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1.1 Background
Nepal is a small country, which occupies a geographical area of 141,181 square
kilometers sandwiched between two Asian giant’s China and India. The country is divided
administratively into 5 development regions and 75 districts. Municipality is the lowest local
level administration unit in each district. The number of Village Development Committee (VDC)
and Municipalities are 3,995 and 58 respectively. Ecologically it is divided into three ecological
regions i.e. Mountain, Hill and Terai.
Landlocked, lacking substantial resources for economic development, and hampered by
an inadequate transportation network, Nepal is one of the least developed nations in the world.
The economy is heavily dependent on imports of basic materials and on foreign markets for its
forest and agricultural products. Nepal imports essential commodities, such as fuel, construction
materials, fertilizers, metals, and most consumer goods, and exports such products as rice, jute,
timber, and textiles.
Almost all Nepalese live in villages or in small market centres. Outside of Kāthmāndu,
there are no major cities. Smaller urban centres (Biratnagar, Nepalganj, and Birganj) are located
in the Tarai along the Indian border, and Pokharā is situated in a valley in the mid-mountain
region. In addition, a few townships—such as Hitaura, Butwal, and Dharan—have begun to
emerge in the foothills and hill areas, where economic activity has developedThe political and
administrative system of Nepal has not made those changes in trade, investment, and related
economic policies that would expedite economic development and attract foreign capital. The
government’s development programs, which are funded by foreign aid, also have failed to
respond directly to the needs of rural people (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010). This study will
make an inquiry about socio economic status of female who are carpet weavers in Nepal.
The woolen carpet industry has been one of the most important labor markets in Nepal,
especially during the (early) 1990s. Carpet manufacturing in Nepal received a major momentum
when Tibetan refugees fled south in the early 1960s.Seeing the history we find some facts about
the starting of carpet weaving in Nepal. According to spiny babbler (2007) the well known carpet
making tradition entered Nepal only in 1959 along with around 15,000 Tibetan refugees who
fled to the country. The Tibetan-Nepalese carpet making industry started with this group of
Tibetan weavers and remained small up until it was revealed to the West and flourished in the

years that followed. In 1961, the Swiss organized Jawalakhel Handicraft Center was formed and
soon became the focus of carpet making in Nepal. The master weavers from Gyantse, the best
carpet making area of central Tibet, who settled in Nepal eventually taught their skills to others
resulting in an increase in production of better carpets. The hand spun wool, high quality dyes,
and Tibetan designs produced carpets that would soon grow into a major industry in the country.
The Swiss again helped in marketing by generating a market in Europe and promoting the art
there as well as establishing system of design with graph paper to produce uniformity. Then
carpet weaving industry spread around Nepal where Tibetan refugees had settled, especially
inside the Kathmandu Valley. By mid 1970, the business was firmly established. Many women
are involved in carpet weaving.
The United Nations has defined the status of women in the context of their access to
knowledge, economic resources, and political power, as well as their personal autonomy in the
process of decision making. When Nepalese women's status is analyzed in this light, the picture
is generally bleak. Though some changes are observed recently, many may be having the various
problems. Carpet weaving factories (Cottage industries) were every where in the past . But The
decrease in carpet export in recent years has made the industry struggle. This situation surely
have left impact on the female labors of Carpet factory.
When we deeply observe Nepalese social system we find some typical roles of women.
The senior female member played a commanding role within the family by controlling resources,
making crucial planting and harvesting decisions, and determining the expenses and budget
allocations. Yet women's lives remained centered on their traditional roles--taking care of most
household chores, fetching water and animal fodder, and doing farm work. Their standing in
society was mostly contingent on their husbands' and parents' social and economic positions.
They had limited access to markets, productive services, education, health care, and local
government. Malnutrition and poverty hit women hardest. Female children usually were given
less food than male children, especially when the family experienced food shortages. Women
usually worked harder and longer than men. By contrast, women from high-class families had
maids to take care of most household chores and other menial work and thus worked far less than
men or women in lower socioeconomic groups.
The economic contribution of women was substantial, but largely unnoticed because their
traditional role was taken for granted. When employed, their wages normally were 25 percent
less than those paid to men. In most rural areas, their employment outside the household

generally was limited to planting, weeding, and harvesting. In urban areas, they were employed
in domestic and traditional jobs, as well as in the government sector, mostly in low-level
One tangible measure of women's status was their educational attainment. Although the
constitution offers women equal educational opportunities, many social, economic, and cultural
factors contributed to lower enrollment and higher dropout rates for girls. Illiteracy imposed the
greatest hindrance to enhancing equal opportunity and status for women. They were caught in a
vicious circle imposed by the patriarchical society. Their lower status hindered their education,
and the lack of education, in turn, constricted their status and position. Although the female
literacy rate has improved noticeably over the years, the level in the early 1990s fell far short of
the male level.
The level of educational attainment among female children of wealthy and educated
families was much higher than that among female children of poor families. This class disparity
in educational attainment was also true for boys. In Nepal, as in many societies, education was
heavily class-biased.
However, policy of Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare (MOWCSW)
(2010) speaks about , mainstreaming , gender equality, empowerment, protection of reproductive
right, and other positive policies.
Whatsoever the policy talks about we can easily claim that the women carpet weavers
may face many challenges. With the help of this study the researcher tries to open up the social
and economic facts about carper weaving Nepali women.
1.2 Objective of the Study
The major objective of the study is to explore the social disparity and economic
dependency of female weavers in carpet industries in Lalitpur area. To achieve the goal of
general objective, the following specific objectives have been set:
1. To find out the socio-economic status of women weavers working in carpet industries.
2. To explore the factors determining their socio-economic status.
3. To analyse and discuss the conditions for improving socio-economic status of female
carpet weavers.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
In Nepal, Process of industrial development was initiated during the mid 1930. Most of
Nepalese carpet industries have low level of productivity due to lack of sufficient capital,

machinery, technique and train labours. The labours are the backbone of the industry, but labours
are most neglected factor of production because of the weak bargaining power. They are not
provided appropriate or minimum facilities and they are not satisfied with their job. Due to
dissatisfaction among theme there is high rate of labours turnover.
After 1950 Nepal openly welcomed economic growth strategy to lift the national
economy. This economic growth expected to bring changes in common problems such as
poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and infant mortality. But the economic growth strategy has failed to
reduce poverty, hunger, illiteracy and infant mortality. Today Nepal is in a stage of stagnation,
our economy is stagnant. It is not due to our traditionalism but because of our incorporation
within global capitalist and regional capitalist system. This incorporation has increased our
dependency rate on capitalist world and lowered to reproduce our indigenous mode of
At present, Nepalese carpet industrial worker are not in the scene, their voices are not
heard, there work are not valued and there future is dependent up on decision made by employers
and government. The small carpet industries in Nepal are located in the several places and
playing vital role in national income being a higher labour intensive industry, the carpet industry
employs a lot of labours. Most of labours are coming from surrounding area their numbers are
increasing as more industry are increasing.
This study attempted to explore the position of female carpet industrial labours (weavers)
because their status is very poor and they might be suppressed economically and socially. Hence,
this study is generally based on the present status of women weavers in a carpet industry at
Lalitpur. It examined their socio economic status. So the women working in the carpet industry
are the focal point of the study.

1.4 Research questions

On the basis of Problem statement and the objectives of the study the following research
questions will guide me during the study process.
1. What are the roles of women carpet labours (weavers) in carpet industry?
2. What are their socio-cultural and economic backgrounds?

3. What are the facilities they gain in their industry?

4. What are the problems they face in their job?
5. How are they managing their economic status?
6. How is their relation with their male counterpart?
7. How do they feel about their social and economic roles?
8. What kind of dependency position is there between female workers and owners?
1.5 Delimitation
The scope of the study is to explore the female carpet weavers socio-economic
status. For this purpose, this study will be conducted in the carpet industries situated in Lalitpur
Municipality. This study will be limited to working of female weavers/ labours inside the carpet
industry only. The female carpet weavers, males as their counter parts and their managers will be
the respondents of the study.


This chapter covers the review of literatures related to the study area. Various
literatures have been reviewed and it is presented here after.
2.1 Theoretical Review
2.1.1. Marxist Theoretical Perspective
The present study entitled "Socio-economic status of Female Carpet Weavers " is
associated with Marxist perspective, Dependency theory or Neo- Marxist approach. Marxist
theory focuses on the domination of workers by the ruling class. It involves class domination,
oppression and conflict in both intra-national and international social relations. (Marx in Rubin,
1975, p.160). In the capitalist society, the bourgeoisie and proletariat are dependent up on each
other however, the mutual dependency of these two classes is not a relationship of equality and
of respectable reciprocity. Instead, it is a relationship of exploiter and exploited, oppressor and
oppressed. The capitalist class gains at the expense of the labour class and there is, therefore, a
conflict of interest between them.(Marx in Rao, 848). Marx thinks social class as the
crucial mechanism for changing social system(Dahal, 2004
Engel presented this issue in "The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State"-
1884. This book argues that the exploitation of labour has developed and increased in to complex
structure of domination in the class relation and the political order was established to safeguard
the system of domination. Here the carpet owner can be perceived as bourgeoisie and the labour
as proletariat. Marx said, "Class is the manifestation of economics differentiation. There must
also be a physical concentration of masses of people, easy communication among them, repeated
conflicts over economic rewards and the growth of class consciousness." (H. R. Ghimire,
Sociological Models and Perspective- 2003, pp. 212-13)
Marx focus the workers are alienated because they are simply 'cogs' in the means of
production, they are just another investment on the part of capitalism. (H. R. Ghimire,
Sociological Models and Perspective- 2003)
2.1.2. Dependency Theoretical Perspective
Dependency theory deals about unequal economy and political relationship and there
dominate position of the system. Economically and politically poor workers are on the periphery

