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1 邏輯關係
1.A 因果關係
because , in that , for , therefore , thus , accordingly , consequently , given ,
hence ,
so ... that , so ... as to ... , if ... then ... ,
when ... then ... , as long as ...
in the sense that ...

1. In part of the Arctic , the land grades into the landfast ice so ____ that you can walk
off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea.

2. The results of the experiments performed by Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were
____ not only because these results challenged old assumptions but also because
they called the ____ methodology into question.
provocative ... prevailing
predictable ... contemporary
inconclusive ... traditional
intriguing ... projected
specious ... original

3. Although Johnson ____ great enthusiasm for his employees' project , in reality his
interest in the project was so ____ as to be almost nonexistent.
feigned ... perfunctory

4. Broadway audiences have become inured to ____ and so ____ to be pleased as to

make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production
before them.
sentimentality ... reluctant
condescension ... disinclined
histrionics ... unlikely
cleverness ... eager
mediocrity ... desperate

5. Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective

attempt to ____ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.
注:由conspiracy可知空格爲貶義詞 ,

6. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and
enlarged that the ____ design is no longer ____ .
pertinent ... relevant
intended ... necessary
embellished ... attractive
appropriate ... applicable
initial ... discernible
注:no longer是對過去的狀態的否定。

7. There are , as yet , no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been ____ to
the extent that they no longer ____ ecologists.
perfected ... hinder
exhausted ... interest
prolonged ... require
prevented ... challenge
delayed ... benefit

8. A leading chemist believes that many scientists have difficulty with stereochemistry
because much of the relevant nomenclature is ____ , in that it combines concepts
that should be kept ____ .
obscure ... interrelated
specialized ... intact
subtle ... inviolate
descriptive ... separate
imprecise ... discrete

9. During periods of social and cultural stability , many art academies are so firmly
controlled by ____ that all real creative work must be done by the ____ .
dogmatists ... disenfranchised
managers ... reactionaries
reformers ... dissatisfied
imposters ... academicians
specialists ... elite

10. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so
dangerous that he criticized Dickens' Oliver Twist for making the characters in the
thieves' kitchen so ____ .

11. The legislators of 1563 realized the ____ of trying to regulate the flow of labor without
securing its reasonable remuneration , and so the second part of the statute dealt with
establishing wages.

only by ignoring , only by failing to see , only by failing to recognize ...

12. Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors

conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything more than a ____
solution to the company's financial woes.
注: anything more than 不僅僅是
nothing more than 只不過是
nothing little more than 只不過僅僅是
nothing but 絕不是

13. Roman historians who study the period 30 B.C. to A.D. 180 can ____ the "Augustan
peace" only by failing to recognize that this peace in many respects resembled that
of death.

1.B 目的_手段_結果
in order to , by , for , result from , lead to ... , through , in terms of , on basis of

14. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly ____ , most
frequently by human intervention.
動詞 + by(through , in terms of , on basis of) + 動名詞或抽象名詞

15. Although nothing could be further from the truth , freight railroads have been ____ of
____ the nation's shift from oil to coal by charging exorbitant fees to transport coal.
accused ... impeding
proud ... accelerating
guilty ... delaying
conscious ... contributing to
wary ... interfering with

16. Having no sense of moral obligation , Shipler was as little subject to the ____ of
conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its ____ before he acted.
rewards ... chastisement
balm ... eloquence
reproaches ... prompting
ridicule ... allure
qualms ... atonement

17. The reduction of noise has been ____ in terms of ____ its sources , but the alternative
of canceling noise out by adding sound with the opposite wave pattern may be more
useful in practice.
justified ... diffusing
accomplished ... tracking
conceived ... concealing
explained ... isolating
approached ... eliminating
注:in terms of重復by , 所以空格是adding sound的反義詞(這麽極端的思維?!)。

18. Once a duckling has identified a parent , the instinctive bond becomes a powerful ____
for additional learning since , by ____ the parent , the duckling can acquire further
information that is not genetically transmitted.
impulse ... surpassing
referent ... recognizing
force ... acknowledging
inspiration ... emulating
channel ... mimicking

19. The ____ of gamblers' unsuccessful decision strategies is one ____ of the illusions built
into games of chance in order to misguide players and take their money.
distortion ... outcome
restriction ... result
maintenance ... function
prediction ... accomplishment
demonstration ... prerequisite

20. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a
harmonious wholeness by having ____ the conflicting elements of her life.

