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A Selection from Baba Farid's Punjabi Poetry GREAT SUFI WISDOM BABA FARID (Revised Edition: Dec. 2004) English Rendering and Explanation with Original Punjabi Text Saeed Ahmad MA Economics, MA Punjabi ADNAN BOOKS, STATIONERS & COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Dubai Plaza, 6th Road Chowk, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Ph #051-4417813 — Mobile Ph: 0300-5234006! 2 Transliteration Guide ‘ a yy n T aa U N ! © yhti ON UI ee & t a bh uy T 4, ph a d r4 th 5 D a Th 3 q u kh & Kh 7 a A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight. Robertson Davies. One of the best Punjabi internet sites: 3 Se oly oo Uli Oe Utes Ri ot - tries THANKS T am thankful to the following friends, who willingly reviewed the book. Col. Mohammad Ilyas Magqsood Saqib Mrs. Christine White(UK) Prof. Sajjad Sheikh Prof. Hasan Akhtar Safir Rammah Saeed Alrai Zahid Masood wry Special thanks to French Canadian Scholar Ms Celine Chamberland who translated my book “Great Sufi Wisdom - Waris Shah" into French. Many thanks to young Romanian Scholar Miss Pauceanu Alexandrina - Maria who has completed the tremendous job by translating four of my books "Great Sufi Wisdom of Baba Farid, Shah Hussain, Waris Shah & Mian Mohammad Bakhsh Into the Romanian langauge. Two books have already been published by Emia, Deva, Romania. 9 10 12 13 14 15 a7 18 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 35 Index Uh rotee meree kaaTh dee rukhee sukhee khae ke Farida, galiyeyN chikaR Farida, galiyeyN chikaR chiNt khaTola, waan dukh birraah birraah aakhyey Farida je jaaN*aaN til thorRey je jaanaaN laR chijnaa mat hoNdee hoey ayaaN*aa srowar paNkhee hekRo Farida dukh sukh ik kar aap saNwaareyN meyN mileyN Faridaa khaaliq khalq meyN jaaeyN gaa aRyaa jaaN lab tey neyNh keyaa jaaN kaNwaaree taaN chaao chaar gaNwaayiyaaN haND ke meyN jaataa dukh mujh kooN pass damaamey CHat sir Farida, saahib dee kar chaakree Farida, kaaley meyNdey kapTey Farida, je tooN aqal lateef 36 Farida dukhaaN seetee deeNh geyaa 37 338 39 40 Farida tan sukkaa pinjar theyaa kaaqaa kuraNg DhaNDoliyaa hansaaN waikh taraNdiyaaN Farida daryaway kaney bagla eda F uth ates Se utbhe tli Zor Geert EF ay AS A Si lgp ott Ut ya ~ 2 Fes fSbus tid Vial Sub je UF Ga Ule Lk wit oy ul # Sete fegebut et tele ad ee ele Liu oP ut eu U ser © us 4 Yee fas Loted ES te Ube? uu wo ese inp aPasBsSSReRREgeaesuyeyeaesgarsses esas Farida ratee rat na nikley Farida iknaaN aaTaa aglaa Farida kanh masalla, soof gal Farida loRey dakh bajoRyaaN Farida baar paraaey beThna Farida raateeN waDeyaaN wekh Farida jo theyaa nahaatee dhotee sanbhee Farida jin loyen jag mohyaa Farida akheeN wekh pateeniyaaN Farida jo teyN maaran mukiyaaN jis dehaaRey dhan waree jiINd namaaN*ee kaDheyey wekh Farida jo theyaa Farida meyN bhulaawa pag daa buDhaa hoyaa Sheikh Farid Farida so ee sarowar Farida koThey maNDap Farid khaak naa niNdiyey kook Farida kook hans udar kodhrey peyaa kujh naa bujhey Farida iT sirhaaN*ey Farida koThey maNDap Farida tinhaaN mukh daraoN*ey Farida burey daa bhalaa kar sabar under saabree kalar keeree chhapRee chal chal geyaaN paNkhiyaaN: ses bi ie iet oer la) Jor. dt td vile Ss et} vat Bg af lad ULSe el me alas fs uF dn by leo SE oll og) ut fs i as iE oA of 2p Bo Sete uF et ue Vaud by Lk tia) PE leer sie Ser up wh bf iy} eae Seu} ST ii k eve i ut aby has wrest iL} Las Ui las PUR Ny ent lap Usle sl ue ud F ut ot EF Baba Farid Jee Sheikh Farid-ud-Din Masud Ganj-i-Shakar popularly known as Baba Farid was born in or around 1175 AD at Kothowal. Baba Farid developed his purified soul under his mother's care. (Just try to understand the case of Baba Farid, in order to understand the importance of a mother’s role in the upbringing of her children). The child who was brought up in such a manner became one of the most famous saints in the world. After finishing his early education at his birthplace he was sent to Multan for further education. After that, he continued his education at Qandhar. Baba Farid later went to Delhi where he learnt about mystic knowledge from Khawaja Bakhtiar kaki. In Delhi he also met Khawaja Moin ul Din Chishti who bestowed upon him spiritual gifts and blessings. After that, Baba Jee went to Uch Sharif to perform his chillah. He also travelled widely across India, Central Asia and Iraq. He used to fast almost every day as a result of which he became very weak. Amir Khurd writes in his Siyar ul Auliya that when Baba Farid Jee was in such a weak condition he used to pick up a few pebbles and put them in his mouth. These pebbles turned into sugar. For that very reason he was named as Ganj-i-Shakar. Sufis did not like public gatherings. They stayed away from them so that they could carry on their meditations without any disturbance, Baba Farid was in search of such a place so he came to Ajudhan (Pak patan) where almost all the people were infidels & did not believe in dervishes. He lived there as an ordinary person for thirty years without any worldly means till the day of his death. He died there on Saturday, the 5th Moharram, 664 (October 15, 1265). 7 According to the research of Mohammad Asif Khan there are 112 shaloks of Baba Farid Jee in The Guru Granth Sahib, Though total numbers of shaloks under the head of Baba Farid are 130 but 18 shaloks belong to other Gurus of the Sikh religion. I have just translated 55 shaloks. The main source of these shaloks, which I selected for my book, was the book we ‘at "Akhiyaa Baba Farid Ney” 2-4? || rs ! by M. Asif Khan. I also consulted books compiled by Dr. Faqir Mohammad Fagir, Prof. Hamidullah Hashmi, Jeshi Ram Mushtaq and Max Arthur Macauliffe. I tried to justify the translation in a very simple way according to my understanding. I assume responsibility for the contents of the book, particularly its shortcomings and omissions. Permit me to quote here a few thoughts of other great Sufi poets who paid homage in a poetic form to Baba Farid Jee. Waris Shah (1722 - 1798) rightly said about Baba Farid: Be yh 2 & FS Fig Wi or Gehl AP ebte Res ulsb GPS Ze Gee bse FULL Be wh ole 55 uh oT LEP Great Punjabi Sufi poet Mian Mohammad Bakhsh (of Khari Sharif, Azad Kashmir) also said at the end of his famous Punjabi book "Sefaru/ Ishaq" (Journey of Love) or commonly known as “Saif ul Malook”: 2 Ly Hy dt oo Uti oe on fe Lbl of ef» 2» Ute bul bY diam SF ob ol te otf Beng LP ee a ects bh ue OF a) & ds ecly py s Spl OT SF In end:I would like to mention the following quotes, which inspired me to undertake this task. "A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the whole world." G. Santayana "Language is the amber in which a thousand precious thoughts have been safely embedded and preserved." Richard Trench "We have not sent any messenger unless he was fo explain