of the system. Their economic, politics, and other aspects are controlled and exploited by core
(owners). A. G. Frank argues that, if we want to understand why a labour remains periphery, we
must understand how it is exploited by core. Dependency theorist critically argues that the
labours suffering from problem is not from the result of backwardness but the result of
Dependency concept was firstly started in 1950 in Latin America. The main advocates of
this theory are P. Baran, C. Furtado, Wallerstein, A.G. Frank and others. This theory, which
dominated Marxist thinking on the world economy from the late 1960s to the late 1970.
Dependency theory is also called the Neo-Marxist theory, which theoretical view
accepted that unequal economic status existing as the outcome of exploitation. This theoretical
view focus the core has become successful to earn more profit and collect the capital by
exploiting the periphery. Dependency can also mean that LDCs adopt DCs education, system,
attitudes, pattern, dress etc. (Todaro-1993)
The solidarity of capitalism was ultimately based on its unequal development different
parts of the capitalist world system came to specialize in specific function breeding labour power
further more different areas came to specialize in producing particulars types of worked for
example afraid produced slaves western and southern Europe had many peasant tenant- farmers
western Europe was also the centre of wage workers, the ruling classes and other skilled and
supervisory personnel. Each of the three parts of the international division of labour tended to
differ in terms of mode of labour control. The core had free labour the periphery had forced
labour and semi periphery had share cropping. (Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein)
Dependency theory argues, development is impossible for a country which economy is
dependent up on the economy of a core country. Dependency theory of A.G. Frank can also be
applicable, while noticing the social, economic, political status of labours in carpet factory. He
defines his theory that underdeveloped countries always have to depend on the developed
countries due to exploitation process. We fine unequal development process all over the world
and the main reason of it is the exploitation of capitalism.
Dependency feminists offered a very different account of women's marginalization in the
development process of that offered by Women In Development scholars. By analysing women's
domestic labour as a subsidy to the process of capital accumulation they challenged the
boundaries of traditional Marxist analysis which located women primarily in the private sphere
and therefore as irrelevant to the workings of capital. (Elliot, 1977)

The unequal development is due to the production of exploitation that is historical

relationship between capitalists and labour forces. He used historical structural approach to
exploitation and imbalanced relationship between them in the capitalist world system, which is
considered as an essential part of the structure and development of capitalism in the world.
(Frank, 1967)
2.1.3 Conflict Theoretical Perspective
The theory of conflict is at the centre of Marx's social theory, for it is the social classes
formed within a particular mode of production that tend to establish a particular form of state,
animate political conflicts, and economic conflicts.
According to Marx, The relations between the classes are antagonistic because they are in
conflict over the appropriation of what is produced, and in certain periods, when the mode of
production itself is changing as a result of developments in technology and in the utilization of
labour, such conflicts become extreme (Encyciopadia of Bratina, 2006).
The dominant class, according to Marx, controls not only material production but also the
production of ideas; it thus establishes a particular cultural style and a dominant political
doctrine, and its control over society is consolidated in a particular type of political system.
Rising classes that gain strength and influence as a result of changes in the mode of production
generate political doctrines and movements in opposition to the ruling class (Encyciopadia of
Bratina, 2006).
Conflict is not necessarily negative, argued Coser in "The Functions of Social Conflict
(1936)", because it can ultimately foster social cohesiveness by identifying social problems to be
overcome. Marx and Engel's thought that the dynamism of history was generated by inevitable
class conflict economically determined. Engel argues that when man has become aware of his
loss, of his alienation, as a universal nonhuman situation, it will be possible for him to proceed to
a radical transformation of his situation by a revolution. Conflict is the deliberate attempt to
oppose, resist the will of another or others. (Green)
2.1.4 Policies about female in Nepal
MOWCSW (2010) has given following main policies regarding females of Nepal. Which
tries to address the socio economic sector of women.
a. Mainstreaming
Mainstreaming incorporates women's concern and issues in the national and sectoral
development policies and protects women's right and authority through the enactment of

necessary laws as per the need. It shouts for trengthening the institution capacity of Ministry of
Women, Children and Social Welfare provide support to the existing women development cells
in the sectoral ministries and help establish such cells in other relevant ministries. Similarly the
policy aims to increase the participation of women in the design of development policy and
programmes in all levels.
b. Gender Equality
Gender Equality institutionalises gender sensitisation programme for the policy makers,
planners and implementers from grass root to national level. The policy talks about undertakeing
measures to remove structural obstacles that hinder women''s participation in national
development, reduce gender disparity and improve /reform legal and administrative policy if
c. Empowerment
Empowerment assures women''s empowerment by enhancing the role of women in the
policy formulation and decision - making at the national and sectoral levels. The government out
to undertake necessary administrative measures to institutionalise the women empowerment
d. Protect women's reproductive right .
Protect women's reproductive right assures women of their rights access and control over
productive resources. It tells to increase the access of women in the information, education and
communication designed to reduce the workload of women and increasing their productivity.
The policy equally supports to promote the formal and non-formal education and make the
formal education compulsory for women.
e. Increasing the literacy of women.
Increasing the literacy of women assures the access of women on institution all and
alternative credit facilities for increasing the paid and self-employment opportunities. It helps
include women's household labour as a productive activity giving due weights in the national
According to Boudville (2004) the women are often marginalised in multiple ways. That
is, they may have little access to health care, banking or other financial services, formal
education or even political rights. The informal networks in which the women are part of, thus
can be seen as a survival mechanism and perhaps one of the few ways in which the women can
achieve some modest means of empowerment. Likewise, Karimi Zahra (2008) said the process

of economic globalization has winners and losers. Iran's carpet industry provides a good
illustration of the adverse side of this process. As the production costs of its rivals have fallen,
surging international trade has reduced the market share of Iran's labor-intensive products,
especially Persian carpets. The paper reported the findings of an informal survey of carpet
weavers conducted in and around the Iranian city of Kashan, showing how harsh international
competition has reduced the weavers' real wages and restructured the labor force of the industry
in Iran. Middle-income families have left the industry, and poor Afghan immigrant householders
and their children are increasingly taking the place of Iranian weavers. Furthermore, weaving is
consistent with the subordinate position of women carpet weavers within the household; as a
form of employment, it has hardly affected the social status recent years, similar situations
are reported in various forums in Nepal to.
2.2 Reviews of the Previous Studies
Main discussion all over the world is that industrial labours have equal rights and
responsibility for the development of economic activities. They are also ready to take greater
challenge in the face of the new millennium. However, very limited research has been published
for the favour of carpet industrial labours or owners and very few published literature regarding
the condition of employment opportunities of workers in carpet industries. Literatures related to
Female Carpet weavers are far more below. Some available literatures are reviewed and
presented below.
Carpet production in Nepal takes place on contract basis and no job are fixed as the
orders are controlled by the importers. In such context no carpet exporters and producer can
guarantee the jobs for the workers. Where as the trade unions and the workers are always
dominating for full-fledged implementation of the provisions of the labour act 1991. No carpet
industries will be in a position to provide them an appointment letter.(Rug mark Bulletin-2005,
The rise and growth of modern industries with a complicated industrial system has given
rise to labour problem in various countries. In every industrial country of the world rights
privileges of labour have sought to be secured mainly through labour legislation to promote
social welfare is the main purpose of labour legislation. It aims at correction certain industrial
real adjustment growing out of industrial change. (Tylor, 1953)
Labour as only mobile factor of production, that can contribute much to the upliftment of
the country if organized, development and motivated properly. If labours are job satisfied, there

performance and efficiency would be very high in the industries for the production, otherwise
there will be lots of problems for employees and employers (Khanal 1996).
Today few unions are organized uniquely on a craft or industrial basis. Instead, large
industrial unions may set up special divisions for particular occupational groups within their
jurisdictions, or craft unions may become industrial as they organize additional no skilled
workers in new industries (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2006).
The principle of labour participation in management affords a means of self realization in
work and meets the psychological need of men and women at work by eliminating every long
extent and sending of fertility insolence and consequence frustration that they face in normal
industrial setting (Sthapit, 1984).
Industry is the second sector to generate national income, contributing significantly the
process of economic development. Labour might play a crucial factor to develop the country's
industrialization as it had been seen in developed world. Increase of national production would
not possible by a disgruntled, dispirited and indifferent labour forces. It is high time the
employers realize or are made to realize, that the welfare of labour is their responsibility in the
first place. Their often-sluggish moral conscience should be fully awakened to the need of
properly observing laws passed by the government of the country (Gupta and Singh, 1986).
Labour legislation is essential a social, economic, political legislation pertaining to
various human problem in relation to industry. For the protection of the interest of the workers,
to establish the norms of labour management relations to strengthen the place of workers in
society and also to promote industrial place, labour legislation is necessary, wherever people are
at work (pant and Agrawal, 1980). In Nepal there are basically two important acts that guide the
norms of industrial relation. They are Nepal Factory and Factory Actors Act 1959 and other is
Nepal Factory and Factory Workers Act 2016 and Bonus Act 1974 (Nepal Ain Sangra- 2031).
Nepali carpet industry at present is facing the shortage of labour supply. Surprisingly, a
large number of Nepalese youth are flying to the third countries for employment. The gap is
fulfilled by the labour forces that are unable to go abroad, enjoy with poor wage and light work
and are unable to bargain for decent wage. The reason why the industry is facing labour shortage
is nothing but its poor wage rates (N.P. Bhattarai, 2062, CWIA).
Who study industrial relations attempt to explain variations in the conditions of work,
the degree and nature of worker participation in decision making, the role of labour unions and
other forms of worker representation, and the patterns of cooperation and conflict resolution that

