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Last week’s topic is “humanistic approaches”.In humanistic approaches learners’

feelings,thoughts and emotions are important.The most well_known humanistic psychologists
are Erikson,Maslow and Rogers.
Erik Erikson’s ideas are based on the challenges in maturational stages.He vurgular?
lifelong learning.Erikson divided human life in 8 stages.If a person geçirememişse each stage
successfully,It affects person’s whole life negatively.Altough I had diffuculty in remembering
the stages in exam, I like them so much.If we can analyse these stages especially up to
intimacy stage,we can use them in education life.We can help students to have their
autonomy,self_confidence,self_evaluation,and encorage cooperative learning ,develop
personal identity.Therefore, learners will be social,confident,optimistic and successful
Abraham Maslow is known with hierarchy of human needs.He divided needs 2 categories
as being needs and deficiency needs.Maslow’s hierarchy is helpful for us in teaching
process.For instance;When a student have diffuculty in learning because his defciency needs
are not met,we can predict the problem and try to find solutios instead of claming? The
student ‘stupid’.
Carl R ogers is founder of humanistic approaches.He suggested ‘experiental learning’.The
subjects should be relevant to real life.Learners should participate the lesson actively.Learning
should be personalised as far as possible.Teacher should emphatise? And establish a good
relationship with learners.Learners values ,crativity,security,independency are important.

We can show silent way,suggestopedia and cll as example for humanistic approaches.In
these methods teachers try to minimise the stres in class.Learners are seen as whole
person,give importance to their emotions.They actively involve the lesson.Teacher
encourages them to use their creativity,tolerates the mistakes,create a sense of belongings.

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