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Jose Carlos Arias (PhD, DBA)

This paper investigates three of the commonly- used analytical tools and concepts that are used to
help effectuate decisions in a business environment. The types of analytical models that are investigated
in this paper are probability theory and statistics, utility theory and game theory. Through investigating
these tools in this three-tired framework, the reader has a greater comprehension of how analytical tools
can be used to accomplish various reforms within a business or the business sector as a whole. Through
addressing the quantitative methods of business, those in management and cost- reassessment programs
can better understand the forces that are at work in their respective departments and within the business
environment as a whole.

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118 Business Intelligence Journal January

Introduction investigating these tools in this three- tired

framework, the reader will have a greater
In the quest to achieve a sustainable comprehension of how analytical tools
maximum level of profit and profitability can be used to accomplish various reforms
in business, analytical tools are often put within a business or the business sector as
into play that address the quantitative a whole.
methods of business. The use of these
tools helps to determine the effectiveness of Probability Theory and Statistics
given programs of operation and can help
demonstrate which areas of business need This section shall explore the use of
to be subject to refinement or adaptation the model for probability theory and how
to once more minimize loss and maximize this theory functions within a business
profit. (Thrall et al.: 1954) Through environment. Probability theory is almost
addressing the quantitative methods always used in respect to statistical figures
of business, those in management and as this theory is useless without statistics
cost- reassessment programs can better through which to support the initial
understand the forces that are at work in assessment. (Webley et al: 1997)
their respective departments and within the
business environment as a whole, essentially
accomplishing a greater degree of control Introduction to Probability Theory
over all areas of business. (Rizzello: 1999)
This paper three investigate many of The role of probability theory in
the commonly- used analytical tools and analytical methodology has been called the
concepts that are used to help effectuate “common sense approach” to investigating
decisions in a business environment. This specific areas of study, for probability
paper shall break down the investigation theory suggests that the best way of
of these analytical tools into three different investigating a problem is to combine a
areas of study to better limit the discussion: previous knowledge of events with the
The first area is that of the localized likelihood of events manifesting again. The
department, where the analytical methods overall assumptions that can be drawn from
can be applied to a specific area of business probability theory have a significant margin
such as shipping & receiving or order of error (in most circumstances) but the
processing. The second area is that of the single solution that can be drawn is what
business as an entity, where the business is is most likely the situation that will occur
examined as a separate and whole entity, given a predetermined set of variables.
or the sum of its localized departments. Essentially, the nature of probability
Finally, the third area shall be the overall theory has been traced to standard
business environment in which a specific Aristotelian logic, which reduces a situation
business is located, where for example a to be applicable to deductive according to the
law firm would be examined according to its assumption that a situation can be defined as
position and business strategies within the either true or false. (Rizzello: 1999) When a
entire law industry. The types of analytical given situation is presented, a researcher can
models that shall be investigated in this then address the scenario according to “true”
paper are probability theory and statistics, or “false” qualities (as shall be explored at
utility theory and game theory. Through a later point in this section). This method

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therefore allows for various generalizations Related or Mutually inclusive events

to be made based upon the available data
from pre- existing situations, and is a useful 1. What happens if we want to throw 1 and
tool for creating the most likely outcomes 6 in any order? This now means that we
for a given scenario. do not mind if the first die is either 1 or
Take the following citation as a means of 6, as we are still in with a chance. But
getting a better overview of the methodology with the first die, if 1 falls uppermost,
and functionality of probability theory in clearly It rules out the possibility of 6
respect to related events, for this is the area in being uppermost, so the two Outcomes,
which probability theory is most frequently 1 and 6, are mutually inclusive, One
utilized in business. In the following result directly affects the other. In this
examples, throwing dice is used to illustrate case, the probability of throwing 1 or 6
the nature of probability theory in respect to with the first die is the sum of the two
statistics, where the probability of rolling a probabilities, 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3.
specific number is manifest according to the
number of dice used and the times taken to 2. The probability of the second die being
roll the dice. favourable is still 1/6 as the second die
“Independent or related events? can only be one specific number, a 6 if
“One of the important steps you need to the first die is 1, and vice versa.
make when considering the probability of
two or more events occurring. Is to decide 3. Therefore the probability of throwing 1
whether they are independent or related and 6 in any order with two dice is 1/3 x
events. 1/6 = 1/18.” (Webb: 2002)