to them in his folk's own language. God lets anyone He wishes go astray, and guides anyone He wishes. He is the Powerful, the Wise." (4) Surah Ibrahim, Quran My grandmother used to say this prayer very often; Bbot Me bf Litt L "O God, bless the whole of humanity and bless the whole universe." Saeed 9 dere 1175AD-1265A0. é. BaP UW sexx BE Sz wat «bs #6 cys bs BIER E S42 SW Ute rotee meree kaaTh dee, laawaN* meree bhukh, JehnaaN khaahdee chopRee, ghaney sehN* ge dukh. condiment ol tela wood Dish profound eas ft buttered Sze My bread is like wood and hunger is my condiment. Those who eat buttered bread (rich meals) shall suffer profound pains. Buttered bread means dining tables laden with sumptuous dishes. Modern science has also proved that ‘buttered bread* is not good for our health. As it causes many diseases. One should eat simple food. All the great men of the world led a very simple life and they encouraged others to follow in their simple and humble path. wt aS Eb bu bez Ba We wae du Uz2 Sos b U5 JF Ul ol U3 ot ele ue Kb ont Ga bo Us! Lbs wt b £7 A et WA ST bh oe a c50e ait ee dy alt Lee (dy Us aft af us lus Uz2 Zu Gap tL tie ~e! Yous fez 10 Soo ge fof 2F tude ute Bs ele Shot 1 LO a Ue Oo baled wee Ub ibs S et ig) Je 2b ee is 5 SF gl ub oA Eo ES Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but Positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have even lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor. Henry David Thoreau Simplicity is the nature of great souls. Anon. teve 1175A.D.-1265A.D. e vy LL sive god 2 Ge Uae 2 UZZ bi fs la) rukhee sukhee khae ke ThaNDaa paaN*ee pee, Farida! wekh paraee chopRee naa tarsaaveeN Jee. other's (2-9 idiz dry unbuttered am ff Eat dry unbuttered bread and drink cold water. Farid, do not feel jealous by looking at others" buttered bread. ML Eber ak Ws lt ew a! 11 VISE wee en Sosy J alos? & Eu o IE Lf Uy Uke» wl Se Poekutiut & eiik et o¥ Lf us (UY) ug 2s hes Ji ae us ak SE by eB oe lib Gy oh pa z G2 28 ws ale LI Jr we ww¥ Sete oi th LI fet) es £ fs Ws ot dig Sl eS wr 2 £ feud Lbs wt bd £ ds Js Ws Gilt Ue a oe 24 uF Ul U0 by Ube as U5 UM Ubsl Le U0 AL ute of 2 ut ut Gp oF LS Padi Ler hee Sw Luo Ges a! Je ~ frustration Us oF Uy! Set i? S (is 32 OG ub ot cane 0 UF On ws SU Es 2 Ws Gs Ue Simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world: it is the Jast limit of experience and the last effort of genius. George Sand He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature. Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC) 12 Srv 11750-12650, fei fbb x wHesk dt Wiis of fe eé&utuls YE ut uk Farida, galiyeyN chikaR, door ghar, naal piyaarey neyNh, chalaaN taaN bhijey kamlee, rahaaN taaN TuTey neyNh. 2197 SS Ae mud 24 bout bank relationshipu ck! af Streets are muddy (slippery), home is far away and deep is the relationship with the Beloved. If I walk, my blanket becomes drenched (wet) and if I don't go, the relationship breaks. (This worldly life is an obstacle in the way of man's union with God.) HF Jt ug ot Bos S Less yt id Ue & Wk Ue is 2 ed aso Lest et Lib ot ub ik Uf 2 2 ot Cop | UP) ZB bas Fale Ut 7 Gt et -u (Use) WII Ub west 13 Pas : trv 1175A.D,-1265A.D. L e (be we rn wet EF a tt ¥ ue UlE UK ee bhijho sijho kamlee, Allah warso meyNh, jaa milaaN tinhaaN sajnaaN, TuTo naaheeN neyNh le A alt cob eu if eule af oss crus Let the blanket become soaked (wet). Let it rain. I must go to see my Beloved to save the relationship from being broken. Baba Farid said, "Never give in, be a man of commitment." Ed Cole rightly said, "Heroes are not the ones who never fail, but the ones who never give up.” et Pn Pe A ate SH Wt uff og i F tee 2 ub oan he kewieved ceobaethS bes Ge Ll 2 ite of ur ee we eS en BS og S Baer (EL eth ve tle £ tus ui J wit Oo bk SILI he L oth vy uss 14 S has) ty Ff ue Sv det bs Gi E43 2 as Usas Ly et Fo 2 ot UM Ne Ze oi c® Ung kaNDey sakht guiaabaaN waaley dooroN weykh naa dariyey, chobhaaN jhaliyey, rat chawaalyey, jhol phuleeN tad bhariyey. Mian Mohammad Bakhsh said, “Do not watch the thorns of roses fearfully from afar. Unless you endure being pricked and left bleeding you cannot fill your pouch with flowers.” dev 1175a.D-12650, e BaP UU wee il wle5 4 3 wis eed 3 As + le ur cbse, Lie el chint khaTola, waan dukh, birrhaa wachhawan leyf, eyh hamaaraa jyooN*aa, tooN sahib sachchey weykh Anxiety is my cot. Pain is a rope (used to make a cot), And separation is the quilt. This is our life we live, see O Lord. According to Suifis, life in this world is a period of separation from God, which is full of sorrow and pain. feet oh bet SL ci ad oH 4 we te? Ble ae et Sur 3 CAA) SF bt S&H ds ase Ws ig ol? 15 deoy 75ap-1265a0, e. a, Ub vrve whit Us bs LT be bs U4 ob J ¥ als umd birraah birraah aakhyey, birraah tooN sultan, jit tan birrhoN naa upajey, so tan jaaN* masaan. don lag:&2 0 egg? fH} Sue divhs hs Keep committed, with the pangs of separation, because separation is a king. Without this, man is like a crematorium (a place where the dead are burnt). Af the meaning of Birha is taken as Ishq then its translation would be as follows: ” O Love, you are the king. Without Love the body is like a crematorium. Ske I eA (GHA (4b Beh os aut Tbh sf, LE Wc Ge bewms UeIb A Bubeoren S ee iy wl 85 oe UE ea tT oy -el Leb of el List ele 85 gui Slot Sf aed UL 29 OI s KG et fe UF Ub Ur GIA 2 Le et St G1 Ue oes GUI 4 UF UI 16 ~wle etl eof se, & hed oF Ue Ul le) we & ut Guiti & Un ug fF dui ut ox ein tS wxttA Sea Swe sug SO jee eit bs FU lire wl Sie iy £ tk bs 8 UJ Ub) ut ealk UI Ub Col yb User (le Us Ge ead eels Up ot Khawaja Ghulam Farid Mithankoti (1841-1901) says: We bs Pad Sitoh fasustett neyNh Farid fagar dee mooRee baajh birhoN de kul gal kooRee BAA WA one Weedy it Pet Ishq (Love) is the wealth of saintliness. Without separation every thing is false. Sufis believe that separation is a motivating force which keeps alive the hope to live, to fight and to survive. WH 7 Yrvr 1175A,D.-1265A.D. PG: ha? UW sede Uff ieLe F ute 23 wt wh 4g Mp we Ute 2 Farida je jaaN*aaN til thorRey, sanbhal buk bhareeN, je jaaN*aaN shoh naNDRaa, thoRaa maan kareeN. Uf eat” ST UF LP wh tyes Vpls Farid, if you know sesame seeds are little in quantity then pick them up with care. You should be less proud of your young Beloved if the relationship is not ripe. Baba Jee says, "You are given a very short space of time in this world so use it wisely.” te woo be ul Ste tes abl Ue sei gi ar U% Ud Ube! But eGtie SubteS few bus a! Ue ub el af 2 Jt cule L at oly bt wh at vetess 18 Srv 1175aD-12654.0. i GaP Ub oes ot Choke t& J ute a wt 5 iG wo wee 33 au Je jaanaaN laR chijnaa, peeDhee paaeeN gaNDh, teyN Je waD na ko sabh jag DiThaa haNDh, Lftoh beeghek Lull, t4 iF Had I known my grip would loose, I would have tightened the knot. I have searched everywhere but have found none greater than You. Ue et at Ale deog Sun & ur en LE het ag ele eth OL) olf £ ut £BE ole ub ot tit 2 Poy el UP ut OS on Is UP oe Ws st ed abs seve u7sap-126sap. & & Ga? Wh tere th 2 cent Cli 2” Sines be “ % # cl of I of ch bbs ele inl mat hoNdee hoey ayaaN*aa, taan hoNdey hoey nataaN*aa, unhoNdey aap waNDaey, ko eysaa bhagat sadaaey. 