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Food is the main source of energy. Everyone love to talk about food. As we know,
there are 3 major races in Malaysia that is Malay, Chinese, and Indian. So, there are many
type of food in Malaysia. Besides that, Malaysia also known as the heaven of food in the
asean region.

For example, Malaysia are known with Malay food. Malay food are often describe as
spicy as it contain spices and traditional herbs. Malay cooking are usually use ingredients
such as lemon grass, pandan leaves also known as screwpine, a nd traditional herbs such as
daun kemangi, turmeric, and bunga kantan also known as wild ginger buds. Sometimes, they
also use fresh coconut milk in their cooking. In addition, Malay meal are usually served with
rice. Most meal are using by using our finge r. The most important thing, uses of eating
utensils are kept to a minimum. Besides, fish is the most popular in the Malay cooking, but
they also uses beef and chicken in their cooking.

Besides that, Chinese food also popular in Malaysia. Chinese food ar e usually known
as the variety and the freshness of its ingredients such as olive oil, Chinese herbs,
vegetables, fruits, garlic, and ginger. Chinese food are simple to cooked as the food are
usually stir-fried with just a touch of olive oil to ensure the result are crisp and fresh. Besides,
Chinese also believe Ying and Yang in their food. They believe food should contain Ying as
cooling agent such as vegetables or fruits and Yang as heaty agent such as starchy food or
meat. The cooling food should be bala nced with heaty food. Too much one of it would not be
good for our body.

Last but not least are Indian food. Indian food also popular among Malaysian. Indian
food are often rich in meat and uses of spices. The main ingredients for Indian food are
yougurt, ghee, coconut milk, chilies, traditional spices, and herbs. They also use mustard
seeds in their cooking. Usually, Indian food are served with chapati and bread. In Malaysia,
we can easily get Indian food in Mamak stall. The food are usually traditionall y served on
banana leaves as plate, where rice is served in the centre followed by various curries and
others accompaniments around it such as dried fish and papadams.

In Malaysia, every races have their own popular food. For example, Malay food are
known with their Nasi Lemak or we can directly translate as fatty rice. The name are derived
from the cooking process where rice is mixed with coconut milk or coconut cream and the the
mixture are steamed. Then the pandan leaves also known as screwpine are thr own into it to
give it more fragrance. Nasi Lemak are served with cucumber slices, roasted peanuts, boiled
egg, and hot spicy sauce also known as sambal. While for Chinese, they are popular with
Yong Tau Foo. Yong Tau Foo is a clear soup containing a varie ty selection of food items
such as fishball, crab stick, bittergourds, and others seafood. They are eat with brown sweet
bean sauce. For the Indian, they are known with their Roti Canai. Roti Canai are made from
dough thah containing egg, flour, water, and ghee. They are round and flat. There are two
ways to make Roti Canai whether to twirl the dough until it becomes a very thin sheet and
the folded it into a round shape or just spread out the dough as thin as possible before being

Besides that, there are also food that have combination between Indians food and
Malay food or Indian food and Chinese food. This food are unique because they are not
found either in India or China. They are only found in Malaysia. For example, Mee Goreng
Mamak is a combination between Chinese and Indian food. While another example is Nasi
Kandar. Nasi Kandar is a combination between Indian and Malay food. These food are
already be a favourite of Malaysian either Malay, Indian, or Chinese.

So, as the conclusion Malaysia are very rich with many types of food. Besides that,
the food are also become a medium between Malay, Chinese, Indian, and oth er races to
unite and become a nation of one Malaysia. Lastly, one for all, all for one.

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