The Prime Words in Adam's Language

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The Prime Words in Adam's language

Fig. 1: In þe bigynnyng was/þe word

Beginning of the Gospel of John from a 14th century copy of Wycliffe's translation

The prime Words

One of the most popular books of the past century in the field of reconstructing and predicting
historical evolution has been “The Decline of the West”, published 1918-1923 by Oswald Spengler1.
It has ranked as one of the most widely read visionary books of the past century.
In a strange way Spengler formulates the idea of the prime words, which unfortunately he failed to
have identified. He does not only suggest we are unaware of the words themselves – we even fail to
have deciphered their structure.

“The theoretical controversy concerning the purpose of art rests upon the postulate that an
artistic expression-language should in no wise be a communication language, and the
phenomenon of priesthood is based upon the persuasion that the priest alone knows the
language in which man can communicate with God.
All currents of Being bear a historical, and all linkages of Waking-Being a religious, stamp.
What we know to be inherent in every genuine religious or artistic form-language, and
particularly in the history of every script (for writing is verbal language for the eye), holds
good without doubt for the origin of human articulate speech in general indeed the prime
words (of the structure of which we now know nothing whatever) must also certainly have
had a cult-colouring.
1 Source: Decline of the West: Volume I, Form and Actuality and Decline-of-the-West-Volume-II-Perspectives-of-
World published 1918-1923 by Oswald Spengler
But there is a corresponding linkage on the other side between Race and everything that we
call life (as struggle for power), History (as Destiny), or, to-day, politics. It is perhaps too
fantastic to argue something of political instinct in the search of a climbing plant for points
of attachment that shall enable it to encircle, overpower, and choke the tree in order finally
to rear itself high in the air above the tree-top or something of religious worldfeeling in the
song of the mounting lark. But it is certain that from such things as these the utterances of
being and of waking-being, of pulse and tension, form an uninterrupted series up to the
perfected political and religious forms of every modern Civilization.” 2

Well that's a bold statement. In contrast I am not convinced of the impossibility of deciphering the
prime words. We merely need to invest some more study to decipher the fertility mechanisms.
Prime words should be related to religion, fertility, or to be more precise: to matrimonial procedures
and mating. The most important word has been identified by Morris Swadesh as the Ego-Pronoun
“I”. The second place is occupied by the “Thou”-pronoun. These are the prime words and their
main purpose has been the support for the matrimonial procedures.
This manuscript documents an overview of the Ego-pronouns, which may belong to the prime
words, in a number of documents.

2 Decline-of-the-West-Volume-II - by-Oswald-Spengler Page 116

Vulgar Latin (0 AD)
The personal pronouns came into more and more frequent use. Ego and tu are very common in
Ego lost its g in all the territory, but probably not until the end of the Vulgar Latin period.
According to Meyer-Lübke, Lat. Spr. 484, eo occurs in manuscripts of the sixth century.4

Moralia (100 AD)

For many years Plutarch served as one of the two priests at the temple of Apollo at Delphi, the site
of the famous Delphic Oracle, twenty miles from his home. In the Moralia he documented some
details to the EI at Delphi (Περί τού Εί τού έν Δελφοίς - De E apud Delphos)5.
Supposedly carved into the temple were three phrases and a singular vowel of gold, brass or wood:
• γνωθι σεαυτόν (gnōthi seautón = "know thyself") and
• μηδέν άγαν (mēdén ágan = "nothing in excess"), and
• Εγγύα πάρα δ'ατη (engýa pára d'atē = "make a pledge and mischief is nigh"6),
• as well as a large letter E.
The first three statements "Know thyself" and "nothing in excess", as well as "make a pledge and
you will be ruined" may still be accepted as standard philosophies, but the “E” is a sacred symbol,
an enigma, which is waiting to be deciphered...
At Delphi a golden character E has been spent by empress Livia7, the wife of Augustus Caesar. The
brazen character E has been spent by the Athenians, but the first and oldest of all, which is the
wooden one, they call the ei of the Sages, as not being of any one, but the common dedication of
them all.

