Department of Financial Institutions of BB

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Department of Financial Institutions & Markets (DFIM)

The key functions of this department are addressed bellow:

1. Issuance of licenses to appropriate institutions under the Financial Institutions Act, 1993
& the Financial Institutions Regulation, 1994.

 Process of Issuance of licenses

 What are the requirements to get licenses/ what are the factors they consider
before Issuance of licenses to appropriate institutions?

2. Formulating policy guidelines/directives/circulars for ensuring the soundness of Financial

Institutions in Bangladesh.

 Who formulate policy guidelines/directives/circulars and how?

3. Conducting off-site supervision on financial institutions through collecting, analyzing and

monitoring various data/information on regular basis to ensure compliance of the existing
policies, regulations and practices by them.
4. Assessing financial and managerial soundness of financial institutions through CAMEL

 How they prepare CAMEL Rating?

5. Assessing and approving the issuance of Zero Coupon Bonds, Asset backed
Securitization Bonds, factoring etc. by different banks and financial institutions.

 Process of approving the issuance of Zero Coupon Bonds, Asset backed

Securitization Bonds, factoring etc

6. Conducting special inspection on core risk management issues (Asset-liability

Management, Credit Risk Management, Internal Control & Compliance, and Information
& Communication Technology Management).
 Try to know the information about Asset-liability Management and Information &
Communication Technology Management

Presently, the department supervises 29 NBFIs (Non-bank Financial Institutions), of which one
is fully Government-owned, 15 joint venture and the rest 13 are locally private-owned financial

- Try to know the the update information and the name of those institutions.

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