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1. Heredity and Evolution 1

2. Health and Hygiene 14

3. My Body 33

4. Reproduction in Plants 51

5. A Representative Study of Mammals 72

6. Life Processes 88

7. Conservation of Environment 108

8. Waste Water Management 123

9. Solutions 136

10. Atoms and Molecules 147

11. Chemical Reactions 157

12. Periodic Classification of Elements 171

13. Carbon and its Compounds 177

14. Measuring Instruments 196

15. Laws of Motion and Gravitation 223

16. Electricity and Energy 229

17. Magnetic Effects of Electric Current and light 249


Chapter - 1


Heredity and Variation: the process by which the traits and the
A cow gives birth to a calf. Both the mother characteristics are relatively inherited.
cow and calf share common characteristics
“ The inheritance of characteristics
like body design, physiological function etc,
through generation is called heredity”
that are specific to their species. However
on a very close observation of the mother The inheritable characteristics may be
cow and the calf and the bull which is the morphological/anatomical/physiological/
calf’s other parent , we will come across reproductive and are also known as traits.
a number of differences among them, like
colour pattern in the skin. By virtue of being If we take a very close look at the rules
of inheritance, both father and mother

Chapter -
the progeny of the parent, the progeny
individual, need not just be the replica contribute equal amount of genetic
of what its parents are. (Inheritance of material to the child. This means that each
characters from the parents to the progeny trait can be influenced by both paternal
( i.e. , Heredity) ensures the passing of the and maternal genetic material – i.e,DNA.
parental characters to the progeny). The
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884)
difference or change in the characteristics
worked out the first ever scientific
between the individuals is called Variation.
experimental study on heredity.
Human population shows a great deal of
variation. Mendel, an Austrian monk observed
variations in the characteristics of garden
Activity (in small group) pea plant (Pisum sativum) which he had
• Ask your classmates to roll their cultivated in his monastery garden. Mendel
tongues. Observe how many can and was curious  to find out the results of crossing
how many are not able to roll their of pea plants with the variation in traits. The
tongues. Record your findings. visible contrasting characters that Mendel
observed in the garden pea plants were
• Similarly record the variation in
• Seed shape - Round/Wrinkled
the eye colour noticed among your
• Seed colour - Yellow/Green
• Flower colour - Violet / White
1.1 HEREDITY: The progeny produced • Pod shape - Full / Constricted
through the reproductive process is similar • Pod colour - Grey/Yellow
to its parents, in body design, function
• Flower position - Axillary/Terminal
etc., The rules of heredity determine
• Stem height - Tall/Dwarf

Character Dominant trait Recessive

Seed shape Mendel selected the garden pea plant,
Round Pisum sativum for his experiments. He
selected tall and dwarf plants and allowed
Seed colour them to grow naturally. As pea plants
Yellow produce seeds only by self pollination, he
observed that tall plants produced always
Flower colour
tall plants generation after generation
under natural condition.Similarly, dwarf
Violet White

Pod shape X

Constricted Tall Dwarf


Pod colour
F1 generation
Green Yellow
Flower Tall Selfing Tall
F2 generation

Tall Tall Tall Dwarf

Axial Terminal
Fig 1.2 Diagrammatic representation of
Monohybrid cross

plants produced always dwarf plants

generation after generation. Hence, he
termed the tall and dwarf plants as wild
types or pure breeding varieties.

Then he crossed a tall plant with a dwarf

plant, produced progeny and calculated the
percentage of tallness and dwarfness in
subsequent generations.
Tall Dwarf
Fig 1.1 Seven pairs of contrasting traits in When a pure breeding tall plant was crossed
Pea plant studied by Mendel.
with a pure breeding dwarf plant, all plants

were tall in the first filial generation (F1) i.e., This indicates that both tallness and
there was not any medium height plants or dwarfness were inherited in the F1 plants but
dwarf plants . This means that only one of only tallness trait was expressed.
the parental traits was seen and not the
The first experiment of Mendel considering
mixture of the two. When such a F1 tall plant
the inheritance of a single trait (Height of
was allowed to have self pollination, both
the plant Tall/Dwarf) is called Monohybrid
the tall and dwarf plants appeared in second
filial generation (F2). in the ratio of 3:1.
Expression of morphological characters
Gregor Johann as tall or dwarf plant, violet or white flower
Mendel(1822-1884) is called Phenotype.
Mendel was educated in
The expression of gene (or Chromosomal
a monastery and went
make up) of an individual for a particular
on to study Science
trait is called Genotype.
and Mathematics at the

Chapter -
university of Vienna. 1.1.2 PHYSICAL BASIS OF HEREDITY:
Failure in the examinations for a teaching The genotype of a character is influenced
certifi­cate did not suppress his zeal by factors, called Genes. The genes are
for scientific quest. He went back to his the factors which form the physical basis
monastery and started growing peas. for inheritance of Characters. The alternate
Many others had studied the inheritance of Leaves Buds and Fruit

traits in peas and other organisms earlier,

but Mendel blended his knowledge of Seeds

Science and Mathematics and was the first

one to keep count of individuals exhibiting Insects
a particular trait in each generation.
This helped him to arrive at the laws of
inheritance that we have discussed in the fig1.3 Variations in the beaks of finches to suit their
main text. eating habits.

expressions of the same gene are called

Activity: (in small group) alleles. The contrasting pair of alleles
Observe in your locality for plants make up an allelomorph. Examples : Tall
which show different characters for and dwarf plants, wrinkled and smooth
the following traits. Count them and seed coat, white and violet coloured flower.
record your findings. Examples: Organisms differ or vary in expressing
Coconut Tall Dwarf phenotype which leads to variation.
Bean Violet Flower White Flower
Sugar Cane White Stem Purple Stem
All around us , we see different
Clitoria Blue Flowers White Flowers organisms belonging to different species,

differing from one another. Variation

may be defined as the differences in the Charles Darwin: Charles Darwin
characteristics among the individuals set out on a voyage when he was 22
of the same species (intra specific years old. The 5 year voyage took
variation) or among the different genera
(intergeneric variation) or different him to South America and the islands,
species (Inter specific Variation). No two off its coast.
individuals are identical to each other. Interestingly, after
Asexual reproduction produces, very closely
resembling offsprings. Asexual reproduction he got back to
thus results in offsprings with minor England, he never
variations.Sexually left to the shores
organisms produce again. He stayed
offsprings with at home and
marked,significant conducted various
and visible
variations. experiments that
led him to formulate his hypothesis
1.2.1.TYPES OF from which evolution took place due
VARIATIONS: to ral selection. He did not know the
a . S o m a t i c mechanism from where the variations
fig 1.4 Identical twins
Variation –It pertains arose in the species. Had he been
to bodycells and it is not inherited. enlightened by Mendel’s experiments,
he would have contributed more. But
b.Germinal Variation-It pertains these two great men did not know of
to germ cells or gametes and it is each other or of their works!
inheritable. It leads to speciation and
evolution. We often associate Darwin
solely with the theory of evolution. But
Significance of Variation he was an accomplished naturalist,
and one of the studies he conducted
•It is the source of raw material for
was, to do with the role of earthworms
in soil fertility.
Activity :(in small group) •Variations give the organisms an
individuality of their own.
Find out identical / Non-identical twins in
your school and locality. Find the minute •Without variation, there would be no
variations between them. science of heredity as all individuals of a
race, would be identical in all aspects.
•Animals are able to adapt themselves to 1.2.2 THEORY OF NATURAL
the changing environment.
•Organisms are better suited to face the Charles Darwin made a number of
struggle for existence observations in many parts of the world


from pre-existing simpler forms.

Lamarckian View on organic
evolution: It is an extremely slow process and
Jean Baptise Lamarck postulated the has occurred over millions of years,as
Use and Disuse Theory. According revealed by fossil evidences.
to Lamarck, use of a part / organ
efficiently by a species, for generations Evolution has thus resulted in the
over a long period of time, results in diversity of organisms, influenced by
that part / organ being well developed environmental selection.
in the subsequent generations 1.4 SPECIATION:
and disuse of part/organ for a long
Mankind in India and all other parts
period would make that part / organ
of the world, form a single species
diminished or degenerated.
called Homo sapiens. As in India,
Lamarck quotes the example of
morphological features of people living
in different geographical areas like South
of long neck of India, North India, North Eastern region,

Chapter -
Giraffe. Giraffes Kashmir, and Andaman are not the same
were forced as the people living in different continents
to extend are different in morphological features.
their neck and
Men, with these differences in their bodily
stretch their features, differentiate more and more,
legs to reach if there is no chance of interbreeding
the leaves of among them.
fig 1.5 Giraffe
Imagine a situation, where this would
tall trees. Over a long period of time, this result in the impossibility of breeding
resulted in long neck and legs in giraffe. between two such individuals of
Lamarck remarks that the “will or want” geographically isolated populations.
for a character makes the organisms to Then they would be  ready to become
posseses it at a later time. two different species.
and put forth the law of natural selection When two populations are isolated by
involving struggle for existence and geographical barriers, or reproductive
barriers, there is a chance for a change to
survival of the fittest.
develop in their gene flow (Genetic drift),
Variation leads to genetic diversity,which leading to formation of a new species.
Genetic drift with changes in the gene
is the key for evolution.
flow imposed by isolation mechanism
acts as an agent of speciation.
Evolution may be defined as a gradual
development of more complex species Thus speciation is arising of a new species

from a sub-population of a species The next stage of human evolution came

which is geographically or reproductively into existence 1.5 million years ago with the
isolated over a long period of time from rise of Homo erectus  who were meat eaters
the other population of the same species.
The Neanderthal man who lived in East
1.5 HUMAN EVOLUTION: and Central Asia 1 million years ago, used to
hide to protect them and buried their dead.

Archaic Homo sapiens arose in South

Africa and moved across continents and
developed into distinct races during the  ice
age. Between 75,000 – 10,000 years,
the modern Homo sapiens arose. Pre-
historic caves were developed about
18,000 years ago, agriculture came
around 10,000 years back and human
settlements started.


To understand evolution, a branching
diagram or “Tree” is used to show the

Fig 1.6 A comparison of the skulls of adult modern

human being, baby chimpanzee and adult
chimpanzee. The skull of baby chimpanzee is more
like adult human skull than adult chimpanzee skull.

Fifteen million years ago, in Africa existed

hairy bodied Gorilla and Chimpanzees
like Hominids. After that 3-4 million years
ago, men like hominids, walked into
Eastern Africa. Evidence shows that they
hunted with stone weapons but were
mostly fruit eaters. They were probably
not taller than four feet but, walked upright
in the grass lands of East Africa. These
creatures were called the First human
like being – the hominid. The hominid
was called Homo habilis.
Fig 1.7 Evolution tree


inferred evolution, relationships, among have resulted in the origin of this new
various biological species or other entities branch of science. The benefits derived
based upon similarities and differences in through the Genetic Engineering include:
their physical and genetical characters.
•Understanding of the gene structure
1.7  GENETIC ENGINEERING: and function through basic research.
Genetic engineering is the modification
•Production of large quantities of insulin,
of the genetic information of living
interferon(Anti-Viral Protein produced
organisms by manipulation of DNA by
by Virus infected cells) human growth
adding, removing or repairing part of
hormones, proteins (Polypeptides) and
genetic material (DNA) and changing
vaccines for foot and mouth disease of
the phenotype of the organism. It is
cattle (komari – in Tamil) etc.,
also known as gene manipulation or
recombinant DNA Technology (r-DNA •This technique is also employed in the
Technology) transfer of genes involved in Nitrogen
fixation(nif– genes). This will help the

Chapter -
Recent advances made in Genetics,
cultivator to increase productivity.
Molecular Biology and Bio-Chemistry


1.7.1 BASIC TECHNIQUES IN It was Edward

Genetic Engineering has developed who coined
the term vac-
after the discovery of two enzymes .
cine and the
The enzymes which can cut DNA into term vaccina-
fragments, and  enzymes which can join tion for protec-
such fragments. tive inocula-
tion. Vaccines
a) Restriction enzymes or Restriction produced by
endonucleases are molecular Bio-technology
scissors which cut DNA at specific differ from oth- Edward Jenner
sites. ers. In that, they do not contain weak-
ened or killed agents. Instead they are
b) DNA ligases are the paste enzyme so refined as to consist only the reac-
which helps to join the broken DNA tive material ie., the antigen protein
fragments. only. The first such vaccine was used
against Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Anti-Biotics : These are
substances produced by some microbes
Bio-technology has contributed towards that help in increasing the immunity to
exploitation of biological organisms or human beings which are toxic to other
biological processes through modern micro-organisms.
techniques which could be profitably used
Organic Acids : Acetic acid is used
in medicine, agriculture, animal husbandry
for the production of vinegar.
and environmental cleaning. There are
several applications of Bio-technology Vitamins : These are chemical
such as brewing Industry, enzyme compounds present in variable minute
technology, manufacturing of anti-biotics, quantities in natural food stuffs. They do
organic acids, vitamins, vaccines, steroids not furnish energy but are very essential
and monoclonal anti-bodies. for energy transformation and regulation
of metabolism.
Brewing Industry : Fermentation
in alcoholic beverages like beer, wine etc., Vaccines : Vaccines are substances
that confer immunity against specific
Enzyme Technology : Enzymes are disease. They act as antigens and
bio-catalysts that speed up reaction in stimulate the body to manufacture
cells. They can be used to catalyze the antibody.
industrially important reactions and are
Steroids : They are a type of derived
more efficient than inorganic catalysts. lipids Ex: Cholesterol, containing steroid
Many enzymes are utilized in the drugs like prednisolone is produced from
pharmaceutical industry. fungus Rhizopus.


Monoclonal anti-bodies : These are morphologically and genetically identical

the anti bodies produced by cloned cells. organisms are produced. The “Clone”
Monoclonal anti -bodies, are now used for is an organism derived from a single
treatment of cancer. parent by asexual method. A clone may
be defined as an exact carbon copy or
Cloning: copies of a single parent.
Cloning is an experimental The word clone refers only to living
technique wherein a group of species.
Development of Dolly
Dolly was a cloned sheep, developed
by Dr.Ian
W i l m u t
and his

Chapter -
in Roselind
Institute in
Scotland in
July 1996.
The scientists fig 1.9 Dr. Ian Winmut with Dolly
Fig.1.8 Cloning
used nucleus of udder cell (somatic cell
taken from mammary gland) from a six If the cloning technique is to be applied
year old Finn Dorset white sheep. to veterinary science, valuable animals
could be cloned from desirable adult
The nucleus of the udder cell contains,
diploid number(2n) of chromosomes
with all the genes. They preserved the 1.8.1 Types of Clones:
diploid nucleus in a suitable preservative.
Then they took an ovum from the ovary * Natural clones: The natural clones
of another sheep. The haploid nucleus include identical twins.
(n) in the ovum was removed. * Induced clones: The induced
(artificial) clones are developed by
The diploid nucleus of the udder cell
nuclear transfer into the host cell
was injected into the cytoplasm of the
enucleated ovum. Then the ovum with 1.9 STEM CELL (ORGAN)
the diploid nucleus, was implanted into CULTURE:
the uterus of the surrogate mother sheep. One of the most fascinating branches in
Since the ovum had the diploid nucleus, applied embryology is stem cell culture.
it developed into a young clone. It was The stem cells are the most unspecialized
named “Dolly” by Dr.Ian Wilmut. mass of cells. They are derived from
animals and plants. They have two

important characteristic features. They The mechanism of adult or somatic stem

are: cell culture is similar to that of embryonic
stem cell culture. The somatic stem cells
1.Unspecialized cells which have the are derived from sources such as bone
potentiality of growing and multiplying marrow, embryos, amniotic fluid and
into enormous number of same type of umbilical cord.
cells by repeated mitosis.
2. They can be introduced to become As we discussed earlier, the field of Bio-
any other type of tissues with specific technology is so vast and has great
functions i.e., they can be induced to scope for different fields like agriculture,
become a cardiac muscle, beta cells medicine, foodindustry etc.,
of pancreas (which produce insulin),
special neurons in brain etc., The microbial products of every day use
1.9.1 Types of Stem Cells:
Vaccines : Killed or live germs suspension
There are two kinds of stem cells:
which is employed to induce the production
1. Embryonic Stem Cells :- The of antibodies and bring forth immunity.
embryonic stem cells can be derived Antibiotics : Antibiotics are chemical
from early embryo which is developed substances derived from microbes like
by “invitro fertilization” (fertilisation made fungi, bacteria etc., employed to kill the
artificially in the laboratory). infectious germs and cure a disease.

After fertilization the zygote develops Vitamin B12 : Bio technologically synthe-
into a hollow blastula by cell division. sized vitamin B12 is used, to cure
The inner mass of undifferentiated cells pernicious anaemia.
are isolated and they are considered as Enzymes : Bio-Chemically significant
embryonic stem cells. enzymes are derived from microbes
Ex.Amylase is derived from amyloproteins
2. Adult or Somatic Stem Cells:- The body
of bacteria.
of higher animals and human beings
have many well differentiated tissues Insulin : Bio-technology holds the key for
like epithelial, connective, muscular, the treatment of diabetes, as it employs 
vascular, supporting, nervous and insulin factory.
reproductive tissues. In these tissues,
there are some undifferentiated cells and 1.11  BIO-SENSOR AND BIO-CHIPS:
are considered as the adult or somatic Bio sensor:
stem cells. They can grow, multiply and
It is a device consisting  of immobilized
can be differentiated into same type of
layer of biological material such as
tissues into which they are implanted.
enzyme, antibody, hormone, nucleic  

acids, organelles or whole cells and its diabetes is caused by the degeneration
contact with a censor. The censor converts of beta cells due to a defective gene.
biological signals into an electrical signal. Applying the principle of Bio-technology,
It is used in medicines and industry. it is possible to correct the defective
1. Blood glucose level can be gene. When the defective gene is
detected. corrected with a new gene, the genetic
defect developed is, rectified and cured.
2. Production of any toxin in the body Gene Therapy is the means to
due to infection can be detected. treat or even cure genetic and acquired
diseases like cancer and AIDS by using
3. Pollution in drinking water can be
normal gene to supplement or replace
the defective gene.
4. Odour, freshness and taste of food It can be used to treat defects in Somatic
can be measured. i.e., (body) or Gametic (sperm or eggs)
2.In the laboratory,

Chapter -
a virus is altered
1. Cells are so that it cannot
from patient
Types of Gene Therapy:

1.Somatic gene therapy:- The genome

3. A gene is inserted
7. The genetically into the virus (gene set) of the recipient is changed.
altered cells produce
the desired protien
or hormone.
But this change is not passed along to
6.The altered cells the next generation.
are injected into
the patient.

2.Germ line gene therapy:- Egg and

sperm of the parents are changed, for
4. The altered virus
is mixed with cells
the purpose of passing the changes to
5. The cells from
the patient become
genetically altered .
from the patient.
the next generation.
fig 1.10 Gene therapy
Evaluation :
Bio-Chips: Choose the correct answer:

Bio-Chips are microchips which are 1. Mendel observed 7 pairs of

contrasting characters in Pisum
developed by employing techniques of Bio- sativum. One of the following is not
technology. In future, biological computers a part of that. Find out.
will be developed using bio-chips. Bio-Chips
(Tall and dwarf, Yellow and green
will be useful in defence, medicine etc., seed colour, Terminal and axial
Flower, Smooth and rough stem)
THERAPY: 2. Primitive man evolved in –
Insulin dependent diabetes is treated
(Africa, America, Australia, India)
with insulin injection. Insulin dependent


3. Which of the following is inheritable a) This is called as ________ variation.

(an altered gene in sperm, analtered The dentition in rabbit and elephant
gene in testes, an altered gene in zygote are not the same.
,an altered gene in udder cell)
b) This is called as __________
4.Theory of natural selection was
proposed by - variation.

(Charles Darwin, Hugo de Vries, Gregor 8. Sexually reproducing organisms

Johann Mendel,Jean Baptise produce offsprings with marked,
Lamarck) significant and visible variation.
5.Somatic gene therapy Asexually reproducing offsprings
(affects sperm,affects egg, affects show minor variations.
progeny ,affects body cell)
a) Do you agree with the above
Very short answers: statements?

Part - B b) Among the following organisms

list out the asexually reproducing
6. Mendel has observed Tallness as
dominant character in Garden pea organisms.
plant. Similarly tongue rolling is a
Paramoecium, Euglena, Earthworm
dominant character in man. In a
group of 60 students, 45 can roll and Bird.
their tongue and 15 are non rollers.
9. Here is a certain important hereditary
a) In the above context, calculate jargons, fix a suitable one from the
the percentage of dominant and list given below.
recessive characters.
a) __________ are the factors which
In Garden pea plant, draw the form the physical basis of inheritance.
diagrammatic representation of
mono hybrid cross as explained by b) __________ is alternate expression
Mendel. of same gene.
7. The heritable characters are varying
c) __________ are contrasting pairs of
in different species and within the
same species. alleles.

Name the variation in the following (alleles, variation, speciation, gene,

cases. allelomorph)

The eye colour among the human 10. A change that affects the body cell
beings are varied as blue, black, is not inherited. However , a change
brown, green, etc., in the gamete is inherited. Radiation
effects of Hiroshima has been

affecting generations. Analyzing c) Anti biotics, Hormones, Steroids,

the above statements, give your Vaccines
d) Steroids, Enzymes, Anti bodies,
11. With regard to the inheritance of Vaccines.
14. Identical twins are syngenic with
Do you agree the given statements? similar chromosomal contents.
Do the necessary corrections in the Natural clones are those who
statements. possess identical chromosomes. Fill
up with the suitable word given in
a) Genotypes are pertaining to the the bracket.
gene makeup.
a) Identical twins are __________
b) Genotypes are the morphological (Natural clones / Induced clones)
b) Identical twins are ____________

Chapter -
c) Genotypes and Phenotypes are (dissimilar to each other / similar to
referring to the inheritance of each other).
15. Evolution Tree
d) Based on the Genotype, the
Phenotype is produced.
12. Sequentially arrange the different
species of man from primitive to Reptiles
modern man.
(Neanderthal man, Homio habilis, Fishes
Homo erectus, Homo sapiens) With the above evolution tree
diagram interpret the basis of ladders
13. Bio-technology , the modern science
which are placed.
in biology, has helped in producing
different types of products.

One of the following group does not

have a product of bio-technology.
Pick out and give reasons.

a) Enzymes, Organic acids, Steroids,

Vaccines The ancestor of particular type of
frog found in India and Srilanka were
b) Vaccines, Enzymes, Anti biotics,
Organic acids the same,


a) With reference to the above map, years.

identify the factor that has resulted
a. Name the different species of
in the formation of a new species.
mankind in chronological order from
b) State a few other factors that help in primitive to modern man.
the formation of new species. -2

17. Your friend has asked you to narrate b. When were the primitive caves
the careers of Bio- developed.? -1
c. Narrate the life led by early man like
a) Create an advertisement highlighting hominids. -2
the scope of Bio-Technology.
2. Stem cell culture has brought a lot of
13. In Asian elephants, the males are benefits to mankind.
having tusks. Just because of the
tusks males are killed. If this situation
prevails, in future there won’t be any a. List the types of stem cells
male elephants. -1
a) What are all the remedies you b. What are the characteristic features
will suggest to the authorities of stem cells?
concerned? -2
b) Will modern science help in any way c. How are the somatic stem cells
to retain the elephant population? obtained.
14. All the micro organisms are harmful,
because they spread diseases. This
is your friend’s view.
3. Speciation is the arising of new species
No, some microbes are very much from the existing species. How do
useful to us. This is your view. the agents of speciation operate?
Support your view with proper -5

15. Pick the odd one out and give reasons

for your choice.

Microbial products, biochips,

biosensors, gene therapy.
Short Answers
1. Human evolution has a record of
changes for the past of 15 milion

Chapter -

Applied Biology

Chapter 2


Chapter 2


IMMUNE SYSTEM: atomic radiation, malnutrition, the millions

of microbes that surround our bodies, the
“Health is Wealth” is an apt proverb. There
inter-personal conflicts are all other factors
can be no wealth greater than the good
affect our lives and are challenges to our
health that a person enjoys. In a healthy
Chapter 2

state, a person keeps himself physically,
mentally and socially, fit. Our body has a
complex defense mechanism to keep itself
fit and work against various agents which
disturb our well being. Being exposed to
diseases, we develop resistance towards
diseases and gain immunity.

2.1 Health and its significance:

“Health is a state of physical, mental and
social well being of an individual and not
merely absence of a disease or infirmity”. Fig 2.1 Dimensions of Health

When a person is in good health, the

Dimensions of Health:
different organ systems, not only function
well discharging their duties, but the body Physical dimension : A person who is
as a whole is also able to adjust itself and free from disease, is bright with his skin
strike a balance with the physical, mental shining enjoying normal metabolism, has
and social environments. a good lustrous hair and has no black
rings around his eyes.
The varying environmental factors
such as temperature, humidity, wind, pres- Mental dimension : A mentally healthy
sure, sun, rain, pollution caused by man, person who knows his capacities, does


not overestimate or underestimate him- factors, nutritional factors, genetic factors,

self and can judge his shortcomings and metabolic factors, etc.
Based on the causative agent, dis-
weaknesses. eases are classified into:
Social dimension : A person adjusting Diseases not caused by organisms
himself in society, does not find fault with Diseases caused by organisms
others. He maintains interpersonal rela- Nutritional
tionships with his family members and
colleagues at workspot and is free from
interpersonal conflicts and will not quar- Environmental

ACTIVITY (Small Group) Pathogens

Following the above criteria, make a

Fig 2.2 Causes of diseases
survey of your classmates/people in I. Diseases not caused by organisms –
your neighbourhood and record your Non communicable diseases:
1. O
 rganic diseases or Metabolic dis-
•• No. of students/neighbours who orders.
are healthy.

Chapter 2
Healthy body maintains a constant
•• No. of students/neighbours who
do not have good interpersonal blood sugar level which is normally 80-
relationship and do not enjoy 120 mg / 100 ml of blood under, fasting
social well being. conditions. When large quantities of
•• No. of students/neighbours who glucose enter the blood stream, as
have diseases affecting their it happens after a meal, the excess
metabolism. glucose is converted into insoluble
•• Listout positive qualities that you glycogen and stored in liver and
admire in your friend. muscles for future use. Later when
required, glycogen is reconverted
into glucose and reintroduced into
2.2 Diseases and causes: blood stream. All these processes are
controlled by the hormone, Insulin,
The word disease means, “without ease
secreted by beta cells of Islets of
or not at ease” and it is opposite to health.
Langerhans of Pancreas. If Insulin
The condition of malfunctioning of the or-
is not produced in sufficient quantity,
gan system or systems is called disease.
There are numerous diseases that dam- excess of sugar cannot be stored and
age our health. utilized. As a result, sugar continues
to get accumulated in the blood, till it
Causes of the diseases is lost through urine. This leads to other
Diseases are caused due to various fac- complications and results in diabetes
tors such as pathogens, environmental mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a state


of expulsion of excess unused glucose health. Deficiency in certain food

in the urine due to less production of constituents, causes various kinds of
insulin. diseases. Protein deficiency causes
Similarly, Diabetes Insipidus, Coronary Marasmus and Kwashiorkar. In
heart diseases, Renal failure, Marasmus, the child loses weight and
Hypertension, Obesity, Alzheimer’s suffers severe diarrhoea and it will
disease, Stroke affecting the functions
appear as though bones are covered
of the brain, etc, are all caused due to
by the skin. In Kwashiorkar the child
metabolic disorders.
develops an enlarged belly with
2. Hereditary diseases or Genetical
swelling in the face and feet.
The genetical disorders are caused
due to defective or mutated genes.
Albinism is an inherited disorder of
melanin metabolism, characterized
by the absence of melanin in the
skin , hairs and eyes. The recessive
Chapter 2

mutant genes cause this disorder.

The clinical symptoms of Albinism are
milky white coloured skin and marked
photophobia (high sensitivity to light).
Haemophilia, sickle cell anaemia, Fig 2.4 Kwashiorkar.
Thalassemia, Down’s syndrome,
Bubble boy syndrome, etc,. are a few
other genetical disorders.

Fig 2.3 An albino. Fig 2.5 Marasmus.

3. Nutritional Deficiency Diseases: II Diseases caused by Organisms:

A diet which contains all essential
nutrients in correct proportion, is Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur were the
indispensable for maintaining good first to establish the Germ theory of dis-


Some important vitamin deficiency diseases are tabulated below:

Vitamin Deficiency disease Symptoms

Vitamin A Nyctalopia Night blindness

Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri Nervous disorder

Vitamin B5 Pellagra Dementia, dermatitis, diarrhoea

Vitamin B12 Pernicious anaemia Destruction of RBC

Vitamin C Scurvy Bleeding gums and loosening of teeth

Vitamin D Rickets Defective calcification of bones

Vitamin E Sterility Inability to reproduce

Vitamin K Haemorrhage Profuse loss of blood

Chapter 2
eases. A germ or microbe gains entry into outside the host cell. The Viral body con-
the host, such as man, multiplies so fast sists of a nucleic acid, DNA or RNA and
that it can increase in large numbers, pro- a protein cover. All the known viruses are
parasitic and some of them cause deadly
duce poisonous substance called Toxins
diseases such as. polio, rabies, hepatitis,
and interfere with the host metabolism and
meningitis, encephalitis (brain fever), etc.
produce a characteristic set of symptoms
by which the disease can be diagnosed.
Bacteria and Bacterial Diseases:
Disease producing organism.
Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes and
Parasitic Micro-organism: visible under Compound Microscope.
Though many bacteria are harmless,
The causative organism of a large number
some are parasitic and produce ­diseases.
of diseases in man, are micro-organisms Bacteria can enter the host body through
belonging to different groups. They are vi- the mouth, nostrils or cuts and bruises on
ruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoans. the skin. They multiply rapidly, ­producing
toxins in high concentration to affect
Viruses and viral diseases in
health. Some bacterial diseases in man
man: are Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Cholera, Ty-
Viruses are living substances inside the phoid, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Plague, Pneu-
host cell and behave as dead particles monia, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, etc.


some parasitize man and cause diseases

such as malaria, amoebic dysentery,
sleeping sickness, etc.

Parasitic macro-organisms:
Infestations of the body with tapeworm,
liver fluke, round worm, filarial worm, etc,.
cause diseases in man like Taeniasis, As-
cariasis, Filariasis, etc,.

Fig 2.6 Bacilli. 2.3 Diseases caused by

Fungi and Fungal Diseases: microbes and prevention :
Fungi are non green saprophytic or para- A disease caused by a parasitic organ-
sitic plants living on dead and decaying ism and transmitted from one person to
organic matter or living organisms. Cer- another by the transfer of the parasite is
tain species of fungi are parasitic on man known as infectious disease.
and cause Ringworm attacking the kerati- We shall study the cause, spread and
Chapter 2

nized layer of skin, destroying it in circular prevention of a few selected infectious dis-
patches. Dandruff, Athletes’ foot are some eases prevalent in our country so that we
other fungal diseases in man. will know how to guard ourselves against
them and other similar diseases.
Protozoan and Protozoan Diseases:
2.3.1 Viral diseases:
Protozoans are unicellular animalcules;

Fig 2.7 Types of Viruses

Zoology Common Cold : There are no effective measures to

control common cold. However, a good
More than hundred strains of viruses
nourishing food, avoiding contact with pa-
are responsible, for causing common
tients and wearing suitable clothing are
cold in man. Children are more suscep-
suggested, to keep away from common
tible to common cold than adults.
Symptoms: Inflammation of upper res-
piratory passage – nasal epithelium. Influenza :
i. Flow of mucous.
It was a dreadful disease once and world-
ii. Headache, slight rise in
wide in distribution (pandemic) in 1970s.
temperature, etc,.
Causative agent :
It lowers the resistance of the body, A(H N ) Virus , is spherical in shape and
1 1
leading to a number of secondary infec- highly contagious, causing influenza.
tions like pneumonia, bronchitis, etc,.
Symptoms :
Fig 2.8 Human rhino virus
Sudden onset of fever accompanied by
Transmission: aches and pains in the back and limbs.

Chapter 2
i It spreads mostly through the Transmission :
droplets discharged from the nose It spreads through nasal and mouth drop-
lets of patients and enters into the respira-
tory tract of normal man. It also spreads
through fomites.
Prevention :

and the mouth of the patient in

the process of talking, laughing,
sneezing, etc,.
ii It may also spread through close Fig 2.9 H1N1 Virus
inanimate objects like handkerchief,
bedding, clothes, utensils, toilet i) Avoid contact with the patients.
articles, etc,. (called fomites) ii) Avoid crowding.
Control and prevention: 2.3.2 Bacterial diseases: Tuberculosis: it is an airborne

disease affecting the lungs and also parts

of our body such as bones, joints, lymph ACTIVITY (Small Groups)
glands, alimentary tract, liver, kidney, etc,. Making a culture of live bacteria
Causative agent: Mycobacterium tuber- Boil a few grams of chopped meat,
culosis, a rod shaped bacterium causes carrot and potatoes in water for 15
tuberculosis (TB). minutes, then filter off the solid matter
to obtain a fairly clear broth.
Symptoms :
Leave the broth in open test tubes for
i) The affected parts develop lesions
a few hours. Plug the tubes with cot-
in the form of small nodules called
ton wool and leave them in a warm
tubercles from which the disease palce (approximately 25oC) until the
gets its name. broth has “gone bad” owing to the
ii) Persistant cough growth of bacteria.
iii) Loss of body weight What you have produced, is a bacteria
Chapter 2

i) Keeping oneself healthy and
avoiding insanitary conditions,
overcrowding and poor ventilation.
ii) Sunlight and fresh air are
Fig 2.10 Tuberculosis bacteria important agents, as they act
Transmission: Tuberculosis is transmit- as natural disinfectants readily
ted through air. Large number of bacteria destroying the germs.
leave the patients through the droplets of iii) Isolation of the patients and
sputum expelled by the patients while eat- frequent sterilization of articles
ing, sneezing, talking, laughing and so on used by them are also important.
by the patients. The droplets may ­remain
suspended in the air for a long time. The iv) Incineration (burning) of the
dust arising from the sputum may also droplets, the sputum from the
contain viable germs. The waxy cell wall patients to prevent its occurrence
of the tuberculosis bacillus prevents it from in the air.
drying up and so it can remain ­viable out- v) Immunization with BCG vaccine is an
side the body for a long period. The germs effective measure to prevent this disease.
suspended in the air may be inhaled by a
healthy person. vi) The patient should cover his
mouth and nose while coughing.


are effective means of prevention of this

disease. Artificial immunization with ty-
phoid vaccine is advised. A recovery from
typhoid usually confers a permanent im-

2.3.3 Protozoan diseases:

Some of the unicellular protozoans are
parasitic pathogens and cause diseases
in man. Malaria:
Causative agent: A tiny protozoan –
Plasmodium is responsible for causing
malaria. Four different species of Plas-
modium namely, P.vivax, P.malariae,
P.falciparum and P.ovale occur in India
causing malaria. Of these, the malignant
and fatal malaria, caused by Plasmodium
falciparum is the most serious one.
Transmission: Through the vector - the

Chapter 2
female Anopheles mosquito. Typhoid: Symptoms:
Causative agent: A short rod shaped i) Malaria is characterized by
Fig 2.11with numerous
Symptoms flagella – Sal-
of tuberculosis chillness and rise in temperature.
monella typhi causes typhoid. This is followed by perspiration
Symptoms: and lowered body temperature.
The person feels normal for some
i) Continuous fever. time but the fever recurs at regular
ii) Inflammation and ulceration of intervals.
intestine. ii) Successive attacks of malaria
iii) Enlargement of spleen and a result in the distension of spleen
characteristic red spot eruption on and destruction of liver tissues.
the abdomen. Prevention and control:
Transmission: Transmission of typhoid
i) Sanitary measures include ground
is through food and water contaminated
fogging with disinfectants.
with the germ, the personal contact with
patients and carriers. Flies are also impor- ii) Closure of stagnant pools of water
tant transmitting agents of this disease. and covering ditches is suggested.
Prevention and control: Isolation of iii) Using mosquito nets and repellants
the patient, control of flies, hygienic food also, will grossly lower the chance
habits, proper public sanitary measures for infection.


Fig 2.12 Life cycle of malarial parasite.

Life cycle of Malarial parasite –

Chapter 2

Plasmodium: The sexual stage of Plasmodium takes place in female Anopheles

mosquito whereas the vegetative stage occurs in man. When a female Anopheles
mosquito bites an infected person, these parasites enter the mosquito and undergo
further development in the mosquito body. The parasites multiply within the body of the
mosquito to form sporozoites that are stored in the salivary glands of mosquito. When
these mosquitoes bite a person, the sporozoites (the infectious stage) are introduced into
his body; they multiply within the liver cells first and enter the RBC of man, resulting in
the rupture of RBC. This results in the release of toxic substance called haemozoin
which is responsible for the chill and high fever, recurring three to four days.


Sir. Ronald Ross (1857-1932), a British – Indian physician was born
in Almora, India. He had his school education and higher studies in
medicine in England. Later he was posted at the Presidency General
Hospital, Calcutta. Ross studied about malaria between 1881 and
1899. As he was working in Bangalore, he noticed the connection
between water as breeding ground of mosquitoes and the spread of
malaria. He discovered the presence of malarial parasites in the
female Anopheles mosquito when he was working on malaria at
Secunderabad. He demonstrated that malaria is transmitted from
infected individual to a healthy person by the bite of mosquito. In
1902, he was awarded the Nobel prize for his work on malaria.

Zoology A
 moebic dysentry
(Amoebiasis): ACTIVITY(Individual activity)
List out the sanitary measures that
Causative agent:
you will follow personally and your
Entamoeba histolytica – a protozoan suggestions to the municipal authori-
parasite in the large intestine of man ties that they have to take up in your
causes Amoebiasis. locality.
i) Fever.
ii) Constipation and abdominal pain 2.3.4 Fungal diseases in man:
and cramps.
Some of the fungi are parasitic on man
iii) Stools with excess mucous and and cause diseases
blood clot. Ringworm:
Three different genera of fungi namely,
It is a water and food borne disease.
Epidermophyton, Microsporum and Tri-
House flies act as mechanical carrier and
serve to transmit the parasite from the chophyton cause ringworm.

Chapter 2
faeces of infected persons to the food –
thereby contaminating the food and water.
Prevention and control:
Precaution may be taken by providing
germ free clean water; clean food hab-
its. Good sanitary facilities will control the

Fig 2.14 Ringworm.


The above fungi live on the dead cells of

outer layer of skin in man and cause super-
ficial infections in skin, hair, nail, etc; and
form patches and Itching
By direct contact or through fomites such
as towels, combs, etc,.
Control and prevention:
Fig 2.13 Clean habits. Avoid contact with infected person and ar-


ticles used by them. Some germs may remain viable outside

the body of the hosts and may be trans-
ferred indirectly through close inanimate
2.4 Modes of transmission of
objects used by the patients like cloth-
infectious germs:
ing, bedding, handkerchief, toilet arti-
The transfer of a disease causing germ cles, utensils, drinking cups and glasses
from an infected person to a normal that are freshly soiled with the germs
healthy person through certain agents or present in the discharges of the patients.
direct contact is called transmission of the Such contaminated objects are called
disease. The transmission can take place fomites.
in one of the following ways; Transmission by animals:
Direct Transmission : By direct trans- Various animals such as ticks, mites,
fer of germs from the patient to normal birds, insects and mammals transmit dis-
healthy person through close contact, eases like cholera, malaria, rabies, etc;
the diseases like diphtheria, pneumonia,
cholera, typhoid, measles, mumps, etc,. 2.5 Immunization:
are transmitted.
Chapter 2

Immunity is part of a complex system of
defence reaction in the body. It means the
defence against or specific resistance ex-
hibited towards the infectious organisms
and their products.
The infectious organisms that invade
the body and the toxins produced by them
and any foreign protein entering the body
fig 2.15 Direct transmission. are called antigens.
During sneezing, coughing and talk- The immune system which includes blood
ing, the droplets from the patients are dis- plasma, lymph and lymphocytes analyze the
charged from the mouth and the nose and chemical nature of the antigens and produce
enter the air. While a normal person is inhal- the suitable proteinaceous substances called
ing such air, laden with the droplets, he gets antibodies to detoxify the antigens.
Through the umblical cord, Types of Immunity:
the germs are transferred from the in-
fected mother to the child at the time of Natural or Innate Immunity:
childbirth by the direct contact method.
The natural or innate immunity that ena-
Indirect transmission through fomites: bles an individual to resist the disease, to


which the particular species is immuned. naturally, after recovery from a disease,
E.g. Plant diseases do not affect animals. it is called Natural Active Acquired Immu-
Acquired or Specific Immunity:
If the antibody synthesis is
The resistance against some infectious stimulated by application of vaccines or
diseases developed by an individual dur- any other man made methods,
ing lifetime on exposure to the infections the­­ immunity gained is called Ar-
is called acquired or specific immunity. tificial Active Acquired Immu-
The acquired or specific immunity is of nity. E.g. The polio drops and
two kinds – active acquired immunity and triple antigen injected into the child in
passive acquired immunity. the immunisation programme.
Active acquired immunity:
Passive Acquired Immunity:
This kind of immunity is developed by In this type of immunity, a readymade an-
our body, during the first infection of any tibody is introduced from outside instead
pathogen. The antibodies produced in the of stimulating the body to produce anti-
blood stays for a long period and kills the body with antigenic stimulus.
similar pathogens whenever they enter
If the readymade antibody is taken
the body.
from the mother’s blood into the foetus,

Chapter 2
If the antibody production is stimulated it is called Natural Passive Acquired


If the readymade antibody is given
to an individual artificially, (produced
in some other animal and extracted)
it is called Artificial Passive Acquired
Immunity. This immunity is not. perma-
Fig 2.16 Polio immunization.


What kind of Immunity does a child get when it is breast fed ?BREAST FEED IS THE BEST
FOOD. Antibodies or Immunoglobins are found in breast milk. Through breast milk antibodies
are passed on to the nursing baby. Bottle fed infants do not have the advantage of fighting the
ingested pathogens on their own until the antibodies are produced in them. An infant should be
breast fed for a minimum of six months.
Medical establishment knows that infants who are breastfed contract fewer infections than bottle
fed infants. Breast milk protects the child, against bacteria like Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shig-
Chapter 2

ella, Streptococci, Staphylococci, Pneumococci and viruses like Polioviruses and Rotaviruses.

The immunization schedule indicates the stages at which the vaccinations and
inoculations have to be given to safeguard children against different diseases.
The table given below lists the names of vaccines, their dosages and the
stage at which they have to be administered.


­ dministering vaccines to prevent the

disease is called immunization. This
process of Immunisation develops Artificial
Active Acquired Immunity.
Immunisation through inoculation is a mass
means of protecting a greater number of
people against the spread of diseases.
BCG: Tuberculosis Vaccine
BCG : Tuberculosis Vaccine Fig 2.17 Yoga practice.
DPT : Diphtheria, Pertussis, Prevention:
Tetanus Vaccine (Triple antigen)
Getting rid of a disease causing germs,is
MMR : Mumps , Measles, Rubella a means of prevention of the disease.
DT : Diphtheria, Tetanus (Dual antigen)
Prevention can be achieved in two
TT : Tetanus toxoid
2.6 T
 reatment and prevention i) General – preventing the infectious
of the diseases: germs by keeping away from the
Treatment means medical management exposure to the germs. Hygienic life

Chapter 2
of the symptom of the disease. style, avoiding overcrowding, fresh
Medical management includes: air, safe drinking water and good
sanitary measures are all ways to
a) Treatment involving medicine. prevent a disease causing germ,
b) Treatment not involving medicine. coming into contact with us.
a) Treatment involving medicine: ii) Specific – This relates to a peculiar
Medicines are generally used to treat property of the immune system
infectious diseases. These medicines that usually fights the microbial
either reduce the effect of the disease infections. E.g. Immunisation
or kill the cause of the disease. programme.
The antibiotics are used as blocks to
the pathways of the disease without 2.7 Bio-technology in medicine:
affecting ourselves. A detailed account of the role of Biotech-
b) Treatment not involving medicine: nology in healthcare, has been dealt with
in chapter 1.
As a person is recovering from the
effect of fracture or neurotic problem, Biotechnologically synthesized insulin
yoga and physiotherapy do a great has been effectively used replacing the
deal of help to do normal activities. defective insulin to treat diabetes mellitus
People addicted to alcohol and drugs in the field of medicine.
are given counselling to overcome 2.8. HIV and Prevention
the habit.
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syn-


drome (AIDS) is a dreadful disease trans- or infirmity.

mitted through sexual contact or through •• Metabolic diseases are not caused
blood and blood products. Robert Gallo by micro-organisms and they are
at National Institute of Health, USA and organic malfunctioning.
Luc Montagnier at Pasteur Institute, Paris
isolated the virus, Human Immuno Defi- •• Hereditary diseases or genetical
ciency Virus (HIV) which causes AIDS. disorders are due to defective or
mutated genes.
HIV is a retro virus with glycoprotein
envelope and the genetic material – RNA. •• Protein deficiency causes Marasmus
HIV causes propound Immuno depression and Kwashiorkar.
in humans. It is due to the depletion of one •• Infection or communicable diseases
type of WBC, which is involved in the forma- are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi,
tion of antibodies called CD4 plus T-helper protozoans, etc,.
cells (lymphocytes).
•• When a germ is transferred from the
Symptoms: patient to a normal healthy person
Significant weight loss, chronic di- through close contact, it is called direct
arrhoea, prolonged fever, opportunistic in- transmission.
fections such as tuberculosis, candidiasis •• The close inanimate objects used
and recurrent herpes zoster (viral) infec- by the patients like clothing bedding,
Chapter 2

handkerchief, toilet articles, utensils,

drinking cups and glasses, etc,.
Test for Virus:
are called fomites and transmission
1. Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay through fomites is called indirect
(ELISA) transmission.
2. Western Blot – a confirmatory test. •• Immunity, is the defence against or
Prevention: specific resistance exhibited towards
the infectious organisms and their
1.Protected sexual behaviour. products.
2.Safe sex practices. •• The infectious organisms that invade
3.Screening the blood for HIV before the body and the toxins produced by
blood transfusion. them are called Antigens.
4.Usage of disposable syringe in the hos- •• The immune system in our body include
pitals. blood plasma, lymph and lymphocytes
and they process the antigen and
5.Not sharing the razors / blades in the
produce suitable proteinaceous
substance called antibodies.
6.Avoid tattooing using common needle.
•• Medical management of symptoms of
the disease is called treatment.
Summary :
•• Health is a state of physical, mental
and social well-being of an individual Evaluation:
and not merely absence of a disease I. Choose and write the correct

answer: Entamoeba histolytica,

1. Pick out a case of healthy state of Trypanosoma gambiense,
an individual. Taenia solium.
Mr. X is recovering from an 7. One of the means of indirect
infectious disease, transmission of a disease is _____.
Mr. Y is taking insulin injection Sneezing,Droplet from mouth,
Placenta,Utensils of patients.
Mrs. Z is very much depressed,
8. When antibodies, extracted from
Mr. K is attending to his duty and some other animal is injected into
spends time joyfully, your body, what kind of immunity do
2. Which one of the following is a state you gain?
of a disease in which a person is Artificial active acquired
not socially balanced. immunity,
He enjoys a birthday party,
Artificial passive acquired
He behaves rudely even for immunity,
menial matters, Natural active acquired

Chapter 2
He is adjusting to the surrounding immunity,
situation, Natural passive acquired
He is attending to his ailing immunity.
mother at the hospital. 9. The first vaccine injected into a just
3. Pick out the bacterial disease. born baby is ___________.
Meningitis,Rabies,Tetanu, Oral polio, DPT,
Small pox. DPT and Oral polio,BCG.
4. One of the following is transmitted 10.Pick out a non-antigen. Entry of
through air. Find out. ____________.
Tuberculosis,Meningitis, Germ,
Typhoid,Cholera. Toxins of germs,
5. The most serious form of malaria is New form of protein,
caused by Plasmodium ________. Mother’s Milk.
P.ovale, P.malariae,
6. An example for protozoan infecting
our intestine is _______________.
Plasmodium vivax,


I. In order to lead a healthy life a person

should enjoy physical, mental and
social well being.
1. If a person lacks any one of them,
then that person is suffering from
2. Tamil selvan has inherited colour
blindness from his father. Name the
causative factor responsible for this
defect _______.
3. Marasmus and Kwashiorkar are
both protein deficiency defects.
Marasmus differs from Kwashiorkar
in enlarged belly and swelling in
the face. Are these symptoms for
the above diseases correct? If not,
correct it.
Chapter 2

4. A list of disorders are given below.

Pick out the odd one out and give
(colour blindness, haemophilia,
night blindness, albinism,
sickle cell anaemia)
5. Ramya is suffering from bleeding
gum and loosening teeth. On a
diagnosis, it was found to have
been caused by vitamin deficiency.
Suggest Ramya the kind of vitamin
that is lacking in his food and tell
your friend the name of deficiency
disease that he suffers from.
6. (A) Vitamins (B) Deficiency
diseases and (C) Symptoms are
given. Match B, C with A.


10. Fill in the blanks with the suitable a. Tell your friend the effects of hand

answer. washing.

a. The immunity gained on getting b. In a day what are the occasions in

the preformed antibodies is _____. which you wash your hand?

(natural immunity, acquired active,

acquired passive, inate)

b. The first vaccine administered

to a new born baby is ______.

(BCG, oral polio, DPT & polio,


Short Answers

1. Kala has delivered a baby,

Chapter 2
a. Suggest the immunization sched

ule for the baby, in the first

six months

b. What are all the diseases that can

be cured as per the schedule?

2. There is a widespread outbreak of

malaria in your area.

a. Suggest some controlling mea

sures to the local authori

ties concerned.

b. Pick out the right symptom for

malaria. (chill and shiver and a

rise in temperature / diarrhoea )

3. 15th October is observed as

‘Handwashing Day’
Chapter 3

Chapter - 3
Human Body
Chapter 3



3.1 Nervous system – system provides chemical ­integration

Introduction: through hormones. In this chapter, we will
learn the structure and functioning of the
Two or more people when gather together, nervous system and the endocrine sys-
each one is set with an interest and apti- tem in man.
tude and performs his works in his own
way. But when it is the question of main-
tenance of an order, a systematic working
among them, there is a need for someone
to control and co-ordinate them so that a
harmony prevails. Similarly the functions
of organs and organ system is our body
cannot go on in their own way but must
be coordinated to maintain the harmon-
ius steady state of body functioning called
Homeostasis. Coordination is the proc-
ess through which two or more organs
interact and compliment the functions of
one or the other. In our body the neural
or nervous system and the endocrine sys-
tem do the function of coordinating and
integrating all the activities of the organs
so that the body works efficiently by syn-
chronizing the functions.

The nervous system provides an organ- Fig 3.1 structure of neuron and types
ized network of point to point connections
for a quicker coordination. The endocrine
Human Body

3.1 Nervous system: with chemicals called neuro transmitters.

Axon contains axoplasm inside and is cov-
The nervous system of an animal is com-
ered by a membrane called neurilemma.
posed of
Neurilemma encloses the axon except at
i) Specialized cells called neurons the branched distal ends. In some neu-
or nerve cells which can detect, rons called myelinated neurons an addi-
receive and transmit different kinds tional white fatty fibre called myelin sheath
of stimuli. covers the neurilemma. Myelin sheath is
not continous over the neurilemma. The
ii) The nerve fibres which are certain
gaps left by the myelin sheath on the axon
bundles of extended processes of are called nodes of Ranvier. Over the my-
nerve cells. elin sheath are found certain cells called
Schwann cells.
3.1.1 Nerve cells:
Types of nerve cells:
Nerve cells or neurons are the structural
and functional units of the nervous sys- a) Myelinated or Medullated or White
tem. neurons:
Billions of nerve cells make up our When the axon is enclosed by the
brain. A nerve cell is a microscopic struc- white fatty myelin cover it is called
ture consisting of three major parts namely Myelinated or Medullated or White
cell body, dendrites and axon. neurons. This forms the cerebral
cortex of our brain.
Cell body:
b) Non- Myelinated or Non-Medullated
It is the cell structure irregular in shape or or Grey neurons:
polyhedral structure, it is also called as
cyton. Cell body contains cytoplasm with This neuron is not enclosed by
typical cell organelles and certain granu- myelin sheath; so it appears greyish
lar bodies are called Nissl’s granules . in colour. The axon is covered by
only neurilemma and Schwann
Dendrites: cells. This type of neuron is found
Dendrites or Dendrons are shorter fibres in the white matter of cerebrum.
which branch repeatedly and project out c) Unipolar neurons:
of the cell body. Dendrites transmit electri-
The embryonic nervous tissue
cal impulses towards the cyton.
contains unipolar neurons. An
Axon: unipolar neuron has a nerve cell
body with a single process or fibre,
One of the fibres arising from the cell body
which will act both as axon and
is very long with a branched distal end and
it is called as Axon.
d) Bipolar neurons:
The distal branches terminate as bulb
like structures called synaptic knob filled The sensory hair cells of the sense

organs like rods and cones of retina 3.1.3 Human nervous system:

Chapter 3
are made up of bipolar neurons. The human nervous system is divided
Each bipolar neuron has a cell body into
and two process at the ends, one
acting as axon and the other acting a) The Central Nervous System (CNS)
as Dendron. and

e) Multipolar neuron: b) The Peripheral Nervous System

The cerebral cortex contains the
multipolar neurons; each multipolar c) The Autonomic Nervous System
neuron has a cell body with many (ANS)
dendrites and an axon. The CNS includes the brain and spi-
Synapse: The dendrites and the synaptic nal cord and it is the site of information
knobs of the axons of neighbouring processing and control.
neurons are in physical contact with The PNS comprises of the nerves of
one another without fusing. This point of the body associated with the central nerv-
contact between the neighbouring nerve ous system.
cells is called synapse. Central Nervous System:
ACTIVITY It is organized of two organs namely the
Visit a hospital in your locality and brain and the spinal cord. The CNS is ac-
study the principle behind the ad- commodated in the protective bony struc-
ministration of anesthesia at the time tures namely skull and vertebral column.
of surgery. Find out if the fat soluble
anesthetic substances like chloro-
form, ether etc,. merge with medul- The central nervous system is covered
lary sheath and prevent conduction of by three protective coverings or envelops
collectively called meninges. The outer-
most cover lying below the skull and ver-
tebral column is doubly thick and is called
3.1.2 Nerve impulse: Duramater. The middle covering is thin
The conduction of stimuli by the nerve cells and vascularised and is called Arachnoid
is called nerve impulse. The dendrites membrane. The innermost cover is a very
will receive the stimuli from the receptor thin delicate membrane and is closely ap-
(sense organ) and conduct the same as plied on the outer surface of brain and spi-
electrical impulse to the axon through the nal cord and it is called Piamater.
cyton. At the synapse, the synaptic knobs
release out chemical substances called The Brain:
neuro transmitters which convert the elec- Man is a vertebrate and a mammal be-
trical impulse into chemical impulse and longing to the animal kingdom. But, he
pass it to the neighbouring neuron. stands unique and supreme and this su-

Human Body

premacy in the living world is reflected in The human brain as in the case of
the organization of the brain. The brain is other vertebrates, is divided into three
the central information processing organ ­major parts:
and acts as the command and control a) Fore brain b) Mid brain c) Hind
system. brain
Fore brain:
Fore brain consists of cerebrum, thala-
mus and hypothalamus.
This forms the major part of the human
brain (nearly two third of the brain is cer-
ebrum). A deep cleft called median cleft
divides the cerebrum longitudinally into
two halves as right and left cerebral hemi-
spheres, which are united at the base by
a sheet of nervous tissue called corpus
callosum, The outer region of the cere-
brum is distinguished as, the grey matter
or cerebral cortex and the inner region is
called white matter.
Cerebral cortex:
It consists of the nerve cell bodies of
several layers of greyish nerve cells giv-
ing grey colour – so called as grey matter.
The increased surface area of the cer-
ebral cortex in man is folded and thrown
into a pattern of convolutions consisting of
ridges and furrows.
Cerebral cortex contains:
a) motor areas
b) sensory areas and
c) association areas (a region that is
neither sensory nor motor).
Motor areas:
Motor areas are the sites of order or
command of the cerebrum, from where
Fig 3.2 Human Nervous System
the order arises to control the activities


of the different organs of our body. Ini- fluid.

Chapter 3
tiation of voluntary activities takes place
here. Functions of cerebrum:
Cerebrum is the seat of conscious-
ness, intelligence, memory, imagina-
tion and reasoning. It receives impulses
from different parts of the body and initi-
ates voluntary activities. Specific areas
of cerebrum are associated with spe-
cific functions. Thus there is a centre
for hearing, another for seeing, another
for tasting, another for smelling, another
for speaking and so on. A damage in
a specific centre of cerebrum will de-
prive the particular faculty from doing its
Fig 3.3 Major internal parts of human functions.
Sensory areas: Cerebrum wraps around a structure
These are the sites where the sensory called thalamus – a major conducting
functions of the various sense organs are centre for sensory and motor signalling.
received through the sensory nerves. Hypothalamus:
Association areas: It lies at the base of the thalamus. It
These are responsible for complex controls body temperature, urge to eat and
functions like intersensory associations, drink, regulation of sexual behaviour, ex-
memory and communication. pressemotional reactions like excitement,
anger, fear, pleasure and motivation.
White matter of cerebrum:
The inner part of the cerebrum ly-
ing below the cerebral cortex is called
white matter and it consists of bundles
of nerve fibres with myelin sheath giv-
ing the white colour. Some of these bun-
dles of nerve fibres connect the different
parts of the cerebrum while others con-
nect the cerebrum with the rest of the
brain and spinal cord.
Within the cerebral hemispheres are
present cavities called ventricles, filled
with a nutritive fluid called cerebro spinal Fig 3.4 functional areas of human brain.