19 aE Sbyt PF git eA baths Ae mee Ml Although he possesses wisdom, he does not claim it. Similarly, although he is powerful, he behaves like a man without power. His own possessions are nil, but whenever he gets something, he distributes it. He is called a real saint. At present we have a society based on having and owning. We need a society based around being and giving. Mike Scott wel ty Bat Se es g Ps ool ph nel ae oe eI WF gb zg tub eb HE Us wes hy 2g oon 2s Pale wet ae St CFA ily at bf at! uf ULE ok Ue Ub Fw PIL Ee trvk 1175A.D.-1265A.D. e ; S Ba Ub sok Uk Jb ue ott Faby vig fet ul oF srowar paNkhee hekRo, phahiwal pachaas, ef tan JehreeN gaD theyaa, sachey teyree aas. 20 one(Uf zs body :¢/ (Ue a God : e tank 2/53/ bird : wt hunters:ulis (sg This tank (world) has one bird (man) and there are fifty hunters (numerous temptations). The body is mingled with the waves of the sea (world or wordly wishes). Only trust in God can save man from being trapped. Baba Farid jee says that you should control your wishes or they will ruin you. us Aly 23 dla UE we of af! el fi ly Ge Sedo te EP et Sal wl mag of Jt ult eo» Ul 2 at uo S be Uae Sel & bode el et OF bs ag! ui Jt es fos Wil Paty ed UZ as 2 Hae FZ eligi de ect ly ok Some one rightly said, "Greed invariably grows, till even the mightiest fall. So curb greed and enjoy the serenity of simplicity". wy 21 drt 1175AD-1265A0. eo Ga bh roe 1 OF dy SN of 5 thas a ut Mr esl Farida dukh sukh ik kar, dil theeN lah wikaar, Allah bhaway so bhala, taaN labhee darbaar 2k: “6 ee bubs viet Farid, treat pain and pleasure equally and purify your heart. (Be indifferent to pain and pleasure in order to purify your heart). Only the virtuous are liked by God and only they gain a place in the court of God. ZANGAGS FewyEuos Aw See geat at! by 28ujd SOF Moe wcll Ul & cag wh eth bt UW 27 2S ob Bb tx we! ey Ul Qe dete 11750-12650. ‘eC GaP Wb ere gat oh bbe Ut ett Ut ule oT ee a UT Ne U9 ea 22 aap saNwaareyN meyN mileyN, meyN milyaaN sukh hoey, Farida je tooN meyraa ho raheyN sabh jag feyraa hoey. whole world: a. peace: 2 reform:c/ 4/2" God says, "If you reform yourself, you will find Me. He who finds Me, finds peace. If you submit to Me, the whole world will submit to you." We ere cel Sof eels oa) th YE oy a6 VIP eh FH Lik UF Te & Aue Ut teh uv ei ue ut AU St eel Ki bb OF UF Us Si ot is #23 bs US Ae EL Ue wie te a2 bau tel OT fy eles aly 45 sed il 7 algal fe Vee Ny sar Slee Sl. a bets el or ma Irresistible thoughts do not remain suppressed. (Words that form on the lips do not remain suppressed). He who discovers a saint's mystery actually carves the Passage within himself. He is a dweller of the temple of peace where there are no ups and downs. Irresistible thoughts do not remain suppressed. 23 2 ote eu Us Lb Oe Bi ail 2 a So gpa Pet be bas we bs ar OF et wb oi UF U* ZI L Ue wt oe a) dr 2 ch use oF gs uF wy yi -u? en What is yours is mine, and ail mine is yours. Plautus $a 1175A.D.-1265A. Le a? Ub vere aber es PtP ou) at St Fe SUI Faridaa khaaliq khalq meyN, khalq wasey Rab maaWh, maWdaa kis nooN aakhyey, jaaN tis bin koee naaNh, bad : Ler dwells; 3 42,3" creation id Farid, the Creator lives in the creation and the creation dwells in the Creator. Since You are the essence of all Creation, therefore, none should be condemned. OF L cts bs GF WT te GE a oot Joeur ait 22 cI Ud Ge 27 win zceud 2Tuuduf wt zur 24 SS bea LS Ardy diets i lag SEY 7 Ub Sy wl 2 Ut FT et ey UI aes ig, tr771175A.D.-1265 A.D. vd Ba, by oro til ES burew + * + Brewers Li%ef Farida meyN nooN muNj kar, nikki kar ke kuT, bharey khazane Rabb de jo bhaway so luT. eee near af us & Lb Farid, crush your ego, cut it into pleces and only then can you have access to the treasures of God (Rab). (Here Rab means He Who nourishes all creatures). pit wt LSU bow owe ay Ob GLA Loz £ Us Pa Zh Uusl we Gs 5 0 FP teh UE Ut ead met 2 OF yt obs 35 UI The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) “Ego: The fallacy whereby @ goose thinks he's a swan" 26 he ad Phe Ly See iit eee SOL wre uchaa naaN rakhaayaa jis ney chullhey de wich Mian Mohammad Bakhsh said, "Whoever calls himself Uchaa (high, pincer) burns in the fire. O my dear Mohammad! Be humble and low so that you may pass through easily.” UAL pu 8 cede yz UT 2 Ut zeyr baN* zabar na baN*, kitey peysh naa aavee Be humble and be not arrogant, lest you should be punished. Bulleh Shah rightly said: fi eu om & oe 231 ut ue au Us LY oN i Oe O Bulleh Shah! Let us go to the land of the blind where no one could recognize or honour us. Thomas Gray said, "The paths of glory /ead but to the grave." 26 dee 175ap-126500. & Ca bb wx “eiifur A dee urd ub 4? we Bf eh or § Farida jaaN lub taaN neyNh keyaa, lub taaN kooRaa nehNh, kichar jhaT laNghaayey, chappar tuTey meyNh Love or attachment.” af! how tongs 2 2. grace beaten Abc yiek Farid, if love is born of greed then call it lust (false love). How long can one stand under a broken hut (leaking roof) during a rain storm? (Love born out of greed is not enduring). Gs eat 2 lit Pe Stes oU wuk lint Oy Fk baccaaw a bu we OF Ue SIG UE Sard wet dee Fad ut bl ean SF 2 & aot ces) weak ie UF Ub ust 2 oo "Cruelty, false love, greed and anger are four streams of fire. Those who fall into them are burnt, O Nanak. Only those are saved who cling to His feet.” - Guru Nanak way 27 dest 1175A.D.-1265A.D. ae Bad Ub tro Aut vs Shut GuIeUb Bs GNes ot & wh a3 JjaaN kaNwaaree taaN chao, wiwaahee taaN maamley, Farida eyho pichho taao, wat kaNwaaree na theey. 