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(iii) Preorder and post order sequences of a binary tree (IT 316 (RR))

do not uniquely define the binary tree.

(b) Write an algorithm for solving the 8-queen problem OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2009.
using back tracking and trace it with an example.
First Semester
5.(a) Explain how travelling salesman problem can be Information Technology
solved using branch and bound technique
using the reduced cost matrix approach and DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS
dynamic state space tree. Time : Three hours Maximum ; 70 marks
Or Answer question No. 1 compulsorily (1 x 14 = 14)
(b) Write short notes on: Answer ONE questions from each Unit. (4 x 14 = 56)
(i) Deterministic and Non-deterministic
algorithms. 1. (a) Define articulation point.
(ii) Satisfiability problem. (b) Define travelling salesman problem.
(c) What is a convex hull?
(d) What is the time complexity of binary
(e) What is an adjacency list?
(f) Define graph colouring problem.
(g) What is the best case search time in OBST?
(h) What is the principle of optimality?
(i) How do you find the minimum cost edit
sequence for transformation X into Y?
4 (IT316(RR))

(j) What are the limitations of dynamic

(k) What is Hamiltonian cycle?
(1) What is a dynamic state space tree?
(m) Give a heuristic to compute cost function for i
the nodes in a state space tree for LC search.
(n) What is Clique Decision problem? 3. (a) Find the minimum coat gpanning tree fnr tha
following graph, using

2. (a) Explain strassen's matrix multiplication

algorithm with an example.

(b) Derive the time complexity of Strassen's

matrix multiplication algorithm.

(i) Prim's algorithm ' (ii)
(c) Write short notes on asymptotic notations. kruskal's algorithm.
(d) Explain how best case, average case and
(b) Write an algorithm for solving the longest
worst case complexities are found for bubble
common subsequence problem.
sort algorithm.
(c) Give the difference between greedy method
and dynamic programming.

2 (IT 316 (RR)) UNIT III

4. (a) Show the following :

(i) Inorder and post order sequences of a
binary tree uniquely define binary tree.
(ii) Inorder and preorder sequences of a
binary tree uniquely define the binary

3 (IT316(RR))

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