Mid brain:

Human Body

The mid brain is located between the This is a tubular structure, a continua-
thalamus and the hind brain. A canal called tion of the brain lying in the neural canal
cerebral aqueduct passes through the of the vertebral column. The three me-
mid brain. The dorsal portion of the mid ninges – Piamater, Arachnoid membrane
brain consists of four hemispherical bod- and the Duramater cover the spinal cord
ies called corpora quadrigemina which as in the case of brain.
controls and regulates the various visual The spinal cord has two enlargements
reflexes and optical orientation. – one in the neck region of the body called
Mid brain with hind brain together form cervical plexus and another in the lum-
the brain stem. bar region of the vertebral column called
lumbar plexus.
Hind brain:
The spinal nerves arise from these en-
Hind brain comprises of pons, cerebel-
largements. The lower end of the spinal
lum and medulla oblongata.
cord is filamentous and is called Filum
Cerebellum: terminale. On the mid dorsal side of the
It lies below the cerebrum and consists spinal cord is found a narrow depression
of a median portion and two lateral lobes. called dorsal fissure and on the mid
Cerebellum regulates and coordinates the ventral side of the spinal cord is found a
group movements of voluntary muscles as deep depression called ventral fissure.
in walking or running. Running through the center of the spinal
cord is the central canal, an extension
Pons: of the ventricle filled with cerebro spi-
It is the bridge of nerve fibres that con- nal fluid. Outer region of the spinal cord
nects the lobes of cerebellum. It relays the contains medullated white neurons and
information from the cerebrum to cerebel- the inner region contains non-medullated
lum. It also contains sleep centre and res- grey neurons. The spinal cord conducts
piratory centre. impulses to and from the brain and acts
as a reflex centre.
Medulla oblongata:
Medulla is the posterior most part of the Peripheral nervous system
brain where it merges with the spinal cord. (PNS):
It acts as a coordination pathway for both The nerves arising from the brain and spi-
ascending and descending nerve tracts. nal cord constitute the PNS.
Medulla is the centre for several reflexes
involved in the regulation of heartbeat, a) Cranial nerves:
blood vessel contraction, breathing, etc,. Twelve pairs of cranial nerves arise
The ventricle of the medulla remains from the brain. Some of the cranial
connected with the ventricles of the cer- nerves are sensory nerves (taking
ebral hemisphere. impulse from the sense organ to the
brain e.g., optic nerves from the eyes). The Spinal cord: Some of the cranial nerves are the


motor nerves taking impulse from the Head - a) pituitary gland

Chapter 3
brain to the effector organ. e.g. vagus b) Pineal gland
nerve innervating the heart and some
Neck - a) thyroid gland
are mixed nerves with both sensory
and motor functions. e.g facial nerve b) parathyroid gland
b) Spinal nerves: Thorax - thymus gland
Thirty one pairs of spinal nerves Abdomen - a) pancreas – Islets of
arise from the spinal cord. Each Langerhans
spinal nerve has a sensory root and b) a
 drenal glands – adrenal
a motor root. Thus, all spinal nerves cortex and adrenal me-
are mixed nerves. dulla The Autonomic Nervous System c) gonads – testes in man
(ANS) : and ovaries in woman
It controls the functions of the vital organs
of the body through its two antagonistic
divisions namely, sympathetic nerves and
parasympathetic nerves.

3.2 Endocrine system in

The chemical coordination of physiological
processes to maintain the homeostasis is
the work of endocrine system. Endocrines
control and coordinate the physical proc-
esses of growth, reproduction and suste-
nance of life.
Endocrine system consists of a number
of endocrine glands and their hormones.
Endocrine glands are ductless glands
(without ducts), secreting the chemical
substances called hormones. The hor-
mones are carried by the blood from the
site of production to the site of action.
Fig 3.5 Endocrine system in man
Endocrine glands in man are distrib-
uted in the different regions of the body Hormones:
without interconnections. The various en-
docrine glands found in different regions Chemically hormones are proteins or
in man are as follows: amino acids or steroids. Though the hor-

Human Body

mones are secreted in small quantities,

their performance is profound in action.
Pituitary gland:
It is a tiny gland of the size of a pea at-
tached to the hypothalamus of the brain.
Since some of the endocrine glands are
regulated by the pituitary gland, it is called
as the conductor of endocrine orchestra.
Divisions or lobes of pituitary gland
Pituitary gland is differentiated into an
anterior lobe called adenohypophysis
and a posterior lobe called neurohypo-
It secretes a number of hormones. The
important hormones and their functions
and malfunctions are as follows:

Fig 3.6 Diagrammatic internal view of
pituitary gland

Hormones of adenohypophy- Functions and malfunctions

Somatotropic or •• It brings forth growth in general
growth hormone •• Less production in children – dwarfism
with retarded growth
(STH or GH)
•• Excess production in children – gigantism
with excess growth
•• Excess production in adolescents –
acromegaly with large limbs and lower
Thyrotropic or Thyroid stimulat- It stimulates the growth of thyroid gland and its
ing hormone (TSH) production – the thyroxine


Chapter 3
Follicle stimulating hor- It stimulates the maturation of graafian follicles (in
mone (FSH) the ovary) in the female, to produce the eggs and
sperm formation in the males.
Lutenizing hormone (LH) LH in female causes discharge of egg from graafian
in female follicle – a process, called ovulation and production
or interstitial cell stimu- of female sex hormone oestrogen and progester-
lating hormone (ICSH) in one.
male ICSH in male, induces the interstitial cells to pro-
duce male sex hormone – testosterone
Lactogenic hormone It stimulates the growth of mammary glands in fe-
(LTH) male and milk production after child birth.

Neuro hypophysis (posterior lobe):

It stores two hormones, namely oxytocin and vasopressin which are produced in
the hypothalamus of the brain and releases them when they are required.

Hormones of Neuro Functions and malfunctions

Oxytocin It speeds up the child birth process, by stimulating the
contraction and relaxation of the uterus in the female.
Vasopressin It helps in the reabsorption of water, producing concen-
or antidiuretic hor- trated urine in small quantity.
mone (ADH) It constricts the blood vessels and raises up the blood
Less production of ADH results in diabetes insipidus,
leading to production of excess of dilute urine.

Thyroid gland: Functions of thyroxine:

The bilobed thyroid gland is located •• It increases the rate of metabolism.
in the neck, one lobe on each side of •• It stimulates a rise in the body
larynx, which secretes a hormone called
•• It promotes growth and differentiation
thyroxine. Thyroxine is an iodinated of tissues.
protein, composed of the amino acid, •• Since it affects indirectly growth of
tyrosine and iodine. the body, throxine is also called as
personality hormone.
Human Body

•• it regulates iodine and sugar level in like simple goitre, myxoedema and
the blood. cretinism.
•• it controls working of kidneys and urine a) Simple goiter – It is due to
output. the deficiency of iodine in our
diet. Thyroid gland bulges as
a swelling in the neck and it is
called as goiter.
b) Myxoedema – It is caused in the
adults, the symptoms are, low
metabolic rate, loss of mental
and physical vigour, increase
in weight, thickening of skin,
lowered heartbeat, mental
dullness, etc,.
c) Cretinism – This is produced in
children and the symptoms are
stunted growth, retarded mental
development, defective teeth,
protrusion of tongue and loose
2) Hyperthyroidism – The excess
production of thyroxine causes
exophthalmic goiter or Grave’s
disease. The symptoms are high
metabolic rate, high blood pressure,
high irritability, profuse sweating, loss
of weight, fatigueness and protrusion
of eyeballs.

Fig 3.7 Thyroid gland a) Dorsal view
b) Ventral view

Thyroid disorders:
1) Hypothyroidism – less secretion
of thyroxine causes many Fig 3.8 a person with goiter
The islets of Langerhans:


Pancreas is a dual role playing endo- Glucagon:

Chapter 3
crine gland. The exocrine parts produce •• It is secreted when glucose level in the
pancreatic juice. The endocrine portion is blood is low.
called islets of Langerhans. It consists
•• It influences conversion of glycogen
of two type of cells namely, alpha cells
into glucose, thus raising the blood
and beta cells. Alpha cells produce a
glucose level.
hormone called glucagon and Beta cells
produce insulin. Adrenal gland (Supra renal gland):
Insulin: On each kidney is found an adrenal
gland. It is composed of two portions, an
•• It promotes the uptake of glucose by
the cells for tissue oxidation. outer adrenal cortex and an inner adrenal
•• It favours conversion of glucose, into
glycogen and its storage in the liver Adrenal cortex:
and the muscles.
It secretes two hormones namely, Al-
•• It prevents the formation of glucose dosterone and Cortisone
from protein and fat.
Aldosterone (Mineralocorticoid):
•• It maintains normal blood glucose level
at 80 – 120 mg / 100 ml of blood. It maintains mineral metabolism, by
favouring reabsorption of sodium and wa-
ter and excretion of potassium and phos-
phate ions.
It maintains electrolyte balance, body
fluid volume, osmotic pressure and blood

Fig 3.9 pancreas showing islets of

Fig 3.10 a) Adrenal gland b) LS of
Diabetes mellitus: Adrenal gland
Less production of insulin causes Di- Cortisone (glucocorticoid):
abetes mellitus, in which the excess un-
used glucose is excreted in the urine. It stimulates the breakdown of glycogen
into glucose raising the blood glucose, level.
Human Body

It also produces an anti-inflammatory Ovaries:

reaction and suppresses the immune re- Ovaries are both cytogenic (produc-
sponse. ing egg cells) and endocrine (produc-
Adrenal medulla: ing reproductive hormones, such as
­estrogen, progesterone and relaxin) in
It is made up of modified neuroecto-
dermal cells. It secretes two hormones,
namely adrenaline (epinephrine) and Estrogen is responsible for growth
noradrenaline (norepinephrine). They of female reproductive organs and
are together called emergency hor- the ­appearance of secondary sexual­
mones or hormones of flight and fight ­characters in female, such as growth of
as they rapidly mobilize the body to face a pubic hairs, soft voice, feminine body, etc.,
stress or emergency situation.
Progesterone maintains pregnancy
•• They increase the heartbeat. and regulates menstrual cycle.
•• They increase alertness. Relaxin relaxes the muscles of the
•• They increase the respiratory rate. pelvic region at the time of child birth.
•• They promote the conversion of Parathyroid gland:
glycogen into glucose.
These are found within thyroid and
•• They cause dilation of pupil. produce the hormones mainly parathor-
•• They cause profuse sweating. mone and calcitonin which maintain the
mineral metabolism.
•• They make the hair stand erect.
(gooseflesh) Thymus gland:
•• In short noradrenaline and adrenaline It’s a lymphoid mass ,present above the
mobilize the body, to face the emergency heart. It secretes thymosine which stimu-
by fighting with it or running away from it. lates the differentiation of “T”lymphocytes
Testes: to resist infection.

They are both cytogenic (producing Pineal gland:

sex cells) and endocrine (producing male It lies under the corpus callosum in
sex hormones) in functioning. the brain. It produces melatonin ,causing
The endocrine part secretes male sex concentration of pigments in some spe-
hormone called testosterones (androgen). cific areas like areola, scrotal sacs, etc,.

Testosterone stimulates the growth of

reproductive organs and the production of 3.3 Cell division:
male sex cell, the sperms.
A matured cell divides into two daughter
Testosterone determines the cells. Unicellular animalcules like amoeba,
­secondary sexual characters in male, undergo binary fission – without any change
such as growth of facial hairs, hoarse in the chromatin reticulum by a type of cell
voice, broadening of shoulder, etc,. division called Amitosis.


Body cells of all animals and plants un-

Chapter 3
dergo a cell division called Mitosis ,involving
changes in the structure of chromosomes, mosomes, this stage is studied under five
but without any change in the chromo- sub-divisions as Leptotene, Zygotene,
Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis.
somal number.
The germinal epithelial cells of animals
undergo Meiosis cell division, involving
changes in the structure and number of
You have studied the process of ­mitosis
in the previous year. We will ­understand
the various stages of meiosis and its
­significance in this unit.
Meiosis is a kind of cell division, which
occurs in the germinal epithelial cells of
the gonads to form the gametes. ­Meiosis
takes place in the specialized ­diploid cells
of gonads and produces four haploid
gametes, each having half the number of
chromosomes as compared to the parent
cell. Meiosis is completed in two succes-
sive divisions – Meiosis-I and ­Meiosis-II.
In Meiosis-I, as the ­chromosomal number
is reduced to half, it is called Reduction
division. Meiosis-II is similar to Mitosis.
The various events of Meiosis-I are
studied under four substages namely
Prophase-I, Metaphase-I, Anaphase-I and

Prophase-I: Fig 3.11 Meiosis - stages

The chromatin reticulum unwebs and
individual chromosomes are liberated
from one another. The nuclear membrane Leptotene:
dissolves. The chromosomes undergo, The chromosomes condense and
,marked differences in their shape and appear like threads. Each chromosome
structure. Based on the shape of the chro-
Human Body

splits up longitudinally, except at the cen- The chromosomes get condensed.

tromere. Bivalents now appear on the equator of
the spindle with their chromatids, pointing
towards the equatorial plate and the cen-
The homologous chromosomes come tromere pointing towards the poles.
closer and start pairing. (a homologous
pair of chromosomes consist of a paternal Anaphase-I:
chromosome and maternal chromosome The spindle fibres contract pulling
with similar genes). The pairing starts from
the chromosomes, towards the oppo-
the tip or from the middle and get attached
site poles. The entire chromosome, with
laterally throughout the length. This pair-
the two chromatids move to the oppo-
ing is called Synapsis, the paired chro- site poles. This involves, a reduction in
mosomes are called ­Bivalents. the number of chromosomes. Now two
Pachytene: groups of chromosomes are produced,
one at each pole with half the number of
The paired chromosomes become chromosomes.
shorter and thicker. Each bivalent ap-
pears to have four strands called as,
tetrads or quadrivalents. The point of At the poles, around the group of chro-
contact between the homologous pair of mosomes, a nuclear membrane develops.
chromosomes are called, Chiasmata. At Thus two daughter nuclei each with half
the point of chiasmata, exchange of chro- the number of chromosomes, are formed
mosomal segment takes place, between at the poles. The spindle fibres disappear.
the chromatids of the homologous pairs. At the end of Meiosis-I at right angle to
This exchange of segments of chromatids the position of the nuclei, the cytoplasmic
between homologous chromosomes, is constriction takes place leading to the di-
called crossing over. vision of the cell. The cytoplasmic division
Diplotene: is called Cytokinesis.
After the crossing over is completed, the Meiosis-II
homologous chromosomes separate and Meiosis-II is similar to Mitosis and so
this separation is called ­terminalization. it is called Meiotic Mitosis. The events of
Terminalization may begin in ­chiasmata Meiosis-II are studied in four sub-divisions
and move to the terminal end of the as, Prophase-II, Metaphase-II, Anaphase-
­chromosomes. II and Telophase-II.
Diakinesis: Prophase-II
The nuclear membrane and the nucle- The bivalent chromosomes gets short-
olus disappear. The spindle apparatus is ened. The centrioles form asters and
formed in the cytoplasm. move to the poles. The nucleolus and nu-
Metaphase-I: clear membrane disappear.


Metaphase-II (i.e heredity) ensures the passing of the

Chapter 3
Chromosomes, each consisting of two parental characters to the progeny.
chromatids held together by a centromere The inheritance of characteristics
are arranged at the equator of the spindle through generations is called heredity.
fibres. The centromeres are attached with The inheritable characters may be
the spindle fibres. morphological or physiological or ana-
Anaphase-II tomical or reproductive and are also
The centromere divides into two and known as traits. Both the mother and fa-
the two chromatids separate and now ther contribute equal amount of genetic
they are called as daughter chromosomes material to the child. This means, that
or new chromosomes. The daughter chro- each trait can be influenced, by both pa-
mosomes move towards the opposite ternal and maternal genetic material i.e
The haploid set at the two poles coil Summary:
to form chromatin material. The nuclear •• Nervous system and endocrine system
membrane and nucleolus reappear. Thus are two great co-ordinating system of
two daughter nuclei are formed. our body.

Cytokinesis: •• Neuron or nerve cells are specialized

cells, making up the nervous system.
The cytoplasmic division takes place at They are structural and functional units
right angles to the position of the nuclei ,re- of the nervous system.
sulting in the formation of four gametes.
•• Brain and spinal cord, together
Significance of Meiosis: constitute central nervous system.
1. Haploid sex cells are produced, in •• Cranial nerves and spinal nerves
order to maintain the constancy in together, make up peripheral nervous
the number of chromosomes of a
species. •• The chemical co-ordination of the
physiological processes that is
2. Crossing over results in variation of the mechanism to maintain the
genetic traits in the offspring. homeostasis, is the work of the
3. Variations form the raw material for endocrine system.
evolution. •• Meiosis is a special cell division, taking
place in the germinal epithelial cells
during gamatogenesis to produce
3.4 Heredity: haploid gametes.
The resemblance of son or daughter with
his or her father or mother, is an interest-
ing feature in nature. Inheritance of char- Evaluation:
acters from the parents to the progeny, I. Choose and write the correct
Human Body

answer: ___________.
1. Unipolar neurons are found in adrenal gland, pituitary gland,
___________. thyroid gland, pancreas.
Brain,Spinal Chord, 8. An endocrine gland which is both
Embryonic nervous tissue, exocrine and endocrine is _______.
Adult nervous tissue. pancreas, pituitary,
2. The sensory organs contain thyroid, adrenal.
___________. 9. Normal blood glucose level in 100 ml
Unipolar neuron,Bipolar neuron, of blood is _________.
Multipolar neuron, 80-100 mg, 80-120 mg,
Medullated neuron. 80-150 mg, 70-120 mg.
3. The protective cover around CNS 10. The “T” lymphocytes are diffe­ren­tiated
consists of __________. to resist infection in _____.
Bony structure,Meniges, parathyroid gland, lymph gland.

Bony structure and Meninges, thymus gland, adrenal gland.

Bony structure, Meninges and
Pericardial fluid. 11. In Meiosis-I, the pairing of homologous
chromosomes take place during
4. The part of brain which controls _____ stage
emotional reactions in our body is
leptotene, zygotene
pachytene, diplotene
Cerebellum, Cerebrum.
Thalamus, Hypothalamus. Very short answer
5. One of the following is the part of the 1. Copy the diagram and label any
brain stem. Pick out.
two parts of the given group.
Fore brain and mid brain,
Mid brain and hind brain, (cyton, axon, dendron, end

Fore brain and hind brain, plate)

Fore brain and spinal cord.
6. Spinal nerves are ________.
Sensory nerves,
Motor nerves,
Mixed nerves,
Innervating the brain.
7. An endocrine gland found in neck is

2. Here are parts of brain with struc

Chapter 3
ture and function. d. Pancreas produces enzymes and
Match A with B and C.

5. Complete the table by examining the
functions given in Column B and name
the corresponding nerve in column
A. Find out suitable examples from
the bracket given below and write iin
column C.
(optic nerve, vagus nerve, spinal
3. This diagram is human brain, and the nerve)

functions of different parts are

given below.

6. Based on relationships fill in the

Thyroxine: personality harmone;
Mark A and B in the parts of the brain, adrenaline :_________.
corresponding with the function. 7. Correct the statements if they are
A. This controls heart beat wrong.
B. Thiis influences intelligence, a. alpha cells produce insulin and
4. On the basis of the function performed, beta cells produce glucagon
Pick out the right statements. b. cortisone suppresses the immune
a. Pitutiary gland secretes hormones and
c. thymus gland is a lymphoid mass.
d. Ovary produces eggs and Andro
b. Thyroid gland secretes thyroxine and gen.
c. Testes produces sperms and the 8. Based on functions, match the fol
harmone androgen.

Human Body

( Leptotene,Pachytene,
Diplotene, Zygotene. )

13. Pick out the right statement.

9. Reduction division is the process by ( somatic cell division is meiosis,
which gametes are produced,. The meiosis takes place in the body
cells in which reduction division take cells,
place are mitosis is also called as somatic
( germinal epithelial cells, cell division,
mitosis takes place in the germinal
the sensory epithelial cells,
epithelial cells. )
cuboildal epithelial cells,
columnar epithelial cells.)

10. In Amoeba, the cell division takes


( involving changes in the chromatin

without involving changes in the
chromatin reticulum,
leading to reduction in the number of
without dividing the nucleus. )

11. Pick out the item which has

sequential arrangements
a. zygotene -> Leptotene -> Pachytene
-> Diplotene -> Diakinesis
b. Diakinesis -> zygotene -> Leptotene
-> Pachytene -> Diplotene
c. Leptotene -> zygotene -> Pachytene
-> Diplotene -> Diakinesis

12. The important event of meiosis is the

crossing over. It occurs during


Chapter 3

Chapter - 4
World of plants
Reproduction in plants

Do you know that all living organisms re-

produce (both plants and animals)? Re-
production is a special biological process,
by which new individuals of the same spe-
cies are produced. It is one of the bio-
logical processes like nutrition, respiration
and excretion etc.
What will happen if there is no repro-

Fig 4.1 Life cycle of Frog

Some of the methods of reproduction in organisms are:

Reproduction in animals Reproduction in plants

Fission – Protozoan Fission – Bacteria
Budding – Coelenterates Budding - yeast
Fragmentation – Flatworms Fragmentation – Algae
Spores – Fungi
Sexual reproduction – Mammals Pollination and Fertilization – Flowering

World of plants


4.1.1 M
 odes of reproduction in single
cell organism:

Let us examine how different organisms

actually reproduce. The methods by
which organisms reproduce depend upon
the body shape and structure of organ-
Unicellular organisms, like amoeba
and bacteria, split into two equal halves
and produce new ones which is called bi-
nary fission.

Some Bacteria, like Lactobacilli, Sal-

monella multiply rapidly, others like
Fig 4.2 Pollination and fertilization Myco bacterium tuberculosis, multiply

1. What is meant by ­r­epro-

•• Wet a slice of bread and keep it in
2. Mention a few methods a cool, moist and dark place.
of reproduction in plants and •• Observe the surface of the slice
animals. with a magnifying glass.
•• Observe for a week and record.

South African fossil records show

that the first formed organism in the
Earth is a Bacterium, i.e, Eobacte-
rium which came into existence ap- Beneficial activity to humans :
proximately four billion years ago.
In the past two billion years, life got Conversion of milk into curd by Lacto-
diversified into multitude of varieties bacilli
of organisms that exist today or ex- Harmful activity to humans :
isted and became extinct in the past,
Bacteria like Mycobacterium tubercu-
whereas bacteria continues to live as
losis cause tuberculosis.
bacteria without much change.


Reproduction in unicellular organisms :

By Fission

Amoeba Bacteria

Fig 4.3 Reproduction in unicellular organisms

4.1.2 Modes of reproduction in

Think, read and find out, why there are multicellular organisms:
so many methods of reproduction?
Evolution may be defined as a grad-
ual development of more complex
species from pre-existing forms. On Depending upon the body organiza-
this basis, the reproduction in sim- tion of multicellular organisms, there are
pler forms, like Amoeba and Bacteria, various methods of reproduction.
is very primitive by means of Binary Vegetative propagation: is the ability of
Fission, Fragmentation, etc., If, the plants to reproduce by bringing forth
complexity of the body design of or- new plants from existing vegetative
ganisms increases, the method of structures without sexual rproduction.
reproduction also gets complicated
involving two organisms (male and Fragmentation:
In multicellular organisms with simple
body organization, simple reproductive
methods have been noticed.
In Spirogyra algae, the plant body
breaks up into smaller fragments. Each
ACTIVITY fragment grows into a new individual.
•• Observe a permanent slide of
bacteria under a microscope.
•• Similarly, observe another
permanent slide of bacteria
showing Binary Fission.
•• Now compare the observations of
both the slides.

Fig 4.3 Fragmentation in spirogyra

World of plants

ACTIVITY Fig 4.6 Different kinds of spores

•• Collect water from a lake or
pond that appears dark green and
contains filamentous structures.
•• Put one or two filaments on a slide.
•• Put a drop of glycerin on these
filaments and cover it with a cover
slip. Aplanospores Zoospores
•• Observe the slide under a

In Hydra, a bud develops as an outgrowth Akinetes Conodia
due to repeated cell division at one spe- Questions:
cific site. These buds develop into tiny
individuals and, when fully mature, get de- 1. Differentiate vegetative
tached from the parent body to become propagation and sexual
new independent individuals. reproduction.
Similarly, buds produced in the notches 2. Mention some of the spores of
along the leaf margin of Bryophyllum fall asexual reproduction.
on the soil and develop into new plants (in
Tamil katti pottal kutti podum).
4.1.4 Sexual reproduction in plants :
What is sexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction is the process in
which two components ( male and female)
are involved to produce offsprings of their
own kind.

Bud Notch A bull alone cannot produce new calves.

Fig 4.5 Bryophyllum It needs a cow. Female sheep alone
4.1.3 Asexual reproduction
cannot produce new ones. It needs a
In lower group of plants, reproduction takes
place by means of spores. The spores are male sheep.
covered by thick walls that protect them Both the sexes, male and female, are
until they come into contact with another needed to produce new offspring.
moist surface and can begin to grow.


Some of the spores in different algae and fungi are


In algae, the proto- A zoospore is a In algae, the vege- Conidia are uninu-
plast of the vegeta- motile asexual tative cells secrete cleate, non-motile,
tive cells contract spore that uses thick additional wall asexual spores
and produce ovoid a flagellum for lo- layers. During ad- produced by the
bodies surrounded comotion. These verse conditions, fungus like peni-
by a thin wall. spores are created food materials are cillium, etc.
These thin walled by some algae, filled up in cells.
non-motile spores bacteria and fungi These structures
are called Aplano- to propagate them- are called akinetes.
spores. New fila- selves. When the condi-
ments are formed tions are favour-
by the germination able, they develop
of these spores. into new filaments.

As you have already studied in your The main parts of a flower are,
earlier classes, the flower is a the 1 Calyx
reproductive organ of a flowering plant.
To understand this we need to look first 2 Corolla
at the structure of a flower. 3 Androecium and
Parts of a typical flower: 4 Gynoecium.

A flower is a modified shoot with a

limited growth. Flowers vary in size,
shape,structure and colour.

1. Anther,

2. FiIament

Fig 4.7 Parts of a flower

Fig 4.8 Androecium

World of plants

Androecium is the male part of a 4.2 Pollination:

flower,and Gynoecium is the female part.
Androecium is a group of stamens. How does sexual reproduction take place
Each Stamen consists of a stalk called in flowering plants?
the filament and a small bag like structure The sexual reproduction in flowering
called the anther at the tip. The pollen plants involves
grains are contained in the anther within 1. Pollination
the pollen sacs. 2. Fertilization
1. Pollination:
Gynoecium is the female part of the flower
and consists of the carpels or ovary. Gy- Transfer of pollen grains from the anther
to the stigma is called pollination. Pollen
noceium has three parts 1) Stigma 2) Style
grains are transferred mainly by wind, wa-
and 3) Ovary.
ter and insects. They are called as pol-
The ovary contains the ovules and linating agents.
each ovule carries within it an embryo Pollination is the first and important
sac, within which lies the egg cell or the event in the development of the fruit and
female gamete. seed. Pollination is followed by fertilization.
Types of Pollination:
Pollination is of two types. They are
1. Self pollination
2. Cross pollination

Fig 4.9 Gynoecium

•• Take a shoe flower from a growing
•• Observe the floral parts Calyx,
Corolla, Androecium and
•• Separate the stamens and carpels
and observe the parts.
•• Dust the pollen grains on a slide and Fig 4.10 Pollination
observe under the microscope.


4.2.1. Self Pollination: 4.2.3 Agents of cross pollination:

Self pollination is also known as autogamy. How is it possible for the transfer of pollen
The transfer of pollen grains from the an- grains from one flower to another?
ther of a flower to the stigma of the same
In order to bring about cross pollination,
flower or another flower of the same plant
it is necessary that the pollen should be car-
is known as self pollination.
ried from one flower to another of a differ-
ent plant. This takes place through agency
Advantages of self pollination: of animals, insects, wind and water.
1. Self pollination is certain in Pollination by birds (Ornithophily)
bisexual flowers. ­ ollination by insects and animals
2. Flowers need not depend on (Zoophily
agents of pollination.
3. There is no wastage of pollen
grains. Observe the flowers in a garden
near to you.Identify the insects, and
birds,that act as pollinating agents.
Disadvantages of self pollination:
Maintain a record detailing the polli-
1. The seeds are less in number. nating agents and the plants they pol-
2. Endosperm is minute. Therefore, linate
the seeds produce weak plants.
3. New varieties of plants cannot
be produced resulting in the Zoophily:
degradation of the plant. Animals and insects – Birds, squirrels and
insects are attracted to the bright petals of
4.2.2 Cross Pollination (Allogamy): the flowers. These flowers are also large
in size and have a sweet smell. Some of
The transfer of pollen grains of a flower to
these flowers have nectar and a sweet
the stigma of another flower of a different
scent. This is the most common of all
plant of the same species is called cross
methods of pollination. This kind of pol-
pollination or allogamy.
lination is called Zoophily. (Pollination by
animals and birds).
Advantages of cross pollination:
1. The seeds produced as a result of
cross pollination develop, germinate
properly and grow into better plants,
i.e., cross pollination leads to the
production of new varieties.
2. More viable seeds are produced.
Fig 4.11 Zoophily

World of plants

Anemophily (Pollination by wind):

The flowers pollinated by air are mostly
small in size and without any attractive
colour, smell and nectar. They produce a
large number of pollen grains to make up
for the wastage of pollen in times of transit.

Fig 4.13 Hydrophily

4.3 Fertilization:
Recall what you have studied about pol-
Fig 4.12 Anemophily
The pollen grains are dry and powdery, Pollination is the transfer of pollen
and hence are easily carried by the wind. grains from the anther to the stigma. Each
pollen grain has protective walls called ex-
Some pollen grains even have wings.
ine and intine. The outer wall exine is thick
Some pollen grains even have wings.
and it has small pores called germination
Stigmas are large and protruding, even
pores. The inner wall is thin and elastic.
branched and feathery. e.g.Maize.
Flowers pollinated by wind are called Germination of pollen grain:
Anemophilous, e.g. Grass and pine. If pollen grain falls on a suitable stigma, it
starts germinating. A mature pollen con-
ACTIVITY sists of two cells. The larger one is vegeta-
tive cell and the smaller one is generative
•• C
ollect some of the zoophilous,
cell. The vegetative cell starts growing and
flowers. emerges through the germination pore. It
develops through the style as a long tube
•• Prepare a chart and make a note known as pollen tube. The generative
of their adaptations to suit the cell gets into the tube and divides into two
corresponding pollination.
male gametes (sperms).

Pollination by Water (Hydrophily): Pollen grain

This pollination takes place in water plants
or plants that are adapted to water habitat. Sperm
e.g. Vallisneria. This pollination is known
Pollen tube
as hydrophily. The flowers are small and
Tube nucleus
Fig 4.14 Germination of pollen grain


4.3.1. Process of fertilization: Endosperm is a nutritive tissue meant

for the development of the embryo. The
The pollen tube enters into the em- process of fusion of a male gamete with
bryo sac through micropyle. At this time, egg and the other gamete with secondary
the pollen tube bursts open, gametes re- nucleus is known as double fertilization.
leased from the pollen tube and enter into 4.3.3 Post fertilization changes :
the embryosac. One of the gametes fuses i. The ovule develops into seed.
with the egg, and the other fuses with the ii. The integuments of the ovule
secondary nucleus. The fusion of a male develop into seed coats.
gamete with egg is known as fertilization. iii. The ovary enlarges and
The fertilized egg is known as zygote develops into fruit.
which develops into embryo.

4.4. Fruit Formation :

Pollen grain
You are all very familiar with fruits. They
Style Pollen tube are inseparable with us in our day-to-day
life. Fruits are rich in vitamin and give en-
ergy to us. Now let us discuss about the
Ovule Embryo sac development of fruits and their types.
As we discussed earlier, fruits are the
product of fertilization. The ovary will be-
Fig 4.15 Process of fertilization come fruit after fertilization. It has two parts
namely pericarp (fruit wall) and seeds.
4.3.2. Double fertilization: Some fruits develop without the act
of fertilization. Such fruits are called Par-
The other male gamete fuses with the sec-
thenocarpic fruits. e.g. seedless grapes,
ondary nucleus. The secondary nucleus is
guava, mango etc.
diploid in nature.

4.4.1 Classification of fruits:

The fruits are classified as follows:
Simple fleshy fruits
In simple fleshy fruits, the pericarp is
succulent and juicy when fully ripe. The
fleshy fruits are indehiscent in nature. The
Fig 4.16 Double fertilization
pericarp is distinguished into three parts,
namely epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp.
The fusion of this nucleus with the There are mainly two types of fleshy fruits
second male gamete is known as triple – Baccate and Drupaceous. Baccate is
fusion. The triple fusion nucleus is called
further classified into berry, hesperidium,
endosperm nucleus because it develops
into endosperm. pome and pepo.

World of plants

Simple dry fruits

These fruits have a dry pericarp. They
are classified based on mode of dehis-
cense as dry dehiscent, dryindehiscent
and schizocarpic fruits.
4.4.2 Dry dehiscent fruit:
These fruits split open at maturity to liber- Custard apple
ate the seeds.
4.4.6 Composite or Multiple fruit:
4.4.3 Dry indehiscent fruit: Multiple or composite fruit is formed by
all the flowers of whole inflorescence and
These fruits do not split open at maturity
give a single fruit. There are two types of
and the seeds are liberated by the decay
multiple fruits namely sorosis and syconus.
of pericarp

4.4.4 Schizocarpic fruits ACTIVITY

At maturity, these fruits break into many Collect a variety of fruits. Identify
what type of fruit they belong to and
one seeded parts called mericarps. The
make a note on them.
mericarps containing the seeds remain
indehiscent. Thus the schizocarpic fruits
show characters of dehiscent and inde-
hiscent fruits. Think, read and find out :

4.4.5 Aggregate Fruit: Why are there so many varieties of

It is developed from a single flower with
multicarpellary, apocarpous, superior
ovary.Each free carpel develops into a 4.4.7 Seed Formation:
fruitlet. Hence, the aggregate fruit has a
cluster of fruitlets attached to a commonSeed is a fertilized ovule. It possesses
stalk (e.g) Polyalthia embryo, food materials and are protected
by the seed coat. During favourable con-
In Annona squamosa (custard apple), dition, the seed germinates and gives rise
the margin of the carpels are united and to a new seedling.
appears like a single fruit.
Seeds have great variations in the size,
shape, colour and surface. In orchids, there
are many seeds which are tiny dust like
particles. In coconut, there is a large sized
seed. The seed grows into a full plant.
On the basis of the number of cotyle-
dons in the embryo (seed), the angiosperms
Polyalthia have been divided into two groups.


Simple fleshy fruits :

Sl.No Type Diagram Description

1 B a c c a t e - Tomato It is one or many seeded fruit.
Berry Epicarp is thin and the mesocarp
is fleshy. They form a pulp which
is edible and the seeds are em-
bedded in it.

2 Hesperidium Orange It develops from multicarpellary,

superior ovary with axile placen-
tation. The epicarp is thick, leath-
ery and contain oil glands. The
whitish spongy layer lining the
epicarp is called mesocarp. The
endocarp forms distinct cham-
bers. Juicy hairs produced from
the endocarp is the edible part.
3 Pome Apple The fruit develops from pentacar-
pellary syncarpous inferior ovary
with many seeds. The thalamus
becomes fleshy and develops
into a fruit which is edible. The
true fruit containing seeds remain
4 Pepo Cucumber It develops from a tricarpellary,
syncarpous inferior ovary with
parietal placentation.The pulp
contains many seeds.

5 Drupaceous Mango It is a one seeded fleshy fruit and

develops from monocarpellary,
syncarpous ovary. The pericarp
is differentiated into outer skinny
epicarp,fleshy middle mesocarp
and stony inner endocarp. Be-
cause of the presence of stony
endocarp, the fruit is also known
as stone fruit.

World of plants

Simple dry fruits Dry dehiscent fruits

Sl.No Type Diagram Description

1 Legume Beans It develops from monocarpel-
lary, unilocular, superior ovary
with marginal placentation.
Pericarp dehisces along both
dorsal and ventral sutures
(e.g.) pea, bean, etc.

2 Follicle Calotropis It is like a legume fruit, but the

pericarp dehisces along one
suture only. (e.g.) Calotropis.

3 Capsule Cotton This is a many seeded fruit

developing from superior or in-
(a) Septicidal
ferior, syncarpous multicarpel-
lary ovary. Capsules dehisce
by various methods.

Lady’s finger
(b) Loculicidal

Dry indehiscent fruits :

Sl.No Type Diagram Description

1 Achene Clematis,Mirabilis This is a single seeded
fruit which develops from
monocarpellary, unilocu-
lar ovary. Perycarp is
hard and leathery, re-
mains free from the seed


2 Caryopsis Paddy It is a one seeded fruit which

develops from superior mono-
carpellary ovary. Pericarp is
fused with the seed coat (e.g
paddy, wheat, maize).

3 Cypsela Tridax This fruit develops from in-

ferior, bicarpellary syncar-
pous ovary. The pericarp and
the seed coat remains free

4 Nut Cashew nut It is a dry indehiscent, one

seeded fruit with hard and
woody pericarp. Nut is devel-
oped from superior, bi or multi-
carpellary ovary (e.g. Cashew
nut, Walnut etc).

(ii) Septicidal

World of plants

Schizocarpic Fruits :

Sl.No Type Diagram Description

1 Lomentum Acacia It resembles a legume and
breaks transversely at con-
strictions between the seeds
(e.g Acacia).

2 Cremocarp Coriandrum It is a two seeded fruit which

develops from bicarpellary
syncarpous, bilocular and in-
ferior ovary. It dehisces longi-
tudinally into two indehiscent
mericarps (e.g) Coriandrum.
3 Regma Castor It develops from tricarpellary
syncarpous superior ovary
and breaks up into three one
seeded cocci (e.g Castor).

Composite Fruits :

Sl.No Type Diagram Description

1 Sorosis Jack fruit In jack fruit, the rachis (inflo-
rescence axis) and other floral
parts of the female inflores-
cence fuse together forming a
composite fruit. It consists of
a fleshy central axis. The ed-
ible part represents the peri-
anth which is bag like and one
seeded. There are numerous,
elongated, whitish flat struc-
tures in between the edible
flakes. They represent the ster-
ile or unfertilized flowers. The
pines on the tough rind repre-
sent the stigma of the carpels.


Sl.No Type Diagram Description

2 Syconus Fig It is derived from a special
type of inflorescence known
as hypanthodium which has a
fleshy receptacle. It has large
number of minute unisexual
flowers. On ripening, the re-
ceptacle becomes fleshy and
juicy and forms the edible por-
tion (e.g.) banyan, peepal , fig,

1. Dicotyledons: Seeds with two cotyle- The embryo is enclosed by the seed
dons (e.g) pea, bean, gram and castor. coat. It consists of cotyledons attached to
the primary axis which has rudimentary
2. Monocotyledons: Embryo with one cot-
root portion called the radicle and a rudi-
yledon (e.g) maize, rice, wheat and onion.
mentary stem portion known as plumule.
1. Structure of a dicot seed (bean)
The tip of the radicle projects outside ,and
The seed is bulky, oval and slightly in- is nearer to the micropyle. The plumule is
dented on one side. On this side there is a placed between the two cotyledons and
short longitudinal, whitish ridge called the consists of a short axis, and a small bud
raphae. At one end of the raphae there is having two tiny little folded leaves.
a minute opening known as germ pore or Structure of monocot seed (paddy)
In paddy, the so called seed is actually a
If a water soaked seed is pressed gen-
fruit. It is a simple indehiscent one seeded
tly a small drop of water along with air
fruit known as caryopsis, (you have already
bubbles will be found coming out though
studied about this in the lesson of fruits.).The
the micropyle.
seed coat is very thin. The fruit wall (peri-
carp) is thin and fused with the seed coat.
The fruit is covered by generally yellowish
bract and bracteoles which are commonly
known as chaff. The embryo consists of sin-
gle cotyledon called scutellum and a short
axis. The lower part of the axis is the radicle,
covered by a sheath called coleorrhiza (root
sheath). The upper part is known as plumule
which is covered by a sheath called coleop-
tile. In a day or two, after the seed is placed
in a moist soil, the coleorrhiza pierces the
Fig 4.17 Dicot seed base of the seed. The radicle comes out
next after splitting the coleorhiza.

World of plants

The radicle does not form the root sys-

tem. Meanwhile, roots are formed from ACTIVITY
the lower most nodes of the stem. These •• Soak a few seeds of bengal gram
roots are called adventitious roots. These (Channa) and keep them over
adventitious roots form fibrous root sys- night in a wet cloth.
tem of matured plant. •• Draintheexcesswaterandcover
the seeds with the wet cloth and
1 leave them for a day. Make sure
that the seeds do not become
•• Cut and open the seed carefully
and observe the different parts.

2 •• Compare your observations with

the diagram and see if you can
identity all the parts.
Fig 4.18 Monocot seed(Paddy)

1.Seed Coat, 2.Embryo

DO YOU KNOW? 4.5 Dispersal of seeds :

Darwin used seeds of cress, cab- The seeds fall off far away from the
bages, lettuces and onions. Dar- mother plant. Why?
win also studied longer periods The reproductive capacity of plants is so
in sea water, the effect of water
tremendous that a very large number of
temperature on germination and
seeds is produced by a single plant. If all
floating of seeds. His experiments
overturned the idea that sea water these seeds fall directly below the parent
kills seeds. Of the 87 species he plant, the seedlings would have to com-
used, Darwin found almost three- pete for space, water, oxygen, miner-
quarters of the seeds studied als and sunlight, leading to competition.
could tolerate solt water at least When the seedlings are grouped together
28 days in salt water. at one place, they could easily be de-
stroyed by grazing animals. Such a situ-
ation would be detrimental to the species.
Label jars, filled with sea water The fruits and seeds of plants have
and seeds. After 7 days put the evolved various devices by which they
seeds in a sieve, rinse under can be distributed far and wide through
a tap, and plant out in labeled various agencies.


This not only eliminates the unhealthy The spongy thalamus with air chamber
competitive struggle that would arise from of Lotus floats in water streams and after
over crowding, but also ensures the suc- some time the fruits get separated, and
cessful spreading and establishment of a the seeds germinate.
species on the earth. Most fruits and seeds Zoochory: Zoochory is a mechanism in
have evolved adaptations for dispersal. which dispersal of fruits and seeds is by
animals. Some fruits are provided with
Agents for the dispersal of fruits and hooks, spines, bristles, stiff hairs, etc.,
seeds: on their outer coat. With the aid of these
Based on the agents involved in disper- out growths, these fruits stick to the furry
sal, there are various types of dispersal coats of skins of some animals and get
mechanisms of fruits and seeds in plants. carried away from one place to another.
Autochory: Autochory is an active mech- The fruits of Xanthium have sharp-
anism of self dispersal of fruits and seeds. pointed stiff hooks and the Achyranthus
Fruits like balsam burst with a sudden jerk the perianth and bracts are pointed. Many
and disperse the seeds by an explosive fleshy fruits are eaten by animals and hu-
mechanism. man beings and the seeds are thrown away.

Anemochory is the wind dispersal of

fruits and seeds. Alternatively, the wind
may blow them away, for which they have
to be light, so that their buoyancy may
enable them to float on air over long dis-
tances. Some of them are provided with
hairs and membranous wing-like struc-
tures which enable them to be carried
away easily (e.g. Seeds dispersed by the
wind are Calotropis (Erukkum), Moringa
(drum sticks) etc.
Fig 4.19 Autochory (Balsam)
Fruits of Tridax carry a persistent ca-
lyx modified into a pappus (a ring of fine,
feathery hairs) which act like a parachute
and aids in the dispersal by wind.

Hydrochory: Hydrochory is a mechanism

in which dispersal of fruits and seeds is
by water. Fruits which are dispersed by
water have outer coats that are modified
to enable them to float. The mesocarp of
coconut is fibrous, which is easily carried
away by water currents. Fig 4.20 Anemochory (Tridax)

World of plants

In fruits like tomato and guava, the seeds

are eaten along with the edible portion and
later passed out by excreta. These types
of seeds are protected from the digestive
juices by their seed coat.
Man is responsible for the dispersal
of many fruits and seeds. In the pursuit
Fig 4.21 Hydrochory(Lotus)
of more economy, useful plants like Cin-
chona, Rubber and Eucalyptus have been
successfully introduced by man and they
have acclmatized well to the new sur-
roundings far away from their original
mother land.
•• Reproduction is one of the biological
processes like nutrition, respiration,
Fig 4.22 Zoochory(Xanthium) excretion etc.
•• Various organisms use different modes
of reproduction depending on the
shape and the structure of the body.
•• In fission, many bacteria and protozoa
simply divide into two or more daughter
•• There are three types of reproduction,
viz 1.Vegetative propagation 2.
Asexual reproduction and 3. Sexual
•• Sexual reproduction needs two
Fig 4.23 Zoochory(Achyranthus) different gametes produced by male
and female.
ACTIVITY •• Two events, pollination and fertilization,
•• Collect a few fruit or seeds which are involved in the sexual reproduction
have wings. in plants.
•• Observe the fruit of Tridax and •• Two types of pollination-self and cross
draw. Look at the pappus calyx. pollination.
•• Why is the mesocarp of coconut •• Cross pollination is influenced by some
fibrous? external agents like, wind, water and
•• Pollination is followed by fertilization.
Collect some of the plants around •• Fruit is the product of fertilization.
you. What are their local names?
•• Seed is the fertilized ovule.
Can you find out their botanical
names? •• Fruits and seeds are dispersed by
wind, water and animals.


EVALUATION (Aggregate fruit, Composite fruit,

Simple fruit, Multiple fruit)
PART – A 5. If a water soaked seed is pressed,
1. This is the one of the methods a small drop of water comes out
of reproduction in unicellular through.
organisms like amoeba and (stomata, lenticel, micropyle,
bacteria in which they split into radicle)
two equal halves and produce new
6. The mango fruit is called as stone
ones is called.
fruit. because it has.
(fragmentation, binary fission,
(skinny epicarp, stony mesocarp,
budding, spore formation)
fleshy endocarp, hard endocarp)
2. In sexual reproduction of flowering
plants, the first event involved in
this is. 7. Pick out the wrong statement.
(fertilization, germination, (In a dicot seed there is a short
regeneration, pollination) longitudinal whitish ridge is called
3. Which of the following statement is the raphae.
true. There is a minute opening in dicot
(Thin walled non mobile spores seed is known as micropyle.
are called zoospores, The rudimentary stem portion
A motile asexual spore produced known as radicle.
by some algae bacteria and fungi The rudimentary root portion is
are Akinetes, called radicle)
Uninucleate non-motile asexual 8. Consider the following statement
regarding the disposal of fruit
spores are produced by the
by wind and select the correct
fungus are called conidia, answer.
Thick walled vegetative cells (Fruits and seeds dispersed with
produced by the algae during a sudden jerk by an explasive
adverse conditions are called mechanism.
aplanospores.) Fruits of tridax are carry a persistent
calyx modified into pappus.
The fruits of xanthium have sharp
4. The fertilized ovary is a fruit. The
pointed stiff hooks.
fruit develops from a single flower
with multi carpellary, apocarpous The mesocarp of coconut is
superior ovary is fibres)

Chapter - 5


Chapter 5


Mammals are the diverged group of Epidermal Hairs:

animals, occupying different biomes of the All mammals have hairs . Even appar-
environment ,successfully fitting in their ently. naked whales and dolphins grow
habitats. Mammals are found almost in sensitive bristles on their snouts. Mamma-
all habitats like oceans , freshwater, hilly lian hair is a new form of skin structure-
regions , forests, deserts, polar regions a derivative from the skin; the hair is an
and swamps. insulator against heat loss. The coloura-
tion and pattern of mammal’s skin usually
matches its background. Hairs also are
5.1 Morphology: sensory structure, as the whiskers of cats
and dogs are sensitive to touch. Hair is
Mammalian morphology is so divergent, also defensive for porcupine and hedge-
as they occupy different habitats . The hogs with long, sharp, stiff hairs called
sea living dolphins, whales etc., look like quills to protect them from predators.
fish, by form and structure. A nocturnal
bat gliding in the sky, looks like a bird. All ACTIVITY (Small Group)
the large land animals are mammals. The
Observe the hair of dog, cat, cattles,
size of mammals sets them apart from all
man, horse and donkey. Look for the
other kinds of land animals.
structural details like shape, texture
Mammals are distinguished from and curly or straight condition and
other vertebrates by two fundamental record your findings.
characteristics that all mammals possess
and no other living vertebrate have. They
Milk producing glands:
1. E
 pidermal Hairs All female mammals possess mam-
2. Milk producing glands. mary glands that secrete milk. New born


­ ammals, born without teeth suckled by water and marine habitats. Some impor-
the mother. Milk producing glands are tant mammals in their different habitats
modified sweat glands. are listed below;
High mountains - mountain goats, big
5.2 Habitat: horned sheep, grizzly
bears, etc,.
The place of living of an organism is its
habitat. Mammals exhibit a great degree Plains and forests - porcupine, giant
of functional adaptation to fit in the habi- squirrel, deers,
tats in which they live. We find mammals elephants, tiger,
living in high mountains, plains and for- ­leopard, rhinoceros,
ests, tundra, grassland, deserts, fresh Hippopotamus, etc,.

Fig 5.1Diverged group of mammals with their young ones


Tundra - r eindeer, muskdeer have cellulose splitting enzymes.

ox, rodents, etc,. 4. Mammals such as cows, buffaloes,
Desert -b
 lack buck, Indian antelopes, goats, deers, etc,. have
wild ass etc,. huge four chambered stomachs
Fresh water -b
 eavers, platypus, that function as storage and
otters, etc,. fermentation vats. The stomach of
cattles also helps them to ruminate
Marine -w
 hales, dolphins,
dugong, porpoise,
or cud the food.
seal, walrus, etc,. 5. Mammals have heterodont dentition
with different types of teeth that are
highly specialized to match particular
5.3 Mammalian adaptations: eating habits. For example, the
Mammalian group is the most successful carnivorous animals have tearing
animals adapted to different conditions of teeth - the canine. In elephant the
life . incisors are modified into tusks as a
1. In the marine whales, dolphins, etc,. specialized weapon.
the limbs are modified into flippers 6. Bats are the only mammals capable
which are used as oars to swim in of powered flight. The forelimbs
water. They also posseses huge of bats are modified into wing like
subcutaneous fat deposits to conserve structure. The bat’s wing is a leathery
heat. The jaws of the whales are membrane of skin and the muscle
modified into baleen plates to is stretched over the bones of the
sieve the water and trap the minute four fingers. Bats prefer to hang
planktonic organisms as their food upside down from their legs while
called krill. resting. The nocturnal bats can fly
2. The skin of camels is doubly thick without crashing into things and still
and contains water storing osmotic capture insects by echo location. As
cells to conserve water, as they live a bat flies, it emits very rapid series
in deserts. They have thick bunchy of extremely high pitched clicking
eyebrows covering the eyes to sounds. The sound waves bounce
protect the eyes from sandy wind. off objects or flying insects and the
Their nasal hole can be closed bat hears the echo.
during desert storms to prevent the 7. The marsupials, kangaroo have
entry of sand particles. developed abdominal pouches to
3. Most mammals are herbivores, bear the tender young ones.
eating mostly or only plants. To 8. The polar bears have thick skin
digest the cellulose rich food, coats and woolly fur to bear the
they have developed a mutual biting cold of the polar regions.
partnership with bacteria that

9. The supreme mammal – man is In winter, we produce little sweat as a

highly adapted as an intellectual warming up mechanism to conserve heat.
social animal. The fingers and toes The sweat glands are supplied with less
are adapted for handling extremely amount of blood, so that the amount of
fine movements in holding of fine heat lost is lowered. Now the kidneys ex-
objects, in writing and using very crete out more urine.
delicate instruments. Mammalian respiration is more effi-
cient in comparison to other vertebrates.
Red blood cells of mammals are fully
packed with the respiratory red blood pig-
ment haemoglobin, to carry the maximum
amount of oxygen. The mammalian RBCs
are without nucleus, as the space occu-
pied by the nucleus is taken up by the
haemoglobin molecules.

ACTIVITY (Individual)
Fig 5.2 Bat Note the body temperature of some
of your classmates at 10 a.m, 1 p.m
and 4 p.m. Record the same. Do you
find any change in the temperature at
5.4 Basic physiological different timings?
Mammals perform the physiological func-
tions more efficiently compared to other
5.5 Circulatory system of man:
In order to transport substances from one
Mammals are warm blooded or ho-
part of the body to the other, the circula-
moiotherms, maintaining a constant body
tory system has evolved. In man, the cir-
temperature, irrespective of the tempera-
culatory system is composed of
ture in the surroundings. The body tem-
perature in man is maintained at 98.4o F a) the heart
to 98.6o F. The temperature regulation is b) the blood vessels namely arteries,
done as a team work, by the sweat glands veins and capillaries
of skin, kidneys, lungs and blood.
c) the blood and
In summer, we sweat more as a cool-
ing up mechanism, to conduct the heat out d) the lymph.
in the sweating process. This is possible William Harvey in 1628 discovered the
with increased blood supply to the sweat circulation of blood in man, until then it
glands. The kidneys expel less urine since was thought that the body is a blood filled
much of water is lost in the sweat. entity, and the blood is stagnant in it.


emptying the deoxygenated blood

brought from different parts of the
body. Into the left auricle open the
four pulmonary veins emptying the
oxygenated blood brought from the
two lungs.

These are thick walled lower chambers of
the heart. A partition called inter ventricu-
William Harvey 1578-1657 was an lar septum divides the ventricle into right
English physician. He was the first to and left ventricle. The ventricles pump
give the details of blood circulation, the blood out from the heart. From the
the properties of blood and the pump- right ventricle the deoxygenated blood
ing of blood by the heart. is pumped into pulmonary artery to sup-
ply the two lungs. From the left ventricle
oxygenated blood is pumped into the
The heart: aorta to supply the oxygenated blood to
the different parts of the body through its
The human heart is a hallow fibro mus-
cular organ. It is conical in shape. the heart
is covered by a protective double walled
sac called pericardium filled with pericar- Apertures of the heart:
dial fluid. The heart is made up of special Between the right auricle and right ventri-
type of muscles, called ­cardiac muscles. cle is found the right auriculo ventricular
The partitions within the heart divide the aperture and between the left auricle and
heart into four chambers as ­auricles and left ventricle is found the left auriculo ven-
ventricles. The right half of the heart re- tricular aperture.
ceives and pumps off ­deoxygenated blood
and the left half of the heart receives and
pumps out oxygenated blood.

These are thin walled upper chambers.
The auricles are divided into a right
auricle and a left auricle, by a partition
called inter auricular septum. Auricles
are the receiving chambers of blood.
Into the right auricle open the superior
venacava and inferior venacava
Fig 5.3 Human Heart

Valves of the heart: beat is an inherent capacity of the heart,

begun and conducted by the specialized
A tricuspid valve with three flaps is found
muscle bundle in the heart.
in the right auriculo ventricular aperture to
regulate the flow of blood, from right auri-
cle to right ventricle and not backwards. Blood vessels:
There are three distinct types of blood
A bicuspid valve or mitral valve with
vessels,namely arteries veins and capilaries.
two flaps in the left auriculo ventricular
aperture regulates the flow of blood, from
left auricle to left ventricle and not back- Arteries:
wards. Arteries carry the blood from the heart to
At the base of the pulmonary artery different parts of the body. They are the
are present the semi-lunar valves, which branches of aorta, supplying oxygenated
regulate the blood to flow from the right blood to the different regions of the body
ventricle to the pulmonary artery. (except pulmonary artery which carries
deoxygenated blood). The aorta branches
At the base of the aorta is present the into arteries. Arteries branch into arte-
aortic valve, to regulate the flow of blood rioles. Arterioles branch into fine tubes
from left ventricle into aorta. called meta arterioles. The meta arterioles
end up in the tiny blood vessels called
Working of heart: capillaries.
Human heart works by contraction and
relaxation of the cardiac muscles. The
contraction phase is called systole and re-
laxation phase is called diastole.
When the auricles are filled with blood
they are in relaxation phase (auricular di-
astole). By now ventricles will push the
blood into aorta and pulmonary artery by
their contraction (ventricular systole).
When the auricles contract (auricular
systole) the blood is pushed into the ven-
tricules through the bicuspid and tricuspid
valves, leading to ventricular relaxation
(ventricular diastole).

Fig 5.4 Arteries, capillaries and Veins
The closure of the valves of the heart
produce two different cardiac sounds as Capillaries:
“lubb” and “dubb”. The human heart These tiny blood vessels form a network,
beats 72 times in a minute at rest. Heart-

called capillary network around the tissues The red blood pigment haemoglobin
to enable the passage of substances ,from is fully packed in the RBCs. They are
the blood into the tissues. concerned with carriage of respiratory
White Blood Cells – Leucocytes:
The veins drain the blood from ­different
parts of the body to the heart. The WBCs are amoeboid in shape with promi-
­capillaries reunite to form venules, which nent nuclei. WBCs are concerned with
drain the deoxygenated blood from the phagocytosis of eating up the germs and
tissues. The small venules united producing antibodies to resist the germs
with the big veins open into ­superior entering the body.
­venacava and inferior venacava.
Blood Platelets – Thrombocytes:
­Except the pulmonary veins all other
veins carry deoxygenated blood. Platelets are irregular broken up pieces
of certain giant cells. They are concerned
The blood: with blood clotting to prevent the loss of
Blood is the river of life – providing the­ blood.
­internal environment to the body. Blood
is the connective tissue, consisting of
the fluid part, the plasma and the solid
­components, the blood cells.

The liquid component of blood, the plasma
is composed of water, organic ­substances,
inorganics substances, etc,. The ­important
organic substances of plasma are the
­plasmaproteins namely globulin (for
­immunity), fibrinogen (for blood clotting)
and albumin (for water balance).

Blood cells:
There are three types of blood cells
namely Red Blood Cells, White Blood
Cells and Blood Platelets freely floating in
the plasma.