27 grt Get FEL Gb uly En: sill rvs GUS) stot When she was a virgin (unmarried) she longed for marriage. But, when she got married and faced the problems of married life, she regretted that she could not revert to her blissful days of being single. Baba Farid says that what is done cannot be undone, so think ahead. (Actually, it was the soul who was single (unmarried) and free and it was not put in the body or it was not married (mixed) with the matter. It had no troubles but after marrying with the body or meeting with the matter, its problems started and it began to regret as she could not revert to being single as before and she could not restore her previous life style). vols So (Or) ele ag) UF wir ot Usaz 2VL etog tab ur & oy dau 7-2 S hg ume Git 4 S bom 2 ue it 28 ube ty UF uel Ud Me Us od Ut Un bs A LoL we! bin Vol GY ZL Miz eli wt wk me Set wled SF an Sud ut Pte & oo per FE el Fe IH Faiz Ahmad Faiz (1914-1984) said; Cyt ale WIS 22 ylde gy GESTS CS Ty Pl er And Mian Mohammad Bakhsh (1830-1904) said: 2 {& 4— SF bs ots Uz stl #& vk i a 4 4 Leni a bu ot fF 093 aaee jaan shaNjey aNdar jiyooN weylan wich gannaa, roh nooN keh huN* reh Mohammad, je rahvey te mannaa. Life is trapped in agonies like sugarcane in the crushing roller. O Mohammad (Bakhsh)! In this condition it is impossible for the juice (soul) to be withheld. were 29 dese 1175a0-1265a0, é Ba? bh err ce ae ae i pit are ay & ark ust vi 4 2 uf chaar gawaayaaN haND ke, chaar gawaayaaN sam, Jekhaa Rab maNgeysiyaa, tooN aayoN kehRey kam furl wéu: gue ce th (in Punjab, a day is divided into eight parts, four during the day and four at night and each part is called “Pehr"). According to Baba Farid, four pehr (parts) are wasted in worldly deeds and four in sleeping. You will be answerable to God for your divine mission in the world. Or One half of life is wasted in wordly affairs and the other half is wasted (spent) while sleeping. You will be answerable to God for the divine mission in this world. Baba Jee says that you will be answerable to God for the time spent in this world, He who performs good deeds utilises God's gift of time wisely. On the other hand, the one who fails to do so wastes his life. bb sb & oF & Nt ein me A os bs Ube WW UF eo be me St aut & ev £ Ur moe ~b 23% At 30 oe Wir at ie ett et SWEveivL go Geww Ly aug bys bs ol oy wut ot Se el EU Sle tor wil Our! ewe eb est Of ae fe S ety Ye3¢ 1175A.D.-1265AD. wee BaP Ub exe So ath © SOFAS tout Si) LF ot tos £ 0 el Farida meyN jaataa dukh mujh kooN, dukh sabha eyh jag, uchey chaRh ke weykhyaa, taaN ghar ghar eyhaa ag. , iuet uwruté hub Farid, I thought that I alone was grief stricken; whereas when I was awakened I found that none was without grief. wed Sutud wi Su Bie £ at bn FLT US ob SI Ge ls el be Y Juke £09 A oe drt ds 31 WS es Ae UWS hue & OS Ur LG 1H Sot cur ti trie 1175aD-1265aD, e Sah ib wor 37 de SE op oe els Ut Sun £ wugeeb paas damaamey, chat sir, bheyree saDo raD, ja sutey jeeraan wich theyey eytmaaN guD. fudh, Utererske OF: OF cuties LUE Ue: yesurg Those, who were proud of their pomp and show, with people praising them, now lie in their graves like orphans. Baba Farid criticised proud and influential people who regard themselves as superior to others. wee 2k tl efit os ltt Uh at Uke «htt Lbs woe uw ee ze ls bbs er UL Un OF b Ute 2 ute S282 SY lf oe) Uber Ut Me of M24 weer ff of 05D FF of Aut 32 akg Ub hh Be 87 ot hy * Sha! otty Sendb eld eu CTL or veld 2 ule & Ue Lb Uw Uli UE Ut b Ube Ue UST oe Saute UF boiutes Pexywoe guts tHe 1175.A.D,-1265A.D. “e e GaP bb tere AA Wo Ae JB ole i} Az be UU? ‘ay Ue Jes Farida Sahib dee kar chaakaree, dil dee laah bhraaNd, darveshaaW nooN loRyey, rukhaaN dee jeeraaNd. a) bec he Ls service U4: se patience Le? LE ee GelslZ trees UG Farid, be servile to your Lord. Get rid of your illusions. The saints need the patience of trees. Trees are cut, put on the fire but they do not agitate. Trees endure all sorts of hardships caused by weather calmly and silently, without complaining. Trees also provide shelter in torrential rain storms and scorching heat. Hal Borland's two quotes: Knowing trees, I undestand the meaning of patience. if you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees. 33 Ks 2B ob oe és (eg) ber hr Sele af EF ee ale UF br Un ele ose b ot OF uF (UB) UWF UF Utse & Wb eH & Pryor het hae wl obo eee ra i owt yb ee 2 ety Ju BUG by UF Uden IG ea Lis oF UF ertrih -el b bis oF et I el Ip Bie The twin killers of success are impatience & greed. Rohn dete uusaparsan. 2 & Gas Ub tet Ua Wee Ue wee Sis ie Wy sh of Die ALE atl Farida kaaley meNDey kapRey, kaalaa meNDaa wais, gunaaheeN bharyaa meyWN phiraa, lok kehN* darwaish. Utne ef ky Farid says that his dress is black and he admits that he is a sinful man (this indicates his humility) whereas people regard him as a saint. Black clothes worn by saints are a symbol of humility and 34 unpretentious piety. Baba Farid has shown humility in these fines. He was in a state of self-denial. do de oe5h oY ue F gut us of zt be Ue ed Fb et wth eb (FL A Melb 6 LY & te Dew ee S er wes Met Sar Ue i & Uh ust AY v SL gre gi ues 7 A -etie At wh Zab seu Kabir Das (1398 AD -1448 AD) said: Ef ha wes 2b s s er iv (pg) Lined FT ul bw ore buraa jo dekhan meyN chalaa buraa na milyaa koey, jo man khoja apna to mujh sey buraa naa koey. I set out to find an evildoer but could not find any. When I peeped into my heart I found that none is worse than me. We are all full of weaknesses and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies. Voltaire S Lesh 4up a?) Goi xe elon FS SEL ein Ue a Af US oA ube Ub Ue it Gs Ud Ue GH 4 Ub 35 we ety ABE UF Ut ag Soe URE ok us et etdsegw eo Us a UA edu gia 2 uf esi tf x y Gis OF uve bet ew 2 oF ut SE eM elu -e! UA BA WiC be AP En le 3% 1175A.D,-1265 A.D. LE Ga Ub eve bse Bb oat Pure Bs J lee 2 wlet a! Je tooN agal lateef kaaley likh naa leykh, apney grewaaN meyN sir neewaaN kar waikh. ZS oly endl md If you have a sense of wisdom, refrain from committing misdeeds (or do not comment on the faults of others). Look inwards and be watchful of your own mistakes. CIN fF eiAL aniforg Se Fak S26 ud lot tur LS wo SerlLest dw Gs ot =! ol Sel 36 eth SL LF el UT bo ole The great lover of wisdom (the vision of truth) Socrates (459 BC - 399 BC) said, “Know thyself.” "Know the truth, never speak evil of any. Never quarrel with a fool or speak iif of others.” Guru Nanak et 1175A.D.-1265A.D. e é: Bae bb ok el KUir AS ages ous up ols BZ NVe Sh ag” se Farida dukhaaN seetee deeNh geyaa, soolaaN seetee raat, khaRaa pukaarey paatanee, beyRaa kappar waat - Pet =, ~ wir Fie ody Stunde Farid, you pass your day time in sorrows and your night on a bed of thorns. The boatman stands and shouts that the boat is in the whirlpool. These lines of Baba Farid show the helplessness of man and the intensity of his grief. oS Lt ew LY Fw WG wy ff) w8 Ne le S able UF i UF Ub Fete Huds St glee (& bs be alr UF UI ae of Jur 2 f ciel 37 de ok Us Sue oe we GF 0 » Ue ~£ UF bales ue “ps fbb o wt as ol trvy 1175A.D.-1265A.D. “e e bas Lb deer SK ik ube Ae Fu . 4 * - 7 Sere ks £3 grees r ZI Farida tan sukaa, pinjar theyaa, talyaaN khooNDan kaag, ajey soo Rab naa bohReyo, waikh baNdey de eI Se zeae Froek WSC Farid says that his body has turned into the state ofa skeleton and crows are pecking the soles of his feet (as they thought that it was a dead body lying there). Yet the Lord has not come to his rescue. What a fate! Gok bow dul oo 2 Sie Sr Pad el Lk vier WLe FAL lel Lt LF wy UE Ub Ug eH! WV eb data SLI YA ee ol Ut ft ot seb ei un ail fe) oll ae whit 38 drwy 1175A.D.