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FM/AM TUNER KT-6040 INSTRUCTION MANUAL KENWOOD CORPORATION GOONS) Introduction Your chaice of this product indcates that you are a devatee lo excellence in sound reproduction 'e appreciate your patroniage and take pride in thelong trad= ‘ion of qualiy components tha’ our ecmoany repreacats Se thal you can get the mes] our of your unit, we suggest that you take the lime o read through this manual before you hook up and operate your sysiem. Ths will aequaint you with oper- ailing features and eystam-canrection considerations so that your listening pleasure will be enhanced right from the srt You will natee that in all aspects of planning, ergineerisg svlng, operating converience and adamabilty we nave sought te anticipate your neads and desires Keep this manual handy for future reference. For your records Fecod the serial number, found on the ack of the unit, in tho spaces dasignated on tho warranty card, and in the space Provided below Refer ta the model and serial numbers whenever you call upon your dealer for information or service on this product, Model Serial Number Unpacking Unpack the unit caratully and make sure that all accessories ate put aside 30 they will nat be lost Examine the unitfor any possibilty of shiaping damage. If your Units damaged or fails to operate, notify your dealer immedi ately. If your unit was shipped to you dreetly, rotity the ship- ping company without delay. Only the consignee tthe person ‘or company receiving the unt} can fle a clam against the car- rier for shipping damage. We recommend that you retain the original caron and pack ing materials for use should you irengport or ship the unit in the future Accessories FH meoor antenna y6m1200 0 anna adaptor 1 ‘Excop fork. and Eutepet [, haereaT | 1G westnten, [elit | AC coe 1 ‘Exeool for sora eran} (Tho shape may vary penaing or ve aastingcion Abt loop antenna ib (24 Loge snterns holder 1 Syren control ond... 1 “Re 2 ‘icgp for U.K, and Ewrepe) AC plug avaptor 1 \Exeopl for some aiaas } For the unit with @ Europe: fn AC plug in arees omer then Europe Contents Caution: Read the pages marked LA carefully to ensure sefe operation tod 2) —_ecehing onde 0 ‘Bote ape ow 3 Reception ushg une 4 iaont ans SarecUARDS 4 Optalonal wnow concal une 7 onl en inca 3 2 ere000 en A\Caution: Read this page carefully to ensure safe operation. Before applying power For the U.S.A. and Canada Important! Unite hppad lo die U.S A, and Canada ao designosl tor amare lion on 126 wokis AC only. CAUTION: 10 PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT USE THE ACPLUG WIT HAN EXTENSION CORD, RECEPTACLE OR OTHER OUTLET UNLESS THE 8LADES CN BE FULLY IN- SERTED TO PREVENT BLADE EXPOSURE For the United Kingdom * Important! Unis shioped to the U.K. are desianed ‘or opeation ov 240 wohs AC ony The mains plug must be removed ‘wom the wal socket prior {0 ety intone examinotion Theirs in ths reins loud ore coloured in the falowing code Bie Noutal Brow tie veardence with The wits in this mina load oi ais in the alug as follows: Wie clon Pug terminal making oe seen ae Po a {Oc Ls aes OS) (f * a seg, 1 2. ta 3-pin plug with earthing contact s used. 10 whe must bbe connacted to tne £ terminal Safety precautions WARNING: TO PREVENT FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. For Australia and Europe Important! Unis shipped to Australes are designed for operation on 2 AC only Units shipped to Europe ere desgned for operation on 230 ¥ AC ony For other countries important! Unis stipped 10 counts ater than dhe above counties are ‘eauspnes with an AC voage selecta: switch on the rear oar Refer tothe ‘ollowing paragraph forthe proper satting cF this AC voltage selection This unit operates on 170-120 or 220-240 waits AC. The AC woltage selector swt on the rear panel is set 10 the votage that orevais im the area to whieh the Uniti shpped. Before {connecsing the soxser cord t9 your AC outlet. make sure that the settng position of tis switch matches you tine votoge. | Int, H must be set to your voltage in accordance wt the following direction Note: i ‘Gur vamanty dees not cover demage caused by excessive Ine voltage due to improper seting of the AC voltage selctor ‘witch acito- Pe sa0v~ Dav e000 ig, 2 Fig. 3 inthis unis, make sue that the posivan ef the AC Voltage Selector contorms to your line Inains! vob tage if not, it must be reset, See Figure 1 2, To eset the selecior, sis Wie steppe: plate to ie opposite sige with a serewariva” or other poms tool, See Figure 2 eit the power cord securely. See Figure 3. A wc A THE LIGHTNIN TAG CAUTION: TO nEDY COVER (OF BACK! NO USER-SESVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE, fi VICING 70 QUALIFED LASH WITH ASRGWAIEAD SYMBOL, WITHIN AN. EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE, IS INTENDED TO ALERT THE USER TO THEPRES "WITHIN THE PRODUCT'S ENCLOSURE THAT MAY BE OF SUFFICIENT MAGWITLDE TO CONSTITUTE 4 fISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK TO PERSONS, ‘THE EXCLAMATION POINT WITHIN AN EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE IS INTENDED TO ALEAT Ht USER TO THE PRESENCE OF /MPORTANT OPERATING ANO MAINTENANCE (SERVICING! IN STAUCTIONS IN THE LITERATURE ACCOMPANYING THE APPLIANCE E THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE Sh VICE PERSONNEL NCE OF UNINSULATED "DANGEROUS VOL erenao.ent &

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