior and top

managers is presented on various attributes of performance appraisal.

Frequency and frequency percent scores were computed for each of the groups of the entire

selected variable.

1. Finding through the Questionnaire

Through the questionnaire it was found that promotions were and known to most of the top and

senior management while middle and lower management were a bit not clear about it. This could

be attributed to the fact that senior and top management were more involved in decision making

and policy formulation than are the middle and lower management.

Same reason could be attributed to the fact that code 1 managers were absolutely clear of what

was expected out of them every year, whereas 50% senior management ware clear or partly clear

about the same and the about 20% of middle management were not clear about it and still

further, the 71% of lower management was not aware of what was expected out of them every


85% of code 4 employees said that they could express their reason of failure. The responses of

50% of Middle Managers were bit favorable whereas 100% senior management also thought that

they did not get the opportunity to express their cause of failure. The 60% of top management

were portly able to express their cause of failure. This may be because the appraisal system is

more of less performance based and human factor is by and large overlook. Whereas, at the

lower levels of the organization, performance can be quantified, and the managers are made
accountable at the higher echelons the tasks are too complex and therefore cannot be assessed on

the basis of quantified performance and therefore the top and senior management believed that

the promotions are also for motivation whereas the attitude wanes as the level of hierarchy goes

up. This is probably because of the appraisal of performance based on the quantity or results. If

the employee’s output is good of better they get promotions and also get motivation to achieve

better performance. At the higher levels the results are more of subjective nature therefore

promotions does not accrue on the basis of quantified results only.

Most of the managers feel that the mechanism for potential appraisal is not adequate. This may

be, because the training programmers are also not developed.

As far as feedback is from superiors is concerned, most of the top and senior management were

of the view that they constantly receive feedback. This is because, they take decisions crucial to

the existence of the organization and therefore are closely watched and monitored as compared

to the employees in the lower & middle levels.

Again the top management felt that they with their superior decide about their job but 100% of

senior management did not feel the same at all. This is because again due to power centeredness

and power difference in the organization, being a tall organization the superior are not accessible

to their subordinate.

60% of lower management thought that their creativity was definitely not adequately recognized

whereas the top management believed that the organization encouraged creativity. This

highlights the gap of communication in the organization and differences in the perception of

culture in the organization by different grades of employee. 70% of lower management thought

that the system was not free from biases and same is felt by most of the middle, senior and top
management. This shows that human instincts and behaviors influence the performance appraisal


60% of lower management was not clear about the goals and objectives of the organization. Most

of top management thought that they were clear or very clear, about the organization goals. This

is because, the power distance is extent and communication system of the organization is not

very effective. This also shows that transparency is lacking in the system.

70% of lower managers thought that the performance appraisal system did not identify their

training needs. 80% of senior managers also thought the same. But the view of top management

differed in the sense that they felt that the system helped them surface their training needs. The

reason being that the training programmes are not fully developed and are not constantly

evaluated in the organization. The top management felt that there was a scope of super review.

The senior management also felt a bit the same but lower and middle management keep

attending meetings and had already developed rapport with their superiors and so could easily

talk out their appraisal results whereas this is not so for lower and middle management. They are

not able to approach their senior easily and are therefore could not appeal for super-reviews.

60% of lower managers said that they do not get opportunity for self review and reflection. This

is because performance appraisal is lacking human touch to it. The appraisals are entirely based

on performances, overlooking the cause of successes and failures. The appraisal system thus

does not meet individual’s developmental needs and also does not contribute to employee’s job

satisfaction and moral development.

2. Findings from Observation and Discussions

The organization believed that self appraisal is the best for managers and above.

To improve interpersonal communication and behavior assessment by peers and subordinates is


The performance of the employees is not regularly monitor and the required feedback is provided

to the subordinates from time to time. The appraisals are conducted at fixed intervals. The

organization believes in using appraisal for rewarding and increments.

There was a neither formal nor informal discussion on job specification and tasks to be

accomplished for various departments.

There was no formal performance appraisal taking place till now in the organization. There fore,

there were no written records of such activity in the personal files of the employees. However

people were being appraised informally by the superiors and got promoted or incremented


It would not be wrong to say that interpersonal relations and personal biases (i.e. liking and

disliking influence the appraisals in the organization).The management is in the process of

restructuring and developing such policy in the organization.


1. Function of HR department in a manufacturing firm.

2. Solving hurdles in the process of appraisal

3.Steel manufacturing process.

4. Manpower required for the company.

5. Solving employees’ problems.

6. Organizational structure

1. To improve attendance there should be rewards for those employees who attains above
95% attendance.
2. There should be training sessions to improve team building.
3. There should be proper training for appraisal to the employees.
4. In the beginning of the year employee must know the performance standards on which
his/her performance will be judged in end of year.

5. More stress relieving packages should be offered to the mentally stressed staff.

6. Overtime should be taken care of at time of performance appraisal, which would motivate
the employees to perform better for longer hours.

7. Performance appraisal should after at proper span of time .

8. Performance appraisal should be done by expert person.


Performance appraisal is the process of reviewing employee performance vis-à-vis the set
expectations in a realistic manner, documenting the review, and delivering the review verbally in
a face-to-face meeting, to raise performance standards year over year through honest and
constructive feedback. In the process management expects to reinforce the employee’s strengths,
identify improvement areas so that one can work on them and also set stretched goals for the
coming year.

Effective performance management requires a good deal of face-to-face supervisor-employee

interaction. By knowing the subordinates, a supervisor can steer them onto a path of greater
productivity and optimized output. It is one of the most significant and indispensable tool for an
organization as it helps in getting to know the people who work for them. provides information,
which helps in taking important decisions for the development of an individual and the

I have undertaken a project on PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM. The information furnished by you
will help knowing the effectiveness of the present appraisal and reward system and if need be designing
of a new appraisal system. The data will be kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose

1. In your company, the key competencies required for each job are already identified.

a) Very true b) true

c) Partly true d) not true

2. There are mechanisms that help employees develop their potential for the next rung of job.

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

3. Employees regularly receive feedback about their potential for higher level jobs

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

4. Job rotation is practiced widely to help people develop their potential in new areas.

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

5. Your company’s promotion policies are clearly defined and shared with all employees.

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

6. Promotions are based strictly on need rather than to reward individuals?

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

7. The appraisal system gives each appraisee an idea of what is expected of him next year?

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

8. It is designed to aid the appraisee and appraisers jointly understand the former’s job?

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

9. The performance appraisal provides an opportunity for self review and reflection?

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

10. The appraisal procedure allows the appraisee to express his developmental needs?

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

11. The system has scope to correct the biases of the assessor through a super review?

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

12. The appraisal system provides for a frank discussion between appraiser and appraisee?

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

13. The procedure allows for the communication of CEO‘s goal to the workforce?

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

14. The appraisal system brings out the training needs of the employees.

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

15. The performance appraisal system clarifies the career prospects, aspirations and intentions.

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

16. The appraisal system provides a rational basis for salary recommendations.

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

17. The company relates reward to your performance.

a) very true b)true

c) partly true d) not true

18. What kind of an appraisal system will bring out the best of an employee?

a) appraisal by all superiors b) appraisal by immediate superior

c) appraisal by reference team c) appraisal by reference team and self.

19. How do you support your subordinates?


Aswathappa K, Human Resource & Personnel Management, Tata McGraw- Hill

Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Sixth edition 2001

Kothari C.R., Research methodology methods & techniques, Wishwa Prakasan ublishing
Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Sixth edition 2001.

Human Resources Management by P.Subarao

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