Examples: From the above citation, it can be seen

that given a predefined set of variables in the
Independent or Mutually exclusive context of what will most likely occur in a
events given scenario (where all potential external
variables remain constant), a specific answer
The probability of throwing a double three to the situation can be assessed. Because
with two dice is the result of throwing three of these limitations, probability theory in
with the first die and three with the second business is done according to past variables
die. The total possibilities are, one from six and existing business situations and is not
outcomes for the first event and one from six frequently used to predict earth- shattering
outcomes for the second, Therefore (1/6) * business decisions but rather is more limited
(1/6) = 1/36th or 2.77%. in its scope, for it is not a method of business
assessment that is infallible.
The two events are independent, since It must be stressed that the existence
whatever happens to the first die cannot affect of problems corresponding to the over-
the throw of the second, the probabilities are generalization of a specific scenario tend to
therefore multiplied, and remain 1/36th. create complications in certain situations,

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120 Business Intelligence Journal January

where one article notes that: “Probability also takes into account variations based upon
theory and its offspring, inferential chance, where although the likelihood of a
statistics, constitute perhaps the most specific scenario can be compiled according
frustrating branch of human knowledge. to the existing factors at hand, it can also be
The abstractness of formal methods scares determined by those variables that do not
many people, and leads to frequent errors exist. This section shall demonstrate how
in the choice of procedures.” (Simon & both preset variables and chance figure into
Bruce: 1993) Indeed, the overwhelming the use of probability theory in an ordering
use of probability theory is a useful tool division of a glassware business.
only in scenarios where generalizations are Imagine that Randolph Glassworks has a
possible: No one would build a space shuttle very exclusive china pattern on hand as its
based upon the results of probability theory, upper- end model, and that the customers
but one could theoretically predict ordering a who order this pattern tend to do so most
preset number of products for a given month frequently in pieces rather than ordering the
based upon this method. One source writes set as a whole. Because of this, the company
that: “Probability theory freed researchers therefore needs to maintain full sets because
from the drudgery of repeated experiments. they need to keep track of the parts that are
With a few assumptions, researchers could most frequently ordered, and also to ensure
address a wide range of topics. While the that they have full sets on hand if a client
advances in statistics paved the way for wishes to order the entire set. The company
elegant analysis, the costs came high: therefore has decided to keep fifteen place
settings of its most expensive china on
• We could analyze only certain types of hand throughout the year in case it needs
statistics, such as the mean and standard to fill any type of order. Yet to maintain
deviation. these fifteen complete settings, the ordering
department also needs to be aware of which
• We had to make certain assumptions, pieces are the most likely to break and to
like the normality assumption, about the ensure that these pieces are constantly on
underlying distribution. hand in greater quantities. In this scenario,
the pieces that are most frequently ordered
• And researchers needed specialized are dinner plates and saucers for coffee
training to apply, understand, and cups: Using probability theory, the ordering
appreciate statistics.” (Lawrence & department therefore needs to order more of
Shafer: 1992) these items than any other item to ensure that
the company constantly has fifteen complete
Probability Theory in the Localized sets of china on hand.
Probability Theory in the Business
Due to its limitations in a larger practice, Environment
probability theory is most applicable in
business within a smaller environment, such The least likely environment in business
as that created by the individual sections for a successful functionality of probability
of a business. What was made evident in theory is that of the business environment,
the earlier discussion on probability theory for the limitations that exist in probability
is that this method of analytical assessment theory makes this an unlikely tool for