occur among workers and employers. These patterns of interaction are then related to the outputs
of organizations. These outputs span the interests and goals of the parties to the employment
relationship, ranging from workers' job satisfaction and economic security to the efficiency of
the organization and its effects on the community and society. (Encyclopaedia of Britannica,
Government makes contract work linked with production as a full provision in the labour
laws and unorganised sector of the carpet industry will continue to grow. This will create lose
and lose situation for all the stakeholders. Carpet workers will loose as it is happening now and
will continue to loose more in the future as their salary and wage have not been reviewed for past
five to six year in the name of bad market situation and political safety and security issue and
unorganised sector, where there is no inspection and monitoring continues to thrive. It is bad
situation for carpet weavers, who earn far less than a daily labourer, mason and construction
workers. The labour law is completely unimplemented in the carpet industries in Nepal.
(Rugmark Bulletin- 2005, pp. 23)
Many of the child labour that are found working in the carpet industries are either
orphans, or abandoned by parents or from vary poor economic background (Dipa Regmi-2005).
In 1919, the International Labour Organization ILO was set up to carry out three important
factors of industrial relations system. Government employees and trade union together for United
Nation is the cause of social justice, it is known as Tripartions system. It was established to
improve the labour condition based up on social justice, which today brings together
representatives of government, employers and workers from 132 countries (Pant and Agrawal,
Timilsina (1998) in his Thesis "The women Labours of Patan Industrial Estate" argues
that the workers rights and organised labour were in transition in mid 1991. During the late
1940s and early 1950s, some labour disputes led to strikes and lockouts and labour unions sprang
up in various factories. In 1957 the government announced the industrial policy of Nepal, under
which it undertook the responsibility of promoting, assisting, and regulating industries.
Some literatures regarding carpet labours in Nepal were found during the review .On the
same area , Neill (1999) said, "The popularity of the Tibeto-Nepalese carpet in the European
hand-knotted carpet market created a modern industry in peri-urban Kathmandu, Nepal, that
established the Tibetan refugee population there as well as a new class of Nepalese entrepreneur.
This study quoting other reports, further said, "This paper employs Igor Kopytoff’s (1986)

perspective on the social life of things and Keith Hart’s (1982) definition of commoditization to
argue that the short career of the Tibeto-Nepalese carpet as an export commodity has been one of
increasing homogenization that has transformed the materials, weaving techniques, and
meanings of the carpet. Easy access to the lucrative ‘middle’ markets of Europe has meant that
Tibeto-Nepalese carpets are now standardized to compete with other categories of floor
coverings, and that the unique hand-knotted quality desired by connoisseurs and collectors is
slowly being eliminated.
Similarly McGuckin (1997) analyzed the Tibetan refugee carpet industry, demonstrating that the
commoditization of handicrafts has had multiple and contradictory impacts on the culture,
economy, and class structure of refugee society. Tibetan carpets remain functional objects for
their community of origin while they simultaneously advertise Tibetan culture internationally,
support refugee institutions, and cater to the tastes of outside consumers. Foreign consumers
exert conflicting pressures for artistic and technical change as well as for the preservation of
'traditional' production and motifs. The 'auth enticity' of Tibetan carpets is thus called into
Neill, (2004).said,
the persistence of reports about child labor exploitation in the Nepalese carpet industry,
particularly by adults who control their weaving wages, begs an account of how carpet-weaving
labor is recruited, remunerated, and reproduced. A study of union and nonunion carpet weavers
found that most young weavers were not victims of traditional forms of debt bondage and
coercive control, but working conditions often led to high levels of indebtedness. Salary
advances (peskii) allowed weavers to compensate for cash shortfalls and meet unusual expenses,
but some weavers have been able to remain in control of this salary advance system. Remittances
to families have also been associated with weaving wage exploitation, as well as subsidies to the
weaver’s parental household. Recently, the collapse of the Nepalese carpet industry—in part due
to persistent child labor reports—has meant that wages do not keep up with urban living costs,
increasing weaving debt and undermining the ability to make remittances. Young Nepalese
carpet weavers were victimized not so much by traditional labor practices as by the capricious
cycles of global capitalism.
There are some other literatures which talk more about socio economic problems in
Nepal. Puri and Cleand (2007) on their article Assessing the Factors Associated With Sexual
Harassment Among Young Female Migrant Workers in Nepal, explore the extent of, and factors

associated with, sexual harassment of young female migrant workers in the carpet and garment
factories in Kathmandu Valley. Information was drawn from a survey of 550 female workers
aged 14 to 19 and 12 in-depth case histories. Bivariate and multivariate techniques were applied
to identify the factors associated with harassment. The survey found that 1 in 10 young women
had experienced sexual harassment or coercion. Those who were exposed to pornographic
movies were more likely than those with no exposure to any kind of movies to report sexual
harassment. Perpetrators included co-workers, boyfriends, employers, and relatives. Case
histories revealed that the inability of young women to communicate effectively with their peers
and sex partners, lack of self-esteem, job insecurity, and other socioeconomic problems made
them vulnerable to these abuses. The results suggest the need for advocacy and a range of
factory-based interventions.
Cross , Sharma , and Shrestha (2005) said that in the developing metropolis public
perceptions about caste and ethnicity are influenced by historical trends in decisions about
occupations; but what does this mean for children whose families decide they work? In
Kathmandu's carpet industry, a large percentage of workers are Tamang, an ethnic group who
represent a small percentage of the country's population. Organisations working with Tamang
child labourers have predominantly used quantitative research data to construct their intervention
strategies. This has left many factors unexamined. This paper discusses qualitative and
quantitative research data generated by a team of Nepali practitioners striving to address child
labour issues. The purpose of their study was to examine the social and cultural factors
influencing child migration and the quality of life for children in the carpet industry. The
methodology included participatory indicators of children's social, economic, physical and
psychological well-being. The paper will draw on children's perspectives to highlight the role of
ethnicity in opportunity and exploitation.
On the light of above mentioned international journals and policy literatures, other related
and relevant literatures were reviewed before the field work.


This chapter details the data generation and analysis procedure that was used in this
study. It has also listed the research design and participant selection procedure in brief as well as
the research standardization procedure that was employed for the consistency of data and
For a researcher, methodology is the body of methods, rules and postulates employed by
the discipline. It is a particular procedure or set of procedures which deals with how research is
conducted(Marczyk, DeMatteo, & Festinger, 2005).A study without a proper methodology used
cannot be called a wild goose chase. Every study needs a good and proper methodology, to carry
out study works smoothly and to visualize all to works clearly. Research method is an important
for the all type of research. A sketch of method, used in this study is described in this chapter.
3.1 Selection of Research Area
Labour and owner are the opposite part of the same coin. This research mainly
goes to explain the different aspects of relationship between female Carpet weavers and owners.
Carpet industry is the major industrial sector of Nepalese economy and this study is based on
five selected industries to find out the conclusion of the research.
Industries were located in Lalitpur district, Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan city .This study
selected 25 carpet weaving women form five carpet industries. They were of different
background and age group.
3.2 Research Design
A research design is a planned for answering the research questions. In sociological

research, there are typically four main types of research design: Descriptive and co-relational,

experimental, quasi-experimental and case designs (Zechmeister; Zechmeister, & Shaughnessy,

2009). Major aim of this research was description and exploration of the socio economic aspect

of female carpet weavers. So, to fulfill the aim the researcher applied descriptive and exploratory

research design. It explored and explained the cases from Patan Lalitpur.

Hence, the present study is specially designed to describe the social, economic,
political, and educational, health and cultural conditions of the carpet weaving women . It is
based on:
(a) The descriptive research design and
(b) The explorative research design.
Primary data is most important for the specific objectives, which research wants to get.
In order to fulfil the special objective of the study, the analysis is mainly based on primary data.
Past and present condition have been identified and described to dependency condition, socio-
cultural, economic, political condition of female carpet weavers.
3.3 Source of Data
Primary as well as secondary data were used in this study. Primary data were collected
(a) Observation
(b) Interview and
(c) Survey
Similarly secondary data were collected from related published and unpublished works,
books, journals, reports, census and other related literature. Besides this, some specific and
valuable secondary data included, Carpet Association of Nepal, Lalitpurar Sub-metropolis, Nepal
Rastra Bank, and others sources.
3.4 Universes and Sampling
Lalitpur sub-metropolis is the main study area. There are large scale of small, registered
and non registered carpet industries established in different wards. More than thousand persons
are engaged in carpet weaving and spinner. About 90 % of the weavers are female.
In these industries some of them partly engaged and some are fully depending in carpet
weaving and wool spinning. As whole industries are not a studying area, only 5 (five) industries
are selected for study purpose. So it would contribute to an appropriate profile of carpet
industries in this Sub- metropolis. And other important things that, only 25 female weavers were
selected for taking interview out of 230 female carpet weavers. Most of them are interested to
share their problem for research and also interested to help for this researching work. Here are
two major goals that sampling can achieve:
(a) The first is to establish the representativeness and to reduce bias.
(b) The second is to be able to make inferences.

