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135 Jalan Gasing, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 03-79565977 Homepage: http: / /www.sfx.com.my E-mail: info@six.com.m Parish Priest: Rev Fr Simon Yong, SJ Assistant Parish Priest: Rev Fr Albert Tan, SJ Z| Fax: 03-79572435 sixchurchpi@gmail.com | Christ Breathes Into Us His Living Spirit new life of the Spirit in baptism this Easter. SEX BULLETIN Fifth Sunday of Lent- YEAR A 10th April to isth April 2011. ‘Today we open ourselves to Christ's life-giving Spirit. We pray too for those who are to be given the How many of these small disobediences to our heavenly Father we find in our lives, when we examine them more closely! How often we fail to love our neighbor as he has commanded us to! It is so easy to sin against charity, through words or through silence, by action or an attitude, by impatience or by coldness and indifference. So many fail to realise that when they talk about other people's faults, even if it is without malice, they sin against charity, because they are doing to others what they don't want done to themselves. They are so little aware of it that they insist they never talk about others, as if they were saints ~ | St. James after all, affirms: "Hf anyone does not offend in word, he is a perfect man" James 3.2). More numerous, perhaps, are those who pay no attention to the unkind thoughts or feelings they keep wilfully, assuming they are nota sin as long as they are not manifested, as if sin were not committed in the heart and as if God did not see the heart. Who accuses these thoughts and feelings before they reach the degree of hate? Apart from these light failings aguinst charity, how often we commit all kinds of litle faults! It may be pride - bragging and boasting, trying to show off, thinking oneself so muck superior to others. It may be vanity - an excessive care about looks, dress, desire for admiration. It may be gluttony - little excesses in food or drink, either by taking too much or being too heey It may be too much curiosity {I unnecessary knowledge. It may be idle words, light indiscretions or imprudent looks or imaginations. It may be laziness, idleness, waste of time, some neglect of duty, One may be too free or too tight with money. There is no end to the many ways in which one may commit venial sins. They are like germs - you cannot count them, and they multiply as casily. Like germs, one docs not kill, nor do a few; but as they multiply they weaken the soul and its resistance to mortal sin. Like the germs they are so small that we don't see them and therefore do nothing to avoid them. This is why frequent confession may be very useful to purify the soul from venial sin. To be done properly, it must be preceded by a serious examination of conscience, which will reveal the faults committed, and should be accompanied by a firm resolution to do something to avoid them If it is frequent enough, it will be possible to remember even ‘small failings, and the resolution being renewed often won't be forgotten and will have a chance to bring results, {to be continued) by Fr. Leonard M. Puech, O.F.M. “Lent: A Call to Purification.” [Fifth Sunday of Lent ‘SUNDAY 10th APR: Ez 37,12-14; Rom 8,8-11; Jn 11, 1-45(or 3-7.17.20-27.33-45) TG: Pax Tes, Margaret Leow, Susanna Leow, St Jide, Lord Jesus, Holy Mary, Heavenly Father, St Francis Xavier, Wendy Lim, Fyona Lim, Cullen Fredericks, Bakyt Kemelova, Almighty God, Melanie Sta Maria, Mother Mary, Jacqueline Naire, Irving, Sharon & Naialie de Silva, BVM, Sacred Heart Philip Cheah & fly, June Cheah & fly, Diane Cheah & fly, David Cheah & fly, EJ Cheah & fly, Mathias Gomes, Sam Sia & fly, Michelis-Anne Chan, Loretta Pereira, Koh fly, Derrick Low, Vinodh Nathan, Wong Chun Chong, Wong Siew Moi, | Damian Lim & fly, Kevin Lim & fly, Lee Teik Hee, David Kien Lim, Tan Gaik Lip, Simon Tan Teng He, Winnie Thor, Mother Mary, Fr Julian, Craig Gomes, Alicia H, Theresa Chin Quan Nyuk @ | RIP: FOSS, Michael Chan Kin Chung, Shirley Foong, Pat Chan, Carmel Pillai, Francis Pereira, Floris Emestine Dorothy, Joe | Acthur Theophilus, Stella Garcia Dean, Michael Low Ah Soy, Jacinta Oon Kin Tee, David Wong Swee