-1265A.D. Le G4 Lb vee ut Su 4 GH et She 39 af! kaagaa karuNg DhaNDolyaa, saglaa khaayaa maas, eyh do neynaaN mat chohyo, pir waikhan kee aas flesh 224U't whole U-:IE skeleton 6 O Crow! You have searched for every bit of flesh from my skeleton and have eaten it. Touch not these eyes; they hope to see the Beloved. kb ls ge ee UF Mule EK et Zetvv £eF oF (fur bs eet sb) £312 & yt ag! UII as Utel Ube S Ub tet be Ut VI Uteluy 2 ut Url = ut -elyt bs ws ul ed) Ut wei 39 wv 1175A.D.-1265A.D. Le & Gus iP LL vox $b LT ub ules fs UG 5 ai Je ‘L¥% ir hansaaN waikh taraNdiyaaN baggaaN aayaa chao, Dub moey bug bupRey, sir tal upar pao Watching the swans swimming, the cranes became envious and attempted to swim. As a result they drowned in the pond. Their heads were down under the water and their feet were up. Baba Farid criticised the mimicking act of cranes because they emulated the swans and lost their lives. WL fur uk St ent EU GE Eh wei g £7 Hh to & us xus uti «ZL FF fer el 2 if we As kes Se yh ee Ty Fi et if Wt Gs be 22 cus i, Us ual fh 2en uh ey wt Ut wu cv tough él é ly UR dk we os ye tl wel dd hy by fel Insist on yourself, never imitate. Emerson 40 Donot overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. Buddha(B.C. 568-488) "No man ever reached to excellence in any one art or profession without having passed through the slow and painful process of study and preparation." Horace (Ancient Roman Poet 65BC -8 BC) dedr 1175A.0.-1265A.0, AE GaP Uy woe aS Mri CO eke ad a a oi cos seks Farida daryaway kaney bagla beyThaa kay! karey, kay! kreyndey hanj nooN achintey baaz paey playing US UWE riverbank 2:2" at once or instantly poll 2e crane ea Farid, a crane was playing as usual on the riverbank. The hawk (the angel of death) pounced upon the playing crane instantly. LE br les be bs HL er TAG UL ba BS se OP Seder oe fi AGF Aurel ote i uli esi os jh 1 Gs St Gal petg GE ber SF LA by bs Ulu Us & Ze L wi ul 4 ut rule WI) Lot ceo Ol Berk Bn 23 & Ue os oe S test a ba Bt er Uy Ud a ete Ger dt -cruy LES ts fy £7 gato dt S wut ete wy Sl ceases Tsp i be SF eb nb GI e5T Uf o@ LY els Af Li eh 29 Ube! yey we Us ole £1 Sf tuk T HUW Uper J 2 al eeit ut Ea + els daly uak (Huis! Famous Punjabi poet from Lahore Madho Laal Hussain Shah (1539-1599) said: J Jt Ps ‘ans! 99 UW? 3 af! Ager Mbt Por eh dunyaa din do ey piyaarey, har dam naal samhaal, kahey Hussain faqir SaaeeN da, jhooThaa sab beyopaar. The present life is just for two days (it means very short), so remember the name of God. Hussain, the faqir (saint) of God, says that all other trades of life are false. i 42 Ye9k 1175A.0.-1265A.D. re to LL eee fn a fs ot bi u) Me eI EF Use es Lig % Fatida ratee rat na nikley, je tan cheerey koe, jo tan ratey rab seyoN, tin tan rat no hoe. hy WU:25 blood WF 2 abit: oy body Wa ic? their aUitzal oF Farid, if someone cuts my body, no drop of blood will be shed. The bodies, which are reddened by God, have no blood. Ua 2 ed eg Gog og) oh yh br ULbLs LIT by PL ob ele 2 at OF bo Ube Gs (em & Ey ULF oo OU) Les ty fy hd oy & wt ley oi fet Ly i LS WS 6709 Ube eo) FF Lum bu (Ak, - est ut AL us do - ool coat w% oe asK wt UF Geel oo ty ee Ee Ci ff bC o5F eet UE ot os Ue LU wel Sap lh oP fs Se L Le 43 deve 1175A.0-1265A.D. we Tar bb wrk oI ute UL BI ET Ue 3 wf EW Ukg «RE £ Li Farida iknaaN aaTaa aglaa, iknaaN naaheeN loN*, aggey gaey saNjaapsan, chotaaN khaasi kaon Lipo dew mide A Sul Farid, some have sackfuls of flour and others do not even have condiment. When they go to the next world, they will face the punishment for the gross injustices committed in this world. In these lines, Baba Farid is protesting against the unjust distribution of wealth, which makes some people extremely rich and others extremely poor. It is absurd and disgraceful for some people to live magnificently and luxuriously when so many are hungry. ue ot Set bold ob Bu US Ute uf ol ff (A) oI I wo Lode du JS Ube vi oe oF "us Lb ole Bi ur ag UF UW | Us Ula et bez 20 sel oy ody dl Ux tl aL bY Ube at hie TF Ute Lb Po 44 Lew ee ou 26 Vier iG ST Zw: My Ue «A UE Ube 4 f haq paraayaa naankaa, us soor us gaaey, gur peer haamaaN taaN bharey jaaN murdar naa khaaey weet Fol th Fb wl S Fpl 7 AS OF er GG oer Lt L af Ute 2W 3 (7 iF aby % ¢ e# (WF -eak Gat Ut Wein 2 a! ater os Ss well 2g Sa? St oly FT Je dey 11754-12650. é GaP Lb wed wis Febts «piv et wy 3 el West Ux be es sk Farida kanh masalla, soof gal, dil kaatee, guR waat, baahir dissey chaananaa, dil aNdhyaaree raat rough dress <_/(ds! si” shoulder bcd” Gut sweet voice Ji! 2 neh S knife v4 -dk Farid says, if a man carries a prayer rug on his shoulder, wears a rough dress (robe of saints), carries a dagger in his heart but speaks sweetly, he is a hypocrite (fraud) who appears to be luminous (bright) but has darkness within. 45 Jibei WF Uy ruby LB bs 7 uk a Uke vee 2 of Uk Ui & be Utes UF eT et ath ah de Li Ueber oo Ute “ue ut Ube dt ag) Sb aot F ag! Ube! Li os Ube a pit Ubel Ful Ube! oS Ze U9 UL Bla UI de 2 oe Zs wh LW GF UM 2s Utd DL I bus ut cei Uf UL Ua la 2 ut eo cei ev ts a gee' us vel 2 ub eo pri eo pbs, ug WIL Ui Ub Ube o> Ube L uted ut ey ST i ef os ep apn gi Uudl 4 Le 2b oo UF Ul Ge eet ede utter Ub Gut oe UE brett per sur Bullhey Shah (1680-1758) said: 3 ff Ua bie 2 vk wi 2 ft wl bb eof US mullah te mashaalchi, doveyN ikko chit, lokaaN kardey chaananaa, aap haneyrey nit. Mullahs and torchbearers are alike, they give light to 46 others while they themselves remain in darkness. Peo 1175A.D-1265A.D. rE GaP Wb wee a2 & ae ‘UIs bl a 5d 143 ’ Po uw 2 ve we alt be del oi 24 Farida loRey dakh bajoRyaaN, kikar beejey jaT, hanDhey unn kataiNdaa, pedhaa loRey pat BALE iftd ls ei rb dd AN ee eh Farid! The farmer (jat) wants to eat grapes but plants the kikar (acacia tree), He spins wool but wishes to wear silk, Btbzcheiwd Sense 6 A oh Goel t g)-b2 22 Ul Je © ut Ke uF oft gray £ gol UF UL Stee elf ov mig elie yiek 2 bt bl af Ubu uF Ee url et ot HG Fe kf Sui ET S et ul et ET bt oe FSi Siuun(1914-1984) ee 47 fo KL pe © OP ie Ea Si whl £ WW OT it & oF YF ot le troy 1175A.D.-1265A.D, ee Ga? bb wee . wd 2 EU cba Eby sh ty dé ugee oo ante Farida baar paraaey beThnaa, saaeeN mujhey naa deyh, jey tooN eeveyN rakhsee, jiyoo sareeroN leyh life :37 of others : 2-17 door silsy tal take, remove ie from body ‘U3 Farid does not want to be a needy person in front of someone else's door. He would rather wish that his life would be taken away from his body than to suffer this humiliating life. Baba Farid says that one should not expect anything from any one else except God. Real Sufis always avoided the association with the establishment of their time. on BO Mt 2s aot S Ue Ip ot So IF bbs Sottero te 2 ut we Ue ol our wee 2 ue 48 wt UP BE un Din OF Ure -L oll tote 1175aD-1265A0. is SAA Uh deo vk P13 5 else El Ind UT O35 Ube «te? b Ole Se Farida raateeN waDeyaaN duhkh duhkh uThan paas, dhirg tinhaaN da jeyoonaa jelnaaN waDaanee aas. curse hy long UL3» others Sly iid their IULe Farid, nights are long, my sides ache and ache. Cursed be those who depend on someone other than God. ot ww alt ah ab et uw Ub Url lap el tem lout decan Cet 215 G2 7B fh et S78 bs Ses br Utes Tue es 23 fab ut af Li As Mian Mohammad Bakhsh rightly said: Psu -B \y lat Utter be-sharmee de halway naaloN saag jamaaN da changa. Eating bitter and butterless saag (spinach type vegetable) in one’s own house is batter than eating sweet (halva) in other's house "Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble 49 and beautiful end of a human being." Kahlil Gibran deve 7sapa26san. 2 & Bad Wy tex ur ox # le 2 3 & we £ oss ei utl fe wekh Farida jo theyaa shakar hoee vis, saaeeN baajhoN apney waidan kehyey kis. poison 4) (U9. sugar : - sorrows: (43 without UF Farid, look as what has happened, sugar has turned into poison. To whom shall I tell my sorrows except my friend (the Lord). ee Ft i Ae bof flo G $4 (pleasures of youth) UUs <° ks diz a adil le of L Ue uf (biternesses of old age) 73 < 7 -2- as =! us or at Ines trdt 1175ap.