1.C 轉折關係
albeit , although , though , but , despite , even though , however , in spite of ,
nevertheless , nonetheless , notwithstanding , while , whatever , regardless ,
even if , even though , yet , and yet

21. Nineteenth-century scholars , by examining earlier geometric Greek art , found that
classical Greek art was not a magical ____ or a brilliant ____ blending Egyptian and
Assyrian art , but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
apparition ... amalgam

22. Without the psychiatrist's promise of confidentiality , trust is ____ and the patient's
communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious
in therapy , moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to ____ it.
implicit ... extend
ambiguous ... apply
prevented ... uphold
assumed ... examine
impaired ... sacrifice

23. The newborn human infant is not a passive figure , nor an active one , but what
might be called an actively ____ one , eagerly attentive as it is to sights and sounds.
注:actively與passive反義 , 所以空格應該與active反義 , 爲消極被動之意。

24. Even though formidable winters are the norm in the Dakotas , many people were
unprepared for the ____ of the blizzard of 1888.

25. Although the architect's concept at first sounded too ____ to be ____ , his careful
analysis of every aspect of the project convinced the panel that the proposed building
was indeed , structurally feasible.
mundane ... attractive
eclectic ... appealing
grandiose ... affordable
innovative ... ignored
visionary ... practicable

26. Some paleontologists debate whether the diversity of species has ____ since the
Cambrian period , or whether imperfections in the fossil record only suggest greater
diversity today , while in actuality there has been either ____ or decreased
changed ... escalation
increased ... stasis
expanded ... discontinuity
declined ... reduction
improved ... deviation

27. The labor union and the company's management , despite their long history of
unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue , have nevertheless reached
an unexpectedly ____ , albeit still tentative , agreement on next year's contract.
注:空格和tentative同時修飾一個名詞 , 並且有轉折關係 , 則此時 爲褒貶轉折。所以不能是

28. Although ancient tools were ____ preserved , enough have survived to allow us to
demonstrate an occasionally interrupted but generally ____ progress through
partially ... noticeable
superficially ... necessary
unwittingly ... documented
rarely ... continual
needlessly ... incessant

29. In the machinelike world of classical physics , the human intellect appears ____ ,
since the mechanical nature of classical physics does not ____ creative reasoning ,
the very ability that had made the formulation of classical principles possible.
anomalous ... allow for
abstract ... speak to
anachronistic ... deny
enduring ... value
contradictory ... exclude

1.D 遞進關係
even , indeed ... , not only ... but also ...

30. He was regarded by his followers , as something of ____ , not only because of his
insistence on strict discipline , but also because of his ____ adherence to formal
a martinet ... rigid
an authority ... sporadic
a tyrant ... reluctant
a fraud ... conscientious
an acolyte ... maniacal

31. Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions; indeed , we almost have
a natural ____ doing so.
aptitude for
repugnance to
interest in
ignorance of
reaction after

32. In the seventeenth century , direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values
was regarded as ____ , even as a sign of madness.

33. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary , there is no necessary link between
scientific skill and humanism , and , quite possibly , there may be something of a ____
between them.

1.E 對比關係
unlike , while , whereas , in contrast , on the contrary , far from , on
the other hand , rather than , instead of , not ... but , more ... than;
paradoxically , ironically , puzzling , surprisingly , unexpectedly ,
shift from ... to ... , oscillate between ... and ... , decay from ...
to ... , reconcile ... with ... , replace ... with ... , distinguish from ... to
... , oscillate between ... and ...;
not so much ... as ...
either ... or ...

34. In failing to see that the justice's pronouncement merely ____ previous decisions
rather than actually establishing a precedent , the novice law clerk ____ the scope of
the justice's judgment.
qualified(引用) ... overemphasized
注:precious decisions 和 precedent 同義 , 空格與establishing反義

35. It is puzzling to observe that Jones's novel has recently been criticized for its ____
structure , since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious ____ is
its relentlessly rigid , indeed schematic , framework.
lack of ... flaw

36. During the 1960's assessments of the family shifted remarkably , from general
endorsement of it as a worthwhile , stable institution to widespread ____ it as an
oppressive and bankrupt one whose ____ was both imminent and welcome.
flight from ... restitution
fascination with ... corruption
rejection of ... vogue
censure of ... dissolution
relinquishment of ... ascent

37. Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual , historians of
the 1960's portrayed him as ____ thinker , eager to fill the young with his political
orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.
an adventurous
a doctrinaire
an eclectic
a judicious
a cynical
注:a skeptical but enlightened intellectual 結構:表示intellectual同時具有skeptical和
enlightened的性質。並且強調後者 , 所以上題的空格應該與enlightened反義。
如果出現兩個用but連接的形容詞修飾一個名詞的情況 , 這兩個形容詞應該:轉折 , 不是對立的反義 ,

38. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of ____ for an
imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to ____ its own continental coastline.
expediency ... defend

39. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776) is still worth reading , more to appreciate the
current ____ of Smith's valid contributions to economics than to see those
contributions as the ____ of present-day economics.
disregard ... outgrowths
reaffirmation ... concerns
relevance ... precursors
acceptance ... byproducts
importance ... vestiges
注 :上文的 the current ____ 應該與下文的 the ____ 反義。

40. Considering how long she had yearned to see Italy , her first reaction was curiously
____ .

41. No one is ____ about Stephens; he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound ____
in those who work for him.
neutral ... antipathy
infuriated ... aversion
worried ... anxiety
enthusiastic ... veneration
apprehensive ... consternation

42. The wonder of De Quincey is that although opium dominated his life , it never ____
him; indeed , he turned its use to ____ when he published the story of its influence in
the London Magazine.
overcame ... altruism
intimidated ... triumph
distressed ... pleasure
conquered ... gain
released ... necessity
注:turn to是表示對立面的轉折 , 和shift from ... to ... 和oscillate between ... and ... 相同。

43. Wearing the latest fashions was exclusively the ____ of the wealthy until the 1850's ,
when mass production , aggressive entrepreneurs , and the availability of the sewing
machine made them ____ the middle class.
aspiration ... disagreeable to
vexation ... superfluous for
bane ... profitable to
prerogative ... accessible to
obligation ... popular with

44. Although a few delegates gave the opposition's suggestions a ____ response , most
greeted the statement of a counterposition with ____ .
favorable ... approval
dispirited ... reluctance
surly ... resentment
halfhearted ... composure
vitriolic ... civility

45. Unlike other creatures , who are shaped largely by their ____ environment , human
beings are products of a culture accumulated over centuries , yet one that is
constantly being ____ by massive infusions of new information from everywhere.
harsh ... unconfirmed
surrounding ... upheld
immediate ... transformed
natural ... mechanized
limited. superseded

46. The ____ costumes of Renaissance Italy , with their gold and silver embroidery and
figured brocades , were the antithesis of Spanish ____ , with its dark muted colors ,
plain short capes , and high collars edged with small ruffs.
striking ... obliqueness
extravagant ... profligacy
austere ... informality
unpretentious ... asceticism
sumptuous ... sobriety

47. Although scientists claim that the seemingly ____ language of their reports is more
precise than the figurative language of fiction , the language of science , like all
language , is inherently ____ .
ornamental ... subtle
unidimensional ... unintelligible
symbolic ... complex
literal ... allusive
subjective ... metaphorical

48. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter , when we consider the
predominant image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess , is her ____ search for her

49. Since 1813 reaction to Jane Austen's novels has oscillated between ____ and
condescension; but in general later writers have esteemed her works more highly than
did most of her literary ____
dismissal ... admirers
adoration ... contemporaries
disapproval ... readers
indifference ... followers
approbation ... precursors

correspondingly , in much the same way , similarly , just as ... .so
50. Scholars' sense of the uniqueness of the central concept of "the state" at the time
when political science became an academic field quite naturally led to striving for a
correspondingly ____ mode of study.

51. Exposure to low-intensity gamma radiation slows the rate of growth of the spoilage
microorganisms in food in much the same way that the low heat used in
pasteurization ____ the spoilage action of the microorganisms in milk.

once , initially , early , formerly , pristine , now , recently , current ,
later , before , after , until , no longer ...
begin , start , initial , launch , end , finish , conclude

52. When theories formerly considered to be ____ in their scientific objectivity are found
instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias , then the presumed
neutrality of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are
human ____ .
disinterested ... constructions

53. Created to serve as perfectly as possible their workaday ____ , the wooden storage
boxes made in America's Shaker communities are now ____ for their beauty.
function ... valued

54. Until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climatic fluctuations ,
there will be , among scientists , considerable ____ the possibility that increasing levels
of atmospheric CO2 can cause long-term warming effects.
uncertainty about
注:until單獨用等於before , 時間對比

55. While she initially suffered the fate of many pioneers -- the incomprehension of her
colleagues -- octogenarian Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock has lived to ____ the
triumph of her once ____ scientific theories.
descry ... innovative
regret ... insignificant
perpetuate ... tentative
enjoy ... authoritative
savor ... heterodox

56. The theory of cosmic evolution states that the universe , having begun in a state of
simplicity and ____ , has ____ into great variety.
equilibrium ... modulated
homogeneity ... differentiated
contrast ... metamorphosed
proportion ... accelerated
intelligibility ... developed

57. Salazar's presence in the group was so ____ the others that they lost most of their
earlier ____ ; failure , for them , became all but unthinkable.
reassuring to ... trepidation
unnoticed by ... curiosity
unusual to ... harmony
endearing to ... confidence
unexpected by ... exhilaration
注:all but + n. 表示除了以外
all but + adj. 表示almost

