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MIT Symphony Orchestra

Concerto Competition 2011

Adam Boyles, Music Director

Competition Information

Competition Date/Location:
Friday February 4, 2011, 3p-9p
Killian Hall, 14W-111

Concerto Performance Date/Location:

Friday, March 11, 2011, 8pm
Kresge Auditorium

• An MIT student soloist will be selected each spring to perform with the MIT Symphony.
• The competition is open only to MIT students. Soloists who have already performed with
the MIT Symphony Orchestra are not eligible.
• Preference will be given to one-movement works (i.e. Ravel Tzigane, Liszt Totentanz,
etc.). However, single movements out of larger concerti, or complete concerti, are
acceptable and will be considered.
• The entire work or selection must be prepared for the audition. Accompanists are
required but will not be provided. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your audition
time and be ready to play.
• Decision by the Music Director is final.
• The work performed at the audition will be the work to be performed in concert.
• The winner must be available for all the rehearsals and performances required by the
Music Director. Orchestra rehearsals are held 7:30-10pm, Tue/Thur.

Entry Procedures:
• Concerto selection must be submitted to the Music Director,, for
approval by Friday, November 12, 2010.
• Applications can be obtained from the Concerts Office, Rm. 4-243, or online at:
• Applications are due in the Concerts Office (no electronic applications accepted) no later
than 3pm on Friday, January 14, 2011.
• Contact: Joya Abbott-Graves, MITSO Manager,, 4-243
MIT Symphony Orchestra
Concerto Competition
Adam Boyles, Music Director

Application Form
Return to: MIT Concerts Office, 4-243, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139
Applications must be received by January 14, 2011
Competition date: February 4, 2011

Mailing Address

Telephone e-mail
Dept. Class Year

Timing/length of piece in minutes
Instrument Instructor
Performance Experience as Soloist

Was this piece pre-approved by the director?

Are you a current member of the MIT Symphony Orchestra?
Are you an MIT Student?


Assigned Audition Time and Length ________________________

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