Belgium History Timeline Test

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SST – Test N°….: Timelines:

1) Short answer: /3

a) What do we always at the beginning of a timeline?

b) What do we always have at the end of a timeline?

c) What do they stand for?

2) What are the 4 essential features of a timeline? /2

_____________________; __________________________; __________________________; _____________________.

3) The history of Belgium: Make a timeline about the history of Belgium, using all the following dates. /20

Important dates:

 1830 Independence of Belgium

 1831 Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was chosen king of the Belgians and became Leopold I.
 1835 First train on the European continent. It links Maline to Brussels.
 1865 Leopold II became king of Belgium
 1909 Albert I became king of Belgium
 1914 Begin of World War I
 1918 End of World War I
 1934 Albert I died in a climbing accident and Leopold III became King of Belgium
 1939 Begin of World War II
 1945 End of World War II
 1950 Creation of the EU. Belgium is founding member.
 1951 Leopold III had to abdicate. Baudouin became king.
 1970 Belgium is divided in 3 communities
 1993 Albert II became king
 2002 Introduction of the euro, a common European monetary system.
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