58. The idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence that
the medieval ____ natural settings had been ____ and that the outdoors now could be
enjoyed without trepidation.
fear of ... exorcised
concerns about ... regained
affection for ... surmounted
disinterest in ... alleviated
enthusiasm for ... confronted

59. Often the difficulties of growing up in the public eye cause child prodigies to ____ the
world of achievement before reaching adulthood: happily , they sometimes later
return to competition and succeed brilliantly.
retire from

60. Within the next decade , sophisticated telescopes now orbiting the Earth will
determine whether the continents really are moving , ____ the incipient ____ among
geologists about the validity of the theory of continental drift.
obviating ... consensus
forestalling ... rift
escalating ... debates
engendering ... speculation
resolving ... rumors

61. Scientists' pristine reputation as devotees of the disinterested pursuit of truth has
been ____ by recent evidence that some scientists have deliberately ____
experimental results to further their own careers.
reinforced ... published
validated ... suppressed
exterminated ... replicated
compromised ... fabricated
resuscitated ... challenged

62. Although Johnson's and Smith's initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying
for power in the law firm ____ after a few months , the two paid sufficient attention
to determine who their lunch partners should be.

63. Before about 1960 , virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be
a product of selection at the level of populations; recent studies of evolution ,
however , have found no ____ this ____ view of selection.
departures from ... controversial
basis for ... pervasive
bias toward ... unchallenged
precursors of ... innovative
criticisms of ... renowned

64. Future generations will probably consider current speculations about humanity's
place in the universe to be ____ omissions and errors; even rigorous scientific views
change , sometimes overnight.
immune from
marred by
uncorrupted by
correct despite
abridged by

1.F 並列關係
65. It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying , that
Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of ____ .
注:prove的從句出現兩個 , what ... that ...

66. Regardless of what ____ theories of politics may propound , there is nothing that
requires daily politics to be clear , thorough , and consistent—nothing , that is , that
requires reality to conform to theory.
注: 第一個並列句可得出結論:日常的政治行動是不清楚、不徹底、不具有邏輯性的;而第二個並列句 ,
再由日常政治行動即 爲現實可知:理論是清楚徹底並邏輯高度一致的。空格要求填一個修飾理論的形容

67. A leading chemist believes that many scientists have difficulty with stereochemistry
because much of the relevant nomenclature is ____ , in that it combines concepts
that should be kept ____ .
obscure ... interrelated
specialized ... intact
subtle ... inviolate
descriptive ... separate
imprecise ... discrete

68. The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost
necessarily irresponsible , that the possession of great gifts ____ the ____ to abuse
negates ... temptation
controls ... resolution
engenders ... propensity
tempers ... proclivity
obviates ... inclination
注: 重復 , 所以空格應該與were almost necessarily重復。

69. Ethologists are convinced that many animals survive through learning -- but learning
that is ____ their genetic programming , learning as thoroughly ____ as the most
instinctive of behavioral responses.
superseded by ... primitive
compatible with ... transient
complementary to ... familiar
derived from ... inventive
dictated by ... stereotyped
70. The idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence
that the medieval ____ natural settings had been ____ and that the outdoors now
could be enjoyed without trepidation.
fear of ... exorcised
concerns about ... regained
affection for ... surmounted
disinterest in ... alleviated
enthusiasm for ... confronted

71. A good doctor knows that knowledge about medicine will continue to ____ and that ,
therefore , formal professional training can never be an ____ guide to good practice.
vary ... adaptable
change ... absolute
ossify ... inflexible
pertain ... invaluable
intensify ... obsolescent

72. Marshall's confrontational style could alienate almost anyone: he even antagonized a
board of directors that included a number of his supporters and that had a reputation
for not being easily ____ .

73. Doreen justifiably felt she deserved recognition for the fact that the research
institute had been ____ a position of preeminence , since it was she who had ____ the
reduced to ... controlled
raised to ... observed
mired in ... imagined
maintained in ... created
returned to ... directed

主語爲並列主語 , 其表語可以分 爲兩 類 :相同或不同。
74. The characterization of historical analysis as a form of fiction is not likely to be
received ____ by either historians or literary critics , who agree that history and
fiction deal with ____ orders of experience.
sympathetically ... distinct

75. The natures of social history and lyric poetry are ____ , social history always
recounting the ____ and lyric poetry speaking for unchanging human nature , that
timeless essence beyond fashion and economics.
predetermined ... bygone
antithetical ... evanescent
interdependent ... unnoticed
irreconcilable ... unalterable
indistinguishable ... transitory

76. Without seeming unworldly , William James appeared wholly removed from the ____ of
society , the conventionality of academe.(分隔)
77. Kagan maintains that an infant's reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a
natural process of development , not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or ____
signs of adolescent anxiety.