Εἶ ἕν, Thou art one

In his document Plutarch is explained the E-concept as monotheism as follows
Thus ought those who worship to salute and invocate this Eternal Being, or else indeed, as
some of the ancients have done, with this expression Εἶ ἕν, Thou art one.
Εἶ ἕν, Thou art one may be compared to I Am that I Am 8 a common English translation of the
response God used in the Hebrew Bible when Moses asked for His name (Exodus 3:14).
It is one of the most famous verses in the Torah. Hayah means "existed" or "was" in Hebrew;
"ehyeh" is the first person singular imperfect form. Ehyeh asher ehyeh is generally interpreted to
mean I am that I am, though it can also be translated as "I-shall-be that I-shall-be."

3 Source: Vulgar Latin (page 34)

4 Source: Vulgar Latin (See §263), (page 161).
5 E - of the Word Ei Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi
6 "Pledge, and then you'll meet misfortune" as explained by Geoffrey Owen Miller. This third statement is the most
complicated, but is the key to the whole. Essentially, once one asserts that they have achieved perfect self-knowledge
and proportionality, then one has reduced the meaning of life to dogma.
7 58 BC-AD 29
8 Source: I Am that I Am
The word Ehyeh is used a total of 43 places in the Hebrew Bible, where it is usually translated as "I
will be" -- as is the case for its first occurrence, in Genesis 26:3—or "I shall be," as is the case for
its final occurrence in Zechariah 8:8.
It stems from the Hebrew conception of monotheism that God exists by himself, the uncreated
Creator who does not depend on anything or anyone; therefore I am who I am. Some
scholars[who?] state the Tetragrammaton itself derives from the same verbal root, but others
counter that it may simply sound similar as intended by God.

Otfrid from Weissenburg (868)

Some documents ranging from 865 AD until 868 AD do contain the pronouns of the 1th and 2 nd
person in old-German language. As an example the following lines by Otfrid from Weissenburg (a
town in the Alsace at the French/German-borderline) 9:

Original text in archaic German language:

Wolaga elilenti! Harto bistu herti,

thu bist harto filu suar, thaz sagen ih thir in alawar!

English Translation:

Oh foreign countryside! Thou art so hard,

Thou even art very hard, and this I am telling you for sure!
As will be documented in later chapters there is no doubt that this Ih-pronoun has remained
unchanged in the southern German dialects.

De vulgari eloquentia (1303-1305)

Dante Alighieri in his De vulgari eloquentia suggests that the name El was the first sound emitted
by Adam: While the first utterance of humans after birth is a cry of pain, Dante assumed that Adam
could only have made an exclamation of joy, which at the same time was addressing his Creator.
This of course is a pure nonsensical statement as Adam never experienced birth and any pains
related to the birth. Created as a full matured adult he may rather have uttered the Ego-pronoun “I”
which for an image of God may have been equivalent to God's name.

Divina commedia (1308-1321)

In the Divina commedia, however, Dante contradicts his previous statement by saying that God was
called I in the language of Adam, and only named El in later Hebrew, but before the confusion of
tongues (Paradiso, 26.134)10.
These statements reveal a remarkable medieval correlation between the divine name and the Ego-
pronoun. It may be compared to the Wycliffe Bible, which referred to a pronoun Y or I which in the
language of Adam may have been known as the name of God. Of course it may as well have been
the first sound emitted by Adam. In this case the Ego-pronoun I must have been considered as one
of the prime words in the language of Adam.

