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How Does This Artifact Demonstrate Evidence of Mastery of The INTASC


INTASC Principle 3: The teacher understands how students differ in their

approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are
adapted to diverse learners.

This artifact shows my mastery of INTASC Principle 3, learning

styles/diversity. On day nine of this unit I integrated diverse and
multicultural perspectives. The students learned about one of the
processes that change our planet, earthquakes. Within this lesson I
incorporated several pictures, websites, and articles depicting the
earthquake in Japan and how it affected the lives of the community. The
students had an opportunity to create their own earthquake through an
interactive website. After interacting with the information about the
earthquake in Japan, I administered a one question formal assessment, “If
an earthquake happened here, how would it affect your life?” This
assessment allowed students to demonstration their individual and diverse

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