Red Blood Cells – Erythrocytes:

RBCs are circular, biconcave and disc Fig 5.5 Blood Cells
shaped. While the young RBCs have nu-
clei, the matured ones are without ­nuclei.


Excretory organ Excretory products Sent out as

Kidneys Nitrogenous waste products – Urine
urea, uric acid, creatinine, etc,.
Lungs Carbondioxide and Expired air
water vapour
Skin Excess water and salt Sweat

5.6 Excretory system in man: per abdominal region, one on either side of
Excretion is the removal of metabolic the vertebral column attached to the dorsal
waste products called excreta. The im- body wall. A thin transparent membrane
portant excreta and the excretory organs called capsule covers the kidney. The kid-
which remove them are shown above. neys are bean shaped with outer convex
surface and inner concavity. The depres-
The principal excretory organs of our sion in the concavity is called renal hilus,
body are the kidneys, which maintain the from which arises the muscular tube called
chemical composition of the blood and so ureter. The two ureters open into the dis-
are called as master chemist of our body. tensible muscular sacs called the urinary
bladder which is the store house of urine.
External structure of kidney: From the urinary bladder arises the urethra
A pair of kidneys are present in the up- which delivers the urine out of the body.

Fig 5.6 a) Excretory system of man b) LS of Kidney


Internal structure of kidney: Malpighian capsule:

The outer portion of the kidney is dark This consists of a network of blood
in colour and is called renal cortex and capillaries called glomerulus and a dou-
inner pale region of the kidney is called ble walled cup called Bowman’s cup. The
renal medulla. Renal medulla contains glomerulus is a network of blood capillar-
conical masses called renal pyramids. On ies, formed by the branches of the wider
the renal pyramids are found the open- afferent renal arteriole. From the glomeru-
ings called renal papillae, which open lus arises the narrow efferent renal arte-
into the inner space of the kidney called riole, which branches over the rest of the
renal pelvis. From the renal pelvis arises nephron as network of capillaries. The
the ureter. Bowman’s capsule accommodates the
The kidneys are composed of millions glomerulus.
of units called nephrons.
Uriniferous tubules:
Structure of nephrons: From the Bowman’s capsule arises the
Nephrons are the structural and func- Uriniferous tubules. It is divided into three
tional units of the kidney, each kidney is portions as the initial coiled proximal
composed of millions of nephrons. A ne- convoluted tubule, the middle U-shaped
phron has two structural components Henle’s loop and the later coiled distal
namely, Malpighian capsule and the urinif- convoluted tubule. The distal convoluted
erous tubules. tubule straightens as the collecting ducts.
The collecting ducts open on the renal
pyramids as renal papillae. The nephrons
filter the blood and form the urine.

5.7 Relationship of structure

and function:
Based on the functional need a particu-
lar organ or part gets a suitable modifica-
tion in its structure. Thus a structure is so
adapted to perform a specific function. So
structure and function go hand in hand.
The fore limbs of different mammals are
suitably modified to do different functions
according to their environment. For exam-
ple, all the vertebrate animals in general,
and all mammals in particular, have their
fore limbs sharing a common basic pattern
Fig 5.7 Nephron of construction. The fore limbs of mam-
mals consist of five parts namely upper

arm, fore arm, wrist, palm and phalanges, ism’s adaptive response to stimuli in its
but they are differently used in different environment. The stimuli may be as sim-
animals like ple as the odour of the food. Nervous sys-
tem perceives and passes the information
1. Man uses his fore limb to hold an concerning the environmental stimuli and
object, write, operate very fine trigger adaptive motor response which we
musical instruments and delicate see as the patterns of behaviour.
digital devices. The thumb is deviant
from other four fingers, to enable 5.8.1 Social behavior:
man to do the above jobs.
Behaviour is both an instinctive process
2. A horse uses it’s fore limb to (influenced by genes) and learned experi-
gallop. ence (gained by experience).
3. A rat or bandicoot uses it’s fore limb Social attachments between ­animals
to make holes in the ground to live. is called imprinting. The binding or
4. A giraffe uses its pretty long and ­attachment between the parents and the
stout fore limbs to reach up the offspring is called filial imprinting. At times,
vegetations, at the height of the we find an individual of a species is raised
plants. by a parent of another species (e.g the
chick of cuckoo bird is fed by crow in its
5. A monkey leaps from one branch
nest). This behavioural pattern is called
of the tree to another using it’s fore cross fostering.
limb to swing and leap.
Many insects, fish, birds and mammals
6. A whale uses its fore-limbs as oars live in social groups in which information is
to swim. communicated between group members.
For example some individuals in mamma-
lian societies serve as guards.

Fig 5.8 Basic pattern of forelimbs of


5.8 Animal behavior: Fig 5.9 Honey Bee

Behaviour can be defined as an organ-
In an elephant herd, it is always the

oldest she elephant that leads the herd, Even after the nutritional independency is
while the strong males will form the periph- obtained by the young one i.e it takes care
ery of the herd and the young calves and of its nutrition by itself, the parental care
other she elephants will be in the centre. is extended in some species beyond this
Sexual behavior:
The coming closer of the opposite sexes
is both by instinctive process and sexual
­attraction exhibited by one or both the part-
ners. The secondary sexual ­characters
developed during the breeding season
bring the two sexes together for sexual
­reproduction. For example , the bright and
colourful plumage of male peacock is to
draw the attention of the female.
Sexual imprinting: is a process in
which an individual learns to direct its
sexual ­behaviour at a member of its own
species. During the courtship, animals
produce ­signals to communicate with Fig 5.10 Parental care in elephants
­potential mates and with other members
of their own sex. A character exhibited by
one sex to attract the other sex is called 5.9 A case study by a
courtship signalling. Many courtship ­researcher:
­signals are species, specific to help ani-
The behavioural patterns in different situ-
mals avoid making errors in mating.
ations are investigated in the research
projects taken up by leading universities
Parental care: in Tamilnadu.
Any investment or effort by the parent to The abstract of case study by Arun
take care of the young ones in order to Venkatraman, Asian Elephant Conserva-
increase the chance of survival of the off- tion Centre, Centre for Ecological Science,
spring and hence increase the reproduc- Indian Institute of Science – Bangalore on
tive success is called parental care. The Dholes is given below.
parents care for the young ones and pro-
vide high nutrition, protect the young ones (Courtesy to the researcher – Mr.Arun
from predators and enable the young ones Venkatraman)
to lead a successful life. Asiatic wild dog (Sennaai – in Tamil),
Providing the young one with the milk commonly called Dholes – Cuon ­alpines
from its mammary gland and aggression is an endangered species living in
exhibited against the predator are the best ­Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary at Nilgiris,
means of taking care of the young one. Tamilnadu.


The Dholes live in packs which consist

of old females, males, females and pups.
The pack members co-ordinate while
­pulling down and killing large prey such as
adult Sambar Deer. There is a tendency to
share the meat among the members of the
pack. However there prevails a ­squabbling
among them to get the ­choicest meat.
The young pups are allowed to take the
meat first. The old males follow them.
The other young ones and old females
usually lag ­behind.
Fig 5.11 Dholes

CASE STUDY: (In Small Group)

•• Conduct a case study on the •• Mammals are large sized vertebrates.
behavioural aspects of your pet •• Mammals are the diverged group of
dogs in reference to their territorial animals occupying different biomes.
dominance when strangers or
other dogs try to enter into your •• The mammalian hair and the milk
locality. producing glands are the two unique
characters seen only in mammals.
ACTIVITY: •• The habitats of mammals are much
•• Follow an ant line and try to break diverged.
its route by drawing a line with your
finger without killing any ant. •• Mammals adapt very uniquely to fit
themselves in their habitats.
•• Observe the behaviour of the ants
as to whether they change the •• Mammalian physiology is comparatively
route or go in disarray. more efficient.

•• Try to observe for a few minutes •• The human circulatory system consists
for any change they resort in of the heart, the blood vessels, the
their route. Make a report of their blood and the lymph.
behaviour and submit. •• The different excretory organs in man
are kidneys, lungs and skin.
•• Nephrons are the structural and
The Dholes also exhibit a high de- functional units of the kidney.
gree of parental care by changing the •• Based on functional need, an organ is
den frequently so that the pups are suitably modified and thus the structure
safe from predators such as leopards enables the organs to perform its
and hyenas. functions efficiently.


•• Behaviour is the adaptive response Right ventricle and pulmonary

of an organism to the stimuli in the artery,
Left ventricle and aorta.
•• Social behaviour is both instinctive and
learned experience. 6. Blood cells responsible for clotting
of blood are __________.
•• Sexual behaviour involves courtship
signalling which is species specific. Erythrocytes, Leucocytes,
•• The investment or effort by the parent Thrombocytes, Monocytes.
on their offsprings to provide nutritive 7. The principal excretory organs of
food and safeguard them from our body are _________.
predators is called parental care.
Liver, Skin,
Kidney, Lungs.
8. The herd of elephants is led by
I. Choose and write the correct answer __________.
1. Sensitive whiskers are found in Oldest she elephant,
_________. Young calf,
Bat, Elephant, Strong male elephant,
Deer, Cat. Youngest she elephant.
2. The tusks of elephants are modified 9. The plasma protein involved in
________. immunity is ____________.
Canines, Molars, Globulin, Fibrinogen,
Incisors, Palate. Fibrin, Albumin.
3. Pick out an animal which has four 10. The dolphins mainly eat
chambered stomach _______. _________.
Elephant, Dolphin, Large fish, Small fish,
Deer, Kangaroo. Plankton, Algae.
4. Normal body temperature of man is Very Short Answers
1. One of the following groups contains
98.4 – 98.6oF, 96.6 – 96.8oF, a non mammalian animal. Pick up
94.4 – 98.6 F, 98.4 – 99.6 F.
o o
the group.
5. Mitral valve is found between a. dolphin, walrus, porcupine, rabbit,
_________. bat
R i g h t a u r i c l e a n d r i g h t b. elephant, pig, horse, donkey,
ventricle, monkey
Left auricle and left ventricle, c. antelope, deer, cow, buffalo, black buck


d. dog, cat, crocodile, lion, tiger Venule -> Capillaries

b. Aorta -> Arteries -> Arteriole ->
2. The epidermis of mammals contains Capillaries -> Venule
a. hair, bristle, quills c. Capillaries -> Arteries -> Aorta ->
Venacava -> Veins
b. hair, nail, claw
d. Venacava -> Aorta -> Capillaries ->
c. hair, bristle, horn
Venule -> Veins
d. hair, nail, scale

7. Master chemists of our body are

3. Based on relationship, fill up kidneys. Justify.
Whale : Baleen plates ; Bat : a. kidneys acquire all chemicals taken
_______ in the body
b. kidneys maintain the chemical
4. Copy down the diagram and composition of blood
label the parts as per A and B in the c. kidneys send out all chemicals
diagram. taken in the body
d. kidneys store the various chemicals
taken in the body

8. Fill in the blanks in the box given

below. Matching the column A, B
and C
A. The chamber which collects the
blood from the lungs.
B. The blood vessel which carries the
blood to the lungs.

5. Fill in the blanks.

Plasma : Fibrinogen ;
RBC: Carriage of oxygen; 9. Based on modifications make the
WBC: -------------.
incisor: tusk of elephant;
6. In the formation of blood vessels,
_____________ : quills of porcupine
which one of the following is right
a. Aorta -> Arteries -> Arteriole ->

10. Copy the diagram and label the

following parts
Bowman’s cup; Henles loop; Glom-
erulus; Proximal Convoluted tubule.

11. Human body temperature is

maintained at 98.4oF to 98.6oF.
The following list contains the
organs which regulate the body
temperature and a few other organs
also. Pick out the organs which
regulate the body temperature.
Skin. Heart, Lungs, Kidney, Blood,
Testes, Ovary

12. Capsule is to kidney. Meninges

to the brain and pericardium to
the heart are all
13. Courtship signaling is stronger
among the members of the same
species. Interpret this.
a. this ensures interspecific mating
b. this reduces the chance for
intraspecific mating
c. this ensures the intraspecific mating
d. this prevents the intraspecific


World of plants

9. The product of triple fusion which 14. Composite fruits is formed by

acts as nutritive tissue for the the all the flowers of ---------, fruit
development of embryo is is developed from a single flower
(zygote, placenta, scutellum, with multicarpellary apocarpous
endosperm) superior ovary. is -------------
10. The disadvantage of self 15. Redraw the diagram and label
pollination is the following parts.
(There is no wasteage of pollen a. Exine and b. Tube nucleus.
The seeds are less in number
Self pollination is sure in bisexual
Flowers need not depend on
agents of pollination PART- C Long Answers
16. a) Name the process by which
PART – B Short answers:
the fruit is developed.
11. a. Identify the given fig. A and B. b)Give the development process
b. Which part of the A is modified in brief.
in to the part of B c) Draw a neat diagram of that
process and label.
17. a. Write the two events involved
A B in the sexual reproduction of
flowering plant.
b.Discuss the first event and
write the types.
12. The methods of reproduction c.Give advantages and
and the organisms are given below. disadvantages of that event.
Match the type of reproduction to 18. a).Fruit is the product of fertilization.
the suitable organisms. Is there any fruit is formed with
Fission Spirogyra Yeast out the act of fertilization?
Budding Protozoans Flatworms
Fragmentation Bryophyllum Bacteria
b) Represent the classification of
fruits in a diagrammatic sketch
13. In balsam plant the seeds fall off 19. Describe the structure of dicot
far away from the mother plant. seed.
a. Is this statement correct or 20. Compare aggregate fruit with mul-
incorrect? b. Give reason. tiple fruit with suitable examples.

Life Processes

Chapter - 6

Life Processes

Chapter 6

How do you differentiate the living things through cells functioning has to go on. The
and non-li ving things? life process includes the ­activities per-
If we see a dog running formed by the different ­organs to maintain
the body.
Some of the life processes in the living
a cow chewing cud
beings are described below:
a man shouting loudly on the street, Nutrition:
We know that these are living beings. The processes of obtaining energy
through consumption of food.
What if the dog or the cow or the man
were asleep? Respiration:
We would still think that they were alive, The process of acquiring oxygen through
but how did we know that? We see them breathing and make it available to cells for
breathing and we know that they are alive. the process of breaking down of organic
What about plants? substances into simpler compounds is
How do we know that they are alive? called as respiration.
We the their green leaves and some Transportation:
kind of movements like the folding and
Transportation is the process by which the
unfolding of leaves, stages of growth as
food and oxygen is carried from one or-
common evidences for being alive.
gan to other organs in the body.

6.1 What are Life processes?
It is the process by which the metabolic waste
The maintenance of living organisms by-products are removed from the different
must go on even at the conditions, when organs and released out from the body.
they are not physically active. Even when we
sit idle and during sleeping, this maintenance job
Life Processes

Questions: stored form of energy. The materials are

taken in the form of carbon dioxide and
1. How do we understand the living
water which are converted into carbohy-
nature of organisms? drates in the presence of light and chlo-
2. What are the materials available from rophyll. Carbohydrates are utilized as
external sources for the organism’s energy rich sources to the plant., for their
consumption? entire activity.
3. What processes are essential to The process of photosynthesis is ex-
maintain our body? plained in the form of bio-chemical reaction

6.2 Nutrition in plants:

Do you know that we need energy for all
activities? shown below:
When do we get that energy? The raw materials and other neces-
sary items required for photosynthesis are
The source of energy is the food we eat.
Sunlight, Water, CO2 and Chlorophyll.
Sunlight - energy from the sun
Autotrophic Nutrition: Water - plant absorbs water from
Most of the green plants are self-de- the soil through roots.
pendent, because they synthesize their CO2 - assimilated from the
own food materials by photosynthesis. atmosphere through
Such mode of nutrition is described as au- leaves containing small
totrophic nutrition. pores called stomata.
It is the process by which autotrophic Chlorophyll - the green pigments in the
plants consume substances from the chloroplasts, an organelle
external sources and convert them into of the cells of leaf.

Chapter 6
Let us do an activity which demonstrates that chlorophyll
is essential for photosynthesis.
ACTIVITY (Small Group)
1. Take a potted plant with variegated leaves – for example, money
plant or crotons.
2. Keep the plant in a dark room for three days so that all the starch
gets used up.
3. Now keep the plant in sunlight for about six hours.
4. Pluck a leaf from the plant. Mark the green areas in it and trace
them on a sheet of paper.
5. Dip the leaf in boiling water for a few minutes.
6. After this, immerse it in a beaker containing alcohol.
7. Carefully place the beaker in a water-bath till the alcohol begins to
8. What happens to the colour of the leaf? What is the colour of the
9. Now dip the leaf in a dilute solution of iodine for few minutes.
10. Take out the leaf and rinse off the iodine solution.
11. Observe the colour of the leaf and compare this with the tracing of
the leaf done in the beginning.
12. What can you conclude about the presence of starch in various
spots of the leaf?

Heterotrophic nutrition: Parasitic plants have some special roots,

which penetrate the host plants and absorb
Fungal cells do not contain chloroplasts and
food from the phloem, water and minerals
they formed into saprophytes and parasites.
from xylem. These roots are called haustoria.
Likewise all organisms, except the green
(e.g.: Cuscutta and Viscum).
plants do not possess ­chloroplasts as they
do not carry out ­photosynthesis. They de-
pend upon plants or other organisms for Saprophytes:
their nutrition.
Some plants obtain nutrients from non-
Parasites: living organic matter. They are called
Some organisms live on other organisms for saprophytes. Many fungi and bacteria
nourishments. They are called Parasites. The are saprophytes. Certain angiosperms
plants or animals in which the parasites like Monotropa lack chlorophyll and have
live for nourishments are called hosts.
Life Processes

mycorrhizal roots.The plant absorbs

nourishments from the humus through
their mycorrhizal roots.

Fig 6.3 Viscum

1. What are the differences
between autotrophic nutrition
and heterotrophic nutrition?
2. What are the sources of
Fig 6.1 Variegated Leaf(a). Before starch test
materials required by plants for
(b). After starch test

6.2 T
 ypes of nutrition and
human digestive system:

Intracellular digestion:
White blood cells (leucocytes) in verte-
brate animals are defensive in functioning
and get rid of germs in the body of the
animals. WBCs engulf the invading germs
by producing pseudopodia around the
germs and digest the germs inside them
by phagocytosis.
The unicellular animalcules like
Fig 6.2 Cuscutta Amoeba also produce pseudopodia to­
e­ngulf the diatoms and other minute
­organisms and digest them within the cell.
Paramoecium, an another protozoan has
a cytopharynx, a cytoplasmic depression


Chapter 6
to swallow the food (i.e microorganisms tion of enzymes of the digestive juices. Since
in water) and digest the food within the digestion takes place in the space or lumen of
cells. In the above mentioned examples alimentary canal i.e outside the cell it is called
the food is directly taken into the cells and as extracellular digestion – an advanced
is digested within the cell. This sort of di- form of digestion.
gestion is called intracellular digestion.
Intracellular digestion is a very primitive Digestion in human beings:
form of digestion and does not require Food contains a number of nutrient mol-
an organized digestive system. Even in ecules needed for building up of new body
animals like sponges and coelenterates, tissues, repairing damaged tissues and
the digestion is intracellular, though an sustained chemical reactions.
alimentary canal like structure has devel-
oped in them. Food must be broken down to be used as
a source of energy. The process of converting
the complex food into a simple chemical sub-
Extracellular digestion: stance, that can be absorbed and assimilated
As animal body becomes more complex, by the body is called digestion. The medical
digestive system has evolved to digest speciality that deals with the structure, function,
the food taken into the body. The diges- diagnosis and treatment of diseases of stom-
tive system in higher animal and man ach and intestine is called gastroenterology.
consists of alimentary canal and digestive The digestive system is composed of
glands that are specialized to produce di- two groups of organs. They are
gestive juices. Food is taken into alimen-
tary canal and in the regions of digestion 1 The gastro intestinal tract
like mouth, stomach and duodenum, diges- 2 Accessory digestive glands
tive juice is secreted by the digestive glands
and the complex food swallowed is broken
down to simpler food molecules by the ac-

ACTIVITY (Small Group)

•• Take I ml of starch solution (1%) into test tubes (A and B)
•• Add I ml of saliva to test tube A and leave both the test tubes undisturbed for
20-30 minutes
•• Now add a few drops of dilute iodine to the test tubes
•• In which test tube do you observe a colour change?
•• W
hat does this indicate about the presence or absence of starch in the two test
•• What does this tell us about the action of saliva on starch?
•• Is there a difference? If yes, in which case more energy from external sources
is consumed.

Life Processes

Where does this energy come

Food that we eat is the starch that is syn-
thesized by plants and it is the source of
In fact, energy is locked up in food ma-
terials. During respiration, the food mate-
rials are oxidized (degraded). During this
reaction, energy is released from the food
and it is stored in a special chemical (or)
biological substance called ATP (Adenos-
ine triphosphate).
The energy of ATP is utilized in various
activities of cells.
Fig 6.4 The human digestive system Apart from ATP, two other substances
are also formed during respiration. They
Digestion is brought about in a step-
are CO2 and H2O.
wise manner with the help of enzymes
which are otherwise called bio-catalysts.
The gastro intestinal tract (alimentary
canal) is a long muscular tube, about 8 Substance that is used in respiration
mts in length and it commences from the is known as respiratory substrate. Respi-
mouth and ends in the anus. The mouth, ratory substrates are of three kinds viz.,
buccal cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
stomach, small intestine, large intestine,
rectum and anus are the parts of the ali-
Types of Respiration:
mentary canal.
Depending on whether oxygen is used or
not, respiration is of two types:
6.3 Respiration in plants:
1. Aerobic respiration.
2. Anaerobic respiration.
Why should we eat?

1. Aerobic respiration:
Why should plants synthesize
food? In majority of living organisms, oxygen
is utilized during respiration. Respiration
For the simple reason that all living organ- that uses oxygen is known as aerobic res-
isms ranging from minute bacteria to large piration.
elephants, plants and humans, require
energy for growth, movement and repro- Aerobic respiration takes place in four
duction. stages:


Chapter 6
1 Glycolysis port chain, the energy associated with
2 Oxidative decarboxylation of the liberated electrons is used to synthe-
pyruric acid size the ATP energy molecules at certain
3 Kreb’s cycle stages. Finally the hydrogen, an electron
joins with oxygen to produce water as a
4 Electron transport chain.
In Glycolysis, glucose (a simple
­carbohydrate) is split into two molecules Complete oxidation of a glucose mol-
of pyruvic acid. This takes place in the ecule in aerobic respiration produces 38
­cytoplasm, in a series of reactions and a ATP molecules.
number of enzymes are involved. With
the formation of pyruvic acid, glycolysis
comes to an end. 2. Anaerobic respiration:
Further oxidation of pyruvic acid takes In some organisms, oxygen is not utilized
place in the second and third stages for respiration. This type of respiration is
­occurring in the mitochondria. known as anaerobic respiration. It is also
known as fermentation.
During the last stage i.e. electron trans-
[E.g. Conversion of milk into curd.]

Fig 6.5 Break down of glucose by various pathways :

ACTIVITY (Small Group)

•• Take some fruit juice or sugar solution and add some yeast to this. Take this
mixture in a test tube fitted with a one-holed cork.
•• Fit the cork with a bent glass tube. Dip the free end of the glass tube into the
test tube containing freshly prepared lime water.
•• What change is observed in the lime water and how long does it take for this
change to occur?
•• What does this tell us about the products of fermentation

Life Processes

Fig 6.6 Anaerobic respiration apparatus

•• ATP is the energy currency for the most cellular processes. The energy
released during the process of respiration is used to make an ATP molecule
from ADP and inorganic phosphate.
•• ADP + iP ADP - iP = ATP
•• Think of how a battery can provide energy for many different kinds of uses. It
can be used to obtain mechanical energy, light energy, electrical energy and
so on. Similarly, ATP can be used in the cells for the contraction of muscles,
protein synthesis, conduction of nervous impulses and many other activities.

6.3 Respiration in Repiratory surface for a fish is gill; for a

animals: frog it is lungs and skin the lungs for land
Amoeba, Hydra, Sponge, etc,. live in wa-
ter. In these organisms, respiration takes Since the amount of dissolved oxygen
place through their body ­surface. Dis- is fairly low, compared to the amount of
solved oxygen in water diffuses through oxygen in the air, the rate of breathing in
the cell membrane or body surface into aquatic organisms is much faster than that
the cell and after its usage, the carbon-di- seen in terrestrial organisms. Fishes take
oxide produced is passively diffuses out in water through their mouth and force it
into water. past the gills where the dissolved oxygen
is taken up by the blood.


Chapter 6
Terrestrial organisms use the oxygen by blood capillaries provide a surface,
in the atmosphere for respiration, Oxygen where the exchange of gases takes place.
is absorbed by different respiratory or-
ACTIVITY (Small Group)
gans in different animals. All these organs
•• Observe fishes in an aquarium,
have a structure that has bigger surface and their opening and closing
area, which is in contact with the oxygen- of mouth and the gill slits (or the
rich atmosphere. The exchange of oxy- operculum which covers the gill
gen and carbon-di-oxide has to take place slits) found behind their eyes also
open and close. Is not the timing
across this surface. But it is usually placed of the openings and closings of the
within the body. So there are air passages mouth and gill slits co-ordinated?
present, that will take atmospheric air to •• Count the number of times the fish
this area. In addition, there is a mecha- opens and closes its mouth in a
nism for blowing the air in and out of this minute.
area where oxygen is absorbed. •• Compare this into the number of
times you breathe in and out in a

6.4 Transportation in plants:

We have discussed earlier, how the plants
prepare food by the process of photosyn-
thesis using various raw materials, like
water, CO2, sunlight and chlorophyll.
We already know that the chlorophyll
Fig 6.7 The human respirative system pigments are in the leaf. So the leaf is the
site for photosynthesis. The food prepared
In human beings, air is taken into the from the leaf should be transported to all
body through the nostrils. The air passing other parts.
through the nostrils is filtered by fine hairs
that line the passage. This passage is In the same manner, water is es-
also lined with mucous which helps in this sential for photosynthesis and all other
process. From here, the air passes through biological activities in the plants. For
the throat into the lungs. Rings of cartilage plants, soil is the nearest and richest
are present in the throat which keep the source of water and other raw materi-
air passage open and prevent it from als like nitrogen, phosphorus and other
collapsing. minerals.
How do the absorbed water and min-
Within the lungs, the air passage erals get transported from one place to all
branches repeatedly into smaller tubules other parts of the plant body?
which finally terminate in balloon like struc-
ture called alveoli. The alveoli surrounded Which part of the plant is in contact

Life Processes

with the soil?

Fig 6.8 path of water across the root

This creates a difference in the con-

centration of these ions between the root
and the soil. Water, therefore enters into
the root from the soil to eliminate this dif-
This means that there is a steady
Fig 6.8 Root hair region
movement of water into root xylem, cre-
For the above questions, you were ating a column of water that is steadily
getting answers already in your lower pushed upwards.
Is this pressure enough to conduct wa-
The roots are the absorbing organs of ter over the heights in tall and huge trees?
the plant.
Plants use another strategy to move
Thus, plant transport systems will mo- water in the xylem upwards to the high-
bilize energy stores, (food) from leaves, est points of the plant body. This can be
and raw materials from roots. These two achieved by the process of transpiration,
pathways are constructed as independ- in which when the plant has an adequate
ently organized conducting tubes. supply of water. The water which is lost
i Xylem transports water with through the stomata is replaced by water
from the xylem vessels in the leaf.
dissolved minerals absorbed
from the soil.
ii Phloem transports products of
photosynthesis (food) from the
leaves to the parts of the plant.

Transport of water:
In xylem, vessels and tracheids are the
conducting elements of the roots, stems
and leaves. They are inter-connected to
form a continuous system of water con-
ducting channels, reaching all parts of the Fig 6.10 movement of water during transpiration in a tree
plant. In roots, the root hair cells in contact In fact, evaporation of water molecules
with the soil, actively take up ions. from the cells of a leaf creates a suction

Chapter 6
ACTIVITY (Small Group)
•• Place a potted plant into a clear glass bell jar. The pot is covered with plastic to
prevent water evaporating from the soil.
•• Set up a second bell jar with a potted plant with leaves removed.
•• Keep the bell jars in bright light at room temperature (20oC) for 6 hours.
•• No liquid condenses in the bell jar without leaves.
•• The bell jar containing the leafy plant has much more condensed liquid.
•• Test the liquid it turns dry blue cobalt chloride paper to pink colour. Therefore
the liquid is water.
•• Discuss with your classmates, and find the reason why water droplets are
formed in the potted plants containing leaves.

which pulls water from the xylem cells of known as phloem. Besides the products
roots. of photosynthesis, the phloem trans-
The loss of water in the form of vapour ports amino acids and other substances.
from the aerial parts of the plant is known These substances are especially de-
livered to the storage organs of roots,
as transpiration.
fruits, seeds and to growing organs.
Thus, transpiration helps in the ab- The translocation of food and other sub-
sorption and upward movement of water stances takes place in the sieve tubes
and mineral dissolved in it from roots to (sieve tubes are one of the constituents
the leaves. It also helps in temperature of the phloem which act as pipe line from
regulation. The effect of root pressure in leaves to the other parts of the plant)
transport of water is more important at with the help of companion cells both in
night. During the day when the stomata upward and downward directions.The
are open, the transpiration pull becomes translocation by phloem is achieved by
the major driving force in the movement of utilizing energy. Materials like sucrose
water in the xylem. is transferred into phloem tissue using
energy from ATP. This increases the
Transport of food and other osmotic pressure in the tissue causing
substances : water movement. This pressure moves
the material in the phloem to tissues
How are the products of photosynthesis
which have less pressure. This allows
transported from leaves to other parts of
the phloem to move material accordingz
the plant?
to the plant’s needs. For example, in the
The transport of soluble products of spring, sugar stored in root or stem tissue
photosynthesis is called translocation and would be transported to the buds, which
it occurs in the part of the vascular tissue need energy to grow.
Life Processes

Questions: packed crowd. Those in the middle region

would not get enough oxygen. Hence,
1. What are the components of most large organisms do not rely on diffu-
the transport system in highly sion for their supply of food and oxygen.
organized plants? They have a transport system of some kind
to carry these substances to all the cells in
2. How are water and minerals get
the body.
transported in plants?
In human body, for example the trans-
3. How is food transported in port system consists of a pump called
plants? heart which propels the fluid called blood
around a complex system of tubes called
Transportation in animals: blood vessels. As it passes through these
blood vessels, the blood picks up oxygen
In microscopic organisms such as Amoeba
from the lungs and transport it to every
and Paramecium, the volume of body is
cell in the body. Blood also picks up waste
so small that useful substances can be
product such as carbon-dioxide and many
distributed by a process called diffusion.
other substances like salts from the cells
Oxygen for example, enters an amoeba
and excrete out from the body.
through the cell membrane and spreads
out i.e diffuses, in all directions at the rate
approximately equal to the rate at which Lymph:
oxygen is consumed in respiration. Simi- There is another type of fluid which is also
larly, carbon-di-oxide diffuses out of an involved in transportation. This is called
Amoeba with sufficient speed to prevent it lymph or tissue fluid. It is similar to the
accumulating to harmful levels within the plasma of blood but it is colourless and
cell. contains less protein. Lymph drains into
In large multi-cellular organisms, how- lymphatic capillaries from the intercellu-
ever, the body volume is so great that dif- lar spaces, which join to form large lymph
fusion alone is far too slow a process for vessels that finally open into veins. Lymph
adequate distribution of oxygen and food, carries digested and absorbed fat, from
and removal of waste. intestine and drains excess fluid from ex-
tra cellular space back into the blood.
The cells in the multi-cellular organisms
relying on diffusion alone would be a tightly

ACTIVITY (Individual)
1. Visit a health centre in your locality and find out what is the normal
range of haemoglobin content in human beings.
2. Is it the same for children, women and men? Discuss why does the
difference exist?


Chapter 6
6.5 Excretion in plants: old xylem tissues.
What is excretion? 4. Plants also excrete some waste
How does the excretion take place in substances into the soil around
plants? them.
Excretion is the process by which the
metabolic waste products are removed
from the plant body. Excretion in animals:
In plants there are different ways for In unicellular protozoans, the excreta are
excretion. discharged out through the contractile
vacuoles, which are formed by the ab-
1. Plant waste products are stored
sorption of water and other excreta.
in cellular vacuoles.
In coelenterates and sponges, the
2. Waste products may be stored in
excreta diffuse out through the cell mem-
leaves that fall off. brane.
3. Other waste products are stored
In flat worms and round worms, the
as resins and gums, especially in excretory tubes develop for transporting

Life Processes

the excreta to exterior. In annelids special move the joints in his arms, legs and
kidneys called nephridia are evolved to back ­using informations from his sense
­collect excreta from the coelomic cavity. organs. The boy’s nervous system co-
In vertebrates, an elaborate well-de- ordinates these muscles so that they
fined excretory system has developed ­contract in ­correct ­sequence with the cor-
with kidneys and excretory tubes. The rect degree of power, and for precisely
­kidney of vertebrates consists of ­nephrons the correct length of time needed to get
which filter the blood and form the urine him to the spot where he can catch the
and large amount of ammonia is found in ball. Muscular activities like running to
fish excreta. They are called­­ ammonia- catch a ball, involves many other forms
telic animals. The birds are called urico- of co-ordination, such as those which
telic ­animals as their excretory ­substance increase the rate of breathing and heart
is composed mostly of uric acids.In beat to adjust blood pressure, remove
mammals urea is the main excretory prod- extra heat from body and maintaining
ucts so they are called ureotelic animals. sugar and salt ­levels in the blood. Fur-
thermore, all these co-ordinations occur
Nephron: as an unconscious process.
Each Nephron consists of a filter- Worms have the simplest form of
ing ­apparatus called glomerulus and ­coordinating system where an earthworm
­uriniferous tubules.The glomerulus filters has dual nerve cords. Two ganglia acts as
the plasma part of the blood to form urine. brain and eye spots act as photo recep-
The urini­ferous tubules reabsorb the sub- tors.
stances ­required in the body from that fil- In insects, ganglia are connected by
terate and the final urine product contains a ventral nerve cord function as brain.
mostly ­water and nitrogenous waste prod- Well-developed sensory organ for vision
ucts. and antennae for olfactory function are
6.6 Nervous system:
In mammals and other well-developed
The millions of cells and the scores of vertebrates this co-ordination is achieved
­different tissues and organs in the body by nervous system and endocrine sys-
of an animal do not work independently tem.
of each other. Their activities are co-ordi-
nated. This means that they work together, In simple, the nervous system consists
performing the various functions at certain of tissues which conducts “messages”
times and at certain rates according to the called nerve impulses, at a high speed to
needs of the body as a whole. and from all parts of the body.
One of the most familiar examples of 6.7 Co-ordination in plants :
co-ordination is the way in which mus-
cles works together during movement. How do plants co-ordinate?
When a boy runs to catch a ball, for ex- Unlike animals, plants have neither
ample, he uses hundreds of muscles to


Chapter 6
Fig 6.11 Sensitive Plant (Touch-me-not plant)

nervous systems nor muscles. 2.Movement dependent growth

So, how do they respond to stimuli?Movement- Independent of
When we touch the leaves of Touch–
Immediate response to stimulus:
me–not plant, they begin to fold up and
This movement is sensitive to plant. Here, no
droop. growth is involved but, the plant actually moves
When a seed germinates, the roots its leaves in response to touch. But there is nei-
ther nervous tissue nor muscle tissue.
go down , the stem comes up above the
How does the plant detect the touch and
how do the leaves move in response?
What happens during the above ac- In touch-me-not plant, if we touch at
tions? one point, all the leaflets show the folding
movements. This indicates that the stim-
In the first instance, the leaves of sen- ulus at one point is communicated. But
sitive plants move very quickly in response unlike in animal, there is no specialized
to touch. There is no growth involved in tissue in plants for transmitting the informa-
tion. Plant cells change the shape by chang-
this movement.
ing the amount of water in them resulting
In the second instance, the root grows in swelling or shrinking and therefore the
leaves in touch-me-not plant shrinks.
towards soil and stem grows towards sun-
light. Here the directional movement of
roots and stems are caused by growth.
1. Go to the field and find the touch-
6.8 Movement due to growth: me-not plant.
Plants show two different types of 2. Touch the plant at one point.
3. Observe what happens.
1.Movement independent of growth
Life Processes

Movement dependent on
More commonly, the plants respond to
stimuli slowly by growing in a particular
direction. Because this growth is direc-
tional, it appears as if the plant is moving.
Let us understand this type of move-
ment with the help of some examples. Fig 6.12 Phototropism

1. Response of the plant to the

direction of light (Phototropism) Geotropism:
2. Response of the plant to the It is the growth of roots towards the direc-
direction of gravitational force tion of gravitational force.
Roots cannot grow towards sunlight
3. Response to the direction of water and stem cannot grow towards gravita-
(Hydrotropism) tional force.
4. Response to the direction of
chemicals (Chemotropism)
The roots of very huge trees grow towards
It is the growth of the stem towards the availability of water source
the direction of sunlight.
(e.g) The roots of coconut tree are seen
away from the plant for the want of water.

ACTIVITY (Individual)
•• Fill a conical flask with water.
•• Cover the neck of the flask with a wire mesh.
•• Keep two or three freshly germinated bean seeds on the wire mesh.
•• Take a cardboard box which is open from the side.
•• Keep the flask in the box in such a manner that the open side of the box faces
light, coming from a window.
•• After two or three days, you will notice that the shoots bend towards light and
roots away from light.
•• Now turn the flask so that shoots are away from the light and roots towards
light. Leave it undisturbed in this condition for a few days.
•• Have the old parts of the shoot and root changed direction?
•• Are there differences in the direction of the new growth?
•• What do you understand from this activity?


Chapter 6
•• During the process of respiration,
complex organic compounds such as
glucose is broken down to provide
energy in the form of ATP. ATP is used
to provide energy for other reactions in
the cells.
•• Respiration may be aerobic or
Fig 6.13 Geotropism anaerobic. Aerobic respiration
makes more energy available to the
•• In highly differentiated plants, transport
This is the movement of plant parts to-
of water, minerals, food and other
wards the direction of chemicals. (e.g)
materials is a function of the vascular
The pollen tubes grow towards ovule.
tissue which consists of xylem and
6.9 Hormones in animals: phloem.
The endocrine system consists of glands •• Plants use variety of methods to
which produce chemicals called hor- remove waste materials. For example,
mones. These are released into the blood waste material may be stored in the
stream and transported around the body. cell-vacuoles or as gum and resin,
removed in the falling leaves, or into the
Harmones co-ordinate the physiological surrounding soil by root exudation.
activities in our body. A detailed account
•• Two types of movements, (i.e) the first
on hormones is dealt in chapter 3. one dependent on growth the other
one is independent on growth
•• (e.g) In touch-me-not plant, the leaves
•• Movement of various types can be show movement by touching.
taken as indication of life. •• Growth movement is directional. Some
•• The maintenance of life requires of the movements are phototropism,
geotropism, hydrotropism and
processes like nutrition, respiration, chemotropism.
transport of materials and excretion of
•• If the food is directly taken into the
waste products. cells and is digested within the cell, it
•• By autotrophic nutrition, the plants is called intracellular digestion.
prepare food with the help of sunlight, •• The process of converting the complex
chlorophyll, CO2 and water. food into a simple chemical substance,
•• By heterotrophic nutrition, the organism that can be absorbed and assimilated
depend on other organisms for their food. by the body is called digestion.

•• Heterotrophs are of two types namely •• In amoeba, useful substances can

be distributed and waste materials
parasites and saprophytes.
removed by a process called diffusion.

Life Processes

Evaluation a)Name
PART – A b)What are the materials transported
1. In monotropa the special type of through A?
root which absorbs nourishment is c)What are the materials transported
through B?
(Haustoria, Mycorrhizal root, Clinging
root, Adventious root) d)How do the materials in A move
upwards to leaves?
2. The product obtained in the
Anaerobic respiration of yeast is 7. Observe the diagram
(Lactic acid, Pyruvic acid, Ethanol,
Acetic acid) A

3. The roots of coconut tree are seen

away from the plant. Such kind of B
movement of root is

(Phototropism,Geotropism,Chemot a)Mention the type of movements

ropism, Hydrotropism) shown in fig, A and B.

4. The xylem in the plants are b)How does the movement differ
responsible for from the movement of mimosa

(transport of water, transport of 8. Match the methods of

food, transport of amino acid, transport nutrition of special organs
of oxygen) with suitable examples.
5. The autrotropic nutrition requires
Autotrophs Mycorrhiza Cuscutta
(CO2 and water, chlorophyll, Parasites chlorophyll Monotropa
sunlight, all the above) Saprophytes Haustoria Hibiscus
6 Name the types of vascular tissues in 9. In the process of respiration_____
the plant stem which are labelled as A is 6 carbon compound, the lactic is
and B _____carbon compound.

10. Sugar is converted into alcohol.

From the above statement what

kind of process takes place?
Which micro organism is


Chapter 6
PART - C called heart, it contains a
Compare the respiration in higher
11. complex system of tubes
plants with the respiration in lower
called nephrons.
plants Is this statement correct? If not
12. Is the pressure created in xylem give correct statement.
enough to conduct water in
tall trees. Give reasons.

13. In touch me not plant the leaves

show movements. What type of
movement have you observed.

14. Match the parts suitable to

engulf the food in different

15. Pick out the odd one

The parts of the alimentary

canal are

Pharynx, mouth, buccal cavity,


16. In humanbeings air enters into

the body through _________
and moves into __________..

In fishes water enters into the

body through _________ and
the dissolved oxygen of water
diffuses into _________.

17. In human body, transport

system consists of a pump

Chapter - 7

Conservation of Environment
Living organisms live in different sur- Environmental science can be de-
roundings. Some plants and animals fined as the study of organisms in re-
completely live in water and some others lation to their surrounding.
live on land. In the course of development, un-
Man also leads life in different surround- planned and vast misuse of natural re-
ings. Some live in cities, some in towns sources like water, forest produce, land
and some in villages. How do they adapt and mineral resources have occurred.
themselves to the place they live in? This has led to an imbalance in nature
and release of many harmful substances
Plants, animals, human beings survive
in the atmosphere.
with the interaction between them and the
non-living things like air, water and land. Hu- Mankind is greatly influenced by the
man beings depend on the resources of na- surrounding in view of the problem of over
ture. These resources include soil, water, Population, environmental pollution, hu-
coal, electricity, oil, gas, etc. These resources man survival, pest control and conserva-
improve the life style of human beings. tion of natural resources.

Fig 7.1 Interaction between non-living and living components in the biosphere
Conservation of Environment

In our daily activities, we generate a lot of

materials that we throw away. ACTIVITY(Individual)
•• Find out what happens to the
•• What are some of these waste materials? waste generated at home. Is there
•• What happens after we throw them a system in place to collect this
away? waste?

Human activities related to livelihood and wel- •• Find out how the local body
(panchayat, municipal corporation
fare generate waste. All wastes are pollut- or resident welfare association)
ants and they create pollution in one way or deals with the waste. Are there
another. Air, land and water surroundings are mechanisms in place to treat the bio-
affected due to improper disposal of wastes degradable and non-bio-degradable
which create an imbalance in the environment. wastes separately? Calculate
•• What is Pollution? how much waste is generated at
home in a day.
•• What are Pollutants?
•• How much of this waste is
Pollution: Any undesirable change in the bio-degradable?
physical, chemical or biological characteristics •• Calculate how much waste is
of air, land and water that affect human life ad- generated in the classroom in a
versely is called pollution. day.
Pollutant: A substance released into the •• How much of this waste is
environment due to natural or human activity non bio-degradable?
which affects adversely the environment is •• Suggest ways of dealing with this
called pollutant. e.g. Sulphur-di-oxide, carbon- waste
monoxide, lead, mercury, etc.
7.1 Classification of Wastes:
Disposable cups in trains
1. Bio–degradable wastes If you ask your parents, they will probably re-
2. Non–bio-degradable wastes member a time when tea in trains was served
Substances that are broken down by biologi- in plastic tumblers which had to be returned
cal process of biological or microbial action to the vendor. The introduction of disposable
cups was hailed as a step forward for rea-
are called bio-degradable waste. e.g. wood,
sons of hygiene. No one at that time probably
paper and leather.
thought about the impact caused by the dis-
*Substances that are not broken
posal of millions of these cups on a daily basis.
down by biological or microbial action are Some time back, Kulhads, that is, disposable
called non-bio-degradable wastes. e.g. cups made of clay, were suggested as an al-
Plastic substances and mineral wastes. ternative. But a little thought showed that
How to protect us from these haz making these Kulhads on a large scale would
ardous wastes ? result in the loss of the fertile top-soil. Now
Why do the government and so many disposable paper-cups are being used. What
organizations conduct awarenes Progarmmes do you think are the advantages of dispos-
against using plastics ? able paper-cups over disposable plastic


The following methods are adopted for the (20% recovery) Can be crushed, re-melted
disposal of harmful waste materials. and made into new containers or crushes

1. Land Fills : used as a substitute for gravel or sand in
There are permanent storage facilities in construction materials such as concrete
secured lands for military related liquid and asphalt, Food waste and yard wastes
and radioactive waste materials. High (leaves, grass etc.,) can be composted to
level radioactive wastes are stored in produce humus soil conditioner.
deep underground storage.
7.2. Water management :
2. Deep well injection :
Due to increasing demands for water and
It involves drilling a well into dry porous
reduced availability of fresh ground water
material below ground water. Hazardous
resources, urgent measures have to be
waste liquids are pumped into the well.
taken to conserve each and every drop of
They are soaked into the porous material
water that is available.
and made to remain isolated indefinitely.
Clean and fresh water is essential for
3. Incineration :
nearly every human activity. Perhaps more
The burning of materials is called incin- than any other environmental factors, the
eration. availability of water determines the loca-
Hazardous bio-medical wastes are tion and activities of human beings.
usually disposed off by means of incin- Can you list out the reasons for in-
eration. Human anatomical wastes, dis- creasing demand of water?
carded medicines, toxic drugs, blood,
7.2.1 Sources of water :
pus, animal wastes, microbiological and
bio-technological wastes etc., are called Water is a basic natural resource and val-
bio-medical wastes. uable asset to all nations. Human beings
depend on water for all their needs such
Management of non-hazardous as bathing, washing, cooking, transporta-
tion and power. Water in India is of two
wastes – solid waste kinds. Salt water and fresh water. Fresh
management : water is obtained from rain water, surface
Reuse and recycling technique : water and ground water.
The separating out of materials such as rub- The main sources of water are rain
ber, glass, paper and scrap metal from refuse and snow which form a part of the hydro-
and reprocessing them for reuse is named logical cycle.
as reclamation of waste or recycling.
Surface water:-
Paper : India is blessed with a number of rivers,
(54% recovery) Can be repulped and re- lakes, streams and ponds.
processed into recycled paper, cardboard
and other products. Ground water:-

Glass : Aquifers are under ground reserves of

Conservation of Environment

fresh water. Water shed is an area characterized by

construction of small dams to hold back
In the watertable, water that perco-
water which will provide useful wildlife
lates into the ground through porous
habitat and stock watering facilities.
rocks is ground water. These porous
rocks are saturated with water to a cer- v) Rain water harvesting :
tain level. The upper layer of waterlevel
is the watertable. The ground water is Rain water harvesting essentially means
important for plant growth, man also collecting rain water from the roof of building
taps this water through tube wells and or courtyards and storing it under ground for
bore wells. Scanty rainfall and unnec- later use. The main idea in harvesting rain
essary felling of trees affect the ground water is to check the run-off water. The rain
water level. water that falls on the roofs of buildings or
in courtyards is collected through pipes and
stored in under ground tanks of the build-
7.2.2 Fresh water management :
ings fitted with motor for lifting water for use.
To meet out the water scarcity we need sev- The process of rain water harvesting is not
eral ways to increase the water supply. only simple but also economically benefi-
cial. It helps in meeting the increased de-
i) Seeding clouds: mand for water, particularly in urban areas
Seeding clouds with dry ice or potassium and prevent flooding of living areas.
iodide particles sometimes can initiate
rain if water laden clouds and conditions
that favour precipitation are present.

ii) Desalination: (Reverse
osmosis) Conduit

Rainwater aquifier
Desalination of ocean water is a technology Well
that has great potential for increasing fresh
water. Desalination is more expensive than
most other sources of fresh water. In de- Fig 7.2 Rain water harvesting
salination, the common methods of evapo-
ration and re-condensation are involved. vi) Wetland conservation:
It preserves natural water storage and
iii) Dams, reservoirs and canals: acts as aquifer recharge zones.
Dams and storage reservoirs tap run-off
vii) Domestic conservation :
water in them and tranfer the water from
of excess to areas of deficit using canals As an individual, every one can reduce
and underground pipes. the water loss by taking shower, using
low-flow taps, using recycled water for
iv) Water shed management: lawns, home gardens, vehicle washing
The management of rainfall and resultant and using water conserving appliances.
run-off is called water shed management.

viii) Industrial conservation : scale destruction of wildlife could lead to

Cooling water can be recharged and waste ecological imbalance. Wildlife also adds

water can be treated and reused. aesthetic value and from this, eco-tour-
ism is being promoted in a big way by
several countries. Wildlife and their prod-
ucts could be of great economic value if
utilized properly. The invulnerable plants
could yield products of immense medici-
nal value in future. Wildlife also forms
as store of vast genetic diversity which
could be properly used with advances in
genetic engineering. Thus wildlife has
been of great value in the past and will
Fig 7.3 Domestic conservation continue to be so in the future. Protec-
method of water tion and conservation of wildlife, there-
fore gains importance.
7.3. Wildlife sanctuaries

Wildlife : SANCTUARIES :
All non-domesticated and non-culti- Wildlife sanctuary is an area consti-
vated biota found in natural habitat tuted by competent authority in which
are termed ‘wildlife’. It includes all the hunting or capturing of animals is
natural flora and fauna of a geographic prohibited except by or under control
region. Wildlife is an asset to be pro- of the highest authority responsible
tected and preserved to our own ad- for management of the area.
vantage and to the benefit of future
generations. Wildlife sanctuaries were estab-
lished in India in the pursuit of con-
There are approximately 400 varie- serving wildlife which was suffering
ties of reptiles, 200 varieties of am- due to ecological imbalance caused
phibians, 3000 varieties of fishes, by human activities. There are 89
3000 species of birds 20,000 spe- National parks, 500 wildlife sanctu-
cies of flowering plants and 4100 aries, 27 Tiger reserves, 200 Zoos
species of mammals found in our and 13 Biosphere reserves in the
country according to the latest cen- country covering an area of 1.6 lakh
sus estimate.
It is essential to protect and conserve
wildlife because they have aesthetic, ec-
ological, educational, historical and sci-
entific values, a good biotic diversity is
essential for ecological balance. Large

Conservation of Environment
Name Location Animals
Indira Gandhi Wildlife, Western Ghats. Tiger, Leopard, porcupine,
Sanctuary Nilgiris tahr, civet cat, el-
ephant, gaur, pangolin.

Kalakkadu Wildlife Tirunelveli district Lion tailed macaque, sam-

Sanctuary. bhar, sloth bear, gaur, flying

Srivilipathur Grizzled Virudhunagar district Grizzled squirrels, mouse

squirrel wildlife Sanctuary deer, barking deer, tree

Vedathangal Bird’s sanctu- Kancheepuram district Cormorants, egrets, grey

aries heron, open-billed stork,
white bears, shovellers,
pintails, stets, sandpipers.

Mudumalai wildlife Nilgiri Hill Elephants, gaur, langur,

Sanctuary tigers, leopards, sloth bear,
sambhar, wildbear, jackal,
porcupine, mangoose.

Viralimalai Tiruchy district wild peacocks

Gulf of Mannar marine Na- Coast of Rammad and Coral reefs, dugong, tuties,
tional Park. Tuticorin district. dolphins, balanoglossus,

Mundhanthurai wildlife Tirunelvelli District Tiger, bonnet macaque,

Sanctuary. langurs, sloth bear, wild

Vallanudu Blackbuck Tuticorin district Blackbuck, jungle cat, hare,

Sanctuary. mongoose.

Arignar Anna Zoological Vandalur Lion, elephant, tiger, mon-

Park keys.

Mukkurthi National Park Nilgiri Hills Tigers.

Point calimere wildlife Nagapattinam district Chital, wild bear, plovers,

Sanctuary stilts, bonnet macaque.

Anamalai wildlife sanctuary Slopes of western ghats. Civet cat, porcupine, gaur,
tiger leopard, Nilgiri tahr.

Table 7.4 a) Important sanctuaries in Tamilnadu


Bandhipur National Park Karnataka Indian bison, chital, sloth

(It is a tiger reserve too). bear, elephants.

Corbett National Park (In- Uttaranchal Tigers, chital, elephants,
dia’s first national park) leopard, Jungle cat and
(Tiger reserve too). sloth bear.
Gir National Park Gujarat Aslatic Lion
Kanha National Park Madhyapradesh Deer Tiger, Wilddog,
(Tiger reserve) chital.
Bharathpur Bird sanctu- Rajasthan 374 special of bird, eg:
ary Indian darters, spoonbills,
painted stock, open billed
stork, black necked stork
Manas wildlife sanctuary Assam Hispid hare (rere), pygmy
(Tiger reserve). hog, golden langue
Sunderbans National West Bengal Unique royal Bengal
Park (Tiger reserve) Tigers.
Table 7.4 b) Important National Parks, wildlife sanctuaries and reserves.
Fish lives in water. Tiger lives in forest
How can they lead their life in the Pond Ecosystem
above habitats?
An example for aquatic ecosystem is a
A community of organisms that interact pond.
with one another and with the environ-
ment is called an ecosystem. Abiotic factors :
The Ecosystem is of two types, namely It includes light, temperature, hydrogen ion
aquatic and terrestrial.
concentration, inorganic substances like
What are the major components CO2, H2, O2, N, PO4, CO3 and S and or-
in Ecosystem? ganic substances like carbohydrates, pro-
There are four major components, namely: teins and lipids.
1. Abiotic factors Biotic factors :
2. Producers It includes producers and consumers. Pro-
3. Consumers ducers are the water living plants like Hy-
4. Decomposers. drilla, Vallisneria etc., and phytoplankton like
Chlamydomonas, Volvox and Spirogyra.
Producers, consumers and decomposers
are biotic factors.
Conservation of Environment

Primary consumers or herbivores :

Zooplanktons like insects, larvae of Drag-
•• While creating an aquarium did
on-fly consume the phytoplanktons.
you take care not to put an aquatic
animal which would eat others?
Secondary Consumers :
What would happen otherwise?
These are certain fishes, frogs, water bee- •• Make groups and discuss how
tles etc., which feed on the primary con- each of the above groups of
sumers in the pond. organisms are dependent on each
Tertiary Consumers :
•• Write the aquatic organisms in
These are big fishes and kingfisher that order of who eats whom and form
feed on small fishes. a chain of at least three steps.
Decomposers : •• Would you consider any one group
of organisms to be of primary
Several bacteria and fungi form the de-
importance? Why or why not?
composers in the pond.



A balanced ecosystem is an ecological

community together with its environment
and functioning as a complex unit.
CARNIVORES An ecosystem is maintained by the
balance in nature such as the balance be-
tween hawks and mice, if hawk population
is larger than the mice population, then it
is not balanced.
They are balanced between resources
like a banana tree and monkeys. If the
banana trees stop growing, the monkeys
PRODUCERS won’t get bananas.
An ecosystem maintains the balance
between the number of resources and the
number of users or the balance between
SUNLIGHT prey and predators.

Fig 7.5 Flow of energy in an ecosystem What is food chain and food web?
Various organisms are linked by food
chains in which the food energy is passed


from one organism to another in a linear

e.g. Food chain of a grassland ecosystem.

Fig7.6 Grassland ecosystem

Fig 7.7 Food web

Inorder to maintain the eco-balance in

ACTIVITY an ecosystem, there should be recycling
•• Go to a pond and observe the of nutrients, minerals, and water. Care-
organisms that lives in the pond. ful use of natural resources will maintain
•• List out the organisms. the eco-balance. Thus eco-balance or
•• Prepare a chart of food chains ecological balance is the maintenance of
balance between living components and
its resources of an ecosystem, so that it
remains a stable environment community
for the better functioning of the organisms.

Food Web :
Bio Geo chemical cycles:
The food chains are interlinked to form
food webs, So every component of the In an ecosystem, the energy from the sun is
ecosystem is connected to one another. fixed by the plants. Then it is transferred to
herbivores and carnivores. i.e. the energy
How is the ecosystem maintained? flows in one direction only. But the minerals
There are many factors which maintain required in the ecosystem are continuously
the harmony in an ecosystem naturally. absorbed by the plants and transferred to
Disturbing any one factor could have a animals. As the minerals are removed
drastic impact upon the living conditions from the soil, they have to be replaced or
of other organisms that will result in an
cycled. These minerals are returned to the
imbalance. For example, removal of trees
and vegetation would affect both land and soil by the decomposition of dead and de-
water ecosystems as there will be no caying materials by saprophytic organisms
food for organisms. Killing animals and such as bacteria and fungi (You have stud-
polluting land, air and water also disturb ied the cycles in earlier classes in detail.)
the balance in nature.
Conservation of Environment

7.5. COAL AND PETRO- Environmental effects of coal

LEUM : burning :
1. Generation of waste products
7.5.1 Coal : which contain mercury, uranium,
Coal is a compost primarily of carbon thorium, arsenic and other heavy
along with variable quantities of other ele- metals, which are harmful to
ments chiefly sulphur, hydrogen, oxygen human health and environment.
and nitrogen. 2. Sulphur particles present in the
Coal is a fossil fuel and is the larg-
coal will cause acid rain..
est source of energy for the generation 3. Interference with ground water and
of electricity world wide, as well as one water table levels.
of the largest worldwide sources of CO2 4. Contamination of land and water
emissions. Gross CO2 emission from coal ways.
usage is high and more than those from 5. Dust nuisance.
petroleum and about double the amount 6. Release of CO2, a green house
from natural gas. gas, which causes climate change
and global warming.
7. Coal is the largest contributor to
the man-made increase of CO2 in
the air.

