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mai 1. The inductance between A and Dis: A D 3H] 3H oH (3) 3.664 oon (©)0.66 @in 2. Aball whose kinetic energy is Z, is projected at ‘an angle of 45° to the horizontal. The kinetic ‘energy of the ball at the highest point of its Aight wll be : @E ) ED OR @) zex0 3. From a building two balls A and B are thrown such that Ais thrown upwards and B downwards (both vertically). IF yy and vy are their respective velocities on reaching’ the ground, then = (v5 >¥0 Oa % A> % @) their velocities depend on their masses 4. Fa body loses half of ts velocity on penetrating 3 em in @ wooden block, then how rauch wil it penetrate more before coming to rest? (@1em em (3am (tem 5. f suddenly the gravitational force of attraction between earth and a satellite revolving around itbecomes zero, ther the satellite will: (@ continue (© move in its orbit with same velocity {b) move tangentially to the original orbit with the same velocity (6) become stationary in its orbit (@) move towards the earth 6.16 an ammeter is to be used in place of @ ‘voltmeter, then we must connect with the ammeter a: 10. a. 12, () low resistance in parallel (©) high resistance in parallel (©) high resistance in series @ low resistance in series IF in a circular coll A of radius R, curvent iis owing and in another coil & of radius 28 a curtent 2i is flowing, then the ratio of the magnetic fields, B, and By produced by them willbe: @1 wove 2 @4 3. Ifewo mirrors are kept at 60° to exh other, then the number of images formed by them is @s 6 7 as .A wire when connected ta 220 V mains supply has power dissipation P;. Now the wire is cut into two equal pieces which are connected in parallel to the same supply. Power dissipation in this case is P,. Then P,P, is @1 4 2 @3 If 13.6 eV energy is required to ionize the hydrogen atom, then the energy required to remove an electton from n ='2is (@ 10.20 @) Oev (34ev @ eae Tube A has both ends open while tube B has one end closed, otherwise they are identical. The rato of fundamental frequency of tubes A and B is : (1:2 Wea (2:1 @a A tuning fork arrangement (pair) produces 4 beats/s with one fork of frequency 288 eps. A liye wax is placed on the unknown fork and it then produces 2 beats/s, The frequency of the tonknown fork is (a) 286 eps (©) 294 eps. (b) 292 «ps (8) 288 eps 13.A wave y=asin (ot ~ kx) on a string meets with another wave producing a node at x «0. ‘Then the equation of the unknown wave is: (@ y=asin (ot + x) ()y=—asin (or +) (y= asin (or ~ ke) (@y=~asin (at ~ bx) 14. On moving a charge of 20 Cby 2m, 2 Jof work is done, then the potential difference between the points is @oiv sv j2v @osv 15.1f an electron and a proton having same ‘momenta enter perpendicularly to a magnetic field, then = (2) curved path of electron and proton will be same (Ignoring the sense of revolution) () they will move undeflected (© curved path of electron is more curved than that of proton (@) path of proton is more curved 16. Energy required to move a body of mass m from. ‘an orbit of radius 2 to 3R is (@)GMm/12R?——(b) GMm/3R? (© GMm/aR @ aatmer, 17. 1f a spring has time period 7, and is cut into n ‘equal parts, then the time period of each part will be: @ra oz (aT @r 18. A charged particle gis placed at the centre of cube of length L (ABCDEFGH). Another same charge qi placed at a distance 1 from9. Then the electric fu through ABCD is 4 3B Ic i () q/ 4a L () zero (©) 4q/ 2x8 (@) q/Sregh 19.1f in the circuit, power dissipation is 150 W, then R is: ph ae @20 60 @sa2 (ad) 4Q 20. Wavelength of light used in an optical Instrument are 4y = 4000 A and 2, = S000 A, then ratio of ther respective resolving powers {corresponding t 4, and. 22) 8: (@) 16:25 on was @ 54 21. Two identical panicles move towards cach other with velocity 2v and y respectively. The velocity of centre of mass is: @y w/3 we @ x 22. 