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Team Member_________________________ Team Name_________________________

Harmful effects of smoking

In order to create your awareness campaign materials, factual and informational
research must be done. Each member of your campaign team must research and find
the answers to the following questions about the harmful effects of smoking. The follow
questions will help you gather all the pertinent information you will need to create your
campaign poster, pamphlet, and PSA.

Each team member must submit the completed questions to Ms. Dowell, the
campaign manager, before the group can begin working on the campaign

1. Why do people begin to smoke?

2. What is in cigarette smoke?

3. What is nicotine?

4. What affects does nicotine have on a smoker?

5. Why is cigarette smoking addictive?

6. How does smoking affect your appearance?

7. What are some of the short- and long-term effects of smoking


8. What are some life-threatening diseases linked with cigarette smoking?

9. What are the chances that smoking will kill you?

10. Why am I at risk for harmful effects from smoke odors on clothing or
from being in a room where people are smoking or have been

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