Junk Food Debate

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Topic: Junk food should not be banned in schools

Junk Foods That Have Some Good

1. French Fries: has a good source of vitamin c, and some fiber
2. Burgers: especially with lean meat, excellent source of iron, vitamin B, and
3. Chocolate: it has iron, calcium and antioxidants
4. Pizza: contains vitamin C, calcium, fiber and even healthier if you choose
vegetable topping
5. Icecream: good source of calcium and protein
6. Gatorade: replaces fluid and fuels muscles

Why Junk Food is Good For You?

Scientists have discovered that although junk food can be high in fats, they have
discovered that junk food could also increase your intelligence level. They did a test with
rats and the more sugary foods you gave them the faster and more precise they would
solve complicating puzzles. This doesn’t mean that we should eat a lot of junk food but it
is ok to have a little bit of junk food. Also Dark chocolate has antioxidants which is good
for your health.
Junk is Good For Schools
Junk food is good for schools because schools are making approximately $30,000 a from
selling snacks and junk food. This money is helping schools make clubs like athletics
and, parent teacher groups
Are Schools Creating The Most Obesity By Selling Junk Food?
Food and beverage junk foods are only creating a fraction of a student’s diet. Television
was one of the most common activity in the U.S that is a risk factor for obesity because
there isn’t much exercise going on. Now McDonalds is even giving go active meals along
with junk food. This shows that not schools have most fault for obesity.
Ideas for Instead of Banning Junk Food and Complains
Companies are arguing that if junk food is the problem for obesity then why not give kids
a better nutrition education and more exercise instead of banning junk food. Eight
graders are complaining that our parents already give us healthy food all the time and we
never get any junk food so why are you banning it at school too. They also say that we
should be free for what we want to eat. “Junk food is good for the soul and, we should
not deprive our children of this. Everyone should have at least a little bit of junk food in
our lives.” Says Dr. Miriam. If you ban junk food then kids will have even more desire to
seat it. It is important to have some kind of junk food in life.

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