3.5 Sampling Procedure

In this study, purposive sampling, is a method of sampling in which the units in a
sampling frame are numbered and then drawn in to the sample if they match the purposive
numbers which have been selected. Purposive sampling method was applied for selecting carpet
industries. Simple random sampling was used in selecting 25 female carpet weavers as
respondents from 230 of their population. The 25 female respondents of the research were of 3
registered and 2 non-registered carpet industries.
3.6 Toold of Data Collection
Primary data was required for the nature of the study and the researcher collected the
required information though different techniques such as interview, observation and survey.
3.6.1 Interview
One of the most common uses of the interview is to collect life-history and biographical
data about the research participants (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997). The effectiveness of an interview
depends on how it is structured. In other words, the interview should be thought out beforehand
and standardized so that all participants are asked the same questions in the same order.
Similarly, the researchers conducting the interview should be trained in its proper administration
to avoid variation in the collection of data. Interviews are a relatively common way of collecting
data in research and the data they collect and the forms they take are limited only by the
requirements of the research question and the related research design( Marczyk, Dematto &
Festinger, 2005).
Interview technique is a verbal method of securing data especially in the field of research.
It is a direct method of data collection. It is a two way purposeful conversation initiated by an
interviewer to obtain information that is relevant to research proposal. In this study, Interview
has been used for the collection of data form female carpet weavers in carpet industries.
Specially, interview was designed for collection primary data. In this study group interview and
personal interview were used to collect the data.
3.6.2. Observation
Observation as one of their central data gathering method, Schwandt defines
observation in qualitative research as "direct firsthand eye-witness account of everyday social
action". It serves most directly the research purpose of description, which is primary goal of this
study. In this study observation can bring greater clarity in carpet industrial worker's socio-
economic, political and educational condition.

3.6.3. Survey
Survey is a method of collecting data. This process of collecting data is measure
technique during the field works and data collected by this process are analysis using various
statistical technique. In this study it is a systematic study method for collecting primary data
from the carpet industry or carpet industrial labours.
3.7 Reliability and Validity of Data
Validity is an important term in research that refers to the conceptual and scientific
soundness of a research study (Graziano & Raulin, 2004). The primary purpose of all forms of
research is to produce valid conclusions. Furthermore, researchers are interested in explanations
for the effects and interactions of variables as they occur across a wide variety of different
settings. To truly understand these interactions requires special attention to the concept of
validity, which highlights the need to eliminate or minimize the effects of irrelevant influences,
variables, and explanations that might detract from a study’s ultimate findings.
Validity is, therefore, a very important and useful concept in all forms of research
methodology. Its primary purpose is to increase the accuracy and usefulness of findings by
eliminating or controlling as many confounding variables as possible, which allows for greater
confidence in the findings of a given study.
Reliability is accuracy or a precision of a measuring instruments and validity is a
scale process its validity when it actually measures what it claims to measure. This thesis used
purposive sampling. The research tools used here were first practiced in the field and expert
judgment was asked to established the validity and reliability. Multiple methods were used for
trangulation process. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis is done to check the reliability.
Observation, survey, Interview, were used to to collect data. It is claimed that there is reliability
and validity on the data.
3.8 Data Processing and Analysis
Data processing mainly focuses the three process: Editing, Coding, and Tabulation and
Classification of data. On the other sides, data analysis process emphasis the data analysis from
Qualitative and Quantitative methods. Quantitative method focuses the statistical tools for data
analysis. In this study all the process were used to find out the conclusion. Statistical comparison
and explanation are quantitative and field observation, explanation and descriptions are
3.9 Limitation of Study

The study had limited time to conduct field work. So it was not possible to explore
detailed condition of the Carpet weaving women of all the carpet industries of Kathmandu
valley. Therefore only five carpet industries were selected for the study. This study has focused
only those labours who are full time carpet weaving female labours.
Financial security, social security, political securities are the major part of capacity
development, especially for industrial workers, who are socially discriminated form economy,
polity and others. Due to the limited excess and limited cost the researcher could not visit the
field many times for member checking.
This study was only focused on the relationship between female carpet weavers and
owners, economic status, dependency condition, and working environment female carpet
weavers. The study was based on exiting situation observed and general view of the respondents
from the carpet industries.



4.1 Development of Carpet Industry in Nepal

Carpet Industry in Nepal, was originated in the North of the country which traditionally
had direct links with Tibet. The art of weaving is as old as civilization. It was introduce in India
during 16th century by the Mughal emperors. The imperial carpet factories were established in
Agra, Delhi and Lahore (Pakistan) during the reign of Akbar and Sahajahan (CWIN, 1996).
In Nepal carpet weaving has a traditional occupation of people living in the Himalayan
region for years. From the wool of sheep, they make different types of flooring rugs like Raadi,
Pakhi, Lukuni and galaincha as well as Sweaters, Jackets, Socks and Coats and other items
The art of weaving is an old tradition in Nepal. In habitants of hill and mountains of
Nepal have been traditionally producing local variants of carpets called "Radhi" and "Pakhi"
-which are even today famous among not only the Nepalese but also quite many foreigners
(NCEA News,2007,pp.16).
The commercial production of the carpet in Nepal started in Nepal from 1960.
This is the year when the Tibetan refuges who fled in to Nepal started making carpets from their
livelihood (ibid). In Nepal the carpet industry began to grow after China Cultural Revolution,
when many Tibetans immigrated to Nepal bringing there skill of carpet weaving with them in
1959 to live as refugees. SATA started supporting Tibetan refugees for their rehabilitation.
SATA's financial and marketing support enabled the refugees to continue weaving carpet
utilizing their traditional hand knotting technique. In such way, with the help of International
Red-Cross and Swiss government, the first carpet industry in Nepal - "The Jawalakhel
Handicraft Center" was established in 1960 (CWIN Document: S.N. 47). The production process
of Nepalese carpet includes:
a. Wool Sorting and Washing.
b. Carding
c. Spinning
d. Dyeing

e. Knotting (Weaving)
f. Trimming.
g. Washing and Drying.
h. Final Finishing
i. Packing (NCEA News- 2007)
Carpet Industry in Nepal is largest industrial employer and number one earner of foreign
exchange. The wool has to be imported from New Zealand to satisfy the shortfall. The carpet
industrial sector is of recent origin in Nepal. Most all the carpet industries have been started only
after 2030 B.S. However few industries were already existed before that period.
Early carpet industries were under operation only to meet local demand of the people,
therefore, the scale of these industries was very small and quantity of production was also small.
The carpet is the most important export commodity of Nepal, larger then readymade garments or
agricultural production.
Table No: 1
Total quantity of carpet, which exports overseas from Nepal.
Fiscal Year Quantity (000 Sq. Mtr.)
1995-1996 2614
1996-1997 2891
1997-1998 2447
1998-1999 2605
1999-2000 2509
2000-2001 2243
2001-2002 1693
2002-2003 1567
2003-2004 1618
2004-2005 1664
2005-2006 1422
2006-2007 1320
2007-2008 1290

Source: NCEA ("Nepal Carpet Exporter's Association" News 2007)

Nepalese carpet is mostly exported to Germany, Switzerland and Britain, hence carpet
knotting plays an important role to increase national economy of Nepal, thus it provides vital
contribution in GNP. Nepali carpets are woven by hand. The only material required are raw

wool, thread, dye, simple spinning machines and wooden looms .The reason that Nepalese carpet
has its place in the world market is its speciality. The major specialties of Nepalese carpet are:
a. A complete handmade status known in the world market.
b. Use of quality raw materials.
c. Long durability due to double knotting technique used in weaving (knotting) process.
d. Good resilient property.
e. Adoptability in any size and colour.
The Nepali carpet is woven in a slit-loop technique in which the yarn is looped under a
warp attached to the loom and then drawn toward the weaver and over a metal gauge rod before
being returned to the rug and looped around another warp. When a row is finished, a knife is
passed along a groove in the gauge rod, cutting the loops of yarn and thus forming a pile. This
technique sets the Tibetan carpet apart from all other contemporary hand-woven carpets,
although there are archaeological fragments of a similar technique from Coptic Egypt and
Central Asia dating from the first millennium AD. (Encyclopaedia-2006)
The carpet industry is one of the most important economic activities of the country
accounting nearly 30 percent of the total export earning and 3 percent of GDP. It provides much
needed off farm employment to approximately two hundred thousand people, mostly deprived
rural poor and women. (Carpet Development committee-2061) export of good carpet to the
foreign countries has helped to bring good relationship between Nepal and other foreign
countries. It also promotes and develops tourism industry in our country. Carpet industry plays a
vital role to increase economic condition of our country.