9 History of German Literature, Naumann & Göbel, ISBN 3-625-10421-0

10 E - of the Word Ei Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi
Divina commedia - Paradiso, Canto XXVI11
This is Dante's text, in which he applies “I” and “El” in Italian text:
La lingua ch'io parlai fu tutta spenta 124 'The tongue I spoke was utterly extinct
innanzi che a l'ovra inconsummabile 125 before the followers of Nimrod turned their minds
fosse la gente di Nembròt attenta: 126 to their unattainable ambition.
ché nullo effetto mai razïonabile, 127 'For nothing ever produced by reason --
per lo piacere uman che rinovella 128 since human tastes reflect the motion
seguendo il cielo, sempre fu durabile. 129 of the moving stars -- can last forever.
Opera naturale è ch'uom favella; 130 'It is the work of nature man should speak
ma così o così, natura lascia 131 but, if in this way or in that, nature leaves to you,
poi fare a voi secondo che v'abbella. 132 allowing you to choose at your own pleasure.
Pria ch'i' scendessi a l'infernale ambascia, 133 'Before I descended to anguish of Hell,
I s'appellava in terra il sommo bene 134 I was the name on earth of the Sovereign Good,
onde vien la letizia che mi fascia; 135 whose joyous rays envelop and surround me.
e El si chiamò poi: e ciò convene, 136 'Later El became His name, and that is as it should
ché l'uso d'i mortali è come fronda 137 for mortal custom is like a leaf upon a branch,
in ramo, che sen va e altra vene. 138 which goes and then another comes.

The Wycliffe Bible (1395)

Wyclif's Bible12 is the name now given to a group of Bible translations into Middle English that
were made under the direction of, or at the instigation of, John Wycliffe 13. They appeared over a
period from approximately 1382 to 139514.
In Wyclif's Bible the personal pronoun of the first person singular (“I”) has been defined as an
upper case character “Y”.

Hosea 11-915
9 Y schal not do the strong veniaunce of my wraththe. Y schal not turne, to leese
Effraym; for Y am God, and not man. Y am hooli in the myddis of thee, and Y schal
not entre in to a citee.

In Hosea 11-9 the personal pronoun of the first person singular has been defined as “Y”
instead of the modern “I”. The word “Y” correlates to the Spanish word “yo”16.

11 Source : Divina commedia - Paradiso, Canto XXVI

12 Source: Wikipedia's Wyclif's Bible
13 ca. 1330 - 1384
14 See for details: The Wycliffe Bible
15 Book Osee in Wyclif's Bible
16 to be translated as the pronoun “I”
Upper Case Characters
It has been suggested the English people capitalize “I” to highlight the “I”-pronoun against a
lower case “i”. This may be a good argument for an “i”, but there is no good reason to
capitalize “Y” to highlight the “Y”-pronoun against a lower case “y”. The Spanish word “y”,
representing “and” has not been written in capital letters as well.
Capitalizing “Y” may have been selected to symbolize divine concept in the “Y”-character.
May the Germans and Wycliffe know Dante's statement about Adam's language in Divina
Commedia and did they chose the pronoun “I” as an Ego-pronoun? Of course Dante's statement
may have reflected common medieval knowledge, which now has been lost.

Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (1830)

Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, in his version of the Bible, declared
the Adamic language to have been "pure and undefiled". Some Latter Day Saints believe it to be the
language of God:
Genesis 1-29 And I, God, created man in mine own image, in the image of mine Only
Begotten created I him; male and female created I them. 17

Mirèio (1859)
The Provençal poem Mirèio18 is a new Rosetta Stone for etymology, explaining how the personal
pronoun iéu has been integrated in the divine name Diéu.19

Stanza in Provencal language

iéu la vese , aquelo branqueto ,
E sa frescour me fai lingueto !
iéu vese, i ventoulet, boulega dins lou cèu
Sa ramo e sa frucho inmourtalo...,
Bèu Diéu, Diéu ami, sus lis alo
De nosto lengo prouvençalo ,
Fai que posque avera la branco dis aucèu !