2 重復
2.A 解釋型重復:

78. Not all the indicators necessary to convey the effect of depth in a picture work
simultaneously , the picture's illusion of ____ three-dimensional appearance must
therefore result from the viewer's integration of various indicators perceived ____ .
imitative ... coincidentally
uniform ... successively
temporary ... comprehensively
expressive ... sympathetically
schematic ... passively

79. In the midst of so many evasive comments , this forthright statement , whatever its
intrinsic merit , plainly stands out as ____
a paradigm
a misnomer
a profundity
an inaccuracy
an anomaly

80. Copyright and patent laws attempt to encourage innovation by ensuring that
inventors are paid for creative , so it would be ____ if expanded protection under these
laws discouraged entrepreneurial innovation by increasing fears of lawsuits.

81. The Muses are ____ deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who
weary of their charms.

82. Speakers and listeners arc often at odds: language that is easy for the receiver to
understand is often difficult to ____ , and that which is easily formulated can be hard
to ____ .
estimate ... confirm
transmit. defend
produce ... comprehend
suppress ... ignore
remember ... forget

83. Melodramas , which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality ,
virtue and corruption , good and evil , were popular precisely because they offered the
audience a world ____ of ____ .
bereft ... theatricality
composed ... adversity
full ... circumstantiality
deprived ... polarity
devoid ... neutrality

84. Famous among job seekers for its ____ , the company , quite apart from generous
salaries , bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such ____ as low-interest
home mortgages and company cars.
magnanimity ... reparations
inventiveness ... benefits
largesse ... perquisites
discernment ... prerogatives
altruism ... credits

2.B 根據語法現象推斷重復

85. The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests that true
appreciation of the music is an ____ process closed to the uninitiated listener ,
however enthusiastic.

86. Psychology has slowly evolved into an ____ scientific discipline that now functions
autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences.

87. In a ____ society that worships efficiency , it is difficult for a sensitive and idealistic
person to make the kinds of ____ decisions that alone spell success as it is defined by
such a society.
bureaucratic ... edifying
pragmatic ... hardheaded
rational ... well intentioned
competitive ... evenhanded
modern ... dysfunctional

88. The valedictory address , as it has developed in American colleges and universities
over the years , has become a very strict form , a literary ____ that permits very little
____ .
text ... clarity
work ... tradition
genre ... deviation
oration ... grandiloquence
achievement ... rigidity

89. Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men , but
this dominance has , until very recently , been regarded merely as ____ fact , a bit of
arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.
a controversial
a statistical
an analytical
an explicit
an unimpeachable

2.C 根據一些明顯的指示詞來尋找重復
such , this , that , which , the , remain , continue

90. Dependence on foreign sources of heavy metals , though ____ , remains ____ for
United States foreign policy.
deepening ... a challenge
diminishing ... a problem
excessive ... a dilemma
debilitating ... an embarrassment
unavoidable ... a precedent

91. Opponents of the expansion of the market economy , although in ____ , continued to
constitute ____ political force throughout the century.
error ... an inconsequential
retreat ... a powerful
disarray ... a disciplined
jeopardy ... an ineffective
command ... a viable

92. The First World War began in a context of jargon and verbal delicacy and continued
in a cloud of ____ as ____ as language and literature , skillfully used , could make it.
circumlocution ... literal
cliche ... lucid
euphemism ... impenetrable
particularity ... deliberate
subjectivity ... enthralling

93. To test the ____ of borrowing from one field of study to enrich another , simply
investigate the extent to which terms from the one may , without forcing , be ____ the
risk ... confused with
universality ... applied to
decorum ... illuminated by
rate ... superseded by
efficacy ... utilized by

94. An obvious style , easily identified by some superficial quirk , is properly ____ as a
mere mannerism , whereas a complex and subtle style ____ reduction to a formula.
avoided ... risks
decried(感情色彩) ... resists
prized ... withstands(反抗)
identified ... consists of
cultivated ... demands

95. The proponents of recombinant DNA research have decided to ____ federal regulation
of their work; they hope that by making this compromise they can forestall proposed
state and local controls that might be even stiffer.

96. Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be ____ , which makes them
____ unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect and punish
contested ... provisional
circumvented ... antiquated
repealed ... vulnerable
violated ... ineffective
modified ... unstable

97. Social tensions among adult factions can be ____ by politics , but adolescents and
children have no such ____ for resolving their conflict with the exclusive world of
intensified ... attitude
complicated ... relief
frustrated ... justification
adjusted ... mechanism
revealed ... opportunity

2.D 跟上下義詞的概念相關的題目

98. This final essay , its prevailing kindliness ____ by occasional flashes of savage irony ,
bespeaks the ____ character of the author.
illuminated ... imperturbable
marred ... dichotomous
untainted ... vindictive
exemplified ... chivalrous
diluted ... ruthless

99. Our times seem especially ____ to bad ideas , probably because in throwing off the
shackles of tradition , we have ended up being quite ____ untested theories and
untried remedies.
impervious ... tolerant of
hostile ... dependent on
hospitable ... vulnerable to
prone ... wary of
indifferent ... devoid of
注: end up being sth 是“以 ... 收場” , being後面的狀態是結構狀態 , 即變化後的現在的狀態。所以
兩個空格爲同義詞。我們和我們的時代 , 作者和作者的書 , 科學家和科學家的理論等等通常可以看作是

100.Just as the authors' book on eels is often a key text for courses in marine vertebrate
zoology , their ideas on animal development and phylogeny ____ teaching in this

101.Professional photographers generally regard inadvertent surrealism in a

photograph as a curse rather than a blessing; magazine photographers , in
particular , consider themselves ____ to the extent that they can ____ its presence in
their photographs.
skillful ... enhance
inadequate ... eliminate
original ... demonstrate
fortunate ... minimize
conventional ... highlight
注:Professional photographers 和 magazine photographers 屬於上下義詞。

102.Heavily perfumed white flowers , such as gardenias , were favorites with collectors in
the eighteenth century , when ____ was valued much more highly than it is today.

103.Remelting old metal cans rather than making primary aluminum from bauxite ore
shipped from overseas saves producers millions of dollars in ____ and production costs.

104.In an age without radio or recordings , an age ____ by print , fiction gained its
greatest ascendancy.

2.E 解題上看似涉及背景知識的題目直接找重復:

105.The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological
factors in mental illnesses , but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on
existing physiological conditions and ____ such illnesses.

106.Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves , although a hint
of ____ can boost sales of video clips very nicely.
self doubt

107.A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from ____ , relating the ____ of an
organism to its physical form and cellular organization.
age ... ancestry
classification ... appearance
size ... movement
structure ... behavior
location ... habitat

108.The pressure of population on available resources is the key to understanding history;

consequently , any historical writing that takes no cognizance of ____ facts is ____
demographic ... intrinsically
ecological ... marginally
cultural ... substantively
psychological ... philosophically
political ... demonstratively
注: 兩個空格其中一格填副詞的題目 , 在絕大多數情況下 , 解題時可以先忽略掉這個空格
2.F 重復關係相對不明顯的一些情況:
109.Among the many ____ of the project , expense cannot be numbered; the goals of the
project's promoters can be achieved with impressive ____ .
highlights ... efficiency
features ... savings
disadvantages ... innovation
claims ... speed
defects ... economy

110.Their mutual teasing seemed ____ , but in fact it ____ a long-standing hostility.
aimless ... produced
friendly ... masked
playful ... contravened
bitter ... revealed
clever ... averted

111.Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases , acting
most strongly against the most severe diseases; consequently , hereditary diseases
that are ____ would be expected to be very ____ , but , surprisingly , they are not.
lethal ... rare
untreated ... dangerous
unusual ... refractory
new ... perplexing
widespread ... acute

112.Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low
levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a
modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents ____ .

2.G 特徵人物:
consider ... as ... , portray ... as ... , label ... as ...
下級永遠服從上級 , 不會提出任何批評意見。

113.The primary criterion for ____ a school is its recent performance: critics are ____ to
extend credit for earlier victories.
evaluating ... prone
judging ... reluctant
注:第一個空格所填的動名詞的邏輯主語爲critics , 特徵動作:評價 , 讚揚 , 批評

114.It is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measure
of the oblivion to which he was forever ____ others , in the end , all his ____ has only
worked against him.
dedicating ... self-procession
leading ... self-righteousness
consigning ... self-adulation
relegating ... self-sacrifice
condemning ... self-analysis
注: a critic of such overwhelming vanity 是一個表示人物特徵的結構 , 特徵爲vanity , 第二個空格

115.Johnson never ____ to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company
policy if ____ compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so ,
whatever the effects on his subordinates.
deigned ... tacit
attempted ... halfhearted
intended ... direct
scrupled ... literal
wished ... feigned
注: 下級服從上級 , 所以第二個空格ACD , 有從感情色彩判斷第一個空格。

116.Not wishing to appear ____ , the junior member of the research group refrained from
____ any criticism of the senior members' plan for dividing up responsibility for the
entire project.
reluctant ... evaluating
inquisitive ... offering
presumptuous ... venturing
censorious ... undercutting
moralistic ... observing