4.2 Carpet weaving Procedure

Nepalese carpets are hand-woven. Carpets are woven on vertical looms, which may be of
wood or iron. The loom consists of two vertical poles, which are fixed to a horizontal base to
keep the loom rigid. One or more weavers work on a loom depending on the size of the carpet.
Each weaver makes individual knots row after row. The knotting starts with the help of a graph.
The design of the carpet is drawn on a graph paper and hands downs from the top of the loom, or
is unrolled, row-by-row as a guide to the weaver.
Nepalese carpets are woven in the Tibetan knotting system. The woolen yarn is tied with
two warp threads at different positions with the help of a weaving rod. This process is continued
breadth-wise from left to right. The cotton weft is then inserted in between the warp thread

alternatively. It is then beaten with an iron hammer and the wool around the iron-weaving rod is
cut with a blade. Thus, a woolen pile is formed. This process of knotting is continued until the
entire carpet is woven. Both the male and female weaver work together .
4.3 Profile of Carpet industry in Lalitpur Sub-metropolis
Present study was cantered mainly in five carpet industries located at Lalitpur district,
Lalitpur sub-metropolish, Ward No- 9,17 and 20 . Establishment of the carpet industry in
Lalitpur has got a historic background. The Tibetan refugees brought the skill along with them
when they were kept near Jawalakhel.
Table No: 2
List of selected carpet industries are presented below
S.NO. War Name of Carpet Industries Remarks
d No.
01 20 Designer Rugs Registered
02 20 Newraj Carpet Industry Registered
03 9 PL Carpet Industry Registered
04 9 Nepal Carpet Non-
05 17 Khamsung Karpet Non-
Source: Field Work 2011
There were five carpet industries selected after consulting the managers of the industries.

Table No: 3
List of selected carpet industries and its labours number
S.N. Name of Carpet Number of Number of Number Female Total No.
Industries Weavers female of male Weavers of Sample
Weavers Weavers Sample
1. Designer Rugs 90 89 1 9 9
2. Newraj Carpet Industry 20 16 4 2 2
3. PL Carpet Industry 40 30 10 4 4

4. Nepal Carpet 60 55 5 6 6
5. Khamsung Karpet 40 40 0 4 4
Total 250 230 20 25 25
Source: Field Work 2011
Table No 3 identifies that 250 labours were the weavers, found in 5 industries which
made a sample frame. Out of 250 weaving labours, 230 of them were female and 20 of them
were male. As the research was focused on the socioeconomic status of carpet weaving women,
the sample was drown from 230 female weavers. 25 female weavers were taken as sample,
which is more than 10 % of the population.



This chapter is mainly based on primary data, which is collected from study area. Only
25 Female Carpet weavers are taken to obtain the information for this study from the industries
in sample fram.
In this chapter, analysis and interpretation of data in term of caste, educational level,
marital status, monthly income, family size etc. are presented and explained to attain the
objectives of the study. The data are shown in different table in order to present the socio
economic characters of carpet weaving women and attitude of them towards their works. The
analysis of the chapter is based on the Interview , Observation, Survey.
5.1 Socio-Cultural Aspect of Respondents
Socio-cultural aspect of data mainly focused on the age composition, religious
composition,cast composition, educational status, marital status, family structure, residential
status, labours duty hour, and others related areas.
5.1.1 Age Composition of Female Weavers
Age composition is dividing in different age group and these groups represent the actual
condition of labours on the basis of age. Given below is the information collected on the age
group of female weavers presently working at carpet industries.
Table No. 4
Age wise composition of Female Carpet Weavers.
S. Age Group No of Respondents Perce
No ntage

1. Below 15 No No
2. 15 to 25 15 60%
3. 25 to 35 5 20%
4. 35 to 45 3 12%
5. Above 45 2 8%
Total 25 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2011

Source: Field Survey, 2011


Age is not obstacle bar for doing job for survival, so different age group were
found among the carpet weaving female. The weavers from 15 to 50 years of age groups are
engaged in carpet industries. The table presented above, makes clear that all of the weavers are in
between 16 to 50 years age group. The distribution of the female weavers by age group shown
that there is no one below age 15. Out of 25 weavers 60 percent are from 15-25 age group, 20
percent are from 25-35 age group, 12 percent are from 35 to 45 age group and 8 percent female
weavers are from above 45 age group.
The data inferred that young adults female are involved in carpet weaving. Which
indicates , female population enters into the labour market quite earlier. It could be due to easy
entry in the Carpet weaving. Hence the majority of the weavers were young adults. The above
data distinctly reveal that the highest number of workers at carpet industry comes from the age
group of 15 to 25. This study showed child labour was not permitted.
5.1.2 Religious Composition of Female Weavers
In Nepalese social system, religion is associated with job type. Traditionally some
religions restrict their followers to enter into some kinds of vocations. To find out such facts the
data below is presented.

Table No. 5
Religious belief of the weavers in carpet industries.
S.No. Religious Group No of Respondents Percentage
1. Hindu 9 36%
2. Buddhist 14 56%
3. Christian 1 4%
4. Others 1 4%
Total 25 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

The above data shows that 9 respondents i.e. 36 percent of the total are from Hindus, 14
respondents i.e. 56 percent respondents are from Buddhist, one respondent i.e. 4 percent is from
Christian and one respondent i.e. 4 percent of the total was from other religion (Kirat). After the
interview it is also clear that must of the Buddhist and Christians, celebrate Dashain and Tihar

and most of the Hindus celebrate the Christmas and Loshar. They all are integrated with each
other and happily celebrate each other's festivals. It is concluded that majority of the labours are
Buddhist and the second is Hindu . Labours with different religions do respect each other's.
Nepal is multi-religious country where people representing various religious groups are
found. Religion plays major role in labours life. Carpet weaving was adoped by various religious
people. The data from the field showed that there was no problem with the different religions to
go for this job.

5.1.3 Caste Composition of Women Weavers

Our country consists of various ethnic groups or caste groups and several
religious practices. Due to this reason our society is divided into different castes, creed and sub-
castes. In the course of research an attempt was made to find out the percentage of workers
employment on the basis of caste or ethnicity. The research tried to figure out caste wise
distribution of the female carpet weavers.
Table No. 6
Caste composition of carpet weaving women
S.N. Cast Group No of Respondents Percentage
1. Brahmin/ Chattri 5 20%
2. Magar 4 16%
3. Tamang 11 44%
4. Rai 2 8%
5. Others 3 12%
Total 25 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

The above table shows that the highest numbers of Female weavers are from
Tamang ethnic group, which consist 44 percent of the total labours. There were 20 percent
Brahmin and Chattri, 16 percent Magar, 8 percent Rai and 12 percent others. Among others the
socially deprived castes (Dalits) were there, who did not like to expose their cast. The sample of
the study shows that majority of the female weavers were from the ethnic group of the Nepalese
In addition, it indicates that workers of various caste and ethnic group have been
working in the carpet industrial sector of Nepal. Although it is a caste based society. The females

of so called high caste (Bramin and Chhetri) also have been working in carpet industrial sector.
A unique type of uniformity and harmony was observed among the carpet weaving female
population in the field. Which was remarkable.
5.1.4 Educational Status of Weavers
Educational status is a major part for the situational analysis of female carpet weavers.
This educational section of study is divided into two tables. First table or table no 7 (Seven)
represents the literate and illiterate rate of female weavers and second table or table no 8 (Eight)
expose the educational qualification of female carpet weavers. This classification has done in
order to find out the educational status of them.
Table No. 7
Educational Status of Weavers
S.No. Educational No of Percentage
Status Respondents
1. Literate 20 80%
2. Illiterate 5 20%
Total 25 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2011
The table showed that 80 percent of female weavers were literate and remaining 20
percent of them were illiterate. From this situation we conclude that majority of the female
weavers are literate and small numbers are illiterate. Factory wise effort may support for literacy
campaign. Another indication of the data was that girls were getting basic education in recent

Table No. 8
Educational qualification of Weavers
S.No. Educational No of Perc
Qualification Respondents entage
1. Under S.L.C. 15 75%
2. S.L.C. Passed 4 20%
3. Intermediate 1 5%
Total 20 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

From the above table, majority of female weavers (out of 20) are under S.L.C.. Among
them 75 percent are under SLC, 20 percent are SLC passed and 5 percent are intermediate
passed. So it is clear to say that majority of labours are literate but they have not got higher level
of education. SLC passed female weavers revealed that they had no other option to continue
higher education.
5.1.5 Marital Status of the Respondents
Marital status also reflects social role of the female weavers. In this regard, an attempt
has been made to see their marital status. Some respondents remained quiet about status and
others responded. The following table provides the marital status of the respondents.

Table No. 9
Marital status of Weavers
S.No. Marital Status No of Respondents Percentage
1. Married 18 72%
2. Unmarried 5 20%
3 Divorced 2 8%
Total 25 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

The above table showed that 72 percent of the weavers were married and 20
percent were unmarried. Similarly, 8 percent of the female weavers were divorced (single
woman). The ratio of married women to unmarried was very high. There were significant
number of divorced weavers too.
Higher number of married women involvement in carpet weaving indicates that
they either do not have other jobs of this job is easy to find. Unmarried weavers have ambition in
their life. Some of them are saving money to go foreign country to earn money. Some are saving
money by reducing their expenses to start another business to live a better life in future. They
also support their family. Not only married, unmarried female weavers were also contributing

running their family. They felt that they were empowered by the job but the job was not
prestigious. They were opportunity seekers.
5.1.6 Family Structure of Weavers
Family structure is a major part for the socio-political, economic, and cultural analysis of
carpet weaving female labours. The family structure of study is divided in to two tables. First
table or table no 10 (ten) represents the family structure of workers and second table or table no
11 ( eleven) expose the family size of female carpet weavers.
Table No. 10
Family structure of Weavers
S. No Family Structure No of Percent
Respondents age
1. Nuclear 23 92%
2. Joint 2 8%
Total 25 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2011
Most of female weavers i.e. 92 percent of the total sample lived in unclear family, 8
percent of them lived in joint family. Being 92 percent of the weavers from nuclear family
means, the family structure in total might have changed. The females in such family might have
more freedom to choose the occupation or they might need to work for supporting their own
The finding revealed that the workers with unclear family were happier than others with
joint family. Given below is the information collected on the family size of worker presently
working at carpet industries.

