Bai Tap NG Phap

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1) Some people only read the ......... lines in a newspaper.

a) top

b) big

c) main

d) head

2) You should always check the sell ......... date of things you buy in
the supermarket.

a) in

b) through

c) by

d) off

3) When the building was completed, all the workers were paid

a) off

b) through

c) out

d) over

4) The boss was good enough to ......... my mistake.

a) oversee

b) overtake

c) overdo

d) overlook
5) It is always ......... when you misunderstand the customs of other

a) embarrassing

b) peculiar

c) singular

d) attitude

6) Newspapers are ......... to people's doors every day.

a) taken

b) distributed

c) delivered

d) handed

7) In her speech she expressed her ......... for all the help she had
been given.

a) thankfulness

b) gratitude

c) gratefulness

d) thanking

8) In ......... nothing much happened at the meeting.

a) quick

b) briefly

c) short

d) shortly

9) At the end of the speech the whole assembly gave the speakers a
standing ..........

a) ovation

b) applause

c) cheering

d) support

10) Politicians pretend to ignore opinion ..........

a) votes

b) figures

c) numbers

d) polls

Solution to Quiz

Question 1=d
Question 2=c
Question 3=a
Question 4=d
Question 5=a
Question 6=c
Question 7=b
Question 8=c
Question 9=a
Question 10=d

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