The Decline of the West (1918-1923)

Spengler's concept of the personal pronouns "Thou" and “I” can only be understood as
representations for individual persons. No duality is found in the descriptions. The "I" is the
transmitter which speaks, and the "thou" is the receiver which is meant to understand the speech of
the "I". This is a very simple model, but it may have been more complicated in earlier eras.
In a strange way Spengler formulates the idea of the prime words, which unfortunately he failed to
have identified. He does not only suggest we are unaware of the words themselves – we even fail to
have deciphered their structure20.

17 Source: Community of Christ's Inspired Version of the Bible - Genesis 1

18 published 1859 by Frederi Mistral
19 See for details: The Hermetic Codex
20 See for details: A Redesign of Spengler's "The Decline of the West"
“All currents of Being bear a historical, and all linkages of Waking-Being a religious, stamp.
What we know to be inherent in every genuine religious or artistic form-language, and
particularly in the history of every script (for writing is verbal language for the eye), holds
good without doubt for the origin of human articulate speech in general indeed the prime
words (of the structure of which we now know nothing whatever) must also certainly have
had a cult-colouring.”21

The Swadesh Lists (1940-1972)

A Swadesh list is one of several lists of vocabulary with basic meanings, developed by Morris
Swadesh from the 1940 onward, with the final, postmortem published version 1972.
In The Sacred Vowels in Pronouns dedicated extracts for the most important words in the Swadesh
lists (the Ego-pronouns) have been analysed, which reveals some 3-, 2- and 1-vowel pronouns.

Three-vowel pronouns
Three-vowel pronouns have been found in remote, alpine areas, in which conservative structures
managed to resist abbreviations and other deterioration of the pronouns.
Most of these three-vowel pronouns have been designed to match a core in the corresponding divine
name, e.g. the Provencal Ego-pronoun iéu has been included in the divine name Diéu22.

The inhabitants of the small village Villar-St-Pancrace in the West Alpes between Grenoble and
Torino near Briançon are using a strange Ego-pronoun iòu më, respectively m’ iòu 23.
Simultaneously they are using a Creator God's name Diòu24.
In the Patois of Villar-St-Pancrace the following Personal pronouns are being used25:

1°p a (l’) iòu më, m’ iòu
2°p tü, t’ të, t’ tü
3°p M u(l), al ei(l) së lu ei F eilo la eilo N o, ul, la - lu
1°p nû* nû*
2°p òû* vû* vû*
3°p M î(z) së lû* iè F eilâ (eilaz) lâ* eilâ

Two-vowel pronouns
In analogy to the two-vowel pronouns most of these two-vowel pronouns have been designed to
match a core in the corresponding divine name, e.g. the Portuguese Ego-pronoun eu which has been
included in the divine name Deus. These mechanisms suggest that the progressive abbreviations
may have occurred in the pronouns and in the divine names simulataneously. The two-vowel
pronouns are concentrating amongst the borders of the Mediterranean Sea.

21 Source: Decline-of-the-West-Volume-II - by-Oswald-Spengler Page 116

22 See for details and specification of the Swadesh-lists: Hieroglyphs in Indo-European Languages
23 Patois of Villar-St-Pancrace : Personal pronouns: Cas sujet Cas régime atone tonique direct indirect
Sg. 1°p a (l’) iòu më, m’ iòu 2°p tü, t’ të, t’ tü 3°p M u(l), al ei(l) së lu ei F eilo la eilo N o, ul, la - lu - Pl. 1°p nû* nû*
2°p òû* vû* vû* 3°p M î(z) së lû* iè F eilâ (eilaz) lâ* eilâ
24 See the dialect's lexicon : Lexique de mots en patois
25 Legend in French: Cas sujet Cas régime atone tonique direct indirect
One-vowel pronouns
In Bavarian, English and Marchigiano the Ego-pronoun has developed to a one-vowel pronoun “i”.
In Neapolitan (Western Southern Romance) some variants of doubled vowels “j” have been
Albanian uses an Ego-pronoun unë, but according to Vladimir Orel Old Albanian unë basically
consists of a one-vowel pronoun “u” followed by the particle -në.
A similar construct has been used in ti and the (dialectal) tinë 26. Another proof for the one-vowel
pronoun “u” may be found in Arberesh – language (Italy, especially Calabria ), which also uses a
one-vowel Ego-pronoun “u”.

