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Presented by
Sushil Goyal(5699)
 Internet marketing, also referred to as online
marketing or e-Marketing is the marketing of
products or services over the Internet.
 The Internet has brought many unique benefits to
marketing including low costs in distributing
information and media to a global audience.
 The interactive nature of Internet marketing,
both in terms of instant response and in eliciting
response, are unique qualities of the medium
 Global reach
 Lower cost
 Trackable measurable results
 24-hour marketing
 One to one marketing
 Personalisation
 Better conversion rate
 More interesting campaigns

 Websites
 Search engine optimisation
 Email marketing
 Social networking marketing
 Blogging
 A website is a collection of ‘pages’ of information
that can be viewed by anyone with internet access.
You can use it for anything from promoting your
company to making sales and exchanging
information with customers and suppliers
 A good website, with the right design and
features can attract passing trade from anywhere
in the world.
 use text, photos, music and video to sell.
 No buying/selling staff needed
 Millions of other websites available
 Query handling
 Few thousands bucks and you get a very
professional site with lots of features
Three ways to arrive people at
your website
 Direct navigation
 Web referrals
 Search engines
Direct navigation
 Best and cheap way. make sure you have your web
address on all printed materials
 Choose simple url
Web referrals
 Over a fifth of web visits come from referrals
Ways of web referrals
 Email marketing
 Online advertising
 forums
Email marketing
 Low cost method of advertising
 Connect with readers on personal level
 Easily transferrable
Online advertising
 use of banner and other pop outs on other
 Marketing on social networking sites
Search Engines
 90% of all references to e-commerce sites comes
from search engines
 Only 10% of the users look beyond the second web
Search Engine Optimisation(SEO)

 Keywords or adwords
 Link analysis
 Pay per inclusion
 Pay per click
 One of the most popular phenomenon to emerge in
the last decade was the concept of blogging. Blogs
began as mostly personal vehicles and were not
intended to really make a great deal of money.
However, the concept of blogging has evolved and
today there are thousands of people who make a
living blogging on the internet
 Technological limitations
 Legal issues
 Integration of e-marketing and conventional
marketing creates a “blurred channel”
 Different browsers
 Online software (plug ins java –flash etc.)
 Screen resolutions
 Bandwidth speed
 Operating systems
 Server technology
 Privacy policies
 Spam
 Online disclosure
 Lack of understanding of technology by marketers

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