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determining business moves for a company. the Faculty of Theology at the University
As this paper shall describe in a later section, of Paris, had come out strongly against
other methods of analytical assessment are inoculation.
more effective in this type of environment. “Daniel Bernoulli [another
mathematician] applied his probability
Probability Theory in the Respective formulae for lotteries to the problem of
Industry smallpox. He calculated the number of
persons likely to be killed by smallpox
The best- known use of probability in a given time. Then, he calculated the
theory in business is within the industry as a gain in life expectancy from inoculation
whole: Specific industries such as insurance for any given age. His formulas were
and car manufacturers rely heavily on necessarily rather crude and the statistics
probability theory to help define the limits of mortality inadequate, but his results
for policies and the design specifications definitely favoured inoculation.”
for automobiles. Essentially, in the area
of probability theory and business, the This risk- versus- gain still exists in
use of this analytical method is done the modern business environment, where
according to the likelihood of damage or companies that do business that contains a
injury versus the constant state (life). This certain element of risk need to be aware of
area of business can trace its roots back the likelihood of injury to a customer, either
to the mid- eighteenth century, where one independently (insurance) or as a result of
source attributes probability theory in risk product use (car manufacturing). The end
assessment to the study of smallpox, where result of this assessment helps to create the
the mathematician D’Alembert attempted to parameters around which the business can
determine the risk assessment found within be conducted with the maximum amount of
inoculation to smallpox. This source notes: profit according to the minimum amount of
inherent risk.
“One urgent social issue which prompted To enumerate this concept further through
much argument about probability […] a quantitative method, the researcher uses
was inoculation against smallpox.. The the example of stocks of a company Genco.
procedure was not risk free. It involved Suppose a broker buy shares of Genco
impregnating the skin with live smallpox Corporation at a price of $100 per share and
pustules and could lead to death. At the intend to keep it on hold for one year for a
same time, however, over 10 percent dividend yield of 3%. Total rate of return of
of the populations of London and Paris the share can be estimated by the formula:
were being killed by the disease.
“For D’Alembert the choice was R=
Cash dividend Ending price of share − beginning price
Beginning price Beginning price
approximately as follows: a 1 in 7 longer-
term chance of dying of smallpox versus
a 1 in 200 short- term chance of dying Suppose the price of the stock changes
from the inoculation. Complicating the by 7% while its yield remains at 3% in one
issue was the generally small average week, then the total return is R= 3 + 7 %
life expectancy in Paris. In addition, = 10%. Genco’s stock price may yield 10%
conservative opinion in France, or it may yield differently but the yield will
including the Faculty of Medicine and be around 10% in the short run. The change

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in Genco’s stock’s price is basically based utility theory. This section shall define utility
on the volatility theory. For a short term the theory and how advances in technology
probability of the returns is easy to gauge have created an environment in which this
but in the long run, the volatility rate is method of assessment is most effective in
quite different. It is based on a range of predicting consumer responses.
deviation or probability distribution range.
For example if the possibility of not gaining Introduction to Utility Theory
return is zero then the probability ratio
of 10% return can be assigned as one. To The functionality of utility theory is best
determine the long term return, the broker found in measuring the preferences of an
will estimate probabilities of Genco’s stock individual or a target group of individuals and
in a weak, a strong and normal economy and measuring the impact of these preferences on
obtains the following figures: behaviors and beliefs. This practice should
sound familiar to any student in business,
State of Rate of Return –
Probability for the study of utility theory is the study of
Economy Genco
consumer buying behaviors. (Ford: 1987)
Strong 30% 0.20
In utility theory, the individual that is
Normal 10% 0.60
targeted for assessment is believed to be a
Weak -10% 0.20
rational individual who determines his or
her behaviors according to obvious needs
Using the above probability returns the or desires. The scale against which these
broker can further calculate the expected behaviors are measured is called a “utility”
returns: scale, and the ranking placed upon this scale
helps in the overall assessment of behaviors.
Expected Returns = Sum of (Probability The study of utility theory is by no means
of Return) x (Possible Return) a new area, but it has become a science over
the past five decades. The earliest methods
From the table ER = 0.20 X 30% + 0.6 x of utility theory in economic practice can be
10% +0.2 x -10% = 10% traced to a mathematician who suggested
that consumer behavior was essentially
Thus, the most likely return that a broker predefined according to set patterns of
will gain is 10% for Genco’s stock. The behavior, and that these behaviors could be
utility of probability theory can extended slightly altered or exploited: In his book
further if the broker decide to compare The Theory of Value, author Debreu (1959)
the price of Genco’s stock and that of its suggested that consumer behaviors could be
competitors. The outcome will give him an understood in the sense that these behaviors
idea as to which stock is a better investment created an “equilibrium” for consumers,
and which one poses a higher risk for returns. where if someone needed a product they
would seek out that product. Those seeking
Utility Theory to encourage consumers to change their
behaviors would not get them to alter their
Far more easy to understand than need but could instead alter their desires.
probability theory – and arguably the For example, if someone needs drain
method of quantitative assessment that is cleaner, this need cannot be changed but
most frequently used in business – is that of their decision of which drain cleaner to buy

