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Learn about your prospect to make your sale

We all make mistakes when selling our products.

These are common sales mistakes.

Avoid these mistakes and make incredible sales.

# Sales Mistake 1 – Allowing the prospect to lead the
sales process.

The best way to control the sales interactions is to ask

questions. This will also help to know whether or not your
product meets the needs of your prospect. Quality
questions that uncover specific issues, problems, or
objectives are essential in helping you establish yourself as
an expert.
# Sales Mistake 2 - Talking too much

Too many sales people talk too much during the sales
interaction. They espouse about their product, its features, their
service and so on.
Get the prospect to talk about his profession, illness or life. In
so doing, you’ll be able to select the most appropriate product
and strategy to close the sale.
While the prospect is talking , listen attentively.
# Sales Mistake 3
Giving the prospect irrelevant information.

Make the most of your presentation by telling the

Prospect how he/she will benefit from your product.

You can also emphasize on the situation to “scare”

the prospect. This will help in closing the sale.
The Critical Selling Skill

# Sales Mistake 4 - Neglecting to close the sale.

If you sell a product, you have the OBLIGATION to ask the

customer for a commitment, particularly if you have
invested time assessing their needs and know that your
product will solve a problem or help them. As long as you
ask for the sale in a non-threatening, confident manner,
people will usually respond favorably.
The Critical Selling Skill

# Sales Mistake 5 - Failing to prospect.

This is one of the most common mistakes independent

business make. When business is good many people stop
prospecting, thinking that the flow of business will
continue. However, the most successful sales people
prospect all the time. They schedule prospecting time in
their agenda every week.

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