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Time — Three hours

(Maximum Marks: 75)

(Sketch ‘K’ to Accompany)

[N.B. — (1) Answer all questions underPart-A in the answer book supplied.

(2) Answer question under Part-B in the drawing sheet supplied.

(3) The sketches under Part-A should be drawn using pencil and drawing instruments not necessarily

to scale.

(4) Any data, not given may be assumed suitably and should be indicated in the drawing.

I. Answer the following :— 1 x 3 =3

(a) List of documents to be submitted for building plan approval.

(b) Define: Floo rArea Ratio.

(c) Specify the minimum size requirements of a kitchen in residential building as per NBC.

II. Sketch the elevation of a fully panelled door of size 1100 x 2100 with two shutters. 1 x 12=12


III. The Sketch “K” shows the line plan of”A” two bed room house with R.C.C. roof. The dimensions noted
there-in indicate the clear dimensions between the inside walls. The specifications are given below:—

Foundations :

Foundation for all main walls and verandah retaining walls shall be in cement concrete 1: 5 : 10 mix,
1000 wide and 250 thick laid at 1100 below ground level. The masonry footing consists of brickwork in
G.M. 1 : 5, the first footing being 700 x 400 and the second being 400 x 450 for all walls and verandah
retaining walls.


The basement will be in brickwork in G.M. 1: 5, 200x 600 above ground level and it is filled with clean
sand to a depth of 450 mm,

Super Structure:

All main walls with be in brickwork in G.M. 1: 5, 200 thick taken to a height of 3100 m.m. above floor
level and also for verandah.

The roofing will be of R.C.C. 1: 2 : 4 mix, 150 thick flat slab. A weathering course 75 thick in brick jelly
lime concrete finished with G.M. 1: 3, 20 thick will be provided.

Lintels and Sunshade:

R.C.C. lintel in 1: 2 4 mix, 120 thick will be provided over all openings. Sunshade 450 projection shall be
provided for outer openings.

Flooring :

The flooring will be in C.C. 1: 5 : 10 mix, 120 thick plastered smooth with C.M. I : 3, 50 thick for all the

Steps :

Provide steps of Rise 200 and Tread 300.

Draw the following views to a suitable scale

(a) Plan of the building.

(1,) Section on “AA”.

(c) Front Elevation.

Switch K Accompany Paper 365

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