Table No. 11
Family size of Weavers
S. No Family Size No of Respondents Perce
1. Below 4 15 60%
2. 4 to 6 8 32%
3. Above 6 2 8%
Total 25 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

The table above makes clear that 60 percent of the weavers had less than 4 members in
the family, other 32 percent had the size of 4 to 6 members and rest of the 8 percent had more
than 6 members in their family. Since the study was carried out in the urban setting, the female
weavers seemed conscious about their family size. They said that they adopted the family
planning methods. They were conscious that larger family means more problem.
5.1.7 Residential Status of Weavers
Following data was received from the study of respondent on the basis of residents. The
weavers residential backgrounds are divided in to three parts, the weavers who have permanent
home inside the Kathmandu valley, weavers who have come from outside the Kathmandu valley
and the weavers who are not Nepali nationals.
Table No. 12
Weavers' residential backgrounds
S. No Residential Status No of Percent
Respondents age
1. From Valley 2 8%
2. Out of Valley 23 92%
3. Others Country 0 0
Total 25 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

The above table showed that small number of female carpet weavers, only 8 percent of
them were the resident of Kathmandu Valley and rest of the 92 percent of them were from
different districts of the country (outside the valley). The statistics shows that temporary
residents were more attracted in carpet weaving sector. No foreign were involved. It revealed
that carpet weaving is not the choice of the permanent residents of Kathmandu valley.
5.1.8 Distribution of the Female Weavers on the Basis of Residence
Following residence were collected the study was carrying out to find out the
living condition of the respondents. The findings have been shown in the table below.

Table No. 13

Residential Status
S. No Residential Status No of Respondents Perce
1. Rental House 7 28%
2. Own House 2 8%
3. Industry Quarter 16 64%
Total 25 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table showed that majority of respondents 64 percent lived in the industry quarter, where
as 28 percent of respondents lived in the rental house and 8 percent were in their own house. All
the industries provided them industrial quarter if they want to stay in there. Those respondents
were only in rent house whose husbands were either out of the country or in other jobs who
earned much. The respondents who were not in the quarter also had joint family structure.
Choosing of factory quarter by the female weaver was concerned with their security too. The
weavers who were single preferred the factory quarter.
5.1.9 Weavers' Duty Hours per day
Weavers and their work is a central point of the carpet industry. This study was based on
study of economic status of the female weavers in carpet industry. The table below represents
the duty hour composition of respondents of the study. Working hour is unequal of many
respondents. In fact the respondents worked in flex time (flexible time).
Table No. 14
Per day working hour of female carpet weavers.
S. No Labour's duty hours No of Percent
Respondents age
1. 8 hours 6 24%
2. 8 to 12 hours 15 60%
3. 12 to 16 hours 4 16%
4. Above 16 hours 0 0
Total 25 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Out of 25 respondents, 6 females work below 8 hours, which was 24 percent of the
respondents. 15 of them worked 8 to 12 hours per day, which is the 60 percent of the

respondents. There were 4 respondents, exactly 16% of the respondents working for up to 16
hours a day. Whatever is shown in the table, many weavers had worked more than 16 hours a
day too to meet the need of money during festival seasons.
Carpet weaving women were busy all the time for taking care of their children and
kitchen work. They revealed that they hardly get 5-6 hours per day to sleep. Non of the weavers
were engaged in other jobs.

5.1.10 Satisfaction of Job

Job satisfaction is a complex concept. Satisfaction is an important factor for good
production and improving the economic condition of weavers. Job satisfaction helps workers to
create opportunity. The study inquired about the satisfaction level of workers. The data about job
satisfaction is presented below.
Table No. 15
Level of job satisfaction
S. No Level Number Percentage
1. Satisfied 5 20%
2. Unsatisfied 14 56%
3. Do not 6 24%
Total 25 100

Source: Field Survey, 2011

The above table showed that majority or 56% weavers were unsatisfied with their job.
They were trying to change the job. 20 percent were satisfied because they had the job . They
thought they did not have other skills and at least they were earning some. A significant number
of female weavers, 24% were not decided whether they were satisfied or not. They were
confused about the job, their living and many other things. They were working under their
parents or guardians wish. In fact the pay, facilities, job guarantee, or good well, nothing was
satisfactory. These points were revealed from the unsatisfied weavers.
5.1.11 Medical Facility for Weavers
This study is based on five carpet industries and there were two types of problem founded
in health sectors. When the weavers were in general health problem the owners economically
help them to solve the problem. But in complex case there are no any help for workers from

industrial administration and owners. There was not any support system to provide the money to
solve the complex health problem, which were the major problems for carpet weaving women's
life. There were no medical units in the industries. Many sick females were on the job since they
were paid per square meter.
5.1.12 Physical Environment of Carpet Industrial Area
From field survey and observation it is found out that the physical environment in carpet
industrial area was not satisfactory. Most of the industrial area, there were no child care centre to
care the child of workers in working period. Their small kids were around there and the
environment was not good for them. There were majority of female labours and they had child.
The biggest problem of carpet weaving mother was to balance time for the child and the work.
Children were not enjoying child right and the mothers were deprived from the basic human
There was no good and pure drinking water for workers. Which brought the problem in
workers health. Unhealthy toilet facility and unavailable water facility in toilet brought the
disturbance for work and health. Industry providing quarters were not in good condition. They
were of small size and were dark. There was no proper(cross) ventilation system in order to get
natural air. From the study area, it is clearly found out that the physical condition regarding
health of the weavers, and their children was found very much poor and unsuitable.

5.2 Economic Status of Respondents

Economic factor is most important part to run their family. Most of the weavers were
trying to maintain their economic condition and living standard. Weavers were fully depended on
their wage to run their family, which is not sufficient to maintain their family in a proper manner.
Limited income caused no saving and low capacity to spend for food, shelter and entertainment.
This had caused low quality of life of female weavers.
5.2.1 Monthly Income of Weavers
The study has drawn following information about respondents monthly income of the
respondents .
Table No. 16
Monthly income
S. No Monthly income No of Respondents Percentage
1. Below Rs. 3000 5 20%

2. Rs. 3000-5000 10 40%

3. Rs. 5000- 7000 8 32%
4. Above 7000 2 8%
Total 25 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2011

It is clear from the table that largest number of workers of carpet industry 40 percent fell
in the category of earning Rs 3000 to 5000 per month. 20 percent respondents were earning
below Rs. 3000 per month and 8 respondents i.e. 32 percent were earning Rs. 5000 to 7000.
Only 2 respondents i.e. 8 percent workers were earning above 7000 Rupees. The labours that
earn below Rs. 3000 per month were the trainee workers or who have to work much at their
homes. The female weavers who made more than 7000 Rs per months were experienced weavers
who worked for longer hours .
5.2.2 Monthly Expenditure and Saving of Weavers
Non of the weavers told that they had any savings. They revealed that the total earning
was spent on food, house-rent, clothes and other basic needs. Very few of them spent time and
money for entertainment. The major entertainment activity was gathering, watching films and
celebrating festivals. The weavers were creating their own culture and trying to build the hope.
There was no worker to open the bank account to save the salary. Some weavers left
certain amount with owners to save the salary. These persons were those groups who helped their
5.2.3 Timely Payment by Owners
When a carpet weaving is completed, the weavers got payment. In emergencies, and
need , the weavers can ask for an advance. Trainee weavers had to pay some to masters. They
were paid less. Masters were mainly their male counter parts.
5.2.4 Bonus System and insurance in Industry
Bonus system in industrial sector is an important factor to empower the labours, which
helps to increase the high level of production and also improves living standard of workers.
Without restructuring, no thing is improved in carpet industry. Bonus system helps workers to
satisfy the basic needs. This study, from observation and survey, no bonus system was found out.
The weavers and other labours were frustrated by this. There was no any profit sharing process
for workers.

Similarly, most of the owners had life insurance but no workers had life or health
insurance. In the carpet industrial sector, there were no any roles of trade unions to raise the issue
of insurance of workers. The respondents had no any ideas or knowledge about insurance.

5.3 Other Situational Analysis of Carpet Industrial Labours

Situation is a broad area of the study of industrial sector and this research is only limited
on the socio-political, economic, cultural situation of carpet industry which is based on
interview, observation and survey method.
5.3.1 Conflicting relation of owners and workers:
Economy based inequality in carpet industrial sector puts labours at high risk and they
become more frustrate. The observation finds that there are conflicting relation between owners
and workers. The conflict was high in economical status, political involvement and cultural
practices. From economic point of view, owners gave low salary which was not sufficient to
maintain their general economic status.
On the other side there is politically conflicting relation. Labours wants to join the
Trade unions and others organization but owners make the obstacle for them. They are from
different cultural groups and owners neglect the labours cultural values and also make the
obstacle for cultural practices. So the labours involve in strike, lock out and other revolutionary
Owners are the cores, and the labours are the periphery in industrial sector and they have
always-conflicting relationship. Major issues of conflict were low salary, unhealthy environment
and others. Owners were angry for labour's non-commitment, non-discipline activities and using
of trade unions to threat the owners. At the same condition labours were unsatisfied with owners
because of low labour cost, owners timely salary, unpaid activities, industrial unhealthy physical
infrastructure and owners-labours misunderstanding. All of these caused conflict between two
groups which were unsuitable activities for the development of carpet industry.
5.3.2 Owner Counterparts Treat
The female weavers reflected their relationship in the way presented below.From the
interview this study found out the following relationship with labours and owners.

