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Guidance is required on following points/topics:

1. Calculation of advance tax and final tax liability.

2. Wealth Statement --- Preparation and reconciliation

3. Conditions for obtaining exemption certificate for WHT.

4. Categories of registration under sales tax and their impact---- Registration

procedure and requirements for NTN and GST Certificate.

5. Deregistration.

6. Number of days limit for payments of goods to obtain/ claim input tax.

7. Debit/ Credit note procedure and validity.

8. Queries regarding sales tax:-

• Collection of excess sales tax?

• If input tax is greater than output tax in a month, than what are the
options available to recognize it?

9. Explain departmental structure of Income Tax and Sales Tax departments

and way to deal with audits.

10.Please explain DTRE (procedure and paper working).

11.Tax Planning---- Area of considerations before deciding status of


Sole Proprietorship vs. Partnership vs. Private Limited.

Following mentioned are the points that need revision /

1. What was super tax? How was it calculated?

2. Please summarize taxes applicable on exporters (with conditions) including

zero rated supplies.

3. WHT agents are responsible to issue a Certificate of deduction and collection

of tax--- Please explain Format and contents of the same.

4. Will the WHT at import stage for an industrial undertaking (AOP) be final or
5. Please provide slab wise detail of WHT for KESC and PTCL.

6. In case of advance payment from customer and there by supply of goods/

invoice in the next month. Tax liability (Output Tax) will be created in the
month of payment received or in the month of invoice.

7. List of expenses that are disallowed/ add back for tax purposes.

8. Senior Citizen allowance --- Class 1A Part III 2nd Schedule (Explanation

9. Foreign Tax Credit---Section 103.

10.In Tax computation for Income from Property, 1/10th of Security Deposit is
taken into current year income. There by making entries:

DB. Security Deposit from Tenant xxxxx

CR. Income for the period xxxxx

But, when we refund this security deposit to tenant by full amount, wealth
statement is out by the amount of deposit taken in income in the previous years.
Please guide the appropriate procedure.

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