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I would have had this assignment turned in last night, but after finishing another

assignment and putting my daughter to bed I was beyond tired. I spent part of the day in the ER

with my daughter; she has the flu and pneumonia. But here’s my assignment.

Hey! I have thought up this great program that will help everyone regardless of their

situation. I have completed the needs and problem assessment on the situation and program and

in theory, the outcome will make all clients successful in the future. The Purpose of Evaluation

for the program is what the clients really need to succeed. I have done Evaluative Research of the

inputs and outputs of the program. The Descriptive Research that has been ongoing for several

months now, I found that 95% of the clients would like to get their GED and/or pursue a college

degree. Also with that being said, they suggested having a hot meal before they go into the GED

classes. Service Delivery Model shows an increase of clients who would be interested in coming

on a daily basis, if we had the appropriate materials for them to learn and graduate with a GED

and/or College Degree. I would love to have your thoughts on this new exciting program and

please add any ideas or suggestions, so we can make it the best program in the area.

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