Table No. 17
S. No Owner role No of Perce
Respondents ntage
1. Friendly 5 20
2. Dominating Nature 12 48
3. Respective Nature 6 24
4. Harassing Nature 2 8
Total 25 100

Source: Field Survey, 2011

The table showed the perception of weavers about their owners. 20 percent of owners
were perceived friendly , 48 percent of them perceived the owners dominating, 24 percent of the
weavers perceived their owners respectful and 8 percent of the weavers perceived their owners as
harassing people. The relationship in totality did not look good. Worker even revealed that their
owner harass them. Majority of the owners played masculine or patriarchal role. The table
opened up a dark part. Harassment was a serious issue.
5.3.3 Problem Arises for the Labours
Most of the female weavers face the economic problems. Other side they face the
health problem, political involvement problems, wage problems, and others socio- cultural
problems. When problems arises the workers went to owners and tried to solve it. When it is
difficult then they went to trade unions and others administrative office to solve them. They
were frustrated that the had never got satisfactory treatment and justice.
5.3.4 Role of Political Parties
This study further produced some interesting facts regarding political parties. Political
parties were playing both sides. Political leaders involvement hardly solved the problems of the
weavers life, rather the problems were prolonged. The labours had no consciousness about the
political parties' manifestos and parties' ideology. They were used by different political fractions
different times.

5.3.5 Weavers Role for Formulation the Industrial Rule

Weavers were completely kept apart during formulation of industrial plan and the rules.
This study could not find the role of labours to formulate the industrial plan. They were only
used for work. The owners said that they were uneducated and they had no any ideas to
contribute. This part was denied by the owners. The owners said that the weavers themselves did
not try to contribute.
5.3.6 Exploitation and Knowledge
From the field survey, it is concluded that labour forces of carpet industrial sector
had come from low economic status. They were poor and they had no ideas and knowledge
about the labour's laws and other constitutional system. Owners in carpet industry wanted to earn
much more money so they tried to exploit the labours. Owners mostly exploited by not paying
suffient payment, environment and support.
5.3.7 Effect of Globalisation
Increased trade, foreign investment, global marketing and other complex international
phenomena have led to the globalisation of carpet industrial production. The Nepalese carpet
industries have lately initiated product diversification process to enhance the market base. Nepal
joint the WTO at this may lead to restrictions on type of government support instruments that can
be used to supports the carpet industry in the future.
Nepal is one of the three major carpet exporters of the world. Nepal stands third after Iran
and India as far as the export of the carpet in concerned. Now days there are facing some
problems to globalise the carpet production. The world market affects Nepalese carpet industry
because here are no good exporters and export mechanism and also high government supports
and this all effects related day to day life of workers, owners and national economy. The weavers
need to produce the material of global quality but they are not getting basic facilities, training
and support.
5.3.8 Involvement of female weavers in disputes
All of the labours were involved in disputes. Trade union and others organisation
mobilized the labours including female weavers for disputes. Labours were organised and give
the pressures for to solve problems.
Table No. 18
Involvement of workers in disputes:
S. No Involvement No of Respondents Percentage
1. Strike 15 60

2. Lockout 6 24
3. Others industrial action 4 16
Total 25 100

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table above represents the labours involvement in disputes. 60 percent labours were
involved in strike and 24 percent of respondent's involved in lockout of industries. 16 percent of
weavers involved in other activities. From the data it can be concluded that the weavers forces
were not satisfied with counterparts.


6.1 Summary
The carpet industry is one of the most important economic activities of the country
accounting nearly 30 percent of the total export earning and 3 percent of GDP. It provides much
needed of farm employment to approximately hundred thousand people. Carpet weaving diffused
from Tibet origin is a traditional art of Nepali cottage industry. It is cultural heritage and
tradition of craft making.
History of Nepal and its underdevelopment process started by its ties to British India
during the Rana regime and how capitalism gradually spread in to Nepal bringing more negative
impacts than positive. This study is to visualize the concept of centre (capitalist) and periphery
(female carpet weavers). Study wanted to show the dominant-dependent relationship between
centre and periphery classes.
The labours(weavers) are the backbone of the industry. The study revealedthat the
majority of the carpet weavers are women. But female weavers were the most neglected factor of
production because of the weak bargaining power. This study is based on five carpet industries
located on Lalitpur district, Lalitpur sub-metropolish. The female weavers in carpet industry, had
lack of knowledge, training, education and skill for prestigious job. They are far away from the
knowledge of economic rights, human rights(women right), equal rights and other rights of
labours. Some of them were even harassed and abused.

Primarily, the interview method was applied to fulfill the objectives of the present study.
However, for reliability and validity of the research various method were applied. Survey,
Observation and interview were extensively used to collect the necessary information. The result
of the data collected through various techniques in the field, were analyzed descriptively. For
analysis, descriptive statistics such as percentage table was used. Hence primary data was
obtained. This study was designed to explore the status of carpet weaving female labours. The
study was concentrated on the socio-political, economic, cultural situation of women weavers.
Among five selected carpet industries, three were registered and two were non-
registered. In the selected industries, where the 250 labours engaged in carpet weaving. Among
250 weavers 230 were female. Out or 230 female weavers' sample frame 25 weavers were
selected as sample, who were the major respondents of this study. Informal interview with the
owners and factory managers was also done during the data collection process. Sixty percent of
the respondents were of age of 15 to 25. Eight percent of them were of age above 45 but no
female worker above age 50 was found out.
Majority of the workers followed the Buddhism, which was 56 percent. 36 percent were
from Hindu. Rest of the 8 percent followed other religions. Most of the weavers were from
Tamang community, then Brahmin/ Chattri, Magar, others and Rai, which represent serially
44%, 20%, 16%, 8 %, and 12%. The educational status table showed 80 % of respondents were
literate and 20 % were illiterate.
72 percent of the weavers were married, 20 percent of them were unmarried whereas 8
percent of the respondents were divorced. Most of weavers i.e. 92 percent of the total sample
lived in unclear types family and 8 percent are in joint. 94 percent weavers were from out of
valley and 8 percent were permanent resident of Kathmandu valley. 68 percent weavers lived in
industrial quarter. Majority of the weavers have skill to do their work. In industrial area physical
environment is not good and industry provides dark and small size of rooms. Health of children
is found very poor. There were no special changing rooms or facilities for female workers.
The weavers are fully depended on their wage to run their family, where is not chance to
maintain their family in a proper manner. 20% weavers earned below Rs. 3000 and only 8%
earned above Rs. 7000. Wage payment system was different in different industries. Owners
were blamed for neglecting the weavers health. There were no any bonus system, insurance
system and other facilities. Most of the weavers were not satisfied and their life was not found to
be qualitative. They were unsatisfied with owners, because of labour cost, untimely salary

payment, unhealthy physical infrastructure and misunderstandings. The weavers had no

consciousness about labour law but owners had all the ideas in different aspects. The weavers
had no chance to formulate the industrial rule and regulation. 82 percent of the total respondents
involved in strike disputes to solve the problems but in very few cases they got success. Female
weavers were harassed for the involvement too.

6.2 Conclusion

Nepal is a developing country with an agricultural economy. In recent year there has been
expansion of the manufacturing industries and others technological sectors have achieved much
progress .The main source of foreign currency earning are merchandise exports, service, tourism,
and remittances. Commerce has been a major occupation in Nepal since early times. Being
situated at the crossroads of the ancient trans Himalayan trade route, trading is second
involvement of the Nepali people. Foreign trade is characterized mainly by import of
manufactured products and export of agricultural raw materials.
Carpet industry is a labor intensive sector where most of the dominated ethnic,
unemployed and illiterate people are engaged. The work in carpet industries is of temporary
nature. The high mass of farmers engaged in this field. So it helps to transfer the surplus time of
workers from agricultural field. Carpet weaving do not require heavy physical labor, so it is so
suitable work for rural people in urban area and also for women workers. The labour forces are
heterogeneous, composed of different castes and family background and with level of skill and
The growing trend of carpet exports to the overseas market leads to the high expansion of
carpet industries in our country for the increase trend of carpet exports promote to development
economical activities and also minimize deficit trade balance. It is good source to earn foreign
Most of the female workers come to cities to find safe shelter and save their lives.
Majority of the displaced people, tend to come to Kathmandu city where most of the carpet
factories operate. Because of the type of work and its informal nature carpet industry has always
been an easy entry point for female.

