Battista Lentol

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THE Crrv on NBw Yonx

Meyon's Orucr or Frr-rrr, THEernr, RNn BnoRocASTrNG

KernrnrNr Or.rvrn
April 73,2077

Joseph R. Lentol
Assemblyman Soth District
619 Lorimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Dear Assemblyman Lentol,

I am writing in response to your letter dated April 4, 2011 regarding alleged violations of our Keys to The
City code of conduct by members of the Warner Bros. feature film Extremely Loud and lncredibly Close.
Based on the photos that were provided by Mr. William Rohan as well as speaking with supervisors of
the crew, it appears all of these allegations were true.

We spoke wilh Extremely Loud ond lnuedibly Close Producer Celia Costas who assured us that she will
reinforce with her crew the regulations which prohibit smoking within 100 feet of a fuel truck. We have
requested the NYPD Movie/W Unit closely monitor this production and takp enforcement action if
necessary. My office will send field representatives to the set to ensure all required permits are filled
out correctly and all signs are properly posted.

Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. We regret that these infractions occurred and will
continue working to monitor productions working throughout the City. We look forward to continuing a

good working relationship with all of our neighborhoods.

Deputy Commissioner

cc: Commissioner Katherine Oliver,

1697 Bnoeowav Nrw You, Nrw Yonr roorg

Tor (zrz) 489-67rc Fex (zrz) 3o7-647

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