Nuclear Power Plant

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NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS, BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 N NUCLEAR POWER PLANT CONTENTS: BLOCK DIAGRAM & IT’S COMPONANTS. WORKING OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. FISSION AND FUSION. CLASSIFICATION OF NUCLEAR REACTORS. SITE SELECTION FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES. STATUS OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN WORLD. STATUS OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN INDIA. ‘CONCLUSION. REFERANCE. QQAgaaaggag sas | Smash PATEYEC. DEPARTMENT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 NUCLEAR POWER P! @AIM:- TO STUDY ABOUT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. The most important use of nuclear energy is the generation of electricity. This is done by using a set up called nuclear power plant. The heat produced in a nuclear power plant can be used to produce electricity. The heat released in a nuclear power plant is due to controlled nuclear fission reaction. # BLOCK DIAGRAM:- The heat produced in a controlled nuclear fission is used for producing steam. The steam so produced runs the turbine. The rotatory motion of the turbine rotates the alternator of the generator and the electricity is produced. Thus there is a eneray transformation in the nuclear power plant. Containment building Electricity Heat ssasiT | BY SHAILESH 8. PATEL(E.C. DEPARTMENT) [ESA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 The whole arrangement can be divided into following main stages. (1)Nuclear Reactor (2)Heat Exchanger (3)Steam Turbine (4)Alternator (1)NUCLEAR REACTOR:-_It is an apparatus in which nuclear fuel(U235)is subjected to nuclear fission.It controls the chain reaction that starts once the fusion is done.If the chain reaction is not controlled,the result will be an explosion due to the fast increase in the energy released. () NUCLEAR FUEL: Generally we use enriched uranium as a nuclear fuel which contains 2.5 % to 3% of uranium ~ 235. (I) REACTOR CORE: A place in the nuclear reactor where nuclear fission takes place is called the reactor core. (il) MODERATOR:- Moderator is used to slow down the speed of fast moving neutrons Commonly used moderators are heavy water or graphite, (WV) CONTROL RODS:- The control rods are made up of cadmium or boron. They absorb the extra neutrons, which are produced in the nuclear power plant. Control rods control the rate of fission in the nuclear power plant. (V) COOLANT: The heat produced in the reactor is removed by the liquid called coolant. Generally, we use heavy water and liquid sodium as a coolant. (VI) PROTECTIVE SCREEN: A protective screen made of special concrete about 3 metres thick is built around the reactor. It stops the escape of heat and harmful radiations emitted in the process of nuclear fission (2)HEAT EXCHANGER:- The coolant gives up the heat to the heat exchanger which is Utilised in raising the steam.After giving up heat,the coolant is again fed to the reactor. (3)STEAM TURBINE:- The stean produced in the heat exchanger is led to the steam turbine througha valve.after doing a useful work in the turbine,the steam is exhausted to the condenser.The condenser condense the steam which is fed to the heat exchangerthrough feed water pump. (4)ALTERNATOR:: The steam turbine drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The output from the alernator is delivered to the bus bars through tansformers,circuit brakers and isolators. Electricity so produced is sent for transmission. ssasiT | BY SHAILESH 8, PATEL(E.C. DEPARTMENT) [ERI NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS, BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 WORKING OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT :- >The great difference between a conventional and a nuclear power plant is how heat is produced. In a fossile plant, oil, gas or coal is fired in the boiler, which means that the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into heat. In a nuclear power plant, however, energy that comes from fission reactions is utilized. Eas Peis ttlel tos power plant @HOW IT WORKS:- Nuclear heat water electrical power fission steam tums makes? OAKS Phin uenerators 2 