Hong, Joseph *| Moses K Arul, Anthony Foong, Raymond Vong, Douglas Wong, Mary Wong Chai, Wong Kim Hoong, Alice Chai, Pansy Marbeck, Foong Kah Cheong, Lily Yau, Chia Kum Har, Jeffrey S.W.Lee, Chong Yoon Chow, Victor Ang Guan Seng, Jerome Teh Thean Soo, Kenneth Lim Nyuk Choi, Charles Loh Tat Hin, K:W.Chow, Lim Hock Cheng, Lee Lai Khuan, Frode Guidborg Jensen, decd.memb.of Keong fly, Christopher Chiu Chi Hao, Souls in Purgatory, Ronnie KL Tan, Gerard AJ Ee Pereira, Oswald Sta Maria, Joseph Anthony Netto, Raymond Augustine Leo, Leong How Lin, Betty Hoh, Khoo Lay Thiam, Lew Kim, Francis Emest Bruyns, Francis Loh, Robert Kum, Lob fly, Tan Kim Hong, Loh Hoong Chick, Baba James De Castro, Parimanams, Patricks Edward, Fred Fernandez, Lee Mun Kongs, Oswin Aloysius Rozario, Frencis Yong Pin Pu 5th Week of Lent MONDAY 11th APR Dan 13, 1-9.15-17.19-30-33-62 (of 41-62); Jn 8,1-11 . 2-1 TG: Margaret Leow, Susanna Leow, Melanie Sta Maria Lge Telk Hee, Leticia Gomes, Jimmy Tan Meng Kow, Kimberly Sugenthiran RIP:FOSS, Stella Garcia Dean, Fr Leo Chang, Gladys De Atwis, Lim Hock Cheng, Lee Lai Khuan, John Tan Ching Tsan, Catherine Ng Pae Hwa, Gerard AJ Pereira, Lily Marie Yu Woo Wang, Francis Yong Pin Pu, Clara Ambrose, George Anthony Razario ‘th Week of Lent Num 24, 4-9: Jn 8.21-30 _{TG: MLCP, Margaret Leow, Susanna Leow, Melanie Sta Maria Si: Lee Teik Hee, Alzira Gomes & fly, Patsy Noronha & fly, Colin D’Cruz, Kimberly Sugenthiran RIP:FOSS, Wong Yoke May. Lucy Ng Soo Gnoh, Stella Garcia Deen, Yong Chin Moi, Lim Hock Cheng. Les Lai Khuan, | T.A.A, Frode Guldborg Jensen, Gerard AJ Pereira, Lee Soo Keow, Vincent Woo Ven Chen, John Stephen Nelson | | | TUESDAY 12th APR Noronha, Francis Yong Pin Pu, Margaret Ann Rozark 5th Week of Lent WEDNESDAY 13th APR "|Dan 3, 14-20,91-82.95; Jn 8,31-42 TG: Arokianathan fly, Margaret Leow, Susanna Leow, Mother Mary, Melanie Sta Maria | Lee Teik Hee, Colin D’Cruz, Kimberly Sugenthiran FOSS, Peter Wong & Mary Cheong, Stella Garcia Dean, Erick Singh Lahre, Lim Hock Cheng, Lee Lai Khuan, Holy Souls, Gerard Ad Pereira, Yap Swee Fong, Francis Yong Pin Pu, George Baptist, Margeret Lena Rozario ‘Sth Week of Lent ~ THURSDAY 14th APR Gen 17, 39; Jn8, 51-58, ITG: Margaret Leow, Susanna Leow, Melanie Sta Maria, Margaret Theresa Lee Teik Hee, Constance Joy A, Colin D’Cruz, Kimberly Sugenthiran | RIP:FOSS, Stella Garcia Dean, Gomez fly, Miguel Jose Matias Francisco Menezes, Lim Hock Cheng, Lee Lai Khuan, Raymond Johnson, Gladys Holloway, Glen Johnson, Gerard AJ Pereira, Frencis Yong Pin Pu, Lily Yeo Gek Choo, Charles Walker Rozario |. & [Sth Week of Lent FRIDAY 15th APR “Wer 20,10-13: Jn 40, 31-42 ss IG: Margaret Leaw, Susanna Leow, Liew Sau Wan, Liew Koh Leong, Liew Chien Ful, Jesus Agony in The Garden ISI: Janet Mohan, Mark Krishnan, Lee Telk Hee, Si, Dorothy Mila, Mr & Mrs Alexander Woo Chung Ho, Mary Frances ‘Therese Tan, Colin D'Cruz, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Kimberly Sugenthiran = |RIP:FOSS, Loulsa Liew, Stella Garcia Dean, All Souls in Purgatory, Lim Hock Cheng, Lee Lai Khuan, A Moses, Surya Booty. Xavier Rubin Pereira, Hisham Yasin, Lily Yeo Gek Choo, Mary Florence Rozario, Joseph Raymond Gomes, Gerard AJ Pereira, Francis Yong Pin Pu, Aian M. Jope Ri " {5th Week of Lent — SATURDAY 16th APR [Ez 37.21-28; Jn 11,45-58 lis 50, 4-7; Phil 2, 6-11; Mt 26,14-27,66 (or 27,11-54) Sunset Palm Sunday "TG; Margaret Leow, Susanna Leow, Gabriel Ho & fly, St Joseph, Sacred Hear of Jesus, Mother Mary. MG & fly ‘Si: Paulin: Liu, Alex Tan & fy, Paltick Foo, Cofin 0'Cruz, Belinda Reyes, Sacred Heart of Jesus 2 |RIP:FOSS, Louisa Liew, Ann Lim Saw Hoon, Vicki Skeichy, Esther Gunasekara, Harold & Teresa Peters, Holy Souls, Eric ‘Singh Lahre, James Chang, Lim Hock Cheng, Lee Lai Khuan, Mathew & Jessy de Sita, Catherine Ng Pae Hwa, Adrien Richard Fong Kol Chong, Jamies Ho, Joni Lig, Souls in Purgatory, Lily Yeo Gek Choo, Gerard AJ Pereira, Arthur James i ‘Scott Rozario, Clement & Vioiet Forsythe, Felix Sta Mana, Maris Na, James Lingam, Francis Yong Pin Pu, John Tan CT nes & Incanh Ena Rmdarick Shawn Auoustin. Patrick & Sharon Augustin, Victor Francis Rozario.

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