Formal education is not needed in this field only skilled training required. Therefore,
carpet weaving job is attractive for illiterate female labours. In this field, weavers found between
ages of 15 to 45. But child labors below 15 years were not found in carpet industries that are
registered in RUGMARK foundation.
The working condition was very bad in most of the carpet industries. The labors work in
a small place where large number of looms and spinning wheels are located. Working place is
found to be quite polluted and unhealthy, due to inadequate ventilation. There are no labour
welfare provisions. Only drinking water and toilet are available but very tightly. Many female
weavers complained about harassment but they were not conscious about their right.
There is interrelationship between employers and women weavers, even if in low wages
women are continuing their works and cannot leave the job, because they don't have other skill
and do not have education so there is no option for their living without the present job. The
modern concept of health, family planning etc have found in all places in these respondents.
Which means they were informally conscious about the need of small family size. It was the
benefit of their urban life .
There was conflicting relationship between owners and female weavers. Generally the
major cause of conflict was for the system of industrial rules and regulation and the dominated
nature of owners. Now a day's trade union also play to create the conflicting role in carpet
industries. Trade union helped labours to fight for rights and they also gave the political and
labours rights training for labours. But very less number of the female weavers got such
trainings. Their male counterparts were more privileged to get it.
Class-consciousness as the crucial mechanism for changing social system. Labour
consciousness plays the vital role for change in social system and structure. They are fully
dependent in market system and also going to follow the modernize process and capitalism from
feudal economy in rural economy. Labours consciousness brings the voice of labours rights,
which makes and brings more opportunity for their life. But in real sense labours were already a
periphery gropes dependent economically and politically on the capitalist (owners). Female
weavers were far more marginalized. Most of the married female weavers said that their
husbands spend the earning of their on entertainment (drinking alcohol). These weavers were
found to be abused at home and in the industry both. The responsibilities of whole family was on
the respondents (female weavers).

As that matter of fact, it can be said that world capitalist system is a final cause of economic and
political domination and this system is very powerful because of the world wide division of
labours. Major factor that are responsible for the alienation of labours from the owners are
always discriminatory labour laws, communication gap between trade union leaders and labours,
owners and labours, government and labours. Similar situation was observed in the field. None
of the provisions made by government of Nepal to uplift female status were applied in the case
of female weavers.

In this study no doubt to say that there were conflict between labours and labours, owners
and labours, government and labours, in their regional, cultural, political and economic case.
There is more effect of globalisation, modernisation and liberalization in carpet industry and it
brings the effects for workers and her day-to-day life. Female weavers felt a lot of bias and
stereotyped behaviours.
On the other side owners also invested high amount of money in the industry, which
conflicting relation brings unsaved situation of investment and many types of disputes creates
unhealthy situation in carpet industrial sector. Carpet weaving labours, including female, are not
getting basic pay which is guaranteed by the labour law of Nepal. It is bad situation for carpet
weavers , who earn far less than a daily labourer , mason and construction workers. The labour
law is completely unimplemented in the carpet industry in Nepal.
Despite of all the difficulties the female weavers were hopeful that their children will go
to school and do a better job in future. Unmarried female weavers were happy to earn a little than
their friends in the village. They were somehow free and living a hard but sort of free life. They
spent some hardly saved money for entertainment, buying new clothes and feasting some days.
In conclusion, Carpet weaving female community is one part of the Nepalese working
class female community. They are struggling for uplifting their social and economic status. They
were not very much separate from other Nepalese women.

6.3 Recommendation
Based on the finding of the present study the following recommendations are made on
the basis of the study.
(a) Most important think that the Government, NGOs/INGOs and other organisation have to
take initiative to look after the facing problem of women weavers in those industries. And
should advise the factory owners to employ the labours on permanent basis and also

minimize hours, medical facilities, child care centre, emergency fund, insurance should
be introduce.
(b) Physical condition of working place of the factory are must be improved. Clean spacious
and airy place should be made available for work, otherwise the prevailing unhealthy and
unsuitable atmosphere of working place would have certainly bring adverse effect on the
health condition of labours including women.
(c) Training programs should be made to the workers to develop their skill.
(d) For the encouragement of good workers, they should provided with insentive and reward.
(e) The workers must get regular medical facilities.
(f) Break the communication gaps between owners and women weavers and makes the
lovely environment for work. Communication brings the respective relationship and tries
to reduce the crises.
(g) Arrangement should be made in morning or evening for the education of these workers
who have low level of education.
(h) Generating awareness and social mobilization.
(i) Trade union should be involved to solve the dispute.
(j) Give most priority to develop the economic condition of labours and improve their living
standard. At least the weavers should get the pay guaranteed by the labour law. The
concern authority should implement the labour law.


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Appendix A

Interview Schedule for weavers

1. Name: d. Above Intermediate

2. Age: 10. Marital Status:
3. Address: a. Married
a. Permanent: b. Unmarried
b. Temporary: 11. Family Structure:
4. Educational Status: a. Joint
a. Literate: b. Nunclear
b. Illiterate: 12. Reason for seeking work in carpet
5. Sex: industry.
a. Male: a. To be self-reliant.
b. Female: b. Poor economic condition.
6. Religion: c. To help family.
a. Hindu d. Self satisfaction.
b. Buddhist e. Others
c. Christen 13. How do your family perceive about your
d. Others job?
7. Ethnicity: a. Right
8. Caste: b. Wrong
a. Brahmin\ Chhetri c. Ignoring.
b. Magar 14. How much time you can you give to
c. Tamang your family in a week.
d. Rai a. 12 hours
e. Others b. 12-24 hours
9. Educational Qualification: c. 24- 48 hours
a. Under SLC. d. above 48 hours
b. S.L.C. Passed 15. Which of the following place do you
c. Intermediate belong to? a. Valley

b. Out of valley. a. Yes b. No

c. Other countries.
25 Is there any medical facility in your
16. Do you have any other part time jobs? industry?
What are/is? a. Yes b. No
17. You live at: 26. Do you face any type of problem while
a. Rental house b. Own home. working?
c. Industry Quarter. 27. In your job what kinds of problem have
18. What is your duty hour? you faced?
a. Below 8 hours b. 8-12 hours a. Economic. b. Physical.
c. 12-16 hours d. Above 16 hours c. Psychological. d. Health and
19. Monthly income of respondents: others
a. Below Rs. 3000 28. Is there any conflicting relation between
b. Rs. 3000 to 5000 labours and owners?
c. Rs 5000 to 7000 29. As a labour, what describes you the best
d. Above Rs. 7000 ?
20. Monthly expenditure of the respondents. a. Skilled b. Semi skilled
a. Below Rs. 3000 c. Unskilled d. Other
b. Rs. 3000 to 5000 30. Is any training given to you?
c. Above 5000 a. Yes b. No
21. Who advised you to choose your carpet c. Specify
industrial service? 31. How do your owner counterparts treat
a. Self interest. b. Parents. with you?
c. Friends and relatives or others a. Friendly. b. Dominating nature.
22. Are you satisfied with your job or c. Respecting nature. d. Harass
earning? 32. Where do you complain if problem
a. Yes b. No arise?
23. Where do you keep your saving? a. Industry owner
a. Bank. b. Labour organization/
b. Factory. trade unions.
c. Yourself. c. Others (Police and
24. Do you get the payment in time? administrative office)

41. Have you got any knowledge about

33 Do you see future in carpet industrial labours laws?
work? a. Yes b. No
a. Yes b. No 42. Is any insurance given?
34. Where do you apply when health a. Yes b. No
problem arise?
35. Where do you apply when political, 43. Are you involved in any disputes.
socio-cultural problem arise? a. Strikes b. Lockout
36. What is the role of trade union for c. Others industrial action.
wevers? 44. Have you ever felt that owners exploit
a. Helpful role b. Others you? What kind of exploitation.
37. How are you managing your economic a. Political b. Economic
status? c. Socio cultural
38. Are you satisfied with your owner's role 45. Family size:
for you? a. Below 4 b. 4 to 6
a. Yes b. No c. Above 6
39. Is there any bonus system in your 46. Are you dependent any aspect in your
industry? owners?
a. Yes b. No a. Economically b. Politically
40. Have you taken any role to formulate the c. Social status d. All
industrial plan?
a. Yes b. No
Appendix B

Interview Schedule for Owners/Managers

1. Introduction about industry

a. Industry Name b. Established year

c. Number of labours i. Male ii. Female

2. Are you facing any problem from the labours?

3. Your industry is:

a. Registered b. Non-registered

4. Where do you sale your product?

a. Local Market b. Overseas

5. Any protection is needed for labours?

a. Yes b. No c. Explain

6. If yes who is responsible ?

a. Family b. Owners

c. Governments d. Trade Unions and Others.


National Labour Policy-1999


(1) By developing the industrial relation as a complement of liberal and open market
economic policy, special attempts shall be met to make dynamic and firm the bilateral
mechanism, which are stabilized to develop continues unity between labour and
(2) Labour standard determined by the international labour organisation, which respect to the
health, social security, and welfare of labour will be implemented according to the
situation of the country.
(3) The provision to employ the native labour in the national enterprises to the extent
possible shall be implemented effectively.
(4) The entrepreneurship and enterprises that help to in case the employment of women and
handicapped persons shall be encouraged.
(5) Encouragement shall be providing to operate the activities that help to increase
reputation, value, assumption, competitiveness absorbent, productivity of labours.
(6) In contest to increase national income and productivity, attempts shall be made to bring
in balance the relation between the demand for and supply of labour by making human
resources full of technical skill, capable, absorbent and mult-skillful for the maximum,
mobilization of labour of the country to develop human resources according to the
demand of labour market by the expansion of technical and vocational training including
industrial and apprenticeship training etc.
(7) For the promotion of labour welfare activities the united co-operation of trade union,
domestic and foreign NGOs, local bodies and employers and government sector shall be
(8) For the industrial development of industrial relationship and human resources, different
programs of research, training seminar labour education etc. shall be conducted for the
trilateral participants associated to labour administration on the subject like labour
administration industrial relationship increment and management of labour productivity
(9) The institutional development of labour market communication system shall be doing
research of the national and international labour market and in addition, employment
exchange services shall be activated.
(10) Bonded labour and child labour eradication programme shall be conducted as moment.
(11) By providing continuity to foreign employment service profession, special attempts shall
be made for its institutional developments.

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