You Can Improve Your Memory

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You Can Improve Your Memory: Glucose And Oxygen

1. Fact: glucose is the primary human source of energy. It travels in your blood

2. Fact: eating or drinking glucose prior to testing improves memory recall up to


3. Fact: Human ability to regulate glucose supply starts going South (deteriorating)
at age 35. Deal-with-it.

Google: Dr. Sandra Suram-Lea, Lancaster University. Her team tested 60 college
students on recall of words on a list after 30 minutes and 24 hours. The group taking
glucose before or after seeing the list produced significant (up to 50%)

There is an improvement in how new memories are formed in the hippocampus of

the brain. The sugar or starch in digesting carbohydrates is converted into
chemicals for human energy. It is bile and enzymes that break down rice, grain,
fruits and pasta for glucose. Use: liquid dextrose, cornstarch or an apple.


When you raise your oxygen levels, learning and memory are improved up to 30%.
How? Two-minutes of stretching, shaking and diaphragmatic inhalation and
exhalation release additional oxygen into the blood.

Did you know your 3-pound coconut always requires about 23% of all your oxygen?
Wait. When you are learning new information and want long-term memory,
you must have an additional 10% or a total of up to 33% of your total oxygen

Doing light exercise pre-learning for a couple of minutes does the trick.

Google: M.C. Moss, University of Northumbria, U.K. Psychopharmacology 2005

An external supply of oxygen prior to learning and consolidates memory smoothes
your neural pathways. Instead of stealing it from your Grandma, do the respiration,
stretching and shaking exercises.


The more complex the learning, and the longer you give it your concentration
and attention-span, the faster you deplete your Glucose and Oxygen (reserve)

Ever notice yourself getting tired and yawning by 2pm? You have depleted your

blood sugar (glucose) supply, and are not deeply inhaling enough. If knowledge is
power, now you can take action to catch your second wind instead of being a

Researchers at Binghamton University and the University of Virginia tested

elderly volunteers (over age 35), and college students to remember a list.
One group drank lemonade with glucose (Dextrose), the other lemonade
with saccharin. Those who had glucose remembered 2x the saccharin crew.

N.B. Chocolate is bad glucose because FAT stalls the energizing effects of
the blood sugar. Fruit or juice enhance learning and memory before an
exam or study session.

For Inquiring Minds Only: our brain stores information Chemically by producing
Protein that strengthens specific synapses. They create new patterns of Neural
Networks of memory.

Who Cares

Dr. Scott Small, Columbia University Medical Center (12.2008) has research that
indicates a high level of blood sugar reduces the brain blood flow (volume).
Not all over, but to the Dente Gyrus, which is located in the hippocampus.

Dente Gyrus is involved with laying down new memory, handling stress and
depression. You want a healthy flow of glucose to maintain a cognitive brain.
Alz and othe forms of dementia debilitate the Dente Gyrus.

Professor Small discovered the healthy regulation of glucose worsens

after 30, causing cognitive loss. He recommends physical exercise if you want to
maintain all your marbles.

Oh yeah, other scientists suggest light exercise will reduce the effects of Type 2
diabetes on thinking and memory. It appears to be an insulin defect.

Don’t blame natural aging of your corpus delicti – obtain more oxygen and glucose
by your own daily efforts. Add two-minutes of daily physical workout for important
results. Too much to ask to save your brain?

Google: Annals of Neurology, National Institute on Aging, 12.08.


Human neurochemistry is determined by your Neural Pathways and Associations,

not the reverse. The Einstein Area of the brain is the Angular Gyrus. It makes
associations, understands metaphors and Abstract thinking. The more neurons you
activate by learning and memory, practice and repetition, the better your brain


Question: If you had the skill of reading and remembering three (3) books,
articles and reports in the time your peers can hardly finish one, would that
be an important competitive advantage?

Ask us for our free report on speed reading – but only if you need to use your
brain in the future.

See ya,

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