sent around heat steam a country ‘Thus a nuclear power plant consists of a nuclear reactor,steam generator, turbine, generator, condenser etc. as shown in the above figure.As in a conventional steam plant, water for raising steam forms a closed feed system. >A nuclear power plant uses the heat generated by a nuclear fission process to drive a steam turbine which generates usable electricity.Fission is the splitting of atoms into smaller parts. Some atoms, themselves tiny, split when they are struck by even smaller particles, called neutrons. Each time this happens more neutrons come out of the split atom and strike other atoms. This process of energy release is called a chain reaction, The plant controls the chain reaction to keep it from releasing too much energy too fast. In this way, the chain reaction can go on for a long time. sas | Smash PATEYEC. DEPARTMENT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 as atoms split and collide, they heat up. The plant uses this heat to create steam.The heat is transfered to the water through heat exchanging tubes in steam generator in the primary loop.After extractig this heat, water is converted in to steam and collected at the top of steam generator. The pressure of the expanding steam turns a turbine which is connected to a generator in the secondary loop. After rotating turbine - generator set steam passes to the condenser.After that the function of condenser and coling towers is same as that of thermal plant. after the steam is made, a nuclear plant operates much like a fossil fuel fired plant: the turbine spins a generator. The whirling magnetic field of the generator produces electricity. The electricity then goes through wires strung on tall towers you might see along a highway to an electrical substation in your neighborhood where the power is regulated to the proper strength. Then it goes to your home. FISSION AND FUSION:- > FISSION is the splitting of a large atom such as Uranium or Plutonium into two smaller atoms, called fission products, several neutrons, and very much energy. This nuclear reaction was the first to be discovered. All commercial nuclear power plants use this reaction to generate electricity > FUSION is the combining of two small atoms such as Hydrogen or Helium to produce heavier atoms and energy. These reactions can release more energy than fission without producing radioactive byproducts. Fusion reactions occur in the sun, using Hydrogen as fuel and producing Helium as waste. This reaction has not been commercially developed and is a serious research interest worldwide, due to its promise of limitless, pollution-free, and non-proliferation features. S>™ ssasiT | BY SHAILESH 8. PATEL(E.C. DEPARTMENT) [ER NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 ¢CLASSIFICATION OF NUCLEAR REACTORS: Nuclear Reactors, specifically fission reacors, are classified by several methods, a brief outline of these classification schemes is given below. CLASSIFICATION BY USE “Research reactors “Production reactors “Power reactors ropulsion reactors "CLASSIFICATION BY MODERATOR MATERIAL “Graphite moderated reactors “swater moderated reactors Light water moderated reactors (LWRs) > Heavy Water moderated reactors (HWRs) © CLASSIFICATION BY COOLANT “Gas cooled reactor “Liquid metal cooled reactor /ater cooled reactor Pressure water reactor (PWRs) Boiling water reactor (BWRs) © CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE OF NUCLEAR REACTION “Fast Reactors “Thermal reactors © CLASSIFICATION BY ROLE IN THE FUEL CYCLE “Breeder reactors “burner reactors © CLASSIFICATION BY GENERATION “Generation II reactor “Generation III reactor “Generation IV reactor © CLASSIFICATION BY PHASE OF FUEL “Solid fueled “Fluid fueled “Gas Fueled SSASIT | BY SHAILESH B. PATEL(E.C. DEPARTMENT) [fq NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 #SITE SELECTION FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLAN’ The various factors to be considered while selecting the site for nuclear plant are as follows 1, AVAILABILITY OF WATER:-At the power plant site an ample quantity of water should be available for condenser cooling and made up water required for steam generation. Therefore the site should be nearer to a river, reservoir or sea 2. DISTANCE FROM LOAD CENTER:- The plant should be located near the load center. This will minimise the power losses in transmission lines. 