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For Re-appear Semester Only

Institute Hoshiarpur Institute of Management & Technology Hoshiarpur

Branch BBA
Affix photograph to
Roll No / Name 94652451789/Jatin Gupta be attested by
principal/ Competent
Gender / DOB /B.Gp / Batch Male / 22 Nov 1990 / AB+ / 2009 Authority

Father / Mother Name Satish Kumar Gupta/Santosh Gupta

Mobile / Email / Phone 9478244513/jatin.gupta513@gmail.com/01882243513

Category General

Postal Address Ekta nagar,khanpuri gate opp.bharaman sabah hoshiarpur

Permanent Address / Distt Ekta nagar,khanpuri gate opp.bharaman sabah hoshiarpur / Hoshiarpur

Subjects in which appearing

Subject Code / Paper Id Subject Title / Remarks T/P Internal External
Semester 1
BB-101 / C0201 Principles of Management Theory No Yes
Semester 2
BB-201 / C0207 Financial Accounting Theory No Yes
BB-204 / C0210 Human Resource Management Theory No Yes

I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations. I found myself Eligible to appear in
Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall
be responsible for the consequences at any stage.

Sign Of Candidate ________________________ Date___________________

Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the
Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical
University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.

Signature of the Principal / Competent

Authority (With Seal and Date) ________________________ (Signature of HOD)

Receipt of Re-appear Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination May-2011

Received Re-appear Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs._________________ and late fee (if any) Rs. ___________
from Student Name: Jatin Gupta and Student RollNo: 94652451789.

Signature of Institute Dealing Head with seal

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