117.Many industries are so ____ by the impact of government sanctions , equipment

failure , and foreign competition that they are beginning to rely on industrial
psychologists to ____ what remains of employee morale.
estranged ... guard
beleaguered ... salvage
overruled ... undermine
encouraged ... determine
restrained ... confirm
注:psychologist的特徵動作“救援 , 治療 , 恢復”

118.Numerous historical examples illustrate both the overriding influence that scientists'
____ have on their interpretation of data and the consequent ____ of their intellectual
prejudices ... impairment
instruments ... abandonment
theories ... independence
conclusions ... coloration
suppositions ... reinforcement

119.Their ____ was expressed in quotidian behavior: they worshipped regularly , ____ all
the regenerative processes of nature respect , and even awe.
selflessness ... reserving to
moderation ... extending to
reverence ... exacting from
piety ... according
serenity ... refusing

120.The fortresslike facade of the Museum of Cartoon Art seems calculated to remind
visitors that the comic strip is an art form that has often been—— by critics.
注:critics特徵動作:評價 , 讚揚 , 批評

121.Although skeptics say financial problems will probably ____ our establishing a base
on the Moon. Supporters of the project remain ____ , saying that human curiosity
should overcome such pragmatic constraints.
beset ... disillusioned
hasten ... hopeful
postpone ... pessimistic
prevent ... enthusiastic
allow ... unconvinced

2.H 主動被動或逆否命題的重復:
A→B;B→A句型:主動被動重復 , 逆否命題重復

122.If duty is the natural ____ of one's ____ the course of future events , then people who
are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
correlate ... understanding of
outgrowth ... control over
determinant ... involvement in
mitigant ... preoccupation with
arbiter ... responsibility for
注 : 主動被動的重復(特徵詞:by , through , is the result of , is the outgrowth of , is
the product of , 否則爲逆否命題的重復)

123.Any population increase beyond a certain level necessitates greater ____ vegetable
foods; thus , the ability of a society to choose meat over cereals always arises , in
part , from ____ the number of people.
reliance on ... replenishing
production of ... estimating
spending on ... concealing
recourse to ... limiting
attention to ... varying

3 感情色彩:褒義貶義、正面負面、肯定否定
124.A war , even if fought for individual liberty and democratic rights , usually requires
that these principles be ____ , for they are ____ the regimentation and discipline
necessary for military efficiency.
espoused ... contrary to
suppressed ... fulfilled through
suspended ... incompatible with
followed ... disruptive of
rejected ... inherent in
注:由even引導的轉折關係可知 , 第一個空格是貶義詞 , for表示原因 , 也應該是貶義詞。

125.The influence of the Titnaeus among early philosophical thinkers was ____ , if only
because it was the sole dialogue ____ in Europe for almost 1 , 000 years.
pervasive ... available
inestimable ... suppressed
unnoteworthy ... abridged
underestimated ... studied
circumscribed ... translated
注:if only because是一個連詞短語 , 表示輕蔑的唯一的一個原因;only because表示認同的唯一的

126.Individual freedom of thought should be ____ more absolutely than individual

freedom of action , given that the latter , though also desirable , must be ____ the
limits imposed by the rights and freedom of others.(P.236)
protected ... subject to
assessed ... measured by
valued ... superior to
exercised ... indifferent to
curtailed ... conscious of

127.The current demand for quality in the schools seems to ask not for the development
of informed and active citizens , but for disciplined and productive workers with
abilities that contribute to civic life only ____ (貶義) , if at all.(如果真要發生的話)

128.Walpole's art collection was huge and fascinating , and his novel The Castle of
Otranto was never out of print; none of this mattered to the Victorians , who ____ him
as , at best , ____ .
dismissed ... insignificant
judged ... worthwhile
revered ... talented
reviled ... meager
taunted ... dangerous

129.As for the alleged value of expert opinion , one need only ____ government records
to see ____ evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.
inspect ... questionable
retain ... circumstantial
distribute ... possible
consult ... strong
evaluate ... problematic

130.Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective

attempt to ____ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.

131.Despite the ____ of many of their colleagues , some scholars have begun to
emphasize "pop culture" as a key for ____ the myths , hopes , and fears of
contemporary society.
antipathy ... entangling
discernment ... evaluating
pedantry ... reinstating
skepticism ... deciphering
enthusiasm ... symbolizing

132.Ironically , the party leaders encountered no greater ____ their efforts to build a
progressive party than the ____ of the progressives already elected to the legislature.
support for ... advocacy
threat to ... promise
benefit from ... success
obstacle to ... resistance
praise for ... reputation

4 一些實用原則
4.A 邏輯推理上注意避免發散思維
133.Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to ____ them afterward on the basis
of their most conspicuous features , such as their flowers.

