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TQM and Information

Technology: Partners for Profit

James B. Ayers

Almost everyone agrees that information technology has not always lived up to its promise. The
experts' and vendors' pledges of improvements in productivity and processes as well as increased
efficiency and effectiveness have simply not materialized in many cases. What is now becoming clear
is that technology cannot stand alone. It must be coupled with an evaluation of and changes in the
broader organizational environment. The concepts of total duality management can help an
organization address these broader issues and therefore realize the potential gains of information

In these times of financial stress, organizations and cost and thereby avoid the substantial fi-
of all sizes are reevaluating their investments in nancial penalties that would result if the design
information technology. Despite a doubling of wasn't completed on time. The workstation
technology investment since 1982, white-collar vendor promised extraordinary productivity
productivity has not improved.1 This wasteful gains, but after one year no increase was
technology spending leads to lost profits, traceable to the investment in technology The
unhappy customers, and worrisome erosion of manufacturer had overlooked the bugs in the
competitive position. overall design process, particularly in areas not
For example, in a large health maintenance or- touched by the automation.
ganization, the information services department The lesson learned from these examples is that
developed and installed a new system for mak- new technology can't stand alone. In each case,
ing appointments for patients with physicians. the information technology staff in charge of
The purpose of the new system was to increase the project evaluated only the technology envi-
doctor productivity by reducing no-shows for ronment, neglecting the broader process envi-
appointments. However, the new procedure ronment that includes customer service, time-
required the operator to record many informa- liness of the process, and cost from a total
tion items about the caller, which doubled the resource point of view. Information technology
time required by the appointment staff to set an has a vast potential to generate the improve-
appointment. ments these companies were seeking, and many
The resulting logjam of angry patients waiting applications of information technology do meet
on the phone not only did nothing to improve their original intent. However, many more
physician productivity, but decreased customer would be more successful if they were
service, which previously wasn't even a prob- approached in a fundamentally different way.
lem. The systems staff measured their perfor-
mance by the fact that the new system was in-
stalled with no staff additions -- not by the loss
of customer satisfaction. James B. Ayers has consulted to manufacturing and service clients
In another example, an aircraft manufacturer for more than 20 years. He is currently based in Los Angeles and is a
partner with Ingersoll Engineers Inc. of Rockford IL. Ayers holds a
designing a new plane made a large investment
BS from the United States Naval Academy and MBA and MSIE
in engineering workstations to reduce time degrees from Stanford University.

26 Information Strategy: The Executive's Journal

In this article, we explore total quality man- tempts are made to gauge how an improve-
agement (TQM) as an approach to helping or- ment effort will contribute to fulfilling the
ganizations realize the promise of information vision.
technology. My firm, Ingersoll Engineers Inc., surveyed se-
nior managers regarding obstacles to improving
The TQM environment competitive position. By a large margin, they
Just as many CEOs embraced systems solutions cited lack of vision as the single greatest
in the 1980s, many are now hotly pursuing obstacle. Ironically, they also considered the
some version of total quality management. In creation of a vision the least expensive tool
many cases, TQM is living up to its promise. available for achieving better performance.
The philosophy and tools of total quality have a
great deal to offer those charged with designing
and implementing information systems Customer-driven philosophy. The total quality
strategies, and the information systems management philosophy of continuous change
strategist and technologist should be in- and improvement is customer driven. These
creasingly prepared to work within a TQM customers should definitely include the internal
environment. end users to whom the information systems
department supplies services. The IS user
Too few organizations have recognized the link community in turn serves other internal and
between TQM and systems improvement and external customers.
the need to integrate information systems and
total quality efforts. For example, in the health With this philosophy in place, every proposal
maintenance organization, a total quality man- is justified in terms of customer needs. This is
agement environment would dictate that im- the essence of total quality because quality is
plementation of the new system be examined defined by customers. Such techniques as
from the customer's viewpoint. This would have quality function deployment (QFD), which
been likely to reveal the problems with keeping matches the processes and systems to be de-
people on the phone too long. For the ployed to specific customer requirements, are
manufacturer, the process orientation of a TQM used frequently in designing programs for
approach would have compelled the company to change. The techniques define the two vectors
examine the entire design process to identify of quality in customer terms: doing the right
potential areas for improvement. The following thing and doing things right. The first refers to
sections describe five elements present in the need for the product or service (i.e., making
successful TQM environments and the overlap the right product). The second refers to the
TQM has with systems improvement. execution of the process (i.e., making the best
possible version of the product).
Dissatisfaction with the status quo. When se-
nior management constantly strives to improve, The workstation vendor promised
a continuous improvement mentality takes hold.
The CEO has dispensed with the "if it ain't
extraordinary productivity gains,
broke, don't fix it" mentality. Change is encour- but after one year, no increase was
aged; there is no finish line; and any feasible traceable to the investment in
way to better meet customer needs is imple-
mented, and the instigators are rewarded. technology.
Senior management plays a critical leadership
role in these organizations. Its primary task is Benchmarking, which brings outside perspec-
to promulgate a vision of the future for the tive, helps the company determine how other
organization. This vision should describe the companies perform similar functions and if they
organization and its environment in 5 to 10 perform them better, assess why they do and
years. This is enormously important when at- what can be learned from their experience.

