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Film assignment
What are the elements of language of AV production?
A few elements of film language are picture, sound, editing, lighting and acting.
The three main elements are visual shots, sound shots and editing.

Visual shot:-
A visual shot, as the name suggests, is a fragment of visual pictures. The distance
of the camera may be ELS/LS/MS/CU/ECU. The height of the camera may be at
eye level, high or low. The movement of the camera can be track
forward/back/diagonal/parallel, pan up/down, tilt up/down, truck up/down. The
camera can be hand held or mounted on a crane or any other platform. The lens of
the camera can be of various types- telephoto, zoom, normal or wide. The duration
of the shot depends on the filmmaker. The speed of the camera can be fast,
normal or slow.

Sound shot:-
The sound shot is fragment of shot. It is not a complete sound in the sense of a
music performance. Human speech, natural sound, vocational music, instrumental
or any other sound real or artificial can be used in a film. The source of this sound
can be on or off screen. The perspective of LS/MS/ CU/ fade-in, fade-out and
dissolve is maintained in sound design.

Editing is the process of joining visual and sound shots in a continuity for
continuous viewing, hearing and understanding by the spectator. This continuity is
also the basis of scripting. Cut/dissolve/wipe/fade-in/fade out or any other
optical devices are used as methods for joining shots in a film. These devices work
in cinema because they reproduce mental processes by which in actual life, we see
and hear fragments of visuals and sounds and make sense of them. In our minds,
we see images of the world around us in cuts. The eye sees and the ear hears
fragments in chronological sequence. The mind understands the continuity of an
event or situation. This is the basis of visual narrativity. The eye sees and ear hears
two elements which are otherwise unrelated. The mind connects them and makes a
judgement about a new event.
The language of cinema has grown by finding techniques of reproducing process
of the working of human mind. The experimental film makers are constantly
discovering new method.

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