-126540. © ee Ta? by tere Z eT ie afr bes dy of CHS Gon ow 50 nahaatee dhotee sanbhee, sutee aa nachind, Farida rahee soo beyRee hing dee, gaee kathooree gandh fearless Jy Oi es Oe ad Cn és * ae Zo . Pod rE Sn The bathed, washed and fragranced body is sleeping peacefully (without any fear), The body now emits the odour of /eeng (bad smell) whereas the fragrance of musk (Aastoor/) has vanished. Baba Farid Jee believes in the divine philosophy that good looks do not last long but that good deeds and piety last forever so one should focus on performing good deeds in this life. Syl ut ett » ds UF wll Jt vf Ge x Fue uP & 2 cal £95 ely US oe ZL ut bel Ul 6 UT UL a at Use! & Flew Herxer Seiub i 2 lit te Mom Poe S ety Sat Eee ub ES fli ee We Avec tds Coban £ dU 23 Ub Uk wil gf Ub elle itl bs UP af mel Sly ov te FG BL of bee G2 8 UF te Ut Se cou f Li 51 we! as DS te & te Lode us Bod caf sas Lub giao ew tak ei evr 1175A.D.-1265A.0. Oe oa? bb ieee BEBE det LH Pu Bee Be lar 2 fh na Farida jin loyen jag mohyaa, sey loyen meyN DiTh, kajal rekh naa sehNdiyaaN, sey paNihee sooey behiTh. captivated |7+* world a eyes wii! black powder used to decorate the eyes. * saw a sitting. brood 2+” birds ra line of Farid, I have seen those charming eyes which have captivated the whole world. They could not suffer the line of Kajal (soot) but now birds are brooding in the sockets of those eyes. Baba Farid had actually observed the skull of a beautiful woman whose charming eyes had captivated countless men and they were not enduring the streaks of soot (kajal) but presently the sockets of those eyes had become birds' nests. Earthly beauty does not last long; therefore, one should not be proud of it. 52 SF uk bit Ute Wi ol Looe Bb “Seb ng 752 Ue Uber Ube! 0 be wh Ng ber of UF Grol oe & si eo ute UM uf Ul ot GES LT uf 2 dk lT Gi Az Gs (sockets) uy Je Mian Mohammad Bakhsh (1830-1904) rightly said; bg wt au bb & a é 2 woh b oe Mes Ube Ube WT 2 maan naa keejiyey roop ghaney da, waaris kaon husan da, sada naa rehsan shaakhaaN hariyaaN, sadaa naa phul chaman daa. Don't be proud of beauty because none can preserve it. Branches cannot remain green nor flowers bloom in the garden forever. ve Hoe Pe uu A OW cs bs ut 7 Fecal lakh hazaar bahaar husan dee khako wich samaanee, laa pareet Mohammad (Bakhsh), jis theeN, jag wich rahey kahaaN*ee. Amillion springs of beauty will dissolve into dust. 0 Mohammad (Bakhsh)! Love in such a manner that you are remembered for ever. Www 53 PHT 1175A.D.-1265A.D. Le BaP Wb sev tee of ut ia ws bat wn eT br Sch oL Farida akheeN wekh pateeniyaaN sun sun reeney kan, saakh pkeNdee aace aa, hor kreNdee wan. Lorin dyes Uw « af UL FUP BP os KY seh Farid, my eye sight has become dim and my ears have become deaf. The crop is ready and has changed its colour. Baba Farid is explaining the final stage of man's life when death is fast approaching. Here the metaphor with regard to a crop is used to express the old age of man. UM « af Us £ # és elias eta} 3l Keg) ews £ oer wily 23 (ears) aie nu by un ee oF fF bom i £ bs os OG Gs HI es ad Kiet e bbue PL Ew oe bw by wolf Str Ob on be & Ul WIM, word 54 Yrvy 1175A.D.-1265A.D. eo & Bah Ub sese Aus 2 ULE ULF et ue zip é er UE G& Eb ZS es Farida jo teyN maaran mukiyaaN tinhaaN naa ‘ale ghum, apney ghar jayey peyr tinhaaN de churn. Legh utulf 2: veut Farid, if they beat you with their fists, do not throw blows in retaliation, but kiss their feet and return to your home, Ae UF Gs ole Ut oh ULE ol UF 2 ot oh oF bs et UF bol a FL eo Eb use IS 21L oer dy b Ge ks S le uF Ube Ub lee SX a UF ute dots Ja bts be ab bu 2 we wt & ts Lye bu vF ut bb oe Li GFE be wt Gly -ul ey rue rem dh whe Stasi Sb 55 42bE a4) ve US OF i bt LI met Ny GAME SZ ae! Ut Sufis' thoughts are very close ta Buddha and Jesus Christ's Philosophy. The Bible (the Christian Holy Book) teaches Christians to ‘turn the other cheek’ (if someone hits them on one side of the face), this is also symbolic of how to respond to the absusive or insulting words of others. If someone insults you, do not retaliate but turn the other cheek. "Two wrongs do not make a right.” Sufis say not only to do this but also to kiss the feet of the beater. Buddha (568-488 BC) says: "The man who foolishly does me wrong, | will retum to him the protection of my most ungrudging Jove; and the more evil that comes fram him, the more good he will receive from me." Someone once asked me what | regarded as the three most important requirements for happiness. My answer was: A sense that you have been honest with yourself and those around you; a sense that you have done the best you could both in your personal life and in your work; and the ability to love others. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt a Sx be Li wie ed Ub aK bby werek Seourigkew SOT He Laut fe v3 J wi wen 56 setea75ap.12650.0. 2° 0 ba} Lb veve Aes 2 ect Ga 03 cis [LG Jie wf 2 - Jis dehaaRey dhan waree, saahey laey likhaa. malik jo kaneeN suneyNdaa, moonh wakhaa ley aa. 2A ut 7h SSbeue? ba 3 Farid believes that when the marriage of body and soul took place, the number of breaths in every body's life was determined. The short earthly life is over and the angel of death has come to take away the soul. Creation is a union of matter and soul, Death is a separation of the soul from the bodly. Got SE Ss (Ov) cu? oh UF Sf Aah GUL AIG a ob weedy bE toy ad Wat bs GUL Ou wy bk & Sil IF tS a 1B ter OL uit yf Hut Byer de Oy L el les oh Ud By Wk a9 Uy wed Se ak LI 5 Cau wry wre 57 seoraa7sap-a26sap. 2% G4) bb tee 26% uf Uh el OU BR 20 Ulsbebe Zev jiNd namaaN*ee kaDheyey, haDaaN kooN kaRkaaey, saahey likhey naa chalnee, jiNdoo kooN samjhaaey viue ota QU gett wea cult if eek Lee At the time of birth the duration of life is fixed. When the angel of death comes to snatch the poor soul from the body, the soul should not unnecessarily protest or try to linger on. Farid says that as soon as the soul is asked to leave the body it should submit to the will of God, which has fixed its stay in the body. Sie SY wl LES 6S oF uh ue 7 du Hes ai & - Oe Us oo Si ot Gs Le a» Uutl tes Oded yet oP £ SL ok rw Lou ale ot tf aby & (ie) “3 Jf & \ a Ge aw et 657 uel =ut ecb ud he F uit hs et lad Aus 2} Leetite U* Bebe Fiat Ut oI by Ut 2 uth of ed Aust £7 Sala ost ~oan (S Yb Usd Ur 2m Us Hd es x wis tl Sy nts et) ues isn seal bu (ys) f ¢ aK Fob Ua Ut 2 Am us (> UF os! ed oat Es ole 2 asl wey 68 deol 1175A.0.