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An Informational Guide for Local Churches

Darrell and Laura Peavy, Brandon and Emily Carmichael,
and Brandon and Regina Bell are missionaries sent out by
Maranatha Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, NC and
serving with Baptist Mid-Missions. They are part of a
church planting team that plans to plant Independent
Baptist churches in Curitiba, Brazil. The city of Curitiba is
home to over 1.5 million inhabitants and is a melting pot
in terms of ethnicity and religion. Though a number of
Independent Baptist churches have already been The city of Curitiba, located in
established in the city and its outlying areas, there is still a southern Brazil, is home to over
great need in this city and in the nation of Brazil as a 1.8 million people

Team missions is a concept that may be seen exemplified
in the ministry of the Apostle Paul in the book of Acts.
Following this example, the Peavys, Carmichaels, and Bells
plan to be involved in a church planting team targeting
the city of Curitiba. Several other couples also plan to be a
part of the team in the coming years, including Adam and
Jodi Pittman, also from Maranatha Baptist Church.

Ministry Strategy From Left: Brandon and Regina Bell;

While ultimately depending on the Lord to give the increase Darrell and Laura Peavy;
(1 Cor. 3:6), the team’s ministry strategy is four fold: Brandon and Emily Carmichael

 Evangelize– First, we must reach Brazilians with the gospel. How

this will be accomplished will depend much on what opportunities
the Lord presents, but may include things like teaching English and
beginning home Bible studies with individuals we meet who want
to know more about salvation.
 Disciple– As individuals come to know Christ as Lord and Savior,
we will begin solid, Bible-teaching Baptist churches and begin to
train those believers how to live out God’s Word on a daily basis.
 Train Leaders– Through the local church, as well as through the
already established Baptist Mid-Missions Bible College, we hope to
be involved in training Brazilian pastors, missionaries, and church
workers who will continue the work (2 Tim. 2:2).
 Multiply- After one church is planted and national leadership Baptist Mid-Missions’ Bible College
established in the church, we hope to move on to plant additional just outside of Curitiba

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