•• Visit Neyveli lignite corporation.
•• See how the coal is mined.
•• Discuss with your classmates
about the uses of coal.

Fig 7.8 Coal 7.5.2 Petroleum :

Coal is obtained through mining or In modern life today, we are inseparable
in open pits. Coal is primarily used as a from petrol and petroleum products.
solid fuel to produce electricity and heat
Petroleum or crude oil is a naturally oc-
through combustion. When coal is heated
curring, toxic, flammable liquid consisting
in air, coal burns and produces mainly
of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and
carbon-di-oxide gas. Coal is processed in
other organic compounds that are found
industry to get some useful products such beneath the earth’s surface.
as coke, coal tar and coal gas.


Do you know how does

petroleum form?

Petroleum was formed from organisms
living in the sea. After the death of those
organisms, their bodies settled at the bot-
tom of the sea and were covered with
layers of sand and clay. Over millions of
years, absence of air, high temperature
and high pressure transformed the dead
organisms into petroleum and natural gas.
Many useful substances are obtained
from petroleum and natural gas. These
Fig 7.9 Petroleum Industry
are used in the manufacture of detergents,
fibers (polyester, nylon, acrylic etc.), poly- Alternatives to petroleum –
thene and other plastic substances. Hy- based vehicle fuels:
drogen gas, obtained from natural gas, is
used in the production of fertilizers (urea). 1. Internal combustion engines
Due to its great commercial importance, (Biofuel or combustion hydrogen)
petroleum is also called ‘Black Gold’. 2. Electricity (for e.g. all electric (or)
hybrid vehicles), Compressed air
Environmental effects : or fuel cells (hydrogen fuel cells).
3. Compressed natural gas used by
natural gas vehicles.
Oil Spills :
1. Crude oil (refined fuel) spills from DO YOU KNOW?
tanker ship and accidents have Many countries are making commit-
damaged natural ecosystem. ments to lower green house gas emis-
2. Oil Spills at sea are generally sions according to the Kyoto protocol..
causing more damage than
those on land. This can kill sea ACTIVITY
birds, mammals, shellfish and Coal is used in thermal power stations
other organisms, because of and petroleum products like petrol and
their lateral spreading on water diesel are used in means of transport
surface. like motor vehicles, ships and aero-
planes. We cannot really imagine life
Tar Balls :
without a number of electrical appli-
A tar ball is a blob of oil which has been ances and constant use of transpor-
weathered after floating on the ocean. Tar tation. So, can you think of ways in
balls are aquatic pollutants in most of the which consumption of coal and petro-
seas. leum products can be reduced?

Conservation of Environment

7.6 GREEN CHEMISTRY : •• Chemical products should be designed

to preserve efficacy of function while
Green chemistry is the design of chemi- reducing toxicity.
cal products and processes to reduce or
eliminate the use and generation of haz-
ardous substances.
The concept of green chemistry was
introduced in 1999. The Green Chemis-
try Institute was recently created and the
Presidential Green Chemistry challenge
awards were established in 1995.
•• Greener reaction conditions for an
old synthesis e.g. replacement of an
organic solvent with water or the use
of no solvent at all)
•• A greener synthesis for an old chemical
(e.g. a synthesis which uses biomass
rather than petrochemical feed stock
or the use of catalytic rather than
stoichiometric reagents). Fig 7.10 Green Chemistry
•• The synthesis of a new compound
that is less toxic but has the same List of some of the prod-
desirable properties as an existing
compound. (e.g. a new pesticide ucts produced by the proc-
that is toxic only to target organisms ess of green chemistry.
and bio-degrades to environmentally •• Lead free solders and other product
benign substances) alternatives to lead additives in paints and
Green chemistry / technology has the development of cleaner batteries.
been developed in almost all branches of •• Bio-plastics: Plastics made from
chemistry including organic, bio-chemis- plants including corn, potatoes or other
try, inorganic, polymer, toxicology, envi- agricultural products.
ronmental, physical, industrial etc.
•• Flame resistant materials.
The Principles of Green Chemistry: •• Halogen free flame retardants.
•• It is better to prevent waste generation e.g. silicon based materials can be used.
than to treat or clean up waste after it
is generated. Future products:
•• Wherever practicable, synthetic •• A raw material feedstock should
methodologies should be designed be renewable rather than depleting
to use and generate substances that whenever technically and economically
posses little or no toxicity to human practical.
health and the environment.


•• Catalytic reagents are superior to Beware of Green washing:

stoichiometric reagents.
Green chemistry is not a panacea. We

•• Green Chemistry is applicable to all must be vigilant in making sure that what
aspects of the product life cycle as well. is called “Green Chemistry really pushes
Finally, the definition of green chemistry towards a more sustainable world and not
includes ‘The term “hazardous”. It is simply green washing”.
important to note that green chemistry
is a way of dealing with risk reduction
and pollution prevention.
7.7 Science today – to-
wards a global village :
PVC and Lead:
Global village :
New lead free solders with lower heat re-
quirements are being developed. Global village is the term used to mean

Fig 7.11

Global Village (GV) is located at a dis- been conceptualized and designed  by a

tance of 12 kms from Bangalore on the team of reputed Indian and international
Bangalore - Mysore Expressway and eas- architects and landscape designers. 
ily accessible by road. Spread over 110 Ample residential facilities are in close
acres of greenery, the project will house proximity to the campus.  The estimated
a cluster of technology companies in a driving time to GV from the heart of Ban-
campus type setting. The Buildings nes- galore city is approximately 20 minutes.
tle among the lush green of manicured Kshema Technologies have the distinction
lawns, coconut palms and an eclectic mix of being the first of  GTV’s  companies to
of old trees in a serene and dust free en- move into the campus with an 80,000 sq ft
vironment. The Technology  Campus has facility to house 600 employees.
Conservation of Environment

that world had shrunk into a village by •• Wastes are of two types, biodegradable
means of different media types, most and non-biodegradable.
especially the world wide web, making it •• By the methods of land fills, deep
easy to pass across messages (like news) well injection, incineration the harmful
thereby making the world become a sin- wastes are disposed, much more
gle village where people can easily con- safely.
tact each other quicker. •• Due to increasing demands of water
and reduced availability of water,
What is global village?
urgent measures have to be taken to
A term that compares the world to a small conserve each and every drop of water
village, where fast and modern communi- that is available.
cation allows news to reach quickly. The •• Sources of water are rain water, surface
use of electronics for faster communica- water and ground water.
tion is a global village concept.
•• The ways to meet out the scarcity of
What is the global electronic water are seeding clouds, desalination,
dams, reservoirs and canals.
•• Water shed management, rain water
Global electronic village (GEV) is a term
harvesting, water land conservation,
used to refer to a village without borders; domestic conservation and industrial
it refers to connecting people around the conservation.
world technologically through Information
Communication Technologies (ICTS). •• Wildlife sanctuary is an area
constituted by competent authority in
The term global village was coined by which hunting or capturing of animals
Marshall McLuhan. He emphasized that is prohibited.
“this forces us to become more involved •• A balanced eco-system is an
with one another from countries around ecological community together with its
the world and be more aware of our global environment, functioning as an unit.
responsibilities”. Similarly, web-connected
computers enable people to link their web •• Various organisms are linked by food
chains in which the food energy is
sites together. This new reality has impli-
passed from one organism to the
cations for forming new sociological struc- other.
tures within the context of culture.
•• The food chains are inter-linked to
Summary : form food webs.
•• All living organisms can survive with •• Ecological balance is the maintenance
the interaction between the non- of balance between living components
living substances like air, water, soil, of an eco-system. So that it remains a
minerals, light energy, etc. stable environment community.
•• Human activities related to livelihood •• Coal is primarily composed of carbon
and welfare activities which generate along with variable quantities of other
wastes, and causing pollution. elements such as sulphur, hydrogen,
oxygen and nitrogen.

•• Petroleum or crude oil is naturally 4. what is called as ‘black gold’?

occurring toxic, flammable liquid (hydrocarbons, coal, petroleum,

consisting of a complex mixture of ether)
hydrocarbons and other organic 5. odd one out.
compounds that formed beneath the
(Plants, grasshopper, frog, tiger, snake)
earth’s surface.
6. Example for product of green
•• Green chemistry is the design of chemistry is
chemical products and processes
(plastic, paper, bio plastics, halogen
that reduce or eliminate the use
and generation of hazardous flame retardants)
substances. 7. _____ green house gas which
causes climate change and global
• • A term that compares the world as
a small village, where fast modern warming.
communication allows information (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen carbondioxide)
to pass quickly. The use of 8. _____ forms decomposes in the
electronics in the networking is a pond ecosystem
global village. (plants, bacteria, frog,
Evaluvation : plytoplanktons)
Part - A. 9. ________ chemical is used in
Multiple choice questions seeding clouds
(potassium iodide, calcium
1. Which of the following groups contain carbonate, sulphurdioxide,
only bio degradable items? ammonium phosphate)
(Grass, flowers and leather ; Grass, 10. Example for fossil fuel is
wood and plastic ; Fruit peels, cake (copper, iron, magnesium, coal)
and plastic ; Cake, wood and grass)
Part B
2. Which of the following constute a
food chain? 11. Study the food chain below, correct it and
(Grass, wheat and mango ; Grass, convert into a pyramid of energy.
goat and human ; Goat, cow and Mulberry -> Sparrow -> Caterpillar -> Kite
elephant ; Grass, fish and goat) 12. Study the illustration and answer the
3. Which of the following are
environmental friendly practices? Producers

(carrying cloth bags to carry the Producers Herbivores

purchase items during shopping,

switching off light and fans when not
Soil, Air Carnivores
in use, use the public transport, all
the above)

Conservation of Environment

a. which line (A or B) represent the flow So what are the measures to

of energy? Why do you say so? be taken by you to meet out the
b. Give an example of a decomposer. scarcity of water.

13. Study the food chain. 17. Smoke, smoke everywhere

Paddy -> Mouse -> Snake -> Kite smoke. Do you agree this
If the producer has a STORED UP situation is good for health.
ENERGY OF 500 k CAL. How much List out the harmful effects of
of it oes the organism at the third coal burning.
tropic level get from it?



Decompo Green
-sition plants Sholas and grasslands of western
ghats are the sources of all our South
Indian rivers. All the hillocks in the upper
mountains have this unique ecosystem,
plants which we cannot create.

a. Name the processes noted as no. 1

and 3
b. Define the process 1
c. Nme any one fossil fuel.
Part : C
Five marks

15. a) Classify the following substances

– wood, paper, plastic and grasses.
b) Give detailed account on your
16. In your area there is scarcity of water
due to this the people are affected.



Wastewater management


Waste water management

Human beings have been abusing the Water cycle:
water-bodies around the world by dispos-
Large quantity of water is present to an
ing into them all kinds of wastes. We tend
area of about 1400 million km3 in the en-
to believe that water can wash away eve-
tire globe. This water evaporates from
rything not taking cognizance of the fact
moist surfaces, falls as rain or snow,
that the water bodies are our life line as
passes through lake, rivers, entered into
well as that of all other living organisms.
the ground water table and to the ocean,
Can you list out the things we tend to try also fixed in glaciers and deposited over
and wash away through our rivers and mountains. Plants absorb water from
drains? the soil, utilized for its metabolic activities
Due to such activities of human being, and release it into the atmosphere mainly
the ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, estuar- through transpiration and all living organ-
ies and oceans are becoming polluted in isms utilize water.
several parts of the world. So we should
Sources of water:
manage the wastewater in order to pre-
vent the water pollution and its effects on Water is widely distributed in nature and
our life. occurs in number of forms viz., solid, liquid
and vapour. Rainfall brings the available
primary source of water over the earth sur-
face. Ocean water is the largest among
8.1 Journey of water
all the water resources. A little quantity of
Water, a precious physical substance, is water i.e., 2.4 percent, water is fresh and
essential to all living organisms. All biologi- most of this water is in glaciers or in ground
cal functions and cell metabolism require water. Geologic layers containing water is
water. Because of this feature, without wa- known as aquifers of underground water.
ter, life cannot be expected on the earth. On some areas of the earth’s crust, fresh
water flows freely which is called as an ar-

Wastewater management
tesian well or spring. Rivers carry huge Primary treatment:
volume of water for discharge into the
lakes and ponds. Wetlands, swamps and Primary treatment consists of temporarily
marshes play a vital role in this journey of holding the sewage in a quiescent basin
water. where heavy solids can settle to the bot-
tom while oil, grease and lighter solids float
8.2 Sewage: over the surface. The settled and float-
Sewage is formed from residential, insti- ing materials are removed and remaining
tutional, commercial and industrial estab- liquid may be discharged or subjected to
lishments and includes household waste secondary treatment.
liquid from toilets, baths, showers, kitch-
ens, sinks and so forth that is disposed of Secondary treatment:
via sewers. Secondary treatment is used to remove
8.3 Treatment: dissolved and suspended biological
­matter. Secondary treatment is typically
Sewage can be treated close to where it is performed by indigenous, water – borne
created (in septic tanks, biofilters or aero- micro organisms in a managed ­habitat.
bic treatment systems), or collected and Secondary treatment may require a
transported via a network of pipes and ­separation process to remove the micro
pump stations to a municipal treatment organisms from the treated water prior to
plant (see sewage and pipes and infra- discharge or tertiary treatment.
structure). Sewage collection and treat-
ment is typically subject to local, state and
central regulations and standards. Indus- Tertiary treatment:
trial sources of wastewater often require Tertiary treatment is defined as either
specialized treatment process. chemical or treatment of filteration done
Conventional sewage treatment may after primary and secondary treatment.
involve three stages called primary, sec- Treated water is sometimes disinfected
ondary and tertiary treatment. chemically or physically (for example by
lagoons and micro filtration.). Before dis-
charging into a stream, river, bay, lagoon
or wetland, or it can be used for the irriga-
tion of a golf course, green way or park. If
it is sufficiently clean, it can also be used
for groundwater recharge or agricultural

Bioremediation in sewage treatment:

Bioremediation can be defined as
any process that is done by the use
Fig 8.1 Sewage water treatment of microorganisms, fungi or their en-
zymes to treat the contaminants.

•• Find out how the sewage in your locality is treated. Are there mechanisms
to ensure that local water bodies are not polluted by untreated sewage.

•• Find out how the local industries in your locality treat their wastes. Are there
mechanisms in place to ensure that the soil and water are not polluted by
the waste?

Nitrosomonas europaea can be used to 3. Recharge ground water,

treat sewage, freshwater, walls of build- 4. Encourage plant growth.
ings and on the surface of monuments
especially in polluted areas where there 8.5 Sanitation and diseases :
is high levels of nitrogen compounds.
Water supply, sanitation and health are
closely interrelated. Poor hygiene, inad-
8.4 Domestic practices: equate quantities and quality of drinking
Sewage is created by residential house hold water and lack of sanitation facilities cause
waste liquid from toilets, bathroom, showers, millions of the world’s poorest people to
kitchens, and so forth then is dispersed of via die from preventable diseases each year.
sewers. Water contaminated by human, chemical
or industrial wastes can cause a variety
The seperation of draining of household waste
of communicable diseases through inges-
into grey water and black water is becoming
tion or physical contact.
more common in the developed world, with
grey mater being permited to be used for
­watering plants or recyling for flushing toilets. Water-borne diseases
Waste water: Water -borne diseases are caused by the inges-
tion of water communicated by human or animal
Waste water is often reffered to as grey water. feces or urine containing pathogenic bacteria or vi-
Any water that has been used in the home, ruses; include cholera, typhoid, amoebic and bacil-
with the exception of water in the toilet can be lary dysentery and other diarrhoeal diseases.
reffered to as waste water. Water-washed diseases are caused by poor
This water could be reused for a multitude of personal hygiene and skin or eye contact with
purposes, including, contaminated water; include scabies, tra-
1. watering yard and gardens, choma and flea, lice and tick-borne diseases.
2. Filtering septic systems, Water-based diseases are caused by
3. Irrigating fields, parasites found in intermediate organisms
living in water; include dracunculiasis,
Benefits of house hold waste water recyclin
systems, schistosomiasis and other helminthes.
1. Less fresh water usage, Water-related diseases are caused by in-
2. Reduce strain in septic tanks, sect vectors which breed in water; include
Wastewater management
ACTIVITY (Individual)
•• Practice regularly to wash your hands thoroughly before and after using
the toilets.

•• Food and water containers should be cleaned and has to be closed when
they are in use.

•• During flood and other natural calamities, water should be used only after

•• People live near hazardous industrial waste accumulating or water pollution

areas should be very careful in using the ground water.

dengue, filariasis, malaria, onchocercia- terms of the global burden of diseases,

sis, trypanosomiasis and yellow fever. after malnutrition.
•• Contaminated water that is consumed •• Approximately 4 billion cases of
may result in water-borne diseases diarrhoea per year cause 1.5 million
including viral hepatitis, typhoid, deaths, mostly among children under
cholera, dysentery and other diseases five.
that cause diarrhoea. •• Intestinal worms infect about 10
•• Without adequate quantities of water percent of the population of the
for personal hygiene, skin and eye developing world, and can lead to
infections spread easily. malnutrition, anaemia and retarded
•• Water- based diseases and water-re-
lated vector-borne diseases can result •• 300 million people suffer from malaria.
from water supply projects. They inad-
vertently provide habitats for mosqui-
toes and snails. They are intermediate 8.6 Alternative arrangement
hosts for parasites that cause malaria, for sewage disposal:
Schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis and
Japanese encephalitis. Wherever crops are grown, they always
•• Drinking water supplies that contain need nutrients and water. Wastewater
high amounts of certain chemicals is often used in agriculture as it
(like arsenic and nitrates) can cause contains water, minerals, nutrients and
serious diseases. its disposal is often expensive. Where
effluent is used for irrigation, good quality
•• Inadequate water, sanitation and
water can be reserved exclusively for
hygiene, account for a large part of
the burden of illness and death in drinking water. Wastewater can also
Developing countries. be used as a fertilizer, thus minimizing
the need for chemical fertilizers. This
•• Lack of clean water and sanitation is reduces costs, energy, expenditure and
the second most important risk factor in industrial pollution. Wastewater is also


commonly used in aquaculture or fish What is Energy Management?
“Energy management” is a term that
has a number of meanings, but we are
8.7 Sanitation in public places: mainly concerned with the one that
­relates to saving energy in business,
Wherever population density is high such public-sector / government organiza-
as bus station or school, especially when tions and homes.
they are eating food from the same source,
there is a greater risk of the spread of dis- Energy saving measures:
eases such as, cholera, hepatitis A, ty- Energy management is the process of
phoid and other diarrhoeal diseases. ­monitoring controlling and conserving ­energy
These places vary in the number of in a living home or in any organization.
people using them, the amount of time
that people spend there and the type of ACTIVITY (Individual)
activity that occurs in the area, but all pub-
•• Find out from your grandparents
lic places need to have adequate sanita- or other elders
tion and hygiene facilities.
a) How did they go to school?

BBasic rules for sanitation in b) How did they get water for
their daily needs when they were
public places :
1. There should be sufficient toilet c) What means of entertainment
facilities. did they use?
2. The toilet facilities should be •• Compare the above answers with
arranged in separate blocks for how you do these tasks now.
men and women. •• Is there a difference? If yes, in
3. The men’s toilet block should have which case more energy from
urinals and toilet compartments, external sources is consumed.
the women’s block have toilet
compartments only.
4. There must be a hand washing 8.8.1 Energy Audit:
basin with clean water. An energy audit is an inspection, survey
5. There must be a clean and reliable and analysis on energy flows for energy
water supply for hand washing, conservation in a building, process or
personal hygiene and flushing of system. It is done to reduce the amount
the toilet facilities. of energy input into the system without
negatively affecting the output(s).

8.8 Energy Management : Home energy audit :

Wastewater management
A home energy audit is a service where
the energy efficiency of a house is evalu- ACTIVITY (Individual)
ated by a person using professional equip- •• Using a thermometer, observe the
room temperature of your class
ment (such as blower doors and infra-red room and the temperature under a
cameras), with the aim to suggest the best Neem tree on an hot day.
ways to improve energy efficiency in heat- •• Burn the tungsten lamp and
ing and cooling the house. compressed fluorescent lamps
and compare the energy
An energy audit of a home may involve
recording various characteristics of the
building envelope including the walls, ceil- Energy audit in schools:
ings, floors, doors, windows and skylights.
The function of an energy audit is to ex-
The goal of this exercise is to quantify the
pose different ways to affect energy con-
building’s overall thermal performance. sumption and identify numerous options
The audit may also assess the efficiency, for reducing energy consumption.
physical condition at programming of me-
The money your school saves will
chanical systems such as the heating, be available to fund important school
ventilation, air conditioning equipment projects, but just as important, energy
and thermostat. savings help the Earth by reducing re-
A home energy audit may include a source use and environmental pollution.
By improving efficiency in places like our
written report estimating energy use given
schools, we can get the same benefits
local climate criteria, thermostat settings,
while using less energy. For example,
roof overhang, and solar orientation. This
substituting energy efficient, compact
could show energy use for a given time fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) for stand-
period, say a year, and the impact of any ard incandescent bulbs will save on
suggested improvements per year. The average up to 6,000 megawatts of elec-
accuracy of energy estimates are greatly tricity each year.
improved when the homeowner’s billing
There are many ways you can help
history is available showing the quantities
your school save money on water usage,
of electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, or other such as checking for leaks in the system,
energy sources consumed over a one or reducing water usage (especially hot wa-
two-year period. ter), and improving the efficiency of water
A home energy audit is often used to delivery.
identify cost effective ways to improve the Another important way to save en-
comfort and efficiency of buildings. In ad- ergy at your school is through recycling.
dition, homes may qualify for energy effi- This can be done all over the school. For
example, you can save by recycling pa-
ciency grants from central government.
per milk cartons from the lunch room or
printer cartridges in the copy room. By

recycling paper, milk cartons and other •• Study the structure and working of
materials, schools are able to reduce the a solar cooker and / or a solar water
amount of waste they produce. This can heater, particularly with regard to how
garner significant savings as well as benefit it is insulated and maximum heat
absorption is ensured.
the environment.
•• Design and build a solar cooker or
water heater using low cost material
8.8.2. Renewable sources:
available and check what temperatures
A natural resource is a renewable re- are achieved in your system.
source, if it is replaced by natural proc- •• Discuss what would be the advantages
esses at a rate comparable or faster than and limitations of using solar cooker or
its rate of consumption by humans. Solar water heater.
radiation, Hydrogen, Wind and hydroelec-
tricity are in no danger of a lack of long
term availability.
The hydrogen has been found to be a
good choice among all the alternative fuel
Solar Energy: options . It can be produced in virtually un-
Solar energy is the energy derived directly limited quantities with on hand produc-
from the sun. Along with nuclear energy, tion technologies. It has been established
it is the most abundant source of energy that hydrogen can meet all the energy
on earth. The fastest growing type of al- needs of human society, including power
ternative energy increasing at 50 percent generation more efficiently and more eco-
a year ,is the photovoltaic cell, which con- nomically than petro fuels, and with total
verts sunlight directly into electricity. The compatibility with the environment. In ad-
sun yearly delivers more than 10000 times dition, hydrogen is non-toxic reasonably
the energy that humans currently use. safe to handle, distribute and use as a
fuel. Hydrogen has the highest mass en-
ergy content – its heat of combustion per
unit weight is about 2.5 times that of hydro
carbon fuel, 4.5 times that of ethanol and
Module 6.0 times that of methanol. Its thermo-
Solar incidence
dynamic energy conversion efficiency of
30-35 % is greater than that of gasoline
Battery changer controller

Battery Wind Power :

Battery system
Wind power is derived from uneven heat-
ing of the Earth’s surface from the sun
and the warm core. Most modern wind
power is generated in the form of elec-
Fig 8.2 Solar Energy tricity by converting the rotation of turbine

Wastewater management
Denmark is called the country of “winds”. More than 25% of their electricity needs
are generated through a vast network of windmills. In terms of total output, Germany
is the leader, while India is ranked 5th in harnessing wind energy for the production of
electricity. It is estimated that nearly 45000MW of electrical power can be generated
if India’s wind potential is fully exploited. The largest wind energy farm has been
established near Kanyakumari in Tamilnadu and it generates 380MW of electricity.

blades into electrical current by means coal, petroleum and natural gas) and nu-
of an electrical generator. In wind mills clear power (uranium) are example.
(a much older technology) wind energy
is used to turn mechanical machinery to Fossil Fuels:
do physical work, like crushing grain or
Fossil fuels are energy rich, combustible
pumping water.
forms of carbon or compounds of carbon
formed by the decomposition of biomass
buried under the earth over million of

Fig 8.3 Windmills

8.8.3. Non-renewable sources

A non-renewable resource is a natural re-
Fig 8.4 Coal mining
source which cannot be produced, grown,
generated or used on a scale which can Fossil Fuel – Coal
sustain its consumption rate. These re-
It is a black mineral of plant origin which is
sources often exist in a fixed amount, or chemically, a complex mixture of elemental
are consumed much faster than nature carbon, compounds of carbon containing
can create them. Fossil fuels (such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur.

ing to remove almost all materials other
ACTIVITY (Group) than methane. The by-products of that
•• Debate the following two issues in processing include ethane, propane,
class. butane, bentane and higher molecular
a the estimated coal reserves are weight hydrocarbons, elemental sul-
said to be enough to last us for phur, carbon-di-oxide, water vapour
another 200 years. Do you think and sometimes helium and nitrogen.
we need to worry about coal
Natural gas is often informally referred
getting depleted in this case? Why
to as simply gas, especially when com-
or why not?
pared to other energy sources such as
b It is estimated that the sun will last oil or coal.
for another 5 billion years. Do we
have to worry about solar energy
getting exhausted? Why or why Uses:
•• On the basis of the debate, Power Generation: Natural Gas is a­
decide which energy sources major source of electricity generation

can be considered i) exhaustible through the use of gas turbines and steam
ii) inexhaustible iii) renewable iv) ­turbines. Most grid peaking power plants
non-renewable. Give your reasons and some off – grid engine – generators
for each choice. use natural gas.
Domestic use: Natural gas is supplied to
homes where it is used for such purposes
as cooking in natural gas – power rang-
Petroleum is a dark, viscous, foul smelling ers and oven, natural gas heater clothes
liquid, a mixture of solid, liquid and gase- dryers, heating or cooling and central
ous hydro carbons with traces of salt, rock heating. Home or other building heating
particles and water. may include boilers, furnaces and water
Natural Gas: Natural gas is a major feedstock for
The composition of natural gas is chiefly the production of ammonia, for use in fer-
methane (> 90%) with traces of ethane tilizer production.
and propane. It is found associated with Other: Natural gas is also used in the
other fossil fuels, in coal beds, as meth- manufacture of fabrics, glass, steel, plas-
ane clathrates and it is created by metha- tics, paint and other products.
nogenic organisms in marshes, bogs, and
With man’s ever increasing need for
land fills. It is an important fuel source, a
energy , he has been using fossil fuels
major feedstock for fertilizers and a potent
indiscriminately. In the process, harmful
green house gas.
materials contributing to air pollution are
Before natural gas can be used as a being produced.
fuel, it must undergo extensive process-

Wastewater management
8.8.4 Bio-fuels – Generation and crops fed into anaerobic digesters to
use. supplement gas yields. The solid by
product, digestable can be used as bio-
Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which
fuel or fertilizer.
are in some way derived from biomass.
The term covers solid biomass, liquid fu-
els and various biogases. Bio fuels are 8.8.5 Energy conservation &
gaining increased public and scientific at-
How we can help
tention driven by factors such as oil price
hikes, the need for increased energy se-
curity and concern over green house gas Energy conservation :
emissions from fossil fuels. Energy conservation refers to efforts
The various liquid bio fuels for trans- made to reduce energy consumption
portation are in order to preserve resources for the
future and reduce environmental pollu-
1. Bio alcohol tion. It can be achieved through efficient
2. Green diesel energy use or by reduced consumption
3. Bio diesel of energy services. Energy conserva-
4. Vegetable oil tion may result in increase of financial
5. Bio ethers capital, environmental value, national
6. Bio gas security, personal security and human
comfort. Individuals and organizations
Bioalcohol (Bioethanol) :
that are direct consumers of energy
Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fer- may want to conserve energy in order
menting the sugar components of plant to reduce energy costs and promote
materials and it is made mostly from economic security. Industrial and com-
sugar and starch crops. With advanced mercial users may want to increase
technology being developed, cellulosic efficiency and thus maximize profit.
biomass, such as trees and grasses Electrical energy conservations are the
are also used as feed stocks for etha- important element of energy policy.
nol production. Ethanol can be used
as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form. Lighting:
Bioethanol is widely used in the USA
1. Turn off the lights when not in use.
and Brazil.
2. De-dust lighting fixtures to maintain
Biodiesel: Biodiesel is made from veg-
etable oil and animal fats. It is used as
a fuel for vehicles in its pure form. 3. Focus the light where you need.
4. Use fluorescent bulbs.
Biogas: Biogas is produced by the
process of anaerobic digestion of or- 5. Use electronic chokes in place of
ganic material by anaerobes. It can be conventional copper chokes.
produced either from bio degradable Fans :
waste material or by the use of energy


1. Replace conventional regulators with are plugged in and are very inefficient.
electronic regulators for ceiling fans. Pull the plug and save.
2. Install exhaust fans at a higher Washing Machine :
elevation than ceiling fans.
1. Always wash only with full loads.
Electric Iron : 2. Use optimal quantity of water.
1. Select iron boxes with automatic 3. Use timer facility to save energy.
temperature cut off. 4. Use the correct amount of detergent.
2. Use appropriate regulator position for 5. Use hot water only for very dirty
ironing. clothes.
3. Do not put more water on clothes 6. Always use cold water in the rinse cycle.
while ironing.
4. Do not iron wet clothes. Summary
Gas Stove : •• Wastewater management is must due
1. When cooking on a gas burner, use to abusing activities of human kind
the pond, lakes, rivers are becoming
moderate flame settings to conserve
polluted in several parts of the world .
•• Rain fall brings the availability primary
2. Remember that a blue flame means
source of water. Rivers carry huge
your gas stove is operating efficiently. volume of water for its discharge
3. Yellowish flame is on indicator that fills the lakes and ponds. Wet lands
the burner needs cleaning. swamps and marshes play a vital role
4. Use pressure cooker as much as in the journey of water.
possible. •• Water supply, sanitation and health
5. Use lids to cover the pans while are closely related . Poor hygiene ,
inadequate quantities and quality of
drinking water, and lack of sanitation
6. Use solar water heater – a good , facilities cause millions of the world’s
replacement for a electric water poorest people to die from preventable
heater. diseases each year.
Electronic Devices : •• Sewage is created by residential , institutional
1. Do not switch on the power when TV , commercial and industrial establishments
and includes household waste liquid from
and Audio systems are not in use.
toilets, baths, showers, kitchen sinks.
i.e., idle operation leads to an energy
loss of 10 watts / device. • • Sewage treatment may involve
2. Battery chargers such as those three stages, called primary,
for laptops, cell phones and digital secondary and tertiary treatment.
cameras, draw power whenever they •• Alternative arrangement for sewage

Wastewater management
disposal utilizing wastewater in 2. The settled and floating materials
agriculture, used as fertilizer, also are removed by this treatment
used in aquaculture or fish farming. method.
•• Sanitation in public places is very
essential to prevent from the spread of (primary treatment, secondary
diseases such as cholera , hepatitis A , treatment, tertiary treatment,
typhoid and other diarrheal diseases. peripheral treatment)
•• Renewable sources are solar radiation,
hydrogen wind and hydro electricity. 3. Which is a non-renewable
•• Solar energy is the energy directly
derived from the sun., (coal, petroleum, natural gas, all
•• Wind power is generated in the form the above)
of electricity by converting rotation of
turbine blades into electrical current by 4. ----------- is the chief component of
means electrical generator. natural gas.
•• The hydrogen has been found to be a
good choice among all the alternative (ethane, methane, propane,
fuel options. Hydrogen is non-toxic butane)
reasonably safe to handle, distribute
and used as fuel. PART – B
•• A non-renewable source is a natural
resource which cannot be produced 5. The bar graph indicates the
grown and generated. Petroleum, coal presence of the infectious diseases
and natural gas are the examples for in two cities A and B. Observe it and
non-renewable sources. answer the questions given below.
•• Bio-fuels are a wide range of fuels
which are some way derived from
Prevalence of Disease

the bio-mass. The term covers solid

biomass, liquid fuels and various bio-
•• Various liquid bio-fuels for transpor­
tation are bio-ethanol, bio-diesel and
bio-gas etc.

1 2 3 4
1. Dengue fever 2. Rat fever 3.
Cholera 4. Chikungunya
1. Example for water-borne disease is
a. What may be the reason for the
(scabies, dracum culiasis, disease in the city A?
trachoma, typhoid)
b. Which city needs more careful

waste disposal and cleaning? 9. A non renewable resource is a natural
resource if it replaced by natural
c. How can the disease be process ata rate comparable are
controlled in city A? faster than its rate on consumption by
6. The Pie diagram represents a humans.
survey result of infectious diseases Read this statement and confirm
of a village during 2008 – 2009. whether it is correct or incorrect. If it is
Analyse it and answer the following incorrect give correct statement.
10 Pick out the suitable appliances to
conserve the electric energy.

florescent bulbs, copper choke,

Dengue fever
solar water heater, electric water
Chikungunya heater, tungsten bulbs, electronic
era r
ol e
h fev

Which dizseases affect the majority

of the population?

a. How are these diseases


b. Write any three measures to

control the other two diseases.
7. Match the suitable renewable and
non-renewable sources.
Sources A B C
Renewable Coal Wind Petroleum
Non- Hydrogen Natural Solar
Renewable gas energy
8. Odd one out
a. bio alcohol, green diesel, bio
ethrs, petroleum

b. cholera, typhoid, scabies, dysentry

Wastewater management



Wastewater management





Chapter 9



Fig. 9.1  Result of Health Drink Fig. 9.2  Health Drink

ANU has got back from playfield after win- lymph are in the form of solution to decide
ning a match.She is received by her mother the physiological activity of human beings.
cheerfully with a glass of health drink. A solution is a homogeneous mixture
Anu : Mother! What is this? of two (or) more substances.
Mother : This is your health drink – a All Solutions exist in homogeneous
solution of fruit juice and sugar form. Homogeneous refers to the state in
for your revitalisation. which two (or) more substances, that are
Solutions are of great importance in every- inseparably present in a given mixture. If
day life. The process of food assimilation a solution contains two components, then
by man is in the form of solution. Blood, it is called a Binary Solution.

Solute Solvent Solution

+ =
(salt) (water) (salt solution)
Fig. 9.3  A Solution is a Homogenous Mixture Solute and Solvent


Salt solution containing common salt ii. Colloidal Solutions: It is a

in water is a suitable example example heterogeneous mixture made up of two
for binary solution. phases namely, dispersed phase and
dispersion medium. The substance
distributed as particles
In a solution, the component present
in lesser amount by weight is called
solute and the component present in
a larger amount by weight is called
solvent. ­Generally a solvent is a dissolv-
ing ­medium. It surrounds the particles of
solute to form solutions.
In short, a solution can be represented, Fat,vitamin,protein
as follows
(Solute + Solvent → Solution)

Chapter 9
Sugar Water Sugar


Fig. 9.4  A Mixture of sugar and water


Fig. 9.5  A Mixture of Milk Powder and Water forming colloid
9.2.1 Based on the particle size:
Based on the particle size of the sub-
More to know
stance, the solutions are divided in to 3
types. Sauces, household cleaners,
i. True solutions: It is a homo­geneous cosmetics and various foams are
mixture that contains small solute in colloidal forms finding wider
particles that are dissolved throughout applications in daily life.
the solvent eg. Sugar in water.


iii. Suspensions: It is a hetero­-geneous

mixture of small insoluble particles in a
Activity 9.1
solvent. In a suspension the particles Students may be asked to observe
of solid stay in clusters that are large the scattering of light (Tyndal
enough to be seen.(eg. Chalk powder effect) when sunlight passes
in water) through the window of the class
rooms. The dust particles scatter
the light making the path of the
light visible.

Chalk + Water → Suspension


A mixture of chalk and water

Fig. 9.6  A Mixture of Chalk and Water forming Suspension Fig. 9.7  Tyndal effect in nature

More to know More to know

Tyndal effect, The phenomenon Brownian motion: The phenom-
by which colloidal particles scat- enon by which the colloidal particles
ter light is called Tyndal effect.If are in continuous random motion is
called Brownian motion.
a beam of light is allowed to pass
Brownian motion is named in
through a true solution some of the
honour of ROBERT BROWN a bi-
light will be absorbed and some will ologist.He observed the motion of
be transmitted.The particles in true the particles in suspension of pollen
solution are not large enough to grains in water.
scatter the light. However if light is
passed through a colloid the light is
scattered by the larger colloidal par-
ticles and the beam becomes vis-
ible.This effect is called ­TYNDAL
Fig. 9.8  Brownian motion


Comparing the properties of true solution,colloidal solution and suspension

Property True Solution Colloidal Solution Suspension
Particle size in Å
(1Å = 10-10m)

1Å to 10 Å 10Å to 1000 Å More than 1000 Å

Appearance Transparent Translucent Opaque
Visibility of particles Not visible even under Visible Under Visible to the naked eye
ultra microscope
ultra microscope
Nature Homogeneous Heterogeneous Heterogeneous
Diffusion of particles diffuses rapidly diffuses slowly diffusion does not occur
Scattering effect Does not scatter light It scatters light It does not scatter light

Chapter 9
9.2.2 Based on the type of solvent. classified into the following types.
Solutions are classified into two types (i) Unsaturated solution
i. Aqueous solution: The solution in (ii) Saturated solution
which water acts as a solvent, is called
aqueous solution. For example, (iii) Super saturated solution
sugar ­solution.
i. Unsaturated solution: A solution in
ii. Non-aqueous solution: The solution which the solute is in lesser amount in
in which any liquid other than water comparison with the solvent is called
acts as a solvent is called non- unsaturated solution. In this, addition
aqueous solution. (benzene, ether, of solute is possible till the solution
CS2, are some of the examples for non reaches the point of saturation.
aqueous solvents)
Eg. 5g or 10g or 20g of NaCl in 100g
(Solution of sulphur in carbon disulphide water
is a suitable example for non-aqueous
solution.) ii. Saturated solution: A solution in which
no more solute can be dissolved in
a definite amount of solvent at a given
9.2.3 Based on the amount of temperature is called a saturated solution
solute in the given solution eg. A saturated solution of CO2 in H2O
On the basis of the amount of solute in Eg. 36g of NaCl in 100g of water at
the given amount of solvent, solutions are room temperature.


iii. Super saturated solution: A solution

which has more of solute at a given More to know
temperature than that of saturated Nitrogen in earth soil is an exam-
solution is called super saturated ple for saturated solution in nature.
solution. (Earth soil cannot store more N2 than
it can hold)

Activity 9.2
Test whether a solution is saturated,
unsaturated or super-saturated
with respect to the addition of salt
at a particular temperature to the Unsaturated
Take a glass containing 100ml of
water, three packets of salts each Saturated
weighing 20g, 16g, and 1g and a

table spoon (see fig A1).

Record your observations after the Super
addition of each packet in the given Saturated
order followed by stirring at each Fig. A1  To test Saturation, Unsaturation and
stage. Super Saturation

Based on the physical state of the solute and the solvent the solutions are of 9 types.

Solute Solvent Examples

Solid Solid Alloys
Solid Liquid Sugar solution
Solid Gas smoke
Liquid Solid cheese
Liquid Liquid Milk
Liquid Gas Cloud
Gas Solid Cork
Gas Liquid Soda water
Gas Gas Helium-oxygen mixture
(for deep sea diving )


9.3 Solubility
More to know
Solubility of a solute in a given solvent
at a particular temperature is defined as Dilute and concentrated solutions: Con-
centration of a solution is the amount of solute
the number of grams of solute necessary dissolved in a given amount of solvent. A so-
to saturate 100g of the solvent at that lution containing low con­centration of solute
­temperature. For example is known as dilute solution whereas a solu-
tion containing high concentration of solute
Solubility of CuSO4 in H2O is 20.7g at is known as ­concentrated solution. It may be
noted that dilute and concentrated are relative
20 C
terms and have only quantitative meaning.

Activity 9.3
Determine the solubility of a solid (say
KCl) in water at room temperature.
•• Prepare saturated solution of KCl in about

Chapter 9
30 ml of water at room temperature.
Add more of KCl ensuring that solution
is saturated and some KCl is left
undissolved. Fig. A2  Determine the solubility

•• Filter the solution to remove solid KCl. Observations

•• Find temperature of the solution by Weight of the dish = Wg
dipping a thermometer in it. Weight of dish + saturated solution of KC1 = W1g
•• Evaporate the solution to dryness by Weight of dish + dry KC1 = W2g
using a low flame to avoid bumping.
•• Allow the dish and solid to cool to room
Weight of saturated solution = (W1 –W)g
temperature. Place the dish and solid
in a dessicator containing anhydrous Weight of KC1 = (W2 –W)g
calcium chloride (calcium chloride Weight of water present in saturated solution
is dehydrating agent, it absorbs
moisture). = [(W1-W) –(W2-w)]g
•• Take out evaporating dish and again = [(W1-W2)g
weight it.Allow the dish and solid to cool
to room temperature. Place the dish Weight of KCl
and solid in a dessicator containing Solubility of KCl = x 100
Weight of solvent
anhydrous calcium chloride (calcium
chloride is dehydrating agent, it absorbs
(W2 –W)
moisture). = X 100
(W1 –W)
•• Take out evaporating dish and again
weight it.


A polar compound dissolves in polar

Tit Bit
100ml of water can dis-
Eg. Common salt dissolves in water.
solve 36g of NaCl at a
A polar compound is less soluble (or)
given ­temperature.
­insoluble in a non polar solvent.
Solubility of some ionic compounds at 25°c
9.3 Effect of pressure
Substance Solubility Effect of pressure is observed only in the
(g per 100g case of gases. An increase in pressure
water) increase the solubility of a gas in a liquid.
NaC1 36 g For eg. CO2 gas is filled in soft drinks.

NaBr 95 g
NaI 184 g
NaNO3 92 g

9.4 Factors affecting

1. Temperature
2. Nature of solute (or) solvent
3. Pressure

9.1 Effect of Temperature

Fig. 9.9  CO2 filled in soft drinks
Solubility increases with the increase in tem-
perature. In endothermic process, solubility
increases with increase in temperature. More to know
Eg. Solubility of KNO3 increases with Increase in pressure increases
the increase in temperature.
the solubility of gases. At a
In Exothermic process, solubility de- given temperature, the mass of
creases with increase in temperature.
gas dissolved in a fixed volume
Eg. Solubility of CaO decreases with of liquid is directly proportional
increase in temperature.
to the pressure of the gas on
9.2 Nature of solute and ­solvent the surface of the liquid. This is
called Henry’s Law.
Solubility of a solute in a solvent depends
on the nature of both solute and solvent.


PROBLEM 1 Problem 3
Take 10g of common salt and dissolve it in 40g 50g of saturated solution of Nacl at 30oC
of water. Find the concentration of solution in is evaporated to dryness when 13.2 g of
terms of weight percent? dry Nacl was obtained. Find the solubility
of Nacl at 30oC in water.
weight of the solute
Weight percent = x 100 Mass of water in solution = 50-13.2 = 36.8g
Wt of solute + wt of solvent

Solubility of Nacl =
= 10 x 100 = 20%
10 + 40
Mass of Kcl 13.2
X 100 = X 100 = 36g
Mass of water 36.8

2g of potassium sulphate was dissolved An empty evaporating dish weighs 20.0g
in 12.5 ml of water. On cooling, the first in the addition of saturated solution of
crystals appeared at 60oC. What is the NaNO3, the dish weighs 66.0g. When

Chapter 9
solubility of potassium sulphate in water evaporated to dryness, the dish with Crystals
at 60°C? weighs 41.5g Find the solubility of NaNO3
at 20oC.
12.5 ml of water weighs 12.5g.
Weight of saturated solution of NaNO3 =
In 12.5g of water, amount of potassium (66.0 – 20.00) g = 46.0g
sulphate dissolved, is 2g
Weight of crystals of NaNO3 = (41.5-20.0) g
In 1g of water, amount of potassium sul- = 21.5g
phate dissolved, is 2/12.5 g
Weight of water in saturated solution =
Hence in 100g of water amount of (46.0-21.5) g = 24.5g
potassium sulphate dissolved, is
(2 x 100)/12.5=16g. Weight of NaNo3 Crystals
Solubility of NaNo3 =
Weight of water
The solubility of potassium sulphate in
X 100
water at 60ºC is 16g.
= X 100 = 87.7g

Solubility of NaNO3 at 20oC is = 87.7g/100g

H 2O


Part I referred to be in a state of _________.
(saturation, unsaturation)
1. A solution is a homogenous mixture of
solute and solvent. Chalk powder in 10. In endothermic process, solubility
water is a heterogenous mixture. Is it increases with _________ in
a solution? temperature. (increase, decrease)
2. The solution that contains water as the
solvent is called aqueous solution. If
Part II
cabondisulphide is a solvent in a given 1.
solution, then the solution is called
______. Substance Solubility at 25oC
3. Solubility of common salt in 100g NaCl 36g
water is 36g. If 20g of salt is dissolved
in how much more is required to attain NaBr 95g
NaI 184g

4. If two liquids are mutually soluble, they

are called _______ liquids. (miscible, From the table given above, furnish your
immiscible) points of inferences.
5. When sunlight passes from through 2. Distinguish between the saturated and
window of the classrooms its path is unsaturated solution using the data
visible. This is due to _______ light. given below at a temperature of 25oC
(reflection, scattering) A. 16g NaCl in 100g water
6. The particles in various forms are B. 36g NaCl in 100g water
visible only under ultramicroscope. A Note : Solubility of NaCl is 36g
solution containing such particles is 3. Distinguish between true solution and
called __________. (True solution, colloidal solution.
colloidal solution)
4. You have prepared a saturated solution
7. The number of components in a binary of sugar. Is it possible to add some
solution is ______. (one, two) more grams of sugar to this solution?
8. The mixture of gases used by deep Justify your stand.
sea divers is _______ (Helium- 5. Find the concentration of solution in
oxygen, oxygen-nitrogen) terms of weight percent if 10 gram of
9. Earth soil cannot store more nitrogen common salt is dissolved in 40 gram
than it can hold. Hence earth soil is of water.

Chapter 10

Atoms and molecules

10. Atoms and molecules

Tini shows a piece of chalk to Mini & asks her to

break it into minute particles. The breaking spree,
goes on and on endlessly and finally they come
to conclude that, the minute particle is, a group of
invisible atoms. They get set, to probe further.

Exploring the atom

The word atom is derived from the Greek
word “Atomos” which means indivisible.
John Dalton modeled atoms as hard
­indivisible spheres.
His theory remained undisputed for
about a century without any changes.
However towards the end of 19th and
in the beginning of 20th centuries, the
introduction of matter wave concept by
de Broglie, the principle of uncertainty
by Heisenberg etc., paved the way for
­Modern atomic theory or modified
atomic theory. Fig 10.1  Inner View of an atom

Chapter ‘10

10.1 modern atomic theory eg.C12H22O11 is not a simple ratio

The findings of modern atomic theory are (Sucrose)
given as follows. ff Atoms of one element can be
changed into atoms of other element
ff Atom is considered to be a divisible
by transmutation.
ff Atoms of the same element may not ff The mass of an atom can be converted
be similar in all respects. in to energy. This is in accordance
eg: Isotopes (Cl3517
,) with Einstein’s equation E = mc2
ff Atoms of different elements may be
similar in some respects
eg. Isobars (Ar 18
, Ca 40
,) 10.2 Avogadro’s Hypothesis
Amedeo Avogadro put forward hypo-
ff Atom is the smallest particle which
takes part in chemical reactions. ­thesis a based on the relation between no
of molecules and volume of gases.
ff The ratio of atoms in a molecule
may be fixed and integral but may Avogadro’s Law
not be simple
Equal volumes of all gases under the same
Tech File On Tamil conditions of temperature and ­pressure.
Techie ‘AVVAIYAR’ contain the same number of molecules.
regardless of its nature.

Importance of Avogadro’s law

(a) To deduce atomicity

10.2.1 Atomicity
The number of atoms present in one mol-
ecule of an element is called the atomi
city of an element.
Depending upon the no. of atoms in
one molecule of an element, molecules
In the praisal of Thirukkural, one can find are classified into monoatomic, diatomic,
Avvaiyar saying that “Valluvar pierced triatomic, and poly atomic molecule.
an atom and poured into it seven seas For a given substance atomicity can
of wisdom”. This proves that a powerful be deduced using the formula
knowledge about atom was possessed
Molecular Mass
by our ancient Tamil poets long ago. Is Atomicity = ————————
it not a matter to be felt proud of? Atomic mass

Atoms and molecules

More to know More to know

Isotopes ⇒ These are the atoms
of same element with same atomic
number (Z) but different mass
number (A). example (Cl35
Isobars ⇒ These are the Atoms of
the different element with same mass
number but different atomic number.
example (Ar 18 40
, Ca 40
Isotones ⇒ These are the at-
oms of different elements with
same number of neutrons
Avogadro an Itallian Scientist Example : (C6 ,N 7, )
13 14

[ (1766 – 1856) He was the One

to propose that volume of a gas at
a given temperature and pressure
is proportional to the number of Atomicity No. of Eg
particles atoms per
Monoatomic 1 Helium (He);
Test your Neon (Ne);
understanding skill
Diatomic 2 Hydrogen H2;
1. Find the atomicity of chlorine if Chlorine Cl2
its atomic mass is 35.5 and its Triatomic 3 Ozone (O3)
molecular mass is 71
Polyatomic >3 phosphorous P4;
2. Find the atomicity of Ozone if its Sulphur S8
atomic mass is 16 and its molecular
mass is 48
After applying Avogadro’s Law, the
Avogadro’s Law enables us to change eqn,becomes
over directly from a statement about vol-
N 2 + O2 → 2 NO
ume of gases to a statement about mol-
ecules of gases and vice-versa. 1 Molecule 1 Molecule 2 Molecules
Eg. It is found that two molecule of Nitric
oxide contains 2 atoms of Nitrogen and 2
N2 + O2 → 2 NO
atoms of oxygen.
Nitrogen Oxygen Nitric oxide
These two atoms of Nitrogen and the two
(1 Vol) (1 Vol) (2 Vols) atoms of oxygen should have come from

Chapter ‘10

1 molecule of Nitrogen and 1 molecule of

oxygen, respectively. How to arrive at the value of GRAM
Hence, Nitrogen and oxygen are called
diatomic molecules and are written as GRAM MOLAR MASS
GMV = —————————————
This proves that, atomicity of Nitrogen To find the value of
is 2 and the atomicity of oxygen is 2
GMM of O2
Thus Avogadro’s hypothesis is used in GMV OF OXYGEN = ———————
the deduction of atomicity of elementary DENSITY OF O2
gases. = 32/1.429
= 22.4 lit
10.2.2 Relationship between
vapour density and molecular Therefore GMV = 22.4 litre at STP
mass of a gas
i. Relative Molecular Mass: It is defined Mass of 1 molecule of gas or vapour
as the ratio of the mass of 1 molecule 2 x V.D= —————————————
Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen
of the gas or vapour to the mass of 1
atom of hydrogen. ∴2 x V.D = molecular mass of a gas or
Relative molecular mass of a gas = vapour

Mass of 1molecule of the gas or vapour 2 x Vapour density = Molecularmass

—————————————————— 1. 1. It is used to determine the atomicity
Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen of gases.
ii. Vapour Density (V.D): It is defined as 2. It is helpful in determining the molecular
the ratio of the mass of a certain volume formula of gaseous compound
of the gas or vapour to the mass of the
same volume of hydrogen at the same 3. It establishes the relationship between
temperature and pressure. the vapour density and molecular
mass of a gas.
Mass of 1 volume of gas or vapour
V.D = ————————————— 4. It gives the value of molar volume of
Mass of 1 volume of hydrogen
gases at STP. Molar Volume of a gas
Applying Avogadro’s Law, at STP=22.4 lit (or)22400 cm3

Mass of 1 molecule of gas or vapour 5. It explains Gay Lussac’s law effectively
V.D = ——————————————
Mass of 1 molecule of hydrogen
Atoms and Molecules
Since hydrogen is diatomic,
ATOM: An atom is the ultimate particle of
Mass of 1 molecule of gas or vapour
V.D = —————————————-- an element which may or may not have
2 x Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen
independent existence.The atoms of
Multiplying both sides by 2, we get certain elements such as hydrogen,

Atoms and molecules


Gay-Lussac’s Law of Combining Name the elements and find the
volumes of Gases number in one molecule of a) Nitro-
gen b) Water c) Ammonia d) Sulphu-
When gases react, they do so in vol-
ric acid.
umes which bear a simple ratio to
one another, and to the volumes of
the gaseous products, provided that 10.3 Differences between
all the volumes are measured under
atom and molecule
the same conditions of temperature
and pressure.
Atom Molecule
The smallest The smallest
oxygen, nitrogen, not have inde- particle of an particle of an ele-
pendent existence whereas atoms of element that ment or a com-
helium,neon,argon, have independ- can take part pound that can
ent existence.All elements are composed in a chemical exist freely.
of atoms. reaction.
Molecule: A molecule is the simplest An atom is a A molecule is a
structural unit of an element (or) a com- non bonded bonded entity
pound which contains one (or) more at- entity
oms. It retains the characteristics of an An atom may A molecule can
element. or may not ex- exist freely
A molecule can exist freely and it is a ist freely
combined form of bonded units whereas
an atom is a singular smallest form of non
bonded unit.
Molecules are of two types, namely
homo atomic molecules and hetero atomic
1. Homo atomic molecules
These are the molecules which are made
up of atoms of the same element. Most
of the elementary gases consist of homo
atomic molecules. For example hydro-
gen gas consists of two atoms of hydro-
gen (H2).Similarly oxygen gas consists of
two atoms of oxygen (O2) In accordance
with the no of atoms present in these mol-
Fig 10.2  Molecule of water

Chapter ‘10

ecules they are classified as monoatomic, Eg.

diatomic, triatomic or poly atomic mole- Gram atomic mass of hydrogen = 1g
cules showing that they contain one, two,
three, or more than atoms respectively. Gram atomic mass of carbon = 12g

2. Hetero atomic molecule Gram atomic mass of nitrogen = 14g

These molecules are made up of atoms Gram atomic mass of oxygen = 16g
of different elements. They are also clas- Gram atomic mass of sodium = 23g
sified as di, tri, …etc depending upon the
Atomic mass is expressed in atomic
number of atoms present. For example
mass unit (amu) one atomic mass unit
H2O, NH3, CH4, etc are the hetero atomic
is defined as 1/12th part of the mass of
C12 isotope of carbon

10.4 Relative atomic 10.5 Relative molecular

mass(RAM) mass(RMM)

10.4.1 Definition (based on 10.5.1 Definition (based

hydrogen scale) on hydrogen scale)
The relative atomic mass of an element is The relative molecular mass of an
the ratio of mass of one atom of the ele- ­element (or) a compound is the ratio of
ment to the mass of one atom of hydro- mass of one molecule of the element
gen taken as one unit. (or) a compound to the mass of one
atom of hydrogen taken as one unit.
Mass of 1 atom of the element
RAM = ————————————— Mass of 1 molecule of an element
Mass of 1 atom of the hydrogen
RMM= —————————————
Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen
10.4.2 Definition (based
on C12-scale) 10.5.2 Definition (based
on carbon scale)
Relative atomic mass of an element is the
ratio of mass of one atom of element to The relative molecular mass of an ele-
the 1/12th part of mass of C12 isotope of ment (or) a compound is the ratio of mass
carbon. of one molecule of the element (or) a com-
pound to the mass of th part of mass of
Mass of 1 atom of element
RAM= ————————————— C12 isotope of carbon.
12 th of the mass of C isotope

Mass of 1 molecule of an element

RMM= 1—————————————
__ th part of the mass of C isotope

Relative atomic mass is a pure ratio 12

and has no unit. If the atomic mass of an
element expressed in grams it is known Relative Molecular mass is a pure ratio
as gram atomic mass. and has no unit. If the molecular mass of

Atoms and molecules

a given substance expressed in gram is 10.6.1 Definition of mole

known as gram molecular mass of that
Mole is defined as the amount of sub-
sance that contains as many specified el-
Molecular mass is the sum of atomic ementary particles as the no. of atoms in
masses. 12g of carbon-12 isotope.
One mole is also defined as the amount
Gram Molecular mass calcula- of substance which contains Avogadro
tions to test your numerical skill number (6.023 x 1023) particles.
Therefore, one mole of any substance
contains Avogadro no. of particles. The
Find the gram molecular mass of water
particles may be atoms, molecules, ions
Solution H2O = 2[H] = 2 x 1 = 2 etc.,
= 1(O) = 1 x 16 = 16 For eg. one mole of oxygen atoms
—— represents 6.023 x 1023 atoms of oxygen
18 and 5 moles of oxygen atoms contains
5x 6.023x10 23 atoms of oxygen
∴ Gram molecular mass of H2O = 18g

Gram Molecular mass of Carbon diox-

ide is calculated as follows
1(C) = 1 x 12 = 12
2(O) = 2 x 16 = 32
Gram Molecular mass of CO2 = 44 g

10.6 Mole Concept

While performing a reaction, to know the
no. of atoms (or) molecules involved, the
concept of mole was introduced. The
quantity of a substance is expressed in
terms of mole.
Shown here are one mole quantities of Fig 10.3  Mole in various forms

each of the following materials: (clockwise

from top left) 180g of acetylsalicylic acid Avogadro number: Number of atoms or
(aspirin), 18.0g of water, 342 g of sucrose molecules or ions present in one mole of
(table sugar), 201 g of mercury, 55.9g of a substance is called avogadro number
iron, 58.5g of sodium chloride (table salt), its value is 6.023 x 1023
and 254g of iodine.