-1265A.D. Ge ba) bb teste ug Lew? Ue by 2) ik Ub Uk et ees 6 ue Farida iT sirhaaN*ey, bhoeeN sown, keeRaa laRyo maas, ketRyaaN jug waaprey, ikat peyaaN paas 7 ci eth ti sel abil Ul Lox ‘zis Baba Farid explained the situation in the grave; a brick will be a pillow, sleep will be on the naked land, worms will eat the flesh and ages will pass whilst one is lying on one side. Farid says, "A man, who was sleeping on a soft bed and was scared of insects, will be absolutely helpless in the grave where he will remain in the same posture till dooms day." uw AD te Um th is 2 ee? lypret lol? 23 eo Wie at Lote — ot) ee wel uUrsupet itt 7 is wll (Leu et! ei IAG Of itlbed OEE Li (soft beds) UL 74 soe? se ik at 7% ie wed RL & bb F Uy wb et fh 2 69 et eT Lib AE Met FE set ! believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best bath for the body and the mind. Albert Einstein Simplicity, clarity, singleness: these are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy. Richard Halloway tevr 11750-12654. e CaP LL seo £ SLL ul BES Wi aeTyf £S w uf Farida koThey maNDap maaRiyaaN usaareeNdey wee gaey, kooRaa saodaa kar gaey goreeN aa paey ele seul UU Ls Ulss eid f Golo uta bet de Farid, those who built their villas and palaces have gone. They indulged in false bargains and now they lie in their graves. Human deeds are more important and significant than man, as man has to live for a hundred years, whereas Auman deeds live forever. Maxim Gorky wee Uby -! inti Uf ekek b U3 oa: eS HG bs oF bt SE oe ot ee UL =ut uf false trade bye Ite ust & ap LL ¢ LS bb Oe LL eh LA Pb Ue A SL S 5 bs Uk Lk we b roiely 70 ah a LF 2 ese Ub os eet ‘ Ib Ul x Ate Ute gue eal ur SF a et il Ube oe F ole UT U2 et ben PP wot ur edt wT IK OS wl S Soe ute & ole i et da Tot ah UP 2 by Srl? pa Wubi? eee Er ce ten Vit Cue Gy Zi up es dt SO 22 Fo Bs £ ot ole ay! ut es esi by Seto gy & UIE iui = ie Vides? oh 2 of « asf aus i} aF UF Wut cou exex -uTde bby cat slew Bie! wil bo F ttt Ut zs oe Lb ebb 6 FL #6 wee eh uvu 2 z se we Put 126 ak ke Ph eth Se ti deg uF wick el ee L i mv) oP -2! fs Uk be Lf ba ubix Fam wt eset A wl a uf wf 2 nae i ole Js ex uy Ulu! 71 ule af be ag! 0% t ul we wl vt ati UE Jo W sigs Ute agile deve 11750012650. é Bas bb oer Ust sls Ube «Lud of ULE 4 Use 2 we Li 7 et bs a Farida tinhaaN mukh daraoN*ey, jJehnaaN wisaaryaa naaoN, eythey dukh ghaneyrey aa, aggey Thor naa ThaaoN ies og oe Ubnal (ULF ” 4 2 * UF tht ue” £5 coals ee Farid, the faces of those who have forgotten the Name are horrible. Here they have many sorrows and in the hereafter they have neither a home nora house. 2h tole Fs F Utell ct 23 Ube ef ben rst ue Uf b ole £11 a wl? otk a Pe Us Ube eo» nGs, es) aS oF we ds oe UF UM os ey wk z Zw ~eHI (4 es ule os du ao ae i OF 23S dS tl os eb CY Ai eat FUG IF Go Low 72 aes KI gh 2 eh cole A St ag! Es deve 1175a.D-1265AD. a Bar bb ter ude 3 of ad SWE ly os 3 Ad ch ide wes 1 Farida burey daa bhalaa kat, ghussaa man naa htaNDhaa, deyhee rog naa lag ee, paifey sabhi kujh paa Farid! Return good for the evil you receive, don't drive (your) heart with anger. So that later your body may not suffer pain, and you could achieve everything. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burnt. Buddha No one else "makes us angry”. We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose, not they. They merely put our attitude to a test. Jim Rohn The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless unremembered acts of kindness and of love. Wordsworth Three things in human life are important. The first is to be Kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. Henry James “Tf you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.” Chinese Proverb Forgive, forget. Bear with the faults of ethers as you would have them bear with yours. Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious. --Phillips Brooks 73 ak e1 ese oh ge Li Pa ee ut wie deceeg2aS ot nu a1 WF Ss Je a4! ur 2k ike “le I Si hy Bs OT yer 1175A.D,-1265A.D. e é. Ga? UL vere wb Ut! F «Sek sk! 2 Stek ce3ls E wa sabar under saabree, tan eeveyN jaaleyN*, hon Najeek Khudaa de, bheyt na kisey deyN* Oi ay ith Low bite Hane The patients tolerate with patience and mortify their bodies. They become near to God but they do not disclose their secrets to any one. at ek ws Tete Sib Hv Saupe etl Meise ow of Us ats OA at nd Os fo o&s bbe op Lely 74 2 by BI 2) sy ee Ke 2 at ou Uf Bt Sf ety geok 1175a0-126500. 2 & Ea? |b ver Ht Gh yf # a3 Ge gh we 2 oh # kalar keeree chhapRee, aa ulathey hanj, chunjo boRan naa peevan, uDan sandee Danjh Ae aah il 4 PP Uk dls ws ere) Wie gahwit The swans have come down to the little pond of saline water. Neithar they dip their beaks nor they drink; rather, they are eager to fly away. Baba jee says that for the saints or virtuous people (swans), this worlds like a pond of saline water. ot eR LU OE Ue et Ub Ys uf db te tt at Ly ny uF ot o4 we ee T ty 2s UE Fl alee G2 bed Oe 2 ot esi & Uedur UI! 75 eh Ee Peal et at Aut ow UF by ot Sf Bt Su OH at Ut ot ue GUIS ay ol 25 GS Utast Ua et Us Rui Ka et be of en £ wth cS ge ln al Sf of deve 17500-12650. & GaP |b tre JF Zbs ute iE ul & Mid 2 ak FLA Au chal chal geyaaN paNkhiyaaN, jehnaaN wasaaey tal, Farida sar bharyaa bhee chalsee, Tehkey kaNwal ikal lei? ee Bel age Si . (yar The birds (worldly men) who occupied the pond (world) have flown away . Farid, the pond will also become dry one day but the Lotus flower (the Lord) will still be swinging there, all alone forever, AS Gu Gi -8 LA St Cube Ue 76 ee OF bs Gad be Huy Cale Gol il a7 ULI Uy Ue a -ut 24 23 aol Jt SY en OE get bb ole aet -ut Be a fe ui! Ea A pond is a symbol for the world or large houses and palaces. The pond can also be called the ocean of wishes. The Lotus flower is the most prominent symbol related to creation and regeneration in Egyptian, Biblical, Classical, European, Indian, and theosophical literature. ey UE oy be wre Aninsincere and evil friendis more fo be fearedthanawild beast: awildbeas! may wound yourbody, butanevilfriendwill hurt yourmind(sou)). Buddha (B.C. 568-488) Spituality should be able fo guide people aboutthe essence, whichiscomtentment, self-discipline, caring sharing, forgiveness, andifolerance. DalaiLama vray Final words: Avoid showiness in dress, living, vehicles. Avoid