The Mystery of the Seven Vowels (1991)

Vowels have been recognized as the sacred symbols in Indo-European and other languages. In her
paper “The Mystery of the Seven Vowels” (1991) Joscelyn Godwin correctly describes various
religious symbols hidden in the vowels of ancient languages27.
By a strange coincidence Joscelyn Godwin ignores the symbolism in the Ego-pronouns, which in
analogy to the divine name also consist of pure vowels28.

The Kite runner (2003)

In his work “The Kite runner” (2003) Khaled Hosseini uses a lot of Afghan expressions. Most of
these are Arabian words. Looking for Indo-european equivalents I found Padar (father), Madar
(mother) and Tu (identical to the French word "you" and equivalent to the English word “Thou”).
In Afghan language the personal pronoun "Tu" (confidential you) is being used for confidential
relations (e.g. husband and spouse), whereas "shoma" (respectful you) is signifying a more distant
and respectful relation (even between parents and children). Originally the confidential word Tu as
a prime word may very well exclusively have been reserved for conversations between husband and
spouse to symbolize the divine matrimonial relation between husband and spouse in a married
In English the pronoun Thou originally has been equivalent to the Afghan pronoun Tu. If it had
been reserved for the communication between husband and spouse in a matrimonial couple “thou”
must have had a special symbolism, referring to the divine Being.

26 From: unë - Wiktionary

27 On the Symbolism of the Vowels A-E-I-O-U …
28 Details: The Sacred Vowels in Pronouns
The pronoun You in Allgäuer Dialect (2011)
In the Allgäuer29 Dialect:
• the personal pronoun of the first person singular “I” is identical to English “I”
• the personal pronoun of the second person plural ui is equivalent to English “You”
Example in the Allgäuer30 dialect found at a bear mat31:
Auf dem Bierfilzla schreib i nieder, was I mir so denk,
Heit sind es koine Lieder, i woiß, was i ui schenk.
I schenk dem, der des Versla liest, ganz viel Glück und Freid.
Uns dass er's Allgäu it vergisst, vor allem die netta Leit.

At this beer mat I just note what I just thought,
For today no songs – I am aware of what I spend to you.
I just spend a lot of luck and joy to all who read these lines.
Always remind the Allgäu, especially the nice people.

These pronouns may be compared to the Brabantian dialect32:

• the personal pronoun of the first person singular “Ic” is related to English equivalent “I”
• the personal pronoun of the second person plural oe is equivalent to English “You”
Most of these pronouns in English and in Brabantian and/or in Allgäuer dialect are pure multi-

29 Spoken in Southern (Bavarian – Suavian) Germany as a local dialect

30 Spoken in Southern (Bavarian – Suavian) Germany as a local dialect
31 Composed by Michael Rommel at Bad Grönenbach (Lower Allgäu)
32 The Brabantian Dictionary
The origin of human speech may have been based on the prime words which most probably may
have included the personal pronouns of the first and second person.
Dante Alighieri in his De vulgari eloquentia suggests that the name El was the first sound emitted
by Adam. Created as a full matured adult he may rather have uttered the Ego-pronoun “I” which for
an image of God may have been equivalent to God's name.
In the Divina commedia, however, Dante contradicts his previous statement by saying that God was
called I in the language of Adam, and only named El in later Hebrew, but before the confusion of
tongues (Paradiso, 26.134)33.
These statements reveal a remarkable medieval correlation between the divine name and the Ego-
pronoun. It may be compared to the Wycliffe Bible, which referred to a pronoun Y or I which in the
language of Adam may have been known as the name of God. Of course it may as well have been
the first sound emitted by Adam. In this case the Ego-pronoun I must have been considered as one
of the prime words in the language of Adam.
The most recent Swadesh-lists document a great variety of 3-, 2- and 1-vowel words for the Ego-
pronouns. The simplest Ego-pronouns are the 1-vowel words I, U, E and A. The one-vowel Ego-
pronoun is being used in modern English and in several German dialects. Dante's work suggests to
consider the I-pronoun as a prime word in Adam's language.

