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TWC 301

Current Web Presence Analysis

Lacey Preach

TWC 301

TWC 301

Table Of Contents

The Future Professional You…………………………………………………………. 3

The Currrent You………………………………………………………………………5


TWC 301

The Future Professional You

When I graduate from Arizona State University, I hope to be some sort of editor in the

media industry, be a public relations specialist, or own my own indoor snow sports arena.  I want

to be an editor because I love to share my creativity and use it in a way that will entertain others.

I would like to be a public relations specialist because you incorporate editing, communicate, and

setting up appointments that keeps the public informed.  These both put my major to use and

would be enjoyable, to me.  And finally, aside from my major, I will one day open up an indoor

snow sport arena.  I want to have a place where people can take a break from the summer heat

and have a snow day, without having to travel.  I am a people pleaser and love to see people

having fun.  When companies in editing and public relations are hiring, they are looking for

people who are experienced in communication to the public, and who understand technological

terms who can translate it into an understandable form to the general public.  As far as opening

an indoor sports arena, you are on your own.  You are your own boss and have to figure out how

to make such a large goal happen.

As I searched for jobs, I found that many companies are hiring people as their public relations

specialist.  It is a very fast growing job.  Research says more than 100,000 jobs will open by

2018.  It is a bright outlook for our future.  I analyzed a public relations specialist for the

company “Microsemi” located in Irvine, CA (

Specialist-Job-Irvine-CA-US-98274793.aspx).  Then I found a company in New Jersey that is

hiring at entry level (

Jersey-City-NJ-US-97494035.aspx).  Both of these jobs are similar, but the requirements for

Microsemi are highly experienced in the industry, and American Income Life is hiring at entry

level.  The last position I analyzed was a consultant company in New Jersey named “Clarity”

TWC 301


city-NJ-US-97587112.aspx).  This job is listed under both temporary and Full time.  However,

you must have prior experience in this field and have experience in technical writing. This would

be a difficult job for students coming right out of college.  When searching on Linkedin, I found

three people who currently have jobs as a public relations specialist.  I have notices their

schooling was under journalism, or under mass communications.  My major is not under

journalism or communications, but is more specific in the technical communications area.

Evaluating these people, I would say you need to be very organized, have an extensive

vocabulary, and have a creative side to grab the attention of the general public.

TWC 301

The Current You

The results that came up on Google when I typed in my name were surprising.  I had

three or four results come up under the Web tab.  The first three were from Max Preps




preach.htm ) And it was my high school volleyball stats and rankings from 2007-2009.  The next

site was my Diigo website and public library so everyone can see my sites

(  Under the images tab I had two pictures; one from my

high school volleyball photo and the other was from the website of the club volleyball team I

coach for ( I had no idea that all of this would

pop up on Google; I thought I had set my privacy settings to where I did not appear on search

engines.  The only thing that popped up on Yahoo’s search engine was the coaching website

( which lists my information and experience as a

volleyball coach and player. And the same thing appeared on Bing’s search engine.  The sites on

the search engines of me may be helpful in finding out about me and my background, but it does

not have experience under technical communications or public relations.

TWC 301


I have found much strength after viewing my online identity.  My strengths are that I am

listed as a coach with my past experiences and certifications.  So if someone were to search me

they would view some accomplishments and coaching I have done.  They would also see my

Diigo site which will show my online work ethic. And finally they can see the success of my past

in high school by the sport I played and the success of my seasons.  My weaknesses would be

that most of the search engines come up under the sport I coach and played. I do not have

anything under technical experiences.  It would be a huge plus if I had something along the line

of public relations.  I am not too worried though, I am only twenty.  But I must start building my

online identity.

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