Chapter ‘10

To find the no. of moles, the following b. Calculate the mass of

formulae are useful i) 0.5 mole of iron ii) 2.5 mole of oxy-
gen atoms
No. of moles = Sol: mass = atomic mass x no. of
atomic mass
No. of moles = = 55.9 x 0.5 = 27.95 g
molecular mass
FOLLOW UP: Find the mass of 2.5 mole
No. of atoms of oxygen atoms
No. of moles =
6.023 × 1023
Mass = Molecular mass x no of moles
No. of molecules
No. of moles =
6.023 × 1023 2. Calculation of number of particles
when the mass of the substance is
WATCH OUT ! given:
It may be noted that while using the No. of particles =
term mole it is essential to specify Avogadro No. x given mass
the kind of particles involved. —————————————
Gram molecular mass

a. Calculate the no. of molecules in 11g

10.6.2 (Problems based of CO2
on mole concept) Sol: Gram molecular mass of CO2 =
1. When the mass of the substance is 44g
given: 6.023 x 1023 x 11
No. of molecules = ———————
Mass 44
No. of moles =
atomic mass = 1.51 x 1023 molecules
FOLLOW UP: Calculate the no. of mol-
a. Calculate the no. of moles in
ecules in 360g of glucose.
i) 81g of aluminium ii) 4.6g sodium
iii) 5.1 g of Ammonia iv) 90g of water 3. Calculation of mass when number of
v) 2g of NaOH particles of a substance is given:
Sol: i) no. of moles = Mass of a substance
Mass 81 gram molecular mass x no. of particles
= = 33 moles of aluminium
Atomic mass 27 = —————————————————
6.023 x 1023
FOLLOW UP: Find the no. of. moles for a. Calculate the mass of 18.069 x 1023
remaining problems given above. molecules of SO2

Atoms and molecules

Sol: Gram molecular mass SO2 = 64g 3.0115 x 1023

= —————— = 0.5 moles
Mass of SO2 6.023 x 1023
64 x 18.069 x 1023 b. Calculate no. of moles in 12.046 x
= ——————————— = 192 g
10 atoms of copper
6.023 x 1023
No. of moles of atoms
b. Calculate the mass of glucose in
2 x 1 0 24 m o l e c u l e s No.of atoms
Gram molecular mass of glucose = 180 = ———————
Avogadro No.
Mass of glucose
12.046 x 1022
180 x 2 x 1024
= ——————— = 0.2 moles
= —————— 597.7 g 6.023x 1023
6.023 x 1023
FOLLOW UP: Calculate the no. of
FOLLOW UP: Calculate the mass of moles in 24.092 x 1022 molecules of wa-
12.046 x 1023 molecules in CaO. ter.
Molar volume: Volume occupied by
4. Calculation of number of moles when
one mole of any gas at STP is called
you are given number of molecules:
molar volume. Its value is 22.4 litres
No. of molecules
No. of moles = ———————— 22.4 litres of any gas contains
Avogadro No. 6.023 x 1023 molecules.

Some important data for understanding RAM.

Element Symbol RAM

Carbon C 12
Hydrogen H 1
Oxygen O 16
Sodium Na 23
Sulphur S 32
Chlorine Cl 35.5

Chapter ‘10

Section – A 6. One mole of any substance contains
6.023 x 1023 particles.
i. From the given examples, form the pair
of isotopes and the pair of isobars If 3.0115 x 1023 particles are present in
Ar40, Cl35, Ca40, Cl37 CO2. Find the no. of moles.
18 17 20 17

2. Molecular mass of nitrogen is 28. Its Section – B

Atomic mass is 14. Find the atomicity
of nitrogen. 1. Modern atomic theory takes up the
wave concept principle of uncertainty
3. Gram molecular mass of oxygen is and other latest discoveries to give a
32g. Density of oxygen is 1.429g/cc. clear cut picture about atom. State its
Find the gram molecular volume of findings.
2. You are given the values of mass of
4. ‘Cl’ represents chlorine atom, ‘Cl2’ one volume of oxygen gas and the
represents molecule. mass of one volume of hydrogen. By
List out any two differences between applying Avagadro Law how will you
Atoms and Molecules. establish the relation between vapour
density and molecular mass of a gas.
5. Calculate the gram molecular mass of
3. Calculate the no. of moles in
water. From the values of gram atomic
mass of hydrogen and of oxygen. a. 12.046 x 1023 atoms of copper
gram atomic mass of hydrogen = 1g b. 27.95g of iron
gram atomic mass of oxygen = 16g c. 1.51 x 1023 molecules of CO2

( Best Wishes)

Atoms and molecules


Chemical Reactions

Chapter ‘11
Chemical Reactions

11. Chemical reactions

All living beings born in this beautiful world the reason?. In chemical changes, new
have their own lifestyles. Have you observed substances are formed and it is difficult
and analyzed your daily life from the view to regenerate the original substances.
point of a chemist?. Chemical reactions Chemical changes are more perma-
happen around us all the time and even in nent than physical changes. All chemical
our body. Chemical reactions continually changes are accompanied by chemical
take place even in our planet. reactions.
Many substances change naturally Some of the common chemical
over a period of time. Rock changes changes taking place in our daily life are:
gradually as a result of weathering. Any • Formation of curd from milk
change can be classified as either physi-
cal or chemical change. Physical change • Rusting of iron
occurs when the properties of a sub- • Photosynthesis
stance change, but its chemical composi-
In all the above cases, the nature and
tion does not. Consider an ice cube that
the identity of the initial substance have
melts, when it is taken out of freezer. In
changed. How do we come to know that
the morning we ignite the cooking gas and
a chemical reaction has taken place? Let
it immediately burns. This is followed by
us perform some activities to find out the
cooking of the food for our breakfast. Our
answer to this question.
body is regarded as furnace in which food
burns to provide us energy. The vehicle
which we use for transportation in day to
day life burns diesel or petrol. These are
the few chemical changes that we come
across in our daily life. Physical changes
can be easily reversed but, it is not easy
to reverse a chemical change. What is Fig 11.1  Silver anklet

Chapter ‘11

leading to the release of considerable

Activity 11.1 amount of heat.
•• Look at the new anklet of your Do you observe any brisk efferves-
mother or sister cence? It is due to the evolution of carbon
•• Note the colour of the anklet dioxide gas.
•• Observe the colour after a month •• Change in colour [Activity 11.2]
•• What colour do you observe? •• Change in temperature. [Activity 11.3]
•• Evolution of a gas [Activity 11.4]
The lustrous white colour of the silver
anklet slowly changes into slightly black Activity 11.2
colour. That is, silver anklet has got tar-
nished. Can you guess the reason behind •• Take lead nitrate solution in a
it? beaker.

It is due to the formation of silver ­sulphide •• Take potassium iodide solution

in a test tube.(Both solutions are
(Ag2S), as a result of the reaction between
silver and hydrogen sulphide in the air.
•• Add potassium iodide solution
You observe a deep yellow precipitate, slowly to the lead nitrate solution.
don’t you?
•• What do you observe?
It is lead iodide.
Do you feel hot? Let us see what
happens Activity 11.3
Calcium oxide reacts with water to
produce slaked lime (calcium hydroxide). •• Take 5 gms of calcium oxide (quick
lime) in a beaker
This reaction is exothermic and will be ac-
companied by hissing noise and bubbles •• Add water to it slowly
•• Touch the beaker
•• What do you feel?

Activity 11.4
Take a pinch of calcium carbonate
powder in a test tube
Add dilute hydrochloric acid
Note the changes in the test tube
Fig 11.2  Yellow precipitate of lead iodide.

Chemical Reactions

More to know 11.1 TYPES OF CHEMICAL

A solution of slaked lime produced Since there are numerous chemical
in the above reaction is used for ­reactions, the study of these reactions
white washing. Calcium hydroxide can be made easier by classifying them.
reacts slowly with carbon dioxide All the chemical reactions are classified
in air to form a thin layer of calcium into six broad categories depending on
­carbonate on the walls. Calcium car- the way the product forms.
bonate is formed after two to three
days of white washing and gives a Let us see the different types or
shiny ­finish to the walls. It is interest- ­classifications of chemical reactions.
ing to note that the chemical formula
for marble is also CaCO3 1 COMBINATION REACTION

A + B A B

A combines with B to form a new

product AB. It is the simple representa-
tion of combination reaction.

Fig 11.3  Reaction of calcium carbonate with dil.HCl

These are some of the common

observations in a chemical reaction. From
the activities that we have discussed, it
is clear that chemical reactions will bring
about a permanent change resulting
in the formation of new product(s). The
substances taking part in the reaction are
Fig 11.4 Burning of Mg ribbon
known as reactants and those formed
as a result of the reaction are called
A chemical reaction is a process in which
one or more substances (reactants) are
changed into new substance or sub-
stances (products)

Chapter ‘11

It is a chemical reaction in which a

Activity 11.5 s­ ingle substance AB splits into A and B
•• Take a clean piece of magnesium ­are called decomposition reaction.
•• Hold the ribbon with a pair of
•• Burn it in air using a burner (keeping
Mg ribbon as far as possible from
your eyes).
•• Collect the ash in a watch glass. Fig 11.5 Heating the test tube containing
copper carbonate
In the above activity, magnesium com-
bines with oxygen to form a single prod-
uct, magnesium oxide. Such a reaction
in which a single product formed from
two or more reactants is known as
combination reaction.
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO

Repeat the procedures of “Activity

11.3”. This reaction also is an example for
COMBINATION REACTION. Attempt to Activity 11.6
write the equation yourself. •• Take about 2 g of copper carbonate
powder in a dry test tube
•• Note the colour of copper
•• Heat the test tube over the flame
Let us discuss some more examples •• Observe the changes after
of combination reactions. heating.
•• Combustion of coal (burning of coal)
C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g) Change of colour from green to black
is observed. This is due to the decompo-
•• Combustion of hydrogen (formation of sition of copper carbonate to copper (II)
water) oxide.
2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(l) CuCO3(s) → CuO(s) + CO2(g)


A B A + B

Chemical Reactions

Activity 11.7 More tO KNOW

•• Take lead nitrate in a test tube. At very high temperature, ammonium
•• Heat it over the flame dichromate decomposes immediately
to green vapours which gets released
•• Observe the changes along with the steam. It seems as a
volcano erupt and is termed as chem-
Liberation of a reddish brown gas(NO2)
ical volcano.
is observed. This is because of the de-
composition of lead nitrate into lead oxide,
nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.

From the above two activities (11.7 and

11.8), it can be noted that a single com-
In the reaction between A and BC,
pound breaks down to produce
A displaces B from BC to form AC. This
two or more substances. Such
shows that A is more reactive than B.
type of reaction is called decom-
position reaction.
Some other examples for decomposi-
tion reaction:
1. Decomposition of lime stone

2. Decomposition of ammonium
Fig 11.6 Iron displays copper from copper
sulphate solution

Activity 11.8
•• Take 20 ml of copper sulphate
solution in a beaker.
•• Drop an iron nail into the beaker.
•• Leave it for few days
•• Observe the colour of the copper
sulphate solution and the iron

Blue colour of the copper sulphate so-

Chapter ‘11

lution changes into green colour and the that potassium is the most reactive metal
iron nail acquires a brownish look. It is a while platinum is the least reactive. The
noticeable change. Is it not? This change displacement reaction is not limited to met-
confirms that iron is more reactive than als only. Even non metals can take part in
copper. The following chemical reaction these reactions. For example chlorine dis-
takes place in this activity. places bromine from potassium bromide.

In this reaction, iron displaces copper 4 DOUBLE DECOMPOSITION

from CuSO4 solution. REACTION (DOUBLE
Repeat the procedures of “Activity DISPLACEMENT REACTION)
11.8” but use zinc rod instead of an iron
nail. What colour changes do you observe
on the rod and in the solution? Write the In the re- action
chemical equation. between AB and
CD, both the re-
actants decom-
pose to form AC
Other example: and BD through
the rear- range-
ment of ions.

Lead can displace copper from its salt

solutions. Can copper displace zinc or
lead from their salt solutions? No, because
copper is less reactive than zinc and lead
(refer reactivity series).
The reaction in which, a more reac-
tive element displaces a less reactive
element from its compound is called
displacement reaction.

More to Know: Series arrangement

of metals in increasing order of their
reactivity is called reactivity series.

From the reactivity series, it is clear

Chemical Reactions


Fig 11.7 Formation of barium sulphate We are all aware of the fact that oxygen is
and sodium chloride the most essential element for sustaining
life. One can live without food or even wa-
ter for a number of days, but not without
Activity 11.9 oxygen. In our daily life we come across
•• Take 5ml of sodium sulphate phenomena like fading of the colours of
solution in a test-tube. the clothes, burning of combustible sub-
•• In another test-tube, take 5ml of stances like cooking gas, wood, coal and
barium chlorite. also rusting of iron articles. All such proc-
esses fall in the category of a specific type
•• Mix both the solutions.
of chemical reaction called oxidation – re-
•• What do you observe? duction reaction(redox reaction). A large
number of industrial processes like elec-
troplating, extraction of metals like alumin-
You will observe formation of a white sub-
ium, are based upon the redox reaction.
stance, which is insoluble in water. The
insoluble substance formed is known as Oxidation:
precipitate. Any reaction that produces a
precipitate is called a precipitation reac- A chemical reaction which involves
tion. The white precipitate of barium sul- addition of oxygen or removal of hy-
phate, is formed is due to the reaction of drogen or loss of electron(s) is called
SO42– and Ba2+ ions. The other product as oxidation.
formed is sodium chloride. 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO (addition of oxygen)
Na2SO4(aq)+BaCl2(aq)→BaSO4(s)↓+2NaCl(aq) 2H2S + SO2 → 3S + 2H2O (removal of
Repeat the procedures of Activity 11.2 for ­hydrogen)
double decomposition reaction Attempt to Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e- (loss of electron)
right the equation by your self.
A chemical reaction which involves
addition of hydrogen or removal of ox-
Double decomposition reaction is ygen or gain of electron(s) is called as
any reaction in which exchange of ions reduction.
between two reactants occur, leading to 2Na + H → 2NaH (addition of hydrogen)
the formation of two different p
­ roducts. CuO+H → Cu+H O (removal of oxygen)
2 2
Other example Fe3+ + e- → Fe2+ (gain of electron)
CuSO4(aq) + H2S(g) → CuS ↓ + H2SO4(aq)
Redox reaction:
black ppt
A chemical reaction in which oxida-
tion and reduction take place simulta-

Chapter ‘11


Fig 11.8 Redox reaction

neously is called redox reaction. If hydrogen gas is passed over this

black coloured Copper II Oxide(CuO), it
Zn + CuSO4 → Cu + ZuSO4
turns brown.
The surface of copper metal becomes
black coated when exposed to air. Why?
This is because, oxygen is added to cop-
per and copper(II) oxide is formed.

Chemical Reactions

reaction proceeds. One of the important

Don’t forget exothermic reaction in our body is respira-
Oxidation Is Loss of electrons. tion. During respiration, glucose produced
Reduction Is Gain of electron. from food burns in to oxygen and gives
out heat energy.
The term LEO, GER will help you to
remember. b. Endothermic reactions
The chemical reactions which
proceed with the absorption of heat
energy are called endothermic reac-
During the conversion of copper(II)
­oxide to copper, the copper(II) oxide is
losing oxygen and is being reduced. The 2NH3(g) + Heat → N2(g) +3H2(g)
hydrogen is gaining oxygen and is being
oxidised. In other words, one reactant
gets oxidised while the other gets ­reduced
­during the reaction. Such reactions are REACTION
called oxidation – reduction reactions or Rate of the chemical reaction is de-
redox reactions. fined as change in concentration of
any one of the reactant or product per
6 EXOTHERMIC AND unit time.
ENDOTHERMIC REACTIONS Consider the reaction
During chemical reactions one of the most A→B
common change is a change in tempera-
Rate of the reaction is given by
ture. When detergent is dissolved in water
to wash clothes, heat is given out. When d[A] d[B]
glucose is kept on our tongue, a chilling ef- Rate = - ----- = + --------
dt dt
fect is felt. During these processes, heat is
either given out or absorbed from the sur- [A] -concentration of reactant A
roundings. In the same way, in most of the [B] - concentration of product B.
chemical reactions, energy is either taken
up or given out. ‘-‘ve sign indicates decrease in con-
centration of A with time. ‘+‘ve sign indi-
a. Exothermic reactions cates increase in concentration of B with
The chemical reactions which time.
proceed with the evolution of heat
energy are called exothermic reac-
tions. 11.2.1 FACTORS INFLUENC-
N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g) + Heat
All combustion reactions are exo-
thermic. Heat energy is liberated as the

Chapter ‘11

concentration of the reactant, greater will

Activity 11.10 be the rate of the reaction.
Take magnesium ribbon in two test
Add dilute hydrochloric acid in test REACTANTS
tube A
Add acetic acid in test tube B Activity 11.12
Observe the changes in two test •• Take powdered calcium carbonate
tubes? in beaker A
•• Take marble chips (calcium carbon­
Magnesium ribbon reacts with both ate) in beaker B
dilute hydrochloric acid and acetic acid •• Add hydrochloric acid in both
but reaction is faster in dilute hydro- beakers A and B
chloric acid than in acetic acid. Do you •• Observe the changes
know why? Dilute hydrochloric acid is
stronger than acetic acid. It shows that
nature of the reactant influences the Powdered calcium carbonate reacts more
rate of the reaction. quickly with hydrochloric acid than marble
chips. What is the reason?.
2 CONCENTRATION OF THE Powdered calcium carbonate offers
REACTANTS large surface area for the reaction to occur
at a faster rate. This shows that greater
the surface area, greater is the rate of
Activity 11.11 the reaction.
•• Take 3 gm of granulated zinc in
the test tube A and B
•• Add 5 ml of 1 M hydrochloric acid
in test A Activity 11.13
•• Add 5 ml of 2 M hydrochloric acid •• Take 3 gm of marble chips in
in test B beaker
•• Observe the changes •• Add 5 ml of 1M of hydrochloric
Granulated zinc reacts with both 1M hy- •• Observe the changes
drochloric acid and 2M hydrochloric acid, •• Heat the beaker
the rate of evolution of hydrogen gas is
•• Observe the changes
more from the test tube B than from the
test tube A. This is because, 2M hydro-
chloric acid is more concentrated than Calcium carbonate present in marble chips
1M hydrochloric acid. That is, greater the react slowly with hydrochloric acid at room

Chemical Reactions

temperature and evolves carbon dioxide at

slower rate, whereas on heating, the evo- Group Activity 2
lution of carbon dioxide is made faster. • Prepare volcano using ammonium
dichromate (vigorous)
This shows that increase in tem-
perature increases the rate of the reac- • Prepare volcano using baking
tion. soda (silent).

Acids, bases and
Activity 11.14 salts
•• Take potassium chlorate in a test
•• Heat the test tube Hai Vini, you look tired Take
Nivi :
this fresh lime juice.
•• Observe what happens
•• Add manganese dioxide as a Vini : No, it has sour taste.
catalyst Nivi : Do you know why is it sour?
•• Observe the changes Vini : Sorry, I have no idea at all.
It is due to the presence
When potassium chlorate is heated, ox- Nivi : of acid. Ok let’s get set to
ygen is evolved very slowly whereas af- learn about this.
ter the addition of MnO2 to the reactant,
oxygen is liberated at a faster rate. This
shows that MnO2 acts as a catalyst and Acids, bases and salts are used in eve-
influences the rate of the reaction. ryday life. Let it be a fruit juice or a deter-
gent or a medicine. They play a key role to
decide our regular routine. Our body me-
more to know
tabolism is carried out by means of hydro-
A substance which alters the rate of chloric acid secreted in our stomach.
the reaction without undergoing any
change in mass and composition. is
known as catalyst. 11.3 Acids
Acid is a substance which furnishes H+
ions or H3O+ ions when dissolved in wa-
Group Activity 1 ter. Acids have one or more hydrogen at-
From dawn to dusk observe any 10 oms. The word acid is derived from the
chemical changes taking place around Latin name ‘acidus’ which means sour
you and classify them taste. Substances with ‘sour taste’ are
acids. Lemon juice, vinegar and grape
Fig 11.9 Acid solution turns blue
litmus paper red

Chapter ‘11

juice have sour taste, so they are acidic.

They change blue litmus to red. They are
Source Acid present
11.3.1 Classification of acids
Apple Malic acid 1. Based on their sources Acids are
classified into two types namely
Lemon Citric acid organic acids and inorganic acids.
Organic acids:- Acids present in
Grape Tartaric acid plants and animals are organic
acids eg. formic acid HCOOH
and Acetic acid CH3COOH (Weak
Tomato Oxalic acid
Inorganic acids:- Acids from rocks
Vinegar (food Acetic acid
and minerals are inorganic acids or
mineral acids(Hydracid or Oxy-acid)
Curd Lactic acid eg. HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 (Strong acids).
2. Based on their basicity
Monobasic acid: - It is an acid which
gives one hydrogen ion per molecule
colourless with phenolphthalein and pink
with methyl orange. Many organic acids of the acid in solution eg. HCl, HNO3
are naturally present in food items. Dibasic acid:- It is an acid which
gives two hydrogen ions per molecule
of the acid in solution eg. H2SO4,
Tribasic acid:- It is an acid which
gives three hydrogen ions per
molecule of the acid in solution.
What is the acid present in it?
more to know
For acids, we use the term basicity;
which means the number of replaceable
hydrogen ions in an acid. For example
acetic acid has four hydrogen atoms
but only one can be replaced. Hence it
is monobasic.

Chemical Reactions

3. Based on ionisation
Acids are classified into two types
based on ionisation.
Strong acids:- These are acids which
ionise completely in water. eg.HCl
Weak acids:-These are acids
which ionise partially in water. eg.
CH3COOH Fig 11.10 Reaction of zinc granules with
dilute hydrochloric and testing hydrogen gas
4 Based on concentration:-
Depending on the percentage or
Activity 11.15
amount of acid dissolved in water
•• Take 5 g of Zinc granules in a test
acids are classified into concentrated tube
acid and dilute acid. •• Add 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric
Concentrated acid:- It is an acid acid through thistle funnel
having a relatively high percentage •• Set the apparatus as shown in the
of acid in its aqueous solution. diagram
•• During the course of addition,
Dilute acid:- It is an acid having what do you observe?
relatively low percentage of acid in
aqueous solution.
Note that zinc reacts with dilute hydro-
chloric acid to form zinc chloride and hy-
More to know
drogen gas.
Care must be taken while mixing any
Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2↑
concentrated mineral acid with water.
The acid must always be added slowly When a burning candle is brought near
to water with constant stirring. If water the bubble containing hydrogen gas, the
is added to a concentrated acid the flame goes off with a ‘pop’ing sound. This
large amount of heat is generated confirms that metal displaces hydrogen
which may cause burns. The mixture from the dilute acid. (Hydrogen gas burns
splashes out of the container.
Lime stone, chalk and marble are
­different physical forms of calcium
11.3.2 CHEMICAL PROPER- carbonate. They react with acids giv-
TIES OF ACIDS ing corresponding salt, carbon ­dioxide
and water.

Chapter ‘11

with a ‘pop’ing sound) Test tube I

Metal + dilute acid → Salt + Hydrogen Na2CO3 + 2 HCl → 2 NaCl + H2O + CO2↑
Another example
Test tube II
Mg + H2SO4 → MgSO4 + H2↑
NaHCO3 + HCl → NaCl + H2O + CO2↑
When carbon dioxide is passed
through lime water, it turns milky.
All metals do not liberate hydrogen
gas on reaction with acid eg. Ag, Cu Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O
2 REACTION OF METAL From the above activity the reaction
CARBONATE AND METAL can be summarized as
BICARBONATE WITH ACIDS. Metal carbonate or Metal bicarbonate +
Acid → Salt + Water + Carbon dioxide

Other examples
MgCO3 + 2 HCl → MgCl2 + H2O + CO2↑
Mg(HCO3) 2 + 2 HCl → MgCl2 + 2H2O +

Since metal carbonates and metal
­bicarbonates are basic they react with
Fig 11.11 Testing of carbon dioxide acids to give salt and water with the
dilute hydrochloric acid
liberation of carbon dioxide
Activity 11.16 CuCl2

•• Take two test tubes, label them as 3 Reaction of metallic oxides with
I and II.
•• Take small amount of washing
soda (Na2CO3) in test tube I and
small amount of baking soda
(NaHCO3) in test tube II.
•• Add dilute hydrochloric acid to
both the test tubes.
•• What do you observe?
•• Pass the gas produced in each case,
through lime water [Ca(OH)2] solution
and record your observations. 15
Chemical Reactions

Fig 11.12 Reaction of copper(II) oxide 11.3 USES OF ACIDS

with dilute hydrochloric acid
1. Sulphuric acid (King of chemicals)
is used in car battery and in the prepara-
Activity 11.17
tion of many other compounds.
•• Take about 2g copper (II) oxide
in a watch glass and add dilute 2. Nitric acid is used in the production
hydrochloric acid slowly, of ammonium nitrate which is used as fer-
tilizer in agriculture
•• Note the colour of the salt.
•• What has happened to the copper 3. Hydrochloric acid is used as cleans-
(II) oxide? ing agent in toilet
4. Tartaric acid is a constituent of bak-
The colour changes from black to green. ing powder.
This is due to the formation of copper (II)
5. Benzoic acid (sodium benzoate) is
chloride in the reaction. Since metal ox-
used in food preservation.
ides are basic, they react with acid to form
salt and water. 6. Carbonic acid is used in aerated
CuO + 2HCl → CuCl2 + H2O
From the above activity we conclude that MORE TO KNOW
Metallic oxide + Acid → Salt + Water The atmosphere of Venus is made up
of thick white and yellowish clouds of
Another example
sulphuric acid. Do you think life can
CaO + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O exist on thisRed

Do it for yourself
For the above activity instead of dilute 11.4 Bases
hydrochloric acid use dilute sulphuric Base is a substance which releases
acid and note the colour change. ­hydroxide ions when dissolved in water. It
is a substance which is bitter in taste and
soapy to touch (e.g. Washing soda, caus-
4 REACTION OF ACIDS WITH tic soda and caustic potash). They change
WATER. red litmus to blue. They are pink with
phenolphthalein and yellow with methyl
An acid produces hydrogen ions in water. ­orange.
HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl
Hydrogen ions cannot exist alone, but
they exist in the form of hydronium (H3O+)
ions. When water is absent, the separa-
tion of hydrogen ions from an acid does
not occur.

Chapter ‘11

Fig 11.13 Bases turns red litmus of alkali in its aqueous solution.
paper blue Dilute alkali:-It is an alkali having a
relatively low percentage of alkali
11.4.1 Classification of bases in its aqueous solution.
1. Based on ionisation MORE TO KNOW
Strong base:- These are bases
Bases which dissolve in water are
which ionise completely in called alkalies. All alkalies are bases,
aqueous solution eg.NaOH, KOH. but not all bases are alkalis. NaOH and
Weak base:- These are bases KOH are alkalies whereas Al(OH)3,
which ionise partially in aqueous Zn(OH)2 are bases.
solution NH4OH, Ca(OH)2
2. Based on their acidity 11.4.2 CHEMICAL PROPER-
Monoacidic base:- It is a base
which ionises in water to give
one hydroxide ion per molecule.
eg.NaOH, KOH.
Diacidic base:- - It is a base
which ionises in water to give two Zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide to
hydroxide ions per molecule. eg. form sodium zincate with the liberation of
Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2 hydrogen gas.
Triacidic base:- It is a base which Zn + 2 NaOH → Na2 ZnO2 + H2
ionises in water to give three Metal + Base → Salt + Hydrogen
hydroxide ions per molecule. Another example
Al(OH)3, Fe(OH)3
2Al + 2 NaOH + 2 H2O → 2 NaAlO2 + 3H2
The term acidity is used for base MORE TO KNOW
which means the number replaceable All metals do not react with sodium
hydroxide ions in a base. hydroxide eg. Cu, Ag, Cr
3. Based on the concentration:
Depending on the percentage 2 REACTION OF NON-METALLIC
or amount of base dissolved in OXIDES WITH BASES
water, bases are classified as
concentrated alkali and dilute Sodium hydroxide reacts with carbon di-
alkali. oxide gives sodium carbonate and water.
2NaOH + CO2 → Na2CO3 + H2O
Concentrated alkali:-It is an alkali
having a relatively high percentage The above reaction confirms that
Base + Non metallic oxide → Salt + Wa-

Chemical Reactions



Activity 11.18
• Indira takes 20 ml of 0.1N
NaoH Solution
NaoH Solution
sodium hydroxide solution in
a conical flask and adds few
+ Phenolphthalein
NaoH Solution Phenolphthalein +
HCl Solution
drops of phenolphthalein.
• What colour does she
Example • She is adding 20 ml of 0.1N
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O hydrochloric acid solution to
the above conical flask drop by
Bases generate hydroxide (OH-) ions • Does she observe any
when dissolved in water. colour change in the reaction
NaOH(aq) → Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) mixture?


• Collect lemon juice, washing soda solution, soap solution and soft
• Take 2 ml of each solution in a test tube and test with a litmus paper or
• What change in colour do you observe with red litmus, blue litmus,
phenolphthalein and methyl orange?
• Tabulate your observations.
Red Blue Phenolphthalein Methyl
Sample solution
litmus litmus orange
Lemon Juice
Washing soda Solution :
Soap solution
Soft drinks
Same activity can be repeated for dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute sulphuric acid, sodium
hydroxide solution and potassium hydroxide solution with the help of your teacher.

Chapter ‘11

Litmus Red Blue pH stands for the power of hydrogen ion
Phenolphthalein Colourless Pink concentration in a solution. pH values
Methyl orange Red Yellow
­decide whether a solution is acidic or
­basic or neutral. pH scale was introduced
by S.P.L. Sorenson. It is mathematically
expressed as
In the above activity, Indira observed that
pH = -log10 [H+]
the effect of a base is nullified by an acid.
For neutral solution [H+] = 10–7M pH = 7
NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O
For acidic solution [H+] > 10–7M pH < 7
The above reaction between an acid and a
base is known as neutralisation reaction. For basic solution [H+] < 10–7M pH > 7
Base + Acid → Salt + Water When OH ions are taken into account
the pH expression is replaced by pOH
Fig 11.14 Reaction of sodium hydroxide pOH = -log10 [OH-]
with dilute hydrochloric acid (Note the colour
change in presence of phenolphthalein)
1. The hydrogen ion cwoncentration of
a solution is 0.001M. What is the pH of the
11.5 USES OF BASES solution?
1. Sodium hydroxide is used in Solution
manufacture of soap. pH = – log [H+]
2. Calcium hydroxide is used in pH = – log (0.001)
white washing the buildings. -3
pH = – log (10 ) [ log 10 = 1]
3. Magnesium hydroxide is used
as a medicine for stomach = -(-3) log 10
troubles. pH = 3
4. Ammonium hydroxide is used
to remove grease stains from
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4
Acidic nature increases Basic nature increases

Chemical Reactions

2. The hydrogen ion concentration of pH = – 0 - (-9) = 9

a solution is 1.0 x 10-9 M What is the pH pH = 9
of the solution? Predict whether the given
solution is acidic, basic or neutral. Therefore the given solution is Basic

Solution 3. The hydroxyl ion concentration of a

solution is 0 .001M What is the pH of the
pH = – log [H+] solution?
pH = – log (1.0 x 10-9 ) Solution
pH = – (log1.0 + log10-9 ) [ log 1 = 0] pOH = -log[OH–]
pH=-log 10-9
pOH = –log (10–3)
=- (0-9 log 10) = 9 log 10

6.1 pH paper:
A more common method of measuring pH in a school laboratory is by using pH pa-
per. This is a mixture of indicators, which gives different colours across the entire pH
range. pH value of the various solutions used at home.

Coffee 4.4 – 5.5
Human saliva 6.5 – 7.5
House hold 12.0
Lemon juice 2.2 – 2.4
Tomato juice 4.1
Fig 11.15 pH paper

Chapter ‘11


Take lemon juice, orange juice, 1M NaOH, 1M HCl, pure water, vinegar, coffee,
milk and white of egg.
•• Dip pH paper into these solutions.
•• Observe the changes.

Sample Colour of Approximate pH Nature of substance

Sl. No.
pH paper
1. Lemon juice
2. Orange juice
3. 1M NaOH
4. 1M HCl
5. Pure H20
6. Vinegar
7. Coffee
8. Milk
9. White of egg

pOH = 3 11.6.2 IMPORTANCE OF pH IN

pH = 14 – 3 = 11
1. pH in human body
4. The hydroxyl ion concentration of a (i) Using pH factor the healthi-
solution is 1.0 x 10-9 M. What is the pH of ness of our body is predicted.
the solution? At pH level 6.9, the body be-
comes prone to viral infections
like colds, cough and flu. Can-
pOH = -log[OH–] cer cells thrive inside the body
pOH = –log (1.0 x 10-9) at a pH of 5.5.

pOH = 9 (ii) The pH of a normal, healthy

human skin is 4.5 to 6. Proper
pH = 14 – pOH skin pH is essential for a
pH = 14 – 9 = 5 healthy complexion.
(iii) pH of stomach fluid is approxi-
Chemical Reactions

mately 2.0. This fluid is essen-

tial for the digestion of food. MORE TO KNOW
(iv) Human blood pH range is Self defence by animals and plants
7.35 to 7.45. Any increase or through chemical warfare
decrease in this value, leads Have you ever been stung by a honey
to diseases. The ideal pH for bee? Bee-sting leaves an acid, which
blood is 7.4 causes pain and irritation. Use of
(v) pH of normal saliva ranges be- a mild base like baking soda on the
tween 7.0 and 7.5. stung area gives relief. Stinging hair
of “nettle”( a plant) leaves inject meth-
(vi) White enamel coating in our anoic acid (HCOOH) causing burning
teeth is calcium phosphate, pain.
hardest substance in our body.
It does not dissolve in water. If
pH of mouth falls below 5.5, the MORE TO KNOW
enamel gets corroded. Tooth-
It is very interesting to note that our
pastes are generally basic, and
stomach produces hydrochloric acid.
is used for cleaning the teeth
It helps in the digestion of food with-
can neutralize the excess acid
out harming the stomach. If the stom-
and prevent tooth decay.
ach produces too much acid, it leads
2. pH in soil to indigestion, and this causes pain
In agriculture, the pH of soil is very im- and irritation. To get rid of this pain,
portant. Citrus fruits require slightly alka- people use bases called antacids.
line soil, while rice requires acidic soil and These antacids neutralize the excess
sugar cane requires neutral soil. acid. Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of
magnesia), a mild base, is often used
3. pH in rain water for this purpose.
pH of rain water is approximately 7
showing high level of its purity and neu-
trality. If rain water is polluted by SO2 and 11.7 SALT
NO2, acid rain occurs, bringing the pH When you say salt, you may think of
value down to 5.6. white stuff put on chips and other home
made foods. But that is just one salt called
common salt. There are many other salts
used in other fields. Salts are the products
of the reaction between acids and bases
(see reaction of acids and bases), which
produce positive ions and negative ions
when dissolved in water.

Chapter ‘11

1. Normal Salts Washing soda(Na2CO3)

A normal salt is obtained by complete 1. It is used in softening hard water.
neutralization of an acid by a base 2. It is used as a cleaning agent for
NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O domestic purposes.
2. Acid Salts Baking soda(NaHCO3)
Acid salts are derived by the partial re- 1. It is used in making baking
placement of hydrogen ions of an acid by
powder, which is the mixture of
a metal. When a saturated amount of a
baking soda and tartaric acid.
base is added to a polybasic acid, acid
salts are obtained, as follows.
Baking powder is used to make
cake and bread soft and spongy .
NaOH + H2SO4 → NaHSO4 + H2O 2. It is an ingredient in antacid. Being
NaOH + H2CO3 → NaHCO3 + H2O alkaline, it neutralises excess of
So NaHSO4 and NaHCO3 are acid salts. acid in the stomach.

3. Basic Salts
Basic salts are formed by the partial re- Bleaching powder(CaOCl2)
placement of hydroxide ions of a diacidic 1. It is used for disinfecting drinking
or triacidic base by an acid radical. water to make it free from
A basic salt may further react with an acid microorganisms.
to give a normal salt. 2. It is used for bleaching cotton and
Pb(OH)2 + HCl → Pb(OH)Cl + H2O linen in the textile industry
(Diacidibase) Basic salt Plaster of paris(CaSO4 1/2H2O)
4. Double Salts It is used for plastering fractured
Double salts are formed by the combina- bones and in making casts for
tion of saturated solution of two simple statues
salts in equimolar ratio followed by crys-
Group Activity
Prepare the following salt in the labro-
11.7.2 USES OF SALTS ratory
1. Sodium Chloride
Common salt (NaCl) 2. Potash alum
It is used in daily food and as 3. Cuprammonium sulphate

Chemical Reactions

Chapter ‘11

Chemical Reactions

Chapter 14
12.4 Metallurgy
I ( Al ) am a light silvery
white metal man to build
aircraft .So, I am great.

I ( Fe ) am a lustrous steel
man to make machineries
and bridges.So, I am great.

I ( Cu ) am a reddish brown
metal man to make coins.
So, I am great.

Individually you
are great in your
aspect.You will
become the
Unity is strength.


Metallurgy is as old as our civilization. Cop-
per was the first metal to be used for mak-
ing utensils, weapons and for other works.
Metals play a significant role in our life. They
constitute the mineral wealth of a country
which is the measure of prosperity.
Metals like titanium, chromium, man-
ganese, zirconium etc. find their appli-
cations in the manufacture of defence
equipments. These are called strategic
metals. The metal uranium plays, a vital
role in nuclear explosions releasing enor-
Vietnameses Craft Work in silver
mous energy called nuclear energy. Cop-
per, silver and gold are called coinage
metals as they are used in making coins,

jewellery etc.


Purity of gold is expressed in carat.
24 carat gold = pure gold.
For making ornaments 22 carat gold
Aluminium foil
contains 22 parts of gold by weight
and 2 parts of copper by weight. The
percentage of purity is

× 100=91.6% (916 Make gold)
From one gram of gold, nearly 2km
of wire can be drawn. Its an amazing
fact indeed.
Fig 12.4.1


Metals in minute amounts are essential for various biological
Fe – a constituent of blood pigment(haemoglobin).
Ca - a constituent of bone and teeth.
Na and K – electrolytes of blood for pH maintenance.


Chapter 14

Shocking Effect
Fig 12.4.2

12.4 Terminologies in metallurgy tracted on a large scale, then the mineral

is said to be a ore.
12.4.1 Minerals: A mineral may be a
For example, clay (Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O)
single compound or complex mixture of
and bauxite (Al2O3.2H2O) are the two min-
various compounds of metals which are
erals of aluminium. But aluminium can
found in earth.
be profitably extracted only from bauxite.
12.4.2 Ores: The mineral from which a
Hence bauxite is an ore of aluminium and
metal can be readily and economically ex-
clay is its mineral.

Gold Silver Aluminium

Fig 12.4.3

12.4.3 Differences between minerals flux reacts with gangue during the extrac-
and ores tion of metals.
• Minerals contain a low percentage Flux + Gangue → Slag
of metal while ores contain a large
percentage of metal. Smelting: Smelting is the process of re-
• Metal cannot be extracted from min- ducing the roasted oxide to metals in the
eral.On the other hand,ores can be molten condition.
used for the extraction of metals.
• All minerals cannot be called as 12.5 Occurrence of metals
ores,but all ores are minerals.
Nearly 80 metallic elements are obtained
Mining: The process of taking out the ores
from mineral deposits on or beneath the
from the earth crust is called mining.
surface of the earth.Metals which have
Metallurgy: Various steps involved in the low chemical reactivity are found in free
extraction of metals from their ores as well state, or in native state.
as refining of crude metal are known as
metallurgy. Gold, silver and platinum are exam-
ples of metals that are partly found in a

Gangue or Matrix: The rocky impurity,

associated with the ore is called gangue free state.
or matrix. Most of the other metals are found
Flux: It is the substance added to the ore in a combined state in the form of their
to reduce the fusion temperature oxide ores, carbonate ores , halide ores,
Slag: It is the fusible product formed when sulphide ores, sulphate ores and so on.

Oxide Ores Carbonate Ores Halide Ores Sulphide Ores

Bauxite(Al2O3.2H2O) Marble(CaCO3) Cryolite(Na3AlF6) Galena(PbS)
Cuprite(Cu2O) Magnesite(MgCO3) Fluorspar(CaF2) Iron pyrite(FeS2)
Haematite(Fe2O3) Siderite(FeCO3) Rock salt(NaCl) Zinc blende(ZnS)
Table 12.5.1

Flowchart 12.5.2


12.6 METALLURGY OF ALU- I. Conversion of Bauxite into

Chapter 14
MINIUM, COPPER AND IRON Alumina by Baeyer’s Process
12.6.1 METALLURGY OF The conversion of Bauxite into Alumina in-
ALUMINIUM volves the following steps:
i.Bauxite ore is finely ground and heated
under pressure with concentrated caustic
soda solution at 150°C to obtain sodium
meta aluminate.
Al2O3.2H2O + 2NaOH → 2NaAlO2 + 3H2O
Bauxite S
 odium Meta

ii.On diluting sodium meta aluminate with

Fig 12.6.1 Fig 12.6.2
Symbol : Al
water, aluminium hydroxide precipitate is
Colour : S
 ilvery white obtained.
Atomic number : 13
NaAlO2 + 2H2O → NaOH + Al(OH)3
configuration:2, 8, 3 iii.The precipitate is filtered, washed,
Valency : 3 dried and ignited at 1000°C to get
Atomic mass : 27 alumina(Al2O3).
Position in the periodic table: period=3, 2Al(OH)3 → Al2O3 + 3H2O
group=13(III A)
Electrolytic reduction of Alumina
Aluminium is the most abundant metal by Hall’s process
in the earth’s crust. Since it is a reactive
metal it occurs in the combined state. The Aluminium is produced by the electrolytic
important ores of aluminium are as fol- reduction of fused alumina (Al2O3) in the
lows: electrolytic cell.
Cathode : Iron tank lined with graphite
Anode : A bunch of graphite rods sus-
Name of the ore Formula
pended in molten electrolyte
Bauxite Al2O3.2H2O Electrolyte : Pure alumina + molten cryo-
Cryolite Na3AlF6 lite + fluorspar (fluorspar lowers the fusion
temperature of electrolyte)
Corundum Al2O3
Temperature : 900-950°C
Voltage used : 5-6V
The chief ore of aluminium is
bauxite(Al2O3.2H2O). The overall equation for aluminium extraction

Extraction of aluminium from bauxite in- 2Al2O3 → 4Al + 3O2

volves two stages:
Aluminium deposits at cathode and oxy-
gen gas is liberated at anode
Metallurgy Metallurgy

Fig 12.6.3 Electrolytic refining of aluminium

Properties of Aluminium very brightly forming its oxide and nitride.
4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3 (Aluminium Oxide)
12.6.2 A. Physical properties:
2Al + N2 → 2AlN (Aluminium Nitride)
i. It is a silvery white metal.
ii. I has low density. It is light 2. Reaction with water: Water has no
iii. It is malleable and ductile. reaction on aluminium due to the layer of
iv. It is a good conductor of heat and oxide on it.When steam is passed over
electricity. red hot aluminium, hydrogen is produced.
2Al + 3H2O → Al2O3 + 3H2↑
Steam Aluminium
3. Reaction with alkalis: It reacts with
strong caustic alkalis forming aluminates.
2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O → 2NaAlO2 + 3H2↑
Sodium Meta
4. Reaction with acids: With dilute and
con. HCl it liberates H2 gas.
Fig 12.6.4 Electric conductivity of metal
v. Melting point: 660°C 2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2↑
vi. It can be well polished to produce at- Chloride
tractive shiny appearance. Aluminium liberates hydrogen on reaction
with dilute sulphuric acid.Sulphur dioxide
12.6.3 Chemical properties:
is liberated with hot concentrated sulphu-
1. Reaction with air: It is not affected by dry
ric acid.
air.On heating at 800°C,aluminium burns

2Al + 3H2SO4 → Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2↑ INDUSTRIAL VISIT

Chapter 14
Make an industrial visit
2Al + 6H2SO4 → Al2(SO4)3 + 6H2O + 3SO2↑
to the place where Ther-
hot & conc. Aluminium
Sulphuric acid Sulphate mite welding is actually
done and record your
observations on joining
MORE TO KNOW the gap between the
Dilute or concentrated nitric acid Fig 12.6.6 broken pieces of rails.
does not attack the metal aluminium.
It renders aluminium passive due to 12.7 METALLURGY OF COPPER
the formation of an oxide film on its

5. Reducing action : Aluminium is a pow-

erful reducing agent. When a mixture of
aluminium powder and iron oxide is ignited,
the latter is reduced to metals. This proc- Fig 12.7.1 Fig 12.7.2
Symbol : Cu
ess is known as aluminothermic process.
Atomic mass : 63.55
Fe2O3 + 2Al → 2Fe + Al2O3 Atomicnumber : 29
12.6.4 Uses of Aluminium configuration : 2
 , 8, 18, 1
Valency : 1 and 2
1.Household utensils Aluminium metal It is light, cheap, corrosion resist-
ant, and good conductor of heat. 12.7.1 Occurrence: It was named as cu-
2.Electrical cable Aluminium wires It is a good conductor of
industry electricity. prum by the Romans because they used
3.Aluminium alloys Duralumin-Al,Cu,Mg,Mn Its alloys are light, have high
(aeroplanes,light Magnalium Al,Mg tensile strength and are to get it from the island of Cyprus. Cop-
4.Thermite welding Al powder and Fe2O3
corrosion resistant.
Its Powder is a strong reducing per is found in the native state as well as
agent and reduces Fe2O3 to iron.
in the combined state.

Ores of copper Formula

More to know
i.Copper pyrite CuFeS2
An aeroplane is a metal bird to fly high
in the sky. The body of an aircraft is ii. Cuprite or Ruby copper Cu2O
made up of alloy of aluminium. It is
iii.Copper glance Cu2S
a technologically important metal in-
deed. The chief ore of copper is copper pyrite. It
yields nearly 76% of the world production
of copper.
12.7.2 Extraction from copper pyrites:
Extraction of copper from copper pyrites
involves the following steps.

Fig 12.6.5 An alloy of aluminium in the sky


1.Crushing and concentration: The ore PROPERTIES

is crushed and then concentrated by froth-
floatation process. 12.7.3 Physical properties: Copper is a
2.Roasting: The concentrated ore is reddish brown metal, with high lustre, high
roasted in excess of air. During roasting, density and high melting point 13560C.
12.7.4 Chemical properties:
i.Moisture and volatile impurities are re-
moved. i.Action of air and moisture: Copper gets
ii.The copper pyrite is partly converted into covered with a green layer of basic copper
sulphides of copper and iron. carbonate in the presence of CO2 and
2CuFeS2 + O2 → Cu2S + 2FeS + SO2 moisture.
3.Smelting: The roasted ore is mixed with 2Cu + O2 + CO2 + H2O → CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
powdered coke and sand and is heated in ii. Action of Heat: On heating at different
a blast furnace to obtain matte and slag. temperatures in the presence of oxygen it
(Matte = Cu2S + FeS) The slag is removed as forms two types of oxides CuO, Cu2O.
a waste. 2Cu + O2 → 2CuO (copper II oxide –black)

4.Bessemerisation: The molten matte is above 1370K

4Cu + O2 → 2Cu2O (copper I oxide-red)
transferred to Bessemer converter in order
to form blister copper. Ferrous sulphide iii. Action of Acids:
from matte is oxidised to ferrous oxide
which is removed as slag using silica. a)With dil.HCl and dil.H2SO4
2Cu2S + 3O2 → 2Cu2O + 2SO2 Dilute acids such as HCl and H2SO4 have
2Cu2O + Cu2S → 6Cu + SO2 no action on these metals in the absence
of air. Copper dissolves in these acids in
FeO+SiO2 → FeSiO3 (Iron Silicate, slag)
the presence of air.
5.Refining: Blister copper contains 98% pure
copper and 2% impurities and are purified by 2Cu + 4HCl + O2 (air) → 2CuCl2 + 2H2O
electrolytic refining. 2Cu + 2H2SO4 + O2 (air) → 2CuSO4 + 2H2O

b)With dil.HNO3
Electrolytic refining.
Copper reacts with dil.HNO3 with the lib-
This method is used to get metal of high
eration of Nitric Oxide gas.
degree of purity. For electrolytic refining of
copper, we use 3Cu + 8HNO3(dil) → 3Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO↑ + 4H2O
Cathode: A thin plate of pure copper c)With con.HNO3 and con.H2SO4
metal. Copper reacts with con.HNO3 and con.
Anode: A block of impure copper metal. H2SO4 with the liberation of Nitrogen diox-
Electrolyte: Copper sulphate solution ide and Sulphur dioxide respectively.
acidified with sulphuric acid. Cu + 4HNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO2↑ + 2H2O
When electric current is passed through the
electrolytic solution pure copper gets deposited Cu + 2H2SO4 → CuSO4 + SO2↑ + 2H2O
at the cathode, impurities settled near the anode
in the form of sludge called anode mud.

iv. Action of chlorine: 12.8.1 Occurrence:

Chapter 14
Chlorine reacts with copper, resulting in Iron is the second most abundant metal
the formation of copper II chloride. after aluminium. It occurs in nature as
Cu + Cl2 → CuCl2 ­oxides, sulphides and carbonates. The ores
of iron are given in the following table:
v. Action of alkalis:
Copper is not attacked by alkalis. Ores of iron Formula
I.Red haematite Fe2O3
12.7.5 Uses ii.Magnetite Fe3O4
• It is extensively used for making electric iii.Iron pyrites FeS2
cables and other electric appliances.
• It is used for making utensils, containers,
calorimeters, coins. 12.8.2 Extraction of Iron from
• It is used in electroplating. haematite ore ,Fe2O3
• It is alloyed with gold and silver for making 1.Concentration by gravity separation
coins and jewellery.
The powdered ore is washed with stream
of water .As a result the lighter sand parti-
cles and other impurities are washed away
and heavier ore particles settle down.
Students may be asked to submit a
project report on the important ap- 2.Roasting and Calcination:
plication of copper in everyday life The concentrated ore is strongly heated
along with the samples. in a limited supply of air in a reverberatory
furnace.As a result, moisture is driven out
12.8 METALLURGY OF IRON and sulphur, arsenic, phosphorus impuri-
ties are oxidised off.
3.Smelting(in Blast furnace):
The charge consisting of roasted ore,
coke and limestone in the ratio 8 : 4 : 1 is
smelted in a blast furnace by introducing
it through the cup and cone arrangement
at the top. There are three important re-
Fig 12.8.1 Fig 12.8.2
gions in the furnance.
Symbol: Fe
Colour: Greyish white i.The lower region(combustion zone)-
Atomic mass: 55.9 temperature is at 15000C.
Atomic number: 26
Valency: 2 & 3
In this region coke burns with oxygen to
Electronic form CO2 when the charge comes in con-
configuration: 2, 8, 14, 2 tact with the hot blast of air.
C + O2 → CO2 + heat

It is an exothermic reaction since heat is

ii.The middle region(fusion zone)-The-
temperature prevails at 10000C.In this region CALCINATION: It is a process in
CO2 is reduced to CO. which ore is heated in the absence of
air. As a result of calcinations the car-
CO2 + C → 2CO bonate ore is converted into its oxide.
Limestone decomposes to calcium oxide ROASTING: It is a process in which
and CO2. ore is heated in the presence of ex-
▲ cess of air. As a result of roasting the
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 sulphide ore is converted into its oxide.
These two reactions are endothermic due
to the absorption of heat. Calcium oxide More to Know your iron
combines with silica to form calcium sili- Depending upon the carbon content
cate slag. iron is classified into 3 types.
Pig iron with carbon content of 2%-

CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3

iii.The upper region (reduction zone)-
temperature prevails at 4000C.In this re- • Wrought iron with carbon content
gion carbon monoxide reduces ferric oxide <0.25%
to form a fairly pure spongy iron. • Steel with carbon content of
Fe2O3 + 3CO → 3Fe + 3CO2 12.8.3 Physical properties
The molten iron is collected at the bottom • It is a heavy metal of specific gravity
of the furnace after removing the slag. 7.9 g/cc
The iron thus formed is called pig iron. It • It is a lustrous metal and greyish white
is remelted and cast into different moulds. in colour.
This iron is called cast iron. • It has high tensility, malleability and
bell & hopper
• It is a good conductor of heat and elec-
• It can be magnetised.

Iron ore,
Hot gases
12.8.4 Chemical properties
Pipe for and lime
hot air 1.Reaction with air or oxygen: Only on
heating in air, iron forms magnetic oxide

Slag outlet
3Fe + 2O2 → Fe3O4 (black)
2.Reaction with moist air: When iron is
Iron outlet
exposed to moist air, it forms a layer of
brown hydrated ferric oxide on its surface.
Fig 12.8.3 Blast furnace


This compound is known as rust and the 12.9 ALLOYS

Chapter 14
phenomenon of forming this rust is known
An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two
as rusting.
or more metals fused together.
4Fe + 3O2 + 3H2O → 2Fe2O3.3H2O(Rust)
(Moisture) Alloys are solid solutions. Alloys can be
considered as solid solutions in which the
3.Reaction with steam: When steam is
metal with high concentration is solvent
passed over red hot iron,magnetic oxide
and the metal with low concentration is
of iron is formed.
solute. For example, brass is an alloy of
3Fe + 4H2O(steam) → Fe3O4 + 4H2↑ zinc(solute) in copper(solvent).
4.Reaction with chlorine: Iron combines
with chlorine to form ferric chloride. 12.9.1 Methods of making alloys:
2Fe + 3Cl2 → 2FeCl3(ferric chloride) 1.By fusing the metals together.
5.Reaction with acids: With dilute HCl 2.By compressing finally divided metals.
and dilute H2SO4 it evolves H2 gas Amalgam:An amalgam is an alloy of mer-
Fe + 2HCl → FeCl2 + H2↑ cury with metals such as sodium, gold,
silver, etc.,
Fe + H2SO4 → FeSO4 + H2↑
With conc. H2SO4 it forms ferric sulphate
2Fe + 6H2SO4 → Fe2(SO4)3 + 3SO2 + 6H2O
Dental amalgams
With dilute HNO3 in cold condition it gives It is an alloy of Mercury with silver
ferrous nitrate and tin metals. It is used in dental
4Fe + 10HNO3 → 4Fe(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + 3H2O filling.

When iron is dipped in conc. HNO3 it

becomes chemically inert or passive due
to the formation of a layer of iron oxide
(Fe3O4) on its surface.

12.8.5 Uses of iron

i.Pig iron is used in making pipes, stoves,
radiators, railings, man hole covers and
drain pipes.
ii. Steel is used in the construction of
buildings, machinery, transmission and
T.V towers and in making alloys.
iii.Wrought iron is used in making springs,
anchors and electromagnets. Fig 12.8.4 Dental amalgam


12.9.2 Copper Alloys

Name of the alloy Property & reason for Uses
i.Brass(Cu,Zn) Lusturous,easily Electrical fittings, medals, hard
cast,malleable, ductile,harder ware, decorative items.
than Cu.
ii.Bronze(Cu,Sn,Zn) Hard,brittle,takes up polish. Statues, coins, bells, gongs.

12.9.3 Aluminium Alloys

Al-alloys Reason for alloying Uses
i.Duralumin(Al,Mg,Mn,Cu) Light,strong,resistant to corrosion Aircraft,tools,pressure
stronger than aluminium. cookers
ii.Magnalium(Al,Mg) Light,hard,tough,corrosion resistant. Aircraft,scientific instrument

12.9.4 Iron Alloys

Iron alloy Reason for alloying Uses

i.Stainless steel (Fe,C,Ni,Cr) Lusturous,corrosion resistant,high ten- Utensils,cutlery,automobile

sile strength. parts.
ii.Nickel steel (Fe,C,Ni) Hard, corrosion resistant,elastic. Cables,aircraft parts,propeller.

12.10 CORROSION The electrochemical reactions are as

Corrosion is defined as the slow and _
steady destruction of a metal by the Fe → Fe + 2e

environment. It results in the deteriora- _ _

O2 + 2H2O + 4e → 4OH
tion of the metal to form metal compounds
by means of chemical reactions with the The Fe2+ ions are oxidised to Fe3+ ions.
environment. The Fe3+ ions combine with OH- ions to
form Fe(OH)3.This becomes rust(Fe2O3.
xH2O) which is hydrated ferric oxide.
More to know about the
mechanism of corrosion
Corrosion is a simple electro-
chemical reaction.
When the surface of iron is in con-
tact with a piece of carbon and water,
iron acts as the anode and the car-
bon acts as a cathode.CO2 from air
dissolves in water to form carbonic
acid(H2CO3).This acid acts as an
electrolyte. Fig 12.8.5 Rusting of iron


Chapter 14

Fig 12.8.6 The conditions for rusting

Take three test tubes provided with rubber corks and label them as A, B
and C. Place few iron nails of same size in these tubes. Pour some water in
test tube A, some boiled water along with turpentine oil in test tube B and
anhydrous CaCl2 in test tube C.Keep them under observation for few days.
Notice the changes.
The nails in A are rusted while the nails in B and C are unaffected.
The rusting of nails in A is due to air and water. In B, the oily layer above
water does not allow air to come in contact with nails. In C, the substance
anhydrous CaCl2 has absorbed moisture completely. This activity shows that
rusting of iron requires air and water.

12.10.1 Methods of preventing

corrosion: • By the process of galvanization: This is a
process of coating zinc on iron sheets by us-
Corrosion of metals is prevented by not ing electric current. In this zinc forms a protec-
allowing them to come in contact with tive layer of zinc carbonate on the surface of
iron. This prevents corrosion.
moisture,CO2 and O2.This is achieved by • Electroplating: It is a method of coating one
the following methods: metal with another by passing electric current.
• By coating with paints: Paint coated metal Example: silver plating, nickel plating. This
surfaces keep out air and moisture. method not only lends protection but also en-
• By coating with oil and grease: Application hances the metallic appearance.
of oil and grease on the surface of iron tools • Sacrificial protection: Magnesium is more
prevents them from moisture and air. reactive than iron. When it is coated on the
• By alloying with other metals: Alloyed metal articles made of steel it sacrifices itself to pro-
is more resistant to corrosion. tect the steel.
• Example: stainless steel.

