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1300 Pennsylvania Ave N.W.

Suite 700 -
Washington, DC 20004

The Honorable Barack H. Obama

The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

At this historic juncture in world history, when people's demands for democracy and freedom are
escalating all across the globe, please know that 'We the People' of the District of Columbia also
demand the full spectrum of freedoms associated with democracy. We the people of the District of
Columbia insist on a government representative of our interests; we require full and unbridled
participation ¡n the American promise-government "by, for and of the people."

Mr. President we-the Mayor, the former mayors and the widow of the first elected mayor of
Washington, DC, in the 2Oth century-urge you to follow the example establ¡shed by President William
Jefferson Clinton; that is, to display the Distr¡ct of Columbia "Taxation Without Representation" tag on
your official Presidential vehicle.

Although a seemingly modest gesture for a man who has cons¡stently sided with the voices oi freedom
and championed the causes of human dignity, this action affirms your alliance with President Abraham
Lincoln when he said "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves."

Mr. President, you have an opportun¡ty to inspire the "better angels" of America to finally unite for the
great purpose of eradicating this unspeakable injustice and move our nation closer to a more perfect

W¡th great respect,

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