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Wireless Transmission of

Electricity – Development
and Possibility


Though Our ancestors marveled at the invention of glowing light bulbs

by Thomas Edison in 1879. but to us, 21st centurions, the light
bulb is nothing extraordinary. When computers, cellphones,
laptops, iPods, etc. were invented our antennas tweaked. Now this is
what we call invention! However, as time's progressing we are
getting highly accustomed to these devices. In fact, charging all these
appliances has become so very cumbersome.

Now Each appliance has its own set of chargers, and with every
family member owning their cellphones, the drawers are overflowing with
all sorts of wires. When we are on the way to work and our cellphone
beeps in hunger for a battery charge, haven't we wished for our cellphone
battery to get 'self charged'. Well,this gream is goona to be fulfilled by a
super technology------“'WiTricity” or “wireless electricity”.

What The term wireless electricity(witricity) conveys-

WiTricity is nothing but wireless electricity. Transmission of electrical
energy from one object to another without the use of wires is called
as WiTricity. WiTricity will ensure that the cellphones, laptops, iPods
and other power hungry devices get charged on their own, eliminating
the need of plugging them in. Even better, because of WiTricity some
of the devices won't require batteries to operate.

i) The most popular concept

known as Tesla Theory,
ii) The microwave power transmission
(MPT) called Solar power satellite, and
iii) The highly efficient
fibre lasers for wireless power transmission.


What's the Principle behind WiTricity?

WiTricity - Wireless Electricity, these words are simpler said than
done. The concept behind this fascinating term is a little complex.
However, if you want to understand it, try and picture what I state in
the next few lines. Consider two self resonating copper coils of same
resonating frequency with a diameter 20 inches each. One copper
wire is connected to the power source (WiTricity transmitter), while
the other copper wire is connected to the device (WiTricity Receiver).

The electric power from the power source causes the copper coil
connected to it to start oscillating at a particular (MHz) frequency.
Subsequently, the space around the copper coil gets filled with
radiations. This generated magnetic field further transfers
the power to the other copper coil connected to the receiver. Since
this coil is also of the same frequency, it starts oscillating at the same
frequency as the first coil. This is known as 'coupled resonance' and
is the principle behind WiTricity.

The technology used in witricity-

i) The most popular concept

known as Tesla Theory,
ii) The microwave power transmission
(MPT) called Solar power satellite, and
iii) The highly efficient
fibre lasers for wireless power transmission


The Brain behind WiTricity?

Prof. Marin Soljacic from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), is the one who has proved that magnetic coupled resonance
can be utilized in order to transfer energy without wires. What's even
more interesting is how he came about this idea. Soljacic, just like
any of us was fed up of his 'low battery' beeping cellphone and

wondered just like any of us if there was a way to get rid of this
'charging problem'. However, here is where the difference between
Soljacic and any of us comes in. He didn't just stand there wondering,
instead he tried to figure out if there existed any physical
phenomenon which could be of some help. He remembered Michael
Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction (1831) and used it
to come up with WiTricity.

MIT's Experiment:
In 2007, Marin Soljacic led a five member team of researchers at MIT
(funded by Army Research Office, National Science Foundation and
the Department of Energy) and experimentally demonstrated transfer
of electricity without the use of wires. These researchers were able to
light a 60W bulb from a source placed seven feet away, with
absolutely no physical contact between the bulb and the power

The first copper coil (24 inches in diameter) was connected to the
power source and the second was connected to the bulb, and were
made to resonate at a frequency of 10 MHz. The bulb glowed even
when different objects (like a wooden panel) were placed between
the two coils. The system worked with 40% efficiency and the power
that wasn't utilized remained in the vicinity of the transmitter itself,
and did not radiate to the surrounding environment

now we will moderate the concept of technology and develop it to get the
final outcome for the general people of world.


The transmission of power without wires is not a theory

or a mere possibility, it is now a reality. The electrical energy
can be economically transmitted without wires to any
terrestrial distance. Many researchers have established in
numerous observations, experiments and measurements,
qualitative and quantitative. Dr.N.Tesla is the pioneer of this
Wireless transmission of electricity have tremendous
merits like high transmission integrity and Low Loss (90 – 97
% efficient) and can be transmitted to any where in the globe
and eliminate the need for an inefficient, costly, and capital
intensive grid of cables, towers, and substations. The system
would reduce the cost of electrical energy used by the
consumer and get rid of the landscape of wires, cables, and
transmission towers. It has negligible demerits like reactive
power which was found insignificant and biologically
It has a tremendous economic impact to human society


An electrical distribution system, based on this method

would eliminate the need for an inefficient, costly, and capital
intensive grid of cables, towers, and substations. The system
would reduce the cost of electrical energy used by the
consumer and rid the landscape of wires, cables, and
transmission towers.

application of these great principles is fully assured, though it

may be long in coming. With the opening of the first power
plant, incredulity will give way to wonderment, and this to
ingratitude, as ever before.
The world is still not able to achieve the benefit of the
God gifted potential of Dr N.Tesla. People neglected him and
his good work. He deserved much better treatment from the
tycoons of his age, than to spend the last 40 years of his life in
abject poverty. However, he was too much of a gentleman to
hold a grudge. Instead, regarding the magnifying transmitter,
Tesla wrote in his autobiography, “I am unwilling to accord to
some small-minded and jealous individuals the satisfaction of
having thwarted my efforts. These men are to me nothing
more than microbes of a nasty disease. My project was
retarded by laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it.
It was too far ahead of time. But the same laws will prevail in
the end and make it a triumphal success.” [3, 8-9]. If this has had
not been happened, then today we will be in a wonder world of
plenty of power using the technology of wireless transmission of


Biological Impact: - One common criticism of the Tesla

wireless power system is regarding its possible biological
effects. Calculating the circulating reactive power, it was
found that the frequency is very small and such a frequency is
very biologically compatible [3, 8].


[1] Nikola Tesla, “The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without

Wires as a Means for Furthering Peace,” Electrical World and
Engineer. Jan. 7, p. 21, 1905.
[2] Nikola Tesla, My Inventions, Ben Johnston, Ed., Austin, Hart
Brothers, p. 91,1982.
[3] Thomas F. Valone, “ Tesla’s Wireless Energy... For the 21st
Century!!! One Step Beyond Direct TV!!!” Extra Ordinary
Technology, 1, no. 4, Oct / Nov / Dec 2003.
[4] James O. McSpadden, “ Wireless Power Transmission
Demonstration”, Texas A&M University, June, 1997.
[5] Thomas W. Benson , “ Wireless transmission of power now
possible”, News Letter, pp1118 – 9, March , 1920.
[6] Charych Arthur (Setauket, NY), “ System and method for
wireless electrical power transmission”, Patent No. 6,798,716,
September 28, 2004.
[7] Joe T. Howell, et. al , “Advanced receiver / converter
experiments for laser wireless power transmission”5th. Wireless
transmission conference, pp 1-8, Garanda, Spain,2004.
[8] Nikola Tesla, “ The true wireless”, Electrical Experiments
,May, 1919.
[9] Toby Grotz,” Wireless transmission of power”, Courtesy of the
Tesla BBS at 719 486-2775, August 28, 1990.

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