Spring 1993 27
Ford credits benchmarking with awakening areas through such programs as reengineering.
its management to the need for improvement. Implementers cite closeness to customers,
Without real examples of what others have flexibility, elimination of hand-offs, and
achieved, claims for success may have little employee satisfaction as benefits.
credibility in an organization, particularly one
set in its ways. Benchmarking can break down Team-driven change. To make changes,
resistance to change and the all-too-prevalent companies with a TQM philosophy assemble
resistance to fresh ideas. multi-disciplined teams. Teams represent a
broad range of perspectives, including those
Process orientation. Organizations with a total of the customer or user, suppliers, operators,
quality philosophy view their operations as a technical specialists (e.g., systems analysts or
network of processes that provides products and manufacturing engineers), accountants, con-
services for the benefit of customers. The sultants, and line managers. Teams join in
enterprise is not seen as a group of functional training to develop the skills needed to design
departments, though functional organizations and implement process changes. They work
are created to support the network of processes. together to dissect processes, to examine the
For example, the process of new product design value of each step in terms of customer needs,
may be supported by such functional depart- and to reassemble the process and supporting
ments as engineering, marketing, and procure- organization.
ment. In traditional environments, organizations Two sets of skills are required to implement
are developed first and processes are then these changes. The first is the analytical set: the
designed around them. If necessary, the TQM ability to critically analyze current practice and
organization can change structure frequently as to build conceptual models of hypothetical
old processes are changed or new processes are alternatives. The second set is the ability to
needed to meet customer needs. work as members of teams. This is a much
To drive the point home, these companies more difficult set to train for, but over time,
often appoint process owners. These owners are practice improves this ability. In the early
senior executives accountable for the effective- phases, most companies must rely on trained
ness, efficiency, and maintenance of their pro- facilitators or consultants to make progress.
cesses. An effective owner measures process As line managers become more skilled, change
performance, ensures that the process is con- becomes a natural part of everyone's job.
stantly improved, tracks the needs of internal The use of teams captures the knowledge of
and external customers, and introduces new process participants and ensures ownership of
technology when it's needed. the resulting outcome. The information tech-
Information technology specialists have many nologist can be a valuable participant for two
skills to offer in such an environment because reasons. First, he or she can show how tech-
they are trained in process thinking. They also nology can contribute to process improvement.
are accustomed to working with the statistical Second, as an outsider, the technologist can
data necessary to engineer process improve- help the team address more delicate issues like
ment. current performance, organization charters in
Organizations focusing on processes look at a new process environment, and customer
process performance in expanded terms that requirements.
include not only cost but quality, timeliness,
and capital required. In manufacturing, a New metrics. US industry is often criticized for
growing solution is decentralization of produc- its short-sighted approach of measuring only
tion into cells for more responsiveness to cus- financial health. Despite some good short-term
tomers. This places the total process in a small, financial numbers, customer quality can be
autonomous work unit. In service organizations degenerating unseen unless other performance
and in overhead functions of manufacturers, metrics are applied. Companies with a TQM
the cell concept is advancing to white-collar orientation measure their success by key

