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How To Sell A Service Instead Of A

By Tom Egelhoff

There is a common misconception in the world that the world's

oldest profession is prostitution. I would like to correct this bit of
misinformation. The worlds oldest profession is, in fact, selling.
Even the "ladies of the evening" made a deal before any goods or
services were dispensed. Nothing happens in business, or
anywhere else in life for that matter, until someone sells

The two types of products most often sold are tangible and
intangible. Tangible products are products that we can touch, taste or see. intangible
products are products the customer can't touch taste or see. We are here to talk about
the latter group...the intangible products that are usually sold as a service.

What is an intangible product?

You don't have a product that your customer can see, touch or taste. The most
common service professions are insurance and cleaning services.

Life, health, homeowners, and auto insurance require payment for something you
hope will never happen. The only tangible item you can hold in your hand is the
policy itself. This is a piece of paper that represents the unseen service.

In the case of the cleaning service -- there is rarely any paper that represents the
service provided by the cleaning service. However, after the cleaning service has been
completed there is no tangible product left behind.

How Customers Decide

If you read a lot of the articles on this site you will think I'm a broken record. People
buy based on emotion not by logic. They would like to have you believe that they sit
down and logically compare a product's features and make a logical decision.
What actually happens is.. they make an emotional decision and create a logical
argument to justify the buying decision.

Now, accepting that principle how does a customer make a buying decision when
selecting a service? Something that can't be laid out on a table side by side for a
comparison of the features and benefits?

Why should a customer buy your service?

Before you can sell or present your service to a customer you must have an
understanding of the selling process. You need to understand the process of why
customers buy the things they do. (See: Why Customers Buy)

Customers buy your service because they expect one of the six benefits explained in
"Why Customers Buy." If one of more of those benefits are there most likely you will
have a sale. If you don't you will probably lose the sale.

But there is an even more important aspect of the selling process. And that is....getting
the customer to contact you in the first place.

The other intangible you have to sell.

Service businesses have an additional burden and that is they not only have to
somehow sell a service that the customer can't see, taste or feel.......But they must also
convince the customer that they can perform the service to the customers satisfaction
better than other similar services.

Suppose you have a lawn care business. If I have an average lawn that I take minimal
care of I may only be interested in the lowest cost for cutting the grass. I might hire a
high school kid to do it.

However, if I'm very serious about my lawn and how it looks I may be more particular
in who I hire to take care of it. I also might be willing to pay a little more for an actual
business to do the work. But by the same token my expectations are going to be much

If I'm your customer you are going to have to be prepared to convince me, not only
that you can do the job, but you are going to do it to my expectations or better for the
same or less money than the competition.
How to sell service pricing

Notice in the above paragraph I said I wanted to pay the same or less as your
competition is charging. Here is where many good service companies drop the ball.

Because they are unprepared to justify a higher cost for better service, they often end
up giving away services that they have every right to charge for just to meet the

Your service has a certain value in the minds of potential customers. If I mention CD
player a price usually pops into your mind. $$$.00?

If your price is higher than the competition then you need to be able to show the
customer that the additional money is justified.

If you are charging for services that are not seen as a benefit by the customer then
drop those services from your bid or explain to the customer the benefits of the extra
service. The customer may not have realized they need the extra services.

Building customer confidence

I'm sure most of you are aware that it takes six times as much to acquire a new
customer as it does to keep an existing one. The existing customer knows your
systems and has a first hand knowledge of the quality of your work.

The new customer, on the other hand, must be marketed to, advertised to and
eventually sold.

But first the customer must call or contact you. How does that happen? Why should I
call you instead of or in addition to your competition?

Image, Image, Image

As a customer I want to feel that I'm dealing with a reputable company. How do I
know you are reputable? One of the simplest ways is....I've heard of you. I've seen
your company name advertised or I received your name from a friend.

A referral from a satisfied customer is the most powerful advertising you can get. It
will, in many cases, eliminate the need to sell the company to the customer. You can
go straight to the services you offer.
Low Cost Promotion of a Service

In a small town, promotion is essential. But it's also much easier in a small town than
a larger city. For example, the customer base is smaller hence the numbers you need
to reach is smaller. In addition, advertising costs in small towns are usually must less
than they are in larger cites.

And last, but certainly not least, you can make an immediate presence in a small town.
How?? Get involved in the community. Join the chamber or commerce. Join
community groups... Kiwanis, Lions, or Rotary...just to name a few.

Attend the church of your choice regularly. Become comfortable talking to and
meeting people. If this is hard for you start by saying Hello to one stranger every day.
When you are comfortable with that then say Hello and comment on the weather. As
your confidence builds add to the conversation.

Always carry business cards with you. Put a business card in all local bills you pay.
They should be in your car, wallet or purse, office and home. Anywhere YOU are.
You should never be further than walking distance from a business card. Speaking of
walking distance....everyone within walking distance of your house or apartment
should have your business card.

We like to support our neighbors. Go door to door, introduce yourself and give out
your business card.

The last word on Selling Your Service

As we have seen, selling a service has some challenges to overcome. The most
important thing to remember is that customers want to deal with a reputable business.

Just because you walk the neighborhood with a lawn mower doesn't' make you any
less reputable than IBM.

Project the image of success. In Montana we are open shirt collars and blue jeans.
Nothing wrong with that but we wear clean jeans and pressed shirts. You don't need a
coat and tie to be a professional but you should project a professional appearance.

Before you leave home each morning, look in the mirror and ask, "Would I do
business with this person??" If the answer is yes.......go get em!!

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