33 E - of the Word Ei Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi

Appendix – Scribd-Publications
At the 15th of may 2009 I published the thesis of a common androgynous religion in a Scribd-
document: The Sky-God Dyaeus which has been detailed in a number of other documents34.
Publications have been sorted according to publishing date.
The applied colouring code is:
• Yellow = English
• Blue = German
• Pink = Dutch
• Green = Spanish

• The Sky-God Dyaeus

• Der Himmelsgott Dyaeus
• Laus Fragilitatis - Lob der Gebrechlichkeit
• Castra Doloris - Auf Den Punkt Gebracht
• Nederlands Voor Gevorderden
• Die Heathrow Tagebücher
• The Heathrow Hassle - and the Heathrow Hysteria
• Der Brenner Codex - die Bernsteinstraße
• Meine Erfahrungen Mit Lulu
• Heathrow's Dagboeken
• Der Hellweg nach Holland
• The Hellweg to Holland
• Woordenlijst Brabants
• The Brabantian Dictionary
• Hochdorf Revisited - A reconstructed Celtic Site
• The Fundamental Color Symbols Blue and Red
• De boekenfluisteraar
• Randnotizen eines Buchflüsterers
• Kanttekeningen van een boekfluisteraar
• Core Dump (Nederlandse versie)
• Core Dump (English version)
• Notizen zu "Die Heiligen Symbole Von Mu"
• Notes to the Sacred Symbols of Mu
• Secret Colour Codes in the Bible
• Dyaeus - über die Farbcodes der Prachtbibeln
• Overview of my manuscripts in a Nutshell
• The inflationary use of the verb "love"
• Ich liebe Dich
• A Book of Art
• Genesis - Weaving the Words in Red and in Blue
• Paint It Purple - A short History of painting Red and Blue
• Die Kaisertracht in Rot und Blau
• De Bijbelse Kleuren Purper, Rood en Blauw
• Etymologie van het woord "Paars"
• Another Etymology for Purple
34 see appendix for an overview
• Eine neue Etymologie für Purpur
• Etymology for Flags
• Gender References for Purple, Red and Blue
• Tractatus der Unwörter - zur Etymologie unseres Wortschatzes
• A compact Overview of Bipolar Symbolism
• Kurzübersicht der bipolaren Symbolik
• Der Symbolverlust in der Kommunikation
• Godsdienstles 1954-1955
• A Loss of Symbolism in Communications
• Religionsunterricht 1954-1955
• The Symbolic Colour Green in Islam
• Täuschung und Enttäuschung
• Illusion and Disillusion
• Eine Qualitätsanzeige für Webdokumente
• Patrism, Matrism and Androgyny
• Dies Fasti - Understanding the Fastened Sculptures
• Dies Fasti - Das Entfesseln der Götter
• Cross-references for Deities and Man
• Technologie Oder Evolution - Von der Suche nach einem Schöpfer
• Gedankensplitter über die Täuschungsgewalt
• The Power of Deceit - an essay on violence and deceit
• Summary of some religious Colour Codes
• Übersicht der religiösen Farbcodes
• Afleiding van de Religieuze Kleurcodes
• Body Mirroring at Burials
• Die Verwebung als religiöses Symbol
• Blue and Red in Medieval Garments
• Blau und Rot Im Mittelalter
• Language and Religion
• Paars
• Yellow for Judas
• Die Farbcodierung in Leonardos Abendmahl
• Color Coding in the Last Supper (by Leonardo Da Vinci)
• Color Codings in the Last Supper (Overview)
• Rood en Blauw in Roermond
• Dagboekfragmenten (Roermond)
• Blue and Red in Roermond
• The Kingfisher
• Dagboekfragmenten (1960-1972)
• Red and Blue in the Middle Age
• The Majestic Singular in William of Orange's Letter
• Symbolism in the Garden of Delights by Hieronymos Bosch
• Threads of Bipolar Symbolism in Religion
• Een Kleine Legende Van Rood, Wit en Blauw
• The Hermetic Codex
• Erinnerungen an Adam und Eva
• Dyeing Purple in the Middle Age
• Het Verven Van Purper in de Middeleeuwen
• Capita Selecta for the religious symbols Red and Blue
• De gewandmakers