C O 2
in the valence shell and belongsto group
Symbol : C IV A (group 14) of the periodic table.
Atomic Number : 6
13.1 Introduction:
Atomic Mass : 12
Without carbon, no living thing could sur-
Valency : 4
vive. Human beings are made of carbon
compounds. Carbon is a non metal. In na-
The electronic configura-
ture, it occurs in its pure form as diamond
tion of carbon is K=2,
and graphite. When fuels burn, the car-
L=4. It has four electrons
bon in them reacts with oxygen to form
Carbon compounds hold the key to
K Fig 13.1 electronic configuration plant and animal life on earth. Hence, car-
L of carbon
bon chemistry is called Living Chemistry.
Carbon circulates through air, plants, ani-
mals and soil by means of complex reac-
tions. This is called carbon cycle.
Scientists classified the compounds of
carbon into two types. They are:
i) In organic compounds ( compounds
obtained from non living matter)
ii) O
 rganic compounds ( compounds
Fig 13.2 Compounds of carbon in different obtained from living matter, i.e., plant
arrangement and animal sources)

Carbon And its Compounds


Fig 13.3 Fig 13.4

A creater of revolution in ORGANIC CHEMISTRY

More to know
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: The word organic signifies life. The
term organic chemistry was used by the Swedish chemist
Berzelius. This refers to the chemistry of living things.However,
the German chemist
Wohler succeeded in creating an organic compound (urea)
from an inorganic compound (ammonium cyanate) in his labo-
ratory. This has dealt a severe blow to the vital force theory (a
theory of life process).
A German Chemist.


Chapter 13
Modern definition of 13.4 Bonding in carbon and its
organic chemistry compounds
Organic chemistry is defined as the branch The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its
of chemistry that deals with organic com- ground state electronic configuration is
pounds which are made up of the hydro- 1s2 2s2 2p2. Since it has four electrons in
carbons and their derivatives. its outermost shell, its valency is four. To
achieve noble gas configuration, carbon
atom has to lose or gain four electrons to
More to know form C4+ and C4- ions.
1. It could gain four electrons forming C4-
anion, but it would be difficult for the
nucleus with six protons to hold on to
ten electrons i.e. Four extra electrons.
2. It could lose four electrons to form C4+
cations, but it would require a large
amount of energy to remove four elec-
trons leaving behind the carbon cations
with six protons in its nucleus holding
Fig 13.5 on to just two electrons.
Carbon overcomes this problem by
sharing its valence electrons with other
atoms of carbon or with atoms of other
elements. This characteristic of carbon
atom by virtue of which it forms four cova-
lent bonds is generally referred as tetra
valency of carbon.
A molecule of methane (CH4) is formed
Fig 13.6 when four electrons of carbon are shared
The most precious diamond with four hydrogen atoms.
is a crystalline allotrope of car- H
a 105 carat diamond(21.6g) It
was seized by the EAST INDIA
COMPANY and became the part C H
of British Crown Jewels.May it be H H
an ordinary coal or the most pre-
cious Kohinoor diamond,it is an Represents shared
allotropic modification of carbon
pair of electrons
Fig 13.7

Carbon And its Compounds

13.5 ALLOTROPY 13.6 Physical nature of carbon-

Allotropy is defined as the property by and its compounds :
which an element can exist in more than •• Carbon has the ability to form bonds
one forms that are physically different and with other atoms of carbon giving rise
chemically similar. to large number of molecules. This
property is called catenation. Since the
Allotropes of carbon valency of carbon is four it is capable
•• Carbon exists in three allotropic forms of bonding with four other atoms.
they are crystalline form(Diamond •• Carbon combines with oxygen,
and Graphite), amorphous form hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine
(coke,charcoal) and fullerene. and many other elements to form
•• In diamond each carbon atom is bonded various stable compounds.
to four other carbon atoms forming •• The stability of carbon compounds is
a rigid three dimensional structure. due to the small size of carbon which
accounting for enables the nucleus to hold on to the
it’s hardness shared pair of electrons strongly.
and rigidity.
•• Carbon compounds show isomerism,
•• In graphite each the phenomenon by which two or more
carbon atom is compounds to have same molecular
bonded to three formula but different structural formula
other carbon with difference in properties. i.e
Fig 13.8 Structure ofDiamond the formula C2H6O represents two
compounds namely ethyl alcohol and
atoms in the dimethyl ether (C2H5OH and CH3OCH3
same plane giving hexagonal layers respectively),
held together by weak vanderwaals
•• Carbon compounds have low melting
forces accounting for softness.
and boiling points because of their co-
•• Graphite is a good conductor of valent nature.
electricity unlike other non-metals
•• The reactions shown by carbon
since it has free electrons in it.
compounds involve breaking of old
•• Fullerenes form another type of carbon bonds in the reacting molecules and
allotropes. The first one was identified the formation of new bonds in the
to contain 60 carbon atoms in the shape product molecules.
of a football. (C-60). Since this looks
•• Carbon compounds are easily
like the geodesic dome designed by
the US architect Buck Minster Fuller, it
is named as Buck Minster Fullerene.
13.7 Chemical properties

Carbon and its compounds burn in oxy-
Fig 13.9 Fullerene Fig 13.10 Foot ball


Chapter 13
gen to give carbon dioxide along with heat 13.8 Homologous series
and light.
A homologous series is a group or a
eg: C + O2 → CO2 + Heat and light class of organic compounds having simi-
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + Heat and lar structure and similar chemical proper-
light ties in which the successive compounds
differ by a CH2 group.
C2H5OH + 2O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2O + Heat
and light
Characteristics of Homologous
Carbon compounds can be easily oxi- series
dized using suitable oxidizing agent Al-
kaline potassium permanganate to form •• Each member of the series differs from
the preceeding or succeeding member
carboxylic acids.
Oxidation by a common difference of CH2 and by
CH3CH2OH ————→CH3COOH a molecular mass of 14 amu ( amu =
atomic mass unit).
Unsaturated carbon compounds un- •• All members of homologous series
dergo addition reactions with hydrogen in contain same elements and the same
the presence of palladium or nickel cata- functional groups.
lyst. •• All members of Homologous series
eg: have same general molecular
Addition of hydrogen formula.
CH2 = CH2 ————————→CH3 - CH3 E.g Alkane = CnH2n + 2
Ethene Ni-catalyst Ethane
Alkene = CnH2n
Carbon compounds undergo substi-
tution reactions in the presence of either Alkyne = CnH2n - 2
sunlight or any other reagents. E.g meth- •• The physical properties of the members
ane undergoes substitution reaction to show a regular gradation with respect
form different types of products. to the increase in molecular mass.
Carbon compounds such as alcohols •• The chemical properties of the
react with sodium to liberate hydrogen members of the homologous series
gas. show similarity.
•• All members of homologous series can
eg: 2CH3CH2OH + 2Na→2CH3CH2ONa + H2 be prepared by using same general
method of preparation.

Carbon compounds such as alcohol

Importance of homologous series
preferably ethanol react with hot con-
centrated sulphuric acid to form ethylene 1. It helps to predict the properties of the
and water by means of intramolecular members of the series that are yet to
dehydration(it is a type of dehydration be prepared.
taking place within the same molecule in- 2. K nowledge of homologous series gives
volved in the reaction .
Carbon And its Compounds

a systematic study of the members. 13.9.2 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

3. T he nature of any member of the family These are hydrocarbons which contain
can be ascertained if the properties of carbon to carbon double bonds  − C = C− 
| |

 
the first member are known.  
or carbon to carbon triple bonds -CΞC- in
13.9 Hydrocarbons their molecules.These are further classified
into two types: alkenes and alkynes.
The simplest organic compounds con-
taining only carbon and hydrogen are i)Alkenes: General formula: CnH2nSuffix: ene
called Hydrocarbons. These are regarded The hydrocarbons containing one carbon
as the parent organic compounds and to carbon double bond are called alkenes.
all other compounds are considered to be They have the general formula CnH2n .
derived from them by the replacement of These were previously called olefins (in
one or more hydrogen atoms by other at- Greek olefiant – oil forming) because the
oms or groups of atoms. lower gaseous members of the family form
oily products when treated with chlorine.
In IUPAC system, the name of alkene is
These are the organic compounds conain- derived by replacing suffix ane of the cor-
ing carbon and hydrogen atoms only.They responding alkane by ene.For example,
may be further classified into two classes:
saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. CH3 – CH3 H2C = CH2

13.9.1 Saturated Hydrocarbons – Al- In higher alkenes, the position of the

kanes double bond, can be indicated by assign-
ing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ……to the carbon
General formula = CnH2n+2 Suffix : ane atoms present in the molecule.
These are the organic compounds Alkene Common IUPAC
which contain only carbon – carbon sin- name name
gle bond.These were earlier named as CH = CH Ethylene Ethene
2 2
paraffins(Latin : meaning little affinity) due
to their least chemical reactivity.According CH3CH = CH2 Propylene Propene
to IUPAC system, these are named as al- CH3CH2–CH=CH2 a-Butylene But–1–ene
kanes (ane is suffix with word root).
CH3CH = CHCH3 b-Butylene But–2–ene

Formula Common IUPAC

name name
CH4 Methane Methane
CH3CH3 Ethane Ethane
CH3CH2CH3 Propane Propane
CH3CH2CH2CH3 n-Butane Butane Fig 13.11 Bromine Test (left) No reaction, saturated, (right)
Reaction, unsaturated


Chapter 13
ii) Alkynes: General formula: CnH2n-2 Suffix : yne
The hydrocarbons containing carbon to carbon triple bond are called alkynes.
Alkynes are named in the same way as alkenes i.e., by replacing suffix ane of alkane
by yne.In higher members, the position of triple bond is indicated by giving numbers
1, 2, 3, 4, ….to the carbon atom in the molecule.

Alkyne Common name IUPAC name

HC Ξ CH Acetylene Ethyne
H3C – C ΞCH Methyl acetylene Propyne
H3C – C ΞC – CH3 Dimethyl acetylene But–2-yne
H3C - CH2 –C Ξ CH Ethyl acetylene But–1–yne

13 (b) Functional Group page no 10 to 17 should be included here.

15. Carbon and its

Symbol : C
Without carbon, no living thing could sur-
Atomic Number : 6
vive. Human beings are made of carbon
Atomic Mass : 12 compounds. Carbon is a non metal. In
Valency : 4 nature, it occurs in its pure form as dia-
mond and graphite. When fuels burn, the
carbon in them reacts with oxygen to form
The electronic configu- carbondioxide.
ration of carbon is K=2, Carbon compounds hold the key to
L=4. It has four electrons plant and animal life on earth. Hence, car-
in the valence shell and bon chemistry is called Living Chemistry.
belongs to group IV A Carbon circulates through air, plants, ani-
(group 14) of the peri- mals and soil by means of complex reac-
odic table. tions. This is called carbon cycle.

Carbon undergoes a cyclic process by

means of carbon dioxide which is added
and removed from the atmosphere
through complex series of reactions.This
constitutes carbon cycle . Carbon and its
compounds are amongst the most widely
distributed substances on earth.
The element, carbon, occurring in two
different crystalline forms , is found in

Compounds of carbon in different

Carbon And its Compounds

various places. The compounds of carbon ing, for many of our medicines and for our
and hydrogen called) (hydrocarbons) energy. These organic molecules which
are found everywhere in the form of pe- make our life possible include molecules
troleum (oil) and natural gas. The major like proteins which constitute essential
constituent of coal is carbon. compounds of our blood, muscles and
Other carbon compounds in the Earth’s skin, genetic information bearing deoxyri-
crust are the carbonates, many of which bonucleic acid (DNA), enzymes, vitamins,
are economically important, e.g., lime- lipids, carbohydrates. Our bodies are also
stone (CaCo3); dolomite (CaCo3.Mg CO3) regulated and defended by complex or-
and calamine (ZnCo3). ganic molecules. So, organic chemistry
plays a very vital role in our life.
Calcium carbonate occurs naturally
in rocks as limestone and marble. So- Organic chemistry is the chemistry of
dium carbonate known as washing soda compounds of carbon. The definition ap-
is used in softening hard water. It has pears to be incomplete since there are
been known to the ancients that miner- many carbon compounds which are of
als, plants and animals constitute the inorganic nature. For example, carbon
major sources of naturally occurring sub- monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2),
carbon disulphide (CS2), calcium carbon-
stances.However, during the early stages
ate (CaCO3) are all inorganic compounds
of the development of chemistry, the main
although all of them contain carbon in
attention was paid to the compounds ob-
tained from minerals i.e., from non-living
sources.Such compounds were called A detailed study of the structures of or-
animal and plant sources such as sugar ganic compounds shows that all of them
inorganic compounds. In eighteenth cen- contain carbon as their essential constitu-
tury, scientists turned their attention to the
ent and are also invariably associated
compounds obtained from, fats, oils, etc. with hydrogen. Consequently, organic
These compounds obtained from animal compounds may be regarded as hy-
or plant kingdom were called organic drocarbons. i.e., compounds of carbon
compounds. Therefore, compounds were and hydrogen. A large number of or-
classified mainly into two classes: ganic compounds also contain elements
•• compounds obtained from non- like nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, halogens,
living matter called inorganic phosphorus, which are derived from hy-
compounds and drocarbons by replacing one or more hy-
drogen atoms in their molecules with these
•• compounds obtained from plant
atoms. Thus, the modern definition of the
and animal sources called organic
organic chemistry is the chemistry of the
hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
Organic compounds are vital for sustain-
ing life on earth. We ourselves are com-
Modern Definition of organic
posed largely of organic molecules and
we depend on organic compounds that
occur in nature for our food, for our cloth- A detailed investigation of the structure of

the organic compounds revealed that al- Fact File

Chapter 15
most all of them essentially contain both •• Carbon, phosphorus, and sulphur
carbon and hydrogen atoms (hydrocar- are three non-metallic elements that
bons) and some of them also contain the exhibit the property of allotropy.
atoms of a few other elements such as
nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, halogens POINTS TO PROBE
etc., These are regarded as the derivatives The most precious diamond is
of hydrocarbons since they can be formed a crystalline allotrope of carbon.
by replacing the hydrogen atoms in the KOHINOOR DIAMOND is a 105 carat
hydrocarbons by these atoms. Thus, diamond (21.6g) It was seized by the
Organic compounds are the hydrocar- EAST INDIA COMPANY and became
bons and their derivatives and the branch the part of British Crown Jewels.
of chemistry that deals with the study of May it be an ordinary coal or the
these compounds is known as organic most precious Kohinoor diamond,it
chemistry. is an allotropic modification of carbon
Please remember that the basic fam-
ily of organic compounds is that of hydro-
carbons. The other families have been
prepared directly or indirectly from the hy- Compounds of carbon
drocarbons. Compounds of carbon are the compounds
of all forms of plant and animal life. Since
Taj Mahal these compounds were found in living or-
ganisms they were called organic com-
pounds. A few carbon compounds like
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and the
carbonates are known as inorganic com-
pounds of carbon.

Tetravalency of carbon
The atomic number of carbon is 6 and
A marvelous monument made of marble its ground state electronic configuration
is 1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz0. Since it has four
electrons in its outermost shell, its valency
POINTS TO PROBE is four.To achieve noble gas configuration,
•• Marble is formed of limestone. carbon atom cannot lose or gain four elec-
It is even harder than limestone. trons to form C4+ and C4- ions because of
The Taj Mahal, a masterpiece of
the large amount of energy required for
Mughal architecture is made of
these processes. Thus, it has a very little
tendency to form ionic compounds. There-
fore, carbon achieves the noble gas con-
figuration only by sharing electrons with
Carbon And its Compounds

their atoms and it forms covalent bonds. figuration. If so,

Thus, a carbon atom forms four cova- I. It could gain four electrons forming
lent bonds in its compounds.For exam- C4- anion, but it would be difficult
ple, a molecule of methane (CH4) is formed for the nucleus with six protons to
when four electrons of carbon are shared hold on to ten electrons i.e. Four
with four hydrogen atoms.This character- extra electrons.
istic of carbon atom by virtue of which it
II. It could lose four electrons to form
forms four covalent bonds is generally re-
C4+ cations, but it would require a
ferred to as tetra covalency of carbon.
large amount of energy to remove
Depicting tetra covalency of carbon four electrons leaving behind the
Bonding in carbon and its com- carbon cations with six protons in
pounds its nucleus holding on to just two
We know that the reactivity of the el- electrons.
ements is explained as the tendency to Carbon overcomes this problem by
attain the completely filled outer shell i.e sharing its balance electrons with other
attaining noble gas configuration. Ele- atoms of carbon or with atoms of other el-
ments forming ionic compounds achieve ements.
this by either gaining or losing electrons
from the outer most shell. In the case of
carbon it has four electrons in its outer
most shell. Hence it needs to gain or lose
four electrons to attain stable octet con-

Fig: Different molecular models for methane (CH4)


Chapter 15
pounds formed by carbon. Formula of
methane is CH4. Since hydrogen has va-
lency of one, carbon with its tetra valency
share these electrons with four atoms of
hydrogen. Such bonds which are formed
(a) Fullerene by sharing of electron pair between two
atoms are known as co-valent bonds. The
co-valently bonded molecules have strong
bond within the molecule . Since the elec-
trons are shared between the atoms and
no charge patterns are formed such co-
(b) Football valent compounds are generally weak in
conducting electric current.
Let us take a look at methane, which is
a compound of carbon. Methane is widely ALLOTROPY
used as fuel and is a major component
of biogas and compressed natural gas Allotropy is defined as the property of
(CNG). It is also one of the simplest com- an element as a result of which it exists in

Allotropes of carbon
•• The element carbon occurs in different forms with varying physical properties
•• Diamond and graphite are formed from carbon atoms but the difference lies in
the manner in which the carbon atoms are bonded with one another.
•• In diamond each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms forming a
rigid three dimensional structure.
•• In graphite each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms in the
same plane giving a hexagonal array.
•• Graphite structure is made up of hexagonal arrays being placed in layers one
above the other.
•• Though these two differ in physical properties their chemical properties are
•• Diamond is the hardest substance while graphite is the smoothest substance
with a slippery nature.
•• Graphite is a good conductor of electricity unlike other non-metals since it has
free electrons in it.
•• Fullerenes form another type of carbon allotropes. The first one was identified
to contain 60 carbon atoms in the shape of a football. (C-60). Since this looks
like the geodesic dome designed by the US architect Buck Minster Fuller, it is
named as Buck Minster Fullerene.

Carbon And its Compounds

more than one forms that are physically

different and chemically similar
Elements other than carbon especially
other members of Group IV are able to
catenate. Silicon atoms bond to each
other, but molecules containing more
than eight silicon atoms are unstable.
Sulphur atoms can form very long
chains especially in the liquid state at
a temperature of 1700C but sulphur
Physical nature of carbon cannot form complex molecules be-
•• Carbon has the ability to form bonds cause each atom can only form two
with other atoms of carbon giving bonds., so branching of chains is not
rise to large number of molecules. posible. Carbon is unique in its ability
This property is called catenation. to form molecules of almost any size
Since the valency of carbon is four it and shape. Hence innumerable com-
is capable of bonding with four other pounds are possible using carbon at-
atoms of carbon or atoms of some oms.
other monovalent elements.
•• Carbon combines with oxygen, •• Carbon compounds show isomerism,
hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine the phenomenon by which two or more
and many other elements to form compounds to have same molecular
various compounds. formula but different properties. I.e
•• The bonds that carbon forms with most the formula C2H6O represents two
other elements are very strong making compounds namely ethyl alcohol and
these compounds exceptionally stable. dimethyl ether (C2H5OH and CH3OCH3
The exceptional stability is due to the respectively),
small size of carbon which enables the •• Carbon compounds have low melting
nucleus to hold on to the shared pair of and boiling points because of their co-
electrons strongly. valent nature.
•• The reactions shown by carbon
compounds involve breaking of old
bonds in the reacting molecules and
the formation of new bonds in the
product molecules.
•• Carbon compounds are mostly
obtained from living sources such as
animals and plants and some other
compounds of carbon find their origin
from minerals.
•• Carbon compounds are easily


Chemical properties

Chapter 15
Carbon compounds such as alcohols
preferably ethanol react with hot con-
Combustion centrated sulphuric acid to form ethylene
Carbon and its allotropic forms burn in ox- and water by means of intramolecular
ygen to give carbon dioxide along with the dehydration(it is a type of dehydration
release of heat and light. taking place within the same molecule in-
volved in the reaction .
Most carbon compounds release a
large amount of heat and light on burn- Carbon compounds such as carboxylic
ing. acids namely ethanoic acids in the pres-
ence of sulphuric acid combine with alco-
E.g C + O2 → CO2 + Heat and light
hol to form ester and water. This process
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + Heat and is called esterification.
C2H5OH + 2O2 → CO2 + 3H2O + Heat and + H O
Homologous series
Carbon compounds can be easily oxi-
dized on combustion. In addition to the A homologous series is a group of organic
complete oxidation alcohols are converted compounds having similar structure and
into carboxylic acids. similar chemical properties in which the
successive compounds differ by a CH2
Alkaline potassium permanganate
group. Eg. if you add CH2 group (known
as methylene group to a given hydrocar-
bon, another hydrocarbon with a higher
number of carbon atoms is obtained
CH4 + CH2 → C2H6
Unsaturated carbon compounds un- Methane ethane
dergo addition reactions with hydrogen in
the presence of palladium or nickel cata- In the same way if you remove CH2
lyst. group from a hydrocarbon another hydro-
carbon with a lesser number of carbon at-
Carbon compounds undergo substi- oms is obtained.
tution reactions in the presence of either
sunlight or any other reagents. E.g meth- E.g C4H10 − CH2 → C3H8
ane undergoes substitution reaction to Butane propane
form different types of products.
Carbon compounds such as alcohols Characteristics of Homologous
react with sodium to liberate hydrogen series
gas. Each member of the series differs from
the preceeding or succeeding member by
a common difference of CH2 and by a mo-
lecular mass of 14 amu ( amu = atomic
mass unit).
Carbon And its Compounds

All members of Homologous series sified as:

have same general molecular formula. Different classes of Organic Com-
E.g alkane = CnH2n+2 pounds:
Alkene = CnH2n 1. Hydrocarbons
Alkyne = CnH2n – 2 These are the organic compounds co-
The physical properties of the mem- naining carbon and hydrogen atoms only.
bers show a regular gradation with respect They may be further classified into two
to the increase in molecular mass. classes:saturatedand unsaturated hydro-
The chemical properties of the mem-
bers of the homologous series show simi- a)Saturated Hydrocarbons – Alkanes
larity. All members of homologous series
can be prepared by using same general General formula = CnH2n+2 Suffix : ane
method of preparation. These are the organic compounds
which contain only carbon – carbon sin-
gle bond.These were earlier named as
paraffins(Latin : meaning little affinity) due
to their least chemical reactivity.Accord-
ing to IUPAC system, these are named
Importance of homologous series as alkanes (ane is suffix with word root).
Various members of the series are given
1. It helps to predict the properties of below:
the members of the series that are
yet to be prepared. b) Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
2. Knowledge of homologous series These are hydrocarbons which contain
gives a systematic study of the carbon to carbon double bonds (>C = C<)
members. or carbon to carbon triple bonds (_C= C_)
3. The nature of any member of the in their molecules.These are further classi-
family can be ascertained if the fied into two types: alkenes and alkynes.
properties of the first member are i) Alkenes: General formula: CnH2n
known. Suffix: ene
The simplest organic compounds The molecules containing one carbon
containing only carbon and hydrogen – carbon double bond are called alkenes.
are called Hydrocarbons. These are re- They have the general formula CnH2n .
garded as the parent organic compounds These were previously called olefins (in
and all other compounds are considered Greek olefiant – oil forming) because the
to be derived from them by the replace- lower gaseous members of the family form
ment of one or more hydrogen atoms by oily products when treated with chlorine.
other atoms or groups of atoms.
In IUPAC system, the name of alkene
The organic compounds may be clas- is derived by replacing suffix ane of the

Chapter 15
Formula IUPAC name Commmon name
CH4 Methane Methane
CH3CH3 Ethane Ethane
CH3CH2CH3 Propane Propane
CH3CH2CH2CH3 Butane n – Butane
CH3(CH2)3CH3 Propane n - Pentane

corresponding alkane by ene.For exam- ii) Alkynes: General formula :CnH2n-2

ple, Suffix : yne
CH3 – CH3 H2C = CH2 Alkynes are the unsaturated hydrocar-
Ethane(Alkane) Ethene(Alkene) bons with a triple bond (_C = C _).
In higher alkenes, the position of the Alkynes are named in the same way
double bond, can be indicated by assign- as alkenes i.e., by replacing suffix ane
ing. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ……to the car- of alkane by yne.In higher members, the
bon atoms present in the molecule. The position of triple bond is indicated by giv-
position is mentioned by the first carbon ing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ….to the carbon
of the double bond. The number is written atom in the molecule. The numbering of
immediately before the part of the name the chain is always done from one end in
to which it belongs. For example, such a manner that the triple bonded car-
bon atom gets the least number, as indi-
CH2 = CH – CH2 – CH3 CH3 - CH = CH –
cated in alkenes.
CH2 – CH3
For example,
But – 1-ene Pent – 2 – ene
CH3 - C ≡ CH CH3 - CH2 - C ≡ CH CH3 - C≡
The IUPAC names of first six members
C - CH3
of the family are given below:

Alkene IUPAC name Common name

CH2 = CH2 Ethene Ethylene
CH3CH = CH2 Propene Propylene
CH3CH2 _ CH = CH2 But – 1 – ene a – Butylene
CH3CH = CHCH3 But – 2 – ene b – Butylene
CH3(CH2)2CH = CH2 Pent – 1 – ene b – Pentylene
CH3CH2.CH = CH.CH3 Pent – 2 - ene a – Pentylene

It should be included in 13 (a) carbon compounds.
Carbon And its Compounds

13.10. Functional Group

Functional group may be defined as an atom or group of atoms or reactive part
which is responsible for the characteristic properties of the compounds. The chemical
properties of organic compounds are determined by the functional group while their
physical properties are determined by the remaining part of the molecule.

Example: -OH => Alcohol

CHO => Aldehyde

C=O => Ketone

COOH => Carboxylic acid

13.10.1Classification of Organic compounds based on functional group

1. Alcohols
Alcohols are carbon compounds containing –OH group attached to carbon atom.
The general formula of alcohol is + 1 R-OH where ‘R’ is an alkyl group and –OH is the
functional group. The IUPAC name of alcohol is derived by replacing –e, in the word
alkane, by the suffix –ol. Hence we get the name alkanol.

Molecular formula common name IUPAC name

CH3OH Methyl alcohol Methanol

CH3-CH2-OH Ethyl alcohol Ethanol

CH3- CH2-CH2-OH n-Propyl alcohol 1-Propanol

CH3-CH-CH3 Isopropyl alcohol 2-Propanol

OH or secondarypropyl alcohol

CH3- CH2-CH2-CH2-OH n-Butyl alcohol

CH3-CH-CH2-OH Isobutyl alcohol



Chapter 15
2. Aldehydes

ldehydes are carbon compounds containing carbonyl -CHO group attached to alkyl
group or hydrogen atom. The general formula of aldehydes is R – CHO where ‘R’ is
an alkyl group and – CHO is the functional group. The IUPAC name of aldehyde is
derived by replacing –e, in the word alkane, by the suffix –al. Hence we get the name

Molecular formula Common name IUPAC name

HCHO Formaldehyde Methanal

CH3- CHO Acetaldehyde Ethanal

CH3- CH2- CHO Propionldehyde Propanal

CH3- CH2-CH2- CHO Butyraldehyde Butanal

4. Ketones

Ketones are carbon compounds containing carbonyl – CO - group attached to

two alkyl groups (R-CO-R’) where R and R’ is an alkyl group and is the functional
group. The IUPAC name of ketone is derived by replacing –e, in the word alkane, by
the suffix–one.Hence we get the name “alkanones”.
Molecular formula common name IUPAC name
CH3COCH3 D i m e t h y l k e t o n e Propanone
CH3 COCH2 CH3 Ethylmethyl ketone 3-Pentanone

CH3- CH2CO-CH2- CH3 Diethylketone Butanone

4. Carboxylic Acids

Carboxylic acid is a carbon compound containing –COOH group attached to a

hydrogen or alkyl group. The general formula of acid isr R-COOH where ‘R’ is a hydrogen
or alkyl group and –COOH is the functional group. The IUPAC name of acid is derived by
replacing –e, in the word alkane, by the suffix –oic acid. Hence we get the name “alkanoic” acids.

Carbon And its Compounds

The common name of an acid depends upon the source from which it is obtained.
For example formic acid is named so, because it was first obtained from red ants
(Latin;formica means ant) and butyric acid is named so because it is present in the
form of its esters in butter.

Molecular formula Common name IUPAC name

HCOOH Formic acid Methanoic acid

CH3-COOH Acetic acid Ethanoic acid

CH3- CH2-COOH Propionic acid Propanoic acid

CH3- CH2-CH2-COOH n-Butyric acid Butanoic acid


Almost all the compounds are useful to us in a number of ways. Most of the
fuels, medicines, paints, explosives, synthetic polymers, perfumes and detergents are
basically organic compounds. In fact, organic chemistry has made our life colourful and
also comfortable. Two commercially important compounds ethanol and ethanoic acid
are briefly discussed.

13.11 Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) (C2H5OH)

Ethanol or ethyl alcohol or simply alcohol is one of the most important members
of the family of alcohols.

1) Manufacture of Ethanol from Molasses

Molasses is a dark coloured syrupy liquid left after the crystallization of sugar
from the concentrated sugar cane juice. Molasses still contain about 30% sucrose
which could not be separated by crystallization.

It is converted into ethanol by the following steps:


Chapter 15
(1) Dilution

Molasses is first diluted with water to bring down the concentration of sugar
to about 8 to 10 percent.

(2) Addition of Ammonium salts

Molasses usually contains enough nitrogenous matter to act as foot for

yeast during fermentation. If the nitrogen content of the molasses is poor,
it may be fortified by the addition of ammonium sulphate or ammonium
(3) Addition of yeast
The solution from step (2) is collected in large ‘fermentation tanks’ and yeast
is added to it. The mixture is maintained at about 303K for a few days.

During this period, the enzymes invertase and zymase present in yeast,
bring about the conversion of sugar into ethanol.
C12 H 22 O11 + H 2 O → C6 H12 O6 + C6 H12 O6

Sucrose Glucose Fructose

C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

Glucose Ethanol

During this process, the liquor froths owing to the evolution of carbon dioxide which is
recovered and used for preparing aerated drinks. The fermented liquid is technically
called wash.

(4) Distillation of wash

The fermented liquid containing 15 to 18 percent alcohol and the rest water, is now
subjected to fractional distillation.

The main fraction drawn, is an aqueous solution of ethanol which contains 95.5%
ethanol and 4.5% water. This is called Rectified spirit. This mixture is then heated
under reflux over quicklime for about 5 to 6 hours and then allowed to stand for 12
hours. On distillation of this mixture, pure alcohol (100%) is obtained. This is called
Absolute alcohol.

Carbon And its Compounds


FERMENTATION : The slow chemical change taking place in an organic

compound by the action of enzymes leading to the formation of smaller molecules

is called Fermentation. In our daily life, there are many instances of fermentation.

For example, the change of milk into curd, souring of kneaded flour, etc., is due to

fermentation. The fermentation of sugar is a process in which the sugar molecules

are broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide by the action of enzymes called

invertase and zymase present in yeast.

13.9.1 Physical Properties:

1. Ethanol is clear liquid with burning taste.

2. Its boiling point is 351K which is higher than corresponding alkanes.

3. It is completely miscible with water in all proportion .

13.9.2 Chemical properties :

1. Dehydration
(i) Intra Molecular dehydration : Ethanol, when heated with excess conc. H2SO4 at 443
K undergoes Intra molecular dehydration (ie. removal of water within a molecule of

C2H5- OH 443K CH2=CH2+H2O
Conc. H2SO4
Ethanol Ethene

(ii) Inter Molecular dehydration : When excess of alcohol is heated with conc. H2SO4 at
4 1 3K two molecules condense by losing a molecule of water form ether (ie. removal
of water from two molecules of ethanol)

C2H5- OH+HO- C2H5 C2H5-O-C2H5+H2O
Diethyl ether


Chapter 15
2. Reaction with sodium : Alcohols are very weakly acidic. Ethanol reacts with

sodium metal to form sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas.

2C2H5OH+2Na 2C2H5ONa+H2

sodium ethoxide

3. Oxidation : Ethanol is oxidized to ethanoic acid with alkaline or acidified

Ethanoic acid

During this reaction, orange colour of K2Cr2O7 changes to green. Therefore, this
reaction can be used for identification of alcohols.

4. Esterificaiton : Ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid in the presence of conc. H2SO4

to form ethyl ethanoate and water. The compound formed by the reaction of an alco-

hol with carboxylic acid is known as ester and the reaction is called esterification.
Ethanol Ethanoic acid Ethyl ethanoate

5. Dehydrogenation : When the vapour of ethanol are passed over reduced copper

catalyst at 573 K dehydrogenates to give acetaldehyde.

CH3CH2OH 573 K
Ethanol Acetadehyde

13.11.3Uses :

Ethanol is used

1. As an anti-freeze in automobile radiators.

2. As a preservative for biological specimen.

3. As an antiseptic to sterilize wounds in hospitals.

4. As a solvent for drugs, oils, fats, perfumes, dyes, etc.

Carbon And its Compounds

5. in the preparation of Methylated spirit(mixture of 95% ethanol and 5% methanol),

rectified spirit (mixture of 95.5%ethanol and 4.5%water), power alcohol(mixture of

petrol and ethanol) and denatured sprit (ethanol mixed with pyridine).

6. in cough syrup, digestive syrup and tonics.

13.12 Ethanoic acid (Acetic acid) CH3COOH

Ethanoic acid is most commonly known as acetic acid and belongs to a group

of acids called carboxylic acids. 5-8% solution of acetic acid is known as vinegar,

which is used for preserving food materials, pickles, etc. Acetic acid generally is pres-

ent in many fruits and their sour taste is because of the acid.
Preparation of Ethanoic acid :

1. From Ethanol:

Ethanol on oxidation in the presence of alkaline potassium dichromate (acidified po-

tassium dichromate) gives ethanoic acid.

Ethanoic acid

13.12.1 Physical properties :

1. Ethanoic acid is a colourless liquid with sour taste.

2. It is miscible with water in all proportions.

3. Boiling point 391 K higher boiling point than alcohols, aldehydes and ketones.

4. On cooling pure ethanoic acid freezes to form ice like flakes. They look like

glaciers, so it is called glacial acetic acid.

13.12.2 Chemical properties :

1. Ethanoic acid is a weak acid but it turns blue litmus to red.

2. Reaction with metal :

Ethanoic acid reacts with metals like Na, K, Zn, etc… to form metal ethanoate and hydrogen gas.


Chapter 15
3. Reaction with carbonates and bicarbonates :

Ethanoic acid reacts with bicarbonates and carbonates and produce brisk ef-

fervescence due to the evolution of carbon dioxide.


4. Reaction with base:

Ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium ethanoate and water.


5. Decarboxylation (Removal of CO2):

When sodium salt of ethanoic acid is heated with soda lime (3parts of NaOH and 1

part of CaO) methane gas is formed.

NaOH / CaO

13.12.3 USES:

Ethanoic acid is used

1. For making Vinegar which is used as a preservative in food and fruit juices.

2. as a laboratory reagent.

3. coagulating rubber from latex.

4. in the preparation of dyes, perfumes and medicine.

Carbon And its Compounds

Evil effects of consuming alcohol

• If ethanol is consumed, it tends to slow down metabolism of our body

and depresses the central nervous system.

• It causes mental depression and emotional disorder.

• It affects our health by causing ulcer, high blood pressure, cancer,

brain and liver damage.

• Nearly 40% accidents are due to drink and drive.

ACTIVITY Fermentation :
When a small piece of sodium metal is put into The slow chemical change taking place in an organic
ethanol in a dry test tube, brisk effervescence is compound by the action of enzymes leading
produced. When a burning splinter is brought to the formation of smaller molecules is called
near the mouth of the test tube, the gas burns Fermentation. In our daily life, there are many
with a ‘pop’ sound, which is a characteristic instances of fermentation. For example, the change
property of hydrogen gas. This shows that the of milk into curd, souring of kneaded flour, etc., is
gas produced by the action of sodium metal on due to fermentation. The fermentation of sugar is
a process in which the sugar molecules are broken
down into ethanol and carbon dioxide by the action
of enzymes called invertase and zymase present in
Ethanol is a cleaner fuel than petrol, as ACTIVITY
it causes less pollution. The oxygen in it
helps to prevent complete combustion, Take 3 ml of ethanol in a test tube and add an
so less carbon monoxide is produced equal volume of glacial acetic acid. Then add a
, and also it contains no sulphur few drops of concentrated H2SO4 and warm the
compounds so SO2 is not produced. test tube in a hot water bath. A fruity odour of
Many countries now encourage the
use of ethanol for cars. Gasohol is a
mixture of petrol and ethanol. It is sold
in several countries such as Thailand ,
Denmark and USA.


Chapter 15

Carbon And its Compounds

Chapter 14
Chapter 14

Measuring Instruments
14. Measuring Instruments
Physics is the most basic science, Grooves are cut on the inner surface
Measuring Instruments

which deals with the study of nature and of the cylinder through which a screw
natural phenomena. It is a quantitative passes through.
science. Therefore physicists measure
On the cylinder parallel to the axis of
things. The ultimate test of any physical
quantity is its agreement with observa- the screw a scale is graduated in millim-
tions and measurement of physical phe- eter called Pitch Scale.
nomena. One of the major contributions One end of the screw is attached to a
of physics to other sciences and society sleeve.
are the many measuring instruments and
The head of the sleeve is divided into
techniques that physics has developed.
100 divisions called as the Head Scale.
One such a instrument is screw gauge.
The other end of the screw has a plane
surface (s1).
A stud (s2) is attached to the other
Screw Gauge is an instrument to end of the frame, just opposite to the tip
measure the dimensions of very small ob- of the screw.
jects upto 0.001 cm.
The screw head is provided with a
The Screw Gauge consists of ‘U’ ratchat arrangement (safety device) to
shaped metal frame Fig 14.1. prevent the user from exerting undue
A hollow cylinder is attached to one pressure.

end of the frame.

Fig 14.1
Chapter 14
Principle of the Screw Gauge . If the zero of the head scale coincides
with the pitch scale axis, there is no zero
Screw Gauge works under the princi-
error.Fig 14.2
ple of the screw. When a screw is rotated
in a nut, the distance moved by the tip of Positive Zero Error
the screw is directly proportional to the
number of rotations.

Pitch of the screw

Pitch of the screw is the distance be-
tween two screw threads. It is also equal
to the distance travelled by the tip of the
screw for one complete rotation of the Fig 14.3
If the zero of the head scale lies be-
Distance travelled on the pitch scale low the pitch scale axis, the zero error is
Pitch = positive. If the nth division of the head
No.of rotations
scale coincides with pitch scale axis the
zero error is positive.Fig 14.3
Least Count of a Screw Gauge
Z.E = + (n x L.C) ,
The distance moved by the tip of the
screw for a rotation of one division on the Then the Zero Correction
head scale is called the least count of the Z.C = – (n x L.C)
Screw Gauge.
Negative Zero Error
L.C =
No.of divisions on the head scale

Zero Error of a Screw Gauge :

The plane surface of the screw and
the opposite plane stud on the frame are
brought into contact. Fig 14.4
No Zero Error If the Zero of the head scale is above
the pitch scale axis, the zero error is neg-
ative. If the nth division coincides with the
pitch scale axis, the zero error is nega-
tive.Fig 14.4
Z.E = – (100 – n) x L.C,
Then the Zero Correction
Fig 14.2 Z.C = + (100 – n) x L.C
Measuring Instruments

To measure the diameter of a Example 14.1

thin wire using Screw Gauge The least count of a screw gauge is
0.01mm. Pitch scale reading is 3mm and
•• Determine the Pitch, the Least
count and the Zero Error of the head scale reading is 97. Then find the
Screw Gauge. thickness of the body.
•• Place the wire between two Thickness of the body
= P.S.R+(H.C x L.C)
Measuring Instruments

•• Rotate the head until the wire is = 3+(97x0.01)

held firmly but not tightly, with the = 3+0.97
help ratchat.
= 3.97mm
•• Note the reading on the = 3.97 x 10-3 m
pitch scale crossed by
the head scale (PSR) and
the head scale reading coincides Activity 14.1
with the head scale axis (H.S.C).
By using a Screw Gauge
•• The diameter of the wire is given 1. find the diameter of a marble or bead.
by P.S.R + (H.S.C x L.C) ± Z.C 2. find the thickness of your scale or
•• Repeat the experiment for different
portions of the wire.

•• Tabulate the readings. 14.2 Measuring long distances

•• The average of the last column For measuring long distances such as
reading gives the diameter of the distance of the moon or a planet from the
wire. earth, special methods are adopted. Ra-
dio echo method, laser pulse method and
S.No P.S.R H.S.C H.S.C x Total Reading
mm L.C mm P.S.R + parallax method are used to determine
(H.S.C x L.C)
very long distances. In order to measure
mm such very long distances the units astro-
1 nomical distance and light year are used.
Astronomical distance
Astronomical distance is the mean
3 distance of the centre of the sun from the
centre of the earth.
Nowadays we have digital Screw 1 Astronomical unit (AU)
Gauge to take the reading at once. = 1.496 x 1011 m
Chapter 14

Light year PART – B

Light year is the distance travelled by light 1. Correct the mistakes if any, in the
in one year in vacuum. following statements.
Distance traveled by light in one year Astronomical distance is the mean
in vacuum = Velocity of light x I year (in
distance of the surface of the sun from
the surface of the earth.
= 3 x 10 x 365.25 x 24 x 60 x 60

Light year is the distance traveled by light

= 9.467 x 1015 m in one year in vacuum at a speed of 3x108
m. per minute
Therefore , 1 light year = 9.467 x 1015 m
2. Match the items in group A with the
EVALUATION items in group B
PART – A Group A Group – B
1. Screw gauge is an instrument to Small dimensions Kilo meter
measure the dimensions of very small Large dimensions Screw gauge
objects upto Long distances Scale
(0.1 cm., 0.01 cm., 0.1 mm., 0.01 mm) Small distances Light year

2. In a screw gauge zero of the head scale Altimeter

lies below the pitch scale axis, the zero
error is
3. F
­ ill in the blanks: Special methods
(positive, negative, nil) adopted to determine very large
distances are and
3. Screw gauge is used to measure the (Laser pulse method,
diameter of Light year method, Radio echo
( crow bar, thin wire, cricket ball )
4. Least count of a screw gauge is an
4. One light year is equal to
important concept related to screw
( 365.25 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 3 x 108 m ,
gauge. What do you mean by the term
1 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 3 x 08 m ,
least count of a screw gauge.
360 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 3 x 108 m )
5. Label the following parts of the screw
5. One astronomical unit is the distace gauge in the given screw gauge
between the centre of the earth and diagram.

1. Head scale 2. Pitch scale

(centre of the Moon, centre of the Sun,
centre of the Mars) 3. Axis 4. Ratchat

Measuring Instruments

The pitch of the two screw gauges A and

B are equal. The head scale of A is
divided in to 100 parts and head scale
6. Least count of a screw gauge of B is divided in to 50 parts. Then,
Pitch which of these two screw gauges is
Number of divisions in Head Scale more accurate?
Measuring Instruments

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

In our everyday life, we observe that some

effort is required to put a stationary object
into motion or to stop a moving object.
Normally we have to push or pull or hit an
object to change its state of motion.
The concept of force is based on this Fig 15.1
push, pull or hit. No one has seen, tasted,
or felt force. However, we always see or If we apply a force by pulling the string
feel the effect of a force. It can only be ex- ‘X’, the block begins to move to the right.
plained by describing what happens when Similarly, if we pull the string Y, the block
a force is applied to an object. Push, pull moves to the left. But, if the block is pulled
or hit may bring objects into motion, be- from both the sides with equal forces the
cause we make a force to act on them. block will not move and remains station-
Therefore, force is one which changes ary. Forces acting on an object which do
or tends to change the state of rest or not change the state of rest or of uniform
of uniform motion of a body. Force is a motion of it are called balanced forces.
vector quantity. Its SI unit is newton. Now let us consider a situation in which
two opposite forces of different magni-
tudes act on the block. The block moves
15.1. Balanced and in the direction of the greater force. The
­imbalanced forces resultant of two forces acts on an object
and brings it in motion. These opposite
Fig 15.1 shows a wooden block on a hori- forces are called imbalanced forces.
zontal table. Two strings X and Y are tied
to the two opposite faces of the block as The following illustration clearly
shown. ­explains the concept of balanced and
­imbalanced forces. Some children are try-
ing to push a box on a rough floor.
Laws of motion and gravitation

comes bigger than the frictional force [Fig

15.2. (c)]. There is an imbalanced force.

So, the box starts moving.

15.2  First law of motion

Galileo observed the motion of objects on
an inclined plane. He deduced that objects
move with a constant speed when no force
acts on them. He observed that when a
marble rolls down an inclined plane its ve-
locity increases [Fig 15.3. (a)].
Its velocity decreases when it climbs up
[Fig 15.3 (b)]. Fig [15.3(c)] shows a marble
resting on an ideal frictionless (Zero fric-
tion) plane inclined on both sides. Galileo
argued that when the marble is released
(b) from left, it would role down the slope and
go up on the opposite side to the same
height from which it was released.

Fig 15.2
If one boy pushes the box with a
smaller force, the box does not move
because of friction acting in a direction
opposite to the push [Fig 15.2(a)] This
friction force arises between two surfaces (a) (b)
in contact. In this case, between the bot-
tom of the box and the floor rough sur-
face. It balances the pushing force and
therefore the box does not move. In fig
[15.2(b)] two children push the box harder (c)
but the box still does not move. This is
because the frictional force still balances If the inclinations of the planes on both
the pushing force. If the children push sides are equal then the marble would
the box harder still, the pushing force be- climb the same distance that it covered


Chapter 15
while going down. If the angle of inclina- thus cause injury to us by collision with
tion of the right plane were gradually de- panels in front.
creased, the marble would travel further An opposite experience is encountered
distance till it reaches the original height. when we are standing in a bus which be-
If the right side plane were ultimately gins to move suddenly. Now we tend to fall
made horizontal, the marble would con- backwards. This is because a sudden start
tinue to travel for ever trying to reach the of the bus brings motion to the bus as well
same height that it was released from. as to our feet in contact with the floor of the
The unbalanced forces on the marble in bus. But the rest of our body opposes this
this case are zero. It thus suggests that motion because of its inertia.
unbalanced force is required to change
the motion of the marble, but no net force When a motor car makes a sharp turn
is needed to sustain the uniform motion at a high speed, we tend to get thrown to
of the marble. one side. This can again be explained on
the basis of the law of inertia. We tend
Newton studied Galileo’s ideas on to continue in our straight line motion.
force and motion and presented three fun- When an unbalanced force is applied by
damental laws that govern the motion of the engine to change the direction of mo-
objects. These three laws are known as tion of the motor car, we move to one
Newton’s Laws of Motion. The first law of side of the seat due to the inertia of our
motion is stated as: body.
An object remains in the state of Inertia of a body can be illustrated
rest or of uniform motion in a straight through the following activities.
line unless compelled to change that
state by an applied unbalanced force.
In other words, all objects resist a change Activity 15.1
in their state of motion. The tendency of ** Make a pile of similar carrom coins
undisturbed objects to stay at rest or to on a table as shown in fig 15.4.
keep moving with the same velocity is
called inertia. This is why, the first law of
motion is also known as the law of iner-
Certain experiences that we come Fig 15.4
across while travelling in a motor car can
be explained on the basis of the law of in- ** Attempt a sharp horizontal hit at
ertia. We tend to remain at rest with re- the bottom of the pile using another
spect to the seat until the driver applies a carom coin or the striker. If the hit
is strong enough, the bottom coin
braking force to stop the motor car. With
moves out quickly. Once the
the application of brakes, the car slows
lowest coin is removed, the inertia
down but our body tends to continue in of the other coins makes them ‘fall’
the same state of motion because of in- vertically on the table.
ertia. A sudden application of brakes may

Laws of motion and gravitation

Clearly, more massive objects offer larger

Activity 15.2 inertia. The inertia of an object is meas-
** Set a coin on a stiff card covering ured by its mass.
the mouth of an empty glass
tumbler standing on a table as 15.4  Momentum
shown in Fig 15.5. Let us recount some observations from our
everyday life. During the game of table ten-
nis, if a ball hits a player, it does not hurt
him. On the other hand, when fast moving
cricket ball hits a spectator, it may hurt him.
A truck at rest does not require any attention
Fig 15.5.
when parked along a roadside. But a mov-

** Give the card a sharp horizontal ing truck, even at a very low speed, may
flick with a finger. If we do it kill a person standing in its path. A small
fast, then the card shoots away, mass such as a bullet may kill a person
allowing the coin to fall vertically when fired from a gun. These observations
in to the glass tumbler due to its suggest that the impact produced by an
inertia. object depends on its mass and velocity. In
** The inertia of the coin tries to other words, there appears to exist some
maintain its state of rest even quantity of importance that combines the
when the card flows off. object’s mass and velocity. One such prop-
erty called momentum was introduced by
Newton. The momentum ‘p’ of an object
15.3. Inertia and mass
is defined as the product of its mass ‘m’
All the examples and activities given so and velocity ‘v’. That is,p=mv
far, illustrate that there is a resistance of-
fered by an object to change its state of Momentum has both direction and
motion. If it is at rest, it tends to remain at magnitude. It is a vector quantity. Its di-
rest. If it is moving it tends to keep moving. rection is same as that of the velocity. The
This property of an object is called iner- SI unit of momentum is kg ms .

tia. Therefore the inability of a body to

change its state of rest or of uniform
15.5  Second law of motion
motion by itself is called inertia.
Let us consider a situation in which a car
Inertia of body depends mainly upon with a dead battery is to be pushed along
its mass. If we kick a foot ball, it flies away. a straight road to give it a speed of 1 m s-1
But if we kick a stone of the same size with which is sufficient to start its engine. If one
equal force, it hardly moves. We may, in fact or two persons give a sudden push (un-
get an injury in our foot. A force, that is just balanced force) to it, it hardly starts. But a
enough to cause a small carriage to pick continuous push over it ­sometime results
up a large velocity, will produce a negligi- in a gradual acceleration of the car to the
ble change in the motion of a train. We say required speed . It means that the change
that train has more inertia than the carriage of momentum of the car is not only deter-


Chapter 15
mined by the magnitude of the force, but are kg and m s-2 respectively. The unit of
also by the time during which the force is force is so chosen that the value of the
exerted. It may then also be concluded constant ‘K’ becomes one.
that the force necessary to change the mo-
Therefore, F = ma (4)
mentum of the object depends on the time
rate at which the momentum is changed. 1 unit of force = (1 kg) x (1 m s-2)
The second law of motion states that The unit of force is kg m s-2 or newton which
the rate of change of momentum of an has the symbol ‘N’.
object is proportional to the applied un-
One unit of force(1N) is defined as the
balanced force in the direction of force.
amount of force that produces an ac-
Suppose an object of mass ‘m’ is moving
celeration of 1 m s-2 in an object of 1 kg
along a straight line with an initial velocity
‘u’. It is uniformly accelerated to velocity
‘v’ in time ‘t’ by the application of constant The second law of motion gives us a
force, ‘F’ throughout the time, ‘t’. method to measure the force acting on
an object as a product of its mass and
Initial momentum of the object = mu ­acceleration.
Final momentum of the object = mv
The change in = mv - mu = m(v - u) (1)
momentum A constant force acts on an object of
mass 10 kg for a duration of 4 s. It in-
Change of momentum
creases the objects velocity from 2 ms-1
Rate of change = —————————
to 8 m s-1 . Find the magnitude of the ap-
of momentum time plied force.
m (v-u)
= ———————— (2) Solution:
Given, mass of the object m = 10 kg
According to Newton II law of motion, this
is nothing but applied force. Initial velocity u = 2 m s-1

m(v-u) Final velocity v = 8 m s-1

Therefore the applied force, F = ———— m(v - u)
t We know, force F = 
v-u t
But the acceleration, a = ———— 10 (8-2)
t F = 
(which is the rate of change of velocity). 4
The applied force, F α ma 10 × 6
F = 
F = Kma (3)
‘K’ is known as the constant of proportion-
ality. The SI unit of mass and acceleration F = 15 N

Laws of motion and gravitation

Example:15.2 Magnitude of the force applied by the brakes,

F = m(v - u ) / t
Which would require a greater force
for accelerating a 2 kg of mass at 4 m s-2 or On substituting the values we get,
a 3 kg mass at 2 m s-2? F = 1000 kg × (0 - 20) m s-1 / 4 s
= 1000 × - 20 / 4
= -5000 N
We know, force F = ma
The negative sign tells us that the force
Given, m1 = 2 kg exerted by the brakes is opposite to the
a1 = 4 m s-2 direction of motion of the motorcar.

m2 = 3 kg
a2 = 2 m s-2 15.6 Third law of motion
Thus, F1 = m1 a1 = 2 kg × 4 m s-2 = 8 N Let us consider two spring balances con-
nected together as shown in fig 15.6
and F2 = m2 a2 = 3 kg × 2 m s-2 = 6 N
⇒ F1 > F2
Thus, accelerating a 2 kg mass at 4 m s--2 Fig 15.6
would require a greater force.
Example:15.3 The fixed end B of the balance is at-
tached with a rigid support like a wall.
A motor car is moving with a velocity of When a force is applied through the free
72 km/h and it takes 4 s to stop after the end of the spring balance A, it is observed
brakes are applied. Calculate the force that both the spring balances show the
exerted by the brakes on the motorcar same readings on their scales. It means
if its mass along with the passengers is that the force exerted by spring balance A
1000 kg. on balance B is equal but opposite in di-
rection to the force exerted by the balance
B on balance A. The force which balance
The initial velocity of the motorcar A exerts on balance B is called action and
u = 72 km/h the force of balance B on balance A is
= 72 × 1000 m/(60 × 60s) called the reaction.

= 20 m s-1 Newton’s third law of motion states that

for every action there is an equal and
The final velocity of the motorcar, opposite reaction. It must be remem-
v = 0 m s-1 bered that the action and reaction always
The total mass of the motorcar, act on two different objects.
m = 1000 kg
The time taken to stop the motorcar, When a gun is fired it exerts forward
t =4s force on the bullet. The bullet exerts an


Chapter 15
Accelerating force Recoil force
on the bullet on the gun

Fig 15.7

equal and opposite reaction force on the

gun. This results in the recoil of the gun.
Since the gun has a much greater
Fig 15.9.
mass than the bullet, the acceleration of
the gun is much less than the acceleration lustrated when a sailor jumps forward; the
of the bullet. The third law can also be il- force on the boat moves it backwards.
Now, place two children on one cart
and one on another cart. The second law
of motion can be seen, as this arrange-
ment would show different accelerations
for the same force. The cart shown in
this activity can be constructed by using
a 12 mm or 18 mm thick plywood board
of about 50 cm X 100 cm with two pairs
of hard ball-bearing wheels (skate wheels
are good to use)

Activity 15.3
•• Request two children to stand on 15.7 Conservation of momen-
two separate carts as shown in tum and proof
fig.15.9. Give them a bag full of
sand or some other heavy object. The law of conservation of momentum
Ask them to play a game of catch states that, in the absence of external
with the bag. unbalanced force the total momentum
of a system of objects remains un-
•• Does each of them receive an
changed or conserved by collision.
instantaneous reaction as a result
of throwing the sand bag (action)? Consider two objects (two balls) A and
You can paint a white line on B of masses ‘m1’ and ‘m2’ are traveling in
cartwheels to observe the motion the same direction along a straight line at
of the two carts when the children different velocities ‘u1’ and ‘u2’ respectively
throw the bag towards each other. fig.15.10(a) .There are no other­ ­external

Laws of motion and gravitation

unbalanced forces acting on them . Let on A (reaction) F2 = mass of A X accel-

u1 > u2 and the two balls collide with each other eration on A.

as shown in fig 15.10(b). During collision m1 (v1-u1)

which last for time ‘t’ , the ball A exerts a F2 = ————— (2)
force F1 on ball B , and the ball B exerts t
a force F2 on ball A. Let v1 and v2 be the
velocities of two balls A and B after colli- According to Newton’s third law of motion
sion respectively in the same direction as F1 = – F2
before collision, fig 15.10(c).
From equation (1) and (2)
m2 (v2-u2) m1 (v1-u1)
————— = —————
t t
A B m2 (v2 – u2) = –m1 (v1-u1)
m2v2 – m2u2 = –m1v1 + m1u1
Before collision
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1u1 + m2u2
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
The total momentum before colli-
A B sion is equal to the total momentum
(b) ­after collision. The total momentums
During collision of two objects remain unchanged due to
collision in the absence of external force.
Activity 15.4
•• Take a big rubber balloon and
A B inflate it fully.Tie its neck using a
(c) thread. Also using adhesive tape,
After collision fix a straw on the surface of this
Fig 15.10
•• Pass a thread through the straw
According two Newton second law of mo- and hold one end of the thread in
tion your hand or fix it on the wall.
•• Ask your friend to hold the other
The force acting
end of the thread or fix it on a wall at
on B (action) F1 = m
 ass of B X accelera- some distance. This arrangement
tion on B. is shown in Fig.15.11.
m2 (v2-u2) •• Now remove the thread tied on
F1 = ————— (1) the neck of the balloon. Let the
t air escape from the mouth of the
The force acting


Chapter 15
This law holds good for any number of
•• Observe the direction in which the ­objects.
straw moves.
A bullet of mass 15g is horizontally
fired with a velocity 100 m s-1 from a pistol of
mass 2 kg what is the recoil velocity of the
Fig 15.11
The mass of bullet, m1 = 15 g = 0.015 kg
Activity 15.5 Mass of the pistol, m2 = 2 kg
•• Take a test tube of good quality Initial velocity of the bullet, u1 = 0
glass material and put a small
amount of water in it. Place a stop Initial velocity of the pistol, u2 = 0
cork at the mouth of it. Final velocity of the bullet, v1 = + 100 m s-1
•• Now suspend the test tube (The direction of bullet is taken from left to
horizontally by two wires as shown
right-positive, by convention)
in Fig.15.12.
Recoil velocity of the pistol, = v
•• Heat the test tube with a burner
until water vaporises and the cork Total momentum of the pistol and bullet
blows out. before fire,
•• Observe that the test tube recoils = (0.015 × 0 + 2 × 0) kg m s-1
in the direction opposite to the = 0 kg m s-1
direction of the cork.
Total momentum of the pistol and bullet
after fire,
= (0.015 × 100 + 2 × v)
= (1.5 + 2v) kg m s-1
According to the law of conservation of
Total momentum after fire = total momen-
tum before fire
1.5 + 2v = 0

Fig 15.12.
2v = -1.5
•• Also observe the difference in the
velocity the cork appears to have v = -0.75 m s-1
and that of the recoiling test tube.

