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Ruminations Regarding Libya

Dr. Frederick Meekins
Fellow Of Worldview Studies
Issachar Institute For The Study Of Apologetics & Policy

Another brilliant move on the part of the Obama


Officials have let it slip that the CIA has operatives on the
ground in Libya.

Shouldn't the proper response be when such a question is

raised "neither confirm nor deny"?

Better yet, what is so wrong with outright prevarication in

regards to such a matter? Some truths are not necessarily
owed at the time they are initially raised.

Doesn't the discerning individual already realize that the

great powers, by default, have operatives at work in
nearly every other great nation around the globe?

In his speech to the American people, the President

assured that the Libyan resistance could be trusted since
the ranks of the movement consists of lawyers and

In other words, these people aren't the common street

rabble employed as greeters at the Bengazi Walmart or
Tripoli Target (the store that is, not the air strike

Interesting how Obama applauds these desert nomads for

clinging to their guns and their God but thinks it is
somehow a threat to the Republic when the armed theists
in question happen to be from Pennsylvania.

In regards to the alleged moral superiority of doctors and

lawyers over we mere common laborers, weren't a goodly
percentage of Nazi managerial functionaries drawn from
the professional classes? As Mark Steyn remarked while
filling in as a guest host on the Rush Limbaugh program,
Fidel Castro and Che Guevara not only rank respectively
among modern history’s most famous lawyers and doctors
but also among the discipline's most bloodthirsty
revolutionaries as well.

Interesting in the case of Libya how in Obama’s mind

doctors somehow rank without investigation among the
noblest of civil servants that sacrifice willingly for the
good of the broader society. But here in America during
the healthcare debate, the President depicted the
practitioners of medicine as so lecherous as a whole that
such wanton avarice had to be contained by layer upon
layer of new bureaucracy.

If Qaddafi threatens to go house to house killing Libyans

to put down the revolt, what makes him any worse than
Prince Phillip who wants to be reincarnated as a killer
virus to decimate world population?

Considering they consider themselves enthusiastic

members of Qaddaffi's retinue, Americans must ask if
given the chance would Jeremiah Wright and Louis
Farrakhan inflict here the kind of bloodshed their patron is
in enacting in Libya.

The propriety of intervention in Libya is now sort of a

moot point. Given the Lockerbie Bombing, Qaddaffi must
now be taken out if for no other reason than to prevent
another similar tragedy.

Guess those Americans living in Libya being interviewed

by Geraldo realize now living in the trashpile nations of
the earth isn't so glamorous after all.

Qaddafi has been a plague upon mankind for decades.

This human pustule has been allowed to fester ignored for
so long that, no matter what action is taken, the aftermath
will infect the world for a long time to come.

by Frederick Meekins

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