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Industrial Communication

 Influencing factors:
 Buyer’s awareness levels
 Need to change in buyers’ attitudes
 Communication budget:
 Affordable method (out of profit)
 Percentage of sales
 Comparative-parity method
 Objective task
Industrial Communication
 Developing Message Strategy:
 Use rational appeal (emotional or moral appeals
will not work)
 Success stories
 Appeal factors:
 Quality
 Versatility (climatic conditions, continuous, hazardous
 Economy
 Faster delivery
Industrial Communication
 Media selection:
 Trade and Business journals
 Industrial directories
 Other promotional methods:
 Direct mailer (catalogues and samples)
 News in press
 Sales calls (presentations)
 Social marketing (community services)
 Seminars
 Demonstrations
 Exhibitions and trade shows
Industrial Communication
 Rankings of effective Industrial
 Personal selling (Sales calls)
 Catalogues
 Direct mail
 Advertising
 Trade shows and exhibitions
 Samples & demonstrations
 P & PR
 Customer entertainment
 Gifts
Industrial Communication

Rankings of effective Industrial Communication as per the
book Industrial Marketing 2nd edition by Krishna K Havaldar

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