Laws of motion and gravitation

Negative sign indicates that the direc- Then, the moment of the force F
tion in which the pistol would recoil is op- about the point O = Magnitude of the

posite to that of the bullet, that is, right to force X perpendicular distance between the
left. direction of the force and the point about
15.8 Moment of force and which moment is to be determined = F x d.
couple If the force acting on a body rotates
the body in anticlockwise direction with re-
spect to O then the moment is called an-
Moment of a force
ticlockwise moment. On the other hand,
A force can rotate a nut when applied if the force rotates the body in clockwise
by a wrench or it can open a door while direction then the moment is said to be
the door rotates on its hinges. In addi- clockwise moment. The unit of moment of
tion to the tendency to move a body in the the force is N m.
direction of the application of a force, a
force also tends to rotate the body about
any axis which does not intersect the line
of action of the force and also not paral-
lel to it. This tendency of rotation is called
turning effect of a force or moment of the
force about the given axis. The magni-
tude of the moment of force F about a
point is defined as the product of the Fig 15.14.
magnitude of force and the perpendic-
As a matter of convention, an anti-
clockwise moment is taken as positive
and a clockwise moment as negative.
T T = Fd

There are many examples in practice
P Force
where two forces, acting together, exert
F a moment or turning effect on some ob-
ject. As a very simple case, suppose two
strings are tied to a wheel at the points
O Distance d
Fig. 15.13.
ular distance of the point from the line X
of action of the force.
Let us consider a force F acting at
the point P on the body as shown in fig
15.13. Fig. 15.15

Chapter 15
X and Y, and two equal and opposite
forces, ‘F’ are exerted tangentially to the Activity 15.5
wheels(Fig 15.15) . If the wheel is pivoted •• Take a piece of thread. Tie a small
at its centre O it begins to rotate about O stone at one end.
in an anticlockwise direction. •• Hold the other end of the thread
and whirl it round as shown in Fig
Two equal and opposite forces whose
lines of action do not coincide are said to
•• Note the motion of the stone.
constitute a couple in mechanics.
•• Release the thread.
15.9. Gravitation •• Again note the direction of motion
of the stone.

We always observe that an object dropped

from a height falls towards the earth. It is
said that Newton was sitting under the Fig 15.16
tree, an apple fell on him. The fall of the ap-
ple made Newton start thinking. It is seen
that a falling apple is attracted towards the force of attraction between objects is
earth. Does the apple attract the earth? If called the gravitational force.
so we do not see earth moving towards an It is noted that the stone describes a
apple. Why? circular path with a velocity of constant
According to Newton’s Third Law of magnitude.
Motion, the apple does attract the earth.
But according to Second Law of motion, 15.9.1. Newton law of gravitation
for a given force, acceleration is inversely Every object in the universe attracts every
proportional to the mass of the object. other object with a force which is directly
The mass of an apple is negligibly small proportional to the product of their masses
compared to that of the earth. So we do and inversely proportional to the square
not see the earth moving towards the ap- of the distance between them. The force
ple. We know that all planets go around acts along the line joining the centers of
the sun. Extend the above argument for two objects.
all planets in our solar system. There ex- m1 m2
ist a force between sun and the planets.
Newton concluded that all objects in
the universe attract each other. This

Fig 15.17

Laws of motion and gravitation

Let two objects A and B of masses m1, = 3.84 × 105 × 1000 m

m2 respectively lie at a distance ‘d’ from = 3.84 × 108 m

each other as shown in fig.15.17. Let the

force of attraction between two objects is G = 6.7×10-11 N m2 kg-2
‘F’. According to above law, The force exerted by the earth on the
F ∝ m1m2 (1) moon,
1 F = ————— (3)
F∝ — (2) d2
6.7×10-11 N m2 kg-2 × 6×1024
Combining (1) and (2) kg × 7.4×1022 kg
= ——————————————
m1 m2
F∝ ——— (3) ( 3.84 × 108 m)2
= 2.01 × 1020
Thus the force exerted by the earth on
F = ——— (4) the moon is 2.01 × 1020 N
Where G is the constant of proportion- 15.9.2 Mass
ality and is called the Universal gravitation
Mass is the amount of matter present in a
constant. From eqn (4)
body (or) is a measure of how much mat-
F.d2 ter an object has.
G = ———
m1 m2
15.9.3 Weight
Substituting the S.I units in this equa-
tion the unit of G is found to be N m2kg-2 Weight is the force which a given mass
feels due to the gravity at its place (or) is
The value of G is 6.673×10-11 N m2kg-2 a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on
that matter.
If you where to travel to the moon, your
The mass of the earth is 6 × 1024 kg and
weight would change because the pull of
that of the moon is 7.4 × 1022 kg. If the dis-
the gravity is weaker there than on the
tance between the earth and the moon is
earth, but your mass would stay the same
3.84 × 105 km, calculate the force exerted
because you are still made up of the same
by the earth on the moon. G = 6.7 × 10-11
amount of matter.
N m2 kg-2.
Example 15.6
Mass of an object is 5 kg. What is its
The mass of the earth, M = 6 × 1024 kg
weight on the earth?
The mass of the moon, m = 7.4 × 1022 kg
The distance between the earth and the
moon, d = 3.84 × 105 km Mass, m = 5 kg

Chapter 15
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m s-2 stone and a parachute are dropped where
there is no air, both will fall together at the
Weight, w = m × g
same rate.
w = 5 kg × 9.8 m s-2
= 49 N
Thus the weight of the object is, 49 N
Difference between mass and weight

Mass Weight
1. Fundamental Derived
quantity. quantity.
2. It is the amount It is the gravi-
of matter. tational pull
contained in a acting on the
body. body.
3. Its unit is It is meas-
kilogram. ured in
4. Remains the Varies from
same. place to
In air In vacuum
5. It is measured It is meas-
using physical ured using Fig.15.18
balance. spring bal-
Experiments showed that the veloc-
ity of a freely falling body under gravity
increases at a constant rate.(i.e.) with a
15.9.4 Acceleration due to constant acceleration. The acceleration
produced in a body on account of the
force of gravity is called acceleration
Galileo was the first to make a system- due to gravity. It is denoted by g. At a
atic study of the motion of a body under given place, the value of g is the same for
the gravity of the Earth. He dropped vari- all bodies irrespective of their masses. It
ous objects from leaning tower of Pisa differs from place to place on the surface
and made analysis of their motion under of the Earth. It also varies with altitude
gravity. He came to the conclusion that “in and depth.
the absence of air, all bodies will fall
The value of g at sea-level and at a lat-
at the same rate”. It is the air resistance
that slows down a piece of paper or a itude of 45° is taken as the standard free
parachute falling under gravity. If a heavy -fall acceleration (i.e.) g=9.8 m s

Laws of motion and gravitation

the Earth. If the Earth is assumed to be a

sphere of radius R,

Acceleration due to gravity at the

the value of ‘g’ on the surface of the
surface of the earth
Earth is given by
Consider a body of mass ‘m’ on the sur-
face of the earth as shown in fig 15.19. g = ———

15.9.5. Mass of earth

From the expression g = GM/R2, the mass
of the Earth can be calculated as follows:
M = ———
M = 9.8 × (6.38 × 106)2/6.67 × 10-11
M = 5.98 × 1024 kg.
Its distance from the centre of the Earth Science today
is R (radius of the Earth).
The gravitational force experienced by the Chandrayaan
body is F = ——— where M is the mass of the earth
From Newton’s second law of motion,
Force, F = mg
Mylswamy Annadurai born on 2nd July
1958 is household names in this part of
Equating the above two forces, the country .People fondly associate his
GMm name with chandrayaan to the extent it
F = ——— = mg has almost become his middle name. He
R2 obtained his M.E Degree in Electronics in
Therefore, 1982 from P.S.G college of Technology
Coimbatore. He joined ISRO in 1982.
g = ——— Annadurai is a leading technologist in
R2 the field of satellite system. Currently An-
nadurai serves as the Project Director of
This equation shows that ‘g’ is inde-
Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2. He
pendent of the mass of the body ‘m’ but, it
has made significant contribution to the
varies with the distance from the centre of
cost effective design of Chandrayaan.


Chapter 15
Through his inspiring speeches he has Chandrayaan operated for 312days
become a motivating force among the In- and achieved 95% of its planned objec-
dian students. tives. The following are its achievements,
Chandrayaan-1 is a moon-traveler •• The discovery of wide spread presence
or moon vehicle. It was Indian’s first un- of water molecules in lunar soil.
manned lunar probe. It was launched by •• Chandrayaan’s Moon Mineralogy
Indian Space Research Organization in Mapper has confirmed that moon was
October 2008 from Srihari Kota in Andr- once completely molten.
apradesh and operated until August 2009. •• European Space Agency payload-
The mission included a lunar orbiter and Chandrayaan-1 imaging X-ray
an impactor. It carried five ISRO payloads spectrometer (CXIS)-detected more
and six payloads from other space agen- than two dozen weak solar flares
cies including NASA, European Space during the mission.
Agencies(ESA), and the Bulgarian Aero-
•• The terrain mapping camera on board
space Agency which were carried free of Chandrayaan-1 has recorded images
cost. of the landing site of US space craft
Apollo-15, Apollo-11.
•• It has provided high-resolution spectral

Laws of motion and gravitation

data on the mineralogy of the moon. perature. Liquefied gases such as liquid
•• Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument nitrogen, liquid helium is used in many

(LLRI) covered both the Lunar Poles cryogenic applications. Liquid nitrogen
and additional lunar region of interest. is the most commonly used element in
cryogenics and is legally purchasable
•• The X-ray signatures of aluminum,
around the world. Liquid helium is also
Magnesium and silicon were picked
commonly used and allows for the lowest
up by the CXIS X-ray camera
attainable temperature to be reached.
•• The Bulgarian payload called Radiation These liquids are held in special contain-
Dose Monitor (RADOM) was activated ers called Dewar flasks which are gener-
on the day of launch itself and worked ally about six feet tall and three feet in
till the mission end.
•• More than 40000 images have been
The field of cryogenics advanced dur-
transmitted by Chandrayaan Camera
in 75days. ing world war-2. Scientist found that met-
als frozen to low temperature showed
•• The Terrain Mapping Camera acquired more resistance to wear. This is known
images of peaks and Craters. The as cryogenic hardening. The commer-
moon consists of mostly of Craters.
cial cryogenic processing industry was
•• Chandrayaan beamed back its first founded in 1966 by Ed Busch; and
images of the Earth in its entirety. merged several small companies later to
•• Chandrayaan-1 has discovered large form oldest commercial cryogenic com-
caves on the lunar surface that can act pany in the world. They originally experi-
as human shelter on the moon. mented with the possibility of increasing
the life of metal tools.
The American Institute of Aeronau-
tics and Astronautics (AIAA) has selected Cryogens like liquid nitrogen are fur-
ISRO’s Chandrayaan-1 mission as one of ther used for specially chilling and freez-
the recipients of its annual AIAA SPACE 2009 ing applications.
awards which recognises Key contribu- (i) Rocket
tions to spaced science and technology.
The important use of cryogenics is cry-
Cryogenic techniques ogenic fuels. Cryogenic fuels mainly liquid
The word cryogenics terms from Greek hydrogen has been used as rocket fuel.
and means “the production of freezing (ii) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
cold”. MRI is used to scan inner organs of
In physics cryogenics is the study of human body by penetrating very intense
the production of very low temperature magnetic field. The magnetic field is gen-
(below 123k); and the behaviour of ma- erated by super conducting coils with the
terials at those temperature. A person help of liquid helium. It can reduce the
who studies elements under extremely temperature of the coil to around 4k. At
cold temperature is called a cryogen cist. this low temperature very high resolution
Cryogenics use the Kelvin scale of tem- images can be obtained.


Chapter 15
(iii) Power transmission in big cities: Space stations are used to study the
effects of long-space flight on the human
It is difficult to transmit power by over
body. It provides platforms for greater
head cables in cities. So underground ca-
number and length of scientific studies
bles are used. But underground cables get
than available on other space vehicles.
heated and the resistance of the wire in-
Space stations have been used for both
creases leading to wastage of power. This
military and civilian purposes. The last
can be solved by cryogenics. Liquefied
military-used space station was Salyut 5,
gases are sprayed on the cables to keep
which was used by the Almaz program of
them cool and reduce their resistance.
the Soviet Union in 1976 and 1977.
(iv) Food Freezing:
Broadly speaking the space stations
Cryogenic gases are used in trans- so for launched has been of two types.
portation of large masses of frozen food, Salyut and Skylab have been “monolithic.”
when very large quantity of food must be They were constructed and launched in
transported to regions like war field, earth- one piece, and then manned by a crew
quake hit regions etc., they must be stored later. As such, they generally contained
for. all their supplies and experimental equip-
(v) Vaccines: ment when launched, and were consid-
ered “expended”, and then abandoned,
The freezing of biotechnology prod- when these were used up.
ucts like vaccines require nitrogen freez-
ing systems. Starting with Salyut 6 and Salyut 7, a
change was seen. These were built with
Space station: two docking ports. They allowed a second
A space station is an artificial structure crew to visit, bringing a new space craft
designed for humans to live and work in with them.
outer space for a period of time. This allowed for a crew to man the sta-
Current and recent-history space sta- tion continually, sky lab was also equipped
tions are designed for medium-term living with two docking ports, but the extra port
in orbit, for periods of weeks, months or was never utilized. The presence of the
even years. The only space stations are second port on the new station allowed
Almaz and Salyut series, Sky lab and Mir. progress supply vehicle to be docked to
the station, meaning that fresh supplies
could be brought to aid long-duration mis-
The second group, Mir and the Inter-
national Space Station (ISS), have been
modular; a core unit was launched, and
additional modules, generally with a spe-
cific role, were later added to that. (on Mir
they were usually launched independently,
whereas on the ISS most are brought by
Laws of motion and gravitation

the Space Shuttle). This method allows for ________.

greater flexibility in operation. It removes

the need for a single immensely power- (displacement, acceleration, force,

ful launch vehicle. These stations are also impulse)
designed from the outset to have their sup- 3. The momentum of a massive object at
plies provided by logistical support, which rest is _______.
allows for a longer lifetime at the cost of
requiring regular support launches. (very large, very small, zero, infinity)
These stations have various issues 4. The weight of 50 kg person at the
that limit their long-term habitability, such surface of earth is ________.
as very low recycling rates, relatively high
radiation levels and a lack of gravity. Some (50 N, 35 N, 380 N, 490 N)
of these problems cause discomfort and
5. The freezing of biotechnology products
long-term health effects.
like vaccines require ________ freezing
Future space habitats may attempt to systems.
address these issues, and are intended
for long-term occupation. Some designs (Helium, Nitrogen, Ammonia, Chlorine)
might even accommodate large number of
people, essentially “cities in space” where
people would make their homes. No such 1. From the following statements write
design has yet been constructed, even for down that which is not applicabel to mass
a small station; the current (2010) launch of an object
costs are not economically or politically vi-
able. a. It is a fundamental quantity
The People’s Republic of China is ex- b. It is measured using physical balance.
pected to launch its space station named c. It is measured using spring balance.
Tiangong 1, in the first half of 2011. This
would make China the third country to 2. Fill in the blanks.
launch a space station.
Force = mass x acceleration, then
momentum = ____?______
evaluation 3. The name of some organisations
which are associated with chandrayan
I mission are given below. but some
1. The acceleration in a body is due to of them are not. List out the wrong
___________. ones.

(balanced force, un-balanced force, (ISRO, BARC, NASA, ESA,

electro static force) WHO, ONGC)

2. The physical quantity which is equal 4. Correct the mistakes, if any, in the
to rate of change of momentum is following statements.

Chapter 15
a. One newton is the force that masses 10 kg and 20 kg and
produces an acceleration of 1 ms-2 moving with an initial velocity of
in an object of 1 gram mass. 10 ms-1 and 5 ms-1 respectively.
They are colliding with each other.
b. action and reaction is always acting After collision they are moving
on the same body. with velocities 12 ms-1 and 4 ms-1
5. The important use of cryogenics is respectively. The time of collision be
cryogenic fuels. What do you mean by .2 s. Then calculate F1 and F2.
cryogenic fuels? 2. a. Space stations are used to study the
6. Complete the table choosing right effects of long-space flight on the
terms from within the brackets. human body. justify.

horse rider falls b. F=G m1 m2 / d2 is the

A suddenly back mathematical form of Newton’s law
starts running wards of gravitation,
G - gravitational constant, m1
Fire man at a high B
m2, are the masses of two bodies
hose velocity separated by a distance d, then give
the statement of Newton’s law of
which gravitation.


amount of

(inertia of motion, large momentum,
acceleration, inertia of rest, high density)

7. As a matter of convention, an
anticlockwise moment is taken as
________ and a clockwise moment is
taken as ________.


1. a. Newton’s first law of motion gives a

qualitative definition of force. Justify.

b. The figure shown two bodies of

LAWS OF MOTION AND GRAVITATION Laws of motion and gravitation


Chapter 15
LAWS OF MOTION AND GRAVITATION Laws of motion and gravitation


Chapter 15
LAWS OF MOTION AND GRAVITATION Laws of motion and gravitation


Chapter 16
Chapter 16

Electricity and Energy Electricity and Energy

Chapter 16

torch we know that a battery provide flow

of charges or an electric current through a
torch bulb to glow. We have also seen that
it gives light only when it is switched on.
What does a switch do? A switch makes
a conducting link between the cell and the
Electricity has an important place in mod- bulb. A continuous and closed path of
ern society. It is a controllable and con- an electric current is called an electric
venient form of energy for variety of uses circuit. Now if the circuit is broken any-
in homes, schools, hospitals, industries where the current stops flowing and the
and so on. What constitutes electricity? bulb does not glow.
How does it flow in an electric circuit? How do we express electric current?
What are the factors that regulate elec- Electric current is expressed by the
tricity through an electric circuit?. In this amount of charge flowing through a
chapter we shall attempt to answer such particular area of cross section of a
questions. conductor in unit time. In other words it
is the rate of flow of electric charges. In
circuit using metallic wires, electrons con-
16.1. Electric current and stitute flow of charges. The direction of
circuit electric current is taken as opposite to the
We are familiar with air current and water direction of the flow of electrons.
current. We know that flowing water con- If a net charge Q, flows across any
stitute water current in rivers. Similarly if cross-section of a conductor in time t, then
the electric charge flows through a con- the current I through the cross-section is
ductor (metallic wire), we say that there is
an electric current in the conductor. In a
Electricity and Energy

The S.I unit of electric charge is cou- 16.2. Electric potential and
Electricity and Energy
lomb. This is equivalent to the charge potential difference
contained in nearly 6×1018 electrons.
The electric current is expressed by a What makes the electric charge to flow?
unit called ampere (A), named after the Let us consider the analogy of flow of wa-
French Scientist. ter. Charges do not flow in a copper wire
by themselves, just as water in a per-
From the above equation,
fectly horizontal tube does not flow. One
When Q = 1 C, t = 1s, I=1A. end of the tube is connected to a tank of
water. Now there is a pressure difference
When one coulomb of charge flows between the two ends of the tube. Water
in one second across any cross sec-
flows out of the other end of the tube. For
tion of a conductor, the current in it is
flow of charges in a conducting metallic
one ampere. An instrument called amme-
wire, the electrons move only if there is
ter is used to measure current in a circuit.
a difference of electric pressure-called
Example 16.1 potential difference-along the conductor.
This difference of potential may be pro-
A current of 0.75 A is drawn by a fila-
ment of an electric bulb for 10 minutes. duced by a battery, consisting of one or
Find the amount of electric charge that more electric cells. When the cell is con-
flows through the circuit. nected to a conducting circuit element,
the potential difference sets the charges
Solution: in motion in the conductor and produces
Given, I = 0.75 A, an electric current.
t = 10 minutes = 600 s We define the electric potential
We know, Q=I×t ­ ifference between two points in an
electric circuit carrying some current
= 0.75 A × 600 s
as the work done to move a unit charge
Q = 450 C from one point to the other.
The fig.16.1 shows a schematic Potential difference (V) between two
­diagram of an electric circuit comprising points = work done (W)/charge (Q).
battery, bulb, ammeter and a plug key.
V = W/Q

The S.I Unit of potential difference is volt

1 volt = 1joule/1coulomb
One volt is the potential difference
between two points in a current carry-
ing conductor when 1 joule of work is
done to move a charge of 1 coulomb
Fig 16.1
from one point to the other.

The potential difference is measured by Example 16.2.

Chapter 16
means of an instrument called voltmeter.
How much work is done in moving a
charge of 5 C across two points having a
16.3. Circuit diagram potential difference 10 V ?

The Schematic diagram, in which dif- Solution:

ferent components of the circuit are
Given charge, Q=5C
represented by the symbols conveniently
used, is called a circuit diagram. Conven- Potential difference, V = 10 V
tional symbols used to represent some of The amount of work done
the most commonly used electrical com- in moving the charge, W = V × Q
ponents are given in table 17.1. W = 10 V × 5 C
An electric 16.4. Ohm’s law
A battery or a
of cells
Plug key or
switch (open)
Plug key
or switch
A wire joint Is there a relationship between the poten-
tial difference across a conductor and the
Wires cross- current through it? .Let us explore with an
ing without activity.
Electric bulb
Activity 16.1
A resistor of
•• Set up a circuit as shown in fig 16.2.
resistane R consisting of a nichrome wire XY
Variable of length say 0.5m,an ammeter,
resistance or a Voltmeter and four cells of 1.5V
rheostat each.(Nichrome is an alloy of
Ammeter nickel, chromium, manganese and
iron metals).

Table 16.1.

Electricity and Energy

In this activity you will find the ratio V/I

Electricity and Energy
is a constant.
In 1827, a German Physicist George
Simon Ohm found out the relationship
between the current I flowing in a metal-
lic wire and the potential difference across
R its terminals.
Ohm’s law states that at constant
temperature the steady current (I) flow-
ing through a conductor is directly pro-
Fig 16.2 portional to the potential difference (V)
between its ends.
•• First use only one cell as the source
V∝ I
in the circuit. Note the reading in
the ammeter I, for the current and (or) V/I=constant.
reading of the voltmeter V for the
potential difference across the Example 16.3
nichrome wire XY in the circuit.
Tabulate them in the table given. How much current will an electric bulb
•• Next connect two cells in the circuit draw from a 220 V source, if the resist-
and note the respective readings ance of the bulb filament is 2200 Ω ?.
of the ammeter and voltmeter
for the values of current through Solution:
the nichrome wire and potential Given, V = 220 V
difference across the nichrome wire.
R = 2200 Ω
•• Repeat the above steps using
The current I = V/ R
three cells and then four cells in
the circuit separately. drawn,

•• Calculate the ratio of V to I for = 220 V / 2200 Ω

each pair of potential difference V = 0.1 A
and current I.

S.No Number of Current through Potential V/I

cells used in the nichrome wire difference across (volt/ampere)
the circuit I (ampere) the nichrome
wire. V (volt)


Example 16.4 current through it is 1ampere, then the re-

Chapter 16
sistance of the conductor is 1 ohm.
The potential difference between the
terminals of an electric heater is 60 V
when it draws a current of 5 A from the Activity 16.2
source. What current will the heater draw
•• Take a nichrome wire, a torch
if the potential difference is increased to
bulb, LED and an ammeter (0-5A
120 V? range), a plug key and some
connecting wires.
•• Set up the circuit by connecting
Given the potential V = 60 V four dry cells of 1.5V each in series
difference, with the ammeter leaving a gap XY
Current, I=5A in the circuit, as shown in fig. 16.3.
According to ohm’s law , R = V / I
= 60 V / 5 A = 12Ω
When the potential difference is
increased to 120 V the current is
given by
I = V/R = 120 V / 12 Ω
= 10 A
The current through
the heater becomes 10 A
Fig 16.3

16.5. Resistance of a •• Complete the circuit by connecting

conductor the nichrome wires in the gap
XY. Plug the key. Note down the
From Ohm’s law, we know ammeter reading. Take out the
key from the plug.
V = IR •• Replace the nichrome wire with
the torch bulb in the circuit and find
R is a constant for a given metallic wire the current through it by measuring
at a given temperature and is called its re- the reading of the ammeter.
sistance. It is the property of a conductor
•• Now repeat the above steps with
to resist the flow of charges through it. Its
the LED bulb in the gap XY.
S.I unit is ohm, represented by the Greek
letter Ω. •• Are the ammeters readings differ
for different components connected
R = V/I in the gap XY? What do the above
1ohm = 1volt/1ampere observations indicate?
If the potential difference across the
two ends of a conductor is 1volt and the
Electricity and Energy

V=V1+V2+V3 (1)
Electricity and Energy
•• You may repeat this activity by
keeping any material component It is possible to replace the three re-
in the gap. Observe the ammeter sistors joined in series by an equivalent
readings in each case. Analyse single resistor of resistance Rs such that
the observations. the potential difference V across it, and
•• In this activity we observe that the current I through the circuit remains
the current is different for different the same.
components. Why do that differ?
Applying ohm’s law to the entire circuit
.Certain components offer an easy
path for the flow of electric current we have
while the other resists the flow.
On applying ohm’s law to the three
16.6. System of resistors
separately we further have
In various electrical circuits we often use V1 = IR1
resistors in various combinations. There
are two methods of joining the resistors V2 = IR2
together. Resistors can be connected in and V3 = IR3
series or in parallel. Substituting these values
in equation (1)
Resistors in series
IR = IR1+IR2+IR3
Consider three resistors of resistances R1,
R2, R3 in series with a battery and a plug (or) Rs = R1+R2+R3
key as shown in fig 16.4.
When several resistors are connected
in series, the resistance of the combina-
tion Rs is equal to the sum of their indi-
vidual resistances R1, R2, R3 and is thus
greater than any individual resistance.

Example 16.5.
Two resistances 18 Ω and 6 Ω are con-
Fig.16.4 nected to a 6 V battery in series. Calculate
(a) the total resistance of the circuit, (b)
the current through the circuit.
The current through each resistor is
the same having a value I. The total po- Solution:
tential difference across the combination
of resistors in series is equal to the sum (a) Given the resistance, R1 = 18 Ω,
of potential difference across individual R2 = 6 Ω
resistors. That is,


The total resistance of the circuit RS= R1+R2 We have I=V/Rp

Chapter 16
RS = 18 Ω + 6 Ω
On applying ohm’s law to each resistor
RS = 24 Ω we have
(b) The potential difference across I1 = V/R1
the two terminals of the battery
I2 = V/R2
and I3 = V/R3
Now the current through the circuit,
I = V/ RS Substituting these values in equation (1)
= 6 V / 24 Ω V/Rp = V/R1+V/R2+V/R3
I = 0.25 A (or) 1/Rp = 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3
Resistors in parallel
Thus the reciprocal of the equivalent
Consider three resistors having resist-
resistance of a group of resistance joined
ances R1, R2, R3 connected in parallel.
in parallel is equal to the sum of the
This combination is connected with a bat-
reciprocals of the individual resistance.
tery and plug key as shown in Fig 16.5
In parallel combination the potential dif- Example 16.6
ference across each resistor is the same
having a value V. The total current I is Three resistances having the val-
ues5 Ω, 10 Ω, 30 Ω are connected parallel
with each other. Calculate the total circuit

Given, R1 = 5 Ω , R2 = 10 Ω ,
R3 = 30 Ω
These resistances are connected parallel
Therefore, 1 / Rp = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3
Fig 16.5
1 1 1 1 10
— = — + — + — = —
equal to the sum of the separate currents Rp 5 10 30 30
through each branch of the combination. 30
Rp = —
I = I1+I2+I3 (1) 10
Rp = 3 Ω
Let Rp be the equivalent resistance of
the parallel combination of resistors. By
applying ohm’s law to the parallel combi-
nation of resistors

Electricity and Energy

in the form of heat. This is known as heat

Electricity and Energy
16.7 Heating effect of
electric current ing effect of electric current. Heating effect
of electric current has many useful appli-
Activity 16.3 ances. The electric laundry iron, electric
•• Take an electric cell, a bulb, a toaster, electric oven and electric heater
switch and connecting wires. Make are some of the familiar devices which
an electric circuit as shown in fig uses this effect.
16.6. By pressing the key allow the
current to pass through the bulb.
•• The bulb gets heated when current
16.8. Joules law of heating
flows continuously for a long time Consider a current I flowing through a
(when the key is on). resistor of resistance R. Let the poten-
tial difference across it be V. Let t be
the time during which a charge Q flows
across. The work done in moving the
charge Q through the potential differ-
ence V is VQ. Therefore the source
must supply energy equal to VQ in time
t. Hence the power input to the circuit by
the source is
P= V (Q/t) = VI

or the energy supplied through the

Fig 16.6 circuit by the source in time t is P×t, that
is VIt. What happens to this energy ex-
pended by the source? This energy gets
dissipated in the resistor as heat. Thus for
We know that a battery is a source of elec-
a steady current I, the amount of heat H
trical energy. Its potential difference be-
produced in time t is
tween the two terminals sets the electrons
in motion to flow the current through the H=V It
resistor. To flow the current, the source
has to keep spending its energy. Where Applying ohm’s law we get H=I² Rt.
does this energy go? What happens when This is known as joules law of heat-
an electric fan is used continuously for ing. The law implies that heat produced
longer time? A part of the energy may be in a resistor is (1) directly proportional
consumed into useful work (like in rotat- to the square of current for a given re-
ing the blades of the fan). Rest of the en- sistance, (2) directly proportional to
ergy may be expended in heat to raise the the resistance for a given current, and
temperature of the gadget. If the electric (3) directly proportional to the time for
circuit is purely resistive, the source en- which the current flows through the
ergy continuously gets dissipated entirely resistor.

Example 16.7 tion, is called neutral wire (or negative). In

Chapter 16
our country, the potential differences be-
A potential difference 20 V is applied
tween the two are 220 V.
across a 4 Ω resistor. Find the rate of pro-
duction of heat. At the meter-board in the house,
these wires pass into an electricity meter
Solution: through a main fuse. Through the main
Given potential difference, V = 20 V switch they are connected to the line wires
in the house. These wires supply electric-
The resistance, R=4Ω
ity to separate circuits with in the house.
The time, t =1s Often, two separate circuits are used, one
According to ohm’s law, I =V/R of 15A current rating for appliances with
I = 20 V / 4 Ω higher power ratings such as geysers , air
coolers ,etc . The other circuit is of 5 A cur-
rent rating for bulbs, fans, etc. The earth
The rate of production H = I2RT wire which has insulation of green color is
of heat, usually connected to a metal plate deep
H = 52 × 4 × 1J in the earth near the house. This is used
H = 100 J as a safety measure, especially for those
appliances that have a metallic body, for
example, electric press, toaster, table fan,
16.9. Role of fuse refrigerator, etc. The metallic body is con-
A common application of joules heating nected to the earth wire, which provides
is the fuse used in electric circuits. It con- a low-resistance conducting path for the
sists of a piece of wire made of metal or current. Thus, it ensures that any leakage
an alloy (37% lead, 63% tin). It has high of current to the metallic body of the appli-
resistance and low melting point. The fuse ance keep its potential to that of the earth,
is connected in series with the device. and the user may not get a severe electric
During the flow of any unduly high electric shock.
current the fuse wire melts and protects Figure16.7 gives a schematic diagram
the circuits and appliances. of one of the common domestic circuits.
In each separate circuit, different appli-
ances can be connected across the live
16.10. D
 omestic electric and neutral wires. Each appliance has a
circuits separate switch to ‘ON’/‘OFF’ the flow of
In our homes, we receive supply of electric current through it. In order that each appli-
power through a main supply (also called ance has equal potential difference, they
mains), either supported through overhead are connected parallel to each other.
electric poles or by underground cables. Electric fuse is an important component
One of the wires in the supply, usually with of all domestic circuits. Over loading can
red insulation cover, is called live wire (or occur when the live wire and the neutral
positive). Another wire, with black insula- wire come onto direct contact. In such a

Electricity and Energy

as electric power.
Electricity and Energy
The power P is given by
(or) P=I² R = V²/R
The SI unit of electric power is watt
(W). It is the power consumed by a device
that carries 1 A of current when operated
at a potential difference of 1 V. Thus,
1 W=1 volt × 1 ampere =1 V A.
The unit watt is very small. Therefore,
in actual practice we use a much larger
Fig 16.7 unit called “kilowatt”. It is equal to 1000 watt
Since electric energy is the product of power
and time, the unit of electric energy is,
therefore, watt hour (Wh). One watt hour
is the energy consumed when one watt of
power is used for one hour. The commer-
cial unit of electric energy is kilowatt hour
(kWh), commonly known as ‘unit’.
1 kWh = 1000watt × 3600second
= 3.6×106 watt second
= 3.6 × 106 joule (J)

Example 16.8
An electric bulb is connected to a 220 V
generator. The current is 0.50 A. what is
situation the current in the circuit abruptly the power of the bulb?
increases. This is called short circuiting .
The use of an electric fuse prevents the
electric circuit and appliance from a possi- Electric generator
ble damage by stopping the flow of unduly voltage, V = 220 V
high electric current.
The current, I = 0.50 A
The power of the bulb, P = VI
16.11. Electric power = 220 x 0.50
We know already that the rate of doing P = 110 W
work is power. This is also the rate of con-
sumption of energy. This is also termed


Chapter 16
Example 16.9
An electric refrigerator rated 500 W
operates 8 hour / day. What is the cost of
the energy to operate it for 30 days at Rs
3.00 per kw h?

The total energy consumed by the re-
frigerator in 30 days would be
500 W × 8.0 hour / day × 30 days Fig 16.8
= 120000 Wh
= 120 kW h It is observed that lemon juice conduct
Thus the cost of energy to operate the
refrigerator for 30 days is 16.13. Electrolysis- electro
120 kWh x Rs 3.00per kWh chemical cells
= Rs 360
When the current is passed through
aqueous or molten solutions of inorganic
acids, bases and salts, the conduction
16.12. Chemical effect of of electricity is always accompanied by
electric current chemical decomposition of the solutions
Such solutions are called electrolytes
and the phenomenon of the conduction of
electricity through electrolytes and chemical
Activity 16.4 decomposition is called electrolysis.
•• Take out carbon rods carefully
from two discarded cells.
Electro chemical cell
•• Clean their metal caps with sand
paper. The cells in which the electrical energy
is derived from the chemical action are
•• Wrap copper wire around the metal called electrochemical cells.
caps of the carbon rods.
•• Connect these copper wires in
series with a battery and an LED.
•• Dip the carbon rods into lemon
juice taken in a plastic or rubber
•• Does the bulb glow? Voltaic cell consists of two electrodes,
one of copper and the other of zinc dipped
•• Does lemon juice conduct in a solution of dilute sulphuric acid in a
electricity? glass vessel. This is shown in Fig 16.9.

Electricity and Energy

16.14. Primary and secondary

Electricity and Energy

Primary cell
The cells from which the electric
energy is derived by irreversible chem-
Dilute H2So4 ical reaction are called primary cells.
Glass Vessel
The primary cell is capable of giving an
emf, when its constituents, two electrodes
and a suitable electrolyte, are assembled
Fig 16.9. together. The two main primary cells,
namely Daniel cell and Leclanche cell are
On connecting the two electrodes
discussed here. These cells cannot be re-
externally, with a piece of wire, current
charged electrically.
flows from copper to zinc outside the cell
and from zinc to copper inside it. The cop- 1. Daniel cell
per rod of the cell is the positive pole and
the zinc rod of the cell is negative pole. Daniel cell is a primary cell which can-
The electrolyte is dilute sulphuric acid. not supply steady current for a long time.
It consists of a copper vessel containing
The action of the cell is explained in a strong solution of copper sulphate (fig
terms of the motion of the charged ions. 16.10)
At the zinc rod, the zinc atoms get ion- A zinc rod is dipped in dilute sulphuric
ized and pass into solution as Zn++ ions. acid contained in a porous pot. The porous
This leaves the zinc rod with two electrons pot is placed inside the copper s­ulphate
more, making it negative. At the same time, solution.
two hydrogen ions (2H+) are discharged at
the copper rod, by taking these two elec-
trons. This makes the copper rod positive.
As long as excess electrons are available
on the zinc electrode, this process goes
on and a current flows continuously in ex-
ternal circuit. This simple cell is thus seen
as a device which converts chemical en-
ergy into electrical energy. Due to oppo-
site charges on the two plates, a potential
difference is set up between copper and Fig 16.10.
zinc, copper being at a higher potential
than zinc. The difference of potential be- The zinc rod reacting with dilute sul-
phuric acid produces Zn++ ions and 2
tween the two electrodes is 1.08V.

Zn++ ions pass through the pores of Zn++ +2NH4 Cl → 2NH3 + ZnCl2 + 2H+ + 2e-

Chapter 16
the porous pot and reacts with copper sul-
The ammonia gas escapes. The hy-
phate solution, producing Cu++ ions. The
drogen ions diffuse through the pores of
Cu++ ions deposit on the copper vessel.
the porous pot and react with manganese
When Daniel cell is connected in a circuit, dioxide. In this process the positive charge
the two electrons on the zinc rod pass of hydrogen ion is transferred to carbon
through the external circuit and reach the rod. When zinc rod and carbon rod are
copper vessel thus neutralizing the copper connected externally, the two electrons
ions. This constitutes an electric current from the zinc rod move towards carbon
from copper to zinc. Daniel cell produces and neutralize the positive charge. Thus
an emf of 1.08 volt. current flows from carbon to zinc. The emf
of the cell is about 1.5V and it can supply
2. Leclanche cell a current of 0.25A.
A Leclanche cell consists of a carbon
electrode packed in a porous pot containing Secondary cells
manganese dioxide and charcoal powder
The advantage of secondary cell is
(fig 16.11). that they are rechargeable. The chemi-
The porous pot is immersed in a sat- cal reactions that take place in secondary
urated solution of ammonium chloride cells are reversible. The active materials
(electrolyte) contained in an outer glass that are used up when the cell delivers
vessel. A zinc rod is immersed in electro- current can be reproduced by passing cur-
lytic solution. rent through the cell in opposite direction.
At the zinc rod, due to oxidation reac- The chemical process of obtaining current
from a secondary cell is called discharge.
The process of reproducing active mate-
rials is called charging. One of the most
commonly used secondary cell is lead
acid accumulator.

Lead-acid accumulator
The lead acid accumulator consists
of a container made up of hard rubber or
glass. The container contains dilute sul-
Fig 16.11 phuric acid which acts as the electrolyte.
Sponge lead (Pb) acts as the negative
electrode and lead oxide (PbO2) acts as
tion Zn atom is converted into Zn++ ions the positive electrode. The electrodes are
and 2 electrons. Zn++ ions reacting with separated by suitable insulating materials
ammonium chloride produces zinc chlo- and assembled in a way to give low inter-
ride and ammonia gas. nal resistance.

Electricity and Energy

When the cell is connected in the mostly to sound energy when it hit’s the
Electricity and Energy
circuit due to the oxidation reaction that ground. If we light a candle the chemical
takes place at the negative electrode, energy in the wax is converted to heat en-
spongy lead reacting with dilute sulphu- ergy and light energy on burning.
ric acid produces lead sulphate and two In these examples we see that energy,
electrons. The electrons flow in the exter- in the usable form is dissipated to the sur-
roundings in less usable forms. Hence any
source of energy we use to do work is con-
sumed and cannot be used again. We use
muscular energy for carrying out physical
work, electrical energy for running various
appliances, chemical energy for cooking
Fig 16.12 food or running a vehicle, all come from
a source. We should know how to select
nal circuit from negative electrode to posi- the source needed for obtaining energy in
tive electrode where the reduction action its usable form, and then only it will be a
takes place. And the positive electrode, useful source.
lead oxide on reaction with sulphuric acid
produces lead sulphate and the two elec- A good source of energy would be one
trons are neutralized in this process. This •• Which would do a large amount of
makes the conventional current to flow work per unit volume of mass?
from positive electrode to negative elec- •• Be easily accessible.
trode in the external circuit.
•• Be easy to store and transport and
The emf of a freshly charged cell is
2.2V and the specific gravity of the elec- •• Perhaps most importantly be
trolyte is 1.28. The cell has low internal
resistance and hence can deliver high cur-
rent. As the cell is discharged by drawing 16.15.1 Conventional-sources of
current about the emf falls to about 2volts. energy
In the process of charging the chemical
reactions are reversed. 1. Fossil fuels
In ancient time’s wood was the most
16.15  Sources of energy
common source of energy. The energy of
Energy comes from different forms and flowing water and wind was also used for
one can be converted to another. If energy limited activities. Can you think of some
can neither be created nor be destroyed. of these uses? The exploitation of coal
we should be able to perform endless ac- as a source of energy made the industrial
tivities without thinking about energy re- revolution possible. Industrialisation has
sources. But we hear so much about the caused the global demand for energy to
energy crises. What is the reason? grow at a tremendous rate. The growing
If we drop a plate from a height, the demand for energy was largely met by the
potential energy of the plate is converted fossil fuels, coal and petroleum. These fu-

els were formed over millions of years ago

Chapter 16
and there are only limited reserves. The •• Connect a bulb in series.
fossil fuels are non-renewable sources •• Direct a jet of water or steam
of energy. So we need to conserve them. produced in a pressure cooker at
If we were to continue consuming these the fins (Fig.16.13)
sources at such alarming rates we would
soon run out of the energy. In order to
avoid this alternate source of energy were
Burning fossil fuels has other disad-
vantages like air pollution, acid rain and
production of green house gases.

Activity 16.5
•• Take a table-tennis ball and make
three slits into it.
•• Put semicircular fins cut out of a
metal sheet into these slits.
•• Pivot the tennis ball on an axle
through its center with a straight
metal wire fixed to a ri gid support.
Ensure that the tennis ball rotates
freely about the axle.
•• Now connect a cycle dynamo to
this. Fig. 16.13

can be used to run the turbine and gener-

This is our turbine for generating elec- ate electricity in the following sections.
tricity. The simplest turbines have one
moving part, a rotor-blade assembly. The 2. Thermal power plant
moving fluid acts on the blades to spin Large amount of fossil fuels are burnt
them and impart energy to the rotor. Thus,
everyday in power stations to heat up
we see that basically we need to move
water to produce steam which further
the fan, the rotor blade with speed which
would turn the shaft to the dynamo and runs the turbine to generate electricity.
convert the mechanical energy into elec- The transmission of electricity is more
trical energy-the form of energy which has efficient than transporting coal or petro-
become a necessity in today’s life. The leum over the same distance. Therefore,
various ways in which this can done de- many thermal power plants are set up
pends upon availability of the resource. near coal or oil fields. The term thermal
We will see how various sources of energy
power plant is used since fuel is burnt to

Electricity and Energy

produce heat energy which is converted of fuel. Since these fuels are plant and
Electricity and Energy
into electrical energy. animal products, the source of these fuels
is set to be bio-mass. These fuels, how-
3. Hydro power plants ever, do not produce much heat on burn-
Another traditional source of energy
was the kinetic energy of flowing water or
the potential energy of water at a height.
Hydro power plants convert the poten-
tial energy of falling water into electricity.
Since there are very few water falls which
could be used as a source of potential
energy, hydro power plants are associ-
ated with dams. In the last century, a large Fig. 16.14
number of dams were built all over the
world. As we can see ,a quarter of our en- ing and a lot of smoke is given out when
ergy requirements in India is met by hydro they are burnt. Therefore, technological
power plants. In order to produce hydro inputs to improve the efficiency of these
electricity, high-rise dams are constructed fuels are necessary. When wood is burnt
on the river to obstruct the flow of water in a limited supply of oxygen, water and
and there by collect water in larger res- volatile materials present in it get removed
ervoirs. The water level rises and in this and charcoal is left behind as the residue.
process the kinetic energy of flowing wa- Charcoal burns without flames, is com-
ter gets transformed into potential energy. paratively smokeless and has higher heat
The water from the high level in the dam generation efficiency.
is carried through the pipes, to the turbine, Similarly, cow-dung, various plant ma-
at the bottom of the dam. since the wa- terials like the residue after harvesting the
ter in the reservoir would be refilled each crops, vegetable wastes and sewage are
time it rains(hydro power is a renewable decomposed in the absence of oxygen to
source of energy) we would not have to give bio-gas. Since the starting material is
worry about hydro electricity sources get- mainly cow-dung, it is popularly known as
ting used up the way fossil fuels would get ‘go bar-gas’. The ‘go bar-gas’ plant struc-
finished one day. ture is shown in fig 16.15.

4. Bio-mass
We mentioned earlier that wood has
been used as a fuel for a long time. If we
can ensure that enough trees are planted,
a continuous supply of fire-wood can be
assured. You must also be familiar with
the use of cow-dung cakes as a fuel.
Given the large-stock published in India,
this can also assure us a steady source Fig. 16.15


5. Wind energy Wind energy is a environment-friendly

Chapter 16
and efficient source of renewable en-
The kinetic energy of the wind can
ergy. It requires no recurring expenses
be used to do work. This energy was
for the production of electricity. The wind
harnessed by wind mills in the past to
speed should be higher than 15 km per
do mechanical work. For example, in a
hour to maintain the required speed of
water-lifting pump, the rotatory motion
the turbine.
of windmill is utilized to lift water from a
well. Today, wind energy is also used to
generate electricity. A wind mill essentially 16.15.2 Non-conventional
consists of a structure similar to a large sources of energy
electric fan that is erected at some height
on a rigid support. Activity 16.6
•• Find out from your grand-parents
or other elders
(a) How did they go to school?
(b) How did they get water for their
daily needs when they were
(c)  What means of entertainment
did they use?
•• Compare the above answers with
how you do these tasks now.
•• Is there a difference? If yes, in
which case more energy from
external sources is consumed?

Fig. 16.16
Our life-styles are changing; we use ma-
chines to do more and more of our tasks.
To generate electricity, the rotatory Therefore our demand for the energy in-
motion of the windmill is used to turn the creases. We need to look for more and
turbine of the electric generator. The out- more sources of energy. We could develop
put of a single windmill is quiet small and the technology to use the available sources
cannot be used for commercial purposes. of energy more efficiently and also look to
Therefore, a number of windmills are new sources of energy. We shall now look
erected over a large area, which is known at some of the latest sources of energy.
as wind energy farm. The energy output
of each windmill in a farm is coupled to- 1. Solar energy
gether to get electricity on a commercial
The sun has been radiating an enor-
mous amount of energy at the present
rate for nearly 5 billion years and will

Electricity and Energy

continue radiating at that rate for about ing mirrors to focus the rays of the sun. solar
Electricity and Energy
5 billion years more. Only a small part cookers are covered with a glass plate.
of solar energy reaches the outer layer
of the earth atmosphere. Nearly half of Activity 16.8
it is absorbed while passing through the
•• Study the structure and working
atmosphere and the rest reaches the
of a solar cooker or a solar water-
earth’s surface. heater, particularly with regard to
how it is insulated and maximum
Activity 16.7 heat absorption is ensured.
•• Take two conical flasks and paint •• Design and built a solar cooker
one white and the other black. Fill or water-heater using low-cost
both with water. material available and check what
•• Place the conical flask in direct temperature are achieved in your
sunlight for half an hour to one solar system.
hour. •• Discuss what would be the
•• Touch the conical flasks. Which advantages and limitations of
one is hotter? You could also using the solar cooker or water-
measure the temperature of the heater.
water in the two conical flasks with
a thermometer.
•• Can you think of ways in which These devices are useful only at certain
this finding could be used in your times during the day. This limitation of us-
daily life? ing solar energy is overcome by using solar
cells that convert solar energy into electric-
ity. A large number of solar cells are com-
A black surface absorbs more heat than
bined in a arrangement called solar cell
any other surface under identical conditions.
panel that can deliver enough electricity for
Sun rays being
Glass Solar cell

Fig 16.17

Solar cookers and solar water heaters use

this property in their working. Some solar
cookers achieve a higher temperature by us-
Fig 16.18


practical use. The principal advantages as- diations from the salt were capable of ion-

Chapter 16
sociated with solar cells are that they have izing a gas. The current produced due to
no moving part, require little maintenances. the ions was taken as a measure of activ-
Another advantage is that they can be set ity of the compound.
up in remote areas in which laying of power A few years later Madame Marie Curie
transmission line may be expensive. and her husband Pierre Curie discovered
the highly radioactive elements radium
16.15.3 Nuclear energy and polonium. The activity of the mate-
How is nuclear energy generated? In a rial has been shown to be the result of
process called nuclear fission, the nucleus the three different kinds of radiations,α,
of a heavy atom (such as uranium, pluto- β, and γ.
nium or thorium), when bombarded with The phenomenon of spontaneous
low-energy neutrons, can be split apart emission of highly penetrating radiations
into lighter nuclei. When this is done, a such as α, β, and γ rays by heavy elements
tremendous amount of energy is released having atomic number greater than 82 is
if the mass of the original nucleus is just a called radioactivity and the substances
little more than the sum of the masses of which emit these radiations are called ra-
the individual products. The fission of an dioactive elements.
atom or uranium, for example, produces
The radioactive phenomenon is spon-
10 million times the energy produced by
taneous and is unaffected by any external
the combustion of an atom of carbon from
agent like temperature, pressure, electric
coal. In a nuclear reactor designed for
and magnetic fields etc.
electric power generation sustained fis-
sion chain reaction releases energy in a
controlled manner and the released en- 16.15.5 Nuclear fission and
ergy can be used to produce steam and nuclear fusion
further generate electricity.
1. Nuclear fission

16.15.4 Radioactivity In 1939, German scientists Otto Hahn

and Strassman discovered that when ura-
nium nucleus is bombarded with a neu-
tron, it breaks up into two fragments of
comparable masses with the release of
The process of breaking up of the
The phenomenon of radioactivity was dis- nucleus of a heavier atom into two frag-
covered by Henri Becquerel in 1896. He ments with the release of large amount
found that a photographic plate wrapped of energy is called nuclear fission. The
in a black paper was affected by certain fission is accompanied of the release of
penetrating radiations emitted by uranium neutrons. The fission reactions with 92 U235
salt. Rutherford showed later that the ra- are represented as

Electricity and Energy

U235 + 0n1 → 56Ba141 + 36Kr92 +30n1 + 200 Me V of light nuclei in an uncontrolled manner.
Electricity and Energy

In the above example the fission re- This releases enormous amount of heat
action is taking place with the release of energy. This is the hydrogen bomb.
3 neutrons and 200 Million electron volt The fusion reaction in the hydrogen
energy. bomb is

H2 + 1H3 → 2 He4 + 0n1 + Energy

Example: 16.10
Calculate the energy produced when
1 kg of substance is fully converted into

Energy produced, E = mc2
Mass, m = 1 kg
Velocity of light, c = 3×108 m s-1
E = 1×(3×108 )2
Fig 16.19
E = 9 × 1016 J
2. Nuclear fusion
Nuclear fusion is a process in which 16.15.6 Nuclear Reactivity
two or more lighter nuclei combine to Advantantages
form a heavier nucleus. The mass of Nuclear reactivity is a measure of the de-
the product is always less than the sum parture of a reactor from criticality. It is a
of the masses of the individual lighter useful concept to predict how the neutron
nuclei. According to Einstein’s mass en- population of a reactor will change over
ergy relation E = mc2, the difference in time.
mass is converted into energy. The fu-
sion process can be carried out only at If a reactor is exactly critical that is, the
a extremely high temperature of the or- neutron production is exactly equal to the
der of 107 K because, only at these very neutron destruction, then the reactivity is
high temperatures the nuclei are able to zero. If the reactivity is positive, then the
overcome their mutual repulsion. There- reactor is super critical. If the reactivity is
fore before fusion, the lighter nuclei must negative, then the reactor is sub critical.
have their temperature raised by several
million degrees. The nuclear fusion reac- 16.15.7 Hazards of nuclear
tions are known as thermo nuclear reac- energy
tions. When γ-ray or any high energy particle
A suitable assembly of neutron and passes through human beings, it disrupts
deuteron and triton is arranged at the the entire normal functioning of the biolog-
sight of the explosion of the atom bomb. ical system and the effect may be either
Favorable temperature initiates the fusion pathological or genetic.

The biological effects of nuclear radia-

Chapter 16
tion can be divided into three groups

(1) Short term recoverable effects

(2) Long term irrecoverable effects and
(3) Genetic effect
The extent to which the human or-
ganism is damaged depends upon (1)the
dose and the rate at which the radiation is
given and (2) the part of the body exposed
to it. Fig 16.20
using remote control system.
Smaller doses of radiation exposure
produce short term effects such as skin (v) Clean up contamination in the work
disorder and loss of hair. area promptly.

If the exposure is 100 R*, it may cause

diseases like leukemia (death of red blood
corpuscle in the blood) or cancer. When
Energy from seas
the body is exposed to about 600R, ulti- 1. Tidal energy
mately it causes death. Safe limit of re-
ceiving the radiation is about 250 milli Due to the gravitational pull of mainly the
roentgen per week. moon on the spinning earth, the level of
the water in the sea rises and falls. If you
The genetic damage is still worse. The live near the sea or ever travel to some
radiation causes injury to genes in the re- place near the sea, try and observe how
productive cells. This gives rise to muta- the sea-level changes during the day. The
tions which pass on from generation to phenomenon is called high and low tides
generation. and the difference in sea-levels gives us
The following precautions are to be
taken for those, who are working in radia-
tion laboratories.

(i) Radioactive materials are kept in

thick-walled lead container.
(ii) Lead aprons and lead gloves are
used while working in hazardous
(iii) A small micro-film badge is always
worn by the person and it is checked
periodically for the safety limit of
(iv) Nuclear devices can be operated Fig 16.21

Electricity and Energy

tidal energy. Tidal energy is harnessed by

Electricity and Energy
constructing a dam across a narrow open-
ing to the sea. A turbine fixed at the open-
ing of the dam converts tidal energy to
electricity. As you can guess, the locations
where such dams can be built are limited.

2. Wave energy
Similarly, the kinetic energy possessed
by huge waves near the sea-shore can be
trapped in a similar manner that gener-
ates electricity. The waves are generated
by strong winds blowing across the sea.
Wave energy would be a viable proposi- Fig 16.22
tion only where waves are very strong.
A wide variety of devices has been devel-
oped to trap wave energy for rotation of
turbine and production of electricity.

3. Ocean thermal energy

The water at the surface of the sea or
ocean is heated by the sun while the wa- PART – A
ter in deeper sections is relatively cooled. Choose the best answer.
This difference in temperature is exploited 1. The potential difference required to
to obtain energy in ocean-thermal-energy pass a current 0.2 A in a wire of resistance
conversion plants. These plans can oper- 20 ohm is _________.
ate if the temperature difference between (100 V, 4 V, 0.01 V, 40 V)
the water at the surface and water at 2. Two electric bulbs have resistances in
depths up to 2 kilometers is 293 K (20° C) the ratio 1 : 2. If they are joined in series,
or more . The warm surface-water is used the energy consumed in these are in the
to boil a volatile liquid like ammonia. The ratio _________.
vapors of liquid then used to run the tur- (1 : 2, 2 : 1, 4 : 1, 1 : 1)
bine of generator. The cooled water from 3. Kilowatt-hour is the unit of
the depth of the ocean is pumped up and __________.
condense vapor again to liquid. (potential difference, electric pow-
The energy potential from the sea (tidal er, electric energy, charge)
energy, wave energy and ocean thermal 4. ________ surface absorbs more heat
energy) is quiet large, but efficient com- than any other surface under identical
mercial exploitation is difficult. conditions.
(White, rough, black, yellow
5. The atomic number of natural radioac-
tive element is _________.


(greater than 82, less than 82,

Chapter 16
not defined, atleast 92) What would be the values of V / I ratios
PART – B when the potential difference is 0.8 V and
1. From the following statements write 1.2 V.
down that which does not represent ohm’s 7. You know that γ – rays are harmful ra-
law. diations emitted by natural radio active
a. current / potential difference = constant substances.
b. potential difference / current = constant a) Which are other radiations from such
c. current = resistance x potential differ- substances?
ence b) Tabulate the following statements as ap-
2. Fill in the blanks plicable to each of the above radiations
Potential difference : voltmeter, then: They are electromagnetic radiation.
current __________. They have high penetrating power.
3. In the list of sources of energy given They are electrons.
below, some of them are wrong. List out They contain neutrons.
the wrong ones. 8. Observe the circuit given below and find
(Wind energy, solar energy, hydro the resistance across AB.
electric power, nuclear energy, tidal en-
ergy, wave energy, geo-thermal energy.)
4. Correct the mistakes, if any, in the fol-
lowing statements.
a. A good source of energy would be one
which would do a small amount of work
per unit volume of mass.
b. Any source of energy we use to do work
is consumed and can be used again.
5. The schematic diagram, in which dif- 9. Draw the schematic diagram of an
ferent components of the circuit are repre- electric circuit consisting of a battery of
sented by the symbols conveniently used, two cells of 1.5V each, three resistance of
is called a circuit diagram. What do you 5 ohm, 10 ohm and 15 ohm respectively
mean by the term components? and a plug key all connected in series.
6. Following graph was plotted between V 10. Fuse wire is made up of an alloy of
and I values. ___________ which has high resistance
and _______.
11. Complete the table choosing the

+ ve electrode Danial cell _____A_____

- ve electrode Lechlechne cell _____B_____

right terms from within the brackets.

