Accountable Talk Rubric

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Rubric For Accountable Talk

(every No
Accountable (once or Student Teacher
Criteria class (not at all
talk for… twice this reflection reflection
this this week)
Asked Ms. Klein meaningful
questions during class when I
didn’t understand or was a little
Asked students at my table for
help when I needed it
Myself Provided evidence (reasons) to
support my thoughts and ideas
when we discussed things in class
and when we were required to
write our answers down (I did not
just guess, copy, write IDK, or
say I was right just because)
Helped my table members to
understand material when they
needed help without putting them
Spoke to other students and Ms.
Klein like a professional
Other When I disagreed with others, I
students and challenged their reasoning and
Ms. Klein evidence, not them, so that we
were debating to get smarter and
not just to argue or put each other
Listened to other students and
Ms. Klein without interrupting
and gave them my full attention

Professional: A professional…
· is a respected, educated person who treats others with the respect they would should
show others in the workplace.
· listens to others with an open mind, gives the speaker their full attention, and does
not interrupt.
· waits until others are done speaking and then share their ideas.
· does not put people they disagree with down to make them feel small or dumb. They
simply explain the reasons behind their idea so that others can decide which idea
they agree with.
· may not agree or like everyone they have to work with, but they treat everyone with
respect. They do not give others attitude, such as talking back or rolling their
eyes, they do not use profanity, and they are not rude.
· does what they need to do to be successful for themselves but also help their
colleagues at the same time

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