134.The commissions criticized the legislature for making college attendance dependent
on the ability to pay , charging that , as a result , hundreds of qualified young people
would be ____ further education.
entitled to
striving for
deprived of
uninterested in
participating in

135.During the widespread fuel shortage , the price of gasoline was so ____ that suppliers
were generally thought to be ____ the consumer.
reactive ... shielding
stable ... blackmailing
depressed ... cheating
prohibitive ... placating
excessive ... gouging

4.B 邏輯關係上最直接的選項永遠是正確選項
136.In part of the Arctic , the land grades into the landfast ice so ____ that you can walk
off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea.

137.The hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a ____ system; its strata remain
____ and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.
health ... skilled
delivery ... basic
regimental ... flexible
training ... inferior
caste ... intact

138.Poe's ____ reviews of contemporary fiction , which often find great merit in otherwise
____ literary gems , must make us respect his critical judgment in addition to his well-
known literary talent.
thorough ... completed
petulant ... unpopular
insightful ... unappreciated
enthusiastic ... acclaimed
harsh ... undeserving

5 解題技巧的局限性
139.Whereas the art critic Vasari saw the painting entitled the Mona Lisa as an original
and wonderful ____ feat , the reproduction of a natural object , the aesthetes saw it as
____ that required deciphering.
collaborative ... an aberration
historical ... a symbol
technical ... a hieroglyph
mechanical ... an imitation
visual ... an illusion
注:whereas和while一樣表對照而不是對立的轉折 , 所以這時連詞的前後只要不一樣 即可
140.The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its ____ provisions. but in its broader
impact: it made the king subject to the law.

6 注意事項
1. although ... continue ...句型的解法。
2. 時間對比題型的解法。
3. as ... as句型有多種用法,但是只有小連接才能直接用於解題。
4. 諸如motivated by its motivation 題型的解法。
5. without ... or ... 爲同義關係。
6. at best , little more than 修飾輕微貶義,examine爲中型詞。
7. until單獨用等於before,時間對比,反以。
8. 特殊並列句的解法。
9. end up being sth 以 ... 爲結局。
10. no longer 修飾過去的動作或狀態。
11. stop short of doing 差一點就 ...
12. 固定觀點“科學過去是客觀的,現在是帶偏見的”。
13. but nevertheless 表遞進轉折,程度加深;nevertheless用作副詞時,義爲under other conditi
14. 因果句一般都是同義重復或上下義重復。
15. equally , such , similar , corresponding表同意。
16. 分號後的indeed在填空中都表示肯定和遞進。
17. not so much ... as ... “與其說 ... 不如說 ...”
18. A→B;B→A 不是主動被動重復,就是逆否命題重復。
19. 低級成員永遠服從高級成員。
20. all the more(更加)句型爲強調表語。
21. 強調原因句型的特殊解法,見218頁。
22. 介詞前後連接動詞不定式構成小連接。
23. 一套比較結構中比較雙方相反;兩套比較結構中比較雙方不變。
24. 分隔一般都是同義重復,但當分隔由whatever、instead of、yet、but或very引導時,分隔爲反
25. 空對空題,一般第二空會有提示。
26. 隱含比較結構。
27. while , wheras只表轉折,不表對立。
28. continue , remain , lead to爲同意重復;become , transition , change爲反意重復。
29. 時間對比,人物特徵,褒貶關係
30. 第一個空格添副詞,這種情況下通常將副詞忽略不計而將上句當成是完整句來理解。
31. 主語爲並列主語,其表語可分爲兩類:相同和不同.並且只有different , distinct , antithetical , ir
32. or單獨使用可連同義或反義詞,但當與not或without合用時,一般連接同義詞。
33. 公平(evenhanded)與效率(efficiency)被學者們認爲是反義詞。
34. 兩個形容詞同時修飾一個名詞,並且用but、albeit或其他轉折詞連接兩個形容詞,則這兩個形容詞
35. not so much ... as ... 與其說是 ... 不如說是 ... , 前後連接兩個截然相反的觀點:如與其說他輸了
36. whereas和while一樣表對照而不是對立的轉折,所以這時連詞的前後只要不一樣即可。
37. until單獨使用相當於before,並且強調之前與之後的對比。
38. remain或是continue作主體動詞,有兩種典型考法:一、原文出現當初的狀態,continue或rema
39. 無明確含義的詞一般都不會成爲答案,如存在vary , increase和decrease時,首先排除vary,又
如存在character , defect和highlight時首先排除character。
40. solely和only出現應給予高度重視,因爲他們表示出了唯一性和排他性。

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