(zinc, copper, carbon, lead, leadoxide,


17.1 M
 agnetic field and
magnetic lines of force
We are familiar with the fact that a com-
pass needle gets deflected when brought
near a bar magnet. Why does a compass
needle get deflected?

Activity 17.1 Fig 17.1

•• Fix a sheet of white paper on
a drawing board using some The iron fillings arrange themselves in
adhesive material. a pattern as shown in Fig 17.1. Why do
the iron fillings arrange in such a pattern?
•• Place a bar magnet in the centre
What does this pattern demonstrate? The
of it.
magnet exerts its influence in the region
•• Sprinkle some iron fillings uniformly surrounding it. Therefore the iron fillings
around the bar magnet (Fig 17.1). experience a force. The force thus exerted
•• A salt-Sprinkler may be used for makes iron fillings to arrange in a pattern.
this purpose. The region surrounding the magnet, in
•• Now tap the board gently. which the force of the magnet can be de-
tected, is said to have a magnetic field.
•• What do you observe? The lines along which the iron fillings align
themselves represent magnetic lines of
Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

Activity 17.2
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

•• Take a small compass and a bar

•• Place the magnet on a sheet of
white paper fixed on a drawing
board, using some adhesive
•• Mark the boundary of the Fig 17.2
•• Place the compass near the
north pole of the magnet. How
does it behave? The south pole
of the needle points towards
the north pole of the magnet.
The north pole of the compass
is directed away from the north
pole of the magnet.
•• Mark the position of two ends of
the needle.
•• Now move the needle to a new
position such that its south Fig 17.3
occupies the position previously Magnetic field is a quantity that has
occupied by its north pole.
both magnitude and direction. The direc-
•• In this way, proceed step by step tion of the magnetic field is taken to be the
till you reach the south pole of direction in which a north pole of the com-
the magnet as shown
pass needle moves inside it. Therefore it
•• Join the points marked on the is taken by convention that the field lines
paper by a smooth curve. This emerge from the north pole and merge at
curve represents a field line.
the south pole as shown in Fig 17.3. Inside
•• Repeat the above procedure and the magnet, the direction of field lines is
draw as many lines as you can. from its south pole to its north pole. Thus
You will get a pattern shown in
the magnetic field lines are closed curves.
Fig 17.2.These lines represent
No two field-lines are found to cross each
the magnetic field around the
magnet. These are known as other.
magnetic field lines.
•• Observe the deflection of the
compass needle as you move it
along the field line. The deflection
increases as the needle is moved
towards the pole.


19.2 M
 agnetic field due to cur- X), you will see that the needle moves in

Chapter 17
rent carrying conductor opposite direction, that is towards the west.
It means that the direction of magnetic field
produced by the electric current depends
Activity 17.3 upon the direction of flow of current.
•• Take a straight thick copper wire
and place it between the points 17.2.1 Magnetic field due to
X and Y in an electric circuit, as current carrying straight
shown in Fig.17.4. The wire XY is conductor
kept perpendicular to the plane of
the paper. What determines the pattern of the mag-
netic field generated by current through a
•• Horizontally place a small compass conductor? Does the pattern depend on
near this copper wire. See the
the shape of the conductor? We shall in-
position of its needle.
vestigate this with an activity.
•• Pass the current through the circuit
by inserting the key into the plug. Activity 17.4
•• Observe the change in the position •• Take a battery (12 V), a variable
of the compass needle and the resistance (rheostat), an ammeter
direction of deflection. (0-5A), a plug key, and a long
straight thick copper wire.
•• Replace the cell connection in
the circuit so that the direction •• Insert the thick wire through the
of the current in the copper wire centre, normal to the plane of a
changes. rectangular cardboard. Take care
that the cardboard is fixed and
•• Observe the change in the direction does not slide up or down.
of deflection of the needle.
•• Connect the copper wire vertically
between the points X and Y, as
shown in Fig 17.5(a), in series with
the battery, a plug key, ammeter
and a rheostat.
•• Sprinkle some iron fillings uniformly
on the cardboard. (you may use a
salt sprinkler for this purpose).
Fig 17.4 •• Keep the variable of the rheostat
at a fixed position and note the
In this activity we have seen that electric current through the ammeter.
current through a metallic conductor pro-
duces a magnetic field around it. If the •• Close the key so that the current
flows through the wire. Ensure that
current flows in one direction (from X to
the copper wire placed between the
Y), the north pole of the compass needle
points X and Y remains vertically
would move towards the east. If the cur- straight.
rent flows in opposite direction (from Y to
Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

What happens to the deflection of the

•• Gently tap the cardboard a few compass needle placed at a given point if
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

times. Observe the pattern of the the current in the copper wire is changed?
iron fillings. You would find that We find that the deflection in the needle
the iron fillings align themselves
also changes. In fact, if the current is in-
showing a pattern of concentric
creased, the deflection also increases. It
circles around the copper wire, Fig
17.5(b). indicates that the magnitude of the mag-
netic field produced at a given point in-
•• What do these concentric circles creases as the current through the wire,
represent? They represent the increases.
magnetic field lines.
What happens to the deflection of the
•• How can the direction of the
needle if the compass is moved from the
magnetic field be found? Place a
compass at a point (say P) over a copper wire but the current through the
circle. Observe the direction of the wire remains the same? To see this, now
needle. The direction of the north place the compass at a farther point from
pole of the compass needle would the conducting wire. What change do you
give the direction of the field lines observe? We see that the deflection in
produced by the electric current the needle decreases. Thus the magnetic
through the straight wire at point field produced by the given current in the
P. Show the direction by an arrow. conductor decreases as the distance from
•• Does the direction of magnetic field it increases. From Fig.17.5 (b), it can be
lines get reversed if the direction of noticed that the concentric circles repre-
current through the straight copper senting the magnetic field around a cur-
wire is reversed? Check it. rent-carrying straight wire become larger
and larger as we move away from it.

17.2.2 M
 agnetic field due
to current carrying
circular loop
We have so far observed the pattern of
the magnetic field lines produced around
a current-carrying straight wire. Suppose
this straight wire is bent in the form of a
circular loop and current is passed through
it, how would the magnetic field lines look

Fig 17.5


Chapter 17
Activity 17.5



Fig 17.6

•• Take a rectangular cardboard

having two holes. Insert a circular Fig 17.7
coil having large number of turns
through them, normal to the plane By the time we reach the centre of
of the cardboard. the circular loop, the arcs of these big cir-
•• Connect the ends of the coil in cles would appear as straight lines. Every
series with a battery, a key and point on the wire carrying current would
rheostat, as shown in Fig 17.6. give rise to the magnetic field appearing
as straight lines at the centre of the loop.
•• Sprinkle iron fillings uniformly on
Every section of the wire contributes to the
the cardboard.
magnetic field lines in the same direction
•• Plug the key. with in the loop.
•• Tap the cardboard gently a few We know that the magnetic field pro-
times. Note the pattern of the duced by a current- carrying conductor at
iron fillings that emerges on the a given point, depends directly on the cur-
rent passing through it. Therefore, if there
is a circular coil having n turns, the field
produced is n times as large as produced
We know that the magnetic field pro- by a single turn. This is because the cur-
duced by a current- carrying straight wire rent in each circular turn has the same di-
depends inversely on the distance from it. rection, and the field due to each turn then
Similarly at every point of a current-car- just adds up.
rying circular loop, the concentric circles
representing the magnetic field around it
becomes larger and larger as we move
17.3 F
 orce on a current
away from the wire (Fig 17.7). carrying conductor in
a magnetic field
We know that an electric current flowing

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

through a conductor produces a magnetic be demonstrated through the following

field. The field so produced exerts a force activity.
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

on a magnet placed in the vicinity of a

conductor. French scientist Andre Marie
Ampere suggested that the magnet must
also exert an equal and opposite force on
the current carrying conductor. The force
due to a current carrying conductor can

Activity 17.6
•• Take a small aluminium rod AB of
about 5 cm. using two connecting
wires suspend it horizontally from
a stand as shown in Fig 17.8. Fig 17.8
•• place a horse-shoe magnet in such The displacement of the rod in the
a way that the rod lies between above activity suggests that a force is ex-
two poles with the magnetic field erted on the current- carrying aluminium
directed upwards. For this put the rod when it is placed on a magnetic field.
North Pole of the magnet vertically It also suggests that the direction of force
below and South Pole vertically
is also reversed when the direction of cur-
above the aluminium rod.
rent through the conductor is reversed.
•• Connect the aluminium rod in Now change the direction of field to ver-
series with a battery, a key and a tically downwards by interchanging the
rheostat. two poles of the magnet. It is once again
•• Now pass a current through the observed that the direction of force acting
aluminium rod from end B to A. on the current-carrying rod gets reversed.
•• What do you observe? It is It shows that the direction of force on the
observed that the rod is displaced conductor depends upon the direction of
towards the left. You will notice current and the direction of magnetic field.
that the rod gets displaced. Experiments have shown that the dis-
placement of the rod is largest when the
•• Reverse the direction of current
flowing through the rod and observe direction of current is at right angles to the
the direction of its displacement. It direction of magnetic field.
is now towards the right.
•• Why does the rod get displaced? 17.3.1 Fleming left hand rule
We considered that the direction of the
current and that of the magnetic field per-
pendicular to each other and found that
the force is perpendicular to both of them.


The three directions can be illustrated S1 and S2 touch two conducting stationary

Chapter 17
through a simple rule, called Fleming’s left brushes B1 and B2, respectively.
hand rule.(Fig 17.9).

Fig 17.9

Stretch the thumb, fore finger and

middle finger of your left hand such Fig 17.10
that they are mutually perpendicular.
If the forefinger points in the direction Current in the coil ABCD enters from
of magnetic field and the middle finger the source battery through conducting
points in the direction of current, then brush B1 and flows back to the battery
the thumb will point in the direction of through brush B2. Notice that the current in
motion or the force acting on the con- arm AB of the coil flows from A to B. In arm
ductor. CD it flows from C to D, that is, opposite
to the direction of current through arm AB.
On applying Fleming’s left hand rule for
17.4 Electric motor the direction of force on a current-carry-
An electric motor is a rotating device that ing conductor in a magnetic field. We find
converts electrical energy in to mechani- that the force acting on arm AB pushes it
cal energy. Do you know how an electric downwards while the force acting on arm
motor works? CD pushes it upwards. Thus the coil and
the axle, mounted free to turn about an
An electric motor, as shown in Fig axis, rotate anti-clockwise. At half rotation
17.10, consists of a rectangular coil ABCD S makes contact with the brush B and
of insulated copper wire. The coil is placed S2 with brush B . Therefore the current1
between two poles of a magnetic field such the 2 2
coil gets reversed and flows along the
that the arm AB and CD are perpendicular path DCBA. A device that reverses the di-
to the direction of magnetic field. The ends rection of flow of current through a circuit
of the coil are connected to the two halves is called a commutator. In electric motors,
S1 and S2 of a split ring. The inner side the split ring acts as a commutator. The
of these halves insulated and attached to reversal of current also reverses the direc-
an axle. The external conducting edges of tion of force acting on the two arms AB
and CD. Thus the arm AB of the coil that

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

was earlier pushed down is now pushed conductor to move. Now let us imagine a
up and the arm CD previously pushed up situation in which a conductor is moving
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

is now pushed down. Therefore the coil inside a magnetic field or a magnetic field
and the axle rotate half a turn more in the is changing around a fixed conductor.
same direction. The reversing of the cur- What will happen? To observe this effect,
rent is repeated at each half rotation, giv- let us perform the following activity.
ing rise to a continuous rotation of the coil
and to the axle.
The commercial motors use (i) an elec- Activity 17.7
tro magnet in place of permanent magnet; A B
(ii) large number of turns of the conduct-
ing wire in the current-carrying coil, and N S
(iii) a soft iron core on which the coil is
wound . The soft iron core, on which the
coil is wound, plus the coils, is called an
armature. This enhances the power of the
motor. G

17.5. E
 lectromagnetic Fig 17.11
•• Take a coil of wire AB having a
Faraday in1831 discovered that an elec- large number of turns.
tro motive force is produced in a circuit
•• Connect the ends of the coil to
whenever the magnetic flux linked with a
a galvanometer as shown in
coil changes. He showed that emf is gen-
erated in a conductor when ever there is
a relative motion between the conduc- •• Take a strong bar magnet and
tor and a magnetic field. Then emf f pro- move its north pole towards the
duced in this way is called an induced end B of the coil. Do you find
any change in the galvanometer
emf and the phenomenon is known as
electro magnetic induction. The induced
emf will cause a current to flow through •• There is a momentary deflection
the conductor. Such a current is known as in the needle of the galvanometer,
induced current .Faraday made an impor- say to the right. This indicates the
tant break through by discovering how a presence of a current in the coil
AB. The deflection becomes zero,
magnet can be used to generate electric
the moment the motion of the
magnet stops.
17.5.1. Faraday’s Experiments •• Now withdraw the north pole of the
magnet away from the coil. Now the
We know that when a current-carrying galvanometer is deflected toward
conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it the left, showing that the current is
experiences a force. This force causes the

Chapter 17
now setup in the direction opposite •• Connect the coil -1, having large
to the first. number of turns, in series with
a battery and a plug key. Also
•• Place the magnet stationary at the
connect the other coil-2 with a
point near to the coil, keeping its
galvanometer as shown.
north pole toward the end B of the
coil. We see that the galvanometer •• Plug in the key. Observe the
needle deflects towards the right galvanometer. Is there a deflection
when the coil is moved towards the in its needle? You will observe that
north pole of the magnet. Similarly the needle of the galvanometer
the needle moves toward left when instantly jumps to one side and
the coil is moved away. just as quickly returns to zero,
indicating a momentary current in
•• When the coil is kept stationary
with respect to the magnet, the
deflection of the galvanometer •• Disconnect coil-1 from the battery.
drops to zero. What do you You will observe that the needle
conclude from this activity? momentarily moves, but to the
opposite side. It means that now
the current flows in the opposite
You can also check that if you have direction in coil-2.
moved South Pole of the magnet towards
the end B of the coil, the deflections in
the galvanometer would just be opposite
to the previous case. When the coil and
the magnet are both stationary, there is no
deflection in the galvanometer. It is thus
clear that motion of a magnet with respect
to the coil produces an induced electro-
motive force, which sets up an induced Fig 17.12
electric current in the circuit.
Let us now perform a different activity In this activity we observe that as soon
in which the moving magnet is replaced by as the current in coil-1 reaches either a
a current-carrying coil and the current in steady value or zero, the galvanometer
the coil can be varied. in coil-2 shows no deflection. From these
observations we conclude that a potential
Activity 17.8 difference is induced in coil-2 when ever
•• Two different coils of copper wire the current through the coil-1 is changing.
having large number of turns (say Coil-1 is called the primary coil and coil-2
50 and 100 turns respectively). is called the secondary coil. As the current
Insert them over a non conducting in the first coil changes, the magnetic field
cylindrical roll as shown in associated with it also changes. Thus the
fig.17.12. magnetic field lines around the second-
ary coil also change. Hence the change
Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

in magnetic field lines associated with the net. Let us say the coil ABCD is rotated
secondary coil is the cause of induced clockwise. By applying Fleming’s right-
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

electric current in it. The direction of the hand rule the induced currents are setup
induced current can be found using Flem- in these arms along the directions AB and
ing’s right hand rule. CD. Thus an induced current flows in the
direction ABCD. If there are large numbers
Stretch the thumb, forefinger and mid-
of turns in the coil, the current generated
dle finger of right hand so that they are
in each turn adds up to give a large cur-
perpendicular to each other. If the forefin-
rent through the coil. This means that the
ger indicates the direction of the magnetic
current in the external circuit flows from B2
field and the thumb shows the direction of
to B1.
motion of conductor, then the middle fin-
ger will show the direction of induced cur-
rent. B C

17.6. Electric Generator

The phenomenon of electro magnetic in- N S
duction is employed to produce large cur-
rents for use in homes and industry. In an B1
electric generator, mechanical energy is B2
used to rotate a conductor in a magnetic
field to produce electricity. S2

An electric generator, as shown in

Fig.17.13A, consists of rotating rectan-
gular coil ABCD placed between the two A.C Generator
poles of a permanent magnet. The two
ends of this coil are connected to the two A
rings S1 and S2. The inner sides of these
rings are made insulated. The two con-
ducting stationary brushes B1 and B2 are
kept pressed separately on the rings S1
and S2 respectively. The two rings S1 and A D
S2 are internally attached to an axle. The
axle may be mechanically rotated from S1

outside to rotate the coil inside the mag- B1


netic field. Outer ends of the two brushes B2

are connected to the external circuit. R

When the axle attached to the two rings

is rotated such that the arm AB moves up, D.C Generator
the arm CD moves down in the magnetic B
field produced by the permanent mag-
Fig 17.13

After half a rotation, arm CD starts 17.7. LIGHT

Chapter 17
moving up and AB moving down. As a
We see a variety of objects in the
result, the directions of the induced cur-
world around us. However we are unable
rents in both the arms change, giving rise
to see anything in a dark room. On lighting
to the net induced current in the direction
up the room things becomes visible. What
DCBA. The current in the external circuit
makes things visible? During the day the
now flows from B1 to B2. Thus after every
sunlight helps us to see objects. An object
half rotation the polarity of the current in
reflects light that falls on it. This reflected
the respective arms changes. Such a cur-
light when received by our eyes, enables
rent which changes direction after equal
us to see things.
intervals of time, is called an alternating
current (AC). This device is called an AC There are a number of common won-
generator. derful phenomena associated with light. In
this chapter, we shall study the phenom-
To get a direct current (DC), a split-ring
ena of reflection and refraction of light us-
type commutator must be used with this
ing the straight-line propagation of light.
arrangement, (Fig 17.13B), one brush is
at all times in contact with the arm moving
up in the field, while the other is in contact Reflection of light
with the arm moving down. Thus a unidi- A highly polished surface, such as a mirror,
rectional current is produced. The genera- reflects most of the light falling on it. You
tor is thus called a DC generator. are already familiar with the laws of reflec-
An important advantage of AC over tion of light. Let us recall these laws.
DC is that electric power can be transmit- (i) The angle of incidence is equal to the
ted over long distances without much loss angle of reflection, and
of energy. (ii) The incident ray, the normal to the
mirror at the point of incidence and
the reflected ray, all lie in the same
These laws of reflection are applicable
to all types of reflecting surfaces including
spherical surfaces.

Spherical mirrors

Activity 17.9
•• Take a perfect hemispherical
spoon. Try to view your face in its
curved surface.
•• Do you get the image? Is it larger
or smaller?

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

Before we move further on spherical

•• Move the spoon slowly away from mirrors, we need to recognise and under-
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

your face. Observe the image. stand the meaning of a few terms. These
How does it change? terms are commonly used in discussions
•• Reverse the spoon and repeat the about spherical mirrors.
activity. How does the image look
The centre of the reflecting surface
like now?
of a spherical mirror is a point, called the
•• Compare the characteristics of the pole. It is represented by the letter P.
images on the two surfaces.
The reflecting surface of a spheri-
cal mirror forms a part of a sphere. This
sphere has a centre. This point is called
The curved surface of a shining spoon the centre of curvature of the spherical
could be considered as a curved mirror. mirror. It is represented by the letter C.
The most commonly used type of curved The radius of the sphere of which the
mirror is the spherical mirror. The reflect- reflecting surface of a spherical mirror
ing surface of a spherical mirror may be forms a part, is called the radius of curva-
curved inwards or outwards. A spheri- ture of the mirror. It is represented by the
cal mirror whose reflecting surface is letter R.
curved inwards is called a concave
mirror. A spherical mirror whose re- Imagine a straight line passing through
flecting surface is curved outwards is the pole and the centre of curvature of a
called a convex mirror. The schematic spherical mirror. This line is called the
representation of these mirrors is shown principle axis.
in fig 17.14. Let us understand important terms re-
lated to mirrors, through an activity.

Activity 17.10
•• Hold a concave mirror in your hand
and direct its reflecting surface
towards the sun.
•• Direct the light reflected by the
mirror on to a sheet of paper held
close to the mirror.
(a) concave mirror (b) convex mirror
•• Move the sheet of paper back and
Fig 17.14 forth gradually until you find on the
paper sheet a bright, sharp spot of
You may now understand that the sur- light.
face of the spoon curved inwards can be
•• Hold the mirror and the paper in the
approximated to a concave mirror and the
same position for a few minutes.
surface of the spoon bulged outwards can What do you observe? Why?
be approximated to a convex mirror.


The paper at first begins to burn pro- This point is called the principal focus of

Chapter 17
ducing smoke. It may even catch fire. the convex mirror. The principal focus is
Why does it burn? The light from the sun represented by the letter F.
is converged at a point, as a sharp, bright The distance between the pole and
spot by the mirror. In fact, this spot of light the principal focus of a spherical mir-
is the image of the sun on the sheet of ror is called the focal length. It is repre-
paper. This point is the focus of the con- sented by the letter f.
cave mirror. The heat produced due to the
concentration of the sunlight ignites the The diameter of the reflecting surface
paper. The distance of the image from the of spherical mirror is called its aperture.
position of the mirror gives the approxi- In fig 17.15, distance MN represents the
mate focal length of the mirror. aperture. In our discussion we shall con-
sider only such spherical mirrors whose
Observe fig 17.15(a) closely aperture is much smaller than its radius
M of curvature.
Is there any relationship between the
radius of curvature R, and focal length f,
P of a spherical mirror? For spherical mir-
At rors of small apertures the radius of curva-
Infinity ture is found to be equal to twice the focal
B N length. We put this as R = 2f.

17.7.1 Reflection of light by
A spherical mirror
The reflection of light by a spherical mirror
takes place according to certain definite
rules as follows.
B (i) A ray parallel to the principal axis,
At Infinity
N after reflection, will pass through principal
focus in case of a concave mirror or ap-
Fig 17.15 pear to diverge from the principal focus in
A number of rays parallel to the prin- case of a convex mirror. This is illustrated
cipal axis are falling on a concave mirror. in Fig 17.16(a) and (b).
Observe the reflected rays. They are all
meeting at a point on the principal axis of
the mirror. This point is called the princi- .I
pal focus of the concave mirror. Similarly r
observe fig 17.15(b). How are the rays P
parallel to the principal axis reflected by a C F
convex mirror? The reflected rays appear
to come from a point on the principal axis.
Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

(iii) A ray passing through the centre of

. r curvature of a concave mirror or directed
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light
in the direction of the centre of curvature
of a convex mirror, after reflection, is re-
P flected back along the same path. This is
illustrated in Fig 17.18 (a) and (b).


Fig 17.16 P
(ii) A ray passing through the principal
focus of a concave mirror or a ray directed
towards the principal focus of a convex
mirror, after reflection, will emerge parallel
to the principal axis. This is illustrated in
Fig 17.17 (a) and (b).

P r
.I P
C r P F C


Fig 17.18

I Image formation by concave
F How about the images formed by
.I P
r P F C spherical mirrors? How can we locate
the image formed by a concave mirror for
different positions of the object? Are the
images real or virtual? Are the images
(b) enlarged, diminished or have the same
Fig 17.17

The nature, position and size of the im- We can study the formation of image

Chapter 17
age formed by a concave mirror depend by spherical mirrors by drawing ray dia-
on the position of the object in relation to grams. To construct the ray diagrams, it
point P, F and C. The image formed is real is more convenient to consider only two
for some positions of the object. It is found rays. These rays are so chosen that it is
to be a virtual image for a certain other easy to know their directions after reflec-
position. The image is either magnified, tion from the mirror. You may take any
reduced or has the same size, depending two of the rays mentioned in the previous
on the position of the object. section for locating the image. The inter-
sections of the two reflected rays give the


A . D
r B1
At Infinity
(a) (b)
B1 D
A A1 N
(c) (d)
M A1
A D .I
P F B r P B1

At Infinity N
(e) N (f)

Fig 17.19

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

A summary of these observations is given in Table: 17.1.

Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

Position of Position of the im- Relative size of Nature of the

the Object age the image image

At infinity At focus F2 Highly dimin- Real and inverted

ished, point-sized
Beyond 2F1 Between F2 and 2F2 Diminished Real and inverted
At 2F1 At 2F2 Same size Real and inverted
Between F1 Beyond 2F2 Enlarged Real and inverted
and 2F1
At focus F1 At infinity Infinitely large or Real and inverted
highly enlarged
Between focus On same side of the Enlarged Virtual and erect
F1 and optical lens as the object
centre O
Table 17.1

position of image of the point object. This

is illustrated in the Fig 17.19.
•• Observe the image of the pencil
in the mirror. Is the image erect
or inverted? Is it diminished or
Uses of concave mirror
•• Move the pencil away from the
Concave mirrors are commonly used mirror slowly. Does the image
in torches, search-lights and vehicles become smaller or larger?
head lights to get powerful parallel beams
•• Repeat this activity carefully. State
of light. They are used as shaving mir-
whether the image will move closer
rors to see a lager image of the face. The
to or farther away from the focus
dentists use concave mirrors to see large as the object is moved away from
images of the teeth of patients. Large con- the mirror.

Activity 17.11
cave mirrors are used to concentrate sun
•• Take a convex mirror. Hold it in
light to produce heat in solar furnaces.
one hand.
•• Hold a pencil in the upright position
in the other hand.
Image formation by a convex


We consider two positions of the ob-

Chapter 17
ject for studying the image formed by a
convex mirror. First is when the object is
at infinity and the second position is when
the object is at a finite distance from the
mirror. The ray diagrams for the formation

B B P B1 F C
At Infinity
At Infinity
Fig 17.20

A summary of these observations is given in Table: 17. 2

Position of the Position of the Relative size of Nature of the

the image
object image image

At infinity At focus F1 Highly dimin- Virtual and erect

ished, point-sized
Between infinity Between focus F1 Diminished Virtual and erect
and optical centre and optical centre
O of the lens O

Table 20.2

of image by a convex mirror for these two •• Could you see a full length
positions of the object are shown in Fig image?
17.20(a) and (b), respectively. •• Repeat this Activity with a convex
mirror. Did the mirror show full
length image of the object?
•• Explain your observations with
Activity 17.12 reason.
•• Observe the image of a distant
tree in a concave mirror.
You have studied the image formation
by a concave mirror and a convex mirror,

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

which of these mirrors will give the full +Y-axis) are taken as positive.
image of a large object? Let us explore
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light
(v) Distances measured perpendicular
through an activity. to and below the principal axis (along
You can see a full length image of a -Y-axis) are taken as negative.
tree in a small convex mirror. The New Cartesian Sign Conven-
tion described above is illustrated in Fig
Uses of convex mirrors 17.21.
Object on the left M
Convex mirrors are commonly used as Direction of
rear-view mirrors in vehicles. These mir- Incident Light

rors are fitted on the sides of the vehicle, Height Upwards Distance towards Distance towards
enabling the driver to see traffic behind {+ve} the left {-ve} the right {+ve}
him/her to facilitate safe driving. Convex X X
B B1
mirrors are preferred because they al- Height

ways give an erect image. Also they have {-ve}

a wider field of view as they are curved

outwards. Mirror

Sign convention for reflection by Fig 17.21

spherical mirrors
These sign conventions are applied to
While dealing with the reflection of light
obtain the mirror formula
by spherical mirrors, we shall follow a set
of sign conventions called the New Car-
tesian Sign Convention. In this conven- Mirror formula
tion, the pole (P) of the mirror is taken as In a spherical mirror, the distance of the
the origin. The principal axis of the mirror object from its pole is called the object dis-
is taken as the X axis (X′X) of the coordi- tance (u). The distance of the image from
nate system. The conventions are as fol- the pole of the mirror is called the image
lows. distance (v). You already know that the
(i) The object is always placed to the left distance of the principal focus from the
of the mirror. pole is called the focal length (f). There is
a relationship between these three quan-
(ii) All distances parallel to the principal
axis are measured from the pole of tities given by the mirror formula which is
the mirror. expressed as

(iii) All the distances measured to the 1/v + 1/u = 1/f

right of the origin (along +X-axis) This formula is valid in all situations for
are taken as positive while those all spherical mirrors for all positions of the
measured to the left of the origin object. You must use the New Cartesian
(along -X-axis) are taken as negative
Sign convention while substituting numer-
(iv) Distances measured perpendicular ical values for u, v, f, and R in the mirror
to and above the principal axis (along formula for solving problems.

Magnification Image-distance v = ?

Chapter 17
Magnification produced by a spherical Height of the image h′ = ?
mirror gives the relative extent to which Focal length ,
the image of an object is magnified with
respect to the object size. It is expressed f = R/2 = + 3.00 m/2 = 1.5 m
as the ratio of height of the image to the We know,
height of the object. It is usually repre- 1 1 1
sented by the letter m. — + — = —
If h is the height of the object and h′is v u f
the height of the image, then the magnifi- or,
cation m produced by a spherical mirror is 1 1 1
given by — = — – —
v f u
m = Height of the image (h′)/Height of
1 1 1 1
the object (h) = — – —— = — + ——
The magnification m is also related to 1.5 -5.00 1.5 1.5
the object distance (u) and image distance 5.00 +1.50 6.50
(v). It can be expressed as: =  = 
Magnification (m) =h′/h= - v / u 7.50 7.50

You may note that the height of the ob- 7.50

ject is taken to be positive as the object V =  = 1.15 m
is usually placed above the principal axis.
The height of the image should be taken The image is 1.15 m at the back of the
as positive for virtual image. However, it mirror.
is to be taken as negative for real images. Magnification,
A negative sign in the value of the magni-
h′ v 1.15 m
fication indicates that the image is real. A — = – — = – ————
positive sign in the value of the magnifica- h u (-5.00 m)
tion indicates that the image is virtual.
= + 0.23
Example: 17.1 The image is virtual, erect and smaller
A convex mirror used for rear-view on in size by a factor of 0.23.
an automobile has a radius of curvature
of 2 m. If a bus is located at 5 m from this Example: 17.2
mirror, find the position, nature and size of An object, 4.0 cm in size, is placed at
the image. 2.0 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal
length 5.0 cm. at what distance from the
Solution: mirror should as screen be placed in order
Radius of curvature, R = +3.00 m to obtain a sharp image? Find the nature
and the size of the image.
Object-distance u = - 5.00 m

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

Solution: 17.7.2. Refraction of light

Magnetic effect of electric current and Light
Object - size, h = + 4.0 cm Light seems to travel along straight-line
Object - distance, u = - 25.0 cm paths in a transparent medium. What hap-
pens when light enters from one transpar-
Focal length, f = - 15.0 cm ent medium to another? Does it still move
Image distance, v = ? along a straight-line path or change its di-
rection? We shall recall some of our day-
Image-size, h′ = ?
to-day experiences.
We know,
You might have observed that the bot-
1 1 1
— + — = — tom of a tank or a pond containing wa-
v u f ter appears to be raised. Similarly, when
a thick glass slab is placed over some
or, printed matter, the letters appear raised
1 1 1 when viewed through the glass slab. Why
— = — – — does it happen? Have you seen a pen-
v f u
cil partially immersed in water in a glass
1 1 1 1
= ——— – ——— = – —–– + —— tumbler? It appears to be displaced at the
-15.0 -25.0 15.0 25.0 interface of air and water. You might have
observed that a lemon kept in water in a
or, glass tumbler appears to be bigger than its
1 -5.0 + 3.0 -2.0 actual size, when viewed from the sides.
 =  =  How can you account such experiences?
v 75.0 75.0
Let us consider the case of the appar-
75.0 ent displacement of the pencil, partly im-
V =  = -37.5 cm mersed in water. The light reaching you
-2.0 from the portion of the pencil inside water
The screen should be placed at 37.5 seems to come from a different direction,
cm from the mirror. The image is real. compared to the part above water. This
makes the pencil appear to be displaced
at the interface. For similar reasons, the
h′ v letters appear to be raised, when seen
m = — = – —
through a glass slab placed over it.
h u
Does a pencil appear to be displaced
= + 0.23
to the same extent, if instead of water, we
or, use liquids like kerosene or turpentine?
vh -37.5 + 4.0 Will the letters appear to rise to the same
h′ = -  = -  height if we replace a glass slab with a
u -25.0 transparent plastic slab? You will find that
the extent of the effect is different for dif-
Height of the image, h′ = 6.0 cm ferent pair of media. These observations
The image is inverted and enlarged. indicate that light does not travel in the

same direction in all media. It appears that light of a given colour and for

Chapter 17
when traveling obliquely from one medium the given pair of media. This law
to another, the direction of propagation of is also known as Snell’s law of
light in the second medium changes. This refraction.
phenomenon is known as refraction of If i is the angle of incidence and r is the
light. Let us understand this phenomenon angle of refraction, then,
further by doing an activity. Sin i /sin r = constant
This constant value is called the re-
Activity 17.13 fractive index of the second medium with
•• Place a coin at the bottom of a respect to the first.
bucket filled with water.
•• With your eye to a side above 17.7.3 Refractive index
water, try to pick up the coin in one
go. Did you succeed in picking up We know that a ray of light travels ob-
the coin? liquely from one transparent medium into
another will change its direction in the sec-
•• Repeat the Activity. Why did you ond medium. The extent of the change in
not succeed in doing it in one go?
direction that takes place in a given pair
•• Ask your friends to do this. of media is expressed in terms of the re-
Compare your experience with fractive index of the second medium with
theirs. respect to the first medium.
The refractive index can be linked to
the relative speed of propagation of light
The apparent position of the coin as in different media. Light propagates with
seen through water differ from its actual different speeds in different media. It trav-
position . els the fastest in vacuum with the highest
speed of 3 × 108 m s-1. Its speed reduces
Laws of refraction considerably in glass.
Refraction of light is due to change in Consider a ray of light traveling from
the speed of light as it enters from one medium 1 into medium 2 as in Fig 17.22.
transparent medium to another. Experi- A
ments show that refraction of light occurs N
according to certain laws. The following .
I Medium 1
are the laws of refraction of light. ( Air)

(i) The incident ray, the refracted ray Medium 2

and the normal to the interface of ( Glass)

two transparent media at the point N

of incidence, all lie in the same
plane. B
(ii) The ratio of sine of angle of
incidence to the sine of angle of
refraction is a constant, for the Fig: 17.22

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

Let v1 be the speed of light in medium 17.7.4 Refraction by spherical

1 and v2 be the speed of light in medium lenses
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

2. The refractive index of medium 2 with

respect to medium 1 is given by Spherical lenses
Speed of light in medium 1 v1 You might have seen people using
µ =    =  spectacles for reading. The watchmakers
Speed of light in medium 2 v2 use a small magnifying glass to see tiny
If medium 1 is vacuum or air, then the parts. Have you ever touched the surface
refractive index of medium 2 is considered of a magnifying glass with your hand? Is it
with respect to vacuum. This is called the plane surface or curved? Is it thicker in the
absolute refractive index of the medium. middle or at the edges? The glasses used
If c is the speed of light in air and v is the in spectacles and that by watchmaker are
speed of light in the medium, the refrac- examples of lenses. What is a lens? How
tive index of the medium is given by does it bend light rays? Let us discuss in
this section.
Speed of light in air C
µ =    =  A transparent material bound by two
Speed of light in medium v surfaces, of which one or both surfaces
are spherical, forms a lens. This means
The absolute refractive index of the
that a lens is bound by at least one spheri-
medium is simply called its refractive in-
cal surface. In such spherical lenses, the
other surface would be plane. A lens may
Example: 17.3 have two spherical surfaces, bulging out-
wards. Such a lens is called a double con-
The speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108 vex lens. It is simply called a convex lens. It
m s-1 . Calculate the speed of light in a me- is thicker at the middle as compared to the
dium of refractive index 1.5. edges. Convex lens converges light rays.
Hence it is called converging lens. Simi-
larly, a double concave lens is bounded by
Speed of light in vacuum c two spherical surfaces, curved inwards. It
Refractive index of the medium is thicker at the edges than at the middle.
Such lenses diverge light rays and are
Speed of light in vacuum C called diverging lenses. A double concave
µ =    =  lens is simply called a concave lens.
Speed of light in medium v
Let us understand the meaning of a
Speed of light in the medium v few terms which are commonly used in
C 3 × 108 m s-1 discussions about spherical lenses. A
v =  =  = 2 × 108 m s-1 lens has two spherical surfaces. Each of
µ 1.5 these surfaces forms a part of a sphere.
Speed of light in the medium, The centers of these spheres are called
centres of curvature of the lens. The
v = 2 × 108 m s-1 centre of curvature of a lens is usually


represented by the letter C. Since there of the sun light at this spot generated heat.

Chapter 17
are two centre’s of curvature, we may rep- This caused the paper to burn.
resent them as C1 and C2. Observe Fig 17.23(a) carefully.
An imaginary straight line passing
through the two centres of the curvature M

of a lens is called its principal axis.

The central point of a lens is called its C1 C2

optical centre. It is represented by the

2F F1 F2 2F2
letter O. A ray of light through the optical
centre of a lens passes without suffering
any deviation.
The effective diameter of the circular
outline of a spherical lens is called its ap-
erture. Lenses whose aperture is much Fig 17.23(a)
less than its radius of curvature are called
thin lenses with small aperture. What hap- Several rays of light parallel to the
pens when parallel rays of light are inci- principal axis are falling on a convex lens.
dent on a lens? These rays after refraction from the lens
are converging to a point on the principal
Activity 17.14 axis. This point is called the principal fo-
•• CAUTION: Do not look at the sun cus of the lens.
directly or through a lens while Observe Fig 17.23(b) carefully,
doing this Activity or otherwise.
You may damage your eyes if you
do so.
•• Hold a convex lens in your hand.
Direct it towards the sun. 2F1 F1
•• Focus the light from the sun on
a sheet of paper. Obtain a sharp
bright image of the sun.
•• Hold the paper and the lens in
the same position for a while. Fig 17.23(b)
Keep observing the paper. What
happened? Why? Several rays of light parallel to the prin-
cipal axis are falling on a concave lens.
These rays after refraction from the lens,
are appearing to diverge from a point on
The light from the sun constitutes par- the principal axis. This point is called the
allel rays. These rays were converged by principal focus of the concave lens.
the lens as a sharp bright spot. This is the
real image of the sun. The concentration If you pass parallel rays from the op-
posite surface of the lens, you will get
Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

another principal focus on the opposite the principal focus located on the same
side. Letter F is usually used to represent side of the lens, as shown in Fig 17.24(b)
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

principal focus. However, a lens has two (ii) A ray of light passing through a prin-
principal foci. They are represented by F1 cipal focus after refraction from a convex
and F2. lens will emerge parallel to the principal
The distance of the principal focus axis. This is shown in Fig 17.25(a). A ray
from the optical centre of a lens is called of light appearing to meet at the principal
its focal length. The letter f is used to rep- focus of a concave lens, after refraction,
resent the focal length. will emerge parallel to the principal axis.
This is shown in Fig 17.25(b).
17.7.5 Image formation by lenses
We can represent image formation by
lenses using ray diagrams. Ray diagrams 0
will also help us to study the nature, posi-
F1 F2 F1
tion and relative size of the image formed
by the lenses. For drawing ray diagrams
in lenses, we consider any two of the fol- (a)
lowing rays.
(i) A ray of light from the object, parallel
to the principal axis, after refraction from
a convex lens, passes through the princi-
pal focus on the other0side of the lens, as 0
shown inFFig1 17.24(a). In case ofFa2 con- F1 F2
cave lens, the ray appears to diverge from

Fig 17.25

F1 F2 0
F1 F2 F1


0 0
F1 F2 F1 F2

Fig 17.24 Fig 17.26

(iii) A ray of light passing through the out any deviation. This is illustrated in Fig

Chapter 17
optical centre of a lens will emerge with- 17.26(a) and (b).

a b

c d

e f
Fig 17.27
A summary of these observations is given in Table 17.2.

Positionon of the Position of the Relative size of Nature of the

object image the image image
At infinity At focus F Highly dimin- Real and inverted
ished, point-sized
Beyond 2F Between F and Diminished Real and inverted
At 2F At 2F Same size Real and inverted
Between F and 2F Beyond 2F Enlarged Real and inverted
At focus F At infinity Infinitely large or Real and inverted
highly enlarged
Between focus F On the Same Enlarged Virtual and erect
and optical centre O side of the lens
as the object
Table 17.2
Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

The ray diagrams for the image forma-

tion in a convex lens for a few positions of
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

the object are shown in Fig 17.27. The ray diagrams representing the im-
age formation in a concave lens for vari-

F1 O
2F 2F B F1 B1 O 2F

(a) N

Fig 17.28

A summary of these observations is given in Table. 17.3.

Position of Position of Relative Nature of the

the objecob- the image size of the image
ject image
At infinity At focus F Highly Virtual and erect

Between infin- Between Diminished Virtual and erect

ity and optical focus F
center O of the and optical
lens center O

Table 17.3


ous positions of the object are shown in Focal length, f = - 15 cm

Chapter 17
Fig 17.28. Object distance, u = ?
1 1 1
— - — = —
v u f
Sign convention for spherical lenses:
1 1 1
All measurements are taken from the — = — - —
optical centre of the lens. According to the u v f
convention, the focal length of a convex 1 1 1
lens is positive and that of a concave lens — = —— - ——
u -10 -15
is negative. We must take care to apply
1 1
appropriate signs for the values of u, v, f, = – —— + ——
object height h and image height h′. 10 15
1 -3 + 2 -1
17.7.7 Lens formula — = ——— = ——
u 30 30
This formula gives the relation between u = -30 cm
object-distance (u), image-distance (v)
Thus, the object distance is 30 cm.
and the focal length (f). The lens formula
is expressed as Example: 17.5
1 1 1
— + — = - — A 2.0 cm tall object is placed perpen-
v u f dicular to the principal axis of a convex
lens of focal length 10 cm. the distance of
The lens formula given above is gen- the object from the lens is 15 cm. Find the
eral and is valid in all situations for any nature, position and size of the image.
spherical lenses.
Example: 17.4
Focal length, f = + 10 cm
A concave lens has focal length of 15
cm. At what distance should the object Object distance, u = - 15 cm
from the lens be placed so that it forms an Image distance, v = ?
image 10 cm from the lens?
We know,
Solution: 1 1 1
— - — = —
A concave lens always forms a virtual, v u f
erect image on the same side of the ob-
ject. Or,
1 1 1
Image distance, v = -10 cm — = — + —
v u f

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

1 1 1 -10 cm 1
— = —— + —— m =  =  = + 0.33
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light
v -15 10
-30 cm 3
1 1
= – —— + ——
15 10 17.7.8. Power of lens
1 -2+3 1
— = ——— = —— The degree of convergence or divergence
v 30 30 of light rays achieved by a lens is ex-
v = + 30 cm pressed in terms of its power. The power
of a lens is defined as the reciprocal of
The positive sign of v shows that the its focal length. It is represented by the
image is formed at a distance of 30 cm on letter P. The power P of a lens of focal
the other side of the optical centre. The length f is given by
image is real and inverted.
Magnification P=—
The magnification produced by a lens
is defied as the ratio of the height of The SI unit of power of a lens is ‘dioptre’. It
the image to the height of the object is denoted by the letter D. If f is expressed
in meter, then, power is expressed in di-
It is represented by the letter m. If h optres. Thus 1 dioptre is the power of a
is the height of the object and h′ is the lens whose focal length is 1 meter. The
height of the image given by the lens, then power of a convex lens is positive and that
the magnification produced by the lens is of a concave lens is negative.
given by,
Example: 17.7
Height of the image (h′) v
m = —————————— = — The focal length of a concave lens is
Height of the object (h) u 2m. Calculate the power of the lens.

Example: 17.6 Solution:

An object is placed at a distance of 30 Focal length of concave lens, f = - 2 m
cm from a concave lens of focal length 15 Power of the lens,
cm. An erect and virtual image is formed 1
at a distance of 10 cm from the lens. Cal- p= 
culate the magnification. f
Solution: p= 
Object distance, u = -30 cm -2m

Image distance, v = -10 cm p = - 0.5 dioptre

Magnification, m = v/u
17.7.9 Refraction of light through
a prism

Chapter 17
Activity 17.15
•• Fix a sheet of white paper on G
a drawing board using drawing .
pins. E
•• Place a glass prism on it in such S
a way that it rests on its triangular P
base. Trace the out line of the B

prism using a pencil. PE - Incident ray i - Angle of incident

EF - Refracted ray r - Angle of refraction
•• Draw a straight line PE inclined to FS - Emergent ray e - Angle of emergence
one of the refracting surfaces, say A - Angle of the Prism D - Angle of deviation
AB, of the prism. Fig 17.29
•• Fix two pins, say at points P and
Q, on the line PE as shown in Fig
•• Look for the images of the pins,
Consider a triangular glass prism. It has
fixed at P and Q, through the other
two triangular bases and three rectangu-
face AC.
lar lateral surfaces. These surfaces are
•• Fix two more pins, at points R and inclined to each other. The angle between
S, such that the pins at R and S lie its lateral faces is called the angle of the
on the same straight line. prism. Let us now do an activity to study
•• Remove the pins and the glass the refraction of light through a triangular
prism. glass prism.
•• The line PE meets the boundary Here PE is the incident ray. EF is the
of the prism at point E (see Fig refracted ray. FS is the emergent ray. You
17.29). Similarly, join and produce may note that a ray of light is entering
the points R and S. Let these lines from air to glass at the first surface AB.
meet the boundary of the prism at
The light ray on refraction has bent to-
E and F, respectively. Join E and
wards the normal. At the second surface
AC, the light ray has entered from glass to
•• Draw perpendicular to the refracting air. Hence it has bent away from normal.
surfaces AB and AC of the prism Compare the angle of incidence and an-
at points E and F, respectively. gle of refraction at each refracting surface
•• Mark the angle of incidence (∠i), of the prism. The peculiar shape of prism
the angle of refraction (∠r) and makes the emergent ray bent at an angle
the angle of emergence (∠e) as to the direction of the incident ray. This an-
shown in Fig 17.29. gle is called the angle of refraction. In this
case ∠D is the angle of deviation. Mark
the angle of deviation in the above activity
and measure it.

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

The prism has probably split the inci-

Activity 17.16 dent white light into a band of colours. Note
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

•• Take a thick sheet of cardboard and the colours that appear at the two ends of
make a small hole in its middle. the colour band. What is the sequence of
•• Allow sunlight to fall on the narrow colours that you see on the screen? The
slit. This gives a narrow beam of various colours seen are Violet, Indigo,
white light. Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. As
•• Now, take a glass prism and allow shown in Fig 17.30.
the light from the slit to fall on one
of its faces.
•• Turn the prism slowly until the light
that comes out of it appear on a
White light
near by screen. beam R
•• What do you observe? You will

ctru t
Spe e ligh
find a beautiful band of colours.

Why does this happen? V
Glass Prism

17.7.10 D
 ispersion of white light
by a glass prism Fig 17.30
You must have seen and appreciated the The acronym VIBGYOR will help you
spectacular colours in a rainbow. How to remember the sequence of colours.
could the white light of the sun give us
The band of the coloured component
various colours of the rainbow?
of a light beam is called its spectrum. You
might not be able to see all the colours
separately. Yet something makes each
colour distinct from the other. The splitting
of light into its component colours is called
You have seen that white light is dis-
persed into its seven-colour components
by a prism. Why do we get these colours?
Different colours of light bend through dif-
ferent angles with respect to the incident
ray as they pass through the prism. The
red light bends the least while the violet
the most. Thus the rays of each colour
emerge along different paths and thus
become distinct. It is the band of distinct
colours that we see in a spectrum.


17.7.11 Atmospheric refraction

Chapter 17
You might have observed the apparent Crystalline lens → Ciliary muscles
random wavering or flickering of objects

seen through a turbulent stream of hot air Aqueous → Retina

rising above a fire. The air just above the


fire becomes hotter than the air further Pupil →
up. The hotter air is lighter (less dense)
than the cooler air above it, and has a re- Iris →

fractive index slightly less than that of the

cooler air. Since the physical conditions of Cornea

Optic nerve
the refracting medium (air) are not station-
ary, the apparent position of the object, as Vitreous
seen through the hot air fluctuates. This
wavering is thus an effect of atmospheric Fig 17.31
refraction (refraction of light by the earth’s
atmosphere) on a small scale in our lo- The eye ball is approximately spheri-
cal environment. The twinkling of stars is cal in shape with a diameter of about
a similar phenomenon on a much larger 2.3cm. Most of the refraction for the light
scale. rays entering the eye occurs at the outer
surface of the cornea. The crystalline lens
17.7.12 Human eye merely provides the finer adjustment of fo-
cal length required to focus objects at dif-
The human eye is one of the most valua- ferent distances on the retina. We find a
ble and sensitive sense organs. It enables structure called iris behind the cornea. Iris
us to see the wonderful worlds and col- is a dark muscular diaphragm that controls
ours around us. Of all our sense organs, the pupil. The pupil regulates and con-
the human eye is the most significant one trols the amount of light entering the eye.
as it enables us to see the beautiful, color- The eye lens forms an inverted real im-
ful world around us. age of the object on the retina. The retina
The human eye is like a camera. Its is a delicate membrane having enormous
lens system forms an image on a light- number of light-sensitive cells. The light
sensitive screen called the retina. Light sensitive cells get activated upon illumi-
enters the eye through the thin membrane nation and generate electrical signals.
called the cornea. It forms the transpar- These signals are sent to the brain via
ent bulge on the front surface of the eye the optic nerves. The brain interprets
ball as shown in fig 17.31. these signals, and finally, processes the
information so that we perceive objects as
they are.

Defects of vision and rectification

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

There are mainly three common refrac- suitable power. This is illustrated in Fig
tive defects of vision. These are (i) Myopia 17.32(c). A concave lens of suitable power
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

or near - sightedness.(ii) Hypermetropia will bring the image back on to the retina
or far-sightedness, and (iii) Presbyopia. and thus the defect is corrected.
These defects can be corrected by the
use of suitable spherical lenses. (b) Hypermetropia
Hypermetropia is also known as
(a) Myopia far-sightedness. A person with hyper-
Myopia is also known as near-sight- metropia can see distant objects clearly
edness. A person with myopia can see but cannot see near by objects distinctly.
near by objects clearly but cannot see the The near point, for the person, is further
distant objects distinctly. A person with this away from the normal near point (25 cm).
defect has the far point nearer than infin- Such a person has to keep a reading ma-
ity. Such a person may see clearly up to a terial such beyond 25cm from the eye
distance of a few meters. In a myopic eye, for comfortable reading. This is because
the image of a distant object is formed in the light rays from a close by object are
front of the retina [Fig 17.32(a)] and not at focused at a point behind the retina as
the retina itself. shown in Fig.17.33 (b)


(a) near poinf of hypemetropic eye

(a) Far point of myopia eye


(b) Hypemetropia eye

(b) myopia eye


(c) Correction of myopia (c) correction of hypemetropia eye

Fig 17.33
Fig 17.32
This defect either because (i) the focal
This defect may arise due to (i) ex- length of the eye lens is too long or (ii) the
cessive curvature of the eye lens, or (ii) eyeball has become too small. This defect
elongation of the eyeball. This defect can can be corrected by using a convex lens
be corrected by using a concave lens of of appropriate power. This is illustrated


in Fig 17.33(c). Eye- glasses with con- affect the telescopes capabilities. After a

Chapter 17
verging lenses provide the additional servicing mission in 1993, the telescope
focusing power required for forming the was restored to its intended quality. Four
image on the retina. servicing missions where performed from
1993-2002. But the fifth was completed in
(c) Presbyopia 2009. The telescope is now expected to
The power of accommodation of the function until at least 2014.
eye usually decreases with ageing. For
most people, the near point gradually re-
cedes away. They find it difficult to see near
by objects comfortably and distinctly with-
out corrective eye - glasses. This defect
is called Presbyopia. It arises due to the
gradual weakening of the ciliary muscles
and diminishing flexibility of the eye lens.
Sometimes, a person may suffer from both
myopia and hypermetropia. Such people of-
ten require by-focal lenses. A common type
of by-focal lenses consists of both concave Fig 17.34
and convex lenses. The upper portion con-
Hubble’s orbit outside the distortion of
sists of a concave lens. It facilitates near vi-
sion. These days, it is possible to correct earth’s atmosphere allows it to take ex-
tremely sharp images with almost no back-
the refractive defects with contact lenses.
ground light. Hubble’s Ultra Deep Field
image is the most detailed visible-light im-
17.13 Science today - Hubble age ever made of the universe’s most dis-
space telescope (H.S.T) tant object. Hubble Deep field and Hubble
Hubble telescope is a space telescope that ultra Deep field images reveals that galax-
was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in ies are billions of light years away.
April 1990. It is named after the American Many Hubble observations accurately
astronomer Edwin Hubble. It becomes a measure the rate at which the universe is ex-
most popular research tool for astronomy. panding. It constrain the value of Hubble’s con-
The H.S.T is collaboration between NASA stant and estimates the age of the Universe.
and the European Space Agency, and is
Hubble’s images of planets were crucial
one of NASA’s great observatories.
in studying the dynamics of the collision of
Hubble is the only telescope ever de- a comet with Jupiter, an event believed to
signed to be serviced in space by astro- occur once every few centuries.
nauts. The H.S.T design with two hyperbolic Hubble’s observations found that black
mirrors is known for good imaging perform- holes are common to the centers of all
ance over a wide field of view. During the galaxies.
launch scientist found that the main mirror The astronomers used the telescope
had been ground incorrectly, which severely to observe distant supernovae.
Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

Do you know that our eyes can live even after our death? By donating our eyes after
we die, we can light the life of a blind person.
About 35 million people in the developing world are blind and most of them can be
cured. About 4.5 million people with corneal blindness can be cured through corneal
transplanation of donated eyes. Out of these 4.5 million, 60% are children below the
age of 12. So, if we have got the gift of vision, why not pass it on to somebody who
does not have it? What do we have to keep in mind when eyes have to be donated?
•• Eye donors can belong to any age group or sex. People, who used spectacles or
those operated for cataract, can still donate the eyes. People who are diabetic have
hypertension; asthma patients and those with out communicable diseases can also
donate eyes.
•• Eyes must be removed with in 4-6 hours after death. Inform the nearest eye bank
•• The eye bank team will remove the eyes at the home of the deceased or at a
•• Eye removal takes only 10-15 minutes. It is a simple process and does not lead to
any disfigurement.
•• Persons who were infected with or died because of AIDS, Hepatitis B or C, rabies,
acute leukemia, tetanus, cholera, meningitis or encephalitis cannot donate eyes. An
eye bank collects, evaluates and distributes the donated eyes. All eyes donated are
evaluated using strict medical standards. Those donated eyes found un suitable for
transplantation are used for valuable research and medical education. The identities
of both the donor and the recipient remain confidential.



Chapter 17
b. The magnetic field lines emerge from the
PART – A south pole and merge at the north pole.

1. The magnification produced by a mirror is 4. In a conductor if the current flows in one

1/3, then the type of mirror is direction the north pole of the compass needle
would move towards the east. If current
(concave, convex, plane) flows in opposite direction, you will see the
compass needle would move towards the
2. Whenever magnetic flux linked with a coil west. What do you mean by this statement?
changes an emt is produced in the circuit is
called __________. 5. The ray diagram shown below is introduced
to show how a concave mirror forms an
(Electromagnetic induction, current immage of an object.
generation, voltage generation, current
transformation) a. identify the mistake and draw the correct
ray diagram.
3. An electric current through a metallic
conductor produces _________ around it. b. Write the justifications for your corrections.
(heat, force, magnetic field, mechanical force) M
4. The field of view is maximum for

(plane mirror, concave mirror, convex mirror)

5. An object is placed 25 cm from a convex C F P

lens whose focal length is 10 cm. The image
distance is ________ .

(50 cm, 16.66 cm, 6.66 cm, 10 cm)

1. From the following statement write down
that which is applicable to a commutator. 6. In traffic signals _________ colour light is
used to stop vechicles because it is having
a. galvanometer uses commutator for ______ wave length.
7. Complete the table choosing the right terms
b. transformer uses commutator to step up from within the brackets.
____A______ large image of teeth
c. mototr uses commutator to reverse the
current ____B_______ errect image traffic
2. Fill in the blanks
(convex mirror, plane convex mirror, concave
motor : a permanent magnet, then mirror, plane mirror, convex lens, concave
commercial motor : _______ lens.)

3. Correct the mistakes, if any, in the following 8. Considering this write down the names of
statements. the parts in human eye.

a. Magnetic field is a quantity that has a. Dark muscular diaphragm that controls the

Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light

pupil. 1. (b) The retractive index of diamond is

2.42. What is the meaning of this statement
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light
b. The screen at where the image is formed in relation to speed of light?
by eye lens.
2. (a)
9. You know that myopia is a common
refractive defects of vision. Person with this B C
defect can see only nearby objects clearly.
Using concave lens of suitable power this
defect is corrected.

a) mention other two types of defects like N S

this. A D
b) explain how can we correct it. B1
10. (a) Which of the compass needle
orientations in the following diagram might
correctly describe the magnet’s field at that S2
c a) Re draw the above diagram.

N S b) This diagram represents _________

c) Label the parts of the diagram.

d) Write the principle of the name of the

d device denoted by this diagram.

(b) To an astronaut sky appears dark instead e) Give the way of finding the direction of the
of blue. Give the reason. current in this device .


1. (a) Label the following in the given

diagram given below.


(a) Incident ray (b) Refracted ray

(c) Emergent ray (d) Angle of refraction
(e) Angle of deviation (f) Angle of emergence


Chapter 17
Magnetic effect ofe lectric current and Light
Magnetic effect of electric current and Light


Chapter 17

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