1a current is passed through a spring thea the spring wil: (@) expand ) compress (©) remain same (@) none ofthese 23. Heat given to a body which raises its temperature by 1°C is {) water equivalent (©) thermal capacity {6) specific heat (@) temperature gradient 24, Atabsolute zero, Si acts as (@ non-metal" ¢b) metal (© insulator (@) none ofthese 25, Electromagnetic waves ae transverse in nacre fsevident by : (@) polarization (b) interference (© reflection @) dilfracion 26. Which ofthe followings used in optical fibres? (@) Total internal reflection (b) Scattering (©) Diffraction (@) Refraction 27. The escape velocyy of a body depends upon @n? (om (om (mi? 28. Which ofthe following are not electromagnetic waves ? (@) Cosmicrays — (b) yays (© Brays (@) Keays 29. Identity the pair whose dimensions are equal @) Torque and work (b) Stress and energy (© Foree and stress (4) Foree and work 30.11 0, is the inversion temperature, @, is the neutral temperature, 0, is the temperature of the cold junetion then = O+%=8 0,-0.2, COAT, B= 20, 1. Infrared radiations are detected by : (@) spectrometer (b) pyrometer (nanometer —_(¢) photometer 32.1. No is the original mass of the substance of halflife period ¢,,» = Syears, then the amount of substance left after 15 years is: 33. By increasing the temperacure, the specific resistance ofa conductor and a semiconductor: () increases for both (b) decreases for both () increases, decreases respectively (@) decreases, increases respectively 34, Ifthere are n capacitors in parallel connected to V volt source, then the energy stored is equal 10: ow ohn? 2 1 ey? ow Oe 85. Which oF the following is more close to « black body? {@) Black board paint (8) Green leaves (© Black holes (d) Red zoses 86. Which statement is incorrect? {@) All reversible cycles have same efficiency (©) Reversible cycle has more efficiency than an irreversible one () Carnot cyle isa reversible one (4) Camot eyee has the maximem efficiency in all eyeles 37-Length ofa string tied to two rigid suppors is 40 cm, Maximum length (wavelength in em) of a sationary wave produced on i, is @20 @) 80 (9% @ 120 8. The power foctor of an AG circuit having resistance R and inductance L (counected in sere) and an angular velocy @ 5: oy —_ OD GPs oi? ot n OF, OR? 39, An astronomical telescope has a large aperture (@) reduce spherial aberration {b) have high resolution {@ increase span of observation (@) have low dispersion 40. The kinetic energy needed to project 2 body of mass m from the earth's surface (radius R) to intinigy is @) age am on (©) mek 41, Cooking gas containers are kept in a lorry ‘moving with uniform speed, The temperature of the gas molecules inside will (2) increase (6) decrease (6 temain same (4) decrease for some, while increase forothers 42, When temperature increases the frequency ofa tuning. fork (2) increases () decceases {6 remains same {@) increases oF decreases depending on the rmaterial 43.17 mass-energy equivalence is taken into accoune, when water i cooled '0 frm fe, the mass of water should : (a) increase (b) remain unchanged (© decrease (a) fist increase then decrease “The energy band gap is maximum in: (@) metals ) superconductors (©) insulators (4) semiconductors 45. The part of a wansistor which is most heavily doped to produce large number of majority @) emiter @) base © collector {@) can be any of the above three 46.1n a simple harmonie oscillator, at the mean position {@) kinedc energy i minimem, potential energy (©) both kinetic and potential energies are maximum {© kinetic energy [S maximum, potential energy is minimum (@) both kinetic and potential energies are sminimum 47. nial angular velocity ofa ereular dse of mass Mis oy. Then two sival spheres of mass m are attached gently to bo diametrically opposite points on the cde ofthe dise. What is the final angular velocity ofthe dise?

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