28 Information Strategy: The Executive's Journal

factors in the marketplace: customer satisfac- nated efforts within progressive organizations.
tion, process performance, and competitive Although this link is not widespread, because
comparisons. These new measures are to be TQM is a relatively recent phenomenon, exec-
used throughout the entire organization, often in utive and information systems management
combination with such traditional measures as should realize that information technology de-
sales and profits. partments have much to offer a company un-
Because the changes that accompany a TQM dertaking a TQM initiative.
program can be quite disruptive and difficult Because most major systems cover multiple
for employees to adapt to or to integrate, suc- departments, IS departments are familiar with
cessful attainment of improvement goals in the many functional divisions within the com-
these new success factors should be highly pany. This familiarity can be useful when such
publicized throughout the company This helps key elements of TQM as process orientation
keep all employees focused on the new and team-driven change are initiated in the
measures of success and encourages them to organization. Both require cross-functional
continue to strive for improvements in these perspectives and participation. IS groups will
areas. probably understand the practical implications
of major change better than others. Their ex-
Gaining competitive advantage with IT perience with documenting user needs, outlin-
As simple as these concepts sound, they are ing systems performance parameters, and
extremely difficult to implement in most orga- training users in new technology can be easily
nizations. Two to five years are needed to make applied to such related components of TQM as
a transformation from the traditional to a TQM customer orientation, new metrics for perform-
environment. In organizations that have suc- ance measures, and teaching employees how to
cessfully adopted a TQM philosophy, constant revise their work habits and attitudes to accom-
practice was required to change the corporate modate or conform to the TQM philosophy.
culture to one in which continued process
improvement became a way of life, and TQM
can be successful only if it is a way of life for
all employees in the organization. Without real examples of what
The companies seen as leaders in establishing others have achieved, claims for
this culture will say it's a journey rather than a
success may have little credibility
destination. Some leadership examples include
Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM Corp., Federal Ex- in an organization, particularly
press Corp., Ford Motor Co., and many other, one set in its ways.
smaller companies. The Malcolm Baldrige Na-
tional Quality Award has increased awareness
of quality issues. For the uninitiated, the eval-
uation criteria, available publicly, provide an In addition, information technology itself has
excellent standard for self-assessment. Other evolved beyond just accounting and financial
companies (e.g., Boeing Co.) provide solid systems. The hand-held computers now used by
standards for suppliers seeking to upgrade delivery services and rental car agencies were
quality adopted to fulfill such TQM goals as process
improvements and a customer focus. Expert
For systems strategists struggling to justify systems and simulation applications also con-
investments in technology and seeking to use tribute to TQM approaches.
information technology to its best advantage, to-
tal quality management is a natural fit. The Information technologists face limitations when
systems improvements that IS professionals it comes to taking a leadership role with respect
know can increase productivity and the quality to total quality They may be seen as too narrow
improvements sought by TQM can have a and tech-oriented by users. They may have had
powerful impact when merged into coordi- trouble in the past communicating in user terms

Spring 1993 29
with others in the organization or in not meeting to teams, showing how their process im-
user expectations. The users may view systems provements can be enhanced by software
as part of the problem, not the solution. and hardware developments.
Unfortunately, it's difficult to participate if Showing how systems can support new
you're unwelcome. After all, respect must be metrics. Most data for measuring operating
earned, not dictated by higher authority Infor- performance exists in some form in the
mation services organizations that have become current information system. The IS manager
successful partners for profit with line organiza- can help financial and operations managers
tions share some common traits. identify the measures, the source of data, and
First, they are easy to deal with. Their custo- the reporting requirements for the new
mers have ready access to the organization, i
Building competence
even if resource constraints make it hard to do
everything requested. Second, they start small Many TQM efforts start with the best of inten-
and don't over-commit in terms of schedule and tions but make little real change. In fact, two out
benefits. Thus, they build credibility with users. of three programs that are more than two years
Finally, they focus on projects with high stra- old are bogged down. Reasons for the lack of
tegic value, complete them according to their success vary, but some common pitfalls include:
commitments, and track the benefits of imple- • Lack of measurable success. Savings or im-
mentation. provements in customer satisfaction are elu-
In a poorly performing department, this is not sive. Usually this means the wrong projects
done overnight. But once credibility has been have been undertaken, and no one has taken
achieved, information services managers can responsibility for the result.
become integral to the management team. • Conflicts with the traditional organization.
Among the roles they should play are the New process design almost always requires
following: shifts in responsibility and power inside the
• Helping senior management develop visions. organization. Most organizations don't recog-
Any 5- or 10-year vision needs a technology nize this fact at the outset, and mechanisms to
perspective. Hardly any enterprise will be deal with the situation aren't in place.
untouched by the fast-changing pace of • Lack of senior management follow-through.
technology After the initial euphoria, senior management
• Helping decide which processes should be the doesn't attend to the myriad of details necessary
focus for improvement teams. The top pro- to make the program stick. The changes don't
cesses should be those that are closest to the take root, and the organization reverts to its prior
customer, have higher-than-needed costs, take state.
too long, or represent a strategic advantage in • Environmental instability. Today's markets,
the marketplace. competitors, and financial constraints change
• Participating on improvement teams. Practic- rapidly. Long-term planning is difficult at best.
ally all will, or should, involve systems impro- The pace of external change is unlikely to slow
vements. The IS manager can be a member and must be accepted as a given in the business
part-time or full-time on major teams. environment. But an agile organization that can
• Reevaluating the IT budget. Most IS managers flex with these changes is best equipped for
are committed to both new development and survival. So in a real sense, there is little
maintenance efforts. Any efforts that don't fit choice but to adopt total quality.
the vision should be dropped, and develop- Although there are many obstacles, these diffi-
ment work should be coordinated with process culties make TQM, closely coordinated with new
improvement team efforts to gain the benefit systems development, more necessary than ever.
of the team's work. Indeed, a TQM program, by creating a vision for
• Educating teams regarding technology. The IS the future, can enlist information
manager can become the internal consultant

30 Information Strategy: The Executive's Journal

technology to enable the organization to man-
age its future rather than be left to react to 1. S.S. Roach, "Services Under Siege – The Restructuring Imper-
ative," Harvard Business Review (September-October 1991).

Spring 1993 31

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