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can be altered according to a knowledge of purchased. The supermarket can therefore

the utility theory. use these membership cards to either offer
the customer increased savings and provide
Utility Theory in the Localized incentive for the customer to return, or to
Environment simply chart the types of buying behaviors
displayed by their customers.
The use of utility theory in specific
sections of a specific business is not overly Utility Theory and the Respective
functional: Utility theory helps predict Industries
behavior on a larger level, which in turn can
impact the localized environment. However, Those familiar with business will
there is very little direct interaction between recognize that entire industries have been
utility theory and the localized environment. compiled around utility theory – Advertising
is a multi- billion dollar industry that all
Utility Theory and the Business companies tend to rely upon to some degree,
Environment and the use of advertising suggests that all
companies are aware of the need to assess
Utility theory in the business environment consumer behaviors. (Joyce: 1999; Lawson
is one of the most widely- used assessment & Glowa: 2000) According to the use of
tools for quantitative analysis. The utility theory and other methods of statistical
purchasing behavior of consumers is what assessment, companies determine all manner
drives businesses, and those businesses of business strategies including releasing
that fully understand their target consumer new product lines, changing existing
audience and how to best appeal to them are products, and adapting existing strategies to
far more likely to succeed than companies better fit the demands of consumers.
that do not recognize this basic area of Yet despite the traditional reliance on
commerce. Companies that wish to succeed utility theory in industries such as advertising
have even gone so far as to utilize new – as well as the businesses that benefit from
methods of technology to keep track of their the use of utility theory – there are inherent
consumers’ purchasing behaviors in order to flaws within this type of method that cannot
better tailor their businesses and therefore be overlooked. One article from the renown
draw in greater consumer interest. industry digest Quirk’s Marketing Research
Perhaps the best example of this use of Review (Lawson & Glowa: 2000) suggests
new technology is in the supermarket: It that there are four limitations in utility
is a common feature in supermarkets to theory, where this method is lacking in the
find a type of membership discount, where following:
customers that are part of the supermarket’s
community are offered discounted savings a. Forecasting demand for new, or
when they run their membership card. category- revolutionizing products.
However, in addition to offering savings,
the membership card also creates a tally b. Forecasting demand for products in
of the customer’s purchasing behaviors, categories in which new and different
including the type of product purchased and attributes which were not previously a
its size, cost, and the time of month it was consideration in choice are introduced.

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c. Forecasting demand for products in Game Theory

categories in which attribute ranges are
stretched well beyond those in present Unlike the assessment models of
markets. probability theory and utility theory, game
theory is best utilized according to human-
d. Forecasting demand in markets in which created conditions within a specific working
serious multicollinearity is present environment. Game theory is extremely
among the predictor variables. diverse in its scope yet can be generalized
as how human beings or larger entities such
Also, this source suggests that a as organizations interact within certain
wholesale reliance on advertising as a conditions. (Axelrod: 1984)
solution to all problems in business is a
flawed perspective, because utility theory An Introduction to Game Theory
is based upon the belief that customers can
be manipulated according to their choices The study of game theory is the study
made when buying a product. The authors of human behavior within a specific
note that: environment. When applied to business, the
use of game theory helps to determine how
“Real customers who make choices in an individual or a business will react within
real markets frequently decide not to that environment. In terms of qualitative
choose. That is, for whatever reason, assessment, game theory is unique because
some customers choose to delay it also brings into play elements of human
purchases or choose no products offered psychology that are not generally found
in a particular category. Examples of within standard assessment techniques,
the former customers include millions such as philosophy and altruism. For
of potential customers for PCs who example, one of the best- known elements
know they eventually want to have of game theory is the “prisoner’s dilemma”:
one at home, but are waiting either for Simply put, the matter of game theory in
prices to drop further, or functionality the “prisoner’s dilemma” suggested that
to increase, or both. Examples of the in a prison setting where two individuals
latter customers include those who are were being questioned separately and the
allergic to chocolate, and hence, will one who talked first was (theoretically)
not buy chocolate products regardless of offered freedom, either both parties could
the category in which they are offered.” benefit slightly, one party could benefit
(Lawson & Glowa: 2000) significantly, or both parties could suffer
severe losses. The response of the other is
Reliance on advertising in an industry dependent upon not only their own desires,
can therefore be concluded as a science, but but also upon the questionable benefits that
perhaps not the most exact science necessary they might receive if they remain silent.
to predict all aspects of consumer behaviors. This aspect of game theory is summarized
This is apparently why markets constantly from an article published in the Journal of
emerge that were either underestimated or the History of Economic Thought. Author
unpredicted, and markets that were seen as Roth (1993) writes:
potential booms collapse without warning.