• De aardbeving van Lissabon op 1 november 1755
• The Lisbon Earthquake of 1 November 1755
• Symbolism in the Paintings by Hieronymos Bosch
• Yellow for Saint Peter
• Castles of Grief (Castra Doloris Chapter 1-6)
• Oil Spill: What I don't understand...
• Coloured Idols
• Des Deutschen Kaisers Alte Kleider
• Zur Definition der Höheren Gewalt
• Blue and Red in Notitia Dignitatum
• Illuminated Manuscripts
• Castles of Grief (Chapter 1-20)
• Blue and Red Symbolism in Freemasonary
• Das Nonnenkirchle in Waiblingen
• The Nuns' Church at Waiblingen
• Enlightenment and Darkness
• Red and Blue as Gender Symbols
• Just Another Archive of Vinyl Discs
• Red and Blue in British Royalty
• Der Hermetische Codex
• Liturgical (and Royal) Colours
• The Hermetic Library
• Summary - Archaic Rock Inscriptions (1891)
• Castles of Poetry
• Donal Og - Young Daniel
• The Grief of a Girl's Heart
• Das Geheimnis der Argonautenbrücken
• The Argonauts' Bridges
• Dyaus' Legacy - A Quest for the Origin of Religion
• The Keystone to Religion - Interpreting the Kylver rune-stone
• Dagboekfragmenten 1954-1955
• Jupiter's Legacy
• Eiric and Fiona - A Canine Philosophy
• King Edward VI's Legacy
• Dagboekfragmenten (Roermond)
• Etymologie Van Het Pronomen 'Ik'
• Etymology for the Pronoun 'I'
• The Book Genesis Inside of a Single Word
• Das Buch Genesis Innerhalb Eines Wortes
• Het Boek der Schepping in één Woord
• The Keywords in God's Name
• The PIE Concept - Decoding the Proto Indo European Language
• De religieuze basis van het Proto-Indo-Europees
• An Integrated Proto Indo European Concept (Overview)
• Het Proto-Project en de Nederlandse taal
• Das Protoprojekt und die Deutsche Sprache
• T-V-Distinction in the PIE-Concept
• Reconstruction of the PIE-History
• A Cultural Earthquake
• Thank You for the Music! - These songs left their footprints in my mind...
• Het Boek Tuisco - over de oorsprong van het Nederlands
• The Indo Europeans - A Ground Zero for Civilisation
• Some additional lines to On ``The Effecting of All Things Possible'' by Peter Medawar
• Die Indoeuropäer - zum Ursprung der deutschen Sprache
• Coplas - Copla del Fatalismo
• De hiëroglyfen in onze taal
• Die Hieroglyphen unserer Sprache
• Hieroglyphs in Indo-European Languages
• The Deity Dis in the Gallic Wars
• Antithesis to the Standard PIE-Concept
• Widukind's Tomb
• A History of Proto-Indo-European Religion
• Sacred Phonemes - Moulding the sacred words
• Die Hieroglyphen des Ichs
• De Ontsleuteling van het Ego-Pronomen („Ik“)
• The Hieroglyphs in the Ego-Pronoun
• Decoding the Ego-Pronoun („I“)
• Etymology of the Ego-Pronoun („I“)
• Monologue in One Paragraph From Ulysses - Joyce35
• Nötigung an den Flughäfen
• Tagebuchfragmente (Spanienreise - Dezember 2010)
• Religious Images in the Garden of Earthly Delights
• Die Flucht Aus Granada
• Ein Jahr Voller Farben
• The Wycliffe Bible
• Wonderful Surprise for Christmas
• Die Leitfäden zum Leben und Lieben
• Social Initiation and Stabilisation
• Scheinbar deutliches Deutsch
• Neue Konzepte für eine alten Sprache
• Is one individual man going to ruin the US-finances ?
• Quality Criteria for Scribd-Documents
• Drop en Dropwater
• Briefe ins Jenseits
• Die androgyne Symbolik der Atalanta Fugiens
• Die Ego- und die Tu-Pronomina
• Red and Blue in Architecture and Artwork
• Symbolism of Purple and Scarlet in Greek and Roman Societies
• E - of the Word Ei Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi
• Tagebuchfragmente 1954-2011
• E for Enigma (An Overview)
• Tagebuchfragmente 1972-1990
• Lisa - Ja, blijf nog even, je bent zo mooi!

