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Got Needs?

Abraham Maslow
 Psychologist
 Studied
 Exemplary people
 Playfulness and affection of animals
 Attachment behavior
 Need precedence
 Attempted to isolate what makes humans
and animals individuals
 Crusade for humanistic psychology
Abraham Maslow
 Humans are basically:
– Trustworthy
– Self-protecting
– Self-governing

They tend toward growth and love

Violence, lying and theft are not intrinsic to human
nature, but…

Humans are motivated by unsatisfied needs

There are many needs and their urgency varies
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Lower needs satisfied Higher needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Deficiency Need - general type of need that must be
satisfied before a person can act unselfishly

Motivation toward satisfying these “deficient” needs moves

a person toward growth and self-actualization

 Satisfying needs is healthy

 Blocking gratification of needs causes sickness or evil
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Most basic necessities for life

 Air
 Water
 Sleep
 Food
 Shelter
 Procreation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Establishing Stability and Consistency

 Security and protection
 Nurturing home and family
 Job security
 Financial security
 Insurance, etc.
 Becoming concerned with fears and anxieties
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Love and Belonging

 Friends
 Companionship
 Offspring
 Community
 Loneliness
 Social anxieties
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Two types:
 Lower form needs
 Respect of others, status, power, dominance
 Fame, glory, attention, recognition, reputation,
 Higher form needs
 Self-respect, confidence
 Competence, achievement, mastery
 Independence, freedom
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Self - Actualization

The desire to become more than you are and all that you
 Maximize potential
 Seek knowledge
 Altruism - working for peace and the betterment of mankind
 Esthetic experiences
 Self-fulfillment
 Oneness with God
 This level can only truly be achieved after all precursory needs
are met
We’re All Needy By Nature

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