Leadership: Get Better or Get Beaten

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What happens if animals enters the
kitchen to make lasagna?
Here is our hero for today.
 Leadership defines what the
future should look like, aligns
people with that vision and inspires
them to make it happen.
Leader keeps perspective:
• Have a clear, concise and measurable goal.
• Create a vision, allocate resources and get out of the way.
• Remember the most important things in life are not usually
urgent, are easy not to do, and are often avoided.
• Say no to the unimportant, no matter how urgent.

Leaders creates an effective working atmosphere by:

• Managing and designing the people side of work
environment. Keep the A’s and get rid of C’s.
• Making ideas tangible, and communicating facts and
concepts in understandable and encouraging way.
• Encouraging why, versus simply telling people how.
Leaders manage themselves and model how others can do the
same by:
• Setting aside personal issues and getting on with the job.
• Recognize feelings, name them and find the cause.
• Maintain a congruence between what you say and how you
act. Keep your promise.

Leaders encourage teamwork by:

• Remove the boundaries and delayer: get rid of fat.
• Supporting decision based on knowledge rather than on
personal whims.
Leaders exercise initiative:
• Lead by taking the lead, not only in your organization but
also in your life.
• Encourage and coach others to foster these habits.
• Downsize before it’s too late!

Leaders create the future:

• Take the time to envision the future and refine what you are
trying to accomplish.
• Be continually aware that doing the right things comes before
doing things right.
• Understanding the thinking beyond your thinking. They do
not become the victims of the paradigms.
Leaders create boundrylessness and nurture a learning
• Someone somewhere has a better idea.
• Make sure that great ideas are followed by implementation.
• Whatever the concern may be there are just three
ingredients: make a good team, share ideas across and give
them resources to go. That’s it.

Leaders continually improve:

• Formulate a personal program to keep balance in your life
and encourage others to do the same.
• Continually become more self-aware through personal
development activities.
• Don’t put your head in the sand.
My job is to put the best people on
the biggest opportunities, and the
best allocation of dollars in the right
places. That’s about it. Transfer
ideas and allocate resources and
get out of the way.
Jack Welch (Chairman and CEO of
General Electric)
Presented by:
Gopal Krishan

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