loudness in speech. The desire to impress others through speech or action is a mental disease. Appreciate and respect the Power of the Word (speech); never misuse this power by swearing, vulgarity, lying and deceit, falsifying another's statement, nor destroying the reputation of others. These are all sins. 77 Message of love and tolerance written by Syed Qamar Abbas The News, Wednesday, November 17, 2004 Prof. Saeed has translated and explained selected works of five Punjabi mystic poets in five separate small books. These poets exercise great infuence over a large number of people of this region. The message these poets conveyed in their poetry call for end to hypocrisy in religion rituals and condemnation of terrorism and tyranny in any form. These mystic poets, also called Sufis or saints, advocated that the people should always remember their creator in their hearts. The true love with God, according to them, was must for salvation in the next world. For example Waris Shah says: 3 Lose ahh if b wh lz fy ZL lees Waris Shah ‘kisey da buraa keetaa, jaa gor aNdar paCHtaasiyaa nee. Waris Shah! If you hurt anyone in your life, you will repent that in action in your grave. Mian Mohammad Bakhsh says: tf AW oh b aT ke ee tr 65 tt Sb J th tR UI BD kujh wasaah naa saah aaey da, maaN* kehyaa feyr karnaa jis jussey nooN CHaND CHaND rakheyN, khaak aNdar waNj dharnaa. Do not be proud because the breath may or may not come. (Temporal life is short and uncertain.) The body, which you 78 keep clean from the dust, ultimately has to return to the dust. Although Sufis concept of union with God and'the ecstatic ways some of them adopted to achieve this objective were rejected by many Muslim scholars, their message to enjoin the good and:spurn the evil was well received by the people of all religions. And this message of unholding the rights and resisting the wrong is the focus of five small books containing selected works Bulleh Shah, Waris Shah, Baba Farid, Shah Hussain and Mian Mohammad Bakhsh. These books are published under the series Great Sufi Wisdom. It is difficult for Punjabies themselves to understand the work of some of the old Punjabi poets. Prof. Saeed has first transliterated the couplets and then done easy to understand translation in the English language. He ahs also given explanation of most of the couplets somewhere in English and somewhere in simple Punjabi. The reader can understand well what the poet wants to say. The book reading is not as popular among Pakistanis as it should have been. One main reason for lack of interest in reading is high prices of books. Prof. Saeed, however, is giving paper back edition of five books in Rs. 110, thatis a very reasonable price. These small books, result of the commitment and hard work of Prof. Saeed, introduce the rich Punjabi literature to the world. Any person with a little command over the English language can benefit himself from the works of the great Punjabi poets. Prof. Saeed believes that in present times when terrorism, sectarianism and hatred are rampant in our society. It is all the more necessary to spread the message of Punjabi Sufi poets, who spend their lives disseminating love, peace, tolerance and simplicity. : Prof. Saeed Ahmad seems to remind readers that the sages motivate people to apply their minds to understand human values, what is good for the refinement of their mind and character, and what is beneficial for them, their community and their society. Sajid Abbas The Nation, 01.04.04 There is a pristine naivete about Punjabi poetry that makes it at once endearing and coy. Like the land of the five rivers itself, the language also greets you with open arms............ The two books in paperback by Saeed Ahmad give a taste of that pristine wisdom that reaches out to everyone who understands the language without requiring the reader or the listener to have any prior knowledge. This is because Punjabi poetry has remained very much a public domain where social and economic classes merge and mingle to share a cultural richness. In the books under review, the compiler has translated the selected verses into English with a painstaking eamestness, which at times sits heavily on the mind. But this perhaps has to do with his ‘complete devotion to the two men of letters whom he regards as two great sufis poets. That said, the books, by and large, offer fairly representative collections of the two poets’ verses. .... So for all those who like to listen to good Punjabi poetry, these books offer just the right flavour. Welcome to Saeed Ahmad's rendezvous; and no, you don't have to come carrying your head on the palm to be in good company here. Murtaza Razvi, Dawn, 15.06.2003 Saeed Ahmad has translated selected poetry of some Punjabi Sufi poets into English and published them in the form of separate books under the general title of Great Sufi Wisdom. He has so far brought out such books on Baba Farid, Shah Hussain, Bulleh Shah, Waris Shah and Mian Mohammad Bakhsh. These books are well received in Pakistan as well as the outside world. In fact, they have attracted a number of foreign scholars who are interested in Sufism and Islamic spiritual teachings. Saeed Ahmad has undertaken this project with the belief that Bulleh Shah's poetry can go a long way in bringing about a big change in our part of the world where unfortunately we are used to magnifying differences and have hindered our own progress as a result ........ Kazy Javed, The News, 05.09.2004 “Punjabi is, indeed, the biggest language of Pakistan so its spoken form is not threatened. But the written form is almost dead. Only some writers and activists - like Saeed Farani's series of writings on the classical Punjabi poets - keep the literary language alive." Dr. Tariq Rehman, The News, 11.06.2004 Saeed Farani published two more books, Baba Farid and Saiful Maluk, in his Great Sufi Wisdom series. Including his first book, Waris Shah, 16,000 copies of these books have been published and sold, which is another indication of the growing interest in Punjabi language and literature. Safir Rammah, Dawn, 15.02.03 aE RRR RE Some Great Quotes The superior man thinks always of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort. Confucius ak The happy people are those who are producing something. The bored people are those who are consuming much and producing nothing. William Ralph : sob ok The happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. Helen Keller IK The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit. Nelson Henderson 2 oe oe ae eo Prof. Saeed Ahmad iets Fiau tl + ae Suu es la? ew W Ss deo 27 De Us i wt Ls ss ot GD NA BL uth + ee tts tut Kp Sia LF ut hy £ ag zl & be bo «hs 36 6 by KLM E 542 OMS Ube |SB-969-87 14-00-05

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