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Program Planning and Evaluation Paper

Samantha Pope

March 13, 2011

Janice Gilstorff
I am going to do scenario six. I think that with the opening of a homeless shelter will help

the homeless and helpless become more independent again. I would ask myself first how the

program planning and the program evaluation, I believe that this relates because of the type of

organization. With it being a homeless shelter, it gives them the opportunity to help them

become more educated and achieve the self sufficiency that the families once had. Throughout

the program, whether it is months or years you will always go back and check and double check

everything dealing with the success and failure of the organization. Fix the problems that need to

be fixed and possibly add more programs if you are able to. To talk to the client to find out what

the client needs is and what area does the client need help in such as housing, help with child

care needs and education. With the number of families becoming homeless because of today’s

economy, something has to be done in order for them to find jobs to replace the ones that they

have lost. Also if they can’t find a job in the field that they are custom to working, they can

enroll in college courses and get a degree in something different. Depending on how many

families and single people are coming into the homeless shelter would depend on how much

grant money they would receive. “Supportive Housing Program - Provides housing, including

housing units and group quarters, that has a supportive environment and includes a planned

service component. Shelter Plus Care Program - Provides grants for rental assistance for

homeless persons with disabilities through four component programs: Tenant, Sponsor, Project,

and Single Room Occupancy Rental Assistance. Single Room Occupancy Program - Provides

rental assistance on behalf of homeless individuals in connection with moderate rehabilitation of

SRO dwellings.” I think this means once the families get back on their feet and get everything

situated the organization will help with the small bills. The issues I see with the organization

helping people like this would be them taking advantage of the organizations. Have the
organization find them a job and help with the bills for a while, then quit the job and continue to

take advantage of the organization. How many of the clients that are helped will continue to

make that positive change in their lives or go back to the same situation that they just got

themselves out of? Since the economy has been going through the recession/depression, many

new families are experiencing being homeless for the first time and with have never dealt with

this before they may not know exactly what to do in this situation. If more organizations would

open and help people that are finding themselves in this situation they have the knowledge to get

themselves educated and successful once again.

I’m lost and not sure what else I need to address for this assignment…help please?

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