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100A: Abstract Algebra 1 Exam 1

October 18, 2010




• This test has 5 problems on 8 pages worth a total of 50 points. Look over your test
package right now. If you find any missing pages or problems please ask for another
test booklet.

• Write your name and your section number right now.

• Show your work. To receive full credit, your answers must be neatly written and
logically organized. If you need more space, write on the back side of the preceding
sheet, but be sure to label your work clearly.

• This is a closed book exam. No calculators or note sheets are allowed.

• This exam is 50 minutes long.

• Academic integrity is expected of all students at all times, whether in the presence or
absence of members of the faculty.
Understanding this, I declare I shall not give, use, or receive unauthorized aid in this

Signature of Student






1. (8 points)

(a) (2 points) Give the definition of the order of a finite group (G, ∗).

(b) (2 points) What is the order of the group (Z5 , +)?

(c) (2 points) What is the order of the group (Z×

5 , ·)?

(d) (2 points) Which of these two groups might have a subgroup of order 2? Why?
2. (15 points) Consider (R>0 \ {1}, ∗) with the operation defined by a ∗ b = aln b . Prove that this
is a group.
Hint: You may find the properties of the logarithm useful: for a, b ∈ R> 0, and p ∈ R,

ln(ab) = ln(a) + ln(b) and ln(ap ) = p ln(a).

3. (10 points) Let a, b, n ∈ N=0 . Prove that if a ≡ b mod n then (a, n) = (b, n).
4. (12 points) Let n ∈ N=0 and consider Zn .

(a) (5 points) Prove that multiplication distributes over addition. I.e., prove that for every
x, y, z ∈ Zn ,
x · (y + z) = x · y + x · z.
(b) (2 points) Give the definition of a zero divisor of Zn .

(c) (5 points) Prove that the multiplicative cancellation law holds for elements that are not
zero divisors in Zn . That is, if x ∈ Zn is not a zero divisor, show that for all y, z ∈ Zn

x · y = x · z =⇒ y = z.
5. (5 points) Give an example of a infinite subset A ⊆ R which is not closed under inverses with
respect to + but which satisfies all other group axioms with respect to +. Conclude that
(A, +) is not a subgroup of (R, +).

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