3. DISTANCE FROM POPULATED AREA:- The power plant should be located far away from populated area to avoid the radioactive hazard. 4. ACCESSIBILITY TO SITE:~ The power plant should have rail and road transportation facilities. 5. WASTE DISPOSAL:~ The wastes of a nuclear power plant are radioactive and there should besufficient space near the plant site for the disposal of wastes. @ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS: © ADVANTAGES: Essentially no greenhouse gas emissions Does not produce air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, mercury, nitrogen oxides or particulates * The quantity of waste produced is small + Small number of accidents + Low fuel costs “Ease of transport and stockpiling of fuel * Nuclear power plants don’t take up much space. This allows them to be placed in already developed areas and the power does not have to be transferred over long distances. “ Another advantage of nuclear power is that nuclear energy is by far the most concentrated form of energy, so it can be produced in large quantities over short periods of time. ‘© DISADVANTAGES: ‘Nuclear waste produced is dangerous for thousands of years because Nuclear Power generates radiation, which can be harmful or even fatal to infected people. “Nuclear reactors are stands about forty to fifty years, so where they are extremely productive, they break down and are costly to replace. Nuclear waste dumps can spontaneously combust without warning. Consequences of an accident might be disastrous Risk of nuclear proliferation associated with some designs High capital costs In the past long construction periods, imposing large finance costs and delaying return on investment High maintenance costs High cost of decommissioning plants “Current designs are all large-scale NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 STATUS OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN WORLD:. tra Dae eeu NUMBER OF PLANT CAPACITY NUMBER OF PLANT — CAPACITY mw mw ARGENTINA 2 935, 1 692 ARMENIA 1 375 EB - BELGIUM 7 5,926 5 : BRAZIL 2 1,884 1 1,245 BULGARIA, 2 1,906 2 1,906 CANADA, 18 12,569 a : CHINA, MAINLAND, B 10,048 7 27,230 TAIWAN 6 4,980 2 2,600 CZECH REPUBLIC 6 3,678 A : FINLAND 4 2.716 1 1,600 FRANCE 58 63,130 1 1,600 GERMANY v7 20,490 - : HUNGARY 4 1,889 5 5 INDIA 20 4,391 5 3,564 IRAN 5 5 1 915 JAPAN. 54 46,823 2 2,650 KOREA, REPUBLIC 2 18,665 5 5,560 MEXICO 2 1,300 - - NETHERLANDS 1 487 - : PAKISTAN 2 425 1 300 ROMANIA 2 1,300 5 5 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 32 22,693 un 9,153 SLOVAKIAN REPUBLIC 4 1,792 2 782 SLOVENIA 1 666 5 B SOUTH AFRICA 2 1,800 - : SPAIN 8 7,514 B B ‘SWEDEN 10 9,303 - : ‘SWITZERLAND 5 3,238 - - TAIWAN, 6 4,980 2 2,600 UKRAINE, 5 13,107 2 1,900 UNITED KINGDOM, 19 10,097 - : USA 104 100,683 1 1,165 TOTAL 442 374,914 65 62,862 ssasiT | BY SHAILESH 8, PATEL(E.C. DEPARTMENT) [EIN NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENERGY SYSTEMS BY SHAILESH B. PATEL -090760111025 @STATUS OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN INDIA: REACTOR ‘STATE TYPE mw TARAPUR 1 & 2 MAHARASHTRA BWR 150 KAIGA1& 2 KARNATAKA, PHWR. 202 KAIGA3 &4 KARNATAKA, PHWR. 202 KAKRAPAR 1 & 2 GUJARAT PHWR. 202 KALPAKKAM 1&2 TAMIL NADU PHWR. 202 NARORA 1&2 UTTAR PRADESH PHWR. 202 RAJASTHAN 1. RAJASTHAN. PHWR 90 RAJASTHAN 2 RAJASTHAN PHWR. 187 RAJASTHAN 3 & 4 RAJASTHAN PHWR. 202 RAJASTHAN 5 & 6 RAJASTHAN PHWR. 202 TARAPUR 3 & 4 MAHARASHTRA PHWR. 490 TOTAL (20) 4385 MW CONCLUSION: After studying nuclear power plant we can say that this is the most efficient power plant than other to generate a huge amount of electricity by using small amount off nuclear fuel.we can generate a very large emount of electricity within a short time but the major problem for this power plant is that it is very dangeoreous power plant than other because the improper desposal of nuclear waste is lead to radiation and it is very harmful to our environment so more saftly precoutions and security with proper monitouring is required. @REFERANCE : ‘> WWW.EURONUCLEAR.ORG ‘> WWW.WORLD-NUCLEAR.ORG. ‘> WWW.NUCLEARTOURIST.COM. SSASIT | BY SHAILESH B. PATEL(E.C. DEPARTMENT) [Eq

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