35 Testfile for Open Office and Word

• Lisa - Verweile doch, du bist so schön!
• Lisa, Aan Het Andere Einde Van de Wereld (Origineel)
• Lisa - Ah, linger on, thou art so fair!
• Elektrosmog im Handybereich
• Keystones to Religious Architecture
• Erinnerung an Nimmerland
• English and Globish - Optimized Linguistic Designs
• Der letzte Astronom im Land der Tuareg
• Wunderwerke Der Technik
• EU verärgert über Flug-Chaos
• The Diety IU
• Is the EU going to reorganize the Chaos at the Airports ??
• Impressions from Costa Rica - An extremely Rich Coast
• On the Symbolism of the Vowels A-E-I-O-U …
• Fail-Safe Cooling System for Nuclear Power Plants
• Der Ungebremste Tauchsieder
• An Uncontrolled Immersion Heater
• Fukushima – Copy & Paste a Nuclear Design...
• Sonnenaufgang über Fukushima
• Some Color Keys in Paintings
• Symbolische Farbcodes und deren Auslegung
• Notes to the Biblical Origin of the Red, White and Blue
• Analysis of the Translation Errors in Exodus 25-4
• A Fail-Safe Nuclear Concept
• Over de Vertaalfouten in Exodus 25-4
• The Sacred Vowels in Pronouns
• Achtergelaten Paradigma's
• A Redesign of Spengler's "The Decline of the West"
• Intelligente Navigationssysteme
• Ist das Bienensterben schon da ?

The prime Words..................................................................................................................................1
Vulgar Latin (0 AD)..............................................................................................................................3
Moralia (100 AD).................................................................................................................................3
Εἶ ἕν, Thou art one...........................................................................................................................3
Otfrid from Weissenburg (868).............................................................................................................4
De vulgari eloquentia (1303-1305) .....................................................................................................4
Divina commedia (1308-1321).............................................................................................................4
Divina commedia - Paradiso, Canto XXVI.....................................................................................5
The Wycliffe Bible (1395)....................................................................................................................5
Hosea 11-9.......................................................................................................................................5
Upper Case Characters.....................................................................................................................6
Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (1830)......................................................................................6
Mirèio (1859)........................................................................................................................................6
Stanza in Provencal language..........................................................................................................6
The Decline of the West (1918-1923)..................................................................................................6
The Swadesh Lists (1940-1972)...........................................................................................................7
Three-vowel pronouns.....................................................................................................................7
Two-vowel pronouns.......................................................................................................................7
One-vowel pronouns........................................................................................................................8
The Mystery of the Seven Vowels (1991)............................................................................................8
The Kite runner (2003).........................................................................................................................8
The pronoun You in Allgäuer Dialect (2011).......................................................................................9
Appendix – Scribd-Publications.........................................................................................................11

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