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“In January of 1950, Melvin Dresher been replicated many times.) Dresher
and Merrill Flood conducted at the Rand and Flood interpreted this as evidence
Corporation an experiment which has against the general hypothesis that
had an enormous if indirect influence, players tend to choose Nash equilibrium
since it introduced the game that has strategies, and in favor of the hypothesis
subsequently come to be known as the that a cooperative “split the difference”
Prisoner’s Dilemma. The game they principle would be more powerful in
studied was the hundred- fold repetition organizing the data from games of this
of the matrix game given below, kind.”
between a fixed pair of subjects who Yet in a business setting, the welfare
communicated only their choices of row of a single company is weighed against
(1 or 2) or column (1 or 2). the potential benefits or losses that might
be incurred from interaction with another
(-1,2) (1/2, 1) company. (Webley et al: 1997) Game
(0, 1/2) (1, -1) theory is one way in which to best predict the
outcome of encounters between individuals
Payoffs were in pennies, with each and between organizations, as shall now be
player receiving the sum, over the clarified:
one hundred plays of the game, of his
payoffs in each play. The unique Nash Game Theory in the Localized
equilibrium prediction is that the players Environment
should choose (2,1) - the second row and
the first column - at each of the hundred Game theory in a localized environment
repetitions. Thus the predicted earnings is most often utilized as part of the team
of the players are 0 for the row player building process, where members of
(henceforth “Row”) and $0.50 for the a specific department are required to
column player (henceforth “Column”). participate in teaching tools that utilize game
Of course this is inefficient, since if the theory as a means of better understanding
players instead played (1,2) at every their role in business. For example, in the
period, for example, their earnings would aforementioned Randolph Glassworks there
be $0.50 for Row and $1.00 for Column seems to be a competition between two men
þ i.e. they would both earn more. in the design department for the attentions of
But this is not equilibrium behavior. their manager. The manager recognizes this
That equilibrium play is substantially competition as unhealthy only when one of
less profitable than cooperative play the men seeks to sabotage the other’s labor.
made Dresher and Flood anticipate Even after several meetings designed to solve
“correctly” that this game would present the problem, the manager is able to tell that
a demanding test of the equilibrium the problem persists and is afraid that it will
predictions. again erupt in a way that will harm the work
“The observed payoffs, for a pair of of one of the men. The manager determines
players […] were $0.40 for Row and that a day of team building is the best way
$0.65 for Column. This outcome is far to rectify this situation and he determines
from the equilibrium outcome, although that game theory is the best method of team
it also falls considerably short of perfect building to be used: Not only is the manager
cooperation. (This observation has since able to bring his department closer through

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126 Business Intelligence Journal January

interaction but he can also take the results Conclusion

of the survey assessments provided to the
department and see if he can use the results This paper has investigated three specific
to alleviate the pressure that exists between forms of quantitative assessment theory
the two men. in respect to their functionality within the
business environment. It can be concluded
Game Theory in a Business that businesses that wish to understand their
Environment own internal position and their relationship
to other companies within a larger scenario
The role of game theory in a business would strongly benefit from the use of these
environment is remarkably like that found and similar assessment tools, for these tools
within the localized environment, where the help to create a better overall understanding
use of game theory can be done to determine of how and why events and relationships
the interactions of various departments and can be predicted within businesses.
individuals, and the results of the testing can
then be evaluated to see how team- building References
can be accomplished. In addition, game
theory is occasionally used on customers Aumann, R. J. & S. Hart. (1994) Handbook
for a specific business to evaluate how the of Game Theory with Economic
customers perceive themselves within their Applications. Amsterdam: North-
relationship to the business: Surveys and Holland.
phone interviews are often used to facilitate
this type of quantitative assessment. Axelrod, R. (1984) The Evolution of
Cooperation. New York: Basic Books.
Game Theory in the Respective
Industries Baird, D. G., Gertner R. H. & Picker, R.
C. (1994) Game Theory and the Law.
Game theory is so widely varied in Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University
terms of its use, its features, and its impact Press.
that it is rare that an encounter between
two businesses cannot be explored via a Bandura, A. (1977) Social Learning Theory.
function of game theory. For example, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
imagine a situation where two businesses
were planning to merge: These businesses Carroll, J. S. & Johnson, E. J. (1990) Decision
then need to assess their relationship to each Research: A Field Guide. (Applied Social
other and the use of game theory can help in Research Methods Series: Volume 22).
predicting how one business will react to the London: Sage.
merger. Game theory can therefore serve
as a means of understanding the position Cowan, T. A. (1965) Non-Rationality in
of the other entity and will thereafter help Decision Theory. Berkeley: University of
encourage a facilitated relationship between California.
the two.

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Arias J.C. - Basic Analytical Tools Application